KARA DEMONET (Soulstice Rising): “Fear Is An Illusion”

Fear seems to be very prevalent in the old world. Yet, it is an opportunity to see it is an illusion; to hold you back and empower the fear. Don’t! Go beyond the fear and focus on Love instead, for within the fear is Love. The fear is also an opportunity to release any residual fear you still hold. Look into the fear; whatever it is; and see at its core Love. In every instance, focus on your own Integrity; your Truth. Being in your Integrity keeps you on your Path of Love. You can see fear as just another distraction; something to cling to; complain about or take on. It’s best to be Love instead. And what is Love? It is who you are. It is Source and by being authentically you, you transform the fear to Love simply by being you; simply by being your Integrity; your Truth.

Realize too that the phase we’re in requires each of us to be patient with ourselves and others. It requires us also to share our gifts; whatever they are and how large or small they may be. Some are writers, some are poets, some are photographers, some are Earthkeepers, some are conduits of a greater Love. It matters not how you express your gift; as long as you do. It can be as small as caring for a pet or loved one or caring for a plant…as long as you do it with Love; share your gift or expand your gifts. Be sure to ground often, for Earth is shifting as we are. Everything is shifting…your beliefs and concepts, your identity…everything. Trust only in Source, for this helps balance and ground you. The Sacred is where to place your attention, for from Source all else is born. Source is who you are.

We often want to control things by believing we must work at a loveless job or keep certain people in our lives. Yet, control is also an illusion. You control nothing and no-one. This is why it is essential to know; truly know; that the Power is within you, for you are Source. If you stay in neutrality as well, then you maintain your Sovereignty. You do not attach to “good” or “bad;” you observe with Compassion, knowing a deeper Truth.

Trust and have Faith that all is in Divine Order. This includes the many things and people that are no longer on Earth or choose to remain asleep. If it feels like everything is falling apart; rejoice; for it is and must. You have consciously let go of much; this also occurs on an unconscious level. I have said there is a great Transformation occurring. Perhaps some of you didn’t feel beneath words or you just skimmed over that word, since it is used so much. Transformation is a complete let-go. From the goo that is left, a New World and a New You is reconstructed cell by cell. Even your DNA is changed, as is your consciousness. All is so all of Who You Are is aligned with and as Source. None of the old can remain. Of course, you must choose. Some may not want to let go of certain things; some may want to continue their complaining and complacency; and yet many will do anything to bring forth the New…not just for themselves and Gaia, but for the All.

If there are still old wounds that you carry around, heal and transform them to Love. This requires you to be in the Now Moment and to have loving support. Your support can be like-hearted others or the invisible realm. When you are in Stillness, call upon support. Ask for what you want and remember just because you have a memory of something it does not mean it is still actively creating in your life. Go into the memory and see if it gets you to react. If it does, ask to have the energy of it removed. If you do not react, trust that you have healed and transformed that particular wound. Just because you remember something does not necessarily mean it is still creating in your life.

If you are one who is asking to ascend and you feel as though nothing is happening, pay attention to your messages. Whether they are in your dreams, meditations or in regular life, pay attention. Stay in the Moment; stay in your Integrity. You are being guided. Yes, there are baby steps, for Ascension doesn’t happen when you want it to (control). It can happen in a second or in a lifetime, for everyone is unique. Remember that you aren’t alone; you are being guided in each moment. Are you listening? Be strong, committed and patient. Each choice you make leads you to Ascension or leads you away. You know the difference. If you feel overwhelmed by too many choices, take a deep breath and do just one thing at a time. Keep it simple.

Are you experiencing gold? This is the essence of Christ Consciousness as well as the New Earth. Do you experience purple? This is the essence of Transformation. Do you experience green? It is your Heart expanding. Do you experience blue? It is your New voice (and could also be the Blue Beings of Sirius communicating with you as well as other beings of Light). As we move toward 11/11, these colors/essences will intensify. Do you experience sensations in your higher chakras (Pineal, 3rd Eye, Crown)?These chakras are being updated. Along with the colors/ essences, there probably are some physical sensations. Flow with it all; observe without wondering what it is or why; just observe without attaching to whatever is going on. How you can help yourself…ground, be in Nature, take care of yourself and be gentle. Don’t push; flow.

If it feels as though you are taking one step forward and one step back, do not despair. It simply is the way it works. Energy ebbs and flows and since you are energy, you ebb and flow! Linear time is an illusion. Nothing goes by Point A to Point B to Point C, etc. Nothing goes in a straight line. Energy is a spiral. You are not a victim; nothing happens to you except when you have disempowering or limiting thoughts and beliefs (you create it; it only seems as though it happens to you). If you don’t like or resonate with your creation, begin again. You are not on a timetable either; all is in Divine Order and in Divine Time. Everything occurs in the Moment. Think of the popular word, “timeline.” Time is an illusion and line is linear. Very 3D. Of course, this is only my perception. What is yours? Or do you just go with whatever is fed to you without Discernment? Use Discernment with everything you see, read or hear. Always ask, “Is this true?”

Much seems to be sensationalized these days. By using Discernment, you are guided. If you feel victimized in any way regardless of who a person says they are or where they get their information, ask to be removed from the situation. Remember, you have a support team ready to help you in any given moment. They will not interfere, so you must ask. Discernment is a tool you have within. It is a Soul Essence. It rests within your Heart.

Here are some examples of being awake or awakening more: you lose track of time (yesterday I was speaking with a daughter and mentioned it was Tuesday; she replied, “Mom! It’s Friday!” I couldn’t stop laughing). You might not even remember what you did just an hour ago. If things seem strange or you get lost in familiar surroundings, this is another message that you’re awakening even more. Sometimes you’re clear; sometimes you are in a fog. Only wanting meaningful relationships; feeling tired of “small talk.” You may want to spend a lot of time alone. Of course, there are lots of physical phenomena too. I won’t go into these, as everyone is unique as to what they are experiencing.

Trust yourself and love yourself. These are the two things to always have in the forefront of your life. Be gentle and peaceful in all you choose to do. Stay neutral without going into judgment. Remember that you are loved and guided and cared for.


~via SoulsticeRising.com

SHERRIE DILLARD: “Synchronicities — Dance With The Cosmic Flow”

We are being led. There is a presence moving through our heart, mind, and soul that guides and directs us. Meaningful coincidences or synchronicities, open us to new insights and help us to understand ourselves and what is happening around us in new ways. Synchronicity is intuition expressed in the outer world.

Synchronicities are no accident. The universe has carefully orchestrated the seemingly impossible convergences of things, people, events, and conditions. It does not matter how great or small the coincidence may be. We immediately recognize when we intersect with the cosmic. Although others may not always be able to feel and see it, we know when we are touched by the transcendent. The heart smiles, the mind opens, and like an Olympian gymnast, the soul joyously flips and leaps.

Offering a Glimpse into a Forgotten Reality

Synchronicities provide us with a glimpse into a reality that we have forgotten. They speak to the authentic self that is comfortable and at home in the realm of cosmic truth. Despite the powerful effect that a synchronicity can have on us, we all too soon attempt to dumb it down by rationalization.

We want to creep back into the logical and the rational as if the cosmic doors had not flung open. The thinking mind wants to take charge and explain away the magic and unexplainable; don’t let it. Live with the mystery and allow it to flow through the mind, body and spirit like a healing balm. Synchronicities invite us to experience life through the cosmic portal of connection and oneness. Soak in the deep rays of the universal life force current and allow it to promote and support aspects of self that we may not always have the courage to know.

Helpful Suggestions to Increase the Flow

Here are some suggestions that can help to increase the flow of synchronicities:

Ask for Synchronicities

Simple, but true, when we ask for synchronicities, we experience them. As we let go of our expectations of how and when they occur, they naturally flow into our life in surprising ways. Just make the intent and allow the universe to manifest it.

Notice the Effect

However big, small or insignificant they may seem to be, the effect that a synchronicity has on our heart and soul is what matters. When we notice synchronicities and embrace them, they multiply.

Communicate with Your Surroundings

Imagine synchronicities as a form or communication with the universe. We don’t always notice when divine presence is answering and responding to our needs and requests. Synchronicities let us know that we are known and heard. They are a calling card informing us that we are watched over and that we are in the flow of our soul’s current.

Act On That Guidance

Synchronicities alert us to possibilities and open us to higher wisdom and love. Noticing and acting on them strengthens our soul energy and guides us into the positive. Even though life can be challenging at times, synchronicities remind us that unexpected good fortune can come to us to in surprising ways.

Have Gratitude

Live with the awareness that a wonderful, personally crafted surprise is on its way. Say, thank you, blow a big kiss and dance with the cosmic flow of the all that is. The positive and abundant energy of universal divine joy and creativity is available to us, wherever we are, and in whatever we are doing.


~via OMTimes.com

P. C. RALL: “We Are All Born Psychic — Steps to Reconnect to Source”

For a long time now the thought has been that you have to be special or gifted in order to be psychic, but nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, I often tell clients that we are all born psychic and that the only difference is that we either allow or block our access to Source as conduits.

To this answer I often get the question: “How do we allow ourselves to flow with Source?”

Here are five easy steps to embrace your gifts as a psychic:

1. Allow yourself to become aware that you are a part of Source by verbally repeating: “Source and I are One, We are One with All”.

2. Repeat to yourself: “I am gifted beyond my physical senses and allow my spiritual senses to open up and guide me and others”.

3. At least once a day walk barefoot on the Earth and say: “The planet and I are connected to my purpose”.

4. Sit or stand as you consciously become still to center and ground before asking for guidance to flow to you and through you from Source for self or others.

5. When you get a psychic impression mentally ask: “What does this mean?”, then journal your first impressions that come to you from any of the activated higher senses by trust.

In the beginning, the 5 Steps will seem difficult at first, but with a bit of practice and trust — without force — you will get the answers that you seek as psychic conduit of Source.

Remember to always approach this with Love and for the better good of all seeking guidance.

The more you allow, the clearer the flow will be.


© 2018 P. C. Rall


~via In5D.com

SUSAN VIVYAN: “The Still Point Creates Balance Within You”

Amidst the chatter (inner or outer) remember the still point within you.  You can find your still point via meditation, yoga or any activity connecting you to your flow.  The still point is when you touch the Oneness of All dissolving any worries, fears or concerns and you are immersed in the present moment.

Even for a moment in your conventional time when you find your still point balance is created within your total being.  This still point has nothing to do with time as you know it.  You can be at the still point for a moment and it will extend to other areas of your life unbeknownst to you.  Of course being at the still point every moment of your waking life would allow a clearer perspective.  However, the balance is achieved when the still point and your groundedness to the earth balance one another.

As you become a more integrated multidimensional being the ability to integrate the still point and the groundingness of being on Earth is easier in your time (as you know it).

Being in the flow is different for everyone whether it be meditation, yoga, art, dance, being in nature, or work allowing the inner core full expression.  One activity is no better than the other.  One has to find the activity which activates the flow, the still point where you find your eternal limitless self.

You language is limited, your perspective expanding.  There will come to be a point in time when time is limitless, matters less and there will be other meant to communicate other than verbal exchange.  It is happening NOW.  The still point takes you to the place where words, time, self disappears and your Soul Essence connects to the Oneness of All.  Work that is expansive enhances the Still point that balances the higher dimensions with the earthly reality, aligns the chakras, balancing the masculine and feminine energies.

Find, discover, and explore ways to find your still point.  No pressure.  Play and have fun!



~via In5D.com

STEPHANIE LUCAS: “The Zen of Crying — 5 Reasons it Can Save the World”

The Zen of Crying - 5 Reasons it Can Save the World (2).png

For being such a natural act, there are a lot of negative connotations associated with crying.  As children, our parents fuss at us for crying.  Women are called overly emotional, fragile, and that they are making a big deal over nothing.  Men, well, they get a raw deal all around and have it pounded heavily into their minds that crying is a sign of weakness, vulnerability, and that ‘real men’ don’t cry.

So, science and our common sense tells us that all that aforementioned societal programming is total BS, and that crying is not only healthy, but that it is a vital component of physical and emotional health.  Take that Mom and Dad!  While crying may not directly save the world, it certainly has the potential to preserve our personal wellbeing, foster positive relationships, and it could even save lives — and one of those lives just might save the world some day!

Get out your tissues, forget about programmed concepts like ego and pride, and let’s explore the Zen of crying…

1. Crying Frees You of Control

I’ve read a few studies purporting that the need to have more control is correlated to the incidence of more men ‘losing their minds’ and also why their life span is 5 years shorter, which I find kind of hard to believe.  Because if you live in the same world I do, you know darn well that today’s women have just as much tendency to be controlling as men — if not more so — under their own ego’s need to crash through the glass ceiling, and have their ‘roar’ heard.

What does this have to do with crying?  If crying isn’t the norm for you, just letting the act occur is freeing yourself of control — at least temporarily.  Crying aids in letting go of the ego as it frees pent up emotions that may be subconsciously feeding your need to be in control at all.  Repression sources discomforts and fears that drive control issues, and a few tears could very well begin a metamorphosis that helps one regain alignment with free will choicesHow in alignment are you? Click the previous link for a fun assessment quiz.

2. Bottom Out Stress with a Few Tears

Without a doubt, stress kills and can be a major player in our lives when we allow its presence to overcome the senses.  However, the Zen of crying, is that it works hand in hand with number 1 — it relieves stress — stress that is often (okay, mostly) sourced by one’s need for control whether it concerns work, home, relationships, a car accident, or what to cook for dinner.  If a few tears can reduce my chances for a stress-related death, I say bring ‘em on!

3. Crying Enhances Connections

Certainly, if you open the faucet in front of someone with programmed beliefs that crying is for pussies and pansies, well, it may not strengthen that bond.  However, if you crying in front of — better yet WITH — someone who’s compassionate and supportive, it can be a powerful experience.  Crying alone can also create a stronger bond with your own SELF, as your mind is totally in the NOW moment — disconnected with programs — giving you the opportunity to tap into the true essence of your spiritual being.

4. Grab a Handkerchief… and Move On

In a bad relationship?  Tired of your peers or boss making you feel like crap?  Did you best friend let you down?  Maybe you received some hard to handle news… whatever it may be… the Zen of crying can assist.  Remember, everything in our perception of reality is transient and it is constantly changing, so learning to cope is essential.  As you cry, try to acknowledge each tear, each of those deep, noisy breaths, and allow each sound free you one by one of the anguish you feel over the hurt.  As they purge from you, a sense of calm and peace follows.  Take those moments of being in the present moment to recognize that you are now free — and make a conscious choice to let go.

5. Profound Moments of Clarity

Maybe it’s only me, but I have finished many a good cry and had to most prolific “AHA” moments of my life.  Through tears of joy, pain, and even those ‘I have no idea why in the hell I’m crying moments’ some end with great clarity.  Whatever the situation that brought me to tears may be, I am left with a sense of purpose, with solutions, or with insights as to WHY I am having that particular experience.

Maybe it’s not only me… but I confess to being quite the cry baby that Janis Joplin once screamed for, and I am grateful!  I will cry just about any time the need overwhelms me, anywhere, and in front of most anyone… Sometimes it makes connections stronger, sometimes it scares people.  Sometimes people still call me overly emotional and try to take away my power by demeaning me, but I do know this… crying seems to raise vibrational frequencies and I ALWAYS FEEL BETTER AFTER A GOOD CRY!





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