JOACHIM BARTOLL : “Donald Trump Campaigns in Ohio Ahead of Election Day — The ‘666’ Antichrist Connection”

“While voting is the equivalent of choosing between two puppets controlled by the same puppet master, most people still participate in the ritual, giving their consent to the theatre to continue. Voting is the illusion of control. The only way to break out of the current beast system is not to stay passive and put your trust in ‘saviors,’ whether it’s a political figure or a false prophet as in controlled opposition; as their mission is for you to ‘trust the plan’ and do nothing; no, the only way to break free is to refuse to play their games, to use as little, if anything, of their system and to work together with your friends and neighbors instead. We do not need the system, but the system needs us to exist. The scripts they use to fool and control the sleeping masses. As I’ve mentioned several times, we have two big scripts, as in psychological operations running parallel, as we have had through most of history. It’s the ‘dark’ vs. the ‘light’ — however, they are connected to the same axis and thus controlled by the same masters. The ‘dark’ seems to be in the open with World Economic Forum, Agenda 2030, Build Back Better, and with Barack Obama as the leader, the Antichrist. And the fake light, the Antichrist masquerading as an angel of light, seems to be the counter-narrative, the ‘Great Awakening,’ with Q, MAGA, and Donald Trump as the leader, the Antichrist in disguise. I have explained these concepts and all the hundreds of confirmations behind them. Also keep in mind that Trump just loves to throw the 666-sign with his hands (and the inverted pyramid, of course.) To add to that, Ohio is a perfect place as it sums to 47, the number representing the degrees on the Freemasonic compass as well as the government, controlled by Freemasons through the Jesuit Order. Ohio = 47. Trump = 47. White House = 47. Government = 47. Republican = 47. President = 47. Truth Social = 47. This speech on November 7 also comes at a span of 147-days after Trump’s birthday, like (1) 47 another hidden 47. His latest campaign, during the final hours of the midterm election, was in Dayton, Ohio, and of course, not by accident, but all by the numbers. Donald spoke to a crowd of 2,000 supporters at the Dayton International Airport in Vandalia during Monday night. Vandalia, Ohio = 666. There’s your Antichrist connection, right off the bat. If you do not understand the scripts, how they communicate, and how everything is staged theatre, you will be in the dark, forever a slave to the system, living an illusion.”

~Joachim Bartoll

I guess no one have missed the ongoing mid-term elections for the Senate in the U.S., as it is plastered all over the major ‘news’ outlets since a few days back. While voting is the equivalent of choosing between two puppets controlled by the same puppet master, most people still participate in the ritual, giving their consent to the theatre to continue. Voting is the illusion of control. The only way to break out of the current beast system is not to stay passive and put your trust in ‘saviors,’ whether it’s a political figure or a false prophet as in controlled opposition; as their mission is for you to ‘trust the plan’ and do nothing; no, the only way to break free is to refuse to play their games, to use as little, if anything, of their system and to work together with your friends and neighbors instead. We do not need the system, but the system needs us to exist.

Now, what is interesting is the rituals around this charade, as they confirm the metascripts we have decoded a thousand times. The scripts they use to fool and control the sleeping masses. As I’ve mentioned several times, we have two big scripts, as in psychological operations running parallel, as we have had through most of history. It’s the ‘dark’ vs. the ‘light’ however, they are connected to the same axis and thus controlled by the same masters. The ‘dark’ seems to be in the open with World Economic Forum, Agenda 2030, Build Back Better, and with Barack Obama as the Antichrist. And the fake light, the Antichrist masquerading as an angel of light, seems to be the counter-narrative, the ‘Great Awakening,’ with Q, MAGA, and Donald Trump as the leader, the Antichrist in disguise. I have explained these concepts and all the hundreds of confirmations behind them.

Now, as for this Election, we have had Donald Trump taking to the stage once again, as he is campaigning for the Republicans and has been hinting on some big news for November 15 most likely that he is to run for President again in 2024, as we have foretold many times.

His latest campaign, during the final hours of the midterm election, was in Dayton, Ohio, and of course, not by accident, but all by the numbers.
Donald spoke to a crowd of 2,000 supporters at the Dayton International Airport in Vandalia during Monday night.

Vandalia, Ohio = 666

There’s your Antichrist connection, right off the bat. Also keep in mind that Trump just loves to throw the 666-sign with his hands (and the inverted pyramid, of course.) To add to that, Ohio is a perfect place as it sums to 47, the number representing the degrees on the Freemasonic compass as well as the government, controlled by Freemasons through the Jesuit Order.

Ohio = 47
Trump = 47
White House = 47
Government = 47
Republican = 47
President = 47
Truth Social = 47

This speech on November 7 also comes at a span of 147-days after Trump’s birthday, like (1) 47, another hidden 47. And 147 days is exactly 21 weeks, as ‘Jesuit’ reduces to the value of 21.

And, do not forget the coded quote by Trump: “I did more in 47 months as President than Joe Biden did in 47 years.”

If you do not understand the scripts, how they communicate, and how everything is staged theatre, you will be in the dark, forever a slave to the system, living an illusion.

As we’ve covered many times before, Trump sums to ’88,’ that is one of his most important numbers, just as ‘888.’ And if you take a look at the number to text for support, it’s “88022,” which he has had since his first Presidential campaign. Remember, zeroes hold no value in numerology. That number simply says, “88-22” as in Trump and ‘22,’ the Master Builder Number in Freemasonry. Also, ‘Donald John Trump’ reverse to ‘220,’ or simply ’22.’ And, in Septenary, both ‘Campaign’ and ‘Trump’ sums to ’22.’ And, most important, ‘Jesuits’ reduce to ’22.’ Everything is cleverly coded.

This speech in Dayton, Ohio, was held on Monday night, November 7th, the day leaving 54-days remaining in the year.

Dayton, Ohio = 54 (and 144)
Jesuit Order = 54 (and 144)

November 7 came with 60– and 40-date numerology. Trump was in Ohio to allegedly support J.D. Vance, or simply ‘J.D.’ as the media like to call him.

11/7/2022 = 11 + 7 + 20 + 22 = 60
11/7/22 = 11 + 7 + 22 = 40

Donald Trump = 60 (and 40)
J.D. Vance = 40
J.D. = 40

Of course, in Cheiro, or Chaldean, ‘Jesuit Order’ and ‘Freemason’ sums to 40.

And how many showed up at this ‘rally’? Yes, 2,000 people, as in ‘two thousand.’

Two Thousand = 56
Freemasons = 56 (what they all are)
Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order)

And we know all about 56!

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

“Many people are unaware of how to test the energies of cloned or false identities and their messaging. Some of these people are visible thought leaders, truthers or influencers in the ascension and disclosure space, with large groups or online followers that have recently appeared to feel energetically different with artificial overlays. All of that trickery and deceptive content is contained in the collective shadow, and each of us may have a piece of processing that particular shadow found in false and cloned identities, whether the source is from the individual’s negative ego or they are placing trust in spiritual imposters that are negative alien based false gods. Further, it is prudent to recognize that this remains hidden and is being used against us as well, because very few people are aware of the depths of spiritual warfare with artificial or cloned identities, of the dark night of the soul, or aware of what weaponry is used to take control over our minds. And this is why it is absolutely critical for us to remove those intermediary identities and those false or cloned identities that use glamourous spiritual entertainment to interfere with our ability to connect directly with God and our higher spiritual selves.”

~Lisa Renee, 11-8-2022 -via “Pitfalls of Artificial or Cloned Identities”

Read related article:

‘BATTLE OF TWO ANTICHRISTS’ ~ Joachim Bartoll: “Obama and Trump Back in the Headlines — 666 Days After Insurrection”

‘BATTLE OF TWO ANTICHRISTS’ ~ Joachim Bartoll: “Obama and Trump Back in the Headlines — 666 Days After Insurrection”

“On November 3, 2022, we had headlines such as ‘Obama and Trump bring dueling visions for America in return to campaign trail,” and much more. The theme was obvious, Democrats vs. Republicans, the left vs. the right, Obama vs. Trump. And, of course, as always, this is done by the numbers. The January 6 Capitol Attack in 2021, the Insurrection, was exactly 666 days ago. What a perfect date for some Satanic rituals exposing the Antichrist… or the Antichrists? If you have paid attention to the ongoing script of Revelations, you most likely know that Barack Obama have been coded as the Antichrist in thousands of events and news stories. With that being said, there is also plenty of evidence that Donald Trump is the Antichrist. However, we can’t have two different Antichrists now, can we? Well, considering that we have two obvious psychological operations currently running, as in two paths to the same destination, that idea of two Antichrists isn’t impossible at all. It’s actually likely. They might very well have planted two different Antichrists for two different paths. I’ve explained these two psy-ops and how they are simply two sides of the same coin, two different paths leading to the same outcome. So, with this in mind, why wouldn’t both of these poles have their own Antichrist? Both opposites were created, and is being controlled, by those in power as part of their Hegelian dialectic of problem -> reaction -> solution. Divide and conquer. In simple terms, we have the democrats and liberals openly welcoming The Great Reset; Agenda 2030, and the figurehead in the shadows, their Antichrist, is being played by Barack Obama the former president they all want back on the throne. Then we have the opposite end of the battle, the Right Wing and Republicans who want to fight this Great Reset with a ‘Great Awakening,’ and their figurehead is being played by Donald Trump, the Antichrist masquerading as light, as awareness. However, both are wings belonging to the same bird, both are paths leading to the same outcome. Both are satanic, both will lead to enslavement the Mark of the Beast.”

~Joachim Bartoll

Photo Credits:

Painting by Luca Signorelli – “The Deeds of the Antichrist” (1499-1502)

Photography by Ascension Avatar – “The Deeds the Antichrist” (4-13-2019

On November 3, 2022, we had headlines such as “DOJ mulling potential special counsel if Trump runs in 2024,” “Trump kicks off final campaign blitz to boost Republicans and himself,” “Obama and Trump bring dueling visions for America in return to campaign trail,” and much more. The theme was obvious, Democrats vs. Republicans, the left vs. the right, Obama vs. Trump.

And, of course, as always, this is done by the numbers. The January 6 Capitol Attack in 2021, the Insurrection, was exactly 666-days ago. What a perfect date for some Satanic rituals exposing the Antichrist… or the Antichrists?

If you have paid attention to the ongoing script of Revelations, you most likely know that Barack Obama have been coded as the Antichrist in thousands of events and news stories. The connections are overwhelming and undeniable.

With that being said, there is also plenty of evidence that Donald Trump is the Antichrist.

However, we can’t have two different Antichrists now, can we?

Well, considering that we have two obvious psychological operations currently running, as in two paths to the same destination, that idea of two Antichrists isn’t impossible at all. It’s actually likely. They might very well have planted two different Antichrists for two different paths.

In my post about The Great Reset vs. The Great Awakening, I explained that these two psy-ops are simply two opposite poles on the same axis. However, both sides are connected to the same axis, thus both sides are satanic! Only Lucifer plays opposites, while God stands above all that.

The Great Reset, as in Agenda 2030 promoted by the UN and WEF are out in the open, it’s simply Lucifer in plain sight. That is the left hand, or the left wing of the bird and is represented by Barack Obama. Now, the right hand, or the right wing on the same bird is ‘The Great Awakening,’ pushed by Q and the MAGA-movement and is of course represented by Donald Trump.

I’ve explained these two psy-ops and how they are simply two sides of the same coin, two different paths leading to the same outcome.

So, with this in mind, why wouldn’t both of these poles have their own Antichrist? Both opposites were created, and is being controlled, by those in power as part of their Hegelian dialectic of problem -> reaction -> solution. Divide and conquer.

In simple terms, we have the democrats and liberals openly welcoming The Great Reset; Agenda 2030, and the figurehead in the shadows, their Antichrist, is being played by Barack Obama the former president they all want back on the throne. Then we have the opposite end of the battle, the Right Wing and Republicans who want to fight this Great Reset with a “Great Awakening,” and their figurehead is being played by Donald Trump, the Antichrist masquerading as light, as awareness. However, both are wings belonging to the same bird, both are paths leading to the same outcome. Both are satanic, both will lead to enslavement the Mark of the Beast.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Rubber-Faced ‘Joe’ Speaks with Forked Tongue of His Fellow ‘MAGA’ Satanists in Psyop Ritual”

“Here we go again, playing and reinforcing both sides of the illusion. Joe, the ‘president’ who is ‘Biden’ time while they act out Revelation, said in a clear ritual that Republicans and the right ‘thrive on chaos and that their attempts to undermine democracy could devolve into violence.’ He then added, ‘they live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.’ Now, while they tell you that ‘MAGA’ stands for ‘Make America Great Again,’ it is actually the fifth and highest degree within the Church of Satan, which fits Trump and this ritual perfectly. Keep in mind that ‘Trump,’ ‘MAGA,’ the ‘Far-Right Extremism’ and ‘Q’ simply is the old communist counter-intelligence ‘Operation Trust’ in new packaging; a fake, ‘New World Order’ agenda, running parallel with what is really going on. All made-up to keep the theatre of politics and the Left vs. Right going and to spur on hatred and division among the populace. This goes hand-in-hand with what might be the new script of ‘The Storm,’ that is, more division, people fighting each other, riots, civil unrest and civil war… In other words, this speech by Joe Biden simply fuels the hatred for ‘right-wing extremists’ among the dumbed down people on the left, the libtards and democrats — all while reinforcing and validating the illusion of a ‘MAGA’ movement with Trump and Q, and thus fueling the hatred on the ‘right’ for ‘feeling attacked.’ The never-ending loop of infinity. Repetition is the tool of brainwashing and making imaginary things seem like real. As for this ritual, it took place on September 1st, exactly 80 days before Joe Biden’s 80th birthday, which will fall on November 20. And, of course, as Donald Trump was allegedly born on June 14, September 1st was the 80th day after his birthday. So, we have this speech of division and hatred 80-days after Trump’s birthday and 80-days before Biden’s birthday. What’s the odds on that? Two perfectly synched puppets for the world stage. The number 80 is strongly connected to Satanism, as is easily proven by their language of gematria. Satan = 80. Sun God = 80 (Saturn, as in Lucifer the Light-Bearer). Baphomet = 80 (the symbol of Satanism, the goat with breasts). The Beast = 80 (aka., Satan). Synagogue of Satan = 80. The Morning Star = 80 (as in Lucifer). Satan Worship = 80.Societas Iesu = 80 (Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order). Skull and Bones Freemasonry = 80. Note that on September 1st, there was 121 days remaining in the year. And, as I’ve explained several times, they are acting out Revelation with the Antichrist coming back as the eight King… Revelation = 121. Antichrist = 121. They also call this fake movement “MAGA Extremism,” which is coded perfectly with Donald Trump. If you read my article that was linked above about August 16, the 888-date, and the new script, you know the importance of this. MAGA Extremism = 888. Donald J. Trump = 888. Satanic Ritual = 888 (what this is). The Freemasons = 888. The Greater Good = 888 (how they justify the lies and deception). Mar-a-Lago = 888 (the Trump estate that was raided and started the new script). Arturo Sosa S.J. = 888 (the founder of the Jesuit Order). The Holy See = 888 (the seat of power in the Vatican). The Synagogue of Satan = 888. The important thing to take home from this speech from puppet Joe Biden is that it was part of the new script — dividing the population and pinning people against people, to incite division, hatred, fear, and ultimately civil war.”

~Joachim Bartoll

Here we go again, playing and reinforcing both sides of the illusion. Joe, the “president” who is ‘Biden’ time while they act out Revelation, said in a clear ritual that Republicans and the right “thrive on chaos and that their attempts to undermine democracy could devolve into violence.” He then added, “they live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.”

Speaking of “light” in such a manner is of course a reference to the Freemasonic and Satanic beliefs, something we’ve seen in the very Satanic New Age religions that infiltrated gullible people who think that they are waking up and call themselves “lightworkers,” as in “workers of Satan, the light-bearer,” he who fell from heaven as lightning.

Or as 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike put it:

“LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!”

Now, while they tell you that ‘MAGA’ stands for “Make America Great Again,” it is actually the fifth and highest degree within the Church of Satan, which fits Trump and this ritual perfectly.

Keep in mind that ‘Trump,’ ‘MAGA,’ the ‘Far-Right Extremism’ and ‘Q’ simply is the old communist counterintelligence ‘Operation Trust’ in new packaging: a fake, “New World Order” agenda, running parallel with what is really going on. An illusion of “powerful people” fighting the “Deep State,” killing politicians and replacing them with doubles, and “saving children from underground tunnels” (that is how stupid it is.) All made-up to keep the theatre of politics and the Left vs. Right going and to spur on hatred and division among the populace. This goes hand-in-hand with what might be the new script of “The Storm,” that is, more division, people fighting each other, riots, civil unrest and civil war.

In other words, this speech by Joe Biden simply fuels the hatred for “right-wing extremists” among the dumbed down people on the left, the libtards and democrats — all while reinforcing and validating the illusion of a ‘MAGA’ movement with Trump and Q, and thus fueling the hatred on the ‘right’ for ‘feeling attacked.’ The never-ending loop of infinity. Repetition is the tool of brainwashing and making imaginary things seem like real.

As for this ritual, it took place on September 1st, exactly 80 days before Joe Biden’s 80th birthday, which will fall on November 20.

And, of course, as Donald Trump was allegedly born on June 14, September 1st was the 80th day after his birthday. So, we have this speech of division and hatred 80-days after Trump’s birthday and 80-days before Biden’s birthday. What’s the odds on that? Two perfectly synched puppets for the world stage.

The number 80 is strongly connected to Satanism, as is easily proven by their language of gematria.

Satan = 80
Sun God = 80 (Saturn, as in Lucifer the Light-Bearer)
Baphomet = 80 (the symbol of Satanism, the goat with breasts)
The Beast = 80 (aka., Satan)
Synagogue of Satan = 80
The Morning Star = 80 (as in Lucifer)
Satan Worship = 80
Societas Iseu = 80 (Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order)
Skull and Bones Freemasonry = 80

Note that on September 1st, there was 121 days remaining in the year. And, as I’ve explained several times, they are acting out Revelation with the Antichrist coming back as the eight King

Revelation = 121
Antichrist = 121

They also call this fake movement “MAGA Extremism,” which is coded perfectly with Donald Trump. If you read my article that was linked above about August 16, the 888-date, and the new script, you know the importance of this.

MAGA Extremism = 888
Donald J. Trump = 888
Satanic Ritual = 888 (what this is)
The Freemasons = 888
The Greater Good = 888 (how they justify the lies and deception)
Mar-a-Lago = 888 (the Trump estate that was raided and started the new script)
Arturo Sosa S.J. = 888 (the founder of the Jesuit Order)
The Holy See = 888 (the seat of power in the Vatican)
The Synagogue of Satan = 888

I could go on, but I’m running out of time. The important thing to take home from this speech from puppet Joe Biden is that it was part of the new script — dividing the population and pinning people against people, to incite division, hatred, fear, and ultimately civil war.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Residence Allegedly Raided by the FBI in Masonic Media Ritual”

“According to the Jesuit controlled media, The FBI executed a search warrant Monday at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, as part of an investigation into the handling of presidential documents, including classified documents, that may have been brought there. Note that it, allegedly, was ‘three’ people who told CNN about the situation. You know, ‘three’ that sums to their beloved hoax code of ’56.’ You just can’t report on rituals of their puppet Donald Trump without weaving in all the important numbers. Also, this happened 56-days after Trump’s birthday, as we will come to at the end of this decode. Three = 56. Palm Beach = 56. Mar-a-Lago = 56. Masonic Ritual = 56 (what this is, a staged ritual). Freemasons = 56. Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., the Jesuit Order). This raid allegedly happened on August 8, as in 8/8, or 88. A very ‘Trump’-number! Trump = 88. Mar-a-Lago = 88 (again!). Masonic Ritual = 88 (again!). Staged Media = 88 (also 65, which is 56 backwards). This also connects to Trump’s attorney who goes by the name ‘Christina Bobb.’ Christina is of course ‘56’ in single reduction and ‘606,’ like 66 in Sumerian. 66 is connected to ‘666,’ the Number of the Beast. And if you are observant, you probably caught the symbolism in her last name, making it a perfect match. The letter ‘b’ looks exactly like a ‘6,’ and is often used as such, thus ‘Bobb’ contains three sixes. And if you were to read it out numerically, it would read as ‘6066,’ or simply ‘666’ as you drop the zero. Cleverly done! And that fits perfectly with Trump and his ‘MAGA’, which in actuality is the highest degree of the Satanic Church! And that is the reason for that shortening and catch phrase of ‘Make America Great Again’. Also, Trump and Mar-a-Lago are connected through the Sumerian Ciphers with the very unusual ‘888’-number, which symbolically is connected to August 8, or 8/8. When you duplicate and triplicate a digit in numerology, such as 8 becoming 88 and 888, you magnify the power of the qualities of the number with each replication. And as a kicker, Trumps book, ‘The Art of the Deal’ equates to ‘888’ as well. And guess what, his other book, ‘The America we Deserve’ was released ‘888’ weeks on the day (January 15, 2020) counting forwards to the January 20, 2017, inauguration of Trump as president. Also, remember the phrase ‘Calm Before the Storm’? That remark by Trump was said during a Military meeting on October 5, 2017. That was, exactly on the day, 888-days before the declaration of the Coronavirus Pandemic by WHO. Again, this was an obvious scripted ritual with their puppet Donald Trump. Everything on the world stage is nothing but acting and theatre, and these official puppets on the world stage are playing roles, roles that has been scripted years in advance. None of it is real or organic. Now, if you still don’t believe everything is scripted, you are living in an illusion — you are living in their mind prison, their Matrix. It’s time to wake up and step out!

~Joachim Bartoll

According to the Jesuit controlled media, The FBI executed a search warrant Monday at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, as part of an investigation into the handling of presidential documents, including classified documents, that may have been brought there.
Note that it, allegedly, was ‘three’ people who told CNN about the situation. You know, ‘three’ that sums to their beloved hoax code of ’56.’ You just can’t report on rituals of their puppet Donald Trump without weaving in all the important numbers. Also, this happened 56-days after Trump’s birthday, as we will come to at the end of this decode.

Three = 56
Palm Beach = 56
Mar-a-Lago = 56
Masonic Ritual = 56 (what this is, a staged ritual)
Freemasons = 56
Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., the Jesuit Order)

As you can see, keywords for the story, including the phrase ‘Masonic Ritual’ was connected to the code of using ‘three.’ And we can verify that this is part of the riddle as this is where they say it supposedly happened and the fact that the phrase ‘Masonic Ritual’ are hidden in the date-numerology as well. When the same words and phrases re-appear during a decoding, which is almost impossible odds for a “coincidence,” you know it’s all part of the ritual and the script.

This raid allegedly happened on August 8, as in 8/8, or 88. A very ‘Trump’-number!

Trump = 88
Mar-a-Lago = 88 (again!)
Masonic Ritual = 88 (again!)
Staged Media = 88 (also 65, which is 56 backwards)

Also, Trump and Mar-a-Lago are connected through the Sumerian Ciphers with the very unusual ‘888’-number, which symbolically is connected to August 8, or 8/8. When you duplicate and triplicate a digit in numerology, such as 8 becoming 88 and 888, you magnify the power of the qualities of the number with each replication.

Donald J. Trump = 888
Mar-a-Lago = 888

As for 888, it is the value of the name ‘Iēsous’ in Greek Isopsephy. Also, in numerology, 888 becomes 8+8+8 = 24, as in the 24 hours in a day, representing the Sun, the keeper of time on Earth, who dies and resurrects each day. And ‘The Sun’ sums to 24 in reduction gematria. And to continue in numerology, 24 is 2+4 = 6, the number of perfection as well as the number of a man.

Keep in mind that ‘Iēsous,’ or ‘Jesus,’ is an allegory for the sun and the sun’s spiritual energy. And that Jesus and his 12-disciples represent the Sun and the 12 constellations of the Zodiac. And speaking of 12, ‘888’ can mathematically be divided by 12, which give us 74, the number of ‘God.’

Also remember that The Jesuit Order worship the Sun God and that the sun and its rays are engraved on their sigil with the letters ‘IHS.’

And as a kicker, Trumps book, ‘The Art of the Deal’ equates to ‘888’ as well. And guess what, his other book, ‘The America we Deserve’ was released ‘888’ weeks on the day (January 15, 2020) counting forwards to the January 20, 2017, inauguration of Trump as president.

Also, remember the phrase “Calm Before the Storm?” That remark by Trump was said during a Military meeting on October 5, 2017. That was, exactly on the day, 888-days before the declaration of the Coronavirus Pandemic by WHO.

Now, if you still don’t believe everything is scripted, you are living in an illusion — you are living in their mind prison, their Matrix. It’s time to wake up and step out!

Donald J. Trump = 888
The Art of the Deal = 888

Speaking of the sun and sun-worship, we are currently in the time of Leo, and Leo is ruled by the sun.

Mar-a-Lago = 32, 49
Leo = 32, 49
Donald J. Trump = 49

This also connects to Trump’s attorney who goes by the name ‘Christina Bobb.’ Christina is of course ‘56’ in single reduction and ‘606,’ like 66 in Sumerian. 66 is connected to ‘666,’ the Number of the Beast. And if you are observant, you probably caught the symbolism in her last name, making it a perfect match.

The letter ‘b’ looks exactly like a ‘6,’ and is often used as such, thus ‘Bobb’ contains three sixes. And if you were to read it out numerically, it would read as ‘6066,’ or simply ‘666’ as you drop the zero. Cleverly done!

To move on, ‘88’ is not the only date-numerology connecting Trump to this date and making it perfect for a ritual about him. August 8 was also the 220th day of the year.

Donald John Trump = 220
Former President = 220 (used in the article)

220 is also symbolically relevant as you can remove the zero in numerology as it holds no value. 220 thus gives us ’22,’ which is the Freemason’s “Master Builder Number.’ This is very relevant as it strengthens the message that this story, this event involving the FBI, is simply a Freemasonic Ritual. This can be verified in gematria as ‘Master Builder Number’ actually sums to ‘220.’

Master Builder Number = 220

And, of course, you have Trump’s vaccine efforts as former President in his ‘Operation Warp Speed,’ making the connection to Trump on this day even stronger.

Operation Warp Speed = 220

Also, August 8 comes with a 58-date numerology, reminding us that Trump was residing in his 58-stories high Trump Tower during the alleged raid and that he “won” (was selected) the 58th US Presidential Election. Also, 58 fits with the Freemasonic ritual honoring the Jesuit-made calendar, and being in the time of Leo that is ruled by the sun.

8/8/2022 = 8 + 8 + 20 + 22 = 58

The Freemasons = 58
Freemasonry = 58
Star = 58 (sun)
Calendar = 58 (the Gregorian calendar was made by Catholic Jesuit priests)
Zodiac = 58

And August 8 was a span of 56-days after Trump’s birthday on June 14, taking us back in full circle with the ‘three’ sources and this being a Masonic Ritual. However, if you do not count the end-date, this ritual came 55-days after his birthday. And 55 represents Satan, their false Sun God. And that fits perfectly with Trump and his “MAGA,” which in actuality is the highest degree of the Satanic Church! And that is the reason for that shortening and catch phrase of “Make America Great Again.”

Church of Satan = 56 (also 88, going back to August 8, 8/8)
Society of Jesus = 56

Satan = 55
Make America Great Again = 55
Mar-a-Lago Residence = 55
Freemasons = 55
The Jesuits = 55

Again, this was an obvious scripted ritual with their puppet Donald Trump. Everything on the world stage is nothing but acting and theatre, and these official puppets on the world stage are playing roles, roles that has been scripted years in advance. None of it is real or organic.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

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QUOTABLE QUOTES ~ Caitlin Johnstone on “Values”

“As a human being, you may safely flush your loyalties to any system which has been a part of humanity’s march to extinction right down the toilet. The political systems, the mindsets, the religions, the culture. It has all failed, so you owe none of it any loyalty. In fact, you may feel free to reject anything that your society regards as ‘normal’, because your society is as sick and insane as a society can possibly be. ‘Normal’ has led to a world that is dying and a society that is insane. So be happy with your weirdness. A wild divergence from our current trajectory is the only hope our species has for survival, so as a member of our species it is your duty to participate in that divergence in any way that looks healthy to you. Our civilization as it exists today is a dead man walking. Do not dance with dead men. Reject the norms. Let the zombies think you are weird. The values they are criticizing you for diverging from are the values that are choking us all to death.”

~Caitlin Johnstone



Normal Has Failed. Be As Weird As You Like.