‘SCIENCE BOYS PLAYING WITH TOYS’ ~ Lisa Renee on “Mad Scientists Ripping Black Holes”

(From HGS Session Transcript):

“Basic summation of today’s content around CERN, Large Hadron Collider: The session had energy signature of ‘Science Boys Playing with Toys’ that have been financed by the occultist Illuminati bankers, and incredible waste of human resources, earth resources and crystal prisms, apparently, at the mainstream Science Delusion level. This project will lead nowhere, as it is really designed to gain control over AI Quantum levels of forces. Meaning this is a Scientific Indoctrination model of future Scientists to be Mind Controlled by the bankers, the bigger claim to fame is the creation of the world wide web internet. They already discovered the ‘Higgs boson’ and God particle. This was not designed to prove that. It was designed to rip Black Holes and Wormholes in the fabric of space time, which allows many more dark entities to access this timeline. When you rip holes you destroy memories and morphogenetic fields in the planetary body, it also lets in a bunch of debris and opening into other dimensions, which is removing layers of protection around the earth. This allows more extradimensional access to entities NAA to get into the earth density, that previously was more difficult. Ripping Black Holes in black matter is a repeat of the Atlantian timeline and is held in the Alpha Omega Agenda and Armageddon Software memories in the planet, and reintroducing them now is about attempts to trigger events of Cataclysm fears in the general public. It is a replay of Atlantian Cataclysm scientists timelines in underground labs, recreating the previous event in current time, now. Please do not let me offend anyone, this just came up today, I have no opinion. The purpose is using Quantum technologies as a globalized computerized weapon to threaten the earth inhabitants into absolute submission and enslavement on the earth surface. Black Hole Technology used to damage the planetary grid by off planet NAA is called Gravitron. Krystal Star Guardians say this technology is contained in higher dimensions, however, it wreaks havoc, chaos, for this timeline on the 3D timelines in lower densities of matter— from their point of view in the corridors, the Plasma architecture has been created in higher dimensions— they are not concerned in terms of 3D surface cataclysms, although there will be isolated areas of the planet that are subjected to earthquakes, weather anomalies, volcanoes, etc. It is not a priority now. Other things take priority for Guardian projects at this current time. The black matter fields is where the NAA manipulate the Morphogenetic Field, and place Artificial Machinery to create synthetic AI Timelines. They have the idea to open the cap on Wormholes through guiding the mad scientists at CERN. This is that wall in time bridge they try to open up like Phoenix Wormholes in Bermuda and upper east coast. Not going to happen. Because this is connecting to Artificial Intelligence, the Guardians say its too late for that. The governance of the Plasma transmission changes the way the molecules and molecular structures behave and move in this reality.”

~Lisa Renee, March 13, 2015

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “AI Cloned Images”

“The purpose of AI cloned images is to disrupt the authentic spiritual communication connection and redirect it to the AI reality and false timelines where they attempt to take control over your consciousness. The exact same AI program has been implemented with the Jehovah and Yahweh religions. Much of this alien technology and its continual development is hidden underground or used as psychotronic space war weaponry enforced by the military industry complex. The NAA and their artificial intelligence machinery are complex and they need power sources. We may see Battery Bodies (i.e. Moloch tanks) and Soul bodies connected to these constructs being used to supply that power. Stop feeding the predator mind constructs and false timelines and they will stop eating your light and torturing your mental body from the inside. Everything in your body, organic and inorganic, belongs to you!”

~Lisa Renee


Recently there have been aggressive targeting attempts from NAA and MILABS agencies to destroy Spiritual Consciousness Groups or Starseed projects that are openly sharing about ET disclosure, NAA and related Ascension information. These attempts are using AI to assimilate and clone ascension material, in order to spin distortions and disinformation from it. Targets to clone my voice and image in artificial realities were attempted in order to interfere with Sirian based communication links that connect to the Omniversal Krystal Star families. Many of the Krystal Star family from the Sirius portal were attempted to be cloned and projected into artificial realities for the same purpose. Using the Spiritual Deliverance techniques and commanding the return to rightful owner of body parts, will help you to recollect your parts that have been cloned or replicated into AI without your consent, if you feel this has happened to you. (see Spiritual Deliverance in the Ascension Glossary).

It is very important for Starseed people to get clear about discerning artificial intelligence messages of mind control, as well as cloned or projected holographic images. This can be felt Krystal clear if you do your spiritual homework, communicate with God self, clear predator mind and regularly 12D Shield. AI messages coming from the environment and via controlled dark portal people feels; metallic, abrasive, acidic, energetically burdensome, sharp knife or blade like, and can make you feel physically ill with headaches, nausea, body part stabbing pains, and even diarrhea when you come into contact with it.

AI feels revolting to the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Pay attention to what you are feeling and how your body is responding. Ask out loud and challenge the identity behind the message or person, “Is this Artificial intelligence deception and dark force manipulation? Reveal yourself now.” Command that truth and transparency be revealed to you in the power and light of Christ.

The purpose of AI cloned images is to disrupt the authentic spiritual communication connection and redirect it to the AI reality and false timelines where they attempt to take control over your consciousness. The exact same AI program has been implemented with the Jehovah and Yahweh religions. Where they attempt to feed streams of False Gods, confusion, self-doubt, false flattery, disinformation, disease or suicide programs (testing out whatever may work) to derail your spiritual progress or discredit your projects to the larger community or public. Most spiritually undeveloped people with little sophistication in discerning the false messaging of AI mind control and dark force manipulation, fall easily into their hands as dark portals of chaos and disruption. We have to stay alert to these kinds of dark portal people, have compassion for them but realize they are like a monkey with a shotgun. We do not want to give traumatized, scattered and broken people power over our spiritual progress or let them take over the direction of our projects. Firmly, show them the door.

The Mind Control spray running and the people being used as dark portals from their own internal confusion are spreading disinformation that Ascension is dead, and that we are all doomed on the earth. This is yet another depressing fear promoting pysop from the psychopathic minds behind the Archontic Deception. The mechanics of consciousness and the Sacred Sciences of the Soul will always exist and it is called Ascension. Dark Portal people: If you get control over your mind through opening your feelings to access your heart, you will eventually be able to figure this out by direct experience. Stop feeding the predator mind constructs and false timelines and they will stop eating your light and torturing your mental body from the inside. Everything in your body, organic and inorganic, belongs to you! The Law can be commanded that your body be fully controlled by your organic higher spiritual consciousness if and when you commit to expressing Unconditional Love as your highest power. [1]

Biological Drone

Much of this alien technology and its continual development is hidden underground or used as psychotronic space war weaponry enforced by the military industry complex. The NAA and their artificial intelligence machinery are complex and they need power sources. We may see Battery Bodies (i.e. Moloch tanks) and Soul bodies connected to these constructs being used to supply that power.

Military Alien Technology

Many humans that have been abducted report that EBE entities appear to be drones designed to carry out certain tasks for higher ups, such as escort the abducted to the location where the medical or genetic examination will take place. Many times, the creature reported as a “grey alien” is a Biological Drone being used remotely for MILABS programs.

Military Grey Alien Technology and other Alien Machinery used by the NAA is designed to create Clones of planetary inhabitants, human beings, through the process of Soul Capture Technology and manipulating synthetic Timelines. [2]



  1. Transhumanism
  2. Pushing for Timelines

See Also:





Human Trafficking


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Sophianic Template”

“This time is something we have been waiting for and working to embody for a very long time. During the last quarter of 2019, the Krystal Guardian Host’s Christos Mission has greatly accelerated into several continuous group gridwork projects made possible through an ongoing series of Paliadorian activations. These have been primarily focused upon the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ through the newly available embodiment levels of the Christos-Sophianic template. The ongoing themes for the reclamation of the Christos mission in 2020 include the retrieval of Solar Feminine Melchizedek aspects from the black hole system, the repair of the Mother’s code language made through the reassembly of planetary Cathar architecture, the corrections made in the instruction sets in the field designed to fully embody the Sophianic template, and the mass spiritual healing of the true female principle returning to the earth. Holographic corrections are being made to many layers of the female principle architecture through the continuous dismantling of assorted alien machinery and the transiting out of satanic forces that have been used to project the Dark Mother reversals into the planetary grid network since the NAA invasion. This is comprised of lunar based architecture that is used to distort and digress more specifically, the divine feminine aspects, and to prevent the spiritual activation of female Staff codes that are held in the silicate matrix DNA, which then begin transmitting sonic pillars into the planetary ley lines. These anti-life artificial intelligence structures are the component parts which perpetuate the entropic networks of the NAA that feed into the lunar matrix, distributing inorganic magnetic reversals and gravitational field anomalies, that spread black subtle forces for growing phantom shadow bodies. The hierarchies of phantom shadow bodies are used as dark consciousness vehicles for lunar consciousness and black hole entities to move around in the AI timelines, in the blended virtual realities generated by the base 10 Artificial Tree of Life. The current planetary mission upgrades are primarily focused upon the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ, and this is being significantly highlighted in several grid rehabilitation projects that appear to be ongoing through 2022, which span into several parallel timelines and major historical trigger events.”

~Lisa Renee


This time is something we have been waiting for and working to embody for a very long time. During the last quarter of 2019, the Krystal Guardian Host’s Christos Mission has greatly accelerated into several continuous group gridwork projects made possible through an ongoing series of Paliadorian activations. These have been primarily focused upon the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ through the newly available embodiment levels of the Christos-Sophianic template. The ongoing themes for the reclamation of the Christos mission in 2020 include the retrieval of Solar Feminine Melchizedek aspects from the black hole system, the repair of the Mother’s code language made through the reassembly of planetary Cathar architecture, the corrections made in the instruction sets in the field designed to fully embody the Sophianic template, and the mass spiritual healing of the true female principle returning to the earth.

Holographic corrections are being made to many layers of the female principle architecture through the continuous dismantling of assorted alien machinery and the transiting out of satanic forces that have been used to project the Dark Mother reversals into the planetary grid network since the NAA invasion. This is comprised of lunar based architecture that is used to distort and digress more specifically, the divine feminine aspects, and to prevent the spiritual activation of female Staff codes that are held in the silicate matrix DNA, which then begin transmitting sonic pillars into the planetary ley lines. These anti-life artificial intelligence structures are the component parts which perpetuate the entropic networks of the NAA that feed into the lunar matrix, distributing inorganic magnetic reversals and gravitational field anomalies, that spread black subtle forces for growing phantom shadow bodies. The hierarchies of phantom shadow bodies are used as dark consciousness vehicles for lunar consciousness and black hole entities to move around in the AI timelines, in the blended virtual realities generated by the base 10 Artificial Tree of Life. The current planetary mission upgrades are primarily focused upon the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ, and this is being significantly highlighted in several grid rehabilitation projects that appear to be ongoing through 2022, which span into several parallel timelines and major historical trigger events.

The Sophianic template contains sequential stages of reassembling the Solar Feminine Christ architecture that is designed to repair the lunar distortion imprints, which include the magnetic reversals embedded within the female principle structures on the planet earth. The potential resurrection of the Solar Feminine Christ is made possible through the recent activations and anchoring of several Cosmic Diamond Sun body structures, such as the Holy Mother’s God seed code (the perfect proton) and the Krystallah matrix within the earth’s main grail point and Stargate system. The instruction sets for the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ have begun to spiral through the energetic current traveling throughout the planetary grid network. As the female biology is able to pick up these transmissions, they begin to naturally repair the magnetic imprints of the lunar woman distortions in her physical matrix. The DNA-RNA imprint in a female biology is more suited magnetically to embody the Solar Flame codes first, that further ignite the inner vertical channels and this potentially ignites the Keeper of the Flame blueprint and thus, may further activate female Staff codes. [1]



  1. Solar Feminine Christ

See Also:


Krystal Star

Guardian Host

Natural Laws



~via Ascension Avatar

LISA RENEE: “Cloning Psyops”

“It is very important for Starseed people to get clear about discerning artificial intelligence messages of mind control, as well as cloned or projected holographic images. This can be felt Krystal clear if you do your spiritual homework, communicate with God self, clear predator mind and regularly 12D Shield. AI messages coming from the environment and via controlled dark portal people feels; metallic, abrasive, acidic, energetically burdensome, sharp knife or blade like, and can make you feel physically ill with headaches, nausea, body part stabbing pains, and even diarrhea when you come into contact with it. AI feels revolting to the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Pay attention to what you are feeling and how your body is responding. Most spiritually undeveloped people with little sophistication in discerning the false messaging of AI mind control and dark force manipulation, fall easily into their hands as dark portals of chaos and disruption. We have to stay alert to these kinds of dark portal people, have compassion for them but realize they are like a monkey with a shotgun. We do not want to give traumatized, scattered and broken people power over our spiritual progress or let them take over the direction of our projects. Firmly, show them the door.”

~Lisa Renee


Recently there have been aggressive targeting attempts from NAA and MILABS agencies to destroy Spiritual Consciousness Groups or Starseed projects that are openly sharing about ET disclosure, NAA and related Ascension information. These attempts are using AI to assimilate and clone ascension material, in order to spin distortions and disinformation from it. Targets to clone my voice and image in artificial realities were attempted in order to interfere with Sirian based communication links that connect to the Omniversal Krystal Star families. Many of the Krystal Star family from the Sirius portal were attempted to be cloned and projected into artificial realities for the same purpose. Using the Spiritual Deliverance techniques and commanding the return to rightful owner of body parts, will help you to recollect your parts that have been cloned or replicated into AI without your consent, if you feel this has happened to you. (see Spiritual Deliverance and RRO in the Ascension Glossary).

It is very important for Starseed people to get clear about discerning artificial intelligence messages of mind control, as well as cloned or projected holographic images. This can be felt Krystal clear if you do your spiritual homework, communicate with God self, clear predator mind and regularly 12D Shield. AI messages coming from the environment and via controlled dark portal people feels; metallic, abrasive, acidic, energetically burdensome, sharp knife or blade like, and can make you feel physically ill with headaches, nausea, body part stabbing pains, and even diarrhea when you come into contact with it. AI feels revolting to the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Pay attention to what you are feeling and how your body is responding. Ask out loud and challenge the identity behind the message or person, “Is this Artificial intelligence deception and dark force manipulation? Reveal yourself now.” Command that truth and transparency be revealed to you in the power and light of Christ.

The purpose of AI cloned images is to disrupt the authentic spiritual communication connection and redirect it to the AI reality and false timelines where they attempt to take control over your consciousness. The exact same AI program has been implemented with the Jehovah and Yahweh religions. Where they attempt to feed streams of False Gods, confusion, self-doubt, false flattery, disinformation, disease or suicide programs (testing out whatever may work) to derail your spiritual progress or discredit your projects to the larger community or public. Most spiritually undeveloped people with little sophistication in discerning the false messaging of AI mind control and dark force manipulation, fall easily into their hands as dark portals of chaos and disruption. We have to stay alert to these kinds of dark portal people, have compassion for them but realize they are like a monkey with a shotgun. We do not want to give traumatized, scattered and broken people power over our spiritual progress or let them take over the direction of our projects. Firmly, show them the door.

The Mind Control spray running and the people being used as dark portals from their own internal confusion are spreading disinformation that Ascension is dead, and that we are all doomed on the earth. This is yet another depressing fear promoting pysop from the psychopathic minds behind the Archontic Deception. The mechanics of consciousness and the Sacred Sciences of the Soul will always exist and it is called Ascension. Dark Portal people: If you get control over your mind through opening your feelings to access your heart, you will eventually be able to figure this out by direct experience. Stop feeding the predator mind constructs and false timelines and they will stop eating your light and torturing your mental body from the inside. Everything in your body, organic and inorganic, belongs to you! The Law can be commanded that your body be fully controlled by your organic higher spiritual consciousness if and when you commit to expressing Unconditional Love as your highest power.

Much of this alien technology and its continual development is hidden underground or used as space war weaponry (psychotronic) enforced by the military industry complex. The NAA and their artificial intelligence machinery are complex and they need power sources. We may see Battery Bodies (i.e. Moloch tanks) and Soul bodies connected to these constructs being used to supply that power. [1]

Biological Drone

Many humans that have been abducted report that EBE entities appear to be drones designed to carry out certain tasks for higher ups, such as escort the abducted to the location where the medical or genetic examination will take place. Many times, the creature reported as a “grey alien” is a Biological Drone being used remotely for MILABS programs.

Military Alien Technology

Military Grey Alien Technology and other Alien Machinery used by the NAA is designed to create Clones of planetary inhabitants, human beings, through the process of Soul Capture Technology and manipulating synthetic Timelines. [2]




Pushing for Timelines

See Also:






Human Trafficking


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Dark Portal Bodies”

“These kinds of people go unconscious and flip out very easily, are very weak spiritually, have low Impulse Control and are at high risk for dark portal use or Possession. The NAA and dark forces will groom and manipulate these unstable people to attack you directly. We all must be aware of this and take steps to defend ourselves by not allowing these kinds of people to get too close to us or into our home (when possible). The problem is Imposter Spirits or dark forces will find ways to infiltrate people’s weakness and slowly work them to flip out, without any kind of apparent reason. Recently, we had this happen in our community, and over the last week I had a Black Faced Reptilian with Yellow eyes showing me that he was responsible for creating all the recent energetic chaos in our group. They tend to be incredibly arrogant and they like to leave their mark, which is a way to say F-you. So it is good to remember these unstable, confused and weak people are used as pawns in the larger war game, and most of the time it’s not the person consciously understanding what they are doing, but these forces manipulating the person to act out totally bizarre and even insane behaviors.”

~Lisa Renee


Since late 2012, the human body is more vulnerable to being used as a potential dark portal of invasion or undergoing spiritual Possession as the person becomes Consubstantial to the collective forces of ego, represented by the Satanic or Dark Galactic layers of those hierarchies. Additionally, this is exacerbated from alterations in the magnetic and gravitational fields of the earth, which result in dissolution of certain dimensional membranes. Essentially, what used to be several separated fish tanks have consolidated into one vast fish tank, where all the contents are now shared and swimming together freely. This has both positive impacts and negative impacts to those unprepared to deal with these new forces entering their personal reality. 3D Humans that have not developed strong Impulse Control and have not cleared negative ego automatic thoughts are at higher risk for being used as a dark portal, when they go unconscious. This can be remedied through consistent Meditation, Prayer and self-inquiry to remain in present time as the conscious observer or witness to events.

Fallen Angelic and Dark Hierarchies

If a person fixates on Houses of Ego and they succumb to those negative forces, they are easily possessed by that primary thought form. Later on, the negative thought form may progress to the level of possession, specific to the fallen angelic hierarchy it represents. These are the main Houses of Ego that are used as dark portal possession by these Fallen Angelics and Dark Galactic Hierarchies:

Satan/Moloch – Anger/Wrath
Lucifer – Pride/Entitlement
Leviathan – Envy/Jealousy/Covet
Belial/Ba’al – Liar/Corrupt
Mammon – Greed/Avarice
Asmoday/Baphomet – Lust/Addiction
Beelzebub – Gluttony/Waste
Baalpeor/Belphegor –Laziness/Discouragement

Fallen Angelics are a part of the Imposter Spirits. They may have been either human or non-human, can comprise those separated from their souls or discarnate spirits which have never inhabited a human body. Demons may be regarded as material corporeal beings, as they are lower spirit beings, which are not inspirited by the breath of God and cannot exist in the higher celestial realms. Humans and nonhumans can conjure these earthly spirits and then become possessed by them and their material or negative nature, especially if they are not mentally clear and emotionally balanced. If these forces are not corrected, they eventually bring agony and misery to the human being.

Humans that have not developed impulse control and cleared Negative Ego automaton thoughts are at higher risk. This can be remedied through consistent meditation, prayer and self-inquiry to remain in present time as a conscious observer. As extensions of the Cosmic Christ spiritual hierarchy, we hope to emphasize clearly the vulnerabilities and weakness that exist in adults and children so we can help to inform others, when we are asked for help.

Stages of Risk in Human Body

As extensions of the Cosmic Christ spiritual hierarchy, we hope to emphasize clearly the vulnerabilities and weakness that exist in adults and children so we can help to inform others, when we are asked for help.

How do dark forces and fallen entities attach to or infiltrate the human body as a dark portal?

– First, when we are reckless and careless with our body and indulge in the Houses of Ego (especially fear, guilt and shame) or engage with negative emotional theatrics continually, and are without disciplined awareness, we are a Stage One Risk.

– Second, when we are in automaton states, obsessive mental looping states, hypnogogic, trance or meditation states (without 12D shielding), having cellphone or technology on our body and near our head 24/7 disrupting our electromagnetic field, we are a Stage Two Risk.

– Third, when we indulge in addictive states, either with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gluttony, hospitalizations, or take any psychoactive or psychotropic drugs that change brain function, we are a Stage Three Risk.

– Fourth, when we indulge in promiscuous sexual activity, have sexual addiction, sexual shame, play seduction games, and use regular forms of pornography, sex clubs, and prostitutes or engage in group sex, we are a Stage Four Risk.

– Fifth, is the class of deviance and sexual perversion which is completely controlled through possessing entities. Behaviors such as pedophilia, sadism, bizarre sexual fetishes or any kind of violence, where pleasure and pain receptors are reversed in the Soul Matrix. A person with reversed pleasure centers (receives pleasure from inflicting pain or violent actions) is under the control of satanic forces.

All humans have energetic weakness on their left side, from the planetary Crucifixion Implants that are embedded there, along with related implant Miasma on the left side of the body. Also, as we become more conscious of other lifetimes, we may become aware of injuries from those lifetimes (or this lifetime), which may show up as an auric body tear or energetic weakness. Most humans have an additional weakness, usually on the left side of the skull towards the front forehead, for these main reasons.

The 6D third eye and the 7D crown chakra are disfigured from the Indigo Ray and Violet Ray distortions, along with the residue of 7D Axiatonal Implants. Splitter technology was placed in the 6D fields to stop Indigos from activating their pituitary and pineal gland. (This feels and looks like a white static noise that creates confusion and scrambles in the brain’s ability to form cohesive thought patterns). To heal this splitter technology, call upon the 13th Ray of Mother Arc and run her Aquamarine plasma frequency in your head to heal the Blue Ray and Indigo Ray distortions.

Next, we have the issue of the planet’s true north being off center, from the 23 degree axis tilt of the earth body. The axis of the Earth is off 23 degrees from the natural upright vertical axis, to form a natural orbit of the earth around the sun. This is not the original and organic pathway for the orbit of our planet. Because our cranium is a microcosm of the planetary globe and brain, our true north position is off. This represents our correct crown chakra placement. This tilt is an open portal for moon chain lineages, through the weak magnetic field, which manifests as weakness on the left side of the human skull. This is another reason to protect and shield the entirety of your cranium, head and face.

In-Between Dimensional States

It is important to comprehend the stronger your auric field and the more awareness you have, the less exposure you will have to all of these vulnerabilities and risks. The goal is to focus time and attention on developing your spiritual body and to work your meditation tools to build energy, strengthen your energy body and stop energy leakages, with directed single-mindedness.

Additionally, during the times the human is in between states of consciousness is when the spiritual-energetic bodies of that person are in some kind of transitional state between dimensions. These moments of energetic transition are windows where the aura is more easily attached to or infiltrated. Pay special attention and amplify the use your 12D shield, command personal space when you or loved ones are:

– Giving birth to a child, both mother and baby

– In the death transition, passage of the body

– During the sexual act or in the presence of others’ sexual activity

– Any injury where loss of consciousness is the result (i.e. blow to the head)

– Group meditation or spiritual class with non-shielders (lacking experience with NAA)

– Hospitalization, especially when drugs are administered

– Sleeping in hotels or places you have not visited previously (hypnogogic state)

– Involved in extreme traumatic events or compassionate witnessing to these events

Victimizer Programming

In Victim-Victimizer or VV programming, the unfortunate result is that unstable people that have not done much mental or emotional clearing and have built up hidden pain and trauma, are easily controlled and manipulated by dark forces to play out their fears in the 2D or lower mind. These kinds of people go unconscious and flip out very easily, are very weak spiritually, have low Impulse Control and are at high risk for dark portal use or Possession. The NAA and dark forces will groom and manipulate these unstable people to attack you directly. We all must be aware of this and take steps to defend ourselves by not allowing these kinds of people to get too close to us or into our home (when possible). The problem is Imposter Spirits or dark forces will find ways to infiltrate people’s weakness and slowly work them to flip out, without any kind of apparent reason. Recently, we had this happen in our community, and over the last week I had a Black Faced Reptilian with Yellow eyes showing me that he was responsible for creating all the recent energetic chaos in our group. They tend to be incredibly arrogant and they like to leave their mark, which is a way to say F-you. So it is good to remember these unstable, confused and weak people are used as pawns in the larger war game, and most of the time it’s not the person consciously understanding what they are doing, but these forces manipulating the person to act out totally bizarre and even insane behaviors. I have had these experiences happen so many times, that unfortunately I do not think this dark strategy is going to end anytime in the near future. So as we gain more experience with dark attack and accept it as a reality on this earth, the process actually gets easier. The biggest challenge is the energetic drain and diversion it creates from taking you off course (timelines), which is their primary motivation.



Portals of Consciousness

See Also:

Religious Violence

Crucifixion Implants

Sexual Misery


~via Ascension Glossary