LISA RENEE: “Transmuting Energy Belching”

“This is the shared inside joke with all energy workers that transmute or transfigure negative energies, entities or Black Subtle Forces, at a certain level your body will process the dark energy through belching and burping. I never belched in my life, until I embodied higher spiritual aspects and began to move energy in table sessions or gridwork. If you are in a public place this can be somewhat embarrassing, because if the people in the vicinity do not understand this function of the consciousness body, they may think you are very rude or uncouth! However, it is not that you are being rude, it is a transition of the heavy or negative energy and negative spiritual attachments and dark entities that you come into contact with. This reaction has nothing to do with what you have consumed, like food or drink. As an example, what comes to mind as one of the most loud and intense belching episodes was doing Planetary Energetic Gridwork at the Vatican under the St. Peter Square and Obelisk. The necropolis area was so toxic and filled with energetic sewage, when I opened that area up, it was a massive floodgate of Miasma and Dead Energy, as well as trapped souls, that the belching was equally as intense. Those that access the session recordings after have been spared these nasty details, but belching is the true glamorous life of planetary Gridworkers!”

~Lisa Renee

Transmuting Energy Belching: This is the shared inside joke with all energy workers that transmute or transfigure negative energies, entities or Black Subtle Forces, at a certain level your body will process the dark energy through belching and burping. I never belched in my life, until I embodied higher spiritual aspects and began to move energy in table sessions or gridwork. If you are in a public place this can be somewhat embarrassing, because if the people in the vicinity do not understand this function of the consciousness body, they may think you are very rude or uncouth!

However, it is not that you are being rude, it is a transition of the heavy or negative energy and negative spiritual attachments and dark entities that you come into contact with. This reaction has nothing to do with what you have consumed, like food or drink.

Many energy session workers share this same reaction, but I’ll share what happens to me.

  • Clearing blocked energy when I touch a person’s body, like through massage or laying of hands – automatic belching ensues.
  • When exposed to an area, place or building with negative energy or AI Signal, belching.
  • Talking about any topic with a build up of toxic or negative energy – belch, burp.
  • Coming in contact with demonics or Fallen Angelics anywhere, nauseated and burping.
  • Working any kind of session or gridwork when coming upon miasma or negative energy in the planetary field – belching ensues. Usually loud and intense.

As an example, what comes to mind as one of the most loud and intense belching episodes was doing Planetary Energetic Gridwork at the Vatican under the St. Peter Square and Obelisk. The necropolis area was so toxic and filled with energetic sewage, when I opened that area up, it was a massive floodgate of Miasma and Dead Energy, as well as trapped souls, that the belching was equally as intense. Those that access the session recordings after have been spared these nasty details, but belching is the true glamorous life of planetary Gridworkers! [1]


  1. [ES Forum: “How is your Health?”]

See Also:

Etheric Surgery


~via Transmuting Energy Belching

Images courtesy of Ascension Avatar

LISA RENEE: “Black Subtle Forces and Transmuting Energy Belching”

“At the base level, there are black forces that exist in the Negative Polarity that especially connect to the material earth elements and the force of Gravity. Generally, a person with imbalances of the Negative Polarity of black forces, must move into the Positive Polarity of yellow forces to dissolve the black substance that has accumulated in their body. We must recognize our pain and suffering and learn from it, by actually confronting it and knowing the reasons why the pain and blockage is there. This means we must move out of mental and emotional stagnation and into some level of self-motivation, physical action or goal which keeps us moving forward in some direction or on a schedule. The black substance attracts the shadow forms, spirit Attachments and ghost entities, so this issue may also need to be addressed very specifically with people that are weighed down with black forces. Transmuting Energy Belching: This is the shared inside joke with all energy workers that transmute or transfigure negative energies, entities or Black Subtle Forces — at a certain level your body will process the dark energy through belching and burping. I never belched in my life, until I embodied higher spiritual aspects and began to move energy in table sessions or gridwork. If you are in a public place this can be somewhat embarrassing, because if the people in the vicinity do not understand this function of the consciousness body, they may think you are very rude or uncouth! However, it is not that you are being rude, it is a transition of the heavy or negative energy and negative spiritual attachments and dark entities that you come into contact with. As an example, what comes to mind as one of the most loud and intense belching episodes was doing PEG Week 5 at the Vatican under the St. Peter Square and Obelisk. The necropolis area was so toxic and filled with energetic sewage, when I opened that area up, it was a massive floodgate of Miasma and Dead Energy, as well as trapped souls, that the belching was equally as intense. Those that access the session recordings after have been spared these nasty details, but belching is the true glamorous life of planetary Gridworkers!”

~Lisa Renee

At the base level, there are black forces that exist in the Negative Polarity that especially connect to the material earth elements and the force of Gravity. It is the principle of unconsciousness or falling asleep in the material world, and its weight is very dense and heavy. As a result it tends to produce inactivity, darkness, dullness, and an absence of light, while it obstructs the person’s action potential or movement forward. When a person holds too much negative polarity of this black colored subtle force in their energy body, they will show effects of ignorance, delusion, insensitivity, unconsciousness and a lack of sensory feelings with little to no Empathy. The profile of this type of person will also have deeply buried psychological or emotional blockages, with the tendency to be stagnant, repressed, depressed or internally chaotic, making them distracted and unaware of what their problems really are. They allow negative forces, dark forces and other people to completely control them, usually in the victim role, refusing to take responsibility for their lives. By refusing to take responsibility or make productive actions, this only allows their problems to escalate along with the amount of black substance they generate as blockages in their body. Without balancing the black substance and transmuting it from their consciousness, they will digress into a state of internal chaos or apathy, with sensations of great physical, mental and emotional pain, or numbness, leading to states of disease. This is truly the state of hell, of the lost soul.

The Negative Ego construct, militarized psychotronic weaponry and the Alien Machinery is used on the earth to trap humans into mass producing more and more black subtle forces. This ferments into black Miasma, leaving the masses ignorant, deluded and unconscious, therefore totally controllable. Consequently the alien technology and Mind Control methods are designed to generate and circulate as much of this negative polarity black force and density in the human being as possible. Many people that feel depressed or stuck are sucked down in the weight of this negative polarity of this black force. The density of the black force blocks higher sensory perception completely. This type of person will need to take some kind of action in the positive polarity to help them dissolve the black energy accumulated in their body, which generates the sensation of extreme density and stagnation.

Artificial Manipulation

Recent geomagnetic shifts have resulted in alterations and failures of the microwave technology and alien black hole technology, which are primarily Black Subtle Forces, harvested and produced to circulate in the earth and in humanity. Black Subtle Forces are contained in dark matter, gravitational waves and are generated by the artificial magnetism in lunar transmissions from the Moon. The manipulation of the earth’s magnetic field and gravitational forces are designed to manipulate DNA, control the carbon based matter on the earth body, as well as simulate these substances in labs, for use as nanotechnology weapons. Essentially the aliens’ technological manipulation of the black subtle forces and dark matter have been used to manipulate and suppress the molecular structure in matter, producing artificial magnetic effects in order to compact and compress the molecular structure of the earth body and the human body. Molecular compression is similarly to the piezo-electric effect, as matter is being squeezed it gives off biological light emissions. In order to comprehend the nature of primal subtle forces, and the reasons behind the NAA proliferating more and more of the black subtle forces in the earth, we will discuss these primal forces more deeply.

Black Subtle Forces and the Moon

Additionally, these same subtle forces are directed to us through stellar objects, such as the stars, constellations, planets, satellite bodies and of course the moon itself. Now that we can better understand the consciousness impact of the three main primal forces, we can comprehend why the NAA and Controllers harness black subtle forces in order to control humanity and the matter world. From the Guardian perspective our Moon is an inorganic structure, and did not come from our solar system. The moon is an artificial satellite that is locked into orbit with the earth body’s magnetic core. Its use was for practical reasons to be able to have a moon base in close proximity to monitor and harvest humanity, and to alter the magnetic and gravitational fields of the planet. The Moon base has black hole technology that keeps the magnetic spin rates powering up machinery, that keep the connections open to the Wormholes or Hibernation Zones that they have created. Through field research, it appears the moon’s artificial influence is made upon the earth’s rotation around the Sun in order to maintain an axis alignment with a black hole inside the center of the Milky Way. A major reason the solar system is so damaged is because these entities and humans are consistently creating rips and holes in the fabric of space-time through the abuse of technology.

Further, these entities using the black hole technologies are spreading and proliferating much more black force substance and gravitational corruption into the earth field. This generates toxic black energy that we call Dead Energy or Miasma which becomes littered in the planetary fields, and the extreme density of it makes many people feel very apathetic, confused and depressed. When humans are disconnected from their light source, or there is an absence of light, this is the common experience.

As an example, many sensitive and empathic people can feel the impacts of Psychic Attack or dark interference when more of the black subtle forces are being transmitted into the earth during certain moon phases. The moon phases also connect to the activities of the Moon Lineages, who have consciousness bodies that are made up of these same black substance forces. Some of these entities can also be called Black Hole Entities. They have no way to generate or produce a light source, so they exist as parasites on earth humans that do have a light source. The more black force proliferated in the earth field and in human bodies, the more easily these black hole entities can move around, possess human bodies or become active on the earth. It is easy to connect the desire to spread these black forces as directly connected to the purposes behind the Satanic Agendas that are growing steadily on the earth.

Most people on our planet are negatively impacted by the buildup of these black forces in their mind, body and spirit, as well as in the earth. When people do not know the black subtle forces are being used in AI targeting and the Transhumanist agenda, and there is no awareness of how to clear that mental construct or to refocus the mind on positivity, these frequencies can have a very negative effect when they become embodied. As the result of the Transhumanist agenda, it is possible for both organic states of black substance and the artificial intelligence replication of dark matter fields, to be enmeshed together in the human body that is of the negative polarity. The NAA discovered that the proliferation of the black subtle forces made the carrier waves of AI transmission and signaling to the masses much easier.

When we come into contact with that level of artificially generated lunar forces in the black substance frequency, we can feel very sad and chaotic, because it is detaching us from access to our light source. When the moon is projecting or transmitting this type of black subtle frequency to the planet, it is a type of acceleration in that black force and the entities that exist as a part of that negative frequency. Ghost chains, phantom entities, demonic entities, formless shadow creatures and all negative types of energies are connected to this black frequency, which exists as a part of the subtle intangible frequencies that we are exposed to on the earth.

The organic black subtle forces are an intrinsic part of creation. We need the black force substance because it is actually part of manifesting the material physicality and gravitational force in this realm. Without the black force our atoms would fly away, as it is what keeps our molecular and atomic structure actually condensed and together. It is necessary in the process of material manifestation and creation, but what has happened on the earth is a severe technological abuse, that has manifested severe imbalances with this black type of the subtle vibration. This is because it is being produced and manufactured artificially, through technological control exerted on the magnetic field and states of Gravity. The levels of negativity and lunacy that we can more easily observe in people that are soul fractured, are from embodying the severe imbalances of these black forces that are being transmitted from black hole technologies, artificial lunar forces and military weaponry technologies. Consequently, this attracts much more of the negative spirits and demonic type of entities, because they are made of the same black substance and they will look to find a human host of the negative polarity to siphon. People on the earth that are locked down in the 3D material density, are being filled with a mixture of both naturally occurring black forces and artificially generated black forces, based on their Negative Ego belief systems, behaviors and actions.

When a person is not connected to the higher aspect of their spiritual consciousness, which exists above this black force, this type of black force tends to overwhelm the body with extreme density and lower negative vibrations. In the pull of the gravitational weight, all of their inner light is being consumed by these black hole entities or dark forces. When this happens, the human body starts to become Consubstantial with the same black frequency stream that these phantom energies, demonic entities, and shadow creatures exist within. When the human body matches the vibration of the black force, it becomes a conduit for that force, and attracts even more dark consciousness, like Satanic forces that are connected to the black subtle forces.

Depression is a symptom of soul disconnection and the confusion of not knowing who you really are as a spiritual identity. When your heart is closed, when your emotions are closed, when your consciousness is shutdown, a human becomes very sad and depressed. That state of depression from soul disconnection is related to this black subtle frequency force that is transmitted from the moon, from lunar forces and from the artificial control of the magnetic field. The more spiritually developed we become, the more goodness and light we have accumulated in our Krystal heart and aura. The more Virtues we develop, the more power we receive to start bringing in that higher frequency, to build a strong spiritual body. Our strong spiritual body and direct relationship with God, is what protects us from the effects of the artificial manipulation of the geomagnetic field, and the consequent spreading of the Negative Polarity of the black forces. [1]

Healing Imbalances

Generally, a person with imbalances of the Negative Polarity of black forces, must move into the Positive Polarity of yellow forces to dissolve the black substance that has accumulated in their body. We must recognize our pain and suffering and learn from it, by actually confronting it and knowing the reasons why the pain and blockage is there. This means we must move out of mental and emotional stagnation and into some level of self-motivation, physical action or goal which keeps us moving forward in some direction or on a schedule. The black substance attracts the shadow forms, spirit Attachments and ghost entities, so this issue may also need to be addressed very specifically with people that are weighed down with black forces. Daily exercise and physical disciplines like martial arts, as well as goals for setting self-motivated actions can be very helpful for this group, because it breaks down these black forces. Many times these black forces are accumulated from past trauma, and we must break from the past patterns and shift, in order to bring new energies into our lives. To move out of the heavy burden of carrying these black forces, self-love, Self Esteem and personal healing must be the main focus.

Transmuting Energy Belching

Transmuting Energy Belching: This is the shared inside joke with all energy workers that transmute or transfigure negative energies, entities or Black Subtle Forces — at a certain level your body will process the dark energy through belching and burping. I never belched in my life, until I embodied higher spiritual aspects and began to move energy in table sessions or gridwork. If you are in a public place this can be somewhat embarrassing, because if the people in the vicinity do not understand this function of the consciousness body, they may think you are very rude or uncouth!

However, it is not that you are being rude, it is a transition of the heavy or negative energy and negative spiritual attachments and dark entities that you come into contact with. This reaction has nothing to do with what you have consumed, like food or drink.

Many energy session workers share this same reaction, but I’ll share what happens to me.

• Clearing blocked energy when I touch a person’s body, like through massage or laying of hands – automatic belching ensues.

• When exposed to an area, place or building with negative energy or AI Signal, belching.

• Talking about any topic with a build up of toxic or negative energy — belch, burp.

• Coming in contact with demonics or FA’s anywhere, nauseated and burping.

• Working any kind of session or gridwork when coming upon miasma or negative energy in the planetary field — belching ensues. Usually loud and intense.

As an example, what comes to mind as one of the most loud and intense belching episodes was doing PEG Week 5 at the Vatican under the St. Peter Square and Obelisk. The necropolis area was so toxic and filled with energetic sewage, when I opened that area up, it was a massive floodgate of Miasma and Dead Energy, as well as trapped souls, that the belching was equally as intense. Those that access the session recordings after have been spared these nasty details, but belching is the true glamorous life of planetary Gridworkers! [2]


1 ↑ Geomagnetism

2 ↑ [ES Forum How is your Health]

See Also:


Moon Chain

Magnetic Field Shifting

Quantic Field Impact to Space-Time

Etheric Surgery


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Cygnus Constellation Stargate”

“The Cygnus constellation is a Solar Rishi Stargate connected to the ray systems in Ursa Major that were being exploited by the NAA, which had a grave impact on the Family of Michael. The NAA forces generated a custom beast machine configuration of Osiris penis embedded in this star constellation pattern for the purpose of inverting 11:11 gateways, hijacking the Templar Cross light codes in order to reverse the Michael-Mary ley lines to instead be directed into the 11D Daath system of Typhon Tunnels. The inversion of the Templar Cross was an active curse against Essene Christos Templars, putting the 11D code technology into the hands of Luciferian Templars, with many of these lineages performing satanic rituals in the Controller pyramid. It appeared that the Cygnus anti-Christ architecture was running globally to enforce blood sacrifice tied to currency and was the source of much of the black magic money and Egyptian timeline curses used by Orion Group to repel accumulating wealth away from the Christos people. These anti-Christ machines twisted Cygnus star patterns to transmit beast marks and a host of lightbody distortions through Michael (6D) — Mary (7D) splitters, holographic cloning and amplified sexual misery programming connected to self-violence, sexual fetishes and sodomy. Typhon Tunnels are generated through sexual black magic ritual that are abusing sexual energies in children and adults, and this is a multidimensional strategy being used by the Anti-Christ entities to conquer the planet. As Cygnus beast machine configurations have been removed, Cygnus constellation is able to resume organic functioning as a Rishi Stargate which sends solar plasma transmissions of the 11D Templar Cross, Golden City codes of Avalon, which are now in the secure hands of King Arthur and Solar Dragon Christ Michael.”

~Lisa Renee


The Cygnus constellation is a Solar Rishi Stargate connected to the ray systems in Ursa Major that were being exploited by the NAA, which had a grave impact on the Family of Michael. The holographic geography of the Cygnus constellation star map is overlaid on top of the United Kingdom landmass, which has been undergoing repair and rehabilitation within the master control for the Albion lightbody since the Rise of Arthur. The NAA forces generated a custom beast machine configuration of Osiris penis embedded in this star constellation pattern for the purpose of inverting 11:11 gateways, hijacking the Templar Cross light codes in order to reverse the Michael-Mary ley lines to instead be directed into the 11D Daath system of Typhon Tunnels. The inversion of the Templar Cross was an active curse against Essene Christos Templars, putting the 11D code technology into the hands of Luciferian Templars, with many of these lineages performing satanic rituals in the Controller pyramid.

Cygnus appeared to be a beast foundation for propagating anti-Christ wealth and power accumulation in the London financial center that is fully based on black sex magic being focused on the 2D layers connected to Michael’s Taurean Dragon Line, which generates rapid sexual deviance in those receiving the wealth from satanic rituals in the financial systems. It appeared that the Cygnus anti-Christ architecture was running globally to enforce blood sacrifice tied to currency and was the source of much of the black magic money and Egyptian timeline curses used by Orion Group to repel accumulating wealth away from the Christos people. This Cygnus alien architecture was powering the Typhon Tunnels by blocking the Taurus line connected between Aldebaran and Avebury Henge, which was directing the energy or power source required for building and maintaining the Anti-Christ Eastern Pillar. These anti-Christ machines twisted Cygnus star patterns to transmit beast marks and a host of lightbody distortions through Michael (6D) — Mary (7D) splitters, holographic cloning and amplified sexual misery programming connected to self-violence, sexual fetishes and sodomy. Typhon Tunnels are generated through sexual black magic ritual that are abusing sexual energies in children and adults, and this is a multidimensional strategy being used by the Anti-Christ entities to conquer the planet. By targeting the Michael family holding 2D Grail codes with amplified sexual misery connected to bindings with Typhon Tunnels, those with agreements to protect the 11:11 Gateway from invading black hole entities in the parallel would remain inert through targeted sexual abuse issues.

As Cygnus beast machine configurations have been removed, Cygnus constellation is able to resume organic functioning as a Rishi Stargate which sends solar plasma transmissions of the 11D Templar Cross, Golden City codes of Avalon, which are now in the secure hands of King Arthur and Solar Dragon Christ Michael. We pray that these developments greatly support the ongoing sexual healing of Michaels everywhere, and that the human race begins to be freed from the horrific impacts of demonic attachments manipulating sexual addiction and sexual abuse to harvest loosh for these NAA entities.


~via Emerald Crystal Heart and Solar Christ Michael

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “White Magic or Black Magic”

“White magic has traditionally been referred to in the use of supernatural powers or consciousness magic for selfless purposes, such as healings, blessings, prayers, clearings and planetary gridwork. Acquiring knowledge of the mechanics of consciousness and practicing ritual in itself is not evil, as the church has stated or those that have been mind controlled to fear these practices. The planetary grid is a living ancient mapping system of multiple energy spectrums of consciousness organized intelligently into layers of geomantic blueprints, which perform specific functions within a precise layer of multiple webbings of energy. The NAA have given them information as to interact with this living field of energy, and through the use of black magic sorcery and human blood sacrifice, they have been able to use it to maintain their control up until this point. During the Ascension Cycle, these forces are warring over what they feel are their conquered territories in the planet, including the use of humans as consciousness slaves. As a collective society we have been fed disinformation and conditioned towards believing in these mass deceptions and lies about the absolute nature of 3D material reality, as the only reality that matters in existence. In the Service to Self value system, the socially engineered death culture rewards those who act as the impersonators, essentially as predatory liars and bad actors, people that intentionally deceive others that are more vulnerable for their own strategic advantage. When we find ourselves uncomfortable with the actions of others, we can relieve ourselves by remembering to cultivate the right attitude towards self. The Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One. Thus, one who practices this understanding of the Law of One acts and makes decisions based upon his or her awareness that every action has a consequence to the self and to others.”

~Lisa Renee


In the proper context for comprehending that everything is made of energy, all energy is intelligent and conscious and this energy influences the world around us. This helps us to easily identify the difference between what is referred to as white magic, positive energy or black magic, negative energy. Those that have knowledge of energy and are practicing meditation rituals to focus their consciousness with positive intentions, that are loving, kind and compassionate and seeking to truly do no harm or evil to themselves and others, are referred to as white magicians or Maji. White magic has traditionally been referred to in the use of supernatural powers or consciousness magic for selfless purposes, such as healings, blessings, prayers, clearings and planetary gridwork. Acquiring knowledge of the mechanics of consciousness and practicing ritual in itself is not evil, as the church has stated or those that have been mind controlled to fear these practices.

To truly practice the positive application of directing our consciousness energy in Service to Others, we must purify our consciousness and our body of negative ego desires, and allow ourselves to be a clear conduit of genuine heart-based intentions to serve our inner spirit or God’s divine will. Through the pursuit of spiritual dedication to develop unconditional love, virtue ethics, goodness and communing with the Spirits of Christ, one allows themselves to become a white magician. By allowing the forces of goodness to flow through our physical vessel and circulate the inner light, while blessing the world around us. This is the natural result of spiritual ascension and expanding consciousness towards achieving spiritual freedom. It is not the ego identity that accomplishes this, it is the spark of God that transforms and heals the darkness, from the perfection of the Universal Krystal light that may flow through us.

The opposing energy of goodness, those with negative ego and ill will seeking advancement of their own selfish desires at the expense of others, spreading hateful aspects that are destructive, are those that conjure black forces and black magic.

In respect to using black magic to manipulate the planetary grid, the NAA and Power elite have accessed knowledge to gather collective conscious energy from the ley lines to power up their agendas. The planetary grid is a living ancient mapping system of multiple energy spectrums of consciousness organized intelligently into layers of geomantic blueprints, which perform specific functions within a precise layer of multiple webbings of energy. The NAA have given them information as to interact with this living field of energy, and through the use of black magic sorcery and human blood sacrifice, they have been able to use it to maintain their control up until this point. During the Ascension Cycle, these forces are warring over what they feel are their conquered territories in the planet, including the use of humans as consciousness slaves.

Service to Self is Black Magic

As a collective society we have been fed disinformation and conditioned towards believing in these mass deceptions and lies about the absolute nature of 3D material reality, as the only reality that matters in existence. With a material and consumer orientated reality based upon accumulation, people tend to default into Service to Self behaviors and death culture vibrations. As individuals, we also have been predominately conditioned by the cultural environment to respond to others around us with misleading information and dishonesty, in order to achieve personal goals or desires that are based solely on this consumer-material value system. In the Service to Self value system, the socially engineered death culture rewards those who act as the impersonators, essentially as predatory liars and bad actors, people that intentionally deceive others that are more vulnerable for their own strategic advantage. In the current reality, if a human reinforces the controller agenda and plays Service to Self games, is a predatorial liar and disinformation agent to gain advantage over others, he or she will be greatly rewarded on the material plane. The only way to stop rewarding liars in one’s life is to see them in action and commit to banish the lies, possibly confronting or evicting the people and dark entities that continue to spread lies and disinformation in order to serve themselves.

Service to Others is White Magic

Service to Others consciousness is intrinsically integrated with the Cosmic Sovereign Law of God, or the Law of One and is the fifth practice of the Law.

Upon firmly loving yourself and honoring your path, find methods to be of service to others that do not overstep personal boundaries of discernment. Being of Service to Others does not include consumptive modeling, such as perpetuating the destructive exchanges of Victim-Victimizer archetypes, parasitism or emotional vampirism. Being of service does not hold an ego perspective of entitlement, expectation or attachment. Practice being of service with unconditional love, and naturally flowing in the present moment. The energy exchange made between participants being of service to others, amplifies and expands consciousness growth like no other method. The more you amplify the energetic field of being in service to others, the more joy, harmony and spiritual gifts will be brought into your life. The more service you dedicate to God’s plan, the Law of One, the more spiritual support and spiritual presence one can exchange with God Force.

Right Relationship towards Others as Self

When we find ourselves uncomfortable with the actions of others, we can relieve ourselves by remembering to cultivate the right attitude towards self. The Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One. Thus, one who practices this understanding of the Law of One acts and makes decisions based upon his or her awareness that every action has a consequence to the self and to others. Furthermore, one who exemplifies the Law of One understands that when one person suffers, all people suffer (whether they realize it or not). As One Self-God Self, to be “Compassion in Action” towards others is then to be in harmony and right relationship to Self.

The basic principles of Service to Others include:

• Individuals perceive the connection of love in all things and give unconditional love and compassion towards others,

• Individuals are dedicated to their spiritual Consciousness growth and to help others with their spiritual development,

• Individuals are dedicated to transforming Negative Ego thoughts through developing GSF Behavior modeling,

• Individuals share information and knowledge with others as open source in unified cooperation,

• Individuals have a complete lack of concern for primarily satisfying their materialistic ego needs or focusing upon satisfying the drives of the houses of ego,

• Individuals acknowledge that every person is a spiritual being on their own personal path of spiritual growth and discovery,

• Individuals are committed to experiencing a shared positive reality of World Humanism with others on the Earth.

Spiritual Principles to Remember

  • There are many paths that lead to God (All-One), and every person will have a unique path to connect with God Source.
  • When we concentrate our ultimate focus on the Oneness, rather than the self, we expand our spiritual power and effectiveness in the world.
  • Our spiritual practice should feel right for us, and be at our personal capacity and spiritual level.
  • Our spiritual practice should be relative to current times.
  • The new spiritual adept will start to move their focus from physical actions and matter, to focus upon the subtle energies and forces around us.

These are the necessary principles of behavior, practices and belief systems that humanity is required to learn in order to achieve spiritual freedom and sovereignty by committing to re-educate themselves to expand consciousness into higher frequency realities that allow them to progress into the future Timelines, during the Ascension Cycle.



~via – Time Shift Blog – posted January 7, 2020

LISA RENEE: “Black Magic Sorcery”

“The Power Elite are a small group of people who conjure black magic through dark rituals that are used for maintaining contact with the NAA, in order to control the entire planet through the manipulation of the collective consciousness. Bio-technology abuses within all industries, such as spraying chemtrails, GMOs, manipulating human DNA to generate diseases, aborted human embryos placed in food supply, injecting pathogens through vaccines, are all considered tools of black magic sorcery. The practice of black magic and conjuring demons or aliens for gaining knowledge or power is considered the left-hand path, and is the definition of a Black Magician or Sorcerer. Black Magicians or Sorcerers exist in the human realm and in every dimension. Many Christos lightworkers deal with astral plane black magicians, human and non-human, who consistently throw etheric weapons, curses and implants with intent to harm or make us sick, from the astral or during the sleep state. This is why learning about these forces, and how to communicate with Krystal Star and holding meditation, prayers and doing spiritual housekeeping is critical during this time of the Ascension cycle.”

~Lisa Renee


How do the NAA and the Power Elite manage to maintain their power and global control over the majority of the wealth and planetary resources when they are such a small minority?

The Power Elite are a small group of people who conjure black magic through dark rituals that are used for maintaining contact with the NAA, in order to control the entire planet through the manipulation of the collective consciousness. The manipulation of consciousness technology, planetary grid networks and the world of forces for Service to Self and Negative Ego purposes, without regard for the consent or the consequence of actions upon others, is a form of black magic sorcery. There are many different levels of the propagation of black magic and all are based in Service to Self or ego gratification, such as using black magic to generate harm to others. The practice of black magic and conjuring demons or aliens for gaining knowledge or power is considered the left-hand path, and is the definition of a Black Magician or Sorcerer.

Some Ways to Define Black Magic:

  • Practicing rituals based in Service to Self crafts and methods, for personal gain and profit at the expense of others.
  • Sending curses, hexes and negative energy patterns to people with intent to harm, such as making them sick, ill or wishing them dead.
  • Using deceptions, schemes and manipulation with intent to harm another.
  • Practicing blood sacrifice or the killing of a living thing dedicated to ritual or cleansing.
  • Practicing Black Arts for conjuring elementals and demons to work for the practitioner.
  • Acquiring knowledge without tempering higher consciousness that results in Succubus activities or the stealing of others life force for use in selfish gain.
  • The use of electromagnetic energy to form alien Implants, holographic inserts or etheric weapons to technologically assault and target another.
  • Black Magic used in sexual acts to conjure forces and bind the soul of the person through rape or forced sodomy.
  • Any forced sexual act involving lack of consent between parties and/or a child.
  • Any actions or behavior in which the Luciferian or Satanic force is called upon, conjured or embodied.
  • Using AI for consciousness exploitation by controlling people’s minds, implanting thoughts and controlling perceptions of reality in order to take advantage.
  • Bio-technology abuses within all industries, such as spraying chemtrails, GMOs, manipulating human DNA to generate diseases, aborted human embryos placed in food supply, injecting pathogens through vaccines, are all considered tools of black magic sorcery.
  • Human blood sacrifice, animal blood sacrifice, drinking blood, cannibalism, and sex in ritual setting.

Black Magicians or Sorcerers exist in the human realm and in every dimension. Many Christos lightworkers deal with astral plane black magicians, human and non-human, who consistently throw etheric weapons, curses and implants with intent to harm or make us sick, from the astral or during the sleep state. This is why learning about these forces, and how to communicate with Krystal Star and holding meditation, prayers and doing spiritual housekeeping is critical during this time of the Ascension cycle. [1]



  1. Mainstreaming of Satanism and Luciferianism

See Also:

Main Goals of the Power Elite

Black Magic





~via Ascension Glossary