LISA RENEE: “Breathwork Exercise”

Mental Relaxation Technique to Re-Educate the Autonomic Nervous System and Balance the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System

Daily — Three times a day for 10 minutes or 20 Minutes Once daily:

Lie down or find a comfortable position where you will be undisturbed for the allotted time. Breathe naturally and easily, gradually letting your breaths become deeper and increasingly diagphramatic. (Low belly filling up deeply, protruding on inhale and emptying upon exhale)

The goal is to focus on your breath Inhale and feel the in-breath as cool air inhaling and follow the stream of breath within your passages and exhale the warm air in out-breath through the nasal passages. The session goal is to begin a count of a total of 108 breaths Inhale and Exhale and ultimately maintain your focus on your breath without mental chatter disturbance. With consistent practice, one will begin to establish a witness function where you will be able to watch your emotional life, inner thoughts with much more objectivity and detachment.

Section your 108 Breaths into 4 counts (quadrants). Focus on your breath, Inhale and then Exhale, count Breath 1 and maintain focus through your count. If you find your mind wander, get distracted or begin inner dialogue, start back to Breath Count One and maintain as far as you may be focused throughout your breathwork session time. The Goal is to ultimately be able to complete the breathwork in one session sequence without needing to recount or restart session.

Maintain count and focus through each of the 4 quadrant sets without starting over, building your endurance and focus throughout the 4 quadrants to a full 108 breath session without needing to restart count…

Breath 1-27

Breath 28-56

Breath 57-73

Breath 74-108

After mastering this technique, focused or guided meditation and visualization techniques become much easier to achieve.

~via Krystal Aegis

LISA RENEE: “NAA’s Capstones for Anti-Christ Couplings”

“Unaware people can be weaponized on the astral to exacerbate sexual misery betrayals that are actually purposed to be targeted for genetic code crashers, creating reptilian shapeshifter black magicians, or forcing connections with enemies from past karmic entanglements, where the person playing the role of potential romantic interest may have slayed or tortured you in previous timelines. Although this situation can be incredibly educational for aggressive spiritual lessons in self-mastery and cultivating personal discernment, for those unaware of this pitfall, it can feel incredibly harsh as if being singled out for cruel and unusual punishment. If you are a single Starseed this astral manipulation is more prevalent and so it is wise to know beforehand, of this strategy of spiritual warfare and how it is used to interfere with developing healthy couplings, as well as break our loving hearts by breaking down our spiritual will. Each dimensional layer of Red Trident has demonic hierarchies that are directly coded into these NAA capstones which are designed to invert, damage or interfere with organic capstone codes of authentic ascended masters. This is especially coveted by NAA entities to trick, lure and crash an ascended being’s genetic codes and capstone codes in order to turn them into vicious black magicians, where they become possessed by these same demonic and alien hierarchies connected to the NAA’s antichrist capstones. Additionally, we believe that this Red Trident architecture is the primary alien machinery that is responsible for transmitting the majority of alien love bite scenarios and many related red cube problems involving astral fantasy implants of romantic or sexual feelings towards would be partners. Many of these inserted partners being manipulated by the alien love bite of red cube projections are not natural to that individual, but designed to block or interfere with proper inner male-female integration and personal ascension activation.”

~Lisa Renee

After the Atlantian flood, the Thothian Leviathan group generated an extensive inorganic wormhole network that was accessed from ley lines running through Bermuda Triangle, Giza and Iran, that connected into the Artificial Tree of Life phantom areas where they had cloned out the exploded parts of Nibiru and Tiamat. The entire planetary geography of the original Tiamat, along with the Edenic codes held by the White Diamond Goddesses or White Solar Queens, were cloned into the Red Trident anti-hierogamic machinery which functioned as the artificial Galactic Capstones in 4D Mars, 7D Saturn and 10D Pluto Matrix.

Capstones hold specific ascension coding for Solar Rishi or fully ascended beings that enter back into the time matrix, where the capstone code is translated into the genetic memory for the ascended master consciousness in order for them to embody their full ascended master genetic coding within their lower dimensionalized station of identity. The 8D permanent seed crystal inside the monadic core holds the capstone coding, which holds the ascended memories for the Rishic identity in such a way that only those beings that have achieved full transmigratory ascension out of time and then incarnated back into timelines, are the actual capstone code holders which show the embodiment of authentic Ascended Masters.

Thus, the artificial Galactic Capstones in the Red Trident anti-hierogamic architecture were designed to block out original capstone codes in those Ascended Masters who became trapped on the planet, and as a consequence were blank slated and suffered amnesia. Because their capstone codes were not activating properly, they were replaced by artificial machined Galactic Capstones which were implanted and interfered with organic cellular memories which blocked their hierogamic union.

In each of these artificially generated Galactic Capstones being managed by Thothian Leviathan entities, there are unholy alliances of White Queens and Red Kings that were being forcibly merged into gender reversed anti-Christ couplings. These unholy alliances of White Queen and Red King are consummated in satanic rituals by the luciferian bloodlines that utilize the demonic hierarchies with this symbolism, in order to call forth the archetypal forces of anti-Christ couplings and their demonic orders connected to Red Trident. Further, the satanic rituals commonly used with the White Queen and Red King symbolism is during the most important black magic sexual rituals of the luciferian bloodlines, planned on special astrological events or master number dates. This is for the purpose of serving their NAA masters, in order to spread gender reversals, distorted sexual misery types of homosexuality, and generating Baphomet consecrations for transgenders, as the result of using torture or rape methods from childhood to reverse the pain and pleasure reactions in the sexual centers of the human body.

Each dimensional layer of Red Trident has demonic hierarchies that are directly coded into these NAA capstones which are designed to invert, damage or interfere with organic capstone codes of authentic ascended masters. This is especially coveted by NAA entities to trick, lure and crash an ascended being’s genetic codes and capstone codes in order to turn them into vicious black magicians, where they become possessed by these same demonic and alien hierarchies connected to the NAA’s antichrist capstones. Additionally, we believe that this Red Trident architecture is the primary alien machinery that is responsible for transmitting the majority of alien love bite scenarios and many related red cube problems involving astral fantasy implants of romantic or sexual feelings towards would be partners. Many of these inserted partners being manipulated by the alien love bite [1] of red cube projections are not natural to that individual, but designed to block or interfere with proper inner male-female integration and personal ascension activation.

Unaware people can be weaponized on the astral to exacerbate sexual misery betrayals that are actually purposed to be targeted for genetic code crashers, creating reptilian shapeshifter black magicians, or forcing connections with enemies from past karmic entanglements, where the person playing the role of potential romantic interest may have slayed or tortured you in previous timelines. Although this situation can be incredibly educational for aggressive spiritual lessons in self-mastery and cultivating personal discernment, for those unaware of this pitfall, it can feel incredibly harsh as if being singled out for cruel and unusual punishment. If you are a single Starseed this astral manipulation is more prevalent and so it is wise to know beforehand, of this strategy of spiritual warfare and how it is used to interfere with developing healthy couplings, as well as break our loving hearts by breaking down our spiritual will.

The artificial galactic capstones were anchored in the tri-matrix layers of the Galactic Stargate in 4D Mars attached to Phantom Nibiru, which enthroned Azazael and Black Lilith as gender reversal capstones blocking the natural inner male-female integration at the soul matrix layers.

The second layer of artificial capstones are in the Galactic Stargate in 7D Saturn attached to inorganic orbit of 11D Chiron, which enthroned Isis and Osiris as gender reversal capstones blocking the natural inner male-female integration at the monadic matrix layers. Further this matrix was being governed by 7D inverted Violet Ray of the Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon entities called Horus-RA, generating the False Feminine pale magenta fields at the crown designed to lock down 1D through 7D by corrupting the elemental layers in the planetary KA body.

Lastly, the third layer of artificial capstones are in the Galactic Stargate of 10D Pluto attached to Phantom Tiamat wormholes, which enthroned Consettia and Moloch, as gender reversal capstones blocking the natural inner male-female integration at the solar logos layers.

Further, this Red Trident network formed into several nodes connecting into the phantom areas of grid damage in the planetary grid network, which are running 10D reversal currents for the anti-hierogamic technologies. Emerald Guardians are working on the Pluto matrix layers connected to the Phantom Tiamat, in which the Blue Rainbow Bridge and Holy Mountain architecture are fundamental to the retrievals of many Ascended Masters as well as the organic pre-fall Tiamat Logos and all of its parts during this phase. The Tiamat phantom matrix was designed to distort the sound templates of all natural water elementals found in the planetary aquifer system, as these phantom sonic pillars were running leviathan genetic sequences to obstruct the living waters of the Triple Solar Goddess in the cathedrals and sacred sites, inverting them into black magic Baphomet coding, thus blocking the physicalization and communication with the Cosmic Mother’s White Queen aspects.

The destruction of Tiamat by pulling her planetary logos morphogenetic field into a Phantom wormhole, was intended to grotesquely deform the Universal Holy Mother and her solar daughters into consubstantiality with the Beast Machine. To torture them, to strip them of their holy spiritual beauty, and to capture their pain through lunar consciousness forces of anti-life inversions that would force Earth-Tara-Gaia’s matrix into merging with the NAA’s artificial time waves and fallen timelines of Kali-Reema, sucking all life on the planet into the phantom matrix.

~via Tiamat Logos

LISA RENEE: “Why is Psychic Self-Defense Important?”

“It is important to get comfortable in this world of multidimensional energetic phenomena through educational awareness so you will begin to break free of the social stigma around this issue that creates fear in most people. There is nothing to fear as these are the dynamics of how Consciousness energy works in a dualistic system undergoing liberation, such as the planet Earth. Once we understand that this spiritual phenomena exists, we can explore our Multidimensional anatomy and then better comprehend the natural laws of which humans are governed by in this energetic system through the Law of Polarity. We begin to amass the tools to realize that we are playing a part in a stage of evolution that is divinely orchestrated in the Ascension Cycle. We can then become purposeful in our power as we are divinely guided by our higher selves to achieve and be directed by our soul’s purpose. We can consciously interact with these higher spiritual forces to create more accurate manifestations and experience more joy and peace in our daily lives. As we hold these higher vibrating patterns of self awareness, it becomes increasingly difficult for these negative energies to super-impose upon your energy field and take advantage of siphoning your life force. Further, as you become awakened and self aware you begin to heal these lost aspects of the shadow self and these dark energies become dissolved into the unification of the balanced light you really are.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Psychic Attack

Photo courtesy of Ascension Avatar

LISA RENEE: “Releasing Ego Attachments to 3D Paradigm”

“As we move into the next phases of crumbling 3D paradigms, a major task for each individual is to release or surrender the emotional energy that the ego-Personality has attached to material possessions and the necessity of living in the 3D social structures (Controller Pillars). The goal is not to create hardships or abandon everything in our lifestyle, but to examine personal belief systems and determine what is no longer necessary, to remove physical attachments so that you can be Observer Point whether you have something or do not have something. Paying attention to the things that the ego has generated strong attachments to is a gradual exercise of detaching mental and emotional dependence upon the 3D structures, cultural beliefs, As we set conscious intention to release 3D attachments, reflect on the things you need to clear from your life and that which your consciousness energy should stop supporting because its obsolete, wasteful or harmful. Basic tasks such as simplifying your lifestyle, refusing to engage with draining relationships, and clearing out clutter also supports releasing energy attachments connected to physical things. This is the time to give some deeper contemplation and reflection upon what 3D belief systems you may have and how that influences Personal Value Systems that inform how you orient yourself in the world. As you consider the belief systems connecting you to the 3D paradigm, think how you would feel if suddenly that 3D system or pillar of society just did not exist any longer. How you would feel about that? Are you able to get into neutral and let all of it go, as the divinity existing inside you would have it be? This will also be a helpful process which you can guide others through when their belief systems and lifestyle are being dismantled.”

~Lisa Renee

As we move into the next phases of crumbling 3D paradigms, a major task for each individual is to release or surrender the emotional energy that the ego-Personality has attached to material possessions and the necessity of living in the 3D social structures (Controller Pillars). Humanity will be moving towards an increase in true humanitarian objectives which include a conscious orientation towards being in Service to Others as a primary lifestyle. This begins with the inner consciousness shift in which we are willing to release and clear obsolete 3D patterns of thought and embrace a lifestyle in which we dedicate ourselves to be in Service to Others. The first practice of the natural law is Unity Consciousness and when we reflect on this law as a personal value system in our lifestyle, the miracles of God appear to help us achieve our objectives, which are the byproduct of our spiritual alignment.

The goal is not to create hardships or abandon everything in our lifestyle, but to examine personal belief systems and determine what is no longer necessary, to remove physical attachments so that you can be Observer Point whether you have something or do not have something. Paying attention to the things that the ego has generated strong attachments to is a gradual exercise of detaching mental and emotional dependence upon the 3D structures, cultural beliefs, Materialism and the obsolete way of doing things in the 3D paradigm.

As we set conscious intention to release 3D attachments, reflect on the things you need to clear from your life and that which your consciousness energy should stop supporting because its obsolete, wasteful or harmful. Be willing to identify and feel emotional connections made with egoic attachments and be willing to refocus and detach from the need to have those things, placing trust in your material needs being met and being grateful for what you do have in the moment. Basic tasks such as simplifying your lifestyle, refusing to engage with draining relationships, and clearing out clutter also supports releasing energy attachments connected to physical things.

This is the time to give some deeper contemplation and reflection upon what 3D belief systems you may have and how that influences Personal Value Systems that inform how you orient yourself in the world. This will also be a helpful process which you can guide others through when their belief systems and lifestyle are being dismantled.

As you consider the belief systems connecting you to the 3D paradigm, think how you would feel if suddenly that 3D system or pillar of society just did not exist any longer. How you would feel about that? Are you able to get into neutral and let all of it go, as the divinity existing inside you would have it be?

To more deeply meditate on releasing egoic attachments and resetting them back to neutral, we would hold the contrast of comprehending what it would feel like if you stopped a certain belief system or pattern in your lifestyle, by thinking about how much that would change your life. As you imagine your life and the world without that belief system or institution, feel how much energy you may have connected or attached to that belief system, the 3D cultural aspects and the organization it may represent. Such as what would life be like if my family and I did not go to the hospital or doctor any longer as a standard of medical or health care? Can I let that go knowing that I can be healthy with natural immunity and learn alternative methods to take good care of myself?

The goal on examining personal beliefs is to help your mental and emotional body release strong attachments based on fear or wrong thinking, and instead find inner spiritual connection and neutral association that allows a surrendering release to what it is to be without the need to exert control over anything. When you unplug from the 3D paradigm your personality no longer needs that belief system and the energy around that system ceases to have control over you.

The shifting architecture will continue to increase energetic support for building organizations for truly ethical humanitarian objectives and being in service to others, while systematically dismantling belief systems and the 3D institutions which generate division, inequality and rank based on elitism, fame, social status, physical attributes and classifications which infer superiority over others. Every individual has the right to exist and no person has the right to take the life of another, or force others to damage the energetic integrity of their physical being or damage their right to live as they see fit when it does not harm others.

Belief Systems and Cultural Energy Transference

Every individual human being transfers their consciousness energy to a given set of belief systems that have been formed from a learned part of their culture. Therefore, this means that each individual has assigned levels of significance and importance to those particular belief systems formed in the culture that they have been exposed to. Humanity has been groomed to accept the 3D controlled narratives being enforced by nonhuman entities, thus these negative beliefs have accumulated energetic distortions within the three levels of ego, with emphasis on dead energy blockages formed within the solar plexus area. Blockages in the consciousness layers are formed through negative energy transference and dark force manipulation, this means the individual is unaware of the damaging impacts that 3D beliefs and 3D attachments have upon the consciousness and lightbody functions. Cords and energy attachments form in the consciousness layers and physical body which are generated from the negative ego belief systems that have been groomed by any particular 3D culture, which has an assortment of anti-human or anti-soul belief systems.

Individuals are often manipulated by dark forces in the reality in order to constantly feed their consciousness energy into the controlled narrative 3D belief systems, which are the mind control programs running in the collective consciousness. The sum total of the collective consciousness energy that is being manipulated to power up those 3D belief systems is what keeps it active and working within that culture. When people refuse to assign importance or significance to a particular belief system, they withdraw their consciousness energy from the social conditions that feed into that particular belief system, then the belief system begins to wither and die out in that culture. The more that humanity begins to detach their consciousness energy from supporting harmful or negative belief systems, the less that belief system will remain rooted in that culture.

The 3D world structures hold a lower vibration that is energetically associated with the preoccupation and quest for all experiences related to maintaining power and control over others, including the perpetuation of consciousness enslavement. Assorted methods of Mind Control have been used against humanity to manipulate the Collective Consciousness towards Service to Self orientation, by driving unconscious desires and consciousness energy towards maintaining the 3D Death Culture and through implanting negative beliefs, emotions, and attitudes in order to form physical attachments. The Solar Plexus is the conscious mind, and so the personality ego’s unresolved fears and negative beliefs will form corded attachments to material things, as well as form into energy blockages within the Lightbody. These energy blockages and egoic 3D attachments are used to manipulate the individual’s shadow body and energy signature, so the uncleared negative ego parts along with attachments formed to 3D belief systems continue to manipulate our outer perceptions through subconscious blind spots and ego defense mechanisms.

The ego personality is preoccupied with selfishness and making decisions for personal gain, with the 3D belief system that money, status or self-interests are the main priority in life, while disregarding the genuine social and ethical concerns for the welfare of others. The 3D personality ego is the survival consciousness energy stream of humanity that has invested in the belief systems perpetuated by the 3D Controller structures that have formed into energetic exchanges of physical attachments. These attachments formed by 3D beliefs keep the consciousness and lightbody bound and enmeshed with an assortment of material and physical things, which hold significance or symbolism for that individual, such as the meaning of one’s personal security or warding off perceived threats. Attachments are energy cords that are vibrational in nature, and in order to awaken beyond the 3D reality each person must free themselves from these strong emotional attachments, which bind and block access from experiencing higher spiritual consciousness.

Attachments and bindings are generally formed from previous uncleared trauma or fear, which generally forms a strong energetic resistance to change or a refusal to adapt to a new lifestyle or thought process. The negative ego entraps the emotional body with the sensation that the individual cannot survive in the world without conditional attachments to those things that are found in the 3D landscape, material or otherwise, which ultimately stunt emotional and spiritual growth. During the spiritual ascension and awakening growth phases, every individual will be pushed to transform beyond attachments and fear-based belief systems, to remove and clear the attachments formed that keep that person bound to the 3D timelines and its low frequency lifestyle.

Thus, all Controller Pillars of Society that are pre-occupied with 3D egoic concepts of power and control over others driven by Materialism, domination and greed, will begin to dismantle throughout the societal systems and cease to exist in the same way. It is helpful to prepare yourself now to know what it means to examine belief systems and clear out energy attachments to the 3D reality, as this preparation will make the transition to the Disclosure timeline much easier to handle. [1]


  1. Examining Beliefs

See Also:

Ending the Death Culture

Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe

Bifurcation of Time

Planetary Chakra Reconfiguration

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Alien Love Bite”

“Because most of us are not aware of this distortion existing in our astral layers, the NAA forces have used many tricks to continually confuse us through the use of alien implants and attaching negative form shadow bodies through Alien Love Bite or other dark manipulations. The negative form is a series of artificial dead light or AI projected shadow bodies that are used to recreate negative timelines or to steal our genetic material and consciousness energy through many methods of dark astral manipulation. The damage from the 2D-4D schism generated a weakness in our lightbody for the NAA to exploit, hijacking unintegrated shadow aspects or soul memories and then attaching false memories, false identities or Clones through which our consciousness could be manipulated or misled. That is why this unhealed Lightbody damage is commonly exploited for alien love bite situations, as many people can be easily manipulated in their emotional layers to play out unhealthy behaviors in the twin flame new age mind set. The negative form is a duplicate Shadow Self that is attached to the soul layers like nesting dolls that are made in our genetic image. Sometimes they connect these images to other people that they are attempting to confuse and derail in their Ascension progress. These are designed to spin out interference, artificial realities and Alien Love Bite scenarios where the NAA attempts to fully control the future timeline of that person, by derailing them or placing superimposed miasmatic interference in their field for the purpose of ongoing technological sabotage of that Awakening person.”

~Lisa Renee


  • Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: 25 YA, Produce anti-hierogamic spawn in Peru Stargate to destroy Genetic Equal and Twin Flame Sacred Unions during the Ascension, and put AI reversals and clones in its place. This is known as the Alien Love Bite. [1]


Origins of 2D-4D Split

Due to the DNA damage our species suffered after the Fall of Tara, the 4D astral body that made up our heart center was fractured, and the lower portion of the soul matrix astral layer became inverted upon itself and became lodged in our 2D sacral center. These schisms in the lightbody layers also greatly contributed to the production of Shadow Selves, shadow personality alters, shadow elementals and fragments in the Soul matrix, which further proliferated personal Miasma and Planetary Miasma.

When the astral layers were split into 2D aspects and 4D aspects, this generated a dual identity and this was how the first Shadow Self and its unconscious aspects in the Pain Body were generated. This lower astral distortion tends to be exploited with anti-hierogamic targeting technologies for inserting alien love bite scenarios, where an individual feels inappropriately bonded to another individual at the sexual (2D) or heart (4D) level, which is very confusing and emotionally disturbing. To begin to heal from Alien Love Bite and Anti-Hierogamic Technology targeting, this section of the astral layers and soul matrix must undergo Emotional Healing, which will release the inorganic bindings.

Because most of us are not aware of this distortion existing in our astral layers, the NAA forces have used many tricks to continually confuse us through the use of alien implants and attaching negative form shadow bodies through Alien Love Bite or other dark manipulations. The negative form is a series of artificial dead light or AI projected shadow bodies that are used to recreate negative timelines or to steal our genetic material and consciousness energy through many methods of dark astral manipulation. The damage from the 2D-4D schism generated a weakness in our lightbody for the NAA to exploit, hijacking unintegrated shadow aspects or soul memories and then attaching false memories, false identities or Clones through which our consciousness could be manipulated or misled. That is why this unhealed Lightbody damage is commonly exploited for alien love bite situations, as many people can be easily manipulated in their emotional layers to play out unhealthy behaviors in the twin flame new age mind set. The negative form is a duplicate Shadow Self that is attached to the soul layers like nesting dolls that are made in our genetic image. Sometimes they connect these images to other people that they are attempting to confuse and derail in their Ascension progress. These are designed to spin out interference, artificial realities and Alien Love Bite scenarios where the NAA attempts to fully control the future timeline of that person, by derailing them or placing superimposed miasmatic interference in their field for the purpose of ongoing technological sabotage of that Awakening person. [2]



  1. Historical Timeline Triggers
  2. Universal Shadow

See Also:

Galactic Wars

Law of One


~via Ascension Glossary