LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Cultivation of Gullibility”

“In the current terrain of masterful deceptions and lies being propagated by those desperate to hang onto the status quo and global power, the issue of gullibility in the masses is being heightened and exploited. Many people tend to believe these actors on the world stage as telling the truth or being trustworthy, irrespective of the long list of facts and hard evidence to the contrary. Most people are refusing to dig deeper into hard topics and ask the difficult questions that challenge their belief systems, following through to investigate the larger picture that connects all of the pieces in this vast puzzle. Yet, this dedication to finding the truth within the taboo and hard topics is exactly what is needed, now more than ever. The Controllers are master manipulators that scope out the emotional characteristics and hidden subconscious desires in order to exploit the known vulnerabilities in their victims, through the spreading of vicious lies that are presented as facts. Tyrannical despots and authoritarian globalist leaders hide behind the strawman faces of a puppet-democracy, when they actually seek to simultaneously destroy its core humanitarian principles. This is psychological warfare plain and simple, much of which is based upon the spreading of lies and deliberate disinformation to keep the public massively confused and warring with each other. The imperative of these times is to be willing to open compassionate dialogues on challenging topics, to commit to be mentally flexible in order to seek the higher truth in the matter, and to do the research that backs up one’s own opinions, whether or not it is popular or profitable. To sincerely seek the truth and put forth the effort to find it, is the only way to gain the clarity that is required to discern the many harmful agendas at play, finding the hidden motivations behind the intentional spreading of disinformation and lies. When we perceive the motivations behind the inverted facade, we can ask to seek the larger truth that is found in who or what actually benefits from those lies, and then we can begin to see what cost these lies actually extract from the human race.”

~Lisa Renee

The intended goal of Social Engineering is to exploit the subconscious and to shift emotional dependence onto those who have accumulated the most wealth and power. This makes them the dominant authorities with full control over allocating all resources available in this world, while creating many different subclasses of marginalized and oppressed people. Those that are poverty stricken and feel socially excluded are especially vulnerable to emotional exploitation, keeping them polarized on insignificant topics, and feeding into the promotion of lies due to the intentional Cultivation of Gullibility.

Until we have developed the capacity to profoundly know ourselves it is difficult to see the deeper and hidden motivations of others. When we lack self-awareness along with social awareness, it makes us much more gullible to others’ deceptions. Gullibility makes us pliable to reality hijack, believing the deceptions and lies that we have been told by those we perceive as an authority, with the covert agenda to hold onto the most wealth and power possible, at any cost. No one can remain unbiased when they can be bought and sold for a price. This lack of awareness about the nature of this 3D reality, further leads us into becoming cogs in divisive and harmful agendas, becoming the proponents that are being mind controlled to actually support the Controllers’ nefarious plans.

In the current terrain of masterful deceptions and lies being propagated by those desperate to hang onto the status quo and global power, the issue of gullibility in the masses is being heightened and exploited. It is the tendency to automatically believe that imposters and actors are telling us the truth at face value, that makes us easily persuaded into believing something that is entirely false. Many unethical and traumatized people on the world stage are addicted to power, and continue to role play a manufactured persona. However, it is the Live Action Role Players or LARPs that are being used by the NAA-Controllers to reinforce our 3D belief systems or worldview by feeding us lies. Many people tend to believe these actors on the world stage as telling the truth or being trustworthy, irrespective of the long list of facts and hard evidence to the contrary. Most people are refusing to dig deeper into hard topics and ask the difficult questions that challenge their belief systems, following through to investigate the larger picture that connects all of the pieces in this vast puzzle. Yet, this dedication to finding the truth within the taboo and hard topics is exactly what is needed, now more than ever.

The Controllers are master manipulators that scope out the emotional characteristics and hidden subconscious desires in order to exploit the known vulnerabilities in their victims, through the spreading of vicious lies that are presented as facts. Tyrannical despots and authoritarian globalist leaders hide behind the strawman faces of a puppet-democracy, when they actually seek to simultaneously destroy its core humanitarian principles. By collecting massive amounts of personal data to profile their global audience, they are using surveillance along with a host of masterful deceptions to exploit the public emotionally. As difficult as it may be, we have to actually see that through targeted mind control, they have been successful in manipulating many people to believe outright lies.

Their goal is to continually distract by inciting violence and destructive conflicts within high profile interest groups, influencing gullibility in the masses. From behind the scenes they polarize and confuse, shaping narratives to assign their blame upon those groups of people who they see as threats, and who remain faultless in those specific issues. Directing disinformation as its reported through the mainstream media, prompts even more divide and conquer tactics to incite anger and sow hatred among the vulnerable populations. This is psychological warfare plain and simple, much of which is based upon the spreading of lies and deliberate disinformation to keep the public massively confused and warring with each other.

The imperative of these times is to be willing to open compassionate dialogues on challenging topics, to commit to be mentally flexible in order to seek the higher truth in the matter, and to do the research that backs up one’s own opinions, whether or not it is popular or profitable. To sincerely seek the truth and put forth the effort to find it, is the only way to gain the clarity that is required to discern the many harmful agendas at play, finding the hidden motivations behind the intentional spreading of disinformation and lies. When we perceive the motivations behind the inverted facade, we can ask to seek the larger truth that is found in who or what actually benefits from those lies, and then we can begin to see what cost these lies actually extract from the human race.

• Who is benefiting from the current agendas?

• Who is making decisions about what is being implemented now? 

• Who is most directly affected by the policies being put in place? 

• Who is this agenda most harmful to? 

(Source: ES News – Banishing the Lies)

~via -Time Shift Blog – October 13, 2021

LISA RENEE: “Anti-HG Technology”

“Anti-HG Technology is short for Anti-Hierogamic Technology which is a gender splitter weapon that has been identified by gridworkers which note that it has impacts upon the Lightbody and is a form of targeting individuals with assorted Electronic harassment designed for Mind Control. This technology targets Starseed or Indigo groups that are embodying sacred marriage or hierogamic union, generally targeting spiritual couples that are motivated to serve the Christos Mission and support planetary liberation for Ascension. Spiritual couplings and Genetic Equals that came to the earth to fulfill the Christos Mission of Sacred Marriage or Hierogamic Union, are known to be directly targeted by the Anti-HG Technology, in order to manipulate or destroy the relationship and derail the collaborative mission. This can prove to be very confusing and even emotionally devastating for many spiritual couples that are on the Ascension path and are consciously working towards achieving sacred union or hierogamic union between their male and female counterparts. Anti-HG Technology directs the archetypal forces of the Demon Seed of the anti-Christ, in the form of Azazael and Black Lilith, which are the Satanic Force Counterparts. Because most of us are not aware of this distortion existing in our astral layers, the NAA forces have used many tricks to continually confuse us through the use of alien implants and attaching negative form shadow bodies through Alien Love Bite or other dark manipulations. The damage from the 2D-4D schism generated a weakness in our lightbody for the NAA to exploit, hijacking unintegrated shadow aspects or soul memories and then attaching false memories, false identities or Clones through which our consciousness could be manipulated or misled. Until we can heal Metatronic Reversal in the Monadic body, the Sextant Matrix clock harms our biological functioning, increases Aging Disease and is the reason we physically die.”

~Lisa Renee


Anti-HG Technology is short for Anti-Hierogamic Technology which is a gender splitter weapon that has been identified by gridworkers which note that it has impacts upon the Lightbody and is a form of targeting individuals with assorted Electronic harassment designed for Mind Control. This technology targets Starseed or Indigo groups that are embodying sacred marriage or hierogamic union, generally targeting spiritual couples that are motivated to serve the Christos Mission and support planetary liberation for Ascension.

Gender Reversal Mechanics

The energetic imbalance between the electron and proton spin rates was being harnessed by Controllers through hijacked creation code and inorganic architecture, one such structure known as the Vesica Pisces a bi-polar geometry used to generate Reversal Networks. The hijacked Vesica Pisces code kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the Trinity Wave and unity code would not be accessible. Effectively, over time this produced Gender Reversal problems in the human lightbody, preventing and destroying sacred union between the male and female principle, and the machinery used to accomplish this is referred to as Anti-HG Technology.

This forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions. It also was creating Monadic Reversal patterns which split us up from reuniting with our Monadic or Twin Consciousness Matrix. This machinery intends Gender Reversal or Gender Splitting in humanity, and this is related to the NRG in the UK and the Sexual Misery programs inserted to genetically alter the human race. [1]

Anti-HG Targeting

Spiritual couplings and Genetic Equals that came to the earth to fulfill the Christos Mission of Sacred Marriage or Hierogamic Union, are known to be directly targeted by the Anti-HG Technology, in order to manipulate or destroy the relationship and derail the collaborative mission. This can prove to be very confusing and even emotionally devastating for many spiritual couples that are on the Ascension path and are consciously working towards achieving sacred union or hierogamic union between their male and female counterparts. Anti-HG Technology directs the archetypal forces of the Demon Seed of the anti-Christ, in the form of Azazael and Black Lilith, which are the Satanic Force Counterparts.

Megiddo Archetypal Battle

Those of us that are embodying hierogamic union or sacred marriage have been under extremely aggressive black magic attacks and electronic harassment, as well as extreme dark interference during the Megiddo Battle. The Black Dragon Avatar Collectives have made their presence known and have been using ambush strategies, as well as every tactic of divide and conquer to generate as much pain and suffering as they can. October is a highly active month for satanic holidays and Blood Sacrifice, and combined with the forces of chaos being generated by outer rioting this has fueled black magicians and assorted satanic and shadow forces into high gear.

Anti-HG Technology directs the archetypal forces of the Demon Seed of the antichrist, in the form of Azazael and Black Lilith, which are the Satanic force Counterparts manipulated by the Black Dragon Avatar Collectives from Wesa. These entities are not happy we have succeeded in dismantling many of the feedlines and Reversal Networks that supported mind control sorcery and unlimited energy supply to their human representatives, and thus have been retaliating towards many of us that are a part of the Guardian ground crew. [2]

Seed of Anti-Christ-Sophia

Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: 25 YA, Produce anti-hierogamic spawn in Peru Stargate to destroy Genetic Equal and Twin Flame Sacred Unions during the Ascension, and put AI reversals and Clones in its place. This is known as the Alien Love Bite. [3]

Michael-Mary Reversal

Michael-Mary weighing Soul

Michael-Mary Reversal networks are Alien Machinery planetary grids that split gender apart and are Anti-Hierogamic Union. The result of this grid is to promote the splitting apart of the layers of Soul marriage that occur at the 6th and 7th dimensions, which is the spiritual ascension process of Building Wings.

Sextant Matrix

Ultimately the Sextant Matrix function is to unify the internal polarity of energies through merging the gender centers and like an opening an umbrella, create the field burst which extends outward the merkaba field layer. The sextant matrix has been targeted by the NRG Gender Splitter technologies, and is a part of complex systems in which there are intended repair projects for the NRG related gender and sexual damage that is in the human physical body and Lightbody. Until we can heal Metatronic Reversal in the Monadic body, the Sextant Matrix clock harms our biological functioning, increases Aging Disease and is the reason we physically die. More research on this matrix is required.

Metatronic Code

The Metatronic code is based on two spheres of Bi-Wave Influences of the Vesica Pisces instead of the eternal life three spheres, or Trinity Wave. Fallen Consciousness, such as the Fallen Angelics and Imposter Spirits, are due to Metatronic Code configuration in the planet and is the result of excessive misuse of free will choice that opposes the divine plan and intention of God Source. In the cycles of evolution, the opposing expression reaches the point at which it jeopardizes the Eternal Life expression and continued existence of the Cosmic Order.

Metatronic Reversal means to digress from the original Christos Divine Blueprint of the 12 Tree Grid and manifest Anti-Christ or Anti-HG life forms. When the original creation program of the Krystal Code from God Source is altered or modified in any way, the ability to self-regenerate and ascend is interrupted, leading to Fallen Consciousness and potential destruction.

Origins of 2D-4D Split

Due to the DNA damage our species suffered after the Fall of Tara, the 4D astral body that made up our heart center was fractured, and the lower portion of the soul matrix astral layer became inverted upon itself and became lodged in our 2D sacral center. These schisms in the lightbody layers also greatly contributed to the production of Shadow Selves, shadow personality alters, shadow elementals and fragments in the Soul matrix, which further proliferated personal Miasma and Planetary Miasma.

When the astral layers were split into 2D aspects and 4D aspects, this generated a dual identity and this was how the first Shadow Self and its unconscious aspects in the Pain Body were generated. The 2D schism split the instinctual body layers into separate functions, a collection of fragmented sub-personalities that were generated from soul memories and a repository of personal emotional energies and the collective forces of chaos lodged in the planetary 2D layers. This lower astral distortion tends to be exploited with anti-hierogamic targeting technologies for inserting alien love bite scenarios, where an individual feels inappropriately bonded to another individual at the sexual (2D) or heart (4D) level, which is very confusing and emotionally disturbing. To begin to heal from Alien Love Bite and Anti-Hierogamic Technology targeting, this section of the astral layers and soul matrix must undergo Emotional Healing, which will release the inorganic bindings.

Because most of us are not aware of this distortion existing in our astral layers, the NAA forces have used many tricks to continually confuse us through the use of alien implants and attaching negative form shadow bodies through Alien Love Bite or other dark manipulations. The negative form is a series of artificial dead light or AI projected shadow bodies that are used to recreate negative timelines or to steal our genetic material and consciousness energy through many methods of dark astral manipulation. The damage from the 2D-4D schism generated a weakness in our lightbody for the NAA to exploit, hijacking unintegrated shadow aspects or soul memories and then attaching false memories, false identities or Clones through which our consciousness could be manipulated or misled. That is why this unhealed Lightbody damage is commonly exploited for alien love bite situations, as many people can be easily manipulated in their emotional layers to play out unhealthy behaviors in the twin flame new age mind set. The negative form is a duplicate Shadow Self that is attached to the soul layers like nesting dolls that are made in our genetic image. Sometimes they connect these images to other people that they are attempting to confuse and derail in their Ascension progress. These are designed to spin out interference, artificial realities and Alien Love Bite scenarios where the NAA attempts to fully control the future timeline of that person, by derailing them or placing superimposed miasmatic interference in their field for the purpose of ongoing technological sabotage of that Awakening person. [4]



  1. Bali HGS Lecture 2012
  2. Universal Shadow
  3. Historical Timeline Triggers
  4. Universal Shadow

See Also:


Mother Arc Hubs

Yod of Father God


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Untrustworthy Behaviors”

“To be able to understand the sociopathic sick mind of AD systems, one would need to better understand the general attitude of an AD infected human or nonhuman entity (NAA). Please note that Archontic Deception Behaviors are related to defining the presence of the unchecked Negative Ego and other related dysfunctional psychological behaviors and ego coping mechanisms that are described to define the psychological states of; egotism, narcissism and psychopathy. We will describe these in psychological terms to bring ways to clearly define the stages of identifying the development of an unchecked Negative Ego on a scale which increasingly quantifies its ranges of potential dysfunction.”

~Lisa Renee


Dear ES Community,

I would like to expand on untrustworthy behaviors modeled in people with weak moral character, to comprehend the relationship between low moral character and the Negative Ego shadow self, through its main filters; egotism, Narcissism and Psychopathy. The purpose of promoting egotism and narcissism (i.e. unethical conduct in alpha male/female reinforcement in society) as a positive traits is purposed to maintain low moral character and unethical standards as acceptable characteristic behavior in human beings. When this low moral character is accepted in society and reinforced by the people around us, we are desensitized to what is being unconsciously shaped as a value system and in how we perceive the world. Unconsciously we may promote these lower unethical attitudes and values to the people around us, which becomes a self-enforced consciousness enslaving reality that spreads shadow and lies like a viral infection. This is an Archontic Deception Strategy used to generate weak moral character through the promotion of narcissistic and psychopathic behavior which is easily used to enforce principles of control, manipulation and Tyranny. When we are better informed to be able to see this psychological warfare strategy working in the environment and other people, we can make the choice to stop feeding into the shadow control mechanism and we can change its course of direction.

Comprehension of Archontic Deception Systems

To be able to understand the sociopathic sick mind of AD systems, one would need to better understand the general attitude of an AD infected human or nonhuman entity (NAA). Please note that Archontic Deception Behaviors are related to defining the presence of the unchecked Negative Ego and other related dysfunctional psychological behaviors and ego coping mechanisms that are described to define the psychological states of; egotism, narcissism and psychopathy.

We will describe these in psychological terms to bring ways to clearly define the stages of identifying the development of an unchecked Negative Ego on a scale which increasingly quantifies its ranges of potential dysfunction. Please be aware that the negative ego behaviors are what feed and grow into the shadow selves, individually and collectively. The early stages of egotism may consistently grow throughout adulthood to adopt more dysfunctions which if steadily increased through reinforcement, manifest progressively higher ranges of mental dysfunction. Which may lead to pathological lying, reality delusions, psychotic break and lastly, losing mental coherence which descends further into insanity. A person can have a sense of egocentric preoccupation that if not corrected, will steadily grow in mental and emotional body dysfunction in terms of its behavioral severity and strength. The complex of dysfunctional ego behaviors is enmeshed with addictive and instinctual responses that degrade the human being to act progressively more primitive or stuck in animal base desires, thus, emotionally stunted and spiritually undeveloped. At this level of unconscious behavior, an individual can allow their shadow self to consume their free will, and then they are relegated to being a mind control puppet of the larger collective forces or the most dominating personality in the room.

At certain times, such as during childhood, a strong sense of self is required in order to build the core sense of personal identity. Yet, if severe negative ego dysfunctions control the individual behaviors and obfuscate the ongoing perception of reality, the disorder will continue to spread as similarly as an infection that generates disease throughout the body. When the body is weakened through behavioral dysfunction, the disease will progress itself throughout the energy matrices of the body generating a massive shadow body that can eventually extinguish the presence of the living spirit in the cells of the body consciousness. This is another definition of a cyborg, a being that is enmeshed between organic material and inorganic material, which is assimilated into the lower elemental forces of matter which eventually disconnects from the living spirit within the physical body. This is essentially the definition of a black heart, a soul-less mental machine that has taken over the consciousness of a living person. This is the hidden agenda of the NAA, which produce repeated emotional traumas designed to break human hearts and dissociate human beings. And through the extensive mental and emotional fracturing, cultivates psychopathic personalities without remorse for any of the harm they cause, walking around on the earth holding the highest positions of global power and control.

Egotism – The First Stages

Egotism is the drive to maintain and enhance favorable views of oneself and generally features an inflated opinion of one’s personal features and importance at many levels; intellectual, physical, social and other. The conceit of egotism describes a person who acts to gain values in an amount excessively greater than that which he or she gives to others. This profile fits the Service to Self identity. Egotism may be fulfilled by exploiting the sympathy, irrationality or ignorance of others, as well as utilizing coercive force and fraud. The egotist has an overwhelming sense of the importance and centrality of the ‘Me’ and of their personal qualities and desires. Egotism means placing oneself at the core of one’s world with no real concern for others, including those loved or considered as close, in any other terms except those that are set by the egotist.

Narcissism – The Secondary Stages

Narcissism is used to describe the pursuit of gratification from vanity, or egotistic admiration of one’s own physical or mental attributes, that derive from arrogant pride.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism:

Shamelessness: Shame is the feeling that lurks beneath all unhealthy narcissism and the inability to process shame in healthy ways.

Magical thinking: Narcissists see themselves as self-justified or perfect, using distortion and illusion known as magical thinking. They also use projection to dump their unwanted negative emotions, such as shame onto others.

Arrogance: A narcissist who is feeling deflated may reinflate by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else.

Envy: A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person’s ability by using contempt to minimize the other person.

Entitlement: Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special or more important. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an awkward or difficult person. Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger narcissistic rage.

Exploitation: Can take many forms but always involves the exploitation of others without regard for their feelings or interests. Often the other is in a subservient position where resistance would be difficult or even impossible. Sometimes the subservience is not so much real as assumed.

Bad boundaries: Narcissists do not recognize that they have boundaries and that others are separate individuals and are not extensions of themselves. Others either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. Those who provide narcissistic supply to the narcissist are treated as if they are part of the narcissist and are expected to live up to those same expectations. In the mind of a narcissist, there is no boundary between self and other.

Psychopathy – The Third and Final Stages of Insanity

Sociopathy and Psychopathy are often used interchangeably, but in some cases the term sociopathy is preferred because it is less likely than is psychopathy to be confused with psychosis, whereas in other cases the two terms may be used with different meanings that reflect the user’s views on the origins and determinants of the disorder. Sociopaths are masters at influence, Emotional Manipulation and deception. Very little of what they say actually checks out in terms of facts or reality, but they’re extremely skillful at making the things they say sound believable, even if they’re just making them up out of thin air.

Psychopathy as a personality disorder is characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior. Behaviorialists suggest that different conceptions of psychopathy emphasize three main observable characteristics to varying degrees:

1. Boldness. Low fear including stress-tolerance, toleration of unfamiliarity and danger, and high self-confidence and social (alpha) assertiveness. Fearless dominance. May correspond to differences in the amygdala and other neurological systems associated with fear responses.

2. Disinhibition: Poor impulse control including problems with planning and foresight, lacking affect and urge control, demand for immediate gratification, and poor behavioral restraints. Impulsive antisociality. May correspond to impairments in frontal lobe systems that are involved in such control. Higher level satanics are highly organized and have been trained to project a socially acceptable personality out to the public, while redirecting addictive or deviant impulses to be dealt with and released in privacy.

3. Meanness: Lacking empathy and close attachments with others, disdain of close attachments, use of cruelty to gain empowerment, exploitative tendencies, defiance of authority, and destructive excitement seeking. Coldheartedness, black hearted and meanness may possibly be caused by either high boldness or high disinhibition combined with constant exposure to traumatizing conditions and an adverse environment.

I have compiled psychological research to bring a practical reality to the exploration of the Negative Ego that is tangible. In many cases we can say that a psychopath may be possessed and in the clutches of dark spirit control, however the purpose of this exercise is to learn factually how to identify such behaviors and stop feeding them, as they feed the shadow selves and negative form. As we go through the practical checklists to learn how to identify behaviors of egotism, narcissism and psychopathy, we can clearly see a range of unchecked ego behaviors impacting many people on the planet. These are the three main stages of promoting, distributing and reinforcing the stages of negative ego behaviors in the AD strategy which grows from egotism all the way into psychopathy and psychotic behavior.

We may notice that people near us exhibit some range of these negative ego behaviors or many of these negative ego behaviors. Obviously the more dysfunctional behaviors one sees on the checklist when evaluating behavior, would be very informative to the level of severity the person has allowed themselves to be controlled through their negative ego and shadow self. Sometimes a reasonably coherent and balanced individual can succumb to strange behaviors and even ego outbursts that are related to their uncleared subconscious layers feeding into their individual shadow body. In these current times, we will see this happening much more often, as individual’s with undisciplined negative ego behaviors are more impacted by the shadow selves and lower dark spirits rising onto the surface in order to be recognized and transmuted. Seeking an authentic and direct relationship with your inner spirit and God source, and seeking the path of truth as a personal value system, is the easiest way to clear the shadow forms that are created by the negative ego behaviors.

Stop Trusting Megalomaniacs

A serious consequence of psychopathy is no genuine feeling of remorse for the pain caused and not feeling empathy for others.

We can apply this above checklist to ourselves to inquire what may trigger our own Negative Ego to rear up from unhealed pain. Or we may apply the checklist for better discernment when making choices of where we place our trust and what we value as a model of strengthening our character. If we observe a person acting out an excessive amount of these behaviors near to us, we may choose to not support them in their delusions. As we build better and practical ways of discerning trustworthiness and competency, we also gain confidence to build stronger intuition in such matters, where the checklist is not required. As is made clear here in these checklists, the more severe the Negative Ego dysfunction the more potentially disconnected the person is from their heart, intuition, self-awareness and spiritual source. This immediately gives one a gauge to measure what level a person can be trusted, no matter what words they may be speaking.

In the severe stages of narcissism and psychopathy, the veneer of seduction, charisma and mimicry of empathic reactions that are geared for manipulation to serve one’s egocentric needs, and can be seen much more clearly over time. It is very common for people that base their leadership or authority on controlling behaviors and tyrannical principles, to aggressively manipulate others by creating a façade of charisma from mimicking what they have found people want to hear from their wounded ego parts. Many people do not want to hear or know the truth; they want to be lulled to sleep by fantasy delusions. Megalomaniacs that thrive on taking power and having control over others, are master manipulators of telling people lies based on what they want to hear or believe.

This is the tough part. We have to ask if we are able to seek the honest factual truth of behavioral interactions or have people feed us lies that are flattering or comfortable for our wounded ego parts.

Otherwise we reinforce the delusion in the person or circumstance and we become enablers, allowing them to continue to perpetrate deceptions in the group through their own self-deception and personal agendas. Promoting and enabling delusions leads to pathological thinking and spreads a fabricated reality through false impressions. This false impression is the spin on perceptions that are designed to serve the agenda of the ego, narcissistic or psychopath. It is important to be able to identify abusers, liars, predators and psychopaths as people traumatized by terrible pain, soul fragmentation and spiritual disconnection. When people are utterly controlled by negative ego dysfunction and do not have impulse control, they live in self-deception. A person who is deceiving themselves has no other alternative but to deceive others because they have little to no clarity about the nature of reality. Why would we trust resources and give value to the words spoken in the skewed theories of a person, group, family member or organization that is a repeatedly demonstrated as a massive ego with negative behaviors that are abusive, predatorial or deceptive?

What is Lying?

A Lie is simply defined:

  • To make a statement that one knows to be false, especially with the intention to deceive and manipulate for personal gain.
  • To intentionally give a false impression.
    Any circumstance is meant to give a false impression that may be favorable to one’s personal gain or personal agenda.
  • Self-deceptive people can appear to believe they are telling the truth, however without clarity beyond egocentric behavior, they are unable to tell the truth consistently and are untrustworthy.

Common Deception Techniques with Lying

Different Deception techniques that involve Lying:

Misinformation: To invent or perpetrate a false story with the intent to deceive or mislead. This story may be pathologically believed or exaggerated in its importance from lack of clarity and discernment. Conversely the disinformation and discredit agenda is to make the information lack credibility, to ridicule or diminish its quality. This will be attempted publically, if the person feels threatened, or as such, the NAA seeks to damage the character credibility through humiliation and ridicule based on control and tyrannical principles. (i.e. bully, victim, etc.)

Confuse: to employ tactics to divert attention from the real issue, to argue and create dissent specifically with intent to confuse the issue, confuse the group, or deliberately use ambiguity or Doublespeak in order to deceive or mislead. This is many times shows up as, “do not look here, let me confuse you to stay focused on minutiae of unrelated details, or divert energy and attention to me and my agenda”.

Derail: To change the subject of discussion or inquiry in order to avoid the truth (for example, one might pretend to be offended in order to stop a conversation about one’s questionable actions). Also a egocentric personality may have a hard time not being the center of attention and will act in ways to derail focus of a person, or group, in order to gain attention, accolades or approval. Persons with Guru Complex may potentially use the derailing technique to divert attention to them. This is to gain followers, friends and feel influential through the use of false friend flattery and other types of seductive and charismatic communications. Guru types can act like a salesman that promotes themselves.

A Lie of Omission is the most insidious, most pervasive, and most common lie that is perpetuated on the entire planet. Commonly, those who use this type of lie have tricked themselves into believing that to intentionally remain silent when ethical behavior calls for one to speak up, is not a lie at all. This is used as a tactic to generate false impressions, to promote something that appears to be something that it is really not.

This human frailty of lies of omission is 100% responsible for the Negative Alien Agenda and its Archontic Deception promoting psychopaths as leaders which influence the population, and to note these are the public faces manipulated to enforce the controlled narrative of deceptions and lies of the shadow government on planet earth. The anti-dote to lies of omission, is to speak the honest truth to the people around you in the best way you are capable.

Control Oriented Tantrums

However, I have noted that we have to discern how much truth can be directed to people who do not want to hear the truth, and will react in aggression or narcissistic rages. These tantrums are usually designed to suck your life force and exhaust your resources to limit your efficiency or effectiveness. Unfortunately this happens a lot to those of us committed to work with Krystic values in our spiritual communities and is predictable around times of newly assigned gridwork or related projects.

It is generally wise to know that control-oriented people as described in the profiles above, expect to control the people and events around them. Exposing or challenging their tactics could provoke their anger and result in severe and possibly dangerous types of retaliation. When we assess who we are dealing with, we can expect that we will be a target of their backlash. This is why having a clear understanding that one must protect themselves and the others who could become targets before challenging a control-oriented person infected with narcissistic rage. If we comprehend their behavioral strategy, we can make better decisions which neutralize the overall impact to others, with less harm inflicted. A person with narcissistic rage is oblivious to the harm he or she creates.

Clearly this behavior massively breaks down trust and creates a fearful environment where people are darting away from the confrontation of a person exhibiting inner violence turned aggressive or rageful.

Building Trust is based on real actions of ethical conduct based in peaceful interactions and not flowery, flattering words being spoken to create false impression. Trust is everything when it comes to real heart based mutual communication. Here, we attempt to avoid promoting people that exhibit dominating alpha behavior (egotist), narcissistic behaviors, psychopathic behaviors and delusional behaviors, because all of these behaviors have violent and aggressive tendencies.

Time and consistency will always reveal to you the truth in the matter, if you are willing to patiently seek the truth over remaining in denial because it may be more comfortable. As we learn improved skills to identify these harmful behaviors and stop feeding them, we can also connect the dots to see the direct relationship these behaviors were designed through the AD strategies to weaken and Mind Control human beings. The Psychopath is the profile of the NAA extradimensional entity. We can see the logic of their hive mentality being installed in the human collective to value what they value, which is the tyrannical control and oppression of the weaker through militarized predatorial methods.


Gaslighting is a form of psychological-emotional abuse that Controlling types of personalities use to which a victim is manipulated into doubting and discrediting their own memories, perceptions, experiences and sanity. Sociopaths and Narcissists frequently use gaslighting tactics, on individuals or to control larger groups of people to their personal advantage. Gaslighting is also used commonly in the mass media, as a form of controlling the dissemination of information given to the public, such as intended for political control, or to control the perception of the public to be favorable in moving in the direction of supporting specific agendas. It is a mass psychological tool that spins half-truths and deceptions in order to manipulate information and factual data in ways that obfuscate the whole picture. Controllers and tyrants, whether they are personal family members or active in public affairs, want to remain in control and their agenda is more important to them than anyone else’s.

Thus, they seek to suppress or remove any information they feel is threatening to their agenda, and stop it from being made public knowledge. These people are duplicitous, and they show different faces to different people, in order to get whatever they want, and usually they could care less about the cost that will have to other people. When people do not have the whole picture of events, and they are being deceived and manipulated with only limited access to the truth contained in circumstances, it obfuscates their ability to make informed, clear and well thought out decisions. No person can be truly self-determining and make positive choices in their life direction, if they are reliant on people that are lying and deceiving them with false information. This is a critical reason to discern liars and manipulators, and get them out from influencing our life decisions, stop giving them access to our most intimate and vulnerable aspects. All people need to earn our trust by demonstrating trustworthiness. We can unconditionally love people that are deceivers and manipulators, even as some may be biological family members, but we need to become 100% clear that we never allow that person to exert any type of control over us, by setting strong boundaries. It does not matter who they are and what their position in life is, or that they have doctorates and titles, or they are blood relations. If they demonstrate these negative behaviors, if they become abusive when you reveal your true self to them, stay awake and alert, observe everything and be wary of them.

Top 5 AD Strategies for Mind Control

By looking at the AD Strategy Method of the NAA Mind Control we can clearly see how the Psychopath was evolved into and became the standard egotistical personality which is shaped into societal acceptance on the earth.

The Big Five AD Strategies to generate AD Negative Ego Behaviors are:

1. Divide and Conquer 2. Victim/Victimizer 3. Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misery 4. Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice 5. Misogyny

Narcissistic Ego Wounds as Result

The Core AD Negative Ego Dysfunctional behaviors generated from the above AD Strategies:

1. Disassociation and Narcissism 2. Mental Rigidity 3. Emotional Fracturing 4. Carelessness 5. Deceitful 6. Dependence 7. False Reality Delusions 8. Divided Competition

Now that we have explored the main areas of negative ego dangers that lead into progressively dysfunctional and delusional behaviors that disconnect the soul from the body, I would like to share a fantastic article about discerning the difference between Tyranny and Leadership.

We have been confused to discern the qualities of Leadership and authoritative influence over others as defined by egocentric and agressive alpha type of behaviors which lead to control orientation and tyrannical oppression. We all want to lear how to stay clear of feeding the tyrant archetype as a powerful leader or authority.

When we are clearer to identify control-oriented authority and tyrannical authority based on the negative ego profiles shared here, we are more equipped to discern proper authority patterns when involved with any kind of leadership scenario. Wherever there is an organization or group, there will be some kind of stewardship or responsibility of authority to serve that organization. In the highest expression, we want to learn how to self-lead in a healthy and balanced way through the development of strong moral character and trustworthy traits, modeled through the community that we may observe or participate with. This way by learning self-mastery or leadership skills, one is building confidence in free thinking and free expression while embodying ethical conduct necessary to be spiritually sovereign. Otherwise we are mind controlled puppets playing out repeated archetypes of drama and like a hamster on a wheel, running in circles of karmic looping.

I hope this is helpful now and in the future as we develop this skill of discerning trustworthiness and ethical conduct in ourselves and others, as well as the prevention of feeding, rewarding and giving authoritative power in any way to narcissistic and psychopathic behavior. In order to support healthy change in this world during the ascension cycle, the real change must start at home, internally within ourselves.

Love and GSF,


(Source: Ascension Glossary – Untrustworthy Behaviors)


~via – Time Shift Blog – October 12, 2020

LISA RENEE: “AI Systems Bypass Natural Laws”

“Most of humanity is not aware enough to discern the energetic signature of AI, or sense the difference between artificial intelligence that operates in reverse to the natural laws, and the organic state of consciousness architecture that operates in harmony with natural laws. AI systems are used to bypass the natural Laws of consciousness, and this is one method for creating consciousness slaves on the earth. The Masters use the collective energy to maintain their power and rank, while they generate even more polluted waste by setting up anti-life systems that operate in reverse to natural forces, while accusing the slaves of being nothing more than imbeciles and eaters of resources. Artificial intelligence and Satanic forces generate a tremendous amount of toxic waste product. This pollution damages and infects the consciousness-energetic matrix of a structure. This collective karmic exhaust is returned back to the individual people of the earth, in order for them to work it off, when it was not exactly being generated by them. Those chosen to be the slaves are used to energetically process all of the collective waste product, while they lose their privileges of accessing consciousness, as it is being stolen from them. The regressive entities and much of humanity continually defy the Laws of Nature, which manifests as grotesque, defective and diseased creations in the earth body. This alien technology being targeted to awakening people, made it much harder for those who truly wanted to support humanitarian freedom. They were rewarded as long as they adhered to the NAA plan to carry out the Controller agenda. This included stealing through Blood Sacrifice, wars and astral binding. In the previous time cycle, we’ve had to work much harder to get past the enslavement system, because the lower dimensional fields on the earth are rigged with many varieties of AI technology. However, this shift in the planetary architecture is beginning to change now, as the natural laws are being reinstated on the earth, via Guardian Hosting, which means accountability is made for every action at the end of the time cycle. No one ultimately gets away with anything, it is just a matter of time.”

Lisa Renee


The Law of Cause and Effect in a natural consciousness system, without AI mind control, works in alignment with the consciousness energies of each person, so that our own deeds and actions bring our own results. In the previous cycles this was not happening in many cases in the shorter term, because of the abuses of technology, and the AI machinery intended to create slavery. This alien technology being targeted to awakening people, made it much harder for those who truly wanted to support humanitarian freedom. In the previous time cycle, we’ve had to work much harder to get past the enslavement system, because the lower dimensional fields on the earth are rigged with many varieties of AI technology.

Some people do not know that consciousness energy exists, so are not aware of the extent to which these dark forces exist. So human parasitism has been able to thrive on the earth plane. Simultaneously, the ascending people that are working for planetary consciousness freedom from the AI technology are getting psychically attacked. They are encountering obstacles of interference and getting heaped with the karmic loads, which these Controller groups were generating as a waste product. Artificial intelligence and Satanic forces generate a tremendous amount of toxic waste product. This pollution damages and infects the consciousness-energetic matrix of a structure. This collective karmic exhaust is returned back to the individual people of the earth, in order for them to work it off, when it was not exactly being generated by them. AI systems are used to bypass the natural Laws of consciousness, and this is one method for creating consciousness slaves on the earth. Those chosen to be the slaves are used to energetically process all of the collective waste product, while they lose their privileges of accessing consciousness, as it is being stolen from them. The Masters use the collective energy to maintain their power and rank, while they generate even more polluted waste by setting up anti-life systems that operate in reverse to natural forces, while accusing the slaves of being nothing more than imbeciles and eaters of resources.

Planetary gridworkers understand the 3D reality was rigged, through the insertion of the Holographic Inserts, implants, Mind Control and artificial timelines used for the Controller agendas. In the previous cycles, the groups of people actively feeding the NAA artificial timelines, implants and dark entities, were massively rewarded with power and resources. These groups were effectively taking shortcuts with the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. Taking shortcuts means they were stealing the consciousness energy of other people through Alien Machinery and AI technology. They were inserting false holograms to create the Causality for their desired effects in the Timelines, and then reaping the rewards of others hard work and Consciousness energy. They did not generate this consciousness-energy themselves. They either stole it from other people or it was given to them from higher ups. This included stealing through Blood Sacrifice, wars and astral binding. They were rewarded as long as they adhered to the NAA plan to carry out the Controller agenda.

Most of humanity is not aware enough to discern the energetic signature of AI, or sense the difference between artificial intelligence that operates in reverse to the natural laws, and the organic state of consciousness architecture that operates in harmony with natural laws. The regressive entities and much of humanity continually defy the Laws of Nature, which manifests as grotesque, defective and diseased creations in the earth body. However, this shift in the planetary architecture is beginning to change now, as the natural laws are being reinstated on the earth, via Guardian Hosting, which means accountability is made for every action at the end of the time cycle. No one ultimately gets away with anything, it is just a matter of time. [1]



  1. Cause and Effect

See Also:

Artificial intelligence

Mind Control


~via Ascension Glossary

‘DECEIVERS AND THE DECEIVED’ ~ Lisa Renee on “The Goal of the NAA’s Reset Into Technocracy”

“It is important to understand that the spreading of deceptions and lies involves both sides of the deceivers and deceived, both must participate in the lie in order to bring it into manifestation. The Controllers require the deceived to hand over their consent to the lies, in order to continue to perpetrate their fraud against the public, committing mass deceptions and directing mind control programming. The goal of the NAA’s reset into Technocracy is to eventually have billions of nanotech bots and sensors running throughout our bio-neurology communicating with each other over a wireless network that directly connects our brains with the internet, so that human consciousness will be completely immersed in a virtual reality that is experienced through all of our biological senses. It is more effective if they can inject these nanobots into our blood stream directly via the false front of Vaccinations for public health. It is important that the human race realize Cloning, creating Cyborgs and merging of humans with machines should be understood to be serious crimes against humanity, which can result in the Genocide of organic humanity and fracture human consciousness. All organizations that are involved in cloning humans are committing soul rape and spiritual torture and should be effectively banned and criminally penalized, and their resources and tools ultimately confiscated.”

~Lisa Renee


~via Deceiver and the Deceived/ Technocratic Totalitarianism/ Cyborgs