BARBARA BUCK: “6 Supportive Supplements Your Body Needs for This Ascension Cycle”

The earth is currently experiencing massive infusions of light which are part of the ascension process. The cells of our body are using it to transmute into less dense forms. The amount of light entering us right now is causing what many people call “ascension symptoms.”

We’re re-calibrating, and even when we stay physically healthy and do our self-work to clear old, stuck emotions, and energy that might be making it difficult to accrete the new frequencies, it’s tough to clear everything at the speed necessary for the ascension process. The light comes in and it waits for no man. Or woman.

On top of that, Mother Earth is also going through the ascension process. The biological, electromagnetic, and chemical systems of the planet are changing, which affects us. Toxicity in the environment, food, and water doesn’t help matters.

Ascension symptoms are the absolute worst. Sometimes it feels like the more frequency we accumulate, the more uncomfortable we are in our meat suits. Here are just a few of the more common physical and emotional symptoms:

  • head and neck pressure and pain
  • constant dehydration
  • ringing in the ears, noise sensitivity
  • muscle cramps, pain, and weakness
  • immune system malfunction
  • intestinal issues
  • food, chemical, and environmental sensitivities
  • extreme fatigue
  • inability to acclimate to changes in temperature, and hot and cold flashes
  • brain fog
  • dizziness
  • tingling and numbness
  • anxiety or depression
  • hyper-awareness of certain organs, like the heart beating
  • rashes and other skin issues
  • inflammation

Many of these symptoms can be due to a medical issue, but for most of us, we’ve done the doctor thing and found nothing technically wrong. It’s clear that we are experiencing a process because the symptoms are so common among people who come from all walks of life.

Most people perceive the transmutation we experience during an ascension cycle as an energetic thing, but it’s actually a biological process that is the result of all this new light coming in. defines transmutation this way:


“Transmutation is the internal change going on inside the body that puts together the combination of parts or chemical elements, groups or simpler compounds or by the degradation of a complex compound so as to form a whole new combination. During mutation, this new combination may be constructed by the body from diverse conceptions into a coherent whole body that may be different from previous bodies. The physical transmutation change within your bodies is a significant and basic alteration in the body.

Within human body cells are light-encoded filaments, fine gossamer threads of energy that carry information. When these gossamer threads are working together like a fiber optic type of cable, they form the helix of your DNA. Imagine that your frequencies are starting to detach from each other and where they are still connected, they’re just threaded together. They aren’t so congealed that they create that much matter anymore. What’s going to happen then is that the energy that is coming into you is going to start to come in more easily. It’s as if the cells have to break apart a bit.”


In layman’s terms, our bodies and brains are getting royally worked. Fortunately, there are certain supplements that can help ease the symptoms that we’re experiencing during this ascension cycle.

As in all things, please check in with your Higher Mind to make sure that these supplements are right for you. What works for one person might not work for another. If you’re under a doctor’s care or taking medication of any kind, practice due diligence and discernment.

Always ask your body what it needs.


Those of us going through the ascension process are notoriously dehydrated. Even when we drink a ton of water, it still feels like we never get enough. If you always feel dehydrated, it’s probably not because you’re not drinking enough water, but because the water you’re drinking doesn’t have enough electrolytes in it.

Electrolytes are minerals in the body that have an electric charge known as ions. All of our bodily fluids, tissues, and cells have them. Maintaining the right balance of electrolytes helps the body’s blood chemistry, muscle function, pH levels, and a host of other processes. They also control our fluid balance and the ability to hydrate.

They are primarily composed of the minerals sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, phosphates, and sulfates. They’re essential because they’re used by our cells to create and carry energy across cell membranes, and they aid in the communication between our cells. We get them from the foods we eat and the fluids we drink.

At least we’re supposed to, anyway. Most of us drink purified, filtered, or chemically treated water, so we don’t get a lot of electrolytes. We can also get it from food, but current farming practices don’t include nutrient rich soil.

Even if we’re eating and drinking what would normally be enough electrolytes, ascension burns nutrients! A good electrolyte supplement will help.

Biochemic Cell Salt Remedies (Tissue Salts)

It takes quite a bit of energy for cells to go through the transmutation process. Cell salts are the energetic form of the minerals that are needed to nourish cells. They form the basic constituents of the cells, tissues, and organs, and our bodies use their energy for metabolism and ionization.

If a cell doesn’t have enough water or ionic substances, like salts, to produce balanced electrolytes, the cells convert their material structure to provide the energy, then go into a depleted state. Cell salt remedies can bring cells back into balance, which is vital to being able to hold the huge amounts of light we’re receiving right now.

They work in a similar fashion to homeopathic remedies, but are essentially the same as micro-dosing the specific mineral that the remedy is made from. There are 12 cell salt remedies that can be used for different ailments, as well as a remedy made up of all 12 called Bioplasma.

The cells of the brain and nervous system take a big hit during the ascension cycle, so Bioplasma is a starseed’s best friend. They don’t call it the “starseed supplement” for no reason.

Fulvic Acid

Many of the ascension symptoms that we experience are due to inflammation in one form or another, especially when it comes to digestive issues, food sensitivities, and pH imbalance. Fulvic acid is an organic compound that we don’t produce naturally, but we need it to survive.

Fulvic acid can be found in soil, rocks, and water. It’s one of the reasons why “earthing” is a thing right now. There are a number of humic substances found in dirt that most people rarely get enough of because their bare skin doesn’t often get immersed in soil, unless they garden free of shoes and gloves.

It contains a plethora of electrolytes, trace minerals, prebiotics, probiotics, fatty acids, and silica, all ingredients for a healthy digestive system. When used regularly, fulvic acid can heal gut permeability, which decreases problems like bloating, diarrhea, and food allergies.

Once the gut is healed, inflammation throughout the body can also decrease, along with an increase in the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. It also protects the body against cognitive impairments, so it helps with the brain fog many of us get.


You’ve probably figured out by now that the cleaner you eat, the less ascension symptoms you have. Supplements that support detoxification are a must because the body’s ability to eliminate toxins is decreased. It only has so much energy to spend, and it’s busy building new cells that can handle more light.

Chlorophyll is a plant pigment that’s responsible for their green color, and for the absorption of light, aka photosynthesis. We get it when we eat green vegetables, but supplementing can help with quite a few ascension symptoms. It can help us absorb more light, too!

It can bind to substances that are potential carcinogens and interfere with how they’re absorbed within the gastrointestinal system, which protects the cells from damage. This can impact everything from skin issues to digestion, which makes chlorophyll a go-to supplement during this process.

Our livers are getting an intense work out right now. Chlorophyll has been clinically proven to increase phase II biotransformational enzymes, which improve our ability to eliminate potentially harmful toxins.

Nascent Iodine (Atomic Iodine)

Iodine is another one of those essential minerals that we don’t produce on our own, so we have to ingest it. Most soil we use for crops is iodine deficient because of poor farming practices, so many of us don’t get enough, especially if we don’t use iodized salt.

It’s responsible for the proper function of the thyroid. It keeps the production of thyroid hormones in check, so we don’t become hypo or hyperthyroid. Starseeds and Indigos are notorious for thyroid and endocrine disorders.

Nascent iodine is a supplemental form of iodine that has a higher energy state than other forms because it’s atomic. It’s negatively charged ions suspended in a solution are more readily absorbed by the body, making it a more efficient form of iodine.

If you’re experiencing depression, a slow metabolism, difficulty sleeping, or get sick at the drop of a hat, you might have an iodine deficiency.


We are constantly exposed to radiation and EMFs, and the higher our frequency is, the more sensitive we are. The use of cell phones, computers, wifi, and other devices can cause physical issues like headaches, dizziness, nausea, and hot and cold flashes. Many of our ascension symptoms can go away when we are in nature away from all these things.

Yarrow is an old healing herb that has been scientifically proven to protect the body against exposure to electromagnetic radiation, including from microwaves. It’s even been shown to reduce the side-effects of radiation treatments for cancer.

It works well as an essential oil, extract, or flower essence.


Barbara Buck practices energy medicine, quantum creation support, and is an ascension guide. For more information, please visit her website at



ALEX ‘EARTHIE MAMA’ DU TOIS: How to Make a Detox Bath”

Our bodies are subject to many harsh chemicals in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the body care products some of us lather on our skin. If the toxins remain in the body it is possible for our organs to become increasingly toxic leading to all kinds of possible illness. It is possible to recognize when your body might be needing to detox. If you are feeling sluggish, bloated, achy in the joints, having brain fog or just need to relax, a Detox Bath might be just what you need!

These are the ingredients I use in my Detox Bath

(I use about 1/4 cup of each one and add 20-40 drops of Lavender Essential Oil)

Magnesium Flakes ~ Adding Magnesium Flakes to your body, provides magnesium through the skin. Magnesium is necessary for heart function, bone density, muscle cramping, sound sleep, many metabolic reactions in the body, and much more. Many people are deficient in Magnesium and this is a great way to get Magnesium in the body and relax at the same time.

Bentonite Clay ~ Bentonite clays helps in the detoxification process stimulating the lymphatic system to deeply cleanse by pulling toxins out through the skin.

Baking Soda ~ Baking Soda helps to drain the lymphatic system of toxins. Baking Soda not only helps soothe skin rashes, it helps to restore the acid/alkaline balance in the body. Baking Soda has also been known to counter the effects of radiation.

Epsom Salts ~ Epsom Salts is used as a method for detoxification. The magnesium sulfate that is in the salts help to detoxify with medicinal and cleansing actions like if you were soaking in a sulfur hot spring. Epsom Salts helps relax muscles while pulling toxins out.

Essential Oils ~ You can use any of your favorite essential oils. I love to use Lavender Oil. If I don’t have oils I will break off a branch and some flowers and put it straight in the bath. Lavender is great for soothing the skin and helping with scrapes, cuts, bruises and skin irritations. It is also great for relaxing and unwinding after a long day right before bedtime.

* You can also add Apple Cider Vinegar as it balances the body back into an alkaline state. It soothes and softens the skin too. Himalayan Pink Salts helps rid the body of toxins as well as helps with skin problems, joint pains, insect bites, poison oak/ivy irritations and much more.

Relax and Detox while you take a quiet moment for yourself and your overall wellness.

Please feel free to write me with questions or comments!

I love hearing from you!

In gratitude and service,

~ Alex



NEZEL PADAYHAG: “5 Bad Habits That Weaken Your Energy Field And Positive Habits To Replace Them With”

Your energy field or the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds you depends much on your health and lifestyle.

It reflects your personal energy and affects your ability to connect with others. A healthy energy field is a good indicator of living the life you want.

If it’s weak, you will lack motivation and vitality for making your life better, personally and professionally. A weakened energy field also makes you more susceptible to negativity.

While there are scientific explanations behind the feelings of fatigue, in most cases it still comes down to one important thing, your energy has weakened because of bad habits.

These habits might vary, from wrong diets and bad sleeping patterns to stress, activities that harm your health, even not following your purpose.

Weakened energy field is the symptom of some underlying problem, it is an indicator that something in your lifestyle is draining your energy and disrupting your energy flow.

You fail to see the harm done because it happens gradually and on a daily basis. When you notice the difference your energy field has already weakened.

To protect your energy field you need to know the things that weaken it, as well as the ways to strengthen it.

It all comes down to how you structurize your lifestyle and what kind of habits you integrate in it. Here are some bad habits you should avoid and replace with positive ones.

5 Bad Habits That Weaken Your Energy And What To Do Instead:

1. Addiction to social media.

Even though there are good and inspirational things that you see on social media, it is still outnumbered by the negative ones. If you’re not aware, you’re likely to be influenced by the negativity that you get from there. The amount of time and energy spent in pointless internet browsing also diminishes your energy.

What to do instead: Spend more time with people who uplift your energy.

There are people who simply good for your energy. Instead of being sucked into social media feeds, meet up with someone who uplifts your energy. Speak with them, converse on topics both of you are passionate about, talk about things that inspire you.

2. Poor sleep habits.

Regardless of what you do in the wee hours of the night, not having enough sleep is not good for your body. Your mind and body need adequate rest to be able to function well for the next day. A good sleep is a wise investment to gain more for the following day.

What to do instead: Have an exercise regimen.

Get your body moving. Engaging in physical activities gets your blood circulating and your energy going. Create a habit where you engage yourself physically, like swimming, running, yoga, walking, or any other activities that can sweat you.

3. Staying indoors all the time.

Not getting enough sunshine and fresh air is not good for your energy. The sun, most especially, provides you with warmth and uplifts your energy levels. It promotes the production of vitamins in your body. Staying indoors might make you depressed.

What to do instead: Go for a walk.

Walking has been found to have lots of mental and physical benefits. Aside from improving your mood and getting fresh air, walking is also the best way to get sunshine on your skin. The sun’s energy not only gives you a dose of vitamin D but it also purifies your mood.

4. Poor eating habits.

Poor eating habits accompanied by an unhealthy lifestyle is probably the greatest drainer of your energy. Most processed foods make you feel tired and lethargic. Organic and naturally grown foods are packed with natural energy that replenishes what your body loses.

What to do instead: Follow a nutritious diet.

A nutritious diet simply consists of naturally grown food. If it’s possible, grow your own organic veggies and fruits. Eating raw food is also a great way of getting the sun’s energy into your body.

5. Overthinking and stress.

Stress is the biggest enemy of the modern times. We overthink and stress about things daily. This is an addiction we all suffer from. Overthinking and dealing with stressful people every single day is almost inevitable, however, almost. It can be significantly reduced.

What to do instead: Do deep breathing and meditation exercises.

Deep breathing is a quick saver, especially when you’re feeling exhausted. Simply close your eyes, then slowly inhale and exhale deeply. Doing this for at least 5 minutes will calm your mind. A regular meditation is healthy and keeps you connected to your inner being.

Your body is said to be the temple of your soul. When you take good care of it, your soul is likely to shine, and this raises your energy levels. These are simple strategies, but if done on daily basis they can strengthen your energy field and keep negative energies at bay.



ISABELLE Z.: “All-Natural Cleaning Remedies That Will Leave Your Home Smelling Fresh… Minus The Harsh Chemicals”

Lemon peel and vinegar household cleaner

It can seem like an exercise in futility to go to great lengths to seek out organic fruits and vegetables for your family, only to prepare and serve them in a kitchen where everything has been cleaned with harsh, toxin-filled chemicals. While focusing on feeding your family healthy foods is vital, you should also keep in mind that commercial cleaning products contain a host of unsavory ingredients that can cause adverse health reactions.

For example, a European study found that people who use a spray cleaner just once a week had a 50 percent higher chance of developing asthma! Glass and furniture cleaners, as well as air fresheners, were all found to be guilty of upping the risk.

Cleanliness is a valid concern in the home, and in food prep areas in particular. Many people fail to realize, however, that some natural methods are just as effective as those harsh chemicals – without any of the dangers. Here is a look at some top choices for natural cleaning.

Easy and natural all-purpose cleaner

A citrus vinegar cleaner is easy to make and will leave your house smelling clean and fragrant. All you have to do is place some citrus peels in a glass jar. Cover them with white vinegar and let the jar sit for two weeks. After that time has passed, remove the peels from the jar and dilute the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:1. Pour it into a spray bottle, and use it to clean glass, windows, bathrooms and certain countertops. You can even mop floors with it!

Get your cutting board spic and span

Cutting boards can be a breeding ground for germs, particularly when raw meat is cut on the same board as fruits and vegetables. While doing this should be avoided in any event, you’ll still need to clean your cutting board after each use. Thankfully, a lemon and some salt can get the job done quite nicely.

First, sprinkle the cutting board with some coarse salt. Then take a lemon with the cut side down – one that has already been squeezed will work fine – and scour the surface while squeezing a little to release some lemon juice. After letting it sit for a few minutes, simply scrape the dirty liquid away. Use a clean cloth to give the surface another rinse, and you’re good to go!

Clean your drain sans chemical solutions

Forget the harsh drain cleaners, which are full of all manner of unpronounceable and risky ingredients. If you’ve got baking soda and vinegar on hand, you have all you need to unclog your drain naturally. First, flush the drain with boiling water and then add half a cup of baking soda. Toss in a cup of vinegar and a cup of hot water and wait for the bubbles to subside, then run some hot tap water down your drain for about a minute and you’re done!

Make your carpet smell fresh

You can make a natural carpet freshener easily by combining two cups of baking soda with 10 to 20 drops of the essential oils of your choice. The baking soda will lift stains and deodorize, while the essential oils will disinfect and leave a pleasant aroma.

Lavender is a good choice for a springtime floral scent, while orange, lemon or lemongrass will give your room that citrusy fresh smell. You can also combine oils to create a custom scent. Sprinkle this mixture lightly on your carpet and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming thoroughly.

With Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, recently revealing a shocking number of dangerous chemicals hiding in common household groceries and supplements in his book Food Forensics, it’s time to walk away from processed food and store-bought cleaning products, and start making use of all that nature has given us.
