NEZEL PADAYHAG: “10 Ways To Strengthen The Love Within Your Family”

“The best ideal for unity is love.”

~Nezel Padayhag


Every family is a building block in the society we live in. In order to have a strong and loving society, we must ensure that it starts with the family.

Love is what keeps a family strong and intact. Without love, a family can’t stand the tests of time. No relationship can.

This doesn’t mean that because you have genuine love, conflicts would no longer arise. On the contrary, genuine love can be tough but is not conditioned.

Family love is a safe haven for unconditional love. Unconditional love means even if there are arguments and fighting at times, your love for each other stays the same.

The stronger the bond of love we can create within the family, the better and more loving society we can constitute. Here are some ways you can strengthen the love of your family.

10 Ways To Strengthen The Love Within Your Family


1. Include some form of spirituality.

Whatever you and your family believe in, include some form of spirituality within your home and your interactions. Have a mutual ideal that you all follow, so even if your beliefs are different, you can meet at this ideal. The best ideal for unity is love.

2. Eat together.

The dining table is the best place to share exciting experiences. Eating together can be hell if your relationships are difficult, if you can’t handle each other. However, that’s exactly why eating together is important, it highlights all the areas you need to work on.

3. Let others feel loved and accepted.

When you interact with your family, it’s much more important to let them feel loved and be kind, than be right, even if you really are right and they are wrong. The most important ingredient is love and your relationship is about love, not about who is right.

4. Go somewhere together.

Taking a trip together, even if it’s for just one day, can bring you much closer. Sometimes it’s the environment you always interact with that stimulates bad behavior and irritates old wounds. Changing the environment can give you a different perspective of who they are.

When you laugh with someone you are bonding with them on a deeper level. And laughing with your siblings can be more healing than you can even imagine.

5. Laugh together.

When you laugh with someone you are bonding with them on a deeper level. And laughing with your siblings can be more healing than you can even imagine.

6. Set strong boundaries for yourself.

In order to be open with our family and love them freely, without getting drained of our energy it’s important to have strong boundaries. You need to let your family know the importance of your boundaries. Show respect, trust and honesty so they can show it back.

7. Nurture the relationship with each other.

Have weekly hang outs with your family. If you can’t do it once per week do it once per two weeks. Spend an extra bonding time with each member in the family to make them feel special. Maintain your relationships.

8. Don’t gossip or keep secrets from each other.

Keeping secrets within your family and gossiping is going to rust your family apart. Secrets and gossip create bonding but in a form of triangulation, you are bonding with one member while using another member as the topic for the conversation, as a punching bag.

9. Talk about things that matter.

Instead of small talk, gossip and shallow conversations, or topics that lead you to argue with each other, speak about things that are real. Speak about your feelings, speak about what really matters to you, what you are passionate about. That’s what family is for.

10. Do not try to change anyone.

Nobody is perfect. And yeah, some family members might function with an old, really outdated operating system. But it’s not your job to change them, it’s not their job to change you either. Accept each other with all your flaws and try to love who you are.

A home that is full of love is felt not only by adults but also by babies.



NANICE ELLIS: “Are You In A Chaotic Or Energy-Sucking Relationship?”

Are you in a chaotic or energy-sucking relationship? If so, you need to know about the social/relationship disorder known as “Amorphia”!

Do you have a friend, partner or parent who spews their emotions, crosses boundaries or manipulates the relationship according to their needs? If so, they may be suffering from the social/relationship disorder called Amorphia!

The term “Amorphia” is derived from the word amorphous which means “indefinite character without defined shape or form; lacking clear structure, boundaries or focus.”

Although the word “amorphous” is most commonly used to describe undefined circumstances or shapeless substances, such as clouds or chemicals, people can also have amorphous tendencies. In fact, in many cases, amorphous behaviors can turn into a social dysfunction that negatively affects relationships.

Even though I usually prefer to avoid labels, I also know that it’s impossible to heal a relationship without first identifying the core issue. As a result, I have personally coined the term “Amorphia” to describe this relationship dynamic.

So, what exactly is Amorphia?

You know all those people who drain your energy? Well, in all likelihood, many of them suffer from some degree of Amorphia, and, therefore, they can be defined as “Amorphics”! Although severe Amorphics are often described as “energy sucking vampires,” in most cases, the signs and symptoms of Amorphia are more subtle.

Although Amorphia can manifest as a wide range of behaviors, it can be defined as the misuse and abuse of energy, and this means that Amorphic people are not responsible with their energy (aka emotions, behaviors actions, etc…).

For instance:

  • Amorphics are often unpredictable and unable to commit to even simple choices, and because they have poor follow through, many don’t honor the commitments or choices they do make.
  • Amorphics often display inconsistent behavior and cannot be pinned down, and because they want to keep their options open, they may say one thing and do another.
  • While having poor boundaries, Amorphics frequently shift responsibility and use their emotions to manipulate others.
  • Since many Amorphics don’t value other people’s time and energy, they’re known to be insensitive or undependable (they are often late for appointments).
  • Amorphics can change their mind in a flash without any discussion; not even communicating with those involved.

Even though many Amorphics don’t understand how their behavior negatively affects others, the combination of mixed messages and broken promises results in ongoing arguments and chaotic relationships.

Chances are, if someone is not consciously using their energy, they’re unconsciously abusing it!

Projectors vs. Sponges

Although Amorphia can show up in many different ways, Amorphics can be divided into two distinct categories:

  • Amorphic Projectors
  • Amorphic Sponges

While Amorphic Sponges absorb, distort and/or project energy, they are more likely to be overly sensitive “people pleasers,” and while Amorphic Projectors project and distort energy, they are noticeably insensitive and more likely to develop narcissistic tendencies.

Amorphic Sponges seek approval, acceptance, appreciation, validation, etc…, and in order to get one or more of these emotional needs met, they may change their behavior to please others; this often results in self-suppression and disempowerment.

Amorphic Projectors seek respect and recognition in order to feel superior, and they always have to be right. Since they have to control the energy in any room or relationship, they often use their energy to over-power and suppress others.

While Amorphic Sponges need others to lift them up, Amorphic Projectors use others to lift them up.

The 4 Dynamics of Amorphia

Despite their differences, Projectors and Sponges share many common traits, and, in fact, they both misuse their energy in the same four ways.

So, unless otherwise specified, the following applies to both types of Amorphics.

#1 – Emotions

Both Amorphic Projectors and Amorphic Sponges project their energy through emotions — often using their emotions to manipulate others. While Amorphic Projectors are more likely to project anger, frustration, etc… and Amorphic Sponges are more likely to project sadness, disappointment, etc…, guilt and obligation are commonly used by both.

Since Amorphics project their energy/emotions onto others, if they’re feeling something, they want others to feel it too, and, in fact, it’s common for Amorphics to make other people responsible for their emotions. For example, it’s common to hear Amorphics say things like, “You made me angry.” By spewing blame and disappointment, they also make others responsible for their happiness.

Although some Amorphics wear their emotions on their sleeves, many are emotionally unavailable and hide their emotions. It’s also common for Amorphics to be emotionally reactive and quickly jump to conclusions. So, if something goes right, they’re happy, and if something goes wrong, they’re distraught.

Moreover, Amorphics may try to enroll others in their story by chronically validating their fears with “horror stories,” thereby manipulating people to feel what they feel. For example, if an Amorphic person is afraid of dogs, they may frequently share stories about random dog attacks.

Although Amorphics may spew their fears without ulterior motives, many intentionally provoke fear in order to control a partner’s, friend’s or child’s choices. For instance, to convince a partner not to go out with friends after work, an Amorphic partner may start talking about a local crime trend.

Furthermore, the Amorphic Sponge is an “energetic sponge” who takes on other people’s energy, emotions, and drama, and this means that if a friend or relative is sad, they’re sad. As a result, many Amorphic Sponges are ungrounded and emotionally unstable. In fact, they may expect a significant other to ground them or play the responsible adult.

On the other hand, the Amorphic Projector often diverts other people’s energy and may not seem to care how anyone feels — this dynamic results in, what appears to be, self-righteousness and a lack of compassion.

#2 – Responsibility

Rather than taking responsibility for their own lives, it’s common for both types of Amorphics to shift responsibility. Therefore, instead of taking responsibility for bad choices or negative circumstances, Amorphics either portray themselves as victims or justify their behavior with excuses.

By making others responsible for their feelings, they naturally project expectations, and when those expectations are not met, they project blame and disappointment.

So, no matter what happens, they have a distorted sense of responsibility.

However, even though Amorphics don’t take responsibility for their own lives, they may somehow believe that they have the right to manipulate others, and, when this is the case, they can either be over-protective people pleasers who feel responsible for everyone (aka Sponges) or over-bearing control freaks who always know best (aka Projectors)!

In addition to their emotions, Amorphics often manipulate others through judgment and blame, and if those strategies don’t work, threats and consequences are common. For instance, they might threaten to withhold love or approval, and if they don’t get their way, follow through accordingly. And, when all else fails, some Amorphics resort to suicidal threats, possibly escalating to tangible plans, and this means that the Amorphic person makes another person (usually a romantic partner) responsible for whether they live or die.

While Amorphic Sponges are more likely to hurt themselves, Amorphic Projectors are more likely to hurt others. Believing that they have the right to over-power or control another person, in extreme cases, Amorphic Projectors use their energy to violate others, and this can manifest as anything from bullying and verbal threats to physical violence.

Furthermore, whenever you see domestic violence, there’s always an Amorphic Projector acting as the abuser and an Amorphic Sponge portraying the victim.

#3 – Communication

By sharing too much information or asking inappropriate/personal questions, Amorphics can make people feel uncomfortable, and, furthermore, many Amorphics consistently ignore social signals.

On the other hand, in order to remain non-committal, some Amorphics share too little information. In fact, based on their needs or a desired outcome, Amorphics might omit pertinent information altogether, and, as a result, they’re often accused of lying.

Since the person who withholds information has greater power, their friends, relatives and colleagues are often at a disadvantage.

Furthermore, because Amorphic Projectors don’t consider the needs or wants of others, they often make choices without consulting those involved, and if they always have to be right, everyone else has to be wrong.

Not surprisingly, Amorphics often make their partners (and others) feel like they’re going crazy!

#4 – Boundaries

Both Amorphic Projectors and Amorphic Sponges have unclear boundaries, and many don’t know where they begin and others end.

While Amorphic Projectors may take advantage of others, Amorphic Sponges may allow people to take advantage of them.

Not knowing how to respect (or recognize) another person’s boundaries, both types of Amorphics often infringe their needs upon others, and this means that they may regularly expect help, support, money, etc…, and, in fact, they may chronically borrow money and default on promises of repayment.

Furthermore, if the Amorphic Sponge is emotionally needy or constantly seeking approval, others may experience his or her “energy” as an infringement in their space.

Since many Amorphics don’t respect privacy, they’re often found eaves-dropping or breaking into private emails. By getting into other people’s business, they frequently interfere where they don’t belong, and depending upon their intention, this can manifest as anything from unsolicited advice to downright manipulation. And, while the lines are blurred, this type of behavior can easily escalate into stalking.

Moreover, when Amorphics don’t respect physical space, it’s common for them to stand too close to other people or demonstrate inappropriate touching. On the other hand, it’s also common for Amorphic Projectors to hide behind a big wall, and by projecting “defensive energy,” keep everyone at a distance.

Additionally, with or without physical touching, some Amorphics use sexual energy as a form of manipulation, and in extreme cases, this can result in sexual harassment or assault.

By “manipulating” the boundaries of an intimate relationship, and justifying infidelity, Amorphics are more likely to cheat on their partners.

Role dysphoria is also common among Amorphics, and when this is the case, they may inappropriately take on the role of a parent or child.

The good news is that, in most cases, Amorphia has a cure!

Here’s How to Heal an Amorphic Relationship

If you’re in a relationship with an Amorphic, it’s safe to say that you’re in an Amorphic Relationship. However, once you understand the underlying dynamics, it’s possible to heal the relationship.

As the friends, partners and relatives of Amorphics, we often unknowingly perpetuate certain dynamics with our own behavior, and, therefore, by identifying and changing certain behaviors in ourselves, we have the power to heal our Amorphic Relationships.

So, if you’re the partner, friend or relative of an Amorphic, here’s what you need to do:

First, identify Amorphic patterns by pinpointing the ways in which Amorphia is showing up in your relationship.

Second, identify the hidden costs: energy draining, disruptive, frequent arguments, chaos, lack of intimacy, etc…

Third, identify your role in the Amorphic Relationship by answering the following questions:

  • Do you have unclear or non-existent boundaries?
  • Do you ever undermine your own worth?
  • Do you feel responsible for the Amorphic and his or her feelings?
  • Are you a people pleaser who doesn’t want to disappoint others?
  • Do you ever change, or hide, certain behaviors in exchange for approval or acceptance?
  • Do you ever change, or hide, certain behaviors in order to avoid guilt?
  • Do you ever change, or hide, certain behaviors in order to avoid someone’s anger, frustration or disappointment?
  • Are you afraid of consequences and threats (especially from the Amorphic Projector)?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you’ve spotlighted, at least, some of the ways in which you might be perpetuating an Amorphic Relationship.

Fourth, if you want to change an Amorphic’s behavior and heal an Amorphic Relationship, you must first change complementary behaviors in yourself!

For example, when it comes to an Amorphic partner, friend or parent:

  • Don’t be a people pleaser.
  • Don’t try to prove your worth.
  • Don’t allow yourself to be controlled by emotions.
  • Don’t be manipulated by guilt and obligation.
  • Don’t change or hide certain behaviors to avoid an Amorphic’s anger, disappointment, etc…
  • Don’t take responsibility for an Amorphic’s
  • Don’t take responsibility for an Amorphic’s
  • Don’t change your behavior in exchange for approval or acceptance.
  • Don’t inhibit your behavior because you’re afraid of consequences or threats.
  • If you believe that you’re in a dangerous situation, get professional help to get out.

Boundaries are Non-Negotiable!

Furthermore, if you’re in a relationship with an Amorphic, set and enforce clear boundaries. Since you can’t assume that someone will know exactly what you mean, always spell it out!

For example:

  • If you want your privacy respected, be perfecting clear that it includes no snooping, ease-dropping and interfering.
  • If you want to create positive and upbeat relationships, set a boundary that says no judgment or negativity.
  • If you want others to value your time, request that they keep their commitments, arrive on time and communicate changes promptly.

When one of your boundaries is crossed, make sure to respond immediately. If you wait to talk about it, your Amorphic partner, friend of relative might deny that it ever happened or reinterpret the event. Therefore, immediately pinpoint the Amorphic behavior and clearly state the boundary that’s been crossed — be clear and decisive without getting into a debate.

Remember, if you want others to respect your boundaries, you must also respect theirs.

Last but not least, cultivate the ability to say “no” and always be “at choice” for all you do and don’t do.

No doubt, it can take time to transform an Amorphic Relationship, and some relationships may need to end, but with love and patience, many relationships can endure — and even thrive.

With grace & gratitude,



VERNON HOWARD: “20 Powerful Secrets To Meaningful Relationships”

The following twenty powerful relationship secrets is an excerpt from Mystic Path to Cosmic Power, by Vernon Howard

20 Powerful Secrets To Meaningful Relationships

1. When two people meet, the prize always goes to the one with the most self-insight. He will be calmer, more confident, more at ease with the other.

2. Never permit the behavior of other people to tell you how you feel.

3. Pay little attention to what people say or do. Instead, try to see their innermost motive for speaking and acting.

4. Any friendship requiring the submission of your original nature and dignity to another person is all wrong.

5. Mystically speaking, there is no difference between you and another person. This is why we cannot hurt another without hurting ourselves, nor help another without helping ourselves.

6. When we are free of all unnecessary desires toward other people, we can never be deceived or hurt.

7. You take a giant step toward psychological maturity when you refuse to angrily defend yourself against unjust slander. For one thing, resistance disturbs your own peace of mind.

8. You understand others to the exact degree that you really understand yourself. Work for more self-knowledge.

9. Do not be afraid to fully experience everything that happens to you in your human relations, especially the pains and disappointments. Do this and everything becomes clear at last.

10. The individual who really knows what it means to love has no anxiety when his love is unseen or rejected.

11. If you painfully lose a valuable friend, do not rush out at once for a replacement. Such action prevents you from examining your heartache and breaking free of it.

12. Do not be afraid to be a nobody in a social world. This is a deeper and richer truth than appears on the surface.

13. Every unpleasant experience with another person is an opportunity to see people as they are, not as we mistakenly idealize them. The more unpleasant the other person is, the more he can teach you.

14. You can be so wonderfully free from a sense of injury and injustice that you are surprised when you hear others complain of them.

15. We cannot recognize a virtue in another person that we do not possess in ourselves. It takes a truly loving and patient person to recognize those virtues in another.

16. Do not mistake desire for love. Desire leaves home in a frantic search for one gratification after another. Love is at home with itself.

17. There are parts of you that want the loving life and parts that do not. Place yourself on the side of the positive forces: do all you can to aid and encourage them.

18. You must stop living timidly from fixed fears of what others will think of you and of what you will think of yourself.

19. Do not contrive to be a loving person: work to be a real person. Being real is being loving.

20. The greatest love you could ever offer to another is to so transform your inner life that others are attracted to your genuine example of goodness.



NENA: “If Someone In Your Life Possesses These Characteristics It’s Best To Stay Away From Them”

“Whatever the reason narcissists and sociopaths mistreat you and try to convince you that you are the problem, it’s time to end this. Making plans for the future with such person is like trying to walk through a brick wall — impossible and dangerous for your health and wellbeing.”



Being in a relationship with a narcissist or a sociopath is difficult on many levels, but one of the most ironic and infuriating things is when they try to convince you that you are the one who is crazy.

You would think how they can use psychology against anyone when they have so many psychological problems? And, why do they do that over and over again?

Before telling you the two possible reasons why narcissists and sociopaths shift the blame on you, here are some of their personality traits explained by Psychology Today.

Personality Traits of Narcissists

—A sense of self-importance (wants and expects to be seen as superior to others regardless of the level of their achievements)

—Preoccupation with success, power, beauty, brilliance

—The belief that they are special and can’t be understood by “common” people

—Interpersonally exploitative

—Lack of empathy

—Arrogance, envy, haughty behavior

Personality Traits of Sociopaths

Sociopaths possess some of the characteristics of narcissists, plus the following:


—Inability to conform to social norms




—Lack of remorse and financial commitments

—Disregard for the safety of those around you

So, if you have someone in your life that possesses these characteristics, it’s best to stay away from them. And, if that person happens to be your partner, well you are in a toxic relationship.

These kinds of people will do everything until you believe you are the problem and them. You may tirelessly look for the “wrong” part of your character, but the truth is, you’ll never find it.

So, the question is, why do they do that?

Reason #1 — Their Superiority Complex

Narcissists have a superiority complex which makes them believe they are faultless. They can’t accept that they have done something wrong so somehow they always find a way to make you responsible.

That’s because they are manipulators just like sociopaths are. They will make you believe it’s your fault and not theirs. Even if you don’t accept the blame, you’ll find yourself analyzing the situation over and over to see if you did or said something wrong.

Even though no one is perfect, the very fact that you are worrying if you are the sociopath or narcissist in the relationship makes you aware of the problem – something that no sociopath or narcissist does.

Reason #2 —Transferring Their Issues on You

That’s why they often include their psychosis too. They see you as the one who’s dishonest, manipulative, and with lack of empathy and describe you as such in front of others.

But, you can’t change someone’s perception of you, so don’t even try to fight against it. Instead, let go and move on.

Final Words

Whatever the reason narcissists and sociopaths mistreat you and try to convince you that you are the problem, it’s time to end this. Making plans for the future with such person is like trying to walk through a brick wall — impossible and dangerous for your health and wellbeing.

Being stuck in a relationship with a narcissist or sociopath can cause huge emotional damage. That’s why it’s crucial that you leave that person as soon as possible.

Leave them without a chance to persuade you to stay because they will succeed thanks to their manipulative skills. And, once you leave them, stop communicating with them. Don’t answer their calls and block their social media profile.

Otherwise, they will try to trick you into believing them. If you have kids together, consult a qualified therapist to work out a “parenting plan.”




GUSTAVO CASTANER: “Relationship Mastery — Parts I & II”


Relationship Mastery Part I

Let’s begin by explaining what relationship mastery Is NOT.  Relationship mastery is not the absence of emotions and never experiencing any drama or challenges in a relationship.  The spiritual bypass of relationship “mastery” will have you believe that a conscious relationship is one where both individuals are “cool, calm and collected” all the time and there are no arguments between them.  This view of relationship mastery can only lead you to a numb relationship void of passion and individuated uniqueness.

Relationship mastery is really all about closing the gap between unconscious re-actions and being in a state of absolute presence.  What I mean by this is that often in relationships we will say or do things in an unconscious manner when something within us becomes triggered, usually an unresolved past analogical event (related to anger, sadness, fear, pain, etc.), and we project this onto the present moment.  Usually once we go unconscious and experience a re-action, after a period of time has passed we will go back to the event or experience and reflect upon it.  During this time of reflection we have the opportunity to become conscious of our own unconscious behaviors and can gain insight on how we were wrong, how we failed to take responsibility, how we projected our own beliefs or how poor was our choice of words for example.  Most important, during this state of reflection is where we gain insight on how different we can choose to act the next time a similar event occurs and therefore be able to change the outcome, hopefully into a more peaceful, joyful and loving one.

The gap between when we go unconscious and when we become conscious again will vary from person to person.  Some people in fact are “never” able to reflect upon their unconsciousness (ultimately we all do, even if it happens at the moment of our death), but most of us usually will reflect on a past unconscious re-action within months, weeks, days or a few hours.  The quicker you are able to snap out of unconsciousness and go back to a state of consciousness in order to gain full awareness of what really took place within you, the other person and the event as a whole, the more relationship mastery you will have.  The ultimate goal is to close the gap to such a degree where you can consciously see yourself going unconscious at any given moment.  This divine dichotomy of being in an unconscious state while at the same time being conscious of your own unconsciousness as the automatic reactions occur is what allows you to disengage from the past identities you have created and become fully present.  This state is what is known as the witness consciousness and it is through this state of awareness that your blind spots and the nature of your unresolved issues are revealed.

What then are the steps to close the gap between your unconsciousness and being in a state of presence?

1.  Tracking- keeping a journal and meditation
2.  Energetic clearings

Tracking is the art of monitoring your thoughts, feelings and choices.  A great way to track yourself is by having a journal where every day you go back, review your day and write down what happened, how you felt, what were your thoughts and how you acted or reacted.  Another great way I track myself is by sitting quietly in meditation and reflecting upon my day.  By changing my brainwaves to alpha and theta I can enter a state of whole brain thinking and meta-consciousness which allows me to see myself and events with greater clarity.  But sometimes tracking ourselves through meditation or keeping a journal is not enough, because even though we gain awareness of the destructive patterns which are no longer serving us, soon after we find ourselves having another similar or identical unconscious re-action.  This signals that we are in a karmic loop and that there is an energetic blockage from this or a previous lifetime that is causing the unconscious behavior.  This is why traditional psychology and other types of therapy fail to deliver permanent results, because even though awareness is a crucial step is only the beginning towards long lasting change.

By connecting to my Higher Self or the Higher Self of another person I am not only able to sense the unconscious patterns but energetically disengage the SOURCE of those unconscious re-actions: past analogical events, soul fragments, auric attachments, cords of attachments, karmic imprints, and layers of the emotional pain body or other energetic blockages.  I have found that energetic clearings are the fastest way to transcend any issue that is causing pain, suffering, stress, worry or fear and discover the pearls of wisdom contained within those issues.

Once you clear the source of the unconscious re-actions the next time a similar event occurs, if it occurs at all, you won’t become triggered (because you already transmuted the energetic blockages that were causing the re-action in the first place) it will be easier to remain in a state of presence and make more conscious and higher choices.  Another great thing about clearing these energetic blockages is that because the low frequency that was contained within them is no longer in your field, your frequency instantly rises and you attract a higher grid of people, places, times, things and events.

Track yourself every day and notice how long is the gap between the time you go unconscious and experience an automatic re-action and the time you regain full awareness of your-Self.  Of course depending on the issue you will be more conscious in certain areas of your life and relationships and more unconscious in others.

Relationship Mastery Part II

Is your relationship the same when you are feeling stressed, worried, drained or depressed as compared to when you are feeling joyful, grateful, ecstatic and energized?  Of course not!  That is why managing your state is a HUGE determining factor when it comes to the quality of your relationships.

So what determines your state at any give moment?

1.  Your physiology

2.  Your focus

3.  Your words (story you tell yourself and others)

4.  What you eat


Let’s begin by explaining how your physiology has a direct effect on how you feel at any given moment.  Think about the times you have felt depressed and now ask yourself the following questions:  How was your overall posture?  Was your back straight, your head up and shoulders wide?  Or was your back curved, your face looking down and your breathing shallow?  The answer is obvious, right?  People who are depressed have a very distinct physiological patterns and non verbal cues that constantly send a message “I am depressed.” as they walk along dragging their feet and mumble to themselves.  You have probably seen a friend, co-worker or family member with this type of physiology and even before they tell you anything you asked them “Are you all right?  Is something going on?”  That is because people don’t get depressed, people PRACTICE depression.

Harvard researcher Amy Cuddy has studied the effect certain body postures have on the sense of personal power a person can feel at any given moment.  In her research she found that there are specific body postures that will almost instantly increase your confidence and sense of personal power.  Now think of what type of physiology do people that are happy, confident and energetic have?  How do they walk, breathe, move their arms and talk?  When was the last time you saw someone almost floating when walking, swinging their arms, singing out loud, with a huge smile on their face and you asked them “Did you fall in love or what?”  Most people think that how we feel emotionally will determine how we will behave physically and this is true, but its not a one way street.  Scientific research has proven that by changing your physiology you can change how you feel mentally and emotionally.  You can literally condition yourself to feel whatever you desire to feel by behaving as if you were already feeling like that.  What this means is that you can fall in love once again with your current partner by acting as if you were madly in love… indeed love is a verb.


The second factor that will determine your state at any given moment is your focus.  Where was your focus when you felt depressed, in the present, past or future?  People who are depressed tend to focus on the past, more specifically past painful, stressful and traumatic events.  This way they continue to re-live the past and project it onto the present moment.  What you focus on will immediately affect your physiology.  If you make a conscious effort to focus on and imagine a very fearful situation you would notice how your body gets tense.  Science has shown that our nervous system doesn’t know the difference between what we imagine or see in our minds eye and what actually happens in real life, the nervous system reacts the same way.  On the other side of the spectrum when you are completely focused on the present moment or imagining a brilliant future filled with positive outcomes this will change your state for the better.  Now, when it comes to relationships if you are constantly focusing on past painful events or something your partner did to you and you keep re-playing this over and over again, it will negatively affect your state.  The same goes with the relationship you have with yourself, are you focusing on your past mistakes or failures and feeling guilty or ashamed?  Or are you focusing on your strengths, your unlimited potential and how you can create the greatest version of yourself?


Have you ever heard a group of people tell their own version of what happened during an event and heard 2, 3 or 4 different versions?  Let’s say that a group of people got lost during a wild safari in Africa, their Jeep broke down and they had to spend the night in the middle of nowhere.  The next day they all go back to camp and one person tells the story of how this was one of the most horrifying experiences of his life while another says it was the greatest adventure for him and that he had never felt so alive.  Same experience, two different stories.  In the same way the stories we tell ourselves and other people will have a great impact on our state.  Based on our past relationship experience do we tell the story of a victim who was abused, betrayed or rejected or do we tell a story filled with experiences of learning, growing and breakthrough.  What stories do we tell ourselves and other people about our partners?  And what tone of voice do we use to express ourselves and communicate with the ones we love?  Words should not be taken lightly, they are very powerful waves of energy that can shape our inner and outer reality.

Think before you speak:

T — Is it TRUE?

H — Is it HELPFUL?



K — Is it KIND?


Let’s face it, what you eat has a huge impact on how you feel at any give moment.  If your eating lifestyle is filled with nutrient deficient highly processed foods you are going to feel tired, sluggish, toxic and awful.  Do you think you can be as passionate and loving when you are feeling like this?  What you eat on a daily basis will affect how your brain and immune system function, how balanced are your hormones and you energy levels.  Scientists have confirmed that what you eat actually programs your DNA and your DNA is the form holding blueprint that expresses the totality of who you are.  Adding whole and unprocessed foods to your diet can not only enhance your physical state, but your emotional, mental and spiritual state as well. If you eat healthy you will feel healthy, it’s that simple.

Relationship mastery is all about managing your state.  Condition your physiology, direct your focus, choose your words, eat healthy and you will become a master of your state.




About the author:


Gustavo Castaner has been a leading authority in the field of DNA Activation, ascension and distant healing for over 8 years.  He is a international speaker, seminar leader and relationship strategist. He is a leading expert in a variety of fields including twin flame and soulmate manifestation, energy medicine, Indigo children, emotional mastery and distant healing. He has done over 10,000 one-on-one sessions and he is known to draw thousands of people from around the world to his online workshops including How to Manifest a 5th Dimensional Relationship, Cutting Cords of Attachments, and Golden DNA Activation. No matter how large the audience is, he has the ability to connect to each person’s Higher Self and perform energy clearings and DNA Activations for everyone. His mission is to assist people clear themselves of energetic blockages that prevent them from embodying their Higher Self, manifesting higher frequency relationships and live a life imbued with joy, peace, abundance and a sense of fulfillment. Gustavo’s vision is to see humanity’s ascension become a reality.  
