LISA RENEE on “Authentic Communication”

“In everyday communication it is very common that people engage in fake conversations to avoid facing conflicts or challenging topics, because they fear the ramifications from what they say. This is usually because the person feels unsafe, their nervous system is in Fight-Flight and they have to hide behind a façade, with a false identity that engages in Counterfeit Conversations. We begin to increase our ability to trust ourselves and live in alignment to our authentic nature when we start being fully present in our communications, by saying what we really mean in order to reflect our Personal Integrity. In considering the impact of choosing to participate in Counterfeit Conversations, this engages with the root of dishonesty when avoiding saying something that needs to be said when there are conflicts that need to be addressed. Ignoring the issues and dancing around the conflict when you know they are present, will only exacerbate the problem, inviting in dark forces of confusion and chaos.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Personal Integrity

Photo by Ascension Avatar (6-22-2018)

LISA RENEE: “False Identity”

“The false self or the False Identity is usually formed to generate inner walls in our unconscious mind as a result of unhealed painful trauma and fears. People in pain form opposite sets of compensating behaviors, which means they act out behaviors that are actually the opposite of who they really are. This is done to keep up appearances or meet externally perceived expectations, connected to their mental body enforced belief system. These compensating behaviors turn into fear based coping mechanisms in order to get through life, with people putting up a façade or false identity. They may be reduced to impersonating other people’s behaviors around them in order to feel safe, where other people’s behaviors become the mental body architecture that form the false identity mask that they show to the world. Essentially, the more in pain a person is the stronger their walls of separation or Amnesiac Barriers, which form attachments to belief systems or emotional conflicts recorded in the instinctual mind or Pain Body. When these attachments do not get what they want from how they have been associated and valued by the Conscious Mind, they are in a Perpetual State of Suffering through a case of false identification. Removing Suffering in the mind from forming attachments is the process of removing association and the assigned values, which color or cloud judgments through Ego Filters. The ego mind has such a small picture of what’s happening in the overall, that it perceives the situation from its own limited beliefs and confirmed bias.”

~Lisa Renee


When a person has not recovered their core self, they have no sense of who they really are and what provides meaning and connection in their life. As a result, the False Identity accepts the mind control in the 3D worldview that we exist in separation, and reinforces the fear based belief systems that are promoted in the Controller Pillars of Society.

Without a strong core self, we let other people think for us and many times, dominate our personal will. As a result, the lack of Personal Integrity and instability within the core self is easily swept away into the massive power of these external forces, such as in Mind Control.

Many people are feeling inner pressure as they are being forced to move past old 3D identities and let go of the false self. As a result of current shifts, all people are being pushed to recognize and feel the differences between the authentic core self and the false identities used to mask pain and Trauma. The only way to regain an understanding of Personal Integrity, is to know the difference between what is authentic to you and what is not, and stop repeatedly acting out those incongruent behaviors that are out of integrity.

The false self or the False Identity is usually formed to generate inner walls in our unconscious mind as a result of unhealed painful trauma and fears. People in pain form opposite sets of compensating behaviors, which means they act out behaviors that are actually the opposite of who they really are. This is done to keep up appearances or meet externally perceived expectations, connected to their mental body enforced belief system. These compensating behaviors turn into fear based coping mechanisms in order to get through life, with people putting up a façade or false identity. They may be reduced to impersonating other people’s behaviors around them in order to feel safe, where other people’s behaviors become the mental body architecture that form the false identity mask that they show to the world. When we allow others the power to dictate to our identity, we become lost, confused and very unhappy.

At this time it is important that we not seek to repair and reprogram the false identity mask of the Negative Ego’s pain, or that part of our lower mind that has compensated with behaviors to hide away our deepest fears that we are unlovable, worthless, or inadequate. It is time to break through the ego walls of separation and fear, to discover the true authentic core self through unconditional self-love and unconditional Self Acceptance.

If we exist in false identities and behave inauthentically, wearing masks in our everyday life, suppressing our true emotions and feelings, we are engaged in Counterfeit Conversations, and thus we are unable to discern what is real and what is false. If we contribute to fake conversations in order to maintain the status quo, we are choosing to behave in a form of dishonesty. This produces self-delusion from the lack of Personal Integrity, and a person that has not developed the core inner self has very little emotional stability and mental clarity.

To address our core negative beliefs and core wound, we must look to the frustrations and irritations we feel in everyday life, by listening to the inner dialogue we have that is negative about ourselves, negative about others, negative about our conditions. Many people’s core wound is generated in their earliest memories during childhood, and this emotional pain may have been defined in previous lifetimes in similar situations, when the same emotional theme played out and was not resolved and healed, it is replayed into this current lifetime. Drilling down into the core wound of unhealed emotional pain and fear, takes us into the classic case study of ego Walls of Separation, feeling disconnected from experiencing or feeling unconditional love and self-acceptance.

Each person will grow to develop their own Ego Defense Mechanisms that reinforce the experiences of separation, which take us away from giving or receiving unconditional love. When we live in fear our body constricts and we hold back our heart, suppressing our feelings, withholding authentic and truthful communication, which increases emotional and mental pain. When we live in a fearful state our body will constrict from tension, it will contract away from giving and receiving unconditional love, and this denial of self-love is the main cause of continuing to experience and accumulate emotional pain. Our beliefs around family and our connections to family lineages will give important insight and clues to the negative core beliefs and wounds that we are struggling with, that we have inherited from the False Parent.

If we hold a vision of humanity as eternal souls coming into the material reality to learn lessons to grow and purify ourselves spiritually, it is easier to see that most people have forgotten who they really are as they are wearing many false identity masks. It is rare today to meet with completely honest, balanced and authentic people that reflect Personal Integrity. Thus in this deeper reflection, we may have forgotten who we really are and come to realize that we are still bargaining away our Soul. [1]

Perpetual State of Suffering

Essentially, the more in pain a person is the stronger their walls of separation or Amnesiac Barriers, which form attachments to belief systems or emotional conflicts recorded in the instinctual mind or Pain Body. When these attachments do not get what they want from how they have been associated and valued by the Conscious Mind, they are in a Perpetual State of Suffering through a case of false identification. Removing Suffering in the mind from forming attachments is the process of removing association and the assigned values, which color or cloud judgments through Ego Filters. The ego mind has such a small picture of what’s happening in the overall, that it perceives the situation from its own limited beliefs and confirmed bias.

These biases tend to accumulate a False Identity, something we think we are when we really are not that. When one notices associations and judgments that are being formed, identify this content as coming from the false perceptions of the Conscious Mind and lower minds. Observe what it judges and assigns value to. Notice its functioning and pay attention to any negative behavior, pain body triggers or automatic impulsive reactions. When a person is paying attention to their thoughtforms and reactions, they can choose to respond through shifting into the Observer Point by communicating with the conscious mind in order to prevent its tendency to create false identity. This is the Ego, it is not my real self. Notice the patterns of the Negative Ego, and when your body is in mental or emotional tension, it is the contraction of energy inside the body based on what the ego is thinking and ruminating upon.

The Ego wants this and that and the other thing. (whatever the ego is valuing or associating)
It wants this and that and the other thing (whatever IT is valuing or associating) Having self-awareness and communicating this way in the internal landscape, is a process of refusing to form attachments with the false ego identity and all of its biases, as related to the value that is placed on the thoughts and the result of placing judgments on yourself or others. Suffering in the mind happens when we harbor judgments of the self as identified with the value and the association that has been made by the ego mind. This is called setting up the False Identity. [2]



  1. Personal Integrity
  2. Becoming Aware of Triggers

See Also:

Erosion of Personal Integrity

Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say

Spirit of Kindness


~via Ascension Glossary

JAIMIE KULIKOWSKI: “Is Our Search For Power Driven By 3D Ego Or 5D Soul?”

The answer is… both.

The third law of physics is for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When energies are different and the same simultaneously, they can oftentimes look and feel very similar. The ego and soul are equal and exact opposites. Both energies are equal in that they are yin (feminine source) and yang (masculine spirit). Where their opposition comes in is in the way they treat each other. In ego, masculine and feminine are at war. Spirit is out in front, dominating and controlling to the point that source gets frozen. In soul, masculine and feminine are at peace. Source is out in front, open and receptive while spirit is responsive with conscious action. When it comes to the human experience, it can be hard to discern if we are being driven by our warring ego or our peaceful soul. It depends on which of our dimensions is out in front.

I was recently talking about the healing modality I practice with a young man and he asked, “Why do people want power?” I immediately started talking about our ego and how our world is being dominated by ego’s hunger for power. Then he explained how he was drawn to power. He said, “There was just a stirring inside of me that knew.” My reply to that was, “Oh, well in that case, you were led by your soul.”

Our 4th dimension of feminine source is the stirring within us that just knows our life’s path and is certain we are going to be alright as we travel on it. When we allow ourselves to be guided by our inner knowing, we are being led by soul because source is in front of spirit. Masculine spirit is the stirring around us that just knows we have been here before and have suffered. Masculine’s energy essence is protection. When we allow ourselves to be guided by our external knowing, we are being led by ego because spirit is in front of source. Our ancestral spirit guides have their shields up at this point in space and time because they have been not only hurt, but killed, by war too many times.

When at war, we see power through the lens of a starving person who is fighting for survival. There is not enough power to go around. We have to get it by dominating, controlling, and winning. Power is achieved through force in the warring ego. When at peace, we see power through the lens of a full person who is looking for truth. There is more than enough power to go around. We find it by connecting, releasing, and sharing. Power is created through surrender in the peaceful soul.

Therefore, in ego, we are power hungry and our wounded masculine spirit guides are out in front. The need to control and win prevails. In soul, we are power seeking and our rejuvenating feminine source guide is out in front. The need for connection and relationship prevails.

The process of awakening is one of getting in touch with and integrating these equal and opposite dimensions that are within and around our human energy bodies. At this point in space and time, everyone has an ego and everyone has a soul. There is no shame in being driven to power by 3D ego. The human experience has been trapped in it for about 59,000 years. There is also no reverence in being driven to power by soul. The soul is not an energy we look up to as it is within and all around. Integration takes time. What we are being called to do in the beginning of this New Earth era is to start recognizing which dimension is out in front in our search for power. Are we being controlled by wounded spirits or led by wise source? The opportunity we have each time we discover we are being controlled by wounded spirits is to figure out the cause of and story around the wounds in order to bring them into consciousness and let them out.

