LISA RENEE: “Calling Upon Spiritual Strength With a Loving Heart”

“During this turbulent phase, we must recognize that many of the controlling dark forces are desperate, and that any traumatic experience or fear program they have an opportunity to exploit, they will manipulate those events with the purpose to intentionally corrupt, betray and break the human heart. The means by which they scheme to corrupt the human heart, is by attempting to intimidate and force people to unknowingly walk into traps where their personal consent is being manipulated and their intent usurped. To intentionally confuse by deceiving, gaslighting, and manipulating people to play out betrayal and abandonment fears, that further trigger victim-victimizer archetypes that can be hijacked by dark spiritual attachments. What many of us are being told on the surface by the mainstream media is not accurate or real. Where underneath are the complex deceptions designed to manipulate the masses into making unconscious agreements, to be in consent with a harmful system that is inverted, dead energy or feeding into the anti-human agendas. During this time more than ever, there is critical importance in making the daily effort to preserve our sacred hearts, to remain open by feeling, experiencing and exchanging loving feelings. This means that in all things that we decide for ourselves, in every moment, that we do not ever forget what love and compassion feels like when flowing through our heart. This heart-based quality is a distinctly angelic human quality, it is our sacred crystal heart that defines what it truly means to be a spiritualized and eternal human being.”

~Lisa Renee


During this time more than ever, there is critical importance in making the daily effort to preserve our sacred hearts, to remain open by feeling, experiencing and exchanging loving feelings. This means that in all things that we decide for ourselves, in every moment, that we do not ever forget what love and compassion feels like when flowing through our heart. This heart-based quality is a distinctly angelic human quality, it is our sacred crystal heart that defines what it truly means to be a spiritualized and eternal human being. To become aware so that when we face adversity, that we are not disconnecting any part of our body from the forces of love; from giving, receiving and exchanging love, compassion, and empathy for life. We must keep our mind and thoughts focused upon those higher qualities of love and appreciation that we experience in our daily lives, and identify that which we can share to circulate more unconditional love and kindness with other people.

During this turbulent phase, we must recognize that many of the controlling dark forces are desperate, and that any traumatic experience or fear program they have an opportunity to exploit, they will manipulate those events with the purpose to intentionally corrupt, betray and break the human heart. The means by which they scheme to corrupt the human heart, is by attempting to intimidate and force people to unknowingly walk into traps where their personal consent is being manipulated and their intent usurped. To intentionally confuse by deceiving, gaslighting, and manipulating people to play out betrayal and abandonment fears, that further trigger victim-victimizer archetypes that can be hijacked by dark spiritual attachments. What many of us are being told on the surface by the mainstream media is not accurate or real. Where underneath are the complex deceptions designed to manipulate the masses into making unconscious agreements, to be in consent with a harmful system that is inverted, dead energy or feeding into the anti-human agendas.

How we neutralize spiritual betrayal agendas from taking control over our psyche, is to see these agendas clearly playing out in archetypal dramas and to recognize the fear programming when it is operating within a person, group or structure. At the same time, we must study ourselves and commit to eradicating all forms of deceptions or being complicit with others’ deceptions. Developing personal integrity by being authentic and transparent with others, and asking that mutual agreements be put in place to always be nonjudgmental and kind. When we can recognize the negative ego corruption or deception games being reinforced by others, then we can begin to recognize the real agendas that are hidden in the structure. When we can see the fear program running, then the game cannot automatically manipulate our subconscious because we are identifying it and calling it out, and from this perspective we can see its larger purpose is to incite fear and division. Refuse to be an agent of chaos, to incite fear or division, period. This is one of the most important concepts of psychological warfare, and helps us understand why the Guardians put such an emphasis on discerning ignorant darkness, discerning consciousness traps, seeing the dark agendas to divide and conquer. Because once you see the tactic and do not give your power away to it, the dark energy and AI has no power in that situation, and it cannot manipulate you.

Practicing compassion for self and forgiveness of others, working on feelings of empathy for others, are ways of developing heart-based qualities that help us work through powerful and intense emotions. Shine your light into this world and speak the truth as you know it!


~via – Shifting Timelines Newsletter – July 2020

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Ode to Starseeds”

Ascension Avatar note: Lisa dedicates this to Starseeds who have gone through life as ‘targets’ or ‘victims’. It’s funny because just minutes ago before reading this article, I was thinking about how in this life, nothing and no one has ever been successful in ‘messing with me’. The ones who tried always ‘fell on their butts’ somehow, or in one case where they unjustly tried to get physically violent, got a broken jaw before they could blink. No, it isn’t good to be violent, but it’s nice to have a strong inner spirit as a personal protector and an example for others… It’s also good to have a wise loving heart that understands why people behave the way they do… and what’s even better is knowing the ‘final outcome’ of people and events… as a cue… to let go and keep going onward and upward…

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Many of us that are on the Ascension path, or have awakened to remember ourselves as a Starseed, have come to the earth during the Ascension Cycle to actualize our unique blueprint and mission, attempting to embody the highest template of Christos Consciousness possible, and to help support the mass planetary awakening. Most Starseeds chose very challenging earth bloodlines to incarnate into during this cycle, as well as co-created very aspiring spiritual missions in pre-birth agreements, to stretch themselves into the outer limits in order to reach their heroic probability. We knew what was at stake in this specific incarnation. Thus, many of us have front loaded intense consciousness lessons and karmic clearings in this lifetime, in order to master the polarities and entities, and to gain mastery over the technological mind control and learn about the anti-human culture impacting this planet. As a result of the front loaded 3D earth lessons, many of us have suffered through intensely disturbing and difficult childhoods, trying to make sense of the world around us, as well as cope with the dysfunctions and abusive situations arising between our own biological family members.

Most Starseed people suffer from extra levels of memory wipe and are harassed more directly by the NAA, starting in childhood, in order to discourage them from discovering their true mission and spiritual purpose. As a result of this specialized dark harassment, many of us may develop an unconscious complex and pain body thinking that something is deeply wrong with us, or that we are a bad person, because we cannot understand how we found ourselves in this strange predicament. Was I a mass murderer in my previous lifetime, that this ill treatment is actually justified? You have a right to be baffled and confused by this ill treatment, as nothing is as simple as it seems, and the narrative we have been told is false. We have to awaken and remember why we came to the earth during the Ascension cycle.

Before we incarnated into 3D earth, we understood our responsibility to heal the family of origin bloodline, and that the spiritual support we would have to complete ancestral healing would be made available to us. We just did not remember or know how much hard work that would actually turn out to be! Additionally, after some years of slogging through the miasma, at the master number age of 33, we generally reach another threshold of completed genetic pathcutting and kundalini activation. Our holographic re-patterning expertise is now applied to the collective consciousness grids of the earth, making us a gridworker by default, an acupuncture point to run rainbow frequencies into the grid, sharing our unique DNA pattern with the earth. We find ourselves with streams of light and kundalini current blasting out of random body parts, sparks coming out of our hands and fingers with an increasing sensation of an open and widening heart and crown used for spontaneous transiting and soul retrievals. Sleep no more Christos Starseed, because now your body is an organic God technology in which during sleep and awake hours there is no difference, you travel to the ends of the Universe to answer the clarion call, and work with other spiritual family members on what needs to be done.

In this stage of development our personal world explodes, all personal interest and preference in 3D is washed away into non-existence, and all that is left is the truth spirit and Service. As a result of this Starseed mission, many of us not only suffer from an Orphan Complex, during various stages of our ancestral clearing and healing process, but may also experience ourselves as being singled out as the “black sheep”, the oddball, the outcast, the weirdo. Many conventional 3D earth people around us seem to sense that we are energetically different, like they know we are different but cannot put a finger on what is different about us. They do not feel comfortable about those differences, and begin to develop clever ways to verbally attack, emotionally manipulate or cope with the fear that is surfacing by blame shifting. Gaslighting 101, straight from the NAA dark press. Many times a Starseed person can feel singled out for isolation, ridicule, ostracism, and being accused of things that they did not do, acting in the archetypal role of scapegoat. Oh my scapegoating, let me count the ways, how many times were others emotional burdens thrust upon me as if it was my fault? Standing there like a wallflower trying to go unnoticed, only to be subjected to another’s emotional theatrics, a boatload of dark spit balls and etheric weapons only to be told it was my fault. This repeated pattern does not exactly help our confidence levels, as when you are considered the odd person out in a group of people, where you don’t feel to be fitting in anywhere, it’s a lonely and bewildering proposition.

However, the most important piece in this Starseed experience is that although it is not pleasant to have people easily feel they can use you as an scapegoat or whipping post, it is a great learning opportunity to master the world of forces, and the 3D negative ego. To understand that if you do not completely love and accept yourself and reclaim your own spiritual power, someone or something will try to rip this light out from inside you by making you feel small. On this planet the default setting is to use ridicule and character defamation by the local schoolyard bullies to make you feel bad about yourself. We must come to the level of recognizing ourselves for who and what we are as Starseed people, unapologetically but harmlessly, knowing it is our job to take our power back, and to love ourselves unconditionally for all we have been through, knowing it all has purpose. We cannot keep acting as the doormat for parasitic exchanges, being sucked dry from idiot compassion, allowing our light, our heart and spirit to be eroded by those who are run by fear and intimidation.

This is my public confession as a Starseed, that I have always been considered to be the oddball, the black sheep, the weirdo. The one that people around me cannot understand, and to be constantly criticized and put down by those around me that seek to gain control over what they cannot understand. As a youngster, I had thought of myself as the red head step child, the beat up kid that the Universe didn’t want. God knows it took me most of my life to understand and fully accept my Starseed-ness, in so that I could reclaim my personal power and stop caring what others thought about me. In order to fully reclaim my authentic Christ Self, I had to choose expressing my personal truth over all things, and learn to ignore the stream of dark accusations leveled towards my service mission. The dark is the darkness, and it lives in the shadow of ignorance and confusion in people’s minds, it just is the way it is. As a spiritual catalyst, as a person that loves truth over discomfort, I have never been popular or well liked, instead my mere presence makes some people deeply uncomfortable. All of my life was a struggle to conform to others expectations of me, struggling to make ends meet, struggling to make it through the day, living as someone else that was unrecognizable to me. Even now in my own direct field of experience, I tend to be labeled as things I’m not. I live my life on earth as generally feeling very misunderstood by the majority of people, the fish in the wrong pond, an oddity here on planet earth.

I share this experience with the Starseeds of this world so that you know you are not alone in feeling this way, the earth is a strange and beautiful place, but the judgmental nature of the mind control here is set up on turbo. And this takes some getting used to, that you will be labeled or looked at to be the black sheep, or an oddball, for just being yourself. And this is the made up persona used by others unconscious pain in so that you are made to be the whipping post for that unresolved emotional content which is not understood, and remains unreconciled in the shadow selves. Some of the most baffling things I’ve learned about being on the earth, is that in general, 3D people do not understand the value system of ‘live and let live’. Instead, they tend to immediately act threatened if you do not want to conform to their lifestyle and agree with everything they say. Somehow 3D people take this personal, which is really strange to me. How is it that just being myself, as authentic as I know my inner self, to be threatening to another? This is earth, and its surreal down here.

Recently, we had a Starseed community member share that she felt she walked around the earth with a big “F-You” on her forehead. This blog is dedicated to you, and all of us that have felt this same way over the years. She shared that people seemed to react to her in excessively negative ways to put her down, and wondering why this parade of people seemed to want and even enjoy sending an stream of emotional garbage while excluding her. I laughed out loud, having recognized this pattern throughout my life also, as in the hardest times of my spiritual nomad phase, I was convinced that I was marked with a message in my etheric layers that said “kick my butt”. Later I learned that my butt was getting kicked really hard because:

  • I had to learn my lessons, see my influence and not abuse my power.
  • I had to totally love and accept myself, the real part of me that is unique and seems weird to others.
  • I had to take full responsibility for my mission, my life, as it is now.
  • I had to toughen myself up and stop with the idiot compassion.
  • I had to listen to my inner spirit always, no matter what.
  • I had to trust God and no one else, fearlessly.
  • I had to see where the darkness was blocking me from achieving my mission.
  • I had to motivate myself to keep going, never give up, even when the dark was royally kicking my butt.

Starseed people, you have been blessed with unique and sometimes otherworldly gifts that make you appear to be different to others. So many of us struggle to find common interests with the 3D lifestyle, and yet this is not who we are and what we came to offer this world. In many ways, you are a person from the future, and are some of the brightest and biggest lights in this world. You have much value to offer the people in this world. Sometimes the brightest lights threaten to outshine others around them, and sadly, this tends to make others feel insecure about themselves. So next time someone says an off-color remark, remember this person feels insecure about themselves. I know you don’t think you are powerful and so bright, but you really are! Muster the courage to reply and say something kind, bless them to find inner peace, and go on your merry way. Insecure and fear based people are a plenty in this world, and a simple act of kindness in the face of insults can actually restore faith in humanity.

Starseed people, do not make yourself small and cringe when you are ill-treated in this way, called the black sheep or weirdo, a person that is excluded from the mainstream acceptance. We are here to resist the mind control programming, we do not conform to the slave mentality, you are here to show the way for others around you. Being unique and different means that you are making an original contribution to the earth culture and impacting the world by fearlessly shining your light, and speaking and acting in your personal truth and from personal integrity. Personal Integrity is the quality of being truthful and honest with yourself and others, it means living as you are right now, aligned with your own personal value system. From this day forward, may your personal prayer include that you commit to serve your heart and that you will always be true to you. Honor your entire being and honor your life force, inquire and put forth the effort to know the real contents of your heart’s desires and look for that higher purpose to keep spiritually growing. And only really give to others what feels joyful and aligned for your person. Do not bargain yourself away or sacrifice your truth, be bright, be light, be harmless, but stay strong and steady on the course! We are in this together.

With Love and GSF,



~via – Time Shift Blog – posted April 16, 2019

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Demoralization Tactics”

“It is absolutely imperative that we stay neutral, focused and clear, be fearless in the presence of those who represent the anti-life or anti-Christ. Do not react to anything you see and do not lose control over your faculties, stay anchored in the now moment with neutrality and a calm presence. Remember this always, I KNOW WHO I AM. I AM THE ETERNAL SELF!”

~Lisa Renee


Dear ES Family,

As we travel in the high strangeness of these tumultuous and transformative times, many people can feel the weight of the attempts made to demoralize the public that comes from the constant spewing of the dehumanization agendas that are heightened in the energetic environment. It is important to know that demoralization and dehumanization tactics are the most important tools of psychological warfare and intentional torture that are used to break down a person, or groups of people.

Demoralization: A process in psychological warfare with the objective to erode morale or dehumanize those perceived as the enemy. By intending to destroy their dignity and morale, it can encourage them to retreat, surrender, or defect rather than confront them or to defeat them in physical combat. Demoralization and Dehumanization is the most important tool of psychological warfare and intentional torture used to break a person. Demoralization is most commonly implemented through various forms of fabricated propaganda to weaken people, while dehumanization is commonly used by the Satanic Agenda to mock and defile human dignity or attack the spirit within the person.

Thus, we must see it when it is happening around us, and identify what is going on before the subliminal messaging sinks deeply into our subconscious, as then we may feel emotionally spent and weighed down with energetic burdens, but do not understand the reasons why. Demoralization must be called out and recognized for what it really is — a tactic to weaken a person, weaken their spiritual strength and personal conviction in seeking higher truth.

I have made a partial transcript of what I feel to be a crucial understanding for those of us on the spiritual ascension path at this time, due to the high intensity of blow back generated from the recent field events.

Transcript: We come together today, to strengthen ourselves, to strengthen our spiritual dedication and conviction to be and live in truth, to work in harmony with the natural laws, to align ourselves into our greatest and highest expression of personal truth. It is of critical importance in truly understanding our heart, our pure heart, our connection to the Source through the undulating waves of light resonances that are shared in the environment from our heart, when we feel and express love.

When we recognize an energy signature around us and we can deeply feel something, this is the heart resonance at work, its function, the way it should function in all people. Recognizing that at this time on our planet we are sharing space with many human beings and human bodies that do not have this same function, some may even appear human but have lost their human abilities to feel love, compassion and empathy.

They do not have the same nadial structure upgrades or sensory connections which allow them to truly feel the presence of our human heart, our love, our empathy, our compassion, our caring for each other, and our caring about what happens in this world. Although we must remember that we cannot exert any kind of control over the end result. Without feeling love we wither and we die. Seeing death in this way, not death that is described in the physical world of the passing of the body, but that death is the decay of the loving spirit, when you do not have access, for whatever reasons, to experience love, heart, purity, affection, the unconditional acceptance that unconditional love brings, that is loving kindness.

Love is the organizing, harmonizing and synchronizing force that exists throughout creation, and through its expression, Love is in perfect balance and harmony with what is, as it is.

For this reason I’d like to share the strategy of the war over consciousness, in terms of more deeply understanding moralization and demoralization tactics that are used to shut down love, shut down our heart, and shut down our spirit. These concepts have been weaponized against our mind, and many of us suffer greatly from the plight of being misdirected by those controller figures who intend to gain control and power over us through the many complex layers of targeting that are directing psychological weapons of demoralization, and even misinterpretations of moralization.

What is demoralization? It goes hand in hand with dehumanization, and these are the most important tools of psychological warfare, which is increasing in its scope against the people of the earth, and it is for this reason we are surfacing this into greater awareness and understanding today.

We have been taught and conditioned to think that moralization has its basis in fundamental religion, and that its very nature is oppressive, judgmental and limiting. This is another lie we have been told, by those interested in the mainstreaming of Satanism and Luciferianism. When holding the concept of moralization in your mind, also bring to mind Virtue-Based Ethics which have their root in natural law and are essentially the foundation of the true meaning of moralization. Because demoralization is so common on the earth, I would like to bring to mind the association that needs to be made between moralization and Virtue Based Ethics, in order to clear the subconscious layers and the mental body of the negative associations that have been made to moralization, through the various levels of mind control that is used in many areas, such as organized religion.

We know this too is an NAA creation and it is embedded in the NAA religious structures placed on the earth to enslave the population by controlling their beliefs and by controlling their relationship with their inner divinity and spirit. To moralize is defined as to reflect on or express opinions about something in terms of right and wrong, especially in a self-righteous or tiresome way.

We’ve all seen and heard the priest in the pulpit offering sermons on moralizing which are entirely hypocritical and judgmental, exacting judgment on people to dehumanize them in this way, to make them feel guilty or ashamed of themselves. Many times this occurs in very damaging ways, it is automatically labeling human behavior as morally wrong, when many times the harmful behaviors being carried out are actually violations made against one’s soul, and being entirely misinterpreted by that person. A violation made to the soul, is to bring spiritual harm to yourself.

Bring to mind the Law of Suggestion, for this is a natural law.

Essentially, this means we are the sum total of our accumulated thoughts and beliefs, what has been suggested to us through spoken words, our direct experiences and interpretations of life, subconsciously, consciously and through our spiritual bodies. Suggestion is the psychological process by which one person guides the thoughts, feelings, or behavior of another person. What is spoken, what is heard, what is seen and perceived from this body filter, is the suggestion of what we become. Please let this understating go deeper, really feel the repercussions of what we are living through now on planet earth.

This consciousness principle also explains the gathering of inner strength that is required to go beyond what is spoken and heard, therefore go beyond what was suggested to us from environmental conditioning, such as the family of origin inherited beliefs and behaviors. How do we shift out from the accumulated results of the millions of suggestions sent out to us since birth? We must learn how to think clearly and speak clearly by directing focused mental energy upon a positive idea or loving thought form, in order to magnify that spoken word or thought form substance into the manifest. Yet, by holding Observer Point without attachment to how it actually manifests.

People must learn to love, accept, respect and honor themselves first, and this is the most important part of moralization, or the building of virtue based ethics. As until one can truly love and accept themselves unconditionally, they are unable to love others in the same way. This is a critical principle to understand, you will remain unable to love wholly, completely fully and unconditionally, until you give this exact same treatment of love, honor and respect to yourself, and until you can achieve this, you are withholding love from others, you are withholding love from yourself.

We have been educated to withhold love from ourselves and to replace the void and pain in our heart and the holes within our spirit body with something harmful, generally misinterpretations of our worth and value, our inherent deserved-ness. You exist here now, that is proof of your deserved-ness, your true value and your inherent divinity, to be acknowledged and recognized in this moment, as totally, completely and universally lovable — to love and be loved is who you are.

Thus, moralization is an important tool in understanding the concept of maintaining independence in all relationships. This means to achieve sustainability in an independent model, such as the concept of autonomy and self-determination, self ownership — the basis of which we can achieve this state is through being in alignment with truthful principles that are in harmony with the natural laws, and are in harmony with nature itself. This is moralization.

However, moralization is essentially holding respect and dignity for all living things. Its dual, the opposing side of moralization, which is demoralization, is avoided in open discussion in the mainstream because it is the most important tool of the tyrant and controller that desire to maintain their power over others. This extends to creating a slavery system in which the resources that belong to others can be easily exploited and taken. The main methods for achieving demoralization is to target and attack the inherent divinity of the living being, and to attack the inner spirit, to attempt to demoralize. The first level of psychological and emotional warfare is to isolate the person or groups of people, which generates separation, and to make all people feel they don’t belong anywhere, and that there is no one they can trust.

Then to promote disinformation campaigns in so to lead people in the opposing directions, away from what generates community and unity, away from what creates more love, compassion and empathy, which is a tactic of misdirection. And then to propagate a type of brainwashing through repetition which fosters disbelief and doubt in anything that deviates from what is the common consensus of the mainstreamed larger groups, which all have been subjected to the same forms of repetitive mind control of the death culture courtesy of the Archontic Deception Strategy. This is the classical conditioning used to take one’s focus and place it upon the outer world, to validate the exterior material values, that have been meticulously shaped by the controller pre-meditated programming, in so to ignore and invalidate the interior experience. The interior experience is where our inner spiritual essence, our authentic core self resides. Our core self will whisper to us, you are loved, you are connected, you are respected, you hold dignity for life and all living things! Dear spirit you must honor, respect and give value to all of your life experiences, for all this information is valuable, and you are valuable.


I love, respect and honor myself, through all of my life experiences, I am loved and valued.

I choose to love, respect, honor others, through all of my life experiences, they are loved and valued.

I choose to speak words that are kind and loving, and in return, I create more loving kindness for myself and others, I feel and hear kindness and love coming from others.

I am a strong, vital and valuable person, I am Love, I am lovable and I am Loved.


These are truthful words aligned to natural laws, the inherent design of what is, it just exists as it is.

Now we have controllers, bullies, intimidators, and the scope of what has been negatively co-created through the Law of Suggestion to oppose these natural laws, in order to replace the truth with deceptions and lies, in so we can be more easily controlled through spiritual oppression and rejection of the natural laws.

Remember that Demoralization Tactics are the most important tool of the Tyrant seeking control, and to place all of your conviction inside yourself to refuse its oppression upon your mind, heart, soul and spirit.

Demoralization is most commonly implemented through various forms of fabricated propaganda to weaken people, while dehumanization is commonly used by the Satanic Agenda to mock and defile human dignity or attack the spirit within the person. It is also the act of reducing another’s confidence and hope, or discouraging and disheartening someone’s optimism, causing them to lose faith in the future.

demoralize. … to deprive (a person or persons) of spirit, courage, discipline, etc.; destroy the morale of: The continuous barrage demoralized the infantry. to throw (a person) into disorder or confusion; bewilder

We have to change ourselves to change the world, so it is a good practice to not demean or deliver criticisms to anyone, as we can be honest and kind at the same time. A few suggestions:

1. Pay attention to who uses demeaning and demoralizing words, words that spread self doubt, and figure out who is who? It may be family members, a co-worker or a friend or anyone else. First realize who is a demoralizing person, as they may not be doing it knowingly, but sometimes they inject fear and doubt which will misdirect your thinking and feeling into the wrong direction.

2. When others are being critical towards you, listen carefully first, then use critical thinking, intuition and guidance. Then proceed with a decision or action. Listen deeply first to feel the motivations behind the words and behaviors, do not interpret when a person is advising you in that moment. Deeply listen to the words in the present moment, and then feel into it in so to let it germinate, making a well thought out decision.

3. Stay away from Demoralization Tactics and demeaning people whenever it is possible. Demoralizing people place seeds of doubt in our mind and that is more than enough to destroy everything we have been building or moving towards in the future. Do not let others demoralization tactics hurt your heart or enter into the garden of your peaceful mind.

4. Sometimes we cannot completely avoid these kinds of people or situations, so no matter what, always do your best to be kind. Most of the time people act like this because of ignorance or a lack of knowledge about a particular thing. They have been treated this way by others, so they repeat the treatment they experienced. When we are kind they may be open to become educated into expressing more kind behavior, which is shining a light into the darkness. When it is possible to light up the darkness and show genuine care for them, this can potentially help to evolve them into a higher expression.

5. Hold healthy boundaries. We must make an effort to identify what choices we do have and make changes in our environment that can increase our sense of safety and comfort while in a physical space. In order to be pro-active in creating healthy boundaries, we need to assess the physical safety of our environment and assess the emotional safety of our environment. And realize it may be necessary to remove people or situations from your life who are entrenched in extremely destructive or harmful behaviors in order to make these necessary changes to our life style.

Beloved God, We dedicate ourselves to love, honor and respect and value our inner spirit and the light that is within all things. We know we are the light of the world, and we value our light with all of the love in our heart.

We are in service to the light of the world, we are self-aware and know it is a time of great personal turmoil when we may see others go through the process of seeing deceptions and demoralizing situations. When we see things that are truly dark and evil, it is an assault against our spirit and we can feel demoralized. We must gather the inner spiritual strength to deflect these assaults against, us, and constantly affirm our true value, our true love, honor and respect for ourselves and each other.

This is rippling through many people in the ascension and spiritual groups at this time, and it is for these groups, we pray and ask the God Source for divine intervention when aligned to Cosmic Sovereign Law.

Through consecration of our body to be of Service to Others, we evolve to become the Compassionate Witness on behalf of God source. Thus, as the Compassionate Witness we may extend goodness through the blessing of others, which catalyze their own inner spiritual awakening so they can feel their own direct relationship with the God Source.


I am a strong, vital and valuable person, I am Love, I am Lovable and I am Loved.


Beloved Holy Presence, In Cosmic Sovereign Law, I am your Compassionate Witness. In service to all those friends and colleagues, that are being intentionally targeted into terror programming to reject their spirit, or to confuse them into deep despair, by the NAA groups targeting, I pray with all of my heart to bless them and protect them in the eternal light of God, and in the blessings of the Holy Spirit and Spirits of Christ, to be fully freed from the spiritual burdens and shackles that have been placed upon them, by those Impostors and Deceivers of God’s eternal light. Through the light of God I am, through the power of love in my heart, I consecrate and bless ___________ to be freed into their highest expression and true nature, that they may be God Sovereign Free in the eternal light of God, now and always.

It is absolutely imperative that we stay neutral, focused and clear, be fearless in the presence of those who represent the anti-life or anti-Christ. Do not react to anything you see and do not lose control over your faculties, stay anchored in the now moment with neutrality and a calm presence.

Remember this always, I KNOW WHO I AM. I AM THE ETERNAL SELF!

End transcript.

May we hold each other in unconditional love, kindness and acceptance, knowing that we have many dark entities and controller types who expect us to fail, and succumb to a crisis of faith and divide and conquer behaviors. It is the pure heart and internal love presence that each of us must find deep inside of the recesses of the self. This is the challenging path to live as God-Sovereign-Free and to be in the first line of the world lightbearers and the way-showers, bringing us back to being authentically human again at the end of the dark cycle.

Much Love and GSF always,



~via – Time Shift Blog – March 5, 2019

NIKKI SAPP: “Giving Advice and Being the Light for Others”

“I find the best way to love someone is not to change them but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves”

~Dr. Steve Maraboli


At a certain point in our spiritual journey we begin to unlock our own inner truth. We no longer are looking to outside sources such as religions, gurus, self-help books, etc. to tell us what to do and how to be, but instead we begin to realize that the answers were inside of us all along.

Not to say that we still don’t read books or open ourselves up to learning from others, but rather we have a more clear connection with our own intuition, which allows us to FEEL the “truth” rather than intellectualize it only.

When we were at the point that we needed outside sources to show us the way, they were coincidentally brought into our lives, either in the forms of other people, reading material, or any modality of spirituality that best fit our own personal needs.

Once, we have graduated from needing the constant affirmation and validation from these outside entities, we most likely will find that we have become the “teacher” that has manifested in someone else’s life in the form of a way-shower.

Then it becomes our turn to be the light on someone else’s path. If you have found yourself in this position, consider your responsibility very carefully. Life is a constant journey of learning and growing, and just like there will be countless teachers on our path of growth, we will also find ourselves in situations that we must be the teacher.

So what is the most effective way of being the light and giving someone advice? How do we go about showing someone the way to their own inner truth while still allowing them to learn their own lessons without our interference?

“A teacher is never a giver of truth; he is a guide, a pointer to the truth that each student must find for himself.”

~Bruce Lee


The only person we will have the power to change is ourselves. No matter how much we want the best for someone, want them to be happy, want them to realize their inner light, or want them to be their best self, we cannot force them to do any of these things.

And just like we had to walk our own journey, complete with struggle, adversity, heartache, sadness, anger, etc.. we must realize that all these things are a part of the human experience, so they too will most likely have to go through all of them.

When we give advice to others we must always realize we are only speaking from our own inner truth, the truth as we know it given the situations and circumstances that we’ve experienced.

However, their life is not ours. Their truth will never be exactly the same as our truth because their mind is not our mind and their life has not been exactly as ours has. What we can do however is be in our own awareness and light so strongly that we become an inspiration for them to find their own awareness and light.

If a person comes to us for advice and questions we can’t come up with a million “You need to…” or “You should do this…”, directives, but instead, only point them in the direction of their own inner light and unconditional love. The only advice there ever is to really give is to accept the “what is” and love yourself anyway.

All arrows should point back to unconditional love of the self… no matter if the person is sad, depressed, frustrated, insecure, it doesn’t matter. As long as they have identified the feeling, felt it without resisting it, accepted themselves for having it and loved it, there can be nothing else to do. Without attaching ourselves to the outcome of whether they follow our advice or not, we actually free ourselves and them.

We don’t fear for them, because we trust that their journey is bringing them to the right people and situations that are perfect for them. And they don’t abandon their own inner self by blindly attaching to whatever we are saying as their ultimate truth, which may not always be what’s best for them.

However, if we find that we have been put in another person’s life to help them, guide them or show them something, we must trust that the Universe is speaking through us in the best and most effective way possible. Without doubting ourselves, we find that our inner light shines automatically and manifests in the best way possible for all parties involved, as long as we trust that it always will.

“As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.”

~Marianne Williamson


We will sometimes be students and we will sometimes be teachers in life. Since we cannot ever know everything about everything, we will find that this role reversal happens over and over throughout our lives.

The most amazing thing about all of this is that as soon as we think we are giving someone else advice and showing them the way, as most teachers know, we realize that we were also giving ourselves the same advice.

Sometimes the Universe brings another person to us in the form of a student, but in actuality in our helping of them, we are actually helping ourselves with the same issue. By being in the form of another person, we were able to look at the situation in a different way, from a 3rd party perspective, that we weren’t able to do when dealing with ourselves and our own life.

As always, we must be the change we wish to see in the world. In doing this, we find that we always attract the right people into our lives, either to teach us something about ourselves or to be the teacher for them.

But if we really pay attention and become super aware of how things happen in this ironic Universe, we realize…. it is always both.



KARA SCHALLOCK: “Security and Knowing”

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We continue to receive ongoing downloads of Light; there is no timetable for the downloads; they occur at perfect moments individually for each of us. Some downloads flow easily, while others seem to take our breath away. However you experience them is divinely orchestrated for you. Many of us are guided to go within and stop all outward busy-ness. Meditation and Silence as well as Nature are essential tools; more than they have been in the past. Still, there are those who continue their attachment to the outer world looking for answers or some sort of guidance. Guidance is found in the quiet times; the times of non-attachment. We can do both… be still and continue to observe the outer world. The key here is observation and detachment. I see the outer “chaos” as a positive sign that all is proceeding as it is intended to. Remember that Transformation requires a breakdown before a breakthrough. And a breakthrough is seen in some scenarios, is it not?

If one seeks security outside of themselves, they may very well be disappointed. For the only true Security is found within. We think Security comes from our paycheck or our relationships or our bank account, yet this is little security and it changes and shifts. What may seem secure in one moment is gone in the next. This little view of lower ego-security certainly can bring up fear, can’t it? If one can stay centered in their own Security (Soul Essence)… no matter what the outer is doing… they feel safe. Outer security definitely brings up insecurity; and this too is a gift, for it gives each being an opportunity to release these old and limiting energies of insecurity, not feeling safe and fear out in the open for release. Realize too that the energy of insecurity comes from lifetimes of old rules, separation and the fear of not being safe. Even the chaos of our present-time world is a gift, for it helps us identify where we hold fear, judgment, paranoia, discrimination and all things that keep separation alive and well. As we release these energies of separation, we find Peace within. When we feel peaceful, we shine our Light out, which touches all. Our Perspective shifts; we see things differently and through the eyes of Source. We see that the world is not an unsafe place, but truly a place of Love.

The old matrix/paradigm is for sure crumbling. This crumbling is a positive thing, for it leads to the New eventually. When one can be in their Center of Peace, they shift their perspective to see the “good” in even what the old mindset would judge as “bad.” As frequencies rise, the Light shines on all that is not Love and this is all that is separate in life. If one would look closer and deeper, they would see the Truth that is beneath the rubble and that is Love and Transformation. It is only when one is attached to how something “should” be that there is pain. When we let go of old assumptions and not wanting things to change, we are free.

What is Transformation and how can we be sure that it leads to something better? Transformation is a complete shift from the old to the New. It depends on what you hold in your Heart. If you don’t think anything will change, you hold doubt in your Heart. If you trust that Love is truly all there is, then Love is in your Heart. We know that we create through consciousness. When Love is your consciousness, then that is all that can be created. When fear is your consciousness, then that is what is created. Again, we choose. First comes the choice and then Commitment to that choice and from Commitment is being that which you choose to be in everything you say, do and feel. Through consciousness, we create the New Earth. Is it Love you choose or fear?

Is this easy? I would say no unless you truly flow with What Is. When you flow with What Is, you accept that which is hindering you so that you can let it go. We have had lifetimes of fear and persecution, which has created a heavy boulder of fear and unsafety within. It is our choice to release this and it may not be quick, for there are many layers that go deep. However, if one begins to let go of this old dark energy, they/you feel lighter and freer, even when there are more and more layers to release.

Along with releasing this old fear and insecurity, it is also important to realize that much of the ancient civilizations  that many hold as something to emulate, were rife with separation (rules, roles, expectations, etc.). It is best to let it all go, including the illusions you hold dear, and allow the New to unfold. So not only do we release our personal histories, we may choose to release our cultural histories as well, including all the illusions within those histories. This is a big task, so deep do these go and our love for them. As we cleanse, we also cleanse the Earth. This most likely feels huge to you as well and you may encounter much resistance within you. Yet unless we let go of everything, the New is delayed.

We are creating positive change. It may seem daunting and even impossible, yet it truly is happening. The more we commit to this personally, the more things in the world shift. As a way to affirm this, just look at your life, the world and how your body has shifted. Those of us who are ultra-sensitive feel much in our bodies and as we shift, our bodies feel this physically. Much of how we have experienced this physical shifting has changed for some. They may include (or not, for everyone is unique in their experience) a sense of not being in your body (feeling ungrounded, dizzy, etc.), different experiences in digestion and elimination, fluctuations of emotions (some may feel depressed when they never have before), lack of motivation to do much of anything, sleeping patterns vary widely, and these are just a few and meant to confirm your Ascension and let you know that you might not even notice that you are shifting, for all is slow to help us acclimate to the energies, although it may not seem slow at all.

As Sensitivity expands, you notice things you have not noticed before. Your Awareness becomes more acute and your senses are accentuated, as is your Intuitive Knowing. Realize too that a lot of what you experience are not only the downloads of Light, but you are also detoxing the old from your cells, tissues, organs, bones and muscles. You may still be in the old habit of wondering if it was something you ate or some malady you picked up. This is old thinking and a way to continue an old pattern of complaint and blame. The ultra-sensitive ones truly are required to keep their Solar Plexus clear, as it is easy to take on others’ toxins and old beliefs. Ask your body what it needs without following old rules of what’s good or bad for you. Your body will respond to you. And if you bump into things or stub your toe or something like that, your message is to slow down, ground and be in the Present Moment.

Our True Selves want nothing but the best for us (as us), and so anything that interferes with that will be “problematic,” which is a way of saying that we simply cannot exist in the old any longer, so shift to where you flow instead of blindly following your self or culturally-imposed rules that surely limit you. Being authentic means to be who you are everywhere you are and by me saying “be who you are,” I mean your Soul-self. I wonder how many of us are truly authentic, since we have been molded by culture and family values and beliefs. At times, it is self-loving to set boundaries in order to be authentically you. In time, there will be no need for boundaries, as all those around us accept fully who we are. Being authentic is being Love and there is no greater Truth than this.

Some of us have been having lots of memories of the past. These memories come up because they are releasing, yet many want to hold onto them, because it’s better than having nothing to hold onto now. Let them go. As we let the memories go, with them we release beliefs and patterns and old ways of being. It’s best not to cling to them for comfort. Find your comfort within. Have Faith; trust in what is here now in this Moment. Allow all to surface, even memories you have deemed “bad” or “good.” It all comes up to be loved and then released. With the release comes greater Love.

If you are concerned about not finding your “tribe,” since this seems to be a popular notion, realize that your “tribe” will not be found by seeking, but by being authentically yourself. If you find you don’t relate with anyone, let it be all right. A “tribe” is just a word that symbolizes a longing to belong. You belong to a bigger energy, so honor who and where you are. There is nothing wrong with you if you find you cannot relate to anyone or to just a few. Treasure those you find Resonance with and let the rest go.

As we continue to receive more Light and we continue to let go of what is not Love, we are also blessed with synchronistic meetings and surprising events that are joyful and meaningful. These connections help you evolve more as the Love you are, helping you be more. Continue to follow the energy; what expands, expands you; what contracts, contracts you. In this way, you are Divinely guided to be who you are meant to be. Pay attention to where and to whom you resonate. Your Heart and Soul know the way, while your intellect will hold you back in the past.


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