MICHELLE WALLING: “Important Information About Reiki”

One of the first things a person wants to do after their awakening is to begin to serve others. Many of the awakened people on the planet are natural healers and learn a method of energy manipulation called Reiki. While this form of healing can be powerful, it can also be detrimental to the recipient if the healer is not on the level of understanding and guidance of a higher level.

Reiki is a form of energy healing where the “universal energy” is passed through the hands of the healer to the recipient. The main benefit of such energy seems to be receiving energy when energy is lacking to a specific area. The only reason one would need to receive universal energy from another is if they have not remembered how to connect to the source of universal energy within themselves, usually due to low vibration energy blocks. It is human nature to want to help another feel better so that they can perhaps then be able to move forward and connect to their own energetic force.

In order for safe Reiki to be administered, there are a few things you should consider before either giving or receiving Reiki.

First, the Reiki healer should be able to either see the recipient’s energy field or be completely guided by their higher self or healing team. How is it possible for someone to be able to give the correct frequency of energy to the right area if one cannot “see” the energy field? It could be detrimental to the recipient to have too much energy in one place. Very rarely, individuals serve as vessels for teams of higher beings to work through and they simply move their consciousness out of the way and let the teams take control of the physical body and perform the healing. These types of healers will stand out in the alternative community as miracle workers and thus will have a proven track record. Otherwise, be wary of someone who simply becomes certified to give energy but has no way to gauge where it needs to go or what frequency or color it needs to be.

Second, the Reiki healer needs to have done healing and clearing on themselves. If a person does not know their Reiki healer well, they have no idea of who or what is in their energy field. Until hitchhikers, astral beings, and fear are dissipated by a person themselves, they should not be trying to heal another person. It is not a good idea to receive Reiki from someone who is just in the beginning phases of their own healing and awakening process. Otherwise, energy healers can inadvertently pass these energies or entities around like a ghostly virus.

Third, if a person is a hands on healer, they need to be clearing any negative energy from themselves before laying their hands on another person. Until protocols of protection are learned, a Reiki healer should not touch another person, especially if they are an open empath. Of course, that is how many people get healed and it is a wonderful thing for a person to get healed by someone when they couldn’t clear the energy blockage themselves. But this is hard on the healer to take on the energy and then to have to take the time and energy to clear themselves. Sometimes the healer gets too overwhelmed with energy that they have inadvertently taken on and they can get sick or “burned out” as the body gets fried.

Fourth, as we are moving closer and closer to connecting with a greater consciousness and self-healing understanding, it is not a good idea to continue enabling a person to rely on others to give them energy. All souled humans have the ability to remove the blockages that re-establish the connection to the same universal source. That is the real goal of someone who is on the ascension path, and one who continually seeks that energy outside of themselves is bypassing the work themselves will continue to struggle until they begin the path of self-healing.

While it is noble to want to be in service to others as a healer, it could also be harming others more than helping if the above topics are not considered. The very best way a person can help another is to work on themselves first. Some people take a fast track and can work on their issues within a year and some take decades. There comes a time in a truly balanced and healed individual where they catapult themselves into a higher timeline. Only then are they truly connected with their higher self and guides who tell them exactly what their mission is. If that mission happens to be healing, the protocol and method for doing that healing will be shown to them and the healing guides will always be there to assist on every session. This is the kind of Reiki healer one would want to be, and this is the kind of healing that one would want to receive.

In summary, the very best Reiki healers are “seers”, people who have a direct connection or open telephone line to their healing guides, or people that know how to step out of the way and let their healing guides work through their body. If you have recently received Reiki healing from someone and you got sick or feel worse from that session, try clearing by taking a sea salt bath and calling on your own healing team to remove any energies you may have picked up. Grounding with Earth and imagining that all that is not yours be pushed out of you feet into the planet for transmutation is also another good method. Ultimately we all end up making a few mistakes on our journey so that we realize how to heal ourselves.

As we continue to collectively raise our consciousness and understanding of frequencies and energy, it is important to refine each area in the metaphysical and spiritual arena. We have to become more aware and responsible for our own actions, where we are placing our energy, and what energies we are taking on from others. Clearing and healing yourself automatically affects everyone who is connected to you or that comes into your energy field. This has proven to be the most effective and accelerated way to help others collective ascend in frequency. While Reiki should not be necessarily ruled out in the higher consciousness protocols, the understanding and mastering of energy postulates that we can shift energy on a quantum level through association rather than a physical level.


About the author: Michelle Walling is a Holistic Life Coach specializing in Starseed support, and is a transformational public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. Her websites are michellewalling.com, Howtoexitthematrix.com, Cosmicstarseeds.com, and Cosmicawakeningshow.com.


~via HowToExitTheMatrix.com

CASEY FRANCIS: “Tips For Aspiring Healers, Lightworkers, Teachers, And Shamans”

“I want to be a healer”

“I want to be a lightworker”

“I want to help teach people to change their lives for the better”

“I want to be a shaman”

How To Be More Spiritual Tip: YOU ALREADY ARE!

By doing what you do in your day-to-day lives, you’re already helping people. You might not even realize it; but the smile and kind words you said to the clerk at the store may have changed their life. Just being your authentic self brings and grounds positive energy into the earth at all times of the day and night.

However, stepping into bigger roles does start with small steps. If we’re not trusted to simply be kind to the people we stumble across in our daily existence, why should we be trusted dealing with severe states of emotional, physical, mental or spiritual distress in others?

It seems quite logical that we must also be in the process of healing ourselves before we begin to fully understand and step into the roles and paths of becoming a healer or teacher; understanding at the very least the core principles of the modalities we decide to follow and how they have positively or negatively affected our lives before we decide to give this guidance onto others.

Let’s look at an example of someone recommending fasting, ketogenic or raw food diets because they’ve done a little bit of research on the topic and have been practicing it for 3 weeks with good results. Things like drastic diet changes have the ability to majorly affect all of our body systems, along with influencing our emotional and mental states due to hormonal and biochemical changes, especially over long periods of time.

  • Are they going to attain sufficient nutrition by following your plan for an extended period of time?
  • Will they receive enough macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins and minerals to ensure their body will still function?
  • Are there any contraindications to someone partaking in this diet?
  • Do they have any diseases which may become worse through following this method?
  • Are they aware that they may experience headaches, dizziness, confusion, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, muscle aches and hormonal changes as their body adapts to the new foods?
  • Have you seen positive changes to your own being from utilizing this method before?
  • What are some other physical or emotional particulars that they might note once they start on this diet?
  • How long should they remain on this diet for?
    Are there any markers in health that they need to watch out for to know if they should stop this particular diet?

Choosing the right field is a process. For some, they will know straight away; for others, it may take time.

Sometimes we can become anxious to have a fresh start, to follow our purpose work or jump into our new life-path straight away — Which is great!

But before you dive headfirst into the first, second or third healing modality you come across and start teaching others about it, ask yourself;

  1. Am I doing what I’m preaching? Is this sustainable?
  2. What fruit am I bearing from the ways that I live?
  3. Are they in line with the teachings of whatever doctrine I am following?

“The proof of the spiritual pudding is in the manifesting”

Do you want to teach people how to attain mental mastery?

Firstly, ask yourself if what you’re teaching has actually helped you so far in your life to gain strength over the ever-flowing currents of the mind.

Do you want to give exercise or healthy eating tips?

Ask yourself if you could stick to the plans you’re giving out. Do they work? Have you tried them before?

Do you want to be an intuitive healer/reiki practitioner?

Are you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually strong enough to handle the energies of anyone that comes in for a healing? Do you know how to ensure you’re not taking on the energies yourself?

Make sure that your decision to follow a healing path or teach others isn’t based on emotional wants, nor pride, nor greed.

Is it what your soul is driving you to do?
Are you being guided into this, or have some messages been a little mixed up along the way?

Did you miss something?

It is important to have some critical thinking, because although you have found something you enjoy whilst on a fresh beginning, it is vital to be sure you have checked your internal guidance system before you decide to invest a lot of your time and energy into it.

Understand that you are already a healer; you are already bringing light and guidance into this world — before you make any rushed decisions, ensure you’re choosing the right path.

Maybe there’s something far better for you to be investing your time in!


Article by Casey Francis of https://www.howtobemorespiritual.com/blog


~via In5D.com

NEZEL PADAYHAG: “Everything You Need To Know About The Concept Of Energy Healing”

Energy healing has been around for centuries. Different ancient cultures use the body’s energy as a powerful force in their healing modalities.

The Japanese have the Reiki as a traditional energy healing, the traditional Chinese medicine practitioners utilize the Meridians, which are the body’s energy superhighway, and the ancient Hindu texts describe the Chakras, the 7 energy transmission centers of the body.

All these energy healing techniques are based on scientific principles.

Now the question is, can energy healing really cure diseases? To answer this, we need to get deep down into the principles of the energy healing process.

Though some people claim having healed of their diseases quickly through energy healing, these instances are rare. Energy healing is not like a magic wand that takes care of your health. It’s a traditional practice and something worth examining.

Here Are 3 Main Things You Need To Know About This Concept Of Energy Healing

1. It is holistic.

This means energy healing doesn’t focus only on one particular symptom or body part.

Rather, the focus involves the overall aspects of the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical.

The healing must come first from the level of pure consciousness down to the physical.

Energy healing comes from pure love. Love is the ultimate healer of all. Love alone releases fears, which are the primary cause of disease.

Fears prevent you from fully experiencing love, health, abundance, and other pleasures of life that you deserve. It’s only when you allow love to flow that you’ll be totally healed.

2. It is a process.

Energy healing is a process that requires you to have the pure intent of wanting to get healed. Along with this, you must be prepared to have a shift in consciousness and a lifestyle change.

The time it takes to heal depends solely on you. The progress becomes faster if you’re able to receive an intuitive guidance from the healer during the post healing summary.

This, in a way, helps you to expand your consciousness, awakening your hidden gifts that could include self healing.

Energy healing is, therefore, not an elixir that takes your symptoms right away. It’s not even permanent because staying healthy depends on your commitment to yourself and to your lifestyle changes.

Energy healing doesn’t suppress symptoms nor does it removes your illness away. It involves the process of peeling away the layers of yourself that obscures your truth and exposing the core wounds that cause your disease.

Once these wounds are exposed, healing begins. The wisdom you get from this experience will eventually be integrated into your consciousness.

Before the healing procedure takes place, the focus of healing must be determined, the process must be discussed as well as the expectations.

During the healing process, the practitioner scans the energy body that includes the aura and chakras for abnormalities and then repairs them energetically.

After the healing, lifestyle changes and self care routines must be discussed to correct the causes of the imbalances and the energetic healing must also be manifested in other areas, such as the mental, emotional, and physical levels.

3. It takes faith.

Without faith, healing can’t take place. A genuine faith is important for the healing to manifest. You also need to trust in the ability of the healer to help you heal. And you need to have the same faith to sustain you throughout the post healing process.

Your beliefs create your reality. Hence, you need to have the right beliefs.

The energy healers are not there to give you something that you need. They’re only there to assist. You already have what it takes to heal yourself, but because you don’t know the process, you need someone to facilitate you in the healing journey.

It is more about discovering yourself, gaining your personal power back, and using your divinity to live the life you love. Energy healers are there to assist you, but your self-healing faith is what makes everything possible.

As Dr. Bruce Lipton says, “The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite your chemistry in your body.“


~via LifeCoachCode.com

KIM HUTCHINSON: “Is There A Dark Side To Reiki?”

hidden dangers of reiki.jpg

Recently, I read a Facebook post from a healing colleague about the hidden dangers of Reiki.  I was surprised by the assertions which basically said that Reiki energy was from a lower vibration and that it harmed, rather than healed, people.

While this point of view didn’t resonate with me, it piqued my curiosity.  I wondered what would cause a holistic practitioner to suddenly turn on Reiki, especially given that Reiki blazed the trail for so many other healing modalities.  This prompted me to do a little digging online, and to also meditate on the question.

Allegations Against Reiki

My online research led me to several articles about the supposed dangers of Reiki.

According to these sources, Reiki:

  • comes from a low vibrational source which may be harmful and deceptive
  • can be used to steal good energy and implant negative energy and cords
  • symbols are from, or have been corrupted by, dark forces

There are other concerns, but you get the idea.

Why is this Happening?

I have several ideas as to why some practitioners are turning away from Reiki.

Incompatible Beliefs

Many of the articles were written from a religious perspective. Even though Reiki is spiritual rather than denominational, religious authors had several major issues with the healing practice, and found it to be contrary to their faith.

Guidance:  If this applies to you, then you must follow the path of your heart.  If that is your religious faith, then more power to you!

Dark Night of the Soul

Several people wrote about experiencing upsetting, and sometimes even frightening, post-healing episodes. What they described sounded like aspects of the Dark Night of the Soul, during which a person releases old trauma and past life karma.  Releasing so much pain and suffering can be overwhelming at times, and it can feel as though the darkness is attacking, rather than leaving, you.

Guidance:  Keeping those lower emotions inside negatively impacts your health and energy level. It is far better to release them rather than to store them.  That being said, if you feel overwhelmed by negative emotions bubbling to the surface, I advise combining energy healing with professional counseling.  Cognitive therapy slows the process to a more manageable level; helps to make sense of your emotions, and gives you coping techniques.

Dark Entities on the Loosh

People in need of healing, or who are going through the healing process, often attract lower vibrational beings.  These service-to-self entities may be non-corporeal or multidimensional in nature.  Most are from 4D. Dark beings are (voluntarily) cut off from Source, and so they steal energy (called ‘loosh’) from light beings in order to survive.  They feed off this loosh, getting the greatest surge from our lower emotions (i.e. fear and hostility).  Reiki helps to boost your spiritual gifts so, rather than implanting you with entities, Reiki treatments may elevate your awareness of them.

Guidance:  The best way to rid yourself of dark entities is to raise your vibration.  If you move your energy to a higher planes of consciousness, you disappear from their awareness, in the same way that oil separates from water.  To do so, you need to heal your fear so that you can embody more Love.  Energy healing can be very helpful in this process.

Healer Heal Thyself

Many people who receive Reiki treatments love it so much that they choose to become practitioners themselves.  Reiki helps them to feel so good that some people launch into their new healing career before they’ve finished their personal healing.  Then, as they focus on healing others, their own unresolved issues begin to surface.  The flow of healing energy may be partially diverted to the practitioner, thus decreasing the amount going to the recipient.  The wounded practitioner may also be purging toxic emotional energy which in turn may be attracting dark entities.

Guidance:  When looking for a healing practitioner, set the intention to find someone who is pure-of-intent, heart-centered, healthy and a channel for divine Love.  As for healing practitioners, your desire to serve and help others is admirable, but self-care must be your primary focus.  Love yourself first; get the healing help you need, then go out and love the world.

Energy Evolution

For many years, Reiki served as an entry point to spiritual development.  It was a wonderful introduction to the energetic world. But now, with the ascension in full gear, some people are rejecting Reiki because it feels like it is from a lower vibration.  That’s because their personal vibration has increased.

Guidance:  Just like us, Reiki is evolving. It has the capacity to address the ascending body’s needs as well as any newer modality.  The key, again, is the channel through whom Reiki energy flows, for s/he colors the energy with his or her own vibration and consciousness.  Look for a high vibrational, heart-centered practitioner.  And practitioners, do what you can to maintain a loving, peaceful, high-vibration.


In some cases, there may be darkworkers (self-serving people) posing as lightworkers.  If a person has mal-intent and they perform Reiki, then it is possible to steal energy and send negative vibes.  But, the same could be said for anything in this life.  It’s all about intention.

Guidance:  Once again, it’s not about the modality; it’s the healer who is important.  If the healer is a crystal-clear channel for Love, then darkness can’t hijack the healing process.

Life Making Use of All Possibilities

We create our own reality; or, more accurately, we choose our reality from an endless list of options that already exist.  Every possibility you could ever imagine is playing out in at least one parallel timeline.  We align with the timelines that most closely match our vibration.  That means, in some timelines, these Reiki fears are real and everything listed above is true.  In others, the debate never occurred; in others still, Reiki doesn’t even exist.

Guidance:  I don’t resonate with the warnings regarding Reiki, and, since what I believe determines what I receive, then Reiki is perfectly safe for me.  Ask yourself what you believe, and be sure to listen to your fears as well as your higher mind.  Whatever you feel and believe the strongest, you will experience as your reality.

Honor your truth.



About the Author: Kim Hutchinson of ClayhutHealing.ca is a Mystical Guiding Star whose soul journeys through time, space and dimensions to offer healing to people worldwide.  Kim specializes in Multidimensional Dream Healing.  ~via In5D.com

MICHELLE WALLING, CHLC: “Are You A Healer? If So, Don’t Fall Into These 5 Traps”


As a holistic life coach who has promoted many other healers, I have met a lot of healers who truly have their hearts in the right place but may have fallen into a few 3d traps that limit their potential. Many times I will trade a healing session for a spot on a show or promotion through an article if I feel that their intentions are good and that they mean no harm. Sometimes I am surprised at what comes of our session and I can see the unintentional blocks that hold them back.

I am here to support anyone and everyone that I can with personal and planetary ascension. With that being said, I encourage all healers to take a good review of their methods, outcomes, and business to see if there is anything that can be improved that will expand the number of people that they can help exponentially.

One thing healers can do is to read these examples of traps I have noticed to see if you may have fallen into one of them:

1. Healing For Money

Money should be the Universe’s energetic response and should easily be flowing into your client to you and then from you to support others that magnetically attract it. Ask yourself some basic but important questions.

Why are you a healer? Is it to help humanity and the Earth ascend or is it more because you wanted to replace your 9-5 day job?

If there was no such thing as money, would you still work as a healer or would you do something else? If you find yourself saying that you would be doing something else, find that something else that you would be doing. That is what you will be successful in and you will receive an energetic exchange for that.

Why did you choose the method you are using? Was it the new craze at the time you learned it? Is it successful or has it stopped working for many? If it has stopped working for many, then originally being on the healing path was there for you to find your niche, but your ego may not want to let go of the money maker that was just a stepping stone and support for you to finally step into your true power. You may be being guided to a change the old method or to create a brand new healing method that you channel from your higher self. This new method will be in alignment with the new quantum energies on Earth. It will be one that is so unique and powerful that there is no doubt in your clients mind that they want to exchange energy to receive it. Remember, change is inevitable in order to move forward.

For example, I am a healer and I have healed many people in past lives. I am certified in QHHT, have been initiated in Reiki 1&2,  and have taken level 1 and 2 pure bioenergy healing. At the time I took these classes, I had already seen evidence that I could lay my hands on someone and heal them. However, I followed my intuition on taking the classes and doing so was not so that I could become a healer in that method of healing. I met the people I was supposed to meet along my life path and learned a lot more about past lives, entity attachments, pure source energy, how thoughts affect energy, and much more. I have also helped many people in these fields of healing with promotion, which has helped many people down that pipeline receive the healing that they needed. So just because I knew that I needed to take the class didn’t mean that I needed to practice that method of healing. I was confused for a while as to why that method of healing was what I needed to do focus on after investing the energy in taking the classes, but as I look back I can clearly see how I followed my guidance in the correct way. In the end, it is through writing and speaking that I am a healer, along with my intentions for healing others through healing myself.

This does not mean that you should not charge money for your services. There has to be an energy exchange. It means that your heart should be in the right place in order to attract the highest exchange for your services.

2. Hard sell tactics

There is nothing that turns me off more than a hard sell. If I really liked something and was being pressured into buying it, I probably would not cave in to giving my money to it, and I would probably run the other way.

I have seen healers who over promote themselves with MANY of testimonials on their websites. As a client myself, if I see a couple of testimonials on someone’s website, that reassures my fears that they are not a faker but it is not all that I base my final decision on. Instead of overdoing it with testimonials, make sure you are putting it out the universe that you are here and ready to serve. You will magnetically attract to you the people who know that you are a match for them through Universal Law.

3. Thinking that your method is unique and yours alone

Some healers have a big patent or trademark on their method. Some even have themselves convinced that it is the best method out there because they have so much success with their clients. This is a big mistake that will eventually turn on you if you let it get too far out of control, and you may see your whole empire begin to crumble because of it.

In the money example, I mentioned that many healers will be channeling new methods that are unique to them. However, nothing is actually unique as every thought that we have is not really created here in this body. Our thoughts come from our consciousness inhabiting the body, which is connected to other parts of ourselves within what is called an oversoul or monad. That monad is connected to other monads at larger levels that are connected to Source and other Universes. With this being said, there never should be rights, fights over what is “mine”, or patents and trademarks in high consciousness societies.

We are all one on a higher level. Someone may very well be channeling something so very close to what you channeled with one little change that fits them better. Do not make the mistake of going after someone that is helping others through healing based on your ignorance of how the Universe works through us. If someone truly did steal your method and try to make it their own, trust that they will not be successful in the long term and that there has to be an energetic balance to what they are doing. If they profit at first, they will lose it all later on and the truth will be known.

4. Not being patient with your client’s healing response

Everyone is on their unique path at their own pace. Eventually we are all going to merge back with the Source from whence we came. Since there is no such thing as time, the freedom we have to return fast or slow is the free will we have to experience this game. Sometimes healers erroneously think that if their client doesn’t heal or feel better within “x’ number of days, that there is either something wrong with their client’s intentions to heal or even worse that they are losing their healing touch. This doubt all stems from fear and it takes practice to not let that fear creep in to deter you from being a successful healer.

I recently had a very powerful healer help me out with a curse that cause a torn lower back muscle simply from twisting to get out of the car. The very next day after our self empowering session I felt amazingly better. However, I think that the removal of one layer of negative energy held many trap doors that I then had to tackle on my own. These layers involved feeling an energetic attack through stabbing pains in my upper back, feeling the emotions of being lied to be a very close friend, and then going down on my back for a week with sciatica type issues- all within a month. All of the latter things that needed to be cleared were hiding behind the fist layer that was released. I think this is a good thing and many realizations and growth have come out of this, although it didn’t feel like it at the time.

This particular healer was becoming impatient with me. He was telling me that most of his clients leave a testimonial within a few days of the healing, and although he wasn’t forcing it I don’t really like being told what or when. I didn’t leave my testimonial because it didn’t feel right just yet. I think that waiting until I had peeled back all of my layers would have made the testimonial exponential. I was also going to have this healer on my radio show in exchange for the healing experience. Because of the length of my personal healing journey, I didn’t have any shows at all for months! Finally, this healer send me a message that he was “unfriending” me because I was “insincere” in my promises.

This experience is a part of what inspired me to write this article. Don’t make the mistake of impatience or judging another’s pace or interpretation of what is happening in their reality. Especially in these times when we all need to support each other, not cut each other off. I don’t hold any hard feelings for this wonderful healer, and I always try to keep my word. My reply was that I thought it would be better for me to have the show when I was finished with my transformation rather than from my bed while working through back pain. No one is right or wrong in this situation and it’s best to always take the high road in the healing business. It’s better to walk away rather than acting out your impatience or frustrations.

This doesn’t mean that you should not follow up if your client is not responding as others do. It simply means to look for other reasons why they do not respond like most, and if it feels like that you need to honor their own path then let it go.

5. Unnecessary repeated follow ups and overcharging

A really good healer will empower you to learn how to help yourself to a point that you either raise your vibrations above any negative energy or you learn how to change your vibration if you slip back into a lower vibration where dark energy can manifest into the physical. This should not cost an arm and a leg for the initial sessions and ultimately the goal should be to never need to perform a session again on your client. If you are teaching through a series of steps, of course there is a need for follow up sessions. If you are a life coach like I am, one or two follow up sessions are understandable as life changes occur. However, if you find yourself raking in the dough by seeing someone repeatedly over the same issues or they are paying you for something that they should be doing themselves, then it is time to cut the cords with that client.

Why would we do this to a fellow man in need? Because it is the only way that they will finally see what is missing. It will help stop the dependency to give their energy and power away to others. Sometimes a little tough love is what will change things for someone. The main thing is that while the money may be nice, it’s not about the money. It’s about the wake up call and movement with where we place our energy.

There are probably other traps that are out there, but I hope what I have shared helps you with your personal, spiritual, and business growth as a healer and transformational change agent on this planet. It has been difficult for many of us to transition from the old paradigm of jobs to what we are called to do and still make a living from it. We all have to make mistakes on order to see what doesn’t work, so give yourself a break and keep moving forward when this happens.

True healers empower others to heal themselves and do not allow their clients to rely on them constantly for help. True friends do not let other healers continue to take people’s money over and over because it is not healthy for either party. Money is currently the main form of energy exchange on this planet, and even though that will change in the future, we still need it to survive. Reducing your own fears of survival and whether you are a good enough healer will open doors to bring just the right clients to you for equal energetic exchange and healing for both of you. If you are stuck, then something needs to change in your practice.

Two of my friends and former In5d conference speakers, will be joining me in the next few months to bring some higher self experience and ideas to healers around the world through webinars. Author Darcy Hotchkiss and In5d Radio Show host Candace Craw-Goldman will join me in sharing our knowledge in an effort to help other move to their highest potential as healers and wayshowers. We all three know the satisfaction and joy that comes from doing what you came here to do, and we are in service to helping others find out what that is and be successful at it.




~via WooWooMedia.com