QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Where Are All These People Supposedly Being Awakened?”


“Where are all these people supposedly being awakened? I don’t see them anywhere. Supposedly there’s thousands, millions even, of us ‘ascending’ people, us Starseeds and Indigos; sure, but where? I’ve been looking into this for a long freaking time. I’ve been searching. I’ve been asking. I was looking for support for a very long time and then I gave up. You supposed experts on this crazy sh** that’s happening to me, are f******g nowhere to be found. You live on the goddamn internet and you don’t exist anywhere else. Elusive, secretive, cryptic, coded bullsh**. I believed in this journey until everybody who agreed with me ended up spouting the same recycled crap every time they opened their mouths, including this site. Saying the same sh** as everyone else. Nothing new, nothing interesting, no updates, no information, no how-to, no actual help. Just a little, ‘You’re not alone.’ Hypotheticals and blanket statements. Not being alone is only good for the first month. After that, maybe let us know what the f*** we’re supposed to do now. Give us some freaking hope for the world or put your platform away. I’m usually much more zen and articulate. I’ve been angry about this lately; everyone wants to keep saying the shift is coming, everybody says soon. We get it. Soon. NOW WHAT. Quit it with the baby steps bullsh** and give the seekers some f******g meat. Help us for gods sakes!


Dear Ascending Community, This is a good time to publically answer the many different emails that I receive from nonmembers all over the world, such as the above email I received today. They share the same common threads that many awakening people or Starseed people experience on the earth. That common thread and theme is experiencing a sense of deep isolation from other people that leads to feelings of frustration, depression, loneliness and sometimes anger. This isolation, is also the desire to become socially isolated from the accepted standards of insanity and barbarism that make up the current social engineering tactics that are used to maintain the mind control structures on the earth. In order to attempt to meet this need of supporting a sense of deeper connection to the purpose of spiritual ascension and to support the awakening community, so this group can openly discuss and find spiritual tools for the many varieties of issues that we deal with, and to help remove these feelings of isolation, is the primary reason that the ES online community was created. It was the only way that I could reach out to the Starseeds that existed worldwide, that would be able to find the energetic space for advocacy, to be in a safe place of which to be understood and accepted, to study and learn among those who are on the same path, and to be able to share many multidimensional experiences. As Starseeds, our surreal multidimensional experiences are that which commonly lead us to the experiences of isolation, even deep loneliness for being unseen, while being on the earth during these timelines, when there is a hidden war happening to suppress and steal the consciousness of the people. First and foremost, when addressing those groups of awakening people that are feeling very frustrated, angry and at their wits end, dealing with the dark forces, the people on the planet, in the chaotic state that it exists today, I hope to remind you of an important reality check. We did not come to the earth to party on vacations and drink Margaritas on the beach. We did not come here to make millions of dollars and play out fleshly fantasy games of the Luciferian elite. We did not come here to get lost and taken off spiritual direction in the many delusions of self-importance that are played out with the reptilian version of the negative ego mind. We came to the planet during the timelines of Ascension, we came from the future into the past, when we could make a massive difference in the fields to shift the future direction. We came when the Universal Gates were opening, while the war over the earth was raging in the higher dimensions, and battling was occurring in the lower hidden planes of which most of the humans here cannot sense or see. We came here to do the spiritual work and to make the effort to work together in group consciousness, to be of service to others, to honor Universal Laws, that help take this planet into the higher frequencies and to reach spiritual liberation in the future timelines.The only way we can do that is to do the negative ego dismantling, and emotional pain clearing, that would extract the falsity and make room to allow our higher spiritual self to embody while on the earth. For that purpose of ultimate spiritual embodiment, we make it our life priority to do the Ascension clearing and healing inside ourselves, every day. We cannot help ourselves, or the planet if we refuse to look at our own responsibility in the awakening process, which requires we do the inner emotional clearing work, that we change the way we think and perceive, as we are the microcosm that reflects into the macrocosm. It all starts from within us. Let me remind you, we are in a consciousness war over the earth. Do you hear me? Can you understand the implication of what that means for all of us and the entire planet? What are you going to do about this? Are you going to cry, point fingers at other people, have a tantrum and complain about it, or are you going to get serious and take care of your own inner spirit and personal business? What do you think we do over here in this community, drink tea all day? We’re working very hard to keep this information available online, and as much for free access, as possible. There is a lot that I cannot share publically because of what I will have to deal with if it goes outside borders of where I have a structure to hold that information for those who ask for it in the community area. I must conserve energy to serve a group that works hard with the community objectives, and not a person who is demanding help, but will not help themselves. We all have to roll up our sleeves and get to work. DO THE CLEARING WORK. If you do not know how, then join the community and you will learn how. If you want to learn how to do gridwork, you can learn it here, but it will require 100% spiritual dedication to learn how. There are many people in the community who work very hard to learn, work very hard to understand and work hard to participate with this process of clearing and healing themselves and the earth, and it is through the spiritual dedication of the entire group, that this content and service is made available to the public. Without the dedication of the group to be of service and take responsibility for their own healing, this would not exist. As sensitive and caring people, we all have been at the point of incredible frustration and feeling despair about the state of unconsciousness that plagues the earth. We’ve had the exact same feelings of frustration at what we see operating in the worldscape today, the hatred, the wars, the blood sacrifice, the continual torturing of the men, women and children of this earth. We deeply cry out, when will this war matrix of world torture end? All of us who are incarnated to help the earth become liberated from the dark oppressors are harassed, stripped of resources, and attacked again and again, when we rise to help the earth and its people be released from the planes of bondage and servitude. None of us get away from that harassment, all of us endure some kind of forms of dark attack or spiritual oppression when we do serious clearing. You are not alone in that, we all share this burden together. That’s why we must learn how it works in this mind control matrix, because once we see how it works, we can work around the attacks, we can work around the mind control system, but we must study it to comprehend it, and do the clearing of our negative ego, in order to be successful so that we can truly actualize our purpose of service. This is the key to attaining inner peace, comfort and spiritual fulfillment while we co-exist in the fields of insanity and chaos. When we awaken into an higher awareness of our surroundings and we gain more accurate perceptions of what is actually behind the upside-down state of the world today, we can observe and feel the energetic contents of the collective unconscious spill out into the environment of the earth surface. Then we can discern who is who and what is behind the facade. When we gain clarity and sensitivity through heightened states of consciousness, many of us can feel the state of the pain and depravity that is circulating in the world, and as a result, awakening people feel isolated. Many will choose to isolate themselves out of necessity, because our society does not support awakening or higher consciousness, in fact the culture persecutes people like us. Isolating is a coping mechanism for our continued sanity, to stay low on the radar, and to restore energetic balance to our body from our ability to self-source. Most of my life, I was isolated and very alone, with little help. I received attack, after attack, trying to take me out just when creating this online community for Starseeds. Are you aware how many obstacles we have to get through, how much we have to master in the world of forces and how much we devote our life stream to serve the God force, to get this far? It is very difficult for us when we gain clarity and connection, as we awaken our hearts, awaken our minds, awaken our higher sensory ability and then to be met with an onslaught of dark forces projecting negativity and very low frequency into the environment designed to suppress mass awakening. Many Starseeds are fully capable to feel the massive amount of people and entities writhing in agony, as it is presently in the collective consciousness, seeing how dark forces have created agony so that it operates in the people and world at large. Thus, Starseeds have to master these forces as they exist within themselves, in order to actualize their true spiritual purpose and to build spiritual power while on this earth. If you do not do the inner clearing work, you will not have spiritual power, and you will circle in circles, chasing tails, until you really figure this out. There is no way to get out from taking responsibility for yourself, taking responsibility for the quality of your life, and removing blame from other people and how they may impact you. We came to this earth to be of service, build group consciousness, and totally give every ounce of our being to surrender to the higher plan of God, while we endure the war over consciousness on earth.To dedicate ourselves to the higher purpose, it is critical that we change the way we think, the way we behave, and our motivations and perceptions of life on the earth. Otherwise, if you do not change the way you think, you will be slowly driven crazy from the intense pressure that the higher frequencies and purging of the dark forces create on the earth.The light and plasma force of Cosmic Christ is beginning to run current and embody here, and it is waiting for you to wake up so that you are spiritually strong enough to actually embody its massive force of God’s spirit. If you have negative ego outbursts and pain is running you, it cannot embody, you must purify yourself of these traits. As many of you, I have been on this awakening path for what feels to be a very long time, and have endured obstacle after obstacle, dark attack after dark attack, running through the 3D maze like a laboratory rat, and the whole time wondering where the rest of us on this path are, who are REALLY doing the work. I established the online community nine years ago, while I was homeless, using every last dime I had to make it a reality, working on it day and night while I was getting attacked and intentionally humiliated by others repeatedly. In order to set up the ES structure to be able to exist, it has to set up in many layers of field architecture in so to protect it. I cannot advertise, I cannot market, I cannot superimpose, I cannot do random youtubes and facebooking, I have zero social media presence and there are critical reasons for that. I cannot come to you, and I cannot collaborate with any structure or person that does not have the same GSF alignment that I have worked many years to embody. I have a responsibility to serve the entire field of the community container, and this Ascension content, and I am sorry that I am not personally available to you. I cannot answer every plea for help, as much as I wish I could. I have a very large workload already. What I ask is that you do the investigation, do the study, look at what is on this site in every nook and cranny, talk to God every moment and ask for help and direction from God all the time, and dedicate your life to your highest expression of embodiment on the earth. You must never give up, you must never give your power away to the dark forces or other people, even when everything looks really grim and depressing. I must stress you cannot be lazy, you must face fears, you must get out there and face things you do not want to face, build strength in facing the darkness, no matter what it dishes out. You are a warrior of the light, serving freedom and liberation for all beings, and we are in a war over consciousness, travelling together. I may not be able to answer your emails, but I feel you and I know you are out there, and I am deeply sorry you are in pain. If you cannot be here with us right now to learn and study, then do the best you can to find your aligned path and get to it. Do the work, use our free tools every day. If you do not resonate with our tools or community, then find something that you can work with, or create as your own. If I did this from nothing, so can you. We need you to pull out every last drop of pure heart and spirit, the massive strength within your spirit, in order to make it happen. I am right here working by your side, in the trenches, cheering you on, but you must do the work yourself, no one else can do it for you. Search for tools here, and take them, make them your own, and use them every single day. Things can change, and I am living proof that massive obstacles can be overcome with 100% dedication to serve God. The Christ forces are here, but you must purify your body to commune, embody and speak with them directly. I Love you and We are in this together.

~Lisa Renee, GSF Steward

~via Energetic Synthesis

‘QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE’ ~ “Is the Frequency in Our Cells and Brains Causing Us to Feel Ungrounded and Take Naps?”


“Is the frequency in our cells and brains being raised up and reordered causing us to feel ungrounded and take naps?


“Yes. The Schumann Resonance of earth is changing and what we were used to had a certain phasing, this had a certain rhythm to it. The global brain, the magnetic field of earth is changing. Our interface and connection to the earth, our sleep state, our grounding mechanism is starting to change also, so many of us are feeling this disorientation during this time. We may require cycles of lots of sleep. The frequency changes result in brain upgrades and the neural net which causes a conflict between the operating hemispheres in our brain, making us feel tired. The brain chemistry and the brain waves that we were used to having when we were ‘awake’ and ‘asleep’ are shifting frequencies. This changes what is called the circadian rhythm, the natural biorhythm and movement of our body in respect to planetary energies, such as when we are awake and when we are asleep. Sometimes the brain is operating with brain waves that the body remembers used to be when we were in a sleep state.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Schumann Resonance”


Ascension Avatar note: I am re-blogging this article from April 2017 since it is more pertinent than ever, as more are becoming aware of the Schumann Resonance and the affect it has on everything on the planet. 🌏

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All living organisms interact and interconnect with electromagnetic waves, and all of the earth’s inhabitants, have the memory of the original earth based DNA, which is resonant to the low frequency waves emitted by the Schumann Resonances into the earth’s atmosphere.  The Schumann Resonances are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field, which is similar to say that these pulses are the heartbeat rhythms of the planet.  For this reason, most people are extremely open to conduct these waves of Electromagnetic Signaling through their personal Bio-Neurology that is being stimulated by these ranges of extremely low frequencies, such as 7.83 Hz, what became known as the measurement of the fundamental range of these waves on the earth.  This range of low frequency is commonly produced in the human brain, when relaxed in alpha or theta states.  Extremely low frequency or Radio Waves that are artificially or naturally generated can phase with these same frequencies in the human body, having an array of impacts on human Electromagnetic and DNA Signals which further effect brain waves and the state of Consciousness.

For the first time in recorded history, the Schumann Resonance has reached frequencies of 36+ and is heading for maximum spike levels approaching 50 Hz.  This is a big deal and yet there is no publicly provided information on how this spike is impacting the earth’s geomagnetic field and how this radically effects the human body.

Three years ago in 2014, when the Schumann Resonance frequency had risen to the 15-25 Hz levels from its usual 7.83 frequency, it was considered as a strange anomaly that was occurring to the earth.  The earth’s frequency is speeding up and this greatly impacts all of the functions of the human brain, as well as impacting the heart beat and breathing rhythm.  As the Schumann frequency is accelerating quickly through these consecutive magnetic spike events, this acceleration contributes to time and spatial disorientation, as many of us feel like time has sped up and events and changes in our life are happening much more quickly.

The Core Magnetic Field is Shifting.  This is changing the atmospheric layer of the planet’s magnetic field, as well as the magnetic tone resonance that emanates from the inner core of our planet.  Science understands this core resonance tone as the Schumann Resonances.  Both of these levels of the planet’s magnetic structure are tied to how the frequency code instruction set is relayed into every level of our holographic blueprint and collective consciousness.  This instruction set is the base code of how our hologram is written similarly as to how a computer programmer writes html code to create an internet page or program.  This means the core architecture of our planet, the core foundation of the principles of matter as it manifests is being altered and changed during this phase of evolution.

Because of how the magnetic field works with our brain’s Neural Net, we will see that those human beings working with only the ego personality program, those that are stationed in their identity as a 3D being, those groups are going to have a more difficult time right now adapting in the changing spike in frequencies.  We are all getting prompted to move into higher intelligent forms if we so choose to co-create in these forces of transformation during the Ascension Cycle.  The identity programs, such as collective archetypes used for Mind Control, are starting to be removed, short out, or change.  These archetypes are being changed in the way they were being pulsed into the planetary magnetic field.  This is going to create schisms and incongruence in terms of when someone is speaking to you purely from their personality program, or the Negative Ego.  People stuck in the lower mind and pain body will lose coherence in linear thinking and generate more impulsive and erratic behaviors stemming from their uncleared unconscious mind as it merges with the larger system of the collective unconsciousness in the earth body.

As these magnetic structures on planet are becoming more choppy, from the gaps created between the fission/fusion particle rate changing, this creates gaps in the ego/personality program function.  The ego will have more difficulty articulating and communicating in linear concepts that appear rational and logical with common sense and coherence.  What appears to be rational and logical behavior for a person will be adaptive to the perception of the desires of their personality program.  The personality will lose coherency and break down.  Therefore, this profile of person will have more radical issues pressuring them with the necessity to adapt to the changes required ahead.

Magnetic Point of Divergence

The lower the quality of overall energy, the more unstable and disconnected the personal and environmental experience on earth will become.  The higher the quality of overall energy, the more stable and connected the personal and environmental experience on earth will become.  The planetary collective energy field has many, many layers of intersection links which are building more access points into diagonal lines moving throughout interdimensional fields.  These links make it possible to directly intersect into many different reality timelines, traveling in the past, present and future.  This is called transdimensional time travel.  The accumulative effect of gradually increasing frequency and changing instruction sets in many of the transdimensional time and space fields has reached a point of divergence.  The culmination of reaching this point of divergence within trans-time and space is forcing the shift of the overall planetary energy field parameters.  That pressure of force being applied in the planetary energy field is resulting in accumulative intensity and extreme polarity amplification.  When the extreme polarity of combined forces that exist together within a collective energy field reaches its apex, a split occurs.  This is called the point of divergence within the fixed point in the field, in the range of possibilities in which a Bifurcation of Time transpires.

Matter Polarity in Attraction Reversal

At the point of divergence moving forward in time, as the extreme poles of frequency are then split apart, they are further continually repelled from the strong force generated from the simultaneous amplification of each side of the existing polarities.  This is a reversal of the current comprehension in 3D particle matter polarity structure, in which opposites attract and likes repel.  The way to describe this is as a quantum event transpiring in the anti-particle energy fields where the polarity attraction at a certain frequency threshold reverses.  The previous merging of opposing polarities of vibrational force is reduced as there is a bifurcation and thus curvature made within the space time continuum.  This bifurcation means the fundamental lowest frequency will spiral into a continual descending pattern which greatly amplifies the increasing low frequency in density, increased energetic compaction.  Conversely, the higher frequency threshold will break away from the extreme polarity of the lower base frequency and roll upwards into the next higher dimensional frequency octave, of increased energetic expansion and weightlessness.  This is similar to expressing that the pressure of vibrational force exerted upon the higher frequency from the lowest frequency, that creates an average fundamental frequency while co-existing in a group energy field, will cease to exist in the same way as it has in the past.

Research of Schumann

There is the urgent need for further research into the Schumann Resonance effect to help educate people on how the Sun and the magnetic field radically impact human bodies and human behavior.  Although the Schumann Resonance could easily be confirmed by measurements at the time of its discovery, it is no longer so obvious due to our atmosphere being filled with manmade radiation noise and artificial signals at different frequencies.  The artificial signals almost drown out the natural signals,  signals that have been on the earth through aeons of evolution.  These natural signals act like a natural tuning fork, not just for the biological oscillators of the brain and heart, but for all processes of life.

With the advent of wireless technology, in particular microwaves pulsed at frequencies close to Schumann Resonances as in mobile telephony, another problem is emerging.  Humans are creating an environment that is literally out of tune with nature itself.  And it is at this point that there is an urgent need for us to understand how everything alive responds to the most subtle changes in magnetic and electromagnetic fields surrounding us.  For instance, we need to examine the possible interaction between magnetite crystals within cells and the many manmade and artificial magnetic fields in the environment.

There is a great need for independent research into the bio-compatibility between natural and artificial signals.  By linking together the potential importance of Schumann Resonance and the dangers posed by manmade pulsed frequencies, it will become apparent that unless we find a way to use bio-compatible signals to power new technology, we may expose all life to dangers previously not encountered.  We may have to pay a high price for this shortsightedness.  Serious attention must now be paid to the possible biological role of standing waves in the atmosphere, so that we do not overlook the importance of oscillations in nature that may be central to consciousness and life itself.  Source: The late Dr. Neil Cherry, a fierce opponent of the frequencies used in mobile telephony, has also focused on the importance of Schumann Resonance in his publications ‘Schumann Resonances, a plausible biophysical mechanism for the human health effects of Solar/Geomagnetic Activity’ (2002), and ‘Human intelligence: The brain, an electromagnetic system synchronized by the Schumann Resonance signal’ (2003).

Staying Relaxed is Important Now

• Learn the  12D Shield,  ES Core Triad  practices and make the consistent dedication to clear fear and pain in one’s body.

• Breathing exercises and relaxing the physical body as deeply as possible.  Relax the mind, relax the body, allow the energy to move through you and visualize it moving in spirals up the spine and out of your crown.

• Stay as present in the now moment as possible, work on the mind stillness with the steps of; Observe, Discern, Accept and Neutral to remain in Observer Point.  Clear and refocus your mind away from fear and controlling the result.

• Take care of what you eat and drink, eat smaller and simpler meals.  The body has to work harder to digest, so pay attention and listen to what the body really wants to eat.

• Stay hydrated and soak in water or take salt baths.  Toning, meditating and singing in the bath, can help immensely.

• Allow yourself quiet time, rest and stay away from people and circumstances that are emotionally theatrical, manipulating and controlling.  Be sure to clear yourself of engaging in these tendencies.    Seek to find more harmony, peace and balance in one’s life.

• Research  Ascension  to be informed and speak and communicate with those people that understand and have experienced the same.  Know that this is normal for humans to have spiritual awakenings, and many people are undergoing the exact same things that you are.

• If your body feels constricted, engage in a physical activity or stretching to help the body be more open and relaxed.  Be in Nature or walks with your pet, gentle movement or massage processes.  Intend to stay grounded and to ground your internal spirit in your body.

• If one has had serious abuse or trauma, therapy or counseling may be helpful, with the intention to safely release trauma in a confidential space, held by a qualified or trusted individual.  Focus on releasing issues related to the trauma, with a therapist that is experienced and compassionate and understands spiritual orientation as a motivation and support for the process of healing.  See Also  Ascension Symptoms,  Dark Night of the Soul.


(Source: Ascension Glossary: Schumann Resonance, Magnetic Field Shifting, Kundalini)



~via – Time Shift Blog – April 11, 2017

MICHELLE WALLING: “You’re Not Dying — It’s The Schumann Resonance!”

By now, there isn’t one person on Earth that has not felt some kind of weird and unexplained physical symptom that makes them feel uncomfortable. Many do not understand why this is occurring, and some go to their doctor to find that there is nothing wrong with them. In turn, doctors are realizing that there seems to be a phenomena of unexplained “psychosomatic” occurrences. There is scientific evidence that something is happening on the planet that is shaking the apple cart up at this time, and this evidence is from a Russian website that tracks the Schumann Resonance.

What is the Schumann Resonance?

The Schumann Resonance is a global electromagnetic resonance named by physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952.

The official description from Wikipedia is:

“The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.”

As you can see, the Wikipedia explanation says that we have had a whole lot of lightning lately if you read the charts that I am about to show you. Regardless of whether what is happening on the planet is indeed causing more “lightning” or whether it is causing the equipment to pick up on something else, the scientific evidence proves that something is disturbing or spiking the electromagnetic frequency on the planet. For thousands of year the Schumann resonance has been measured at 7.83 hertz or within shallow spikes of this depending on how many storms are on the planet at the time. A Russian website that can be found HERE is one of the only public sites that releases the daily data on the current Schumann fluctuations. The reasons for this are unclear but seem to point at the control of keeping the data from the public eye.

How does the Schumann Resonance Affect humans?

As a spiritual being merged with a human body, we also merged with the consciousness and energetic makeup of Earth when we were born into a human body. To stay in sync with the planetary composition and frequencies, the human body has an auto correct system that can re-calibrate to the environment when needed. When the auric field of a human is not in sync, however, it is difficult for the emotional, mental, spiritual, and etheric bodies to sync with the physical body and the frequency of Earth.

At the same time, a burst in frequency of Earth’s magnetic frequencies can jostle any energetic blockages in the auric field that can cause the physical body to stay at a low or stagnant ELF (extremely low frequency). Bursts of higher frequencies are a good thing for clearing of the auric field of the human, as long as it is done in moderation. For instance, if a person were to be electrocuted from a household electrical outlet, they may have a better chance at recovering than being struck by lightning.

The spiritual and metaphysical explanation of raising the frequency of the physical body is the higher the frequency, the less dense reality the human will be experiencing. The goal is to transform the dense, controlling reality we are experiencing in a way that unifies humanity in a love based higher consciousness while still existing in the physical body. This can only be achieved by releasing the energetic blocks of the past and of childhood that keep one stuck in creating a recurring illusion of denseness and dis-ease in the physical reality. This will allow the physical body to vibrate harmoniously with the planetary frequency and to have a healthy energy flow within the body which prevents aging and disease.

If a human is stuck in old patterning and beliefs, or perhaps is lulled by complacency into a low frequency, then a burst of frequency can do one of two things. If the person has raised their consciousness enough to realize something is happening and is able to have an open mind and an open heart, then the person will begin to absorb these frequencies as much and as fast as their mind and spirit allows them to. Absorbing these frequencies causes the water in the body to begin to vibrate at the frequency of the spike. This could cause many uncomfortable symptoms but in the end it is also a testament that something is really happening to our planet and to our consciousness.

A few of the most common symptoms of these spikes in electromagnetic frequency are:

  • Hot flashes- as the body vibrates faster it generates heat
  • Blurred vision
  • Vertigo (dizziness)
  • Irregular or skipped heartbeat
  • Unexplained pains that may linger to be acknowledged or may mysteriously come and go
  • Ringing in one or both ears. High pitched frequencies, harmonic tones, and/or sometimes temporary deafening
  • Mood swings as emotional blocks come up to be resolved
  • Extreme fatigue or extreme energy bursts depending on the kind of frequency experienced at the time and how the individual is dealing with it
  • Increased intuition, a sense of knowing or remembering things that guide you through difficulties, and increased sixth sense abilities (beyond touch, taste, feel, hearing, and sight)
  • Nausea
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Problems with bowels
  • Extreme hunger or lack of hunger- different then usual
  • Anxiety and increased fight or flight mode in the body

As you can see, if some of these negatively affected symptoms persist without the person doing things to help the body acclimate, it certainly could feel like the body would begin to exhibit more evidence of shutting down and may make you feel as if you are dying. In fact, it is purging in order to be able to acclimate, very similar to how it deals with flu or viruses.

If a person is completely unconscious and is not a caring, compassionate human, (or is not a souled human at all) then these frequencies will irritate and disturb and will most likely not be integrated. Thus these type of people will stay at a low frequency and will not benefit from the incoming waves of energy. It could even begin to cause their physical body to shut down because it will not be able to stay manifest in harmony with the planet’s frequency. Unfortunately some people are not handling this well physically and we are seeing people “leaving” at this time (dying). There is certainly no judgment in this, as some people did not choose to go through this shift in frequency or simply did not have enough energy left to handle it, and no one ever really “dies” anyway. They simply move to another frequency outside of the constraints of the physical body and go where they need to in order to continue on their journey.

How to acclimate the body to accept the higher frequencies

There are many ways to help yourself adjust to the energies, but here are a few of the most common:

  • Meditation — not the kind of meditation to connect with astral beings or to have out of body experiences. Peace, pause, and breath meditation and focusing on energy flow works best, and open eye meditation is also good.
  • Grounding, or Earthing — Bare feet on the ground, spending time in nature, sea salt baths, swimming, eating grounding foods.
  • Asking your higher being (higher self/Source/Guidance team) to assist you in acclimation, especially if you are suffering.
  • Drink plenty of pure water! No fluoride.
  • Rest — the body has an uncanny ability to do much of it’s re-setting while it is asleep or lying still.
  • Loving yourself and caring for the body.
  • Gentle exercise — moving the energy to release blockages and encourage proper energy flow.
  • Whole foods — as opposed to processed or GMO foods.
  • Massage
  • Spiritual Counsel or Life Coaching with an expert who has an understanding of the cause and holistic treatments.
  • Listen to your body and do what feels right to make it comfortable.

How to read the Schumann Resonance

Those who are sensitive to energy have been able to correlate when they are feeling something really different, and look up the chart to see if a “wave” is occurring.

Here is a screen shot of what the Schumann Resonance looked like from the Russian website on November 9, 2018:

On the left axis you will see the hertz and on the lower axis you will see the time of day in UTC +7. The top axis shows the date. The green shows what I assume are normal pulses of electromagnetic frequency. A “white out” has been shown to correlate with thousand of people being able to feel the fluctuation in their physical body. the wider the band of the white out, the longer the wave is consistently hitting. The one showed here was a big one, starting around 18:00 on November 8, 2018 and lasting for several hours. It looks as if the spikes were at around 24 hertz. As a side note, at this time I felt extremely sleepy and my eyes started blurring to where I could not read very well on the computer.

Here is the same chart with an arrow that shows what the “norm” of 7.83 hertz is:

Check this chart out from 9/7 through 9/9 of 2018, where we see 9/9 was a doozy!

I realize these chart screenshots are a bit hard to see. They are for educational purposes only. Please go to the Russian website for a real time chart and better clarity.

I do not know the exact amount of time that the Schumann charts have shown these wild fluctuations. If I were to guess, I’d say over the last 40 years, it slowly started to burst more and more, and in the last 6 years has accelerated as if we were traveling down a spiral in frequency and intensity to the end of the spiral, where we were experiencing a node on the spiral in less time and faster as we traveled. I just chose a few random charts that I had saved recently so you could have fresh memory of what you may have been experiencing at that time for comparison.

What does it mean?

Frequency means how many wave cycles happen in a second. 1 Hz. means 1 cycle per second, 40 Hz. means 40 cycles per second, Amplitude is the size of the vibration, how big the wave is, and the chart shows the frequency variation in Hz and the amplitude using the white color. We can deduce logically that large white color bursts in electromagnetic frequencies and for long periods of time are going to affect our physical bodies!

These blasts of energy frequency help humanity to awaken from the spell that a low frequency can keep a person stuck in. We can all think back to a time in our lives where we found ourselves hypnotized through entertainment or even through slaving at a job we hated for the need for money out of survival. Many people, including of course those reading this article, have realized that there is something really wrong with what is occurring on the planet at this time. It is these people who are being affected through waves of energy or vibration, light, and sound that will help them break free of the chaos and unhappiness they may find themselves in.

On a “matrix” level, there is 1% of the people on this planet who would like to control the 99% of people on the planet. They do not have the consciousness or ability to move through these up-shifts in frequency like someone who is awake, aware, and has made a conscious choice to not be under the control system. Eventually, those who raise their physical body frequency to their higher consciousness will be able to outwit, outsmart, and outplay those who wish to control them on many levels. New understandings, abilities, and higher dimensional connections will occur to the individuals who are able to adjust. As the frequency continues to blast, rest, then blast, we are slowly (but lately at an accelerated rate) connecting the physical to higher dimensions, densities, and consciousnesses that are beyond those who have controlled humans for a very long time on the planet. The upshifts in frequency also help people to awaken.

This article is a simplified explanation of the Schumann Resonance fluctuation showing a correlation with the way the human body has been experiencing this while examining the scientific proof in increase of frequency through charts found on a Russian website. It is intended to help alleviate the fear of the shift and changes that are occurring by providing logical conclusions. It is not intended to keep anyone from seeking medical attention nor is it a complete explanation of the bigger picture of why it is occurring and where the waves of energy are coming from. Please use your own discernment and do your own research to understand more about this phenomenon, and please share far and wide so that those who are having difficulties can use the techniques described in this article to alleviate their adjustment symptoms.

Finally, in the practice of questioning everything in our reality, here is a note for the doubters. If for some reason even the Russian website that is providing the data for us to be able to track is fraudulent, and if there is something different causing these symptoms that we are going through, at least we are aware that something is happening globally and millions of people are experiencing this. It at least helps us to realize that we need to take care of ourselves in a more holistic way and that we can share information with each other that helps us feel like we are not alone or that our symptoms are not psychosomatic. Many people started consciously working with these energetic frequency years ago and have reported on what has worked best for them to be able to feel better. These people, including myself, no longer suffer when huge waves hit, as we have tried many things and compared notes with each other.


About the author: Michelle Walling is a Holistic Life Coach specializing in Starseed support, and is a transformational public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. Her websites are,,, and

