LISA RENEE: “Characteristics of Trustworthy People”

Characteristics of Trustworthy People


Actions and words match

Able to say “no” respectfully and “yes” dependably

Keep agreements or renegotiate if necessary

Able to admit it when they do not know something

Able to be both flexible and reliable

Show genuine feeling for you if they need to let you down

Willing to make compromises but never compromise core principles or personal integrity

Consistent ethics, positive values, and principles inform their behavior

Willing and able to tell you things you do not like to hear, kindly

Able to disagree without needing to argue, or to have friendly disagreements that lead to increased understanding

Let you know how they feel, where they stand, and how you stand with them

Able to recognize, accept, and enjoy the differences between you

After considering others, be sure to turn the same list around on yourself.

~via Krystal Aegis

LISA RENEE on “Spiritual Blindness”

“Most people on this planet are living out of alignment with their authentic and natural self, which means they are unable to express Personal Integrity and Coherence. Without personal integrity we exist in the unnatural state of internal and external disconnection, unable to actually see how the things around us are interconnected and cause things to manifest. When we are confused about who we are, the Collective Unconsciousness takes over our direction in life, and this ultimately produces poor decisions and self-destructive manifestations. In the state of being disconnected from our authentic self, we feel deep unresolved pain and the inner emptiness that causes the lack of fulfillment and contentment in our life. Pain is created when you are inauthentic and living outside of Personal Integrity, believing in your mind you are something you’re not, expressing something to others in an identity that you really are not. Beyond experiencing abusive physical Trauma, it is important to remember that when experiencing painful negative emotions, the pain being generated is based upon lies and deceptions. Many times painful emotions are created from a deception in your mind that you believed to be true, when it’s really not true. When we do not know who we really are inside, when we do not have clarity on our life lessons and purpose, when we have not taken time to develop a close relationship with our body and self, we lack self-awareness. When a person lacks self-awareness, they can easily become delusional. If a person does not know what their personal values are, they will have no understanding of the guiding principles that motivate their direction throughout life. This is the state of disconnection within the inner self that generates Spiritual Blindness and energetic weakness that is set up for exploitation. We must see the times when we represent ourselves to others in a way that is out of alignment with our Personal Integrity. When we realize we are out of integrity, it is imperative to correct the behavior or make amends immediately, changing the destructive behavior to more positively aligned behavior in the future. When we dedicate the day to day effort to neutrally observe our thoughts and reactions to people and things, we gain self-awareness by discerning the reasons why we have reacted in the ways that we have. What is critical in these intense times, is to make the effort to move away from inner confusion and disconnection, by taking positive steps towards discovering inner clarity. To help us develop the right relationship to our core self, we must study ourselves. We must gain deeper self-knowledge so that we can discover the personal core values we have that reflect the deepest inner contents of our being. Only when we gain self-awareness can we begin to even know the guiding principle for the highest expression for our authentic nature. We cannot live within personal integrity until we dedicate some effort to truly knowing who we really are and what inspires heart based motivations in the way we live life. In the 3D world, blind spots and energetic weaknesses are aggressively exploited by Controller archetypes, to keep people disconnected from their authentic core self so that they can be easily controlled by the external forces. Spiritual Blindness is the lack of self-awareness that continually produces blind spots that operate in the periphery of our consciousness or lack thereof. Many times our spiritual blindness shows up as recurring themes of intense obstacles, hurdles and dark attack. On a planet that places power in the hands of those that use deception as imposters, these blind spots are potentially exploited in every area of our lives. As we start to recognize deceptions and the imposters manipulating in the environment, then we must also see closely inside ourselves any places where we may be deceiving or lying to ourselves.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Practical Application of Embodying Integrity”

“The world is rapidly changing during these stages of bifurcation, as the negative polarity and positive polarity spirals are becoming more extreme and amplified in the external. In order to stay deeply connected into our core self, and to withstand the massive impact of these opposing forces colliding, we must take conscious steps to embody personal integrity. In the face of the current challenges we are navigating in this bifurcating world, it is increasingly important now to examine and live by our personal beliefs and value system. This is a time to get to the deeper clarity on what reveals itself to be the guidelines to your truest nature. In our context this would be consciously participating with spiritually beneficial behaviors that help to define a clear value system and guidelines, for building improved character and Personal Integrity. Our personal values provide an internal reference point for what is discerned as beneficial, important, useful, beautiful, productive behaviors and actions, which we commit to for the purpose of developing ourselves and guiding our life. Our personal values are what motivate and generate our behavior and actions, they are what influence the choices we make in everyday life. Understanding ourselves enough to have clarity on what we give value to in our personal value system, is critical for building Personal Integrity and discerning whether the actions we take are aligned with those values or not. Each of us has to choose the kind of person we want to be in this world, whether we decide to wear the mask others have provided for us, or act independently to discover what we really value and how to think and feel for ourselves. When we are committed to cultivate higher attributes of our moral character through the practices of compassion, kindness and embodying personal integrity, we will naturally attract genuine people into our lives that hold value for these same qualities. Building trust within ourselves and knowing how to build solid, genuine and trustworthy relationships takes some personal effort directed towards self-study in exploring personal integrity made through daily self-reflection and meditation. Through our meditations we direct compassion to ourselves and compassion to others, reflecting on the positive qualities we want to grow in our lives. We achieve greater self-awareness by paying attention to our thoughts, behaviors and reactions, so that we get crystal clear on where we place our attention. With this clarity we can then further refine our value system to stay aligned to what is meaningful in order to remain true to ourselves.”

~Lisa Renee

In the face of the current challenges we are navigating in this bifurcating world, it is increasingly important now to examine and live by our personal beliefs and value system. This is a time to get to the deeper clarity on what reveals itself to be the guidelines to your truest nature. In our context this would be consciously participating with spiritually beneficial behaviors that help to define a clear value system and guidelines, for building improved character and Personal Integrity. Our personal values provide an internal reference point for what is discerned as beneficial, important, useful, beautiful, productive behaviors and actions, which we commit to for the purpose of developing ourselves and guiding our life. Our personal values are what motivate and generate our behavior and actions, they are what influence the choices we make in everyday life. Understanding ourselves enough to have clarity on what we give value to in our personal value system, is critical for building Personal Integrity and discerning whether the actions we take are aligned with those values or not.

Each of us has to choose the kind of person we want to be in this world, whether we decide to wear the mask others have provided for us, or act independently to discover what we really value and how to think and feel for ourselves. When we are committed to cultivate higher attributes of our moral character through the practices of compassion, kindness and embodying personal integrity, we will naturally attract genuine people into our lives that hold value for these same qualities.

False Friends and Fake People

One of the most difficult and painful lessons many newly awakening people have on the spiritual path is discernment, or the ability to clearly identify the shiny glamour of appearances that is generally behind fakery and fake people. We tend to be unaware of fake people that use false friendliness towards us when we are unclear about our personal value system and the ways to practically embody personal integrity. We encounter many different kinds of people throughout our lives, and for those of us committed to spiritual growth and the building of meaningful relationships, it becomes increasingly important to discern when people are being genuine and when they may not have the best of intentions.

Fake people with surface smiles or people lacking self-awareness tend to attract more fakery and false friends as the result of the lack of clarity they have in directing their own lives in alignment with a personal value system. When people are confused or unaware of the necessity to shape their own personal value system, they lack self-awareness, and tend to be oblivious of how their dishonest actions may influence others. Fake people generally provide a reflective mirror highlighting certain areas in our lives where we also may lack self-awareness, providing an opportunity to shine a light on blind spots for mastering our egoic lessons. If we can recontextualize false friend situations when we felt betrayed or when we discovered fake appearances in others as an opportunity for increased spiritual growth, we can convert these unpleasant lessons into a powerful means through which to gain stronger discernment in order to see the red flags immediately.

The emotional danger of connecting with fake people is that we can more easily misplace our trust in someone we thought was a genuine friend, and when that trust is broken, we may perceive that to be a significant betrayal. Emotional and spiritual betrayals can be devastating in such ways that can leave us emotionally shattered when we experience what we perceive to be a great betrayal from someone we trusted. In these moments, if we surrender to the painful situation as a lesson for intuitive discernment in order to be able to see people’s true moral character and genuine intentions more clearly, we may increase our intuitive ability in all interactions we have, which builds the qualities of trust.

Building trust within ourselves and knowing how to build solid, genuine and trustworthy relationships takes some personal effort directed towards self-study in exploring personal integrity made through daily self-reflection and meditation. Through our meditations we direct compassion to ourselves and compassion to others, reflecting on the positive qualities we want to grow in our lives. We achieve greater self-awareness by paying attention to our thoughts, behaviors and reactions, so that we get crystal clear on where we place our attention. With this clarity we can then further refine our value system to stay aligned to what is meaningful in order to remain true to ourselves.

It may be a powerfully positive process to review your core values, so that you can see how you are evolving and transforming, as you stay better aligned to your own personal value system.

What Values Motivate My Life?

What are the most important Personal Values that motivate my life? Choose up to five of the most important core values that feel the most essential to live authentically and express your highest purpose. Then focus upon those themes that you have chosen and evaluate if you are practicing and increasing these important values throughout your life.

Maybe upon deeper reflection or in the future you’ll find that your most important personal values are shifting, or are revealing differently in order to become more specific in their quality. The more specific we are in identifying our core values, the more accurate and clear we can be when applying those to the behaviors that guide our life. As an example, let’s say through deeper self-study you have identified a recurring pattern that makes it hard to feel confident in valuing yourself when in the company of intimidating people. One of the core values that you choose is to Value Yourself equally to others, no matter what happens. To make this an important guideline in your life will help strengthen personal behavior to value yourself while in intimidating situations, which increases Personal Integrity.

Once you’ve defined some of your most important personal values, then inquire on each one to evaluate how you can better align your thoughts and behaviors with the meaning and quality of each value. 

Practical Application of Embodying Integrity

In the process of completing a personal integrity self-assessment and consciously choosing your value system based on what you know to be true for you, now is the time to take conscious steps every day to behave in ways that are consistent with your personal values.

*Identify the behavioral traits that need to be addressed and are required to change.

*Determine the underlying reasons why you have not behaved with greater personal integrity.

*Observe the obstacles and other people that are used as excuses to lie or violate your personal values or moral code.

*Commit to build authentic relationships through greater truthfulness, honesty and being open and direct.

*Compile a list of tasks and behaviors in which you dedicate to become more trustworthy and honest.

*Protect your basic human rights to be authentic and protect the rights of others, by respecting the decisions and opinions of other people.

*When possible, be of service to others and live as an example for embodying truthfulness and integrity.

*Be willing to honestly self-assess progress on your commitment to personal integrity, making adjustments along the way.

*Look for the support of others who are inspiring examples of personal integrity, and have similar goals and personal values to be honest and trustworthy.

*Develop Accountability for personal behaviors and actions, and if you make a mistake that impacts others or you break a promise, be willing to admit it and apologize.

The world is rapidly changing during these stages of bifurcation, as the negative polarity and positive polarity spirals are becoming more extreme and amplified in the external. In order to stay deeply connected into our core self, and to withstand the massive impact of these opposing forces colliding, we must take conscious steps to embody personal integrity.

(Source: ES Newsletter – Personal Integrity)

~via – Time Shift Blog – July 10, 2023

LISA RENEE on “Counterfeit Conversations”

“In everyday communication it is very common that people engage in fake conversations to avoid facing conflicts or challenging topics, because they fear the ramifications from what they say. Many people avoid conflicts and run away from saying things that need to be expressed, because they take things too personally and don’t know how to emotionally self-regulate. In considering the impact of choosing to participate in Counterfeit Conversations, this engages with the root of dishonesty when avoiding saying something that needs to be said when there are conflicts that need to be addressed. Ignoring the issues and dancing around the conflict when you know they are present, will only exacerbate the problem, inviting in dark forces of confusion and chaos. To avoid fake conversations generated on autopilot, take a moment to reflect and to consider a more accurate and truthful way to reply. We begin to increase our ability to trust ourselves and live in alignment to our authentic nature when we start being fully present in our communications, by saying what we really mean in order to reflect our Personal Integrity. On the road to building Personal Integrity and developing trust and respect between mutual parties in communications, it is important that you Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say and be kind when you say it. When you do communicate, reflect upon the intention of the words you choose as being honest, truthful, and trustworthy, as these qualities build strong inner and outer Personal Integrity. Further, align with your words by representing yourself as you really are, and doing what you said you were going to do. When we are congruent with our speech, words, behavior and actions simultaneously, our body language, words, tone, facial expressions become integrated and coherent. If you pay attention to the energetic subtleties revealed in body language, all of the patterns in the person’s expression are matching in a congruent way. Conversely it is made clear when these patterns do not match, revealing that something is off kilter and not congruent within that person. This is usually because the person feels unsafe, their nervous system is in Fight-Flight and they have to hide behind a facade, with a false identity that engages in Counterfeit Conversations.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Puppet Trump Visited East Palestine, Ohio, And ‘Revived’ Agenda 47”

‘As you know, Donald Trump is nothing but an actor, a puppet on the world stage, used for division in the fake left wing vs. right wing of silly politics. And some even claim that he has been portrayed by two different actors wearing body suits, depending on whether he’s wearing the red or blue tie — as his ‘orangeness’, ‘facial features’, and ‘fatness’ seems to vary a bit between the two. Who knows? All we can say for sure is that he’s a puppet, a tool used by those in power. And as for the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, it was staged and the alleged toxic spill, or ‘ecological disaster’, was as fake as Donald Trump, simply an exercise in response to emergency situations with some pyrotechnics and crisis actors — an exercise turned into a psy-op by fake news articles being spread by AI-bots to such an degree that even mainstream media picked up on it. During this exercise, the government even handed out free Digital ID’s (MyID program) to the residents of East Palestine to track their health. What an excellent way to push and pilot-test their enslavement technology, especially considering that it was all staged, all fake. And to make it a political-and-division tactic, the Cabal sent their puppet Donald Trump to visit the site where it all took place. A smart move to fool all gullible people on the right-wing into believing that it was real, as those on the left-wing always swallow anything the media says, especially if it’s an alleged environment disaster with Greta Thunberg fingerprints all over it. Now even the right-wingers went full retarded Greta-mode. Well played. And being on a day with 47-date numerology, representing the Freemasons, the government, and authority, it was the perfect day for Trump to revive it, in his own image, of course. It’s also a great pun, as the psy-op at East Palestine was all about UN Agenda 2030, and the Digital ID’s. And Trump visited East Palestine to condemn President Joe Biden’s handling of the derailment on a day with 47-date numerology. He then released a video about Agenda 47, a session that was adopted by the UN on September 18, 1992, and being in the year of Skull and Bones Freemasonry, February 22 came exactly 22 weeks and 3 days, like 223, after the anniversary of adopting this Agenda 47. Again, we are in 2023, like 223, which is the number for ‘Skull and Crossbones’, the logo of Skull and Bones, and 223 is simply 322 backwards, which is their number, as in Order 322, the nickname for Skull and Bones. Skull and Crossbones = 223. 223 is 322 backwards. And if we look at Donald Trump’s June 14th birthday, February 22 comes 8 months and 8 days, like 88, after his last birthday. And as you probably know, 88 is the Trump-number. What a coincidence that he made an appearance that day and that he mentioned Agenda 47 on a date relating to Skull and Bones. And since he made a video talking about taking down warmongers and globalists, which is what he is a part of himself, it’s very fitting that he made that video at a span of 113-days before his next birthday. 113 is the number for dishonesty, deceit, non-truths, and bullshit. And that is exactly what Trump and his Q-nonsense is, total and utter bullshit to string along dumbed-down half-woke right-wing retards. It’s been 6 years of Q-bullshit now, and absolutely nothing good has happened. So, there you have it. More white noise for the dumbed down sleeping masses. And don’t be to hard on yourself if you fell for the ‘ecological disaster’ psy-op. You’ll do better next time.”

~Joachim Bartoll

As you know, Donald Trump is nothing but an actor, a puppet on the world stage, used for division in the fake left wing vs. right wing of silly politics. And some even claim that he has been portrayed by two different actors wearing body suits, depending on whether he’s wearing the red or blue tie – as his ‘orangeness,’ ‘facial features,’ and ‘fatness’ seems to vary a bit between the two. Who knows? All we can say for sure is that he’s a puppet, a tool used by those in power. And as for the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, it was staged and the alleged toxic spill, or “ecological disaster,” was as fake as Donald Trump, simply an exercise in response to emergency situations with some pyrotechnics and crisis actors — an exercise turned into a psy-op by fake news articles being spread by AI-bots to such an degree that even mainstream media picked up on it. During this exercise, the government even handed out free Digital ID’s (MyID program) to the residents of East Palestine to track their health. What an excellent way to push and pilot-test their enslavement technology, especially considering that it was all staged, all fake.

And to make it a political-and-division tactic, the Cabal sent their puppet Donald Trump to visit the site where it all took place. A smart move to fool all gullible people on the right-wing into believing that it was real, as those on the left-wing always swallow anything the media says, especially if it’s an alleged environment disaster with Greta Thunberg fingerprints all over it. Now even the right-wingers went full retarded Greta-mode. Well played.

On the same day, February 22, Donald Trump also released a video where he mentions Agenda 47, with the slogan, “stopping the warmongers & globalists,” as if it was taken right out of the Q-handbook, their biggest right-wing psy-op.
Of course, February 22, came with a 47-date numerology, and that ties into East Palestine as well.

Now, Agenda 47 is simply the “47th session of the UN General Assembly (47 GA Agenda),” and is defined by the evil puppet-organization as “an agenda for peace: preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peace-keeping.” It was actually adopted on September 18, 1992. And being on a day with 47-date numerology, representing the Freemasons, the government, and authority, it was the perfect day for Trump to revive it, in his own image, of course. It’s also a great pun, as the psy-op at East Palestine was all about UN Agenda 2030, and the Digital ID’s.

2/22/23 = 2 + 22 + 23 = 47

And Trump visited East Palestine to condemn President Joe Biden’s handling of the derailment on a day with 47-date numerology.

Trump = 47 (all about Trump)
East Palestine = 47 (where Trump went)
Derailment = 47 (what it was about)
President = 47 (he attacked Joe Biden)
Authority = 47 (on a date all about authority)
White House = 47
Government = 47

He then released a video about Agenda 47, a session that was adopted by the UN on September 18, 1992, and being in the year of Skull and Bones Freemasonry, February 22 came exactly 22 weeks and 3 days, like 223, after the anniversary of adopting this Agenda 47. Again, we are in 2023, like 223, which is the number for ‘Skull and Crossbones,’ the logo of Skull and Bones, and 223 is simply 322backwards, which is their number, as in Order 322, the nickname for Skull and Bones.

Skull and Crossbones = 223

223 is 322 backwards

And if we look at Donald Trump’s June 14th birthday, February 22 comes 8 months and 8 days, like 88, after his last birthday. And as you probably know, 88 is the Trump-number. What a coincidence that he made an appearance that day and that he mentioned Agenda 47 on a date relating to Skull and Bones.

Trump = 88

And since he made a video talking about taking down warmongers and globalists, which is what he is a part of himself, it’s very fitting that he made that video at a span of 113-days before his next birthday. 113 is the number for dishonesty, deceit, non-truths, and bullshit. And that is exactly what Trump and his Q-nonsense is, total and utter bullshit to string along dumbed-down half-woke right-wing retards. It’s been 6 years of Q-bullshit now, and absolutely nothing good has happened.

The Number for Dishonesty = 113
Dishonest = 113
Not True = 113
Not Factual = 113
Bullshit = 113
Not Honest = 113
Fiction = 113

So, there you have it. More white noise for the dumbed down sleeping masses. And don’t be to hard on yourself if you fell for the ‘ecological disaster’ psy-op. You’ll do better next time.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official