ELVA THOMPSON: “The Awakening of the Spirit and the Journey to Authenticity”

We live in the Information Age — a fast digital reality of gloss and glitter — a stage show with plot and purpose specifically designed to keep us in a constant state of physical stimulation — lots of things are on offer in this electrical paradigm from toothpicks to silicone sex dolls and everything imaginable in between.

The wrong direction

Locked up in our cities of concrete and glass we have become fast ‘everything’ junkies living our lives through facebook, twitter, phones and ipads. We have traded the natural world for a digital copy and given our minds away to computerized numbers and codes.

If we wish to go into the future with any vestiges of humanity left… we’d better wake up to our Spiritual Self. Wake up to our multi-dimensional heritage and take back our minds from the imposter that rules our lives… the voice in our heads that whines and undermines.

Species in crisis

Estranged from nature, programmed by fear based religions and hijacked by technology, mankind and his planet have reached a tipping point. We are a species in a spiritual crisis. We can either stagnate with the hive mind — become a chipped matrix clone — or turn inward and explore spiritual reality.

In a Duality there are two kinds of awakening: Physical and Spiritual.

Physical awakening takes place when we realise we’ve been duped by the guys that run the stage-show — the educational, legal and political systems are all about controlling our minds, using our energy and taking our money — and the financial markets are just one gigantic ponzi scheme… and we are not invited to share in the profits.

Friendships go down the drain

Most of the time our new revelations of fact and fiction don’t sit well with our family and friends… and the hive mind is quick to react with denial and anger when its belief system is undermined or challenged. Years of friendship can quickly go down the drain into the gutter of the past, marriages break up and families get divided. But it is what it is, and when you know the truth about our world, there’s no turning back the page or pressing the mental delete button.

Awake is here to stay in a world of sleepwalkers, and even some of those people who have woken up to the physical lie are still spiritually asleep.

The Awakening of the Spirit

Spiritual awakening is far more complex that physical awakening because it deals with the unknown, unseen side of our nature. And, like all cultures, we get the inherited spiritual thought forms and fairy stories programmed into our consciousness: ghosts and monsters, witches and ghouls and things that go bump in the night. And, to top it all off, we get the religious programming of devils, demons and lakes of fiery brimstone to frighten us into mental submission.

A priest on our reservation asked one of the Lakota elders if he knew about the devil. The old boy replied. “You tell me. You brought him over.”

In all of ‘old time’ faerie stories there is a dark understanding of what awaits beyond the veil and in this climate of confusion and hate, we need to proceed on our journey into spiritual reality with caution.

Discernment in the search for meaningful connection

Waking up takes time, and in our eagerness and longing for a deeper, more meaningful connection with the spiritual side of our life, we are vulnerable to predators both physical and energetic. The internet is a cess pool full of dark magic and agendas… and most of the smooth glitzy sites pushing all things spiritual are traps for the unwary. We have to be on our guard and not give our minds away to some charismatic dude in his digital cloud castle who doesn’t practice what he preaches.

Did we make a quantum jump without knowing

We have all kinds of folk in our lives — family and friends, people we work with, our mates down the pub… and there comes a time when we suddenly realise how shallow and superficial their lives are… and how shallow and opinionated our lives were before we woke up.

Where we used to be in with the in crowd, we now find we have little in common with their status quo thinking. We become withdrawn… locked up in our minds with no one to talk to about the ‘stuff’ going on in our heads. This can lead to depression and despair… we wonder what is happening and may even doubt our sanity.

…But what has actually happened is our awareness has shifted — expanded… and the people around us have stayed in the same place of standing still.

It’s almost like we have taken a quantum jump without knowing it.

Are we standing quietly in the new life?

The experiences we have in life make us who we are and as rough as it can be… every dark cloud has a silver lining. Our dogma and conditioning fall away when we throw ourselves into life and live it… in all its darkness and light — its joy and sorrows — its ugliness and beauty…

Reflect and grow

Making mistakes in this world is all part of the learning process — a chain of events — cause and effect that has brought us by whatever road to the point of awakening Now… so cosmically it would seem there are no mistakes and our destiny awaits… however we try to avoid it.

The Journey to Authenticity

The journey into the world of the spirit is a voyage into authenticity — into a knowing born of experience and not some second-hand news. But spiritual reality doesn’t happen to us — we have to happen to it. We have to want it… not in some half-hearted manner but with all of our being. And, if we are going to catch the beyond visible light bus that’s going to take us out of here — we’d better be ready to board.

Until next time….


About the Author

Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, and Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @ amazon.com/author/heartstar


~via WakingTimes.com

NIKKI SAPP: “Giving Advice and Being the Light for Others”

“I find the best way to love someone is not to change them but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves”

~Dr. Steve Maraboli


At a certain point in our spiritual journey we begin to unlock our own inner truth. We no longer are looking to outside sources such as religions, gurus, self-help books, etc. to tell us what to do and how to be, but instead we begin to realize that the answers were inside of us all along.

Not to say that we still don’t read books or open ourselves up to learning from others, but rather we have a more clear connection with our own intuition, which allows us to FEEL the “truth” rather than intellectualize it only.

When we were at the point that we needed outside sources to show us the way, they were coincidentally brought into our lives, either in the forms of other people, reading material, or any modality of spirituality that best fit our own personal needs.

Once, we have graduated from needing the constant affirmation and validation from these outside entities, we most likely will find that we have become the “teacher” that has manifested in someone else’s life in the form of a way-shower.

Then it becomes our turn to be the light on someone else’s path. If you have found yourself in this position, consider your responsibility very carefully. Life is a constant journey of learning and growing, and just like there will be countless teachers on our path of growth, we will also find ourselves in situations that we must be the teacher.

So what is the most effective way of being the light and giving someone advice? How do we go about showing someone the way to their own inner truth while still allowing them to learn their own lessons without our interference?

“A teacher is never a giver of truth; he is a guide, a pointer to the truth that each student must find for himself.”

~Bruce Lee


The only person we will have the power to change is ourselves. No matter how much we want the best for someone, want them to be happy, want them to realize their inner light, or want them to be their best self, we cannot force them to do any of these things.

And just like we had to walk our own journey, complete with struggle, adversity, heartache, sadness, anger, etc.. we must realize that all these things are a part of the human experience, so they too will most likely have to go through all of them.

When we give advice to others we must always realize we are only speaking from our own inner truth, the truth as we know it given the situations and circumstances that we’ve experienced.

However, their life is not ours. Their truth will never be exactly the same as our truth because their mind is not our mind and their life has not been exactly as ours has. What we can do however is be in our own awareness and light so strongly that we become an inspiration for them to find their own awareness and light.

If a person comes to us for advice and questions we can’t come up with a million “You need to…” or “You should do this…”, directives, but instead, only point them in the direction of their own inner light and unconditional love. The only advice there ever is to really give is to accept the “what is” and love yourself anyway.

All arrows should point back to unconditional love of the self… no matter if the person is sad, depressed, frustrated, insecure, it doesn’t matter. As long as they have identified the feeling, felt it without resisting it, accepted themselves for having it and loved it, there can be nothing else to do. Without attaching ourselves to the outcome of whether they follow our advice or not, we actually free ourselves and them.

We don’t fear for them, because we trust that their journey is bringing them to the right people and situations that are perfect for them. And they don’t abandon their own inner self by blindly attaching to whatever we are saying as their ultimate truth, which may not always be what’s best for them.

However, if we find that we have been put in another person’s life to help them, guide them or show them something, we must trust that the Universe is speaking through us in the best and most effective way possible. Without doubting ourselves, we find that our inner light shines automatically and manifests in the best way possible for all parties involved, as long as we trust that it always will.

“As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.”

~Marianne Williamson


We will sometimes be students and we will sometimes be teachers in life. Since we cannot ever know everything about everything, we will find that this role reversal happens over and over throughout our lives.

The most amazing thing about all of this is that as soon as we think we are giving someone else advice and showing them the way, as most teachers know, we realize that we were also giving ourselves the same advice.

Sometimes the Universe brings another person to us in the form of a student, but in actuality in our helping of them, we are actually helping ourselves with the same issue. By being in the form of another person, we were able to look at the situation in a different way, from a 3rd party perspective, that we weren’t able to do when dealing with ourselves and our own life.

As always, we must be the change we wish to see in the world. In doing this, we find that we always attract the right people into our lives, either to teach us something about ourselves or to be the teacher for them.

But if we really pay attention and become super aware of how things happen in this ironic Universe, we realize…. it is always both.


~via FractalEnlightenment.com

GILBERT ROSS: “The 12 Biggest Life Secrets Forgotten By Mankind”

The more I ponder about life, the more I come to one solid realisation:  The biggest curse and predicament of modern Man is forgetfulness.  Like a creeping malaise, forgetfulness has seeped through all of Man’s being and doing.  Individually, collectively, historically or culturally, we are spellbound to forget.

We haven’t only forgotten our past but also our place in the present and our responsibility of the future.  On a personal level, our ego-based state of consciousness is on a mission to keep us in this state of forgetfulness — to break the link to our being as a whole and to the interconnected web of life and universal consciousness.  On a collective level, this forgetfulness is perpetuated and reinforced by social and cultural means — mainly by being tranced into a reality of unconscious consumerism, inauthentic lifestyles and a materialistic mindset.

The brighter side of it is that we all have the chance to re-member and re-connect to ourselves and the universe at large.  The power of remembering is at the centre of the spiritual path to self-discovery and realisation.

Here is a list of what I believe we have forgotten, or more importantly, a list of things to remember:

1. We forgot our place in the natural world:

In the last couple of hundred years we have detached ourselves from nature.  We have exploited, ravaged, consumed and attempted to control nature to appease our greed driven by self-absorbed madness.  We tried to distance ourselves from the natural circle of life.  We forgot how to listen to and understand the natural rhythms and cycles of the earth — its signs and languages.  We forgot to follow nature’s path and live in balance with it.

2. We forgot our connection to life and the cosmos:

By detaching ourselves from nature, we forgot that we are deeply connected to it and to the cycles of the universe.  Some tribes on the outskirts of ‘civilisation’, and who still follow ancestral ways, have preserved this connection with respect and reverence.  We, on the other hand have instilled a sense of separateness which drove us out of balance and in dis-ease.  We forgot how all consciousness is interconnected and weaved into a delicate and beautiful dance.

3. We forgot our ancient wisdom:

We forgot our ancestral wisdom.  In the quest to gain scientific knowledge through the rationalisation of our mind, we forgot the wisdom through the opening of our heart.  We forgot the ancient stories and folk wisdom that was handed down from from seers and wise men of antiquity who lived in harmony with the universe.

4. We forgot our path and our dreams:

By stirring away from our inner path we forgot to dream the dream of life.  More importantly we forgot how to awake in that dream and see our true nature as co-creators of life — as the dreamers.  We forgot that we have the power to weave dreams and use our power of intention to direct those dreams into manifestation.

5. We forgot our purpose:

With too much chatter, noise and distraction in this dense reality we forgot what we came here to do.  We forgot our purpose.  We are caught in the mass trance of fabricated consensual reality.  We lost sight of our authenticity, that inner spark that drives us towards our happiness and self-realisation.  We forgot that we are here to be realised as spiritual beings embodied in a physical form and embedded in a congenial universe.

6. We forgot that everything is Love:

This is perhaps the deepest mystery of all that only some seers came to understand it as an all-embracing truth.  That truth however is hidden somewhere deep inside of us.  We knew it at some point but have lost touch with it.  We forgot that everything is ultimately energy and consciousness and that love is the fundamental fabric of existence that runs through all energy and consciousness.

7. We forgot to Forgive:

By being made to believe that we are separate and disconnected from the others and from everything else, we forgot to forgive.  In its deepest sense forgiveness is the act of reminding ourselves that we are one with everyone and everything and that there is no victim or perpetrator.  It’s just all of us together moving together in a dynamic web we call life.

8. We forgot to be Free:

Remind yourself one thing everyday:  You were made to be free.

We were born and raised in a ‘reality’ where freedom is only a concept.  We were bound to the shackles of fear, misconceptions, false ideologies, material reward and held ransom to rules and laws laid down to safeguard the interest of the few.  We were made to forget that we are free agents of change.  We are free to be who we are without fear or guilt.

9. We forgot our real power:

Living in fear has made us forget how powerful we are.  We forgot the massive power of our will and intention to change our reality.  We have been tranced into sleepwalking and following the ready made signs like automatons.

10. We forgot our lessons from history:

If there is something that history has taught us is how fast we are at forgetting our lessons.  Time and time again we keep on repeating the same mistakes, stuck in the same patterns of greed and self-destruction.  We cannot be blamed individually for the mistakes done by humanity in the past but we are responsible as individuals to to remind ourselves of the past mistakes and pass it on to the collective psyche.

11. We forgot to be simple:

Human life got more complex and complicated.  We are seduced by the glitter of more and not by the power of less.  We forgot to be simple and the meaning of simplicity.  Life is simple really.  Simplicity means discarding all the inessential stuff and ideas that clutter the view to our life purpose and the other truths we have forgotten.

12. We forgot to trust, believe and wonder:

We lost our enchantment with the world.  We forgot to be wondered by the miracle of life.  We do not stand in awe at the majesty of it all anymore.  Our skepticism and cynical view of the world has made us lose trust in ourselves and the magic of the universe.  We forgot how to believe.  This is perhaps the biggest tragedy of all.  It weakened our spirit and impoverished our soul.

The brighter side of it is that we all have the chance to re-member and re-connect to ourselves and the universe at large. The power of remembering is at the centre of the spiritual path to self-discovery and realisation.

~Gilbert Ross



~via soulhiker.com