PFIZER WHISTLEBLOWER: “Vaccine ‘Glows,’ Contains Toxic Luciferase, Graphene Oxide and Aborted Fetuses”

Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine vials glow fluorescent blue and contain an enzyme called Luciferase, a quality inspector for the drug company told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview this week.

“The vaccine glows, at least Pfizer’s does,” Melissa Strickler, who worked for the pharmaceutical giant for nearly 10 years, said. “It looks like someone took a blue glowstick, cracked it open and put it in the vial, but only if there is light and it is around a dark background.”

Strickler, who worked at Pfizer’s large McPherson, Kansas plant, said she has inspected “hundreds of thousands of units” of vaccines in her career at the company “and never once seen anything do that, not even close.” Usually, the fluid in vials are clear like water, she said, but she photographed vials when she noticed the blue fluorescent tinge to the fluid and inquired about the ingredient to superiors.


Luciferase not on the label

Strickler said she heard a doctor describe codes for ingredients in the vaccines, including the codes SM102 for Luciferase, a glow-in-the dark enzyme produced in fireflies, plants and fish that is used in bioluminescence research. Depending on different chemicals that it is mixed with, Luciferase will glow different colors.

A bright blue luciferase was identified in a report in the journal Nature Scientific Reports in 2020, for example, and is only visible under UV lights of certain wavelengths.

Strickler told LifeSite that she emailed the company and asked if Luciferase was in the Covid vaccine and was told that it was “only used in the testing of the vaccine,” but would not be included in the final product. “But the way I see this is the whole thing is experimental,” Strickler said.

“We haven’t even seen the Comirnaty labels being put on the vials in that plant yet,” Strickler said, referring to the tradename for the vaccine that the Food and Drug Administration approved in August. “As far as I know, everyone is still receiving that Emergency Use Authorization” original product.

Aborted fetal cells in development

In an explosive interview with Project Veritas made public last week, Strickler revealed insider Pfizer emails from high-level employees directing lower- level workers to not discuss the role of aborted fetal cells in the development of its Covid shots with the public.

Vanessa Gelman, Pfizer senior director of worldwide research, sent an email to an employee asking how to respond to a question about the use of aborted cells in its COVID vaccine.

“From the prospective of corporate affairs we want to avoid having the information on fetal cells floating out there. The risk of communicating this right now outweighs any potential benefit we could see, particularly with general members of the public who could take this information and use it in ways we may not want out there,” the email stated.

Other emails from Pfizer vice president and chief scientific officer Philip Dormitzer discussed the role of human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293 cells) harvested from an aborted baby girl in 1973 and reproduced in a continuous line of cells used in the production of Pfizer’s Covid shot.

Strickler said the cells were chosen because of their ability to grow and are basically “cancerous cells” from an aborted baby.

‘What else?’

“It made me sick to my stomach because, if they’re going to lie about something like this, what else?” Strickler remarked. “It’s actually one of the things that if the public knew, they definitely would care.”

Thousands of people have sought exemptions from workplace Covid vaccine mandates on grounds of religious or conscience exemptions citing the use of fetal cells in the development of COVID vaccines and have been denied their requests.

Social media platforms have routinely deleted posts about fetal tissue in Covid vaccine development and mainstream media have “fact-checked” reports as “misinformation.” Strickler said that Pfizer knows this.

‘They’re just deceitful’

“They’re just simply being deceitful. I mean, they could end the conspiracy theories, they could correct the fact-checkers on social media and they remain silent because they know if they do say, ‘yeah, we did use fetal cell lines in the development of this,’ they know that they’re not able to deny the religious exemptions. I think that’s what it’s about.

“It’s wrong in my opinion to benefit from an abortion. I don’t think God would want us doing those things. But it goes deeper than that as to public deceit and they’re trying to give it to children.”

Gene editing

“I thought all this stuff was conspiracy things,” Strickler told LifeSite reporter Jim Hale. She described the deceit from Pfizer as “endless,” however. “I don’t think they’ve been honest about a single thing about this vaccine other than it’s experimental. And that it’s mRNA technology.”

She added that the mRNA technology of the vaccines could be used with CRISPR technology for gene editing and that fact is also being obscured to the public in messages from Pfizer, the mainstream media and government.

CRISPR: The Extreme Dangers of Gene-Editing.

Pfizer employees ready to quit

Strickler said that before Covid she had enjoyed her job as a product inspector but that since the pandemic began many employees have “vaccine regret” after getting the shots and “a lot of people refused to get it. In fact, over half of the employees are willing to walk out over this and Pfizer knows that.”

Strickler compared the drug giant with an “abusive, rich husband.” She said the company offers excellent benefits and pay, “but they don’t exactly treat you the best in the sense that they don’t seem to value all their employees equally.”

She described frequent “virtue signaling” emails sent to employees, including one proclaiming Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla “Father of the Year.”

Strickler said she had often wanted to quit after Covid vaccine manufacturing began at the McPherson plant and had prayed about it, but felt compelled to hang on, until she discovered a database of explosive and deceitful company emails that she eventually exposed to Project Veritas.

After the exposé aired, Strickler received a phone call from an employee at Pfizer telling her not to come to work again and a letter from the company confirmed that she was fired.

LifeSite is joining Veritas in raising funds for Strickler in recognition of her bravery in speaking out in defense of truth.

Melissa needs help after being fired by Pfizer – Donate at 


LISA RENEE: “Whistleblower”

“How does the human heart and emotional body actually handle being an agent of killing, murder, genetic experimentation and having to hide such secrets under penalty of death? Additionally, the personality has been intentionally groomed into aspects of Sociopathy, and these sociopathic aspects surface when the person is feeling fear, triggered or being terrorized. The point to make is that Whistleblowers are not necessarily enlightened or conscious people, because they have been intentionally influenced through military level psychological warfare tactics to become a functioning workplace psychopath, a cog in the wheel of the mass production of anti-human objectives. The intentional creation of psychopaths in the workplace, in all Controller Pillars of Society, especially in the military and intelligence agencies, is a desired and rewarded trait. Without an open heart, there is no real higher consciousness, it’s just a 3D mind recounting extraordinary details of involvement with non-human entities and military secrets.”

~Lisa Renee


There is a pattern of witnessing more people that have been entrenched deeply within the various covert factions that underpin the basis for the Controller Pillars of Society, as they are coming forward as Whistleblowers. We have entered a time ripe for disclosure, and the next five years will flush more Whistleblowers out to the surface to tell their stories. Many of these people have firsthand experience working within the massively funded secret areas that involve nefarious genetic experiments and in some cases, well-meaning covert projects of the government and military, where they were subjected to extreme forms of psychological and emotional warfare. Like all of us in the civilian world, the military and government people also endure intense levels of trauma based mind control and generally are threatened in order to keep them compliant, subdued and quiet.

Observing more of the people that have been privy to access such intelligence covert projects, such as advanced off planet technologies, extraterrestrial interaction, black operations, that which is assigned under military top secret, national security and high level clearances; these people also undergo extremely sophisticated levels of psychological warfare that increases brainwashing and emotional trauma. Many are direct test subjects of trauma based mind control experiments that are directly connected to Satanic Ritual Abuse. I believe it is important to realize that the people that have been entrenched in the covert military and alien anti-human control projects, are just as traumatized, if not even more than the civilians on the surface of earth. The bottom line is that we all have been subjected to Psychological Warfare, Divide and Conquer Tactics, and we have been compartmentalized in strategic and methodical means to separate each of us from connecting the larger dots. What is really happening on the earth? Through compartmentalization along with a series of psychological warfare tactics, this strategy enforces the mind control deceptions, false narratives, Gaslighting and rampant manipulations towards producing Learned Helplessness, which is an extremely effective negative thought form used to subjugate the majority. The Controllers have been successful in making us feel we do not have the power to change anything, that we are helpless and incapable. In order to prove them wrong we have to educate ourselves to the methods of the control agenda and be willing to change the way we have been brainwashed to think. This is the only way to shift global consciousness, to change our thinking.

Whistleblowers are people that have arrived at a time in their own moral, human and spiritual development to gain a greater conscience in telling the truth. Many were drugged and blank slated, also making memory recall difficult. We can see at some point in the general whistleblower psyche, whether on their death bed or after several assassination attempts to silence them, more people are coming forward and talking about working in covert and secret factions that have been involved in a variety of massive global projects that were kept secret. Many of these covert projects could be qualified as global level crimes committed against humanity, those that have sold out the rest of us to their overlords, deals made for wealth, status, power, security, immortality, and access to extremely advanced extraterrestrial technology. As well, they have been involved in the perpetration of Mind Control projects that are intentionally used to terrorize, paralyze, and traumatize the people of earth at a mass scale.

In my personal experience when watching whistleblowers, many times the internal trauma and immense pain they hold from years of being subjected to this kind of stress and pressure is made visible, that experience has taken its toll on their physical, mental and emotional health. It is obvious that military training is designed to destroy compassion and empathy, and that higher heart emotional qualities are not desired in a soldier, or a scientific military strategist that has been put in projects to kill living things or harvest their DNA. How does the human heart and emotional body actually handle being an agent of killing, murder, genetic experimentation and having to hide such secrets under penalty of death? Most people cannot cope with this kind of stress well, and as a result of needing to cope with the immense pressure, they shut down their heart in order to survive the sheer brutality or terrorism that they may be surrounded by. They fragment through Compartmentalization, because they only see the small lens of which they are allowed to see through their compartment window, even though they have been allowed to see so much more of the true nature of reality than the majority of humanity.

Whistleblowers are extremely important for the future of humanity in moving our world towards disclosure, but at the same time we must consider the source of extreme trauma they have had, along with the compartmentalization that has been used to limit their full spectrum heart based awareness. When we are emotionally traumatized, our higher sensory perception is obfuscated, many times trauma shuts down high emotional ranges that stimulate loving feelings like compassion and empathy. Additionally, the personality has been intentionally groomed into aspects of Sociopathy, and these sociopathic aspects surface when the person is feeling fear, triggered or being terrorized. The point to make is that Whistleblowers are not necessarily enlightened or conscious people, because they have been intentionally influenced through military level psychological warfare tactics to become a functioning workplace psychopath, a cog in the wheel of the mass production of anti-human objectives. The intentional creation of psychopaths in the workplace, in all Controller Pillars of Society, especially in the military and intelligence agencies, is a desired and rewarded trait. To break out of this psychological warfare and to move towards heart based loving expression, is very hard for many people that have been severely conditioned to be soldiers in the silent war, especially when they become more exposed as public figures to the civilian culture.

In considering the following information, take a moment to think how workplace psychopaths are formed, and the reasons that this would be desirable for the Controllers, both human and nonhuman. One of the most important strategies for mind control and subjugation to be effective in large populations is the hierarchical architecture laid out for Compartmentalization. Wherever there is secrecy, wherever there are deceptions, there lies the seed of corruption. There is no way to lie and deceive as a lifestyle and not become corrupted. When we are made aware of the lifestyle of deceit, corruption and hiding secrets that have been the extreme burden carried by the Whistleblowers, we must find nonjudgment, Compassionate Witnessing, and yet exercise common sense and critical thinking. Many of these people are severely traumatized and they require nonjudgmental spiritual assistance to heal their sociopathic aspects and learn how to open their heart in order to feel empathy again. Certainly they cannot open their heart when they do not feel safe, and are being attacked by unconscious humans and those directed to harm them with an agenda. Without an open heart, there is no real higher consciousness, it’s just a 3D mind recounting extraordinary details of involvement with non-human entities and military secrets.

Let’s drill down some deeper aspects of the methods used to commit deception and Gaslighting that are used in conjunction with strategic Compartmentalization. The never ending labyrinth of the pyramidal ruling oligarchy that forms the closed door hierarchy into pay grades, wealth, rank and clearance levels entrenched in the Controller Pillars. This is an expert level of mind control manipulation used by the NAA and the human Controllers to divide and conquer the earth and the masses. This is why we should understand it, and understand what we are looking at when we listen to a Whistleblower, any of the brave people that come forward to talk about covert projects kept from the public. [1]



Whistleblowers and Compartmentalization

See Also:

Secret Space Programs


Galactic Federation

Galactic Wars


~via Ascension Glossary

CAITLIN JOHNSTONE: “The U.S. Government Is Like A Bad Dad”

“And the mother, well like most mothers she’s in charge of managing the stories the family tells about what’s going on. Whenever a neighbor turns up wounded or dead, she’s responsible for telling the children that it was the neighbor’s fault, and their father was only protecting them.”

~Caitlin Johnstone


There’s a house on the block where a large family lives, and it gets pretty abusive in there. The kids hardly ever get to see a doctor and there’s never enough money for them to afford decent clothes or go on holiday, and a disproportionately large number of them get locked in their rooms as punishment for silly, arbitrary offenses which could have been prevented with a little more care and attention. They don’t get out much and they have to spend their free time listening to scripture readings about how exceptional their family is.

Looking at these disheveled, mistreated children, one can’t help wondering what’s going on with their parents. Why aren’t they providing for their kids? Why isn’t money going toward giving their children quality healthcare and education and making sure they have everything they need? Are they poor? Is there some sort of substance abuse problem?

Actually, if you look at their house you can very quickly see where the problem lies. A huge, opaque fence with barbed wire surrounds the yard, and there are many expensive security cameras scanning the scene, facing both outward and inward. All the doors and windows are barred shut and rigged with fancy alarm systems, and there’s a giant stockpile of firearms in the master bedroom.

Every spare moment of his free time, the man of the house is either coming home with an expensive new piece of home security equipment or adjusting and tinkering with the ones he already has. He can’t be bothered with his needy children, who he angrily shoves away whenever they dare approach him asking for things.

“No time for that!” he yells while piling new redundant security systems on top of old redundant security systems. “I’ve got to protect the family from all potential intruders!”

When he’s not doing that, he’s prowling around the block bullying his neighbors. He forces them to join the neighborhood watch, which he controls with an iron fist and runs around the clock. He insists that they submit to his leadership and relate to their neighborhood with the same aggressive hyper-vigilance that he has, and if any of them refuse to bow to his demands, he sets to work on grinding them into compliance.

He sabotages their investments and works to get them fired from their jobs so they won’t have any money. He circulates pernicious rumors about them to undermine the possibility of anyone coming to their aid. He patrols the neighborhood with a large loaded pistol in each hand, and if anyone so much as looks at him funny he runs up to them and points both barrels in their face until they lay down on the ground with their hands behind their head and apologize. With particularly noncompliant neighbors he’ll burst into their house late at night and beat them within an inch of their lives until they agree to his demands, then get all his other neighbors to testify in court that he did it in self defense. Sometimes he’ll even stage events to make it look like a neighbor attacked him, then he’ll go to their house and murder them in cold blood.

He is feared by the entire neighborhood, by his allies and enemies alike. The neighbors who support him only do so because he’s got such tight control over the neighborhood, and they know that their lives will be made easy if they work with him and painful if they work against him. So they do what they need to do to avoid being targeted while secretly wishing that he has a heart attack in his sleep.

“It’s either us or them,” the father often tells his family. “I need to keep everyone around us in line, because there’s no telling who might come after us. We’ve earned a special place in this neighborhood, so it’s our job to lead it.”

Once in a great while, if someone’s feeling particularly brave, they might point out that the father is constantly doing the things he’s afraid of his neighbors doing to him.

“It’s different when I do it!” he always barks in response while adding their name to his personal blacklist. “Our family is exceptional, so we’re the exception to the rules.”

And the mother, well like most mothers she’s in charge of managing the stories the family tells about what’s going on. Whenever a neighbor turns up wounded or dead, she’s responsible for telling the children that it was the neighbor’s fault, and their father was only protecting them.

Your father loves you,” she coos to them at bedtime. “You should be grateful to him for protecting your life and liberty. It’s good that he’s so strong, because if our family wasn’t in charge it would be the Changs around the corner or the Smirnovs down the road. We should always support everything he does and never question him, and never, ever wish for things to be different. This is the only way that things can ever be. Anyone who tells you otherwise is crazy and evil.”

But the children are growing older, and some of the bigger kids are beginning to open their eyes to what’s going on. They’re beginning to realize that their father is an abusive tyrant and their mother has been lying to them their whole lives. The younger kids are still indoctrinated and put their fingers in their ears when the big kids try to tell them different, but even they are beginning to have their doubts.

And the parents can smell it in the air. They know they’re beginning to lose control over the stories their children tell themselves about what’s going on in their neighborhood, and they know it will be a problem if they don’t nip that in the bud fast. The mother suddenly becomes far more forceful with her storytelling, saying that the Smirnovs are plotting a home invasion any minute now so the family must unite against them. The father begins making stricter and stricter rules about how the children are permitted to speak to one another, locking them in their rooms if they disobey or separating them from the others so they can’t speak their mind.

It remains to be seen if the father will succeed in shoring up control of his family or not, but things have definitely changed, and the whole neighborhood is watching.



DONALD MARSHALL: “Illuminati & Cloning Centers Exposed”

Well surprise, surprise… By the way, our President Trump is a series of CLONES… Do you support a soulless, mind-controlled Illuminati-owned PUPPET as a leader? I didn’t think so… 


“Vladimir, Elizabeth and High-up Chinese people pretty much run the cloning center and no-one talks down to them.”

~Donald Marshall




GREG GILES: “The Hidden Agenda of the Galactic Federation Show”

Galactic Federation of Bullshit

A quick word on Conspiracies: (Thanks to There are three ways of exposing a Conspiracy:

1. One is for any of the participants in the conspiracy to break with it and to expose his or her involvement.  This takes an extremely courageous individual, and that type of exposure is indeed rare.

2. The second group of exposers are those who have unknowingly participated in a conspiratorial planning of an event but who didn’t realize it until later.  These individuals, and there aren’t many in the history of the world, have also exposed the inner workings of the conspiracy at great peril to themselves.

3. The third method of exposing a conspiracy is for researchers to uncover conspiratorial designs in the events of the past.  If you’re interested in this field of study I’m sure you’ve come across many such sources who expose conspiracies.


The Hidden Agenda of the Galactic Federation Show ~ Part 1

Due to budget concerns, many projects on the table at the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. intelligence agencies never see implementation.  When a project promises multiple returns, meaning when a project can yield results in several different areas and accomplish several different agendas, then this project gains strong support and is green lighted, meaning it is launched.

The government program that utilizes the synthetic telepathy or ‘channeled message’ technology is multifaceted, seeking returns on several different fronts.  This fact acts as confusion to those who dedicate hours of serious and disciplined research.  There is not one catalyst for this program, there are several, and let us begin with a major catalyst for part one of our discussion.

In the 1960’s and 70’s, after peace protesters successfully made a substantial impact on the popularity and public support for continued war in Vietnam, the military industrial complex vowed that their next big war would be fought with impunity, without interference, without peace protesters taking to the streets and hampering their campaign of war. That time has come.

How many of you fully understand there is fighting already underway involving the U.S. military, Russian military, U.N. troops, and troops from many different nations?  In the past, a war of this magnitude involving so many different military from so many different nations would surely be referred to as a World War, but as war continues throughout Europe and the Middle East, in countries that act as protective border to Russia, it is hard to deny war of global proportions may be imminent.  U.S. and Russian military involvement may surely escalate to all out war, a World War, World War 3.  This next world war has been in the planning since the end of World War 2, this according to a large number of now retired military officers and intelligence agents, as well as political scientists, historians and researchers, though I wish to be clear, nothing is ever as it seems, and today, as it has always been, its very difficult to differentiate between theater and reality.

So where are all the protesters?  Where is any public opposition to this war being presented?  Nowhere.  You do see however, an onslaught of pro-war propaganda aired throughout television news reports, publications, books, movies, television shows, events, rallies, and a military themed tie-in to almost every sporting event aired on television.  We all know who is behind that campaign.  But not a word from the modern peace protester.  What happened?

After the events of the Vietnam war, plans were developed to silence those who the U.S. Department of Defense and intelligence agencies refer to as ‘modern day peace loving hippies’, those who not only oppose war, but may take to the streets in organized protest, to speak out and march in support of peace.

We are those who the government agencies refer to as the modern day, peace-loving hippies, only our name has changed, and although many of us detest the term, we are known by our own government’s agencies as new-agers, the new age of the peace-loving, hippie protester.  So just for us, a plan was developed to distract us, to keep us occupied with other matters, keep us confused and in the dark, to divide us, and to harass us and to threaten us in order to silence us.  A spectacular theater production was conceived, one that was sure to include a little bit of everything for all tastes and interests, to lure in sufficient numbers of new agers, rendering any attempts to assemble protesters futile.

Each of us was baited to the wonder, excitement and lure of deeper connection to our star families and our spirit brethren, subject matter our government agencies understood full well occupied much of our waking thoughts.  This is where the occupy movement may have gotten its name, and I repeat, may have.  Its possible its just another inside joke inserted into our vernacular.  Think about it; when in our long world history has any kind of protest or march been referred to as an occupy movement?  Is this yet another example of the arrogance of the hoaxers?  We are the ones preoccupied, preoccupied with astonishing tales of ETs and ascended masters, the return of Christ, evil reptilians, archons, and on and on goes the script, the great Hollywood production, certainly deserved of an academy award, and we are all lining up for a ticket to the show.  This plan has worked marvelously, even beyond our government’s expectations.

A Caress of Key ~ The Greatest Fear of Those in Power

The greatest and most powerful tool ever developed to initiate and accomplish real change in our world is the internet.  Right at our fingertips, with just a caress of key, we can change our world, free ourselves, and stop this madness of world conquest and domination.  But how are we spending our time on the internet?  What are all the new-agers talking about, fighting about, writing about, researching and sharing?  Fanciful tales of science-fiction popcorn fodder.  Ascended and benevolent extraterrestrial fleets here to save us, to make all the changes for us, to make arrests, to improve government, to heal us, to protect us, to help us evolve, to help us ascend, to take us home, even, according to one channel of the Galactic Federation, to offer us insider financial tips.

I am not saying that I feel we are alone in the universe, and I am not implying that our real spirit guides are not looking over us as we continue our earthly education, as I still and always will believe this.  I am also not on a new mission to persuade anyone to stop following the myriad of purported ‘channeled’ material, as I see this as a futile goal.  My goal at this time is to leave behind my experiences with these government and civilian impostors and tormentors.  You are certainly free to make up your own mind and choose which path you wish to travel.  No matter which direction you choose, you will learn the lessons lining that road.  There is no ‘wrong’ direction, as all roads lead to higher learning.  I simply make available to you and others to come an alternative view, information to consider, information I see as helpful to others that may stray into this arena.  Perhaps one day, maybe far from today, my words will take on an air of believably.  For today, I see great virtue in keeping an open mind.

I say to you, that we, all of us, have been purposely distracted to keep us, the only citizens that would care enough, from speaking up in protest to very real and essential matters in our world, of which there are many, not just a global war of which the U.S. is and will continue to be a major part of.  I am also not attempting to lead people out into the streets in protest of global war, as I believe this war has gained far too much support from the overwhelming majority of U.S. citizens and I have absolutely no faith in them changing their perspective any time soon.  I only have faith in you, the new age, peace loving, new-age, tree hugging hippies, my brothers and sisters.

End of Part 1

Greg Giles

Sharing is Caring!



The Hidden Agenda of the Galactic Federation Show ~ Part 2 

 Introducing Your New Gods

(Hello everyone, today’s article will represent the last of its kind concerning the synthetic telepathy technology and associated program of mind control and behavioral modification.  I wish only to present my views and describe my particular experience with this technology, and I feel today’s article will act as appropriate closure of this chapter.) 

Throughout the course of history, the powers that controlled the world and the citizens within it have gathered to discuss how they would change, or update, the god or gods they wanted you to believe in, worship, and obey.  From the pagan sun god, to polytheistic beliefs of many gods, to monotheistic beliefs of one god, times had changed and a god more fashionable, more believable, and more befitting of the times was called for and ushered in.

Your Own Personal Jesus


Due to our level of technological development, our new gods will be very special gods.  Each of us will have our own personal ‘Jesus’.  For the first time in our history, we will no longer receive our directives of control second hand, through the church or through the use of media propaganda.  Instead, synthetic telepathy technology now ushers in the new age of government control.  Each of us will now communicate with our chosen deity, a higher power customized to fit perfectly our predetermined belief system.  Through your internet usage and comments you leave throughout online social networks, a profile is compiled of you, and you will be targeted with a control system that you will respond to and accept.  If your profile reveals you resonate greater with a benevolent extra-terrestrial as your ‘higher power’, than it is a government sponsored  actor portraying an E.T. that will eventually contact you, give you advice, and influence your decision making, eventually controlling your entire life.  If it is an ‘ascended master’ with whom you resonate with, an ascended master will begin to send you communications through the use of synthetic telepathy technology.  If your beliefs are more traditional, and it is Jesus, God, or Archangel Michael that you better resonate with, then it is these religious figures that may one day introduce themselves to you, very gently and briefly at first, until you hang on their every word and live your life just as they want you to.  The choice will be yours; listen to your heart, your very own heart, strengthened through years of hard lessons, or a voice (a thought really, as there is no sound accompanying these communications), a strange silent voice that may be coming from anywhere, sent by anyone with any kind of agenda, to harm you, to experiment on you, to control you.  Its all up to you, as is the choice of your new god.

Greg Giles


