LISA RENEE: “Gratitude Practice for Feeling Happier”

Start a Daily Gratitude Practice to Feel Happier!

Here are some suggested tips at starting your daily gratitude practice and guidelines for feeling happier in your everyday life, no matter what challenges you face.

1. Commit to expressing Gratitude.

This is a spiritual practice that gains momentum and accumulates energy over time and with practice. The ego will find every reason under the sun why you can’t possibly commit to do this practice every day. Practicing gratitude is like taking the trash out from your kitchen and replacing that by bringing the beautiful flowers from your garden back inside. This practice shifts the energy and vibration of your mind, body and emotional state. Gratitude doesn’t seem to come as effortlessly as grumbling and complaining, which is common for an undisciplined ego mind. Waiting for the resistance to pass is futile and unproductive in setting up new and healthy habits for a positive lifestyle. Just do it.

Even when you are exhausted and can hardly summon up the energy to shift into a feeling and sensation of gratitude, when you have to force yourself to begin, this practice of gratitude still has great magnetizing power.

2. Just Do it.

Sit down with pen and paper or at your computer and start, “I am grateful for___________.” Maybe you will have to stop there for a minute and wait because you just can’t think of anything in that moment. Take a breath in, relax and allow the silence to surround you. Surrender to the moment. Something inside you will begin to shift. The feeling and the words to express them will eventually come. This force that you are tapping into is much bigger than you and it is bigger than your problem, no matter how big you believe that problem is. That tidal wave of fear that is overwhelming you is not all there is. There is something so much larger and more powerful inside you than that. Your feeling of gratitude is a bridge shining light across those dark and troubled waters to lead you to a comfortable resting place on the other side.

3. Find ways to Say it or Write it down.

In all types of relationships with others even when we are very busy, we can sometimes tell each other what we are grateful for during our conversations. Telling people how much we appreciate them, care for them, through any means of expression, whether writing emails or having phone conversations, shifts our energies and how we receive back their energies. This will create mutual reciprocal energy exchanges.

4. Wrap yourself in Gratitude. Feel it.

Some days you will write or say words without actually feeling a shred of gratitude. That is fine, just allow yourself to witness that state. Just do it anyway. In the moments you do feel the sensation and you can summon up the feeling of gratitude in your heart, let it emanate and saturate through every cell in your body. Embody the feeling of gratitude in a color that infuses your cells. Place your hands on your heart or place them in prayer. Move into the feeling of gratitude. Aspire to a fullness in your heart, no matter what is going on around you.

5. Choose a Time of Day for your Practice.

You may want to do this when you first wake in the morning or late at night before you go to sleep. As you create a regular schedule, it is easier to commit to the daily practice of feeling and listing items you are grateful for.

6. Practice Present-Moment Gratitude.

As you move through your day, pause now and then when you remember something or someone in your life that you appreciate. Hold the feeling and think how grateful you feel for having that experience in your life. As you are doing something in the day, cooking breakfast, sleeping in a bed, having time with a cherished pet, as you are in that activity, pause to think and feel “I am grateful”. Moving through your day with awareness and grace in this way will mean that when you do sit down to write your gratitude list those things will come to mind.

7. Share your Appreciation and Gratitude with Others.

Partner with someone to share being grateful. Whether a friend, your child or life partner, you will keep each other going and that sense of shared commitment to that person that will give you the push you need to write your gratitude list on those days when it just seems too hard. Reading what the other person has written helps you to access your own gratitude more easily, and it is fun to watch your gratitude lists and emails grow longer and longer and longer! You can see your progress in what you feel grateful for.

8. Don’t Stop Once you See or Feel Results!

When we first begin to see results from practicing daily gratitude lists, many people think that is the time to stop practicing gratitude for a while. The practice of gratitude has an energetic yield that will add to the positive note of your day and seep through everything you do. Practicing gratitude is a lifestyle that once you feel the gratitude for simple things in your life, stays as an attitude that you interpret events through in your life. Practicing gratitude reinforces positive thoughts and behaviors that support more positive manifestations to happen in your life.

9. Allow yourself to be Human.

Some days you may feel grumpy and grumble, if you must. You may miss a day from stating your gratitude here and there. Write “I am grateful I am writing my gratitude list” a few times if you can think of nothing else. Do not punish yourself, and beware of the little voice that says “You’ve missed a day. You’ve failed miserably at being grateful!” Dust yourself off and the next day get back up in the saddle! Do not give up!

Practicing gratitude changes your vibration and supports your mental and emotional well-being into feeling happier. So this brings us to a very important question. What really makes most people happy? How can we all find and feel more happiness in our day to day life, in the midst of all of this collective pain and confusion?

Given all the various challenges we face today, as a part of the human race, it is clear we have no real control over the external, the larger environment or the outcome. This means we must change all of our priorities to value the internal and intrinsic parts of ourselves as the most critical parts to preserve and feel happiness. This means a lot of what we can control is how we think and what we move towards. Most of our happiness relies on our personal attitudes. No matter who we are and what level of spiritual development we have, all humans can relate to these pillars in order to remember how we each can find happiness, while seeing or experiencing personal or global turmoil.

The Four Pillars for being Happy:

  • EXPANSION: Personal growth towards spiritual authenticity and having a variation of life experiences to create that expansion
  • CONNECTION: Having meaningful Human relationships and cultivating deep Connections in our life
  • GRATITUDE: Practicing appreciation and gratitude for what you have, every day
  • SERVICE: Being of Service and making Contributions to the larger whole, making a difference

Happiness and gratitude is an attitude, that we all can create more of every day. There are many things that we are facing in the world today, and in our own lives that are challenging and painful. This fact does not have to change one’s ability to feel happy every day of your life, even while seeing the larger picture. As we become more expanded in our personal growth, we begin to experience the feelings of connection with all of life. We then can choose to be grateful that we can make a difference through our intentional service to the whole.

Love, Lisa

~via Krystal Aegis

LISA RENEE on “Forgiveness”

Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. Forgiveness is important process of the 12 Practices of Self Awareness, Meditate and give attention to these twelve areas to practice better personal self awareness and to discipline the Negative Ego and Pain Body. When you are self aware you are INFORMED and CLEAR and you are less prone to Mind Control and related levels of Archontic Deception Behavior. What we endeavor at this time is to move away from inner confusion and move towards discovering inner clarity. To forgive another person or circumstance is the most generous thing one can do for yourself. When we forgive others for perceived transgressions it frees us from the bonds, entanglements and cords which manifest painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, and anger. Forgiving yourself is the most important action one can take to clearing self-sabotaging bonds of victimhood and their painful wounds. Forgiveness does not mean that you accept abuse or harmful energies or actions being directed to you, such as people that are sociopaths and do not feel remorse or hold any respectful boundaries. It is possible to forgive a person who is possessed by negative forces, and to be completely neutral towards them, and yet know that for your health and well being you have to set proper boundaries or distance away from them. When undergoing severe trauma at the hands of another, it is important to know that person many times ceases to be in control of themselves, as they are being controlled by negative forces that carry out these harmful acts against other people. Practicing forgiveness can remove cords, attachments and bindings that are energetically connected with other people or dark forces from the emotional trauma that event generated. This is another reason why true forgiveness is freeing to the consciousness, and is an important part of reclaiming your core self.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Gratitude”

Practicing gratitude changes your vibration and supports your mental and emotional well-being into feeling happier. When we are spiritually strong, we are a fortress of heart based devotion and dedication to serve the highest expression of our goodness as a spiritual being. This heart based devotion progressively builds solid ethics and strong Virtues which are the collective attributes that directly attract the Spirits of Christos. Even when you are exhausted and can hardly summon up the energy to shift into a feeling and sensation of gratitude, when you have to force yourself to begin, this practice of gratitude still has great magnetizing power. Keep reinforcing the positive things that you have in your life right now. Feel and express Gratitude for the people, things, and experiences that are positive or have a silver lining for higher learning. As you move through your day, pause now and then when you remember something or someone in your life that you appreciate. Hold the feeling and think how grateful you feel for having that experience in your life. Moving through your day with awareness and grace in this way will mean that when you do sit down to write your gratitude list those things will come to your mind. As you are doing something in the day, cooking breakfast, sleeping in a bed, having time with a cherished pet, as you are in that activity, pause to think and feel, ‘I am grateful’.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Why is Psychic Self-Defense Important?”

“It is important to get comfortable in this world of multidimensional energetic phenomena through educational awareness so you will begin to break free of the social stigma around this issue that creates fear in most people. There is nothing to fear as these are the dynamics of how Consciousness energy works in a dualistic system undergoing liberation, such as the planet Earth. Once we understand that this spiritual phenomena exists, we can explore our Multidimensional anatomy and then better comprehend the natural laws of which humans are governed by in this energetic system through the Law of Polarity. We begin to amass the tools to realize that we are playing a part in a stage of evolution that is divinely orchestrated in the Ascension Cycle. We can then become purposeful in our power as we are divinely guided by our higher selves to achieve and be directed by our soul’s purpose. We can consciously interact with these higher spiritual forces to create more accurate manifestations and experience more joy and peace in our daily lives. As we hold these higher vibrating patterns of self awareness, it becomes increasingly difficult for these negative energies to super-impose upon your energy field and take advantage of siphoning your life force. Further, as you become awakened and self aware you begin to heal these lost aspects of the shadow self and these dark energies become dissolved into the unification of the balanced light you really are.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Psychic Attack

Photo courtesy of Ascension Avatar

LISA RENEE: “Shifting Mental Pain”

“In order to clear and shift mind control and negative thoughts from running one’s life, one must identify them as the symptoms of the planetary and personal consciousness evolution. This time on earth, more than any other time in human history, is an incredible push towards consciousness participation for humanity to regain spiritual liberation. Liberation is free from the effects of negative thoughts and free from emotional suffering. Each time you shift an emotional response from anger or judgment to love, joy, gratitude, and acceptance, you are doing global service work at a personal level.There is an attitude of interpreting life that will bring you inner peace, calmness, joy, happiness, unconditional love, and equanimity regardless of what is going on in your life and the outside world. There is another attitude of interpreting life that will make you feel upset, angry, irritable, impatient, moody, emotional, unstable, and depressed. These are two examples of choices one can make at every moment when interpreting our life experiences. Neither of these emotional states have anything to do with what is actually going on in your life or in the environment. It has everything to do with how one is interpreting one’s life.”

~Lisa Renee

Shifting Mental Pain with Interpretation Analysis

In order to clear and shift mind control and negative thoughts from running one’s life, one must identify them as the symptoms of the planetary and personal consciousness evolution. This time on earth, more than any other time in human history, is an incredible push towards consciousness participation for humanity to regain spiritual liberation. Liberation is free from the effects of negative thoughts and free from emotional suffering. Each time you shift an emotional response from anger or judgment to love, joy, gratitude, and acceptance, you are doing global service work at a personal level.

There is an attitude of interpreting life that will bring you inner peace, calmness, joy, happiness, unconditional love, and equanimity regardless of what is going on in your life and the outside world. There is another attitude of interpreting life that will make you feel upset, angry, irritable, impatient, moody, emotional, unstable, and depressed. These are two examples of choices one can make at every moment when interpreting our life experiences. Neither of these emotional states have anything to do with what is actually going on in your life or in the environment. It has everything to do with how one is interpreting one’s life.

Every chronic state of mental pain that is generated through anger, fear, or worry is an opportunity for one to see the places where love, forgiveness and self-acceptance are required to heal. This pain or fear shows us the areas we need to transcend, in order to evolve from beyond the ego’s mental control over our lives and into being guided by the higher intelligence of our inner spirit. As long as we resist the inner work necessary to clear fear attitudes and their pain responses, we remain spiritually stagnant. When we hit cycles of spiritual stagnation, we will feel immense pain or discomfort that will force us to address that pain in order to be liberated from it. Spiritual development is not always comfortable, and many of us are going beyond our comfort zone at this time, in order to progress to the next level that our spiritual self is demanding from us. If there is spiritual stagnation present, one will be pushed hard to transform. This is a byproduct of spiritual ascension on our planet and that discomfort shows the pathway to developing and refining the path of liberation, which is only found by following your inner spirit.

The Higher Spiritual Intelligence necessitates that we only have preferences, by releasing control to the outcome of events in lives. This is a process of surrendering and known by the phrase, Let Go and Let God. If we become attached to a person, place, thing, or the outcome, then manipulation and interference are a byproduct of that attachment. Attachment is an ego control mechanism based in deep fear. If we are attached to something and it is creating spiritual stagnation, that object will be removed from our lives so we can refocus ourselves back on the inner spirit. This is also why practicing having “preferences” over ego attachment will be a much easier process, with less emotional pain. If we get the lesson the first time, the lesson does not have to be repeated.

Inner peace is a state of mind that accepts the current state of circumstances as they are, without judgment. When faced with adversity one looks for the opportunity to learn its lesson, in order to move past old recurring patterns. This expands our consciousness as we transcend previous limitations. When we move through our fears and perceived limitations we gain incredible amounts of personal power through enhanced self-esteem. When we know we have the power of our spirit within us, we know we are cared for and that things in our life will work out.

We all have the power of our eternal spirit within us to guide us and keep us safe. The 12D shield process is the beginning, which allows us to develope a deeper communication link with this aspect of ourselves. However, we must learn to remove fear and mental bondage in order to be liberated from its control over the body. The body must be prepared to embody the spiritual light, and with that fear programs and negative thoughts must be removed.

As one feels guided, if mental programs have been difficult to control, here is an exercise provided below to bring them to one’s surface awareness. As we acknowledge these thoughts as stemming from negative ego, similar to facing the ghosts that have been haunting the shadows of our mind, we can see the ghost for what it is. When we face it clearly, revealing it from its hidden shadows, its power is diminished and it ceases to have the ability to terrorize us.

Shadows are only powerful when they remain hidden and buried, as the shadow masquerades in falsity that uses fear to torment us with lies. Be brave, to reveal them and place them to face your real spiritual self. The Eternal Self, as I am God I am Sovereign, I am Free!

Our personal sovereignty awaits us through the release of fears by applying personal responsibility to our thoughts and emotions. Choose your authority now, knowing that you are a God, Sovereign, Free Being.

Describe your total responsibility for the Fear (and any of your physical imbalances):

Describe the addictions, obsessions and negative thoughts you will stop NOW:

Describe your spiritual connection to the universe:

Describe the Behaviors you will start:

Describe the Behaviors you will stop:

Describe your process of detachment:

When feeling mentally overwhelmed, return to read what you have written. Review the responsibility you agreed to hold and the commitment you have made to your self to be liberated from the bondage of the mind. Continue to practice now moment awareness and the many other tools available on our website.

During this time let the world unfold and reveal its pathway without pushing to attempt to figure it all out. Allow things to be what they are, allow people to be where they are. When personal expectations are shattered from having attachments, practice the skill of allowing. Allow it to be the way that it is. Relax, Let Go and Allow.

May these times bring peace to reside deeply in our heart.
