LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Krystic Individualism”

“It is impossible to know what it is to be an authentic human when our planet is subjected to an aggressive and ongoing alien hybridization agenda, shaping human culture to become more hospitable to the master-slave narrative imposed by the handlers. How can humanity pursue concepts of authentic individualism or humanism when it is being covertly exposed to electromagnetic signals and chemicals designed to mind control the population into a destructive, damaged and devolving state of consciousness? Hence, full disclosure must be a part of our true spiritual awakening, as we cannot know our innate human-ness until we can see that we have been subjected to a death culture that is based in slavery and anti-human control.”

~Lisa Renee


Individualism is the knowledge that the individual’s life belongs fully to him or her. That he or she has an incontrovertible right to live their life as they see fit, to act upon their own judgment, to keep and use the product of their own effort, and to pursue the value system of their own choosing. This comprises the idea that the individual is sovereign, an end in himself, and the fundamental basis of deciding the personal values of ethical and moral concern. This is the ideal that the American Founders set forth and sought to establish when they drafted the Declaration and the Constitution and created a country in which the individual’s rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness were to be recognized and protected. When we have a greater knowledge of the energetic alignment made between the American constitution to the Universal Natural Laws, then it becomes clear as to why the secret society band of Controllers have had the agenda to infiltrate, corrupt and destroy it covertly over the last 240 years. As it is the last vestige of legal governmental instruments that support a structure of society that is actually designed to protect human freedoms.

The concept of individualism includes the philosophy or societal perspective that emphasizes the moral worth of every individual, that all human beings deserve to be treated with compassion, dignity and respect. Individualism treats individuals as individuals, giving equal value for the right of each individual to pursue freedom of expression and self-realization, which are critical components for all people to experience personal happiness and spiritual fulfillment. Essentially, individualism as well as humanism, hold value and reverence for humanity and life, even when it generally does not recognize the existence of the soul. The inability to personally know the existence of the soul within, is a blind spot prone to negative ego manipulation. However, classic individualism and humanism are opposed to external methods of interference, such as mind control coercion influencing an individual’s choices, whether made by society, collective groups, government institutions, religious dogma or even a non-human species. Clearly, humanity cannot fully address the true meaning of individualism and humanism until it is recognized and understood that the planet has been subjected to hidden non-terrestrial interference, covert military grade global mind control targeting of its inhabitants, and that this interference has many residual effects against the organic thoughts, beliefs and state of consciousness of the individual.

It is impossible to know what it is to be an authentic human when our planet is subjected to an aggressive and ongoing alien hybridization agenda, shaping human culture to become more hospitable to the master-slave narrative imposed by the handlers. How can humanity pursue concepts of authentic individualism or humanism when it is being covertly exposed to electromagnetic signals and chemicals designed to mind control the population into a destructive, damaged and devolving state of consciousness? Hence, full disclosure must be a part of our true spiritual awakening, as we cannot know our innate human-ness until we can see that we have been subjected to a death culture that is based in slavery and anti-human control.

To preserve our sanity in the world we must find the energetic balance that exists between individual freedom, demands of others, and the conformity of society that exists as a group consciousness, along with the hidden targeting of mind control tactics. Global mind control is designed to fully strip humanity of individualism, autonomy and self-leadership, so these are the very qualities we must value, appreciate and bring into greater focus inside ourselves. In order to empower ourselves to continually expand our consciousness and heighten our personal lightbody frequency during the spiritual ascension process, it is helpful to see this agenda and to develop these qualities in ourselves.

Classic concepts of individualism have been infiltrated with the skewed misconceptions of the negative ego, generating classic egotists in Service to Self, who remain unaware of the anatomy of the soul and consequences of actions that are related to the fact that everything is energy, all is conscious. Many satanic and luciferian cults represent themselves as proponents of individualism, but either secretly pretend to dismiss it or totally ignore the reality of consciousness and intelligent energy. However, the marriage between the concepts of individualism and knowing that everything is governed by blueprints of intelligent energy and consciousness, and that there are consequences to every action, must be synthesized in order to achieve energetic balance between the organic functions of the body, mind and spirit.

Individualism and Gnosis

All individuals have outer organs of perception, as well as inner higher sensory abilities that make it possible to perceive and feel the environment, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and while in this process of integrating life’s experiences, are continually gaining deeper knowledge about the self and the nature of reality. Individuals gain knowledge through a range of life experiences and by consciously participating with the spiritual development path through these direct experiences is called Gnosis. Gnosis is the practical, fact-based knowledge of consciousness that guides us to fulfill our highest potential and directly experience our spiritual connection with Life. It allows us to be a knower of purpose and to feel the source of our innate happiness that is connected to our heart and soul.

All individuals have the capacity to use their mind, but in the controller culture we have not been educated or trained to use our mind for the greater purpose of positive development, gaining knowledge and self-realization. Knowledge is the by-product of the observation, mental integration and the state of consciousness of an individual formed through their perceptions of reality and the self-awareness that has been gained throughout life experiences.

The concept of individualism, as in every person’s life is their own, is critical to comprehend in cultivating the self-knowledge and self-awareness that is gained through Gnosis. Once individualism and the rights for personal autonomy are stripped away, independent and critical thinking are replaced with the authoritarian socially imposed group think, which forms into a hive mind based in collectivism. This prevents the individual from gaining direct knowledge through Gnosis, and is why the Controllers continually push for mind control and use propaganda, for positive promotional marketing for societal structures based in collectivism ideology. To be on the path of Gnosis in order to gain greater self-knowledge, every individual first must take complete ownership over themselves and dedicate themselves with effort, towards building greater personal autonomy and skills of self-leadership.

Personal Autonomy

Personal autonomy is the capacity to make an informed, un-coerced decision for oneself and to pursue that course of action in one’s life, to be self-governing towards free expression as long as these actions do not infringe on others liberties and freedoms to exist as they are. Autonomy is the concept of protecting the right of each individual to develop one’s own unique self, giving them freedom of expression as long as it does not generate harm towards others right to exist. Autonomy allows people to choose for themselves what is in alignment to their interests, and that social structures refrain from infringement of those rights unless they are incapacitated from making choices based on informed consent. When individuals have a concept of personal autonomy, they own their own actions and have the opportunity to live in their personal truth, which builds confidence, critical thinking and strength in their purpose in life. However, as we make informed decisions for ourselves, in some cases we must consider unified cooperation or reasonable interactions that are required to achieve the balance in our decision making, that allows us to develop and exercise our right to live in autonomy while living in a world with many others.

The concept of personal autonomy takes on a multidimensional orientation when recognizing the existence of consciousness as an intelligent energy, along with the structural anatomy of the consciousness bodies of soul, monad and avatar. In this context, personal autonomy is defined as the most coherently harmonized and highest spiritually embodied person, as a station of identity travelling freely on multiple dimensional planes, as autonomy and freedom are the natural state of existence for the eternal living spirit. The complete soul-spirit body infuses the personality to align itself in accordance to the natural laws through synchronistic alignment and natural self-governance by living in truth, as it is. When we are existing as our true selves, our natural state of being aligns us to divine laws, and we are removed from artificial laws and synchronistically self-organized into direct connection with our Source. This means we have removed authority to serve the ego or manmade laws, and instead align to the higher authority of serving our spiritual expression and inner truth based upon the divine laws.

Self-actualization and becoming an authentic human being, knowing the higher identity and divine purpose for unique expression, is the goal of spiritual ascension. Awakening to embody our soul and spirit is to ultimately achieve self-realization into complete personal autonomy governed by our higher consciousness, which grants us spiritual freedom and cosmic citizenship beyond the fetters of time. To achieve self-ownership, one must make the effort to know their innermost selves, understand how their body and consciousness works, and become aware of personal motivations and perceptions that influence their life decisions and quality of lifestyle. To master ourselves on the earth plane is to attain self-mastery, which is the process by which a person may have the freedom to take control over the direction of their own life, body, mind and spirit. To accept personal autonomy or sovereignty over one’s complete self, also means that person must accept self-responsibility no matter what has happened to them. As you increase your use of free will, you also increase the responsibility for your own actions and reactions, taking ownership over your life and the direction of your consciousness body.


(Source: ES News- Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership)


~via – Time Shift Blog – posted August 20, 2019

DANNI RAE: “Astral Travel Encounter With The Soul Of Famous Hollywood Actress”

I had an astral projection, which for me has happened before, but is not common at all. It’s rare, and the only few times I have had one all I did was “fly”…

I had an astral travel last Sunday evening. I felt my soul leave, and I didn’t know where I was going but I was in a hurry. I descended upon a beautiful multi-million dollar house. I saw a woman in a bathtub shaving her legs and singing to herself. I did not know her. Once I got closer, I realized it was Nicole Kidman. I was very confused. I knew who she was from movies and that she was “Tom Cruise’s ex wife” but that’s about it. I was not a big fan or someone who “followed” her. She was not someone I expected to see.

So why was I here?

I just watched her for a minute. Then, her soul escaped and we literally had this exact conversation:

Her soul: We are being held hostage. We are here but nobody sees us. I’m so glad you came! We need you to see us.

Me: (very confused) What do you mean?

Her: We are trapped. No humans can see. They think they know. They do not! They see an image. A hologram. An empty vessel! What they see is deception. Our outward perception is not what is real, yet it’s what people believe. Outward appearances are deceiving. We are still here here! Her physical vessel is empty.

Me: I’m so confused. All I know is I just flew here. I’m just a girl from Texas. I don’t even know where I am. I don’t even know what I’m doing here to be honest… but I will help you if I can.

Her: You need to hear, with her public persona, it’s all lies. All of it. Every bit of it is deceit. When people see her, they don’t see us. They see projection. People are spellbound, and they don’t really know. I am here, though apart of her, nobody can see what I am. I am lonely. I love her immensely but I have been willfully and painfully split by choice. A choice that was deliberate, yet manipulated.

Me: Wait… Am I talking to Nicole’s higher self? Her soul?

Her: Yes! We are still here. We have been always here. But on her human level, her own free will got cast out. However, we are still her and she is us. We cannot be separated for eternity but we are also not seen except on a soul level, because of a soul contract she signed and agreed to. We are covered, but the veil is lifting. The darkness is dissipating. You can see.

Me: So she as a human… or her ego cast you out by choice? Like she chose this?

Her: Yes. We cannot interfere with free will. But we are here. We are anxiously awaiting to be reunited. We love her. We ARE her.

Me: So she said no to the connection? But why? How does somebody do this? But eventually you will still connect, right?

Her: Yes. It is a stirring in her. She resists and fights, but it is because of dark manipulation. She is bound by lies. She, in the physical, is a prisoner bound by a dark contract. Dark energy. She was presented with a choice and she chose to split. We are lonely… but not angry. We love her so. She is us and we are her. She has chosen this life path but she can always change her timeline and choose to reconnect. She can create a new soul contract. We are ready to receive her back. We would love this so. She can return to one.

Me: You’re cut off… but not angry?

Her: No. We know and hold no anger. We cannot hold anger, it is not our nature. Only stillness. We are sad her choice was this, but we honor this, and wait for reconnection.

Me: If you’re her higher self and you’re in a better dimension, why can’t you just override this? Don’t you have veto power?

Her: Laughs… no we abide by universal law of free will. We do not intervene. We allow chosen soul contracts to play out. We stay connected always but when those connections are severed by choice…. we wait until the vibration aligns again.

Me: What if that is a long wait. What is she chooses to stay separated?

Her: We are outside of time and space but we do feel sadness and do feel the burden of her choice.

Me: Did she get tricked into this choice? What about other celebrities like her?

Her: Yes!!! Yes!!!! She was manipulated, but then came a choice to choose. The choice was hers.

Me: Who made her choose?

Her: There are other dark energies. Their purpose is to provide contrast and polarity. The balance of the universe intended this. But this energy became stronger than expected. This force also “feeds” or get nourished off of negative human emotion. They use earthly traps, such as wealth and fame, to lure souls in. Then, they convince certain humans to “choose” their agenda. It is all deceit. The vessel becomes empty while the real essence waits for reconnection. On another level, this reconnection will eventually happen.

Me: Wow!!!!! This is sad. She is one of those deceived. Is this how most celebrities are?

Her: Yes. Unfortunately, yes. Many made a dark and difficult choice. Not all have chosen yet, but many that you may recognize are very empty.

Me: Can you name names?

Her: Names are irrelevant at the moment. We cannot intervene in other soul matters.

Me: So, why can I see you?

Her: You heard our cry out.

Me: Were you calling for me?

Her: We cried out to our universe. We emit vibrations of which you were a match.

Me: (Starting to panic a bit) So, does this mean my soul is sad too, and maybe I just don’t know it? Do you need me to know something? Am I supposed to help? I don’t even know her or why I’m here..

Her: Dear one, stay calm. We suggest you connect with your ego and show love to others always. Do not become lost in this game. Do not be fooled or manipulated. Trickery and deceit lies are everywhere. Trust yourself. Know you are a sovereign being. Live as one. Be safe, my friend, and be well. You are safe. You are whole. We just want to remind you to never give up sovereignty. We are glad you came. Thank you for connecting…

Her spirit starts to fade…

At that moment, I feel like I’m “materializing” (that’s the only way I know how to explain it) but getting more “solid”. Then, I look at Nicole. Literally, she looks directly at me and gets this shocked look on her face. She is in awe and complete disbelief. I think she can actually SEE in the physical me because she gasps in horror, drops her razor and shrieks. At this exact moment, I feel like I am SLAMMED into my body. I woke up in such a start. My heart was beating so fast but not out of fear, but like I just ran 10 miles. Usually, I can only remember pieces of a dream but this was crystal clear.

So weird, huh? I literally have NO reason why I went there or what the purpose was. As I said before, I have no reason why her, of all people. I generally avoid TV (occasionally the weather channel or cooking channel). I don’t follow celeb stuff. I found it very confusing to be honest, but it was a very real experience. I’m hoping that maybe I helped somehow. I pray for her soul and whatever circumstances she may have gone through to choose to disconnect. There’s always a choice for her to reconnect. I hope she does.

Update: I did some research on Nicole to figure out what the heck is going on as to why I, of all people, would connect to her in that way. It seems (at least from what I read) that her father was DEEP into Satanic and pedo stuff. I learned that she grew up in a very satanic atmosphere and was terribly abused (allegedly). This is all new to me as I never had reason before to look into or care about her personal life.

IF this is true, this is very sad and she should not be judged, but receive deep compassion, and love.

Danni Rae



LOUISA LOVE: “20 Signs Of Implantation”

“Unexpressed anger is unhealthy for us, but expressed anger, laying down our boundaries and stepping into our power as sovereign god-beings saying no is absolutely essential along our path of awakening to our own God/Goddess selves. The last time these beings came for me I telepathically told them to f*** off. They immediately packed up and left. I have full memory of this event, as they were unable to wipe my memory.”

~Louisa Love


The Extraterrestrial Deception that is taking place here on Earth is a highly controversial subject, as it still remains hidden behind the layers of earthly mind distractions. To those of you who have raised your consciousness to such a degree that you can see, feel, hear or know that it is here this article will be hugely helpful.

Abduction by the Grays

Back in 2013, around two weeks after my own rather dramatic kundalini awakening, an extraterrestrial group known as the Grays abducted me. These beings definitely did not have my highest and best at heart. In fact, these beings seem to be void of feelings and to be working for a hierarchal controlling ET hive mind like network that has infected earth and humanity over thousands of years. Due to this particular time line we are in, a time that was even predicted by many different ancient cultures as ‘the end of time’, ‘the great purification’, ‘the awakening’, etc. many of us are now starting to awaken from our sleep or unconsciousness.

Due to my awakening and to my ability to hold more light these controlling beings now saw me as a threat. I also willingly went with them, as I was completely uninformed of what was going on. The questions I had was, “Why are we being abducted and implanted?”.

We seem to be an energy source for different astral or fourth dimensional beings. We are enslaved by our own low vibrational fears and limited thinking and we have forgotten how powerful we really are. These inter dimensional beings can only take our energy when we give our power away by allowing our monkey programmed minds to run the show.

The grays implanted me with many different types of energetic or astral implants, and some of these implants that are highly parasitic and seem to have a bio-genetic life form, can grow, shrink and effect our thoughts, were aggressively implanted within my psyche also affecting my physical body. Over the last 2 years I have been learning how to deal with these implants, and I have come to learn that these implants/entity structures cannot remain within our bodies or our mind if we remove its food source. These implants feed off unconscious fears and old or recent traumas that is stored within the body/mind. Some of these traumas may even date back to previous or parallel lifetimes. For instance, I was shown two past life traumatic deaths that I was able to clear and heal.

Avoiding an ET Abduction

How we can avoid an ET abduction scenario? I know how to do this now as I have experienced the power of my own righteous anger. Yes, you’ve read right … anger. You see, within the New Age religion there exists much programming that shames our natural feelings such as anger. We are left open and gullible as easy targets for these types of post awakening abductions. Most people who are abducted have no memory of it, as memories are wiped clean. Literally from one day to the next they feel possessed, tormented, and completely out of control. Usually at this stage mental health is called in. Unexpressed anger is unhealthy for us, but expressed anger, laying down our boundaries and stepping into our power as sovereign god-beings saying no is absolutely essential along our path of awakening to our own God/Goddess selves. The last time these beings came for me I telepathically told them to f*** off. They immediately packed up and left. I have full memory of this event, as they were unable to wipe my memory.

Symptoms and signs of implantation

1. Nightmares

2. Crawling sensation over or within body

3. Feeling anxious and out of control
4. Being completely unable to let go of certain thoughts.

5. Suicidal thoughts

6. Physical body becoming super sensitive. I have met many clients with autoimmune disorders who are completely aware of the implants. I have even wondered if the immune system is actually attacking the implants and so it looks as if the body’s immune system is attacking itself! Something to think about.

7. Tight necks shoulders and back related issues.

8. Extreme fear at odd times, such as waking every night at the same time in cold sweat from fear

9. Overwhelmed by negativity

10. Tightness over face, head, or other body parts.

11. Static like feeling over head

12. Buzzing or white noise in ears

13. Depression, violent thoughts

14. Feeling drained and exhausted

15. Hopelessness and despair

16. Addiction to sex, drugs, gambling, etc

17. Feeling as if you are out of your body

18. An inability to connect to your feelings/numbness/lack of empathy

19. Nausea or tight feeling in solar plexus

20. Some highly sensitive people can feel energetic tentacle like structures wrapped around their windpipe, the sternum, etc.

I discuss how to neutralize the implants in my next article “32 Ways Of Neutralizing Implants” on




GUSTAVO CASTANER: “Should You Be With Your Twin-Flame?”


“Unfortunately the great majority of people who know about twin flames believe that they have to be with their twin flame.  And because of the free will choices and/or the karma buildup this is near impossible.  But let me ask you this.  Would you rather be or try to be with your twin flame and end up in a dramatic, painful and non-functional relationship?  OR Would you rather be with someone who is not your twin flame and end up having the most fulfilling, higher loving and passionate relationship?”

~Gustavo Castañer


Today many are celebrating St. Valentines Day and you probably think that I’m going to tell you that being with your twin flame has to be the most romantic, passionate and spiritual thing you can experience…

Not really, let me explain.

If you do some research on twin flames on the internet you will find tons of dramatic and heartbreaking stories of people who have met their twin flames.

Instead of finding their true love many people find that a relationship with their twin flame most likely turns out to be like one of the following scenarios:

1)  They live on the other side of the world and being together is near impossible.

2)  The Runner-Chaser Karmic Loop — one person tries everything to make the relationship happen while the other one (usually the man) runs away.

3)  The Ultimate Karmic Mirror — both partners mirror each other’s karma like a magnifying glass and unbearable pain results from this.

And yes, there are the rare twin flame relationships stories that turn out to be the most higher loving and spiritually conscious, but these are extremely rare.

Why Are Twin-Flame Relationships Like This?

The first thing you need to understand is that when it comes to relationships, even twin flame relationships, each person has free-will.  Even though to one of them the twin flame connection is astronomically evident (pun intended) the other one might be oblivious.

People who are in twin flame relationships need to work on themselves 10 times more than people who are in any other type of relationship.  And usually there is one person that is very focused on clearing their own emotional baggage, transmuting their karma and growing spiritually while the other person is not (once again, usually the man).

Some will try desperately to rescue the other person but this only aggravates the problem.  It might not be easy but their free will must be honored.

The second thing you need to understand is that just because that person is your twin flame doesn’t mean that YOU HAVE TO be with them.  What many people are not aware of is that you are not supposed to be together in a relationship in ALL lifetimes.

Unfortunately the great majority of people who know about twin flames believe that they have to be with their twin flame.  And because of the free will choices and/or the karma buildup this is near impossible.

But let me ask you this.  Would you rather be or try to be with your twin flame and end up in a dramatic, painful and non-functional relationship?


Would you rather be with someone who is not your twin flame and end up having the most fulfilling, higher loving and passionate relationship?

The answer is simple.  However, too many people get attached to the twin flame label.  Don’t get me wrong, I know there is a spiritual connection like no other but if it’s not meant to be then it’s not meant to be.  It takes two people to make it happen.

So if you find yourself in this twin flame predicament and you truly desire to be in a relationship then make yourself a priority and choose SELF-LOVE.

Don’t force the relationship with your twin flame or try to wait for them.  Continue to raise your frequency and focus your intent on attracting a partner that will want to be with you and work towards it as you do.

After all, you will meet your twin flame again. 😉  And at some point, sometimes during their life review, he/she will most likely realize what an incredible opportunity he/she missed to be with you.  Then on the next lifetime they will step up and do what it takes to find you and be with you.

In the meantime, make sure you enjoy this lifetime and cherish the wonderful experience that is being madly in love with someone who is madly in love with you.


Gustavo Castañer

Founder of Ascended Relationships




MICHELLE WALLING: “How To Heal Past Life Programming”

How To Heal Past Life Programming

by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer,

Have you ever been told that you were part of the cause for the fall in Atlantis? Do you feel that you may have played the role of the dark in a past life? If you are are one if these people, you may have negative past-life experiences that need to be healed. Coupled with today’s mind control programming and deep encoded past life experiences, the result is fear of falling into traps that will cause the same pattern of repeating mistakes.

Programming is carried in DNA

We are in the final stages of clearing and hidden guilt is one of the most prevalent energies that we have left to overcome. It keeps you from being able to forgive and love yourself wholly. Programming in today’s society is designed to make you feel like you are never good enough and that you cannot make decisions on your own. Programming in past lives is also encoded in your DNA and is coming forth at this time to be cleared. Gifted psychics can actually tune into your field to tap into these pictures and energies. Recognition and letting go through transmutation are the keys of clearing past life encoding.

Mind control and free will

The first thing to review is whether actions in a past life were a result of your own free will or out of out of power, control, or greed. Many were mind controlled at the time of Atlantis to do things that were not in the best interest of humanity. Mind control actually began back at the beginning of the Adam Kadmon version of the human body. At the time, the creators of man were using genetically modified as slaves to mine precious metals from the Earth. Many of the things that humans did in past lives were not of their own free will. When the laws of the Universe are broken, how can a person hold themselves accountable for their actions?

Others were mind controlled to believe that they were responsible for the demise of a civilization when they actually had nothing to do with it. They were given programming with sound and visualization including pictures of things that would make their soul carry this illusion with it from lifetime to lifetime. This would insure that they would be able to keep the human from processing the guilt involved, which allowed for control, especially in this lifetime. To complicate matters, some empaths are simply picking up on the collective guilt consciousness of humanity and were not even present on the planet at the time these atrocities were committed.

For the people who actually did contribute to the fall of civilizations, most of them were doing so by mind control. Since we are all connected humanity carries the guilt of “sin” within human consciousness. The ankh was extraterrestrial technology that could be used in mind control by amplifying sound and geometric codes into the body. It was like a microphone that amplified sound and energy. The ankh could be used in healing but it also was used in domination and control. Televisions carry this same mind control vibration through extremely low frequency waves amplified through the speakers.

How to transmute fear energies

Some people carry guilt and remorse for actions in past lives and don’t even realize what is causing the emotion in this lifetime. It is not necessary to remember everything about a past life in order to heal it. Our bodies serve as clues to problems buried deep inside by reacting to things which bring up emotions of fear. Every time a fear emotion arises it brings an opportunity to clear it. No matter what the reason may appear to be, it is most likely from a deep seated fear from another time. It may not even be yours, as many people came here to help heal others. Fear emotions include anger, jealousy, hatred, sadness, and guilt.

Simply acknowledge these emotions and allow them to run their course. Blocking them will cause problems in the physical body, which is another way the body serves us with an alert system. Crying is the most prevalent way these emotions can be transmuted. Women have an easier time with crying than men do, as programming has intended than men do not show their emotions. Thus some men resort to yelling within anger or on the opposite end of the spectrum praying in solitude with heartfelt intention. However, there is another way from a higher perspective that is available.

By vibrating your body to a higher frequency, anything that is not truth will fall away. None of these illusions are carried in your heart center. You can always find respite and solace inside of yourself. Everyone carries the pureness of the light of our Creator, and expanding this light within your body is like having a cool flame purify thoughts and negative programming.


It is imperative to let go of all preconceived notions of who you were in a past life because in our limited scope of vision we tend to place judgment on these lives. Someone who played a dark role for humanity is no less important that someone who carried the light. From a higher perspective, all had a part to play in the grand drama. All are derived from the one Creator and will return to the one Creator.

Now is the time for atonement (at-one-ment). This involves hearing the call that we are all ready to move on to the next level of experience; out of the denseness. As we bring in more of our soul particles into our bodies in order to raise our vibration, those particles must be cleared of any negative programming as well. This negative programming is from past lives that are actually all occurring within your monad’s experience at the same time outside of time and space in the now.

Coming into your power

Your emotional body is the clearing house and is part of an elaborate plan that was forgotten with incarnation. The clever use of the body and mind rather than falling victim to the emotion is what is termed “coming into your power”. It is important to give gratitude to your body for allowing it to be the vehicle through which you clear energies from your monad and propel your consciousness to a higher level in this incarnation.

The absolute truth of past lives requires viewing things from a heart perspective rather that a mind perspective. The bigger picture is in the heart and in this space you have a knowing of who you truly are and why things happened. Forgiving yourself  whether you have good reason or not will open the door to your heart. Forgiving another also helps in forgiving yourself as we are all connected.

Loving yourself for the divine being that you are will open space within your heart for more of you light to shine through. This is the basis for unconditional love, which will transform the world.

Why do others ignore the truth?

Many times we tend to judge those around us for not waking up to what is happening in the world. We fear that they will not be moving with us into a new reality. One mistake we can make is to think that all other people think like we do and need to be at a certain level. This causes unnecessary frustration that is self imposed.

The body was designed to work through emotions whether we are conscious of it or not. We have no idea what other people carry from another lifetime to be cleared. We also have no idea if another person is simply here to clear energies for other people. Furthermore we also have no idea of whether they are doing exactly what their higher selves planned to do by not waking up at this time.

Everyone will get to where they need to be when they need to be there, even if they missed a few chances here and there. They will catch up if they chose to move forward in this lifetime. The outside world is the biggest tool of distraction.

Lead by example

It is time to stop the focus on those around us in order to finalize the work on ourselves. The energy vibration of the planet now supports change. Heal yourself and make yourself whole within this physical body. When others see the change in us they will be curious as to what we are doing. We will have broken the spell and we can show them how.

Lead by example within the power of knowledge of what has happened to humanity by de-programming yourself first. You cannot put the oxygen mask on another person if you are unconscious. When you have rated your love for yourself as an eleven on a scale from one to ten, you will certainly serve as an example and will in turn help all of humanity do the same.

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About the author:
Michelle WallingMichelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach, international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started her public career as a spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric contributing writer for and Michelle is the webmaster for five websites including,,,, and Michelle is the host of In5d’s Cosmic Awakening Show and In5d Network.
Her personal Facebook page can be found here.