SHERRIE DILLARD: “Synchronicities — Dance With The Cosmic Flow”

We are being led. There is a presence moving through our heart, mind, and soul that guides and directs us. Meaningful coincidences or synchronicities, open us to new insights and help us to understand ourselves and what is happening around us in new ways. Synchronicity is intuition expressed in the outer world.

Synchronicities are no accident. The universe has carefully orchestrated the seemingly impossible convergences of things, people, events, and conditions. It does not matter how great or small the coincidence may be. We immediately recognize when we intersect with the cosmic. Although others may not always be able to feel and see it, we know when we are touched by the transcendent. The heart smiles, the mind opens, and like an Olympian gymnast, the soul joyously flips and leaps.

Offering a Glimpse into a Forgotten Reality

Synchronicities provide us with a glimpse into a reality that we have forgotten. They speak to the authentic self that is comfortable and at home in the realm of cosmic truth. Despite the powerful effect that a synchronicity can have on us, we all too soon attempt to dumb it down by rationalization.

We want to creep back into the logical and the rational as if the cosmic doors had not flung open. The thinking mind wants to take charge and explain away the magic and unexplainable; don’t let it. Live with the mystery and allow it to flow through the mind, body and spirit like a healing balm. Synchronicities invite us to experience life through the cosmic portal of connection and oneness. Soak in the deep rays of the universal life force current and allow it to promote and support aspects of self that we may not always have the courage to know.

Helpful Suggestions to Increase the Flow

Here are some suggestions that can help to increase the flow of synchronicities:

Ask for Synchronicities

Simple, but true, when we ask for synchronicities, we experience them. As we let go of our expectations of how and when they occur, they naturally flow into our life in surprising ways. Just make the intent and allow the universe to manifest it.

Notice the Effect

However big, small or insignificant they may seem to be, the effect that a synchronicity has on our heart and soul is what matters. When we notice synchronicities and embrace them, they multiply.

Communicate with Your Surroundings

Imagine synchronicities as a form or communication with the universe. We don’t always notice when divine presence is answering and responding to our needs and requests. Synchronicities let us know that we are known and heard. They are a calling card informing us that we are watched over and that we are in the flow of our soul’s current.

Act On That Guidance

Synchronicities alert us to possibilities and open us to higher wisdom and love. Noticing and acting on them strengthens our soul energy and guides us into the positive. Even though life can be challenging at times, synchronicities remind us that unexpected good fortune can come to us to in surprising ways.

Have Gratitude

Live with the awareness that a wonderful, personally crafted surprise is on its way. Say, thank you, blow a big kiss and dance with the cosmic flow of the all that is. The positive and abundant energy of universal divine joy and creativity is available to us, wherever we are, and in whatever we are doing.



EDEN SKY: “What’s Your Cosmic Identity? Find Out With The Cosmic Decoder”

Ascension Avatar note: Several years ago during a film shoot break I was approached by a woman who asked if I knew my “galactic signature”… I laughed and gave her a clueless look… she then asked my birthdate, did some calculations on a Post-It pad, peeled away the paper and handed it to me… I still have that paper today, 10 years later… it reads simply: “Blue Crystal Hand”… 🙏

.  .  .

Every day and every person has a Galactic Signature. There are 260 unique possibilities!

Each signature is a combination of a “Tribe” and a “Tone.” The energy on the day you were born is known as your personal Galactic Signature and serves as a key to your Cosmic Identity.

Decode yourself and people in your life, to see what synchronicities are revealed! Decoding significant dates in your life (past or future) is also a profound way to gain insight into the larger synchronic order of your life’s journey…


Birthdate Decoder:

The 20 Tribes of the Galactic Calendar:

The 13 Tones of the Galactic Calendar:


NEZEL PADAYHAG: “5 Ways High Vibrational Energy Affects Humanity And 5 Ways How To Align With It”

Humanity is coming closer together than ever in our history. We are raising the level of vibration of humanity as a whole and these higher vibrational energies will affect humanity.

These energies affect all of us and it’s best if we embrace them. By letting them flow freely we will awaken to our own truth and become a part of this global change as well.

As we awaken we will become conscious of our inner wounds and our shadow self. The emergence of the shadow self may not be pleasant but it’s crucial for the shift to take place. It’s how we heal on a deeper level and transcend past trauma.

As humanity raises its vibration a couple of effects will be felt around the world.

5 Ways High Vibrational Energy Affects Humanity

1. Growing communities that take action to save the environment.

Humanity has come to unite in defending ourselves from toxins that bring poison to the air we breathe and the food we eat.

We rise up to save our planet against impending calamities brought by human activities.

More and more people wake up to realize the harm our actions do to the environment and actively choose better ways of living that are in harmony with Nature.

Communities and individuals take drastic action to save the planet and promote alternative ways of using energy. Some even invent brilliant new ways to gather and manage energy.

More people realize that it’s only by coming together and standing for Nature that we’re able to protect ourselves, the environment, and every living creature in the planet.

2. Bigger and faster connection between people.

As our consciousness raises to higher levels, we are naturally led to others who are also walking on the same path of consciousness.

Better opportunities show up to connect our minds all across the world, increase the sharing of our ideas and make information available to all.

We come to connect and support each other as if our encounters are meant to be.

3. Awakening to your purpose.

Because we become highly conscious of our inner selves, we make deeper connections with our soul. We discover more about our passions and interests.

Our passions and interests bring us closer to our purpose. It’s in following our passions that we reveal to ourselves what we are supposed to do in the here and now.

Our path is not found outside, it’s within us. We understand this even better as we awaken to our purpose. We face our shadows to unleash the powerful surge of energy necessary to fulfill our missions in life that are projected through our purpose.

4. Expansion and promotion of healthy lifestyles.

As we raise our vibration we start to sense that we need better and healthier ways of living. That’s why there is a massive expansion of healthy programs and diets being promoted on every corner. The world seems to become obsessed with healthy lifestyles.

This is because a healthy lifestyle gives the additional energy we need to raise our own energy to the same level other positive individuals seem to vibrate on. In order to raise our own vibration we need to integrate a healthy diet, habits and environment around us.

Trends like meditation, yoga, veganism, exercising and alternative ways of healing are being accepted as the norm in many human societies. In a stress filled world people turn more to stress releasing techniques and lifestyles that enhance relaxation.

5. Innovation of technologies that help in raising human consciousness.

The bigger and faster connection between people from all around the world enables for ideas to clash and merge creating new innovations that we could not imagine by our own.

These new technologies will serve as outlets for humans to further grow their consciousness and evolve in better species.

The high energy of humanity creates a big demand for platforms where humans can awaken and grow their consciousness.

If you feel you are not aligned with the higher vibration of humanity, don’t worry, there are ways you can come into alignment with these higher vibrations.

5 Ways How To Align With High Vibrational Energy:

1. Find out the things that make you happy and ignites your interest.

These are the things or activities that bring you the most joy and fire up your interest. Your passion lies in the connection between this two.

2. Test your passion.

Once you find a passion of yours, test it. Explore all the possibilities and options around it before you go for it. Each of your passions is a guide that leads you closer to your purpose.

3. Face your fears and limitations.

These fears and limitations prevent you from becoming the being you’re supposed to be. They are the obstacles that stand between you and your purpose. Recognize them because they hold your truth. Do not fight them, accept them. Face them. Then look beyond them.

4. Trust your gut.

Listen to your intuition and trust it more often. Its guidance will never fail you. Remember that your intuition is like a muscle and the more you trust it the more you train it.

5. Embrace the divine guidance.

Look at the synchronicities that keep happening to you. They serve as your guide in this journey. Ask why they happen. Try to see what they tell you and what you can learn.

Changing your reality may seem like a personal journey. But it’s only your part in helping the shift to take place. Remember, it’s a collective consciousness. You need to embrace your part. Once you tune in to your inner self you will connect to the flow of humanity’s evolution.




MICHELLE WALLING: “19 Things That Can Help With A Spontaneous Awakening”

More and more people are having spontaneous spiritual awakenings than ever!  Many are experiencing paranormal or metaphysical experiences that are surprising and are seeking answers about these things.

Many people are awakening to a sudden realization that they are not just a human being or their physical body, but they are spiritual beings having a physical experience on planet Earth.  As we receive waves of love and light energy to the planet, we are receiving a vibrational boost which serves to awaken and cleanse all that is no longer serving this reality.

A spiritual awakening is a life changing event that is prompted by your higher self. Your life may change drastically in order to align you with your highest and best path.  You may lose some friends as well gain new friends. Sudden realizations about relationships in your life can bring about tumultuous emotions.  You may be prompted to change jobs or to move. Be assured that your life will never be the same and that you are in for a glorious peek behind the veil that some people in your life will not understand.

Here are some more spontaneous experiences that have been reported with a sudden awakening:

  • Uncomfortable physical “ascension” symptoms
  • OBE’s (Out of body experiences)
    Huge downloads of information. May see geometric shapes, numbers, colors, light.
  • Extraterrestrial contact or spirit guide contact

As you make your way through these experiences, here are 20 things that can help you shift through a sudden or drastic awakening.

1.  Stay calm and reduce your fears through information and healing. No, you are not going crazy.

2.  Learn to use discernment. Trust your instinct or “gut feelings”.

3.  Forgive yourself and others for everything you think is “wrong”.

4.  Be responsible for how you treat others and for how you are creating your reality.

5.  Assess your diet and lifestyle. Alcohol and drugs cause aura cracks. Research GMO food and chemical additives. Drink plenty of pure, fluoride free water.

6.  Ground with the planet, take frequent baths, breathe deeply and consciously, and meditate. Create your own style of meditation.

7.  Don’t think you have to figure everything out at once. Allow things to unfold rather than trying to control your awakening.

8.  Communicate with like-minded individuals. Contact someone who has an experienced an awakening to discuss the most pressing questions you have. Social media is an awesome tool.

9.  Research spiritual awakening online to find information that will help you (while using discernment and taking only what resonates). Follow the breadcrumbs by being led to certain articles or videos.

10.  Connect with your higher self/guides to ask for help in certain areas that may seem overwhelming.

11.  Make notes about what you experience, including your dreams.

12.  Research alternative healing methods such as crystals, Reiki, acupuncture, EFT, etc.

13.  Move the body- walk, swim, yoga, tai chi, etc.

14.  Move your awareness from your head to your heart. Don’t get caught up in overthinking.

15.  Allow rest and self care. Spend time alone if you need to.

16.  Watch for synchronicities and number repetitions. These let you know you are on the right path.

17.  Allow emotions to flow through you/do not block or suppress.

18. Become the conscious observer of your life and get out of victim mode.

19.  Remove toxic relationships and situations from your life.

(20).  Continue to raise your vibration.




HUMANS ARE FREE: “20 Signs Your Soul Is Getting Quantum Upgrades”

Lightworkers, volunteers, and earth warriors have to embrace, activate and integrate these upgrades. They have to march on, be themselves, embody their truth and unite as one.

If you experience any of these 20 signs your soul is getting necessary Quantum Upgrades so you can become the Lightworker you were meant to be.

1. You connect to intense highs of lighter frequencies. You have floating and flying sensations, as well as blissful rushes of love.

2. You have energetic healing upgrades. You see this in lucid dreaming and astral projection.

3. You see through politics. You have a deep perception of the link between corporate politics, pharmaceutical, and drug and arms industry.

4. You are overly sensitive to the energy around you.

5. You breath deeper and slower, into the solar, sacral and root chakras. You flex your muscles as the chi energy is drawn into your being.

6. You appreciate synchronicity, number codes and the language of nature. These have become an integral part of your understanding of how the world operates around you.

7. You experience deja vu, dimensional slippage, time fluctuations, and flashbacks.

8. You feel the need or the renewed drive to get on with your mission. This mission includes changing, healing, and protecting the world.

9. You feel the Chakra activations. This causes heart palpitations, low blood pressure, nausea, aches and even flu-like symptoms.

10. You draw some people towards you, like a moth to a light.

11. You feel disinclined by other people. They stay away from your energy.

12. You are less able to adapt to a stealth mode and more careful on the choice of your companions.

13. You move your body to enable and encourage energetic flow. You are drawn to activities like chi gong, reiki, and yoga. It matters much to you to be flexible, looser, more fluid in movement; to have open hips and pelvis, chest and shoulders; to have a straightened back and aligned hips.

14. You have an increased empathic feelings. You also feel the need for vigorous self-care to transmute and clear negative energy regularly.

15. You trust more the universal flow of love frequency. You are attuned to knowing the right things.

16. You consciously reprogram yourself from matrix algorithms. The heightened awareness of how, when, why the programming works, and the use of tools to unplug simplify your life.

17. You practice manifestation consciously. You employ mantras, focused intentions, and meditations all throughout the day and night in order to reset, rebalance, and realign your internal vibration.

18. You experience intense periods of the release of karmic and matrix toxins. Physical symptoms include shaking, shivers, heat waves or nausea, aches, and pains. To overcome this, you have to surrender, accept, release it and just be.

19. You have mixed feelings of depression, anxiety, despair, restlessness, sudden mood swings, and very low energy. You have to go through these to attain lightness of being, and the expanded consciousness.

20. You have a feeling of connectedness to everything. This oneness of being is felt at a soul level.

Activation has been set off!

You are a cosmic surfer riding on waves of quantum evolution. As the activation heightens, the days drag you down. You must never be overcome by this phenomenon. Drink lots of water, swim, or bath. The water clears and cleanses your energetic field.

You experience a deeper sense of connection with mind, body, and soul. You move beyond perception. You are a part of everything that happens in the world, whether it fluctuates or breathes.

Out of body experiences, deep breathing, spontaneous stretching, and intense shaking are some of the experiences felt during upgrades. It may seem to be a wild experience as you feel the Chakra activations. Never fight it. Just flow with these upgrades.

Rebooting and realigning your structural makeup are necessary. Bring your energetic being online by freeing from blockages the flow of energy through your Chakras. You will feel looser, more flexible and driven by power from within.

As a healer, a teacher, or an earth warrior, you are being pushed further into fifth dimension expansion: the zen state of peace and serenity. In this state, everything feels beautiful, compassionate, and just while operating within the matrix.

The matrix could be aggressive and hostile, never passive. Many factors would threaten to drag you down: global politics, horror stories presented daily, personal dramas and challenges. All these destroy the Zen. But you must not allow it to manipulate you.

Your role:

You are a light warrior. As a warrior, you have to stand up front and be ready to fight. Fight for love, light, and peace. Fight with your energy and healing. Light the way. Get up when you fall. Rest and haul yourself back up should you lose your will.

It may seem small, but you must aspire to spread love in all your interactions. Avoid negative energy. Listen to your own energetic system. Trust your gut responses. Spark that inner light within you for others to see. Share love, spread light and raise vibrations wherever you go.

You may bounce back and forth, up and down the frequency spectrum like a pinball, yet you have the ability to reach the higher dimensions. You must overcome too, the tendency of crashing back to earth literally.

The transition:

The matrix is further disabled by intensive evasive actions, as well as diversions and divisive tactics. These leads to a dark and stormy transition, unstable and unpredictable.

But you have the power to ground it with mindfulness, replenishing and realigning your mind, body and soul systems with self-care. You must embrace, integrate, recalibrate, and own these cosmic upgrades.

What you need to do:

Use the tools of holistic healing and nature. Follow the rules of engagement that can guide you. Take the full responsibility of your light.

Should you find your energy is off, your juju heavy and grimy, you need to stay home. Avoid contact, seek rest, solitude, hydration, and soul tribe nourishment. Be back when you’re fully replenished.

Your mission on earth is not one big clash. The battle between good and evil is ongoing daily. You just have to be constantly present, mindful, grateful and grounded.

Expand your consciousness with energy work, healing, and meditation. You must work on core balance, meditate love frequency regularly to raise vibrations and stay connected to guides.

The battle has begun, and you are in it.

Your mission:

Humanity needs you. Let it see itself in your eyes. Show it compassion, humility, hope, and love. You set the energy and the wavelength. Set the frequency and maintain it all through the day with mantras, breathing, protection and healing. Even smiling helps.

Trust your third eye and gut instincts. Never be fooled by appearances and programming. Be assured that you are not alone. You have help and guidance.

Always stay calm, protected and pay attention to self-care.

How to protect your home:

Create a perimeter of crystals in your home. Use sage to smudge. As you place the crystals and smudge repeat this mantra:

‘I cleanse and clear this home from all lower vibrations’


Use these Mantras:


“I embrace all upgrades appropriate for me under the protection of my higher self.

I am a being of light, compassion and love.

I send love to *** (repeat three times for each person including yourself).





Sources and references:;;; ~article via