LISA RENEE on “Loving Kindness Meditations”

“Practicing Loving Kindness Meditations activate and strengthen areas of the Brain and Nervous System that are responsible for Empathy and increased Emotional Intelligence. The practice always begins with developing a loving Acceptance of yourself. If resistance is experienced then it indicates that feelings of Unworthiness are present. The practice of loving kindness is designed to overcome any feelings of Self-Doubt or negativity. Once you have developed this loving Kindness for yourself, then you are ready to systematically develop loving-kindness towards others. Bring to mind a mental picture that exudes loving kindness and brings warmth to your Heart. Visualize yourself or the person the feeling is directed towards, returning the loving feeling to you or just the shared feeling of being joyous. Reflect on the highest and most positive qualities of a person you know and the acts of kindness you are aware of. Make an affirmation towards generating more of these positive qualities in yourself, more goodness and strong virtues. Reflect upon making positive statements of kindness directed to yourself, using your own words. When we speak inspiring words or phrases which contain meaning of loving kindness, they are the most effective because the subconscious mind hears your voice. Focus on an internalized mantra or meaningful phrase such as loving-kindness and God-Sovereign-Free. When the positive feelings arise, switch from the mental focus of the exercise onto the actual emotional feeling, as it is the emotional feeling that is the primary goal. If you lose the sensation of the loving kindness, the feeling and warmth opening in your heart, return to the exercise, to bring back or strengthen the emotional feeling. When you have the loving kindness feeling in your Heart, you can project that quality of frequency in all directions, north, south, east and west and 360 degrees. Connecting that emotional feeling of loving kindness into loved ones, spiritual communities, towns and countries around the world. When we are emotionally developed with Heart Based Intelligence, we can access very high quality of Higher Sensory Perception to guide us through these very difficult times. This guidance cannot happen through the Psionic ability of the mind. Starseed males, please take note, you must connect emotionally and allow sensory feelings to be processed in your Heart Complex to shift out of the negative ego black depression and Mind Control thought forms. This Higher Consciousness access only happens through the developed heart and emotional complex, which is the key to accessing higher spiritual power and higher consciousness. The NAA and Controllers do not have this access, so remember that is our greatest leverage as Starseeds. We have access to the God Source and Creator functions through our heart, where they can only replicate them through their Artificial intelligence software by Cloning or capturing our image. Do not forget that our spiritual power is infinitely connected through our Human Heart consciousness, and connects Omniversally.

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Medulla Oblongata”

“The 9th Chakra at the base of the skull has been referred to as the ‘Mouth of God’ and its opening is exactly at the back of the neck where the skull lays on top of the spine. It connects to the medulla oblongata and the reticular formation of the brain and spinal cord. The Medulla Oblongata is at the base of the brain stem that acts as the energy receiver of cosmic energy. Bring to your mind the life force energy coming into the medulla oblongata and being directed to your body parts. When feeling unwell, imagine the Cosmic Consciousness streaming into the back of your head and projecting itself throughout your body parts and areas that feel blocked or unwell. This helps to develop ones skill at directing life force energy within the self and the environment. This area esoterically has been called the Golden Chalice for it is the Occipital Cup that holds the Cosmic Intelligence or Wisdom. It is a etheric type of brain rewiring (and spiritual body activation) in order to hold and be receptive to the ‘Golden Chalice’ of transmitted Universal Knowledge and directing cosmic energy to our bodies. The etheric implant is a reptilian brain implant that is placed in the structure of the brain stem via the medulla oblongata. This is a way to manipulate the CNS impulses to the brain to change or stimulate thought control via the negative ego or lower third layers of the subconscious, instinctual and conscious mind matrix. In the application of a NRG or Victim-Victimizer coded Mind Control implant, its mechanism acts like a ‘tick’ or ‘leech’ that burrows itself deeper into the lower areas of the astral body, mostly into the 2nd Chakra and into the Instinctual response functions which impulse the spinal cord and the central nervous system. This CNS area is also at the base of the neck at the location of the Atomic Doorway, the 9th chakra, where the inner spirit light reflects out of the eyes from the embodied Monad like a holographic projector. That inner light will die or become dead in the eyes after this mind control implant takes control over the body through the CNS manipulation of stimulating lower ego. This is to block spiritual body from embodiment into the physical layers. It’s important to note that the atomic doorway of the ascension, the 9th dimensional chakra, is right directly on medulla oblongata on back of cranium where the cranium and skull meet the top of your spine. This area has been very problematic and why people are having neck pain, tension, headaches, dizziness, etc. This area sometimes can be manipulated or adjusted, and when it is, will bring great relief. This is because many new energies are attempting to move through what have been dormant energetic centers in your Lightbody. As these frequencies come through or are exposed to your body it can be like ‘rusty pipes’ in your house. If you have not turned on the water, the house has been abandoned and you are trying to turn on the plumbing, it’s a little creaky, there’s a lot of debris coming out of the pipes. We have a lot of similarity as these new energies come back online in our bodies. There are channels attempting to re-circuit, orbit, plug in to circulate these energies and this is a common emanation. Some of us notice temporary numbness and tingling, some odd sensations moving into the thoracic level on up to the base of the neck and head. Adrenal fatigue is very common during exposure to high frequencies when we may be undergoing ‘downloads’ or activation. When we work with these frequencies, our adrenals and thyroid are first parts of our system that get exhausted and possibly fried. Beings that do spiritual intuitive or energy session work, also have higher tendency to have adrenal-thyroid burn out. This tends to be a foundation guideline that you may want to add dulse, iodine, seaweed, working with protecting your thyroid and the adrenal glands which need mineral composition. Minerals are the substance required for the conductors firing between nerve synapses. So when the nerves are firing really fast, it’s conducting it through a mineral base, so certain things like mineral salt, brain tissue salt, homeopathics that support neural net and nerves will help soften that nervous exhaustion and fried out feeling. Hyland’s Bioplasma is a highly suggested Starseed supplement to help with the nervous system. All this information about the changing magnetics in the global brain means that we at the individual level will experience nervous system changes as the brain neural net changes. I hope this comes clear to you, that you are right on schedule and that you can release fear around these areas.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Heart-Brain Flame Ignition Activation”

“The planetary Heart Brain Complex is ignited from within the core of the earth, as well as the replica of that complex existing in the center of our skull and brain. The Heart Brain Complex is ignited by the Collective Monadic Body Spark, which is fueled by the proper phasing that exchanges directly into the heart of God (Universal Core) and returns the spark to ignite and expand itself as a running current throughout the complex meridians, axiatonal lines of the heart brain complex. This is a Universal Cosmic Orbit, the macrocosm version of the “Microcosmic Orbit” that runs within our own central vertical channel. The heart-brain complex is coming online within the smaller ascending human population now, as well is a part of and result of, the larger Guardian planetary grid demolition and repair projects. When performing the Microcosmic Orbit Scanning exercise you are comfortably creating a moving circuit with inner concentration moving from the back of your body at the tailbone moving slowly up the spine to the top of your head, intending to feel, sense or visualize what needs to be cleared, and then move on top of your head and slowly moving down the front of your body until you meet at the Tailbone again, completing the circuit. During this exercise, Continue to concentrate on moving up your spine and creating a full circuit or orbit within the central vertical channel. do several rounds from back to front, then intend to focus your concentration on the nadial complex. The Nadial Complex is the etheric neurological center, it is the blueprint for our Central Nervous System and its instruction set in the Soul body. The Nadial Complex can be corrected from Alien Machinery, implants when the body is receiving artificial frequencies or harmful messaging running programs in the nervous system. Practicing the Microcosmic Orbit Scanning procedure starts with breathing and focusing on the Tailbone, slowly running up the back of the spine and down the front channel, while looking for or sensing energetic weakness. When energetic weakness is found, intend to correct weakness and use mental focus to say, ‘Correct nadial control panel’ or ‘correct nadial complex’. The Microcosmic orbit is the circular energetic flow moving up the spine which completes a moving circuit at the perineum. Because the spine and spinal nerves, CNS are the main control factor of every function in the body, this exercise is suggested to strengthen the energy moving in the center channel. Practice scanning for energetic weaknesses and focusing upon the main central channel, following the micro cosmic orbit path on the main energy channels, to complete and strengthen the internal energy circuit, place the tip of the tongue on the upper palate while continuing to focus on strengthening the circular movement in the main channel.”

~Lisa Renee

Using your inner vision, slowly scan up the tailbone moving up the channel to sense any weakness or blockage. In this channel, we are leaving past timelines that may be lodged in the energy circuits and chakras of the body. Entity or dark possession will have etheric cords in the back channel, and up the spinal cord.

Continue the scan moving focus own the front of the body center channel. Visualize the channel moving circuit of energy in the complete microcosmic orbit. Intend to check for weakness in the tailbone, neck, hara, and umbilicus cord for implants or blocks. Life force is stolen through high risk behaviors such as vaginal or anal sex with a negative energy person of possessed person (succubus or incubus). There are eight meridian channels that meet at the rectum that are used to siphon life force by dark entities.

Focus your mind upon the natural movement of the kundalini, which starts in the back tailbone (male principle), moves up the spine, past the neck, stops at the top lip and changes polarity moving down the front of the body (female principle) from the top lip to the tailbone. This circular movement of energy is the “Microcosmic Orbit”, of which all life force moves in our central column or hara line. By focusing your mind gently in meditation on its natural circular movement, intend to move and clear blockages as you strengthen the inner pathway of the life force flow.

To ignite and run the circuits of this complex, many levels of the architecture and grids of the planetary network must be either repaired, rehabilitated or demolished, to rebuild the new foundational structure. Over the last 60 days there have been sequential events leading to this process of demolition and implosion in order to rehabilitate and reconnect necessary axiatonal lines, spinning grid points and various vortexes. This is exactly like being exposed to a massive construction worksite, with demolition in progress, and where there are an incredible amount of circumstances that are interdependent to these projects that have multiple implications.

Some of us will be more sensitive to the flying energetic debris than others, it depends on your unique role and genetic package. Like being a construction worker on a work site, we need to be wearing a hard helmet, protective gear and goggles, as there is debris, trash, waste, pollution, fallout and confused people all scattering about in the middle of the worksite. Wear your 12D Shield! This is a time to remain calm in the middle of the chaos, better conserving and directing your energies, protecting your bodies and aligning to the highest frequencies within your heart. Finding the stillness in the center of the tornado is what we are called to do, with proper evolutionary context. As we find the inner stillness and mental calm, there is an incredible amount of support and activation into the higher intelligence of the heart-brain complex that we can rebuild and attune to within ourselves.

The areas of the skull, cheeks, eyebrows, neck, jaw, including the crown, third eye, pineal, and pituitary glands may be present in one’s awareness. We have many physical and energetic body changes happening now. Many changes are being felt in the energy centers of our head, skull and brain as the Monadic flame ignites these centers of the heart-brain complex.

Now as you bring your focus to completing an entire circuit of the Microcosmic Orbit — When you focus your attention from the tailbone and moving up your spine, bring conscious awareness that these energy centers on the back side of your spine that move behind your body and up the backside represent your connections to the past, the connections you have to the people of the past, such as ancestors, family, and those experiences as well as connections made into the past timelines and artificial timelines. Sometimes what we are leaving behind in the past, such as our past memories of being hurt or where we were implanted with fear, these energies are still connected into that past event in time and this energy substance lodges into the energy circuits of our body. We are intending to leave behind and clear connections to past records that are harmful to our spiritual growth forward, and to leave behind artificial, false or inorganic timelines in which we experienced in the past.

Bring to mind your masculine right side, focusing your attention upon your right-hand palm. See your right-hand palm open and outstretched, looking into the center of your palm. In the center of your palm now imagine the bi-wave symbol, the Vesica Pisces symbol as a multidimensional light hologram, see this symbol floating as a light hologram in the center of your right palm.

Bring to mind your female left side, focusing your attention upon your left-hand palm. See your left-hand palm open and outstretched, looking into the center of your palm. In the center of your palm now imagine the tri-wave symbol, the trinity wave symbol as a multidimensional light hologram, see this symbol floating as a light hologram in the center of your left palm. I Lovingly Accept the Male and Female within Me. I AM Perfect Balance.

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE ~ Meditation: “Heart Brain Unification in Empathy”

In this meditation we will hold our intention to support the unification between our heart and brain functions through Empathy, in order to achieve the highest expression of coherence and unity within our body.

Now as you take another deep inhaling breath focused at the same time on your heart and your brain, sensing the deeper feelings and energies of the Spirit of Empathy connected to your heart and brain.

Connect and grow larger the pink light in your breath to fill your heart and brain linking them together.

As you exhale see the pink light try to saturate your entire heart complex and head and brain in the Spirit of Empathy through its pink pastel light.

As you exhale your breath, the spirit, color and feeling of empathy exhales out from your mouth and fills your head links with your brain, while the pink light of empathy resides in your heart.

Sense the light pink and goldish hue of light glowing and growing in your heart center and brain center with your inhaling and exhaling breath.

Continue a nice steady pattern of breathing, and sensing the spirit and feeling of Empathy connecting in your heart and in your brain.

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Reuniting with Holy Father”

“Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our sustenance, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into falsity, and deliver us from the bondage of darkness. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.”

We intend to Identify, Locate, Remove and Repair the subconscious mind aspects which inflict negative ego delusions, inflict mental bondage of pain and suffering in any part of the spiritual and energetic layers from the False Father (FKOT) mind control programs through the entire course of this treatment. We bring to our immediate attention the Heart of Australia, in your inner vision, see yourself travelling to the center of the Australian continent to the large sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory in central Australia called Uluru. Intend to ask permission of the Gatekeepers to enter the Mother Arc Gates of the Alpha and Omega, the place where time has no beginning and no end. Beloved Father God, through your compassionate witness and hand, I ask to be reunited with you in perfect trust, perfect faith and perfect virtue to reflect the Holy Spirit and the virtues within your highest expression and image. Beloved Holy Father, please help me to know of you directly in my heart and mind, to gain trust with your true presence, please help me to heal my spiritual fears, from the pain I have endured in my mind, in my heart, in my body and in my spirit, on this earthly plane. Holy Father, all deceiving and interfering spiritual oppression or demonic essences and their impostor spirit structures and programs are cast out of my body in your Holy Presence and Christ Name permanently completely and totally, I accept and allow the power and healing of Father Gods eternal light as the plasmic spirit of Christ to unite me with the Holy presence of Father God.

Meditation Transcript

Beloved Holy Presence of God- In Pure Love Open All channels of light, clear all light fibers to be fully connected and resonant with the Eternal Living Light Code.

Set Space

We call Upon Our Group Avatar Christos Spirits and God Selves, The Guardians, Aurora Families and Guardian Mentor Band, The Krystal Star Matrix aligned to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of GOD’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony. We command this space as sacred in the name of God and consecrated to the service of the One Source Light.

Connect to Inner Core

a. Authentically declare your Intention from your Heart to resolve authority issues and defer your Ego to Serve God/Oneness

b. Declare intention: My declaration of intention is to serve my Source. I commit to serve my highest power, fully, completely and totally, I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free!

c. Activate your Inner Spirit and Core Shield (12D Shield field Hub)

d. From within your 12D Hub, create the Hub Handshake with Unity Intelligence/Krystal Star

e. Boundary Test (I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free! GSF)

Statement Of Prayer

Beloved Presence of Holy Father, Through your compassionate witness and hand, I ask to be reunited with you in perfect trust, perfect faith and perfect virtue to reflect the Holy Spirit and the virtues within your highest expression and image. Beloved Holy Father, please help me to know of you directly in my heart and mind, to gain trust with your true presence, please help me to heal my spiritual fears, from the pain I have endured in my mind, in my heart, in my body and in my spirit, on this EARTHLY PLANE…..with these words NOW I intend to consecrate and dedicate all levels of my identity, all levels of my intelligence, all levels of my heart and spirit, all levels of the gift of my life to serve the goodness, the glory, the truth of my relationship with you, the Holy Father.

May this intention and blessing be wished through the Father’s Prayer which I dedicate now:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our sustenance, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into falsity, and deliver us from the bondage of darkness. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.

Through my inner spirit and Avatar Christos, I request that which is my eternal nature and Holy Self, to be commanded in the Natural Laws of God, and to which I resign and renounce all unnatural laws and structures that have been unintentionally made within my entire living existence, throughout all time and space. I choose to be made whole, I choose to be made in my highest expression to God, and I ask my Holy relationship to Father God be revealed to me personally in Truth, In Love, In Eternal Light and Nature that I believe and know with all of my heart is the Only Thing that is Real. Holy Father, please consecrate my body, mind, and spirit, please deliver my Inner Child from the bondage of pain and suffering. With all of my heart, with all of my might, with all of my mind, I pray to be released and relieved of the bondage of the False Father the False King of Tyranny, to restore the correct Rod function as aligned to Christos and end any confusion from not knowing who you really are.

I ask with all of my heart to be shown directly who my real Father is in this LIFE ON THIS EARTH, and that my relationship to the Heavenly father, that my relationship to the Holy Father Arc, be revealed in my heart in your perfect alignment, in divine right order and harmony throughout all of my EARTHLY LIFE. Holy FATHER, NOW and ALWAYS…. I PLACE MY TRUST WITH YOU… I PLACE MY HEART AT THE ALTAR OF YOUR HEART… I AM ONE WITH MY REAL FATHER IN GOD.

Holy Father, Remove all structures of False Father deception, remove all structures of illusion, remove all structures of ego mind walls, terminate all artifices of Victim, Victimizer and Bullying from any person, place or thing… human or nonhuman, any spiritual force which separate my existence from experiencing your direct love, protection, security and compassionate hand in directing my life. Please Guide me now through the Reorganization in divine perfection and timing, please through these intentions Resurrect my Personal Tree of Life to represent the True Holy Father of Infinite Love and Compassion, terminating all substructures and dark matter architecture that contains the False King of Tyranny programming and their impostor light and false structures of ego and corruption.


Holy Father, All deceiving and interfering spiritual oppression, demonic essences and their impostor spirit structures and Fallen Angelic programs are cast out of my body and returned in your HOLY PRESENCE AND CHRIST NAME, permanently completely and totally, I accept and allow the power and healing of FATHER Gods eternal light as the plasmic spirit of Christ to unite me with the HOLY presence of FATHER God. Every personality, identity, multiple personality, alter, generational or ancestral identity located in any time and space, any identity that has inhabited this body in any shape or form, I terminate any legal agreement and energetic law that serves demonic spirits or harmful entities, from pre-birth, birth, childhood, teenage-hood and adulthood through the act of my personal will NOW to choose self-determination for my core spirit to unite with my TRUE FATHER GOD– I choose sanity, wholeness, integration and healing as the perfected truth inside my body, mind and spirit which I know is made in Gods image. I am the Cosmic Sovereign Law Made Manifest!

From Today and in ALL TIME I dedicate my body, mind, spirit, personalities and all essences of being to the service of God and the power of the living spirit of Christ. Holy Mother, Holy Father, Holy Christ, may the sacred trinity ignite your powerful healing spirits within my heart and body to propel me to purity, and perfection in the highest expression and True Light of God. Now bring your focus back to your physical body, feel your consciousness returning back from the root areas and moving upward to expand back into the full witness presence of your heart complex, and feeling your heart compass, allow the compass of your heart to return you back to center, back to core, return you back to present time, return you back to your station and residence in your Now Self.

As you feel back in the present time, confirm, I AM ONE WITH MY TRUE FATHER, AS HE IS ONE WITH ME THROUGHOUT ETERNITY.

Beloved God we ask for all human beings on this earth to be a knower of their soul and to release the burdens of humanities servitude to false light, false power through deception and hatred. We pray for all humanity and this planet, for peace, love, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness, in so that every being may find its way back home to the living light. Please comfort those who are in great pain, so that they may come to know peace, and therefore know the perfect peace of God’s love existing within the Christ consciousness.

I harmonize and HOLD this space in the name of One Self God Self. AS witness of One, I seal this into the Light of Union of Wholeness in Service to the One Self. Take this through the Morphogenetic Field and subtle energy systems on all levels and components of the Being. Fully, Completely, Totally. Seal our bodies as consecrated to the Eternal Light of God Source, and our Family of Oneness. Beloveds, we thank you for this Opportunity. It is with great joy and reverence we are Home in the Light. Our Infinite Stream of Love is with you in ALL ways. I Seal this Session Container into the Light of Wholeness and Union. And SO it is. THANK YOU!


Reuniting with Holy Father Meditation, December 2013

See Also:

Mother Arc Hubs

~via Ascension Glossary