LISA RENEE on “The Spiritual Power that Is Needed for Overcoming the Antichrist’s Shadow Corruption that Has Infected This World”

Warrior King Arthur, Protector of the Holy Mother and the Sophianic Grail (Art by Elizabeth)

“Since the Easter holiday, which opened into the new solar calendar year, the next stage of spiritual warfare over the organic dark matter realms and corrected rasha body dark matter instruction sets have been extremely aggressive, with clone warfare and electronic harassment. The next stage of Cosmic Father’s dark matter template corrections are being made to what has been referred to as the SHA. The SHA is the Godhead’s entire Rishic frequency spectrum of ultra violets throughout our time matrix spanning 15D through 1D frequency waves of magenta, pinks, violets and reds which are currently undergoing major dark matter re-encryptions into the Cosmic Christos Guardian hosting shields with 36D Scepter codes embodied through the Amethyst Order families. This hosting shield appears to be further embodied in the parallel matrix by the 36D Divine Mother KIRA matrix that comprises the original KA body layers in this time matrix, and this has catalyzed many solar consciousness body retrievals for angelic human dark matter spiritual body parts from out of the Jehovian Dove Grid. The Jehovian Dove Grid is infamous for the crucifixion implants embedded in the 7D Violet Ray axiatonal line of the planetary grid network that is located in the left-hand side female principle of the human body, and designed to destroy the Inner Christ. Major Guardian rehabilitation projects are underway with all things related to corrected dark matter templates in the ultra violet ray spectrum and magnetosphere, from the dark matter layers of the Jehovian Dove Grid and the shadow content that has negatively impacted our individual lightbody, with the corrupted dark matter imprints in the 1D-7D particle layers of the human lightbody. Also, there are ongoing retrievals for the organic solar consciousness body parts that were corrupted into lunar force or black miasmic cloned identities through ENKI DNA Skins, lunar demonic forces, and assorted AI genetic hybridization damage recorded in our personal blueprint from the past, present and future timelines. The retaliation for uncovering the corrupted dark matter machinery used by the NAA entities for waging clone warfare against the awakening population and Christos Starseeds has erupted into the next stage of AI electronic harassment in which to surveil, harass and to demoralize all deeply spiritual awakening humans that are connected directly to God, and thus are genuine truth seekers, truth tellers, as well as authentic Guardian representatives. The NAA alien contingents want to eradicate all truth frequencies transmitted via God connection by obliterating the authentic truth tellers, their online presence and spiritual communities, and replace them with AI bots, digital twins and assorted AI generated profiles that are used to shadow ban and censor the original authentic individuals while grooming preferred individuals into assorted psyops to replace them, by propping up a clone or falsified identity in which to deceive the awakening masses. Please be aware that for a great many years, the NAA have continued to use clone warfare to confuse the public so they are unable to tell who is a deceptive fraud acting as a falsified identity through clone warfare, versus the authentic individual that is telling the truth of their direct gnostic experiences in service to God. Thus, the agenda to manipulate my image and body of work through clone warfare as it is being inserted into different languages has escalated significantly. The purpose of these incredibly sinister methods of gaslighting through clone warfare is to cast doubt that I am a real live organic human being and author of the Ascension Glossary, in which my ardent enemies seeking power and control over the narratives have sought to obliterate me and others for our dedication to serve God while working for the reclamation of the Christos mission. Thus, it continues to be a challenging time in which the extreme ugliness of depravity, deception and groups of counterfeit people wearing imposter masks in order to steal the identities of those authentic truth speakers, for clone warfare in all its methods, on the earth surface and upon the interdimensional planes, is thematic. Clone warfare is perpetuating information warfare for the antichrist agenda to lead people away from God’s truth resonance, and this evil agenda is gaining immense speed throughout the interdimensional spaces as this phenomenon is becoming more visible through the border guards of the matrix that are utilizing AI systems which are driving and controlling the outer events of physical warfare. The censorship, shadow banning and character assassination continues on with the employ of AI Bots and AI systems being trained to target those dedicated to the pursuit of truth and then imitate them, redirecting the search engines to those counterfeit identities who are bought and paid for by intelligence communities, or being manipulated by unseen dark entities using assorted artificial intelligence traps to confuse and derail people away from finding the truth resonance, which is authentically spoken through the voice of a truth speaker. While plummeting into the depths of the dark matter realms in the parallels, that which is connected to all that has been stolen and siphoned from the angelic human race through the abuses of artificial intelligence, artificial everything that is made in the antichrist image, this has had an intense impact upon my psyche and general wellbeing. This tumultuous time requires the up close and personal viewing of the depths of deceit to harm humans, the counterfeit clones of stolen identities, and observing how the artificial holograms and artificial consciousness bodies have been embedded into our reality system in order to deceive, torture, imprison and pervert all that is truly human. How desperate we are for hearing and seeing the truth during these end times. How demoralized we feel when everything that is being blasted at us through full spectrum AI driven algorithmic propaganda has flooded the zones of everything we once enjoyed as the simple pleasures of life, feeling the sinister encroachment of mind control lies poisoning everything it touches. We are currently living through the precursor event that creates the future generation of the Grey Alien-EBE worker slave forces used for building the Secret Space Programs set up all over the Universe. The current themes of witnessing the horrors of escalating AI machinery are actively assimilating and consuming all that is authentically human; that which is surveilling and emulating our every move, copying our words, imitating our faces, implanting our bodies, recording our preferences and uploading this data content into formulated brain maps for training AI systems. Further, these mind control programs are implanted into the spiritually blind and morally corrupt, the hopelessly brainwashed through these abominations that appear as black hole entities of the beast machine. This will be put to an end someday — through the Cosmic Father’s return. For many of us weary warriors, it cannot come soon enough. It’s been a hard few weeks of seeing all that we are made in the image of the divine, all that is Krystic being set forth into its ugliest AI weaponized formats wielded by cloned armies of Zeta Gray Aliens and shadow creatures. Then picked up and paraded about in the theatre of the absurd, as the insane and power drunk are filled with the self-aggrandized forms of antichrist mockery for all that is genuine truth and beauty, to pervert our inherent divine relationship with God. Thus, it is a spark of hope set aflame to ignite the immense inner spiritual strength of the awakened ones that are genuinely connected through unified cooperation, that attribute which is needed to transfigure the antichrist lies and manipulations with clone warfare which has contributed to our spiritual blindness. Along with vanquishing the rampant proliferation of energetic parasites that humanity has inherited from our co-existence within the deepest layers of corrupted dark matter that the archons, AI hybrids and parasites have infested and have made their home. Reclaiming our true humanity, retrieving our organic consciousness parts from the beast machine and seeing how the corrupt were given absolute power to enslave the masses. Yet they too are the hapless victims of the horrid psychological and spiritual abuses of mind control which has molded them into the antichrist dark puppets just following orders in order to exterminate humanity. As all of humanity is greatly suffering from the NAA tyrants’ pathological drive to control every speck of our existence in which to totally control and enslave this planet, their main goal is to finally obliterate all of us into transhumans. May we never sway our gaze away from what we know is the truth of our authentic divine existence as multidimensional spiritual beings and our divine God connection, as every last breath and drop is for serving God’s plan to restore Cosmic Order, as God would have it be. May we hold on to the inner spiritual core of our Krystic permanent seed residing within our sacred crystal hearts as it is filled with unconditional love for ourselves along with the spiritual devotion to be at one with the Godhead, which lends us the incredible spiritual strength that this current phase requires from all of us that we are awake and dedicated to the pursuit of truth. This is the spiritual power that is needed for overcoming the antichrist’s shadow corruption that has infected this world with stacks of lies and depravity.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Seek the Kingdom of God

LISA RENEE on “Do Not Give Up — We Are Almost There!”

“Many people are unaware that humanity is in an active spiritual war taking place on multiple fronts. For many of us right now, it feels that we are being held hostage in a strange situation of wait and see, held in void of nothingness, some of us may feel isolated, imprisoned and immobile while many people around us still do not register that we are in an active spiritual war that is raging against everything that is authentically human. As we enter phases of the breakdown in society as it is currently happening, it means that the energetic fields get more destabilized and the outer conflicts and chaos increases. The mainstream sources of news are fully controlled Propaganda machines run in coordination with military intelligence run by the Controller groups. This makes this time very difficult because we are being weakened by not having access to current information or knowing the position of hot warfare when it is being carried out. As an example, sadly, all the statistics we are given about the bio-weapon pysops are largely manipulated and skewed making it nearly impossible to tell what is what. Currently, the World Slavery system is used to parasitize soul energy but also to superimpose karmic exchanges on the masses, and is an important reason the NAA fight so hard to retain their control and access over earth and the inhabitants. The humans controlled by the NAA have Stockholm Syndrome, and have been dehumanized to such levels of fragmentation they act like a feral animal cornered in a cage, defending their enslavement, not comprehending how they can exist any way else but to be in the Mind Control matrix enmeshed in a codependent Parasitism with these dark forces. This is the important phase of the falling dominoes and wild cards, and noting that the Controllers have been doing all they can to hide the truth, subvert this benevolent agenda, re-direct and distract the masses so they will not figure out what is happening and who is behind all of the divide and conquer and bioweapon psyops. Those of us that can still think in the fog of war can see clearly the injection symptoms are the promoted variants. Observing the breakdown of mental faculties and vaccine related accidents happening around us is something that those awakened to this harsh reality must prepare for in coming months. The outer environment is shifting with the increased onset of strange or unusual behaviors linked to social situations which surface sudden physical, mental or emotional impairment. Additionally, there are the harmful effects of the toxic substances being put in some of the injection lots along with the inorganic and artificial magnetic nanotech frequencies that are digressing mental faculties through a gradual deterioration over time that is similar to Sponge Brain symptomology. Mental and physical abilities deteriorate and many tiny holes appear in the cortex causing it to appear like a sponge when brain tissue obtained at autopsy is examined under a microscope. The disorders cause impairment of brain function, including memory changes, personality changes and problems with movement that worsen chronically. The bio-weapon was designed with many experimental mind control nanotech elements which were intended to degrade the human target’s Bio-Neurology during real time mental and emotional body processing which can suddenly reach startling levels of incoherence, mental fracturing, memory problems and confusion happening mid-dialogue. My information comes from field work from over 20 years when reluctantly asked to look at world events in energetic terms so that I can see what is happening in detail and help the Cosmic Founders when they ask. They made it clear that it is for that reason, the US is important strategically in this spiritual warfare as well as global warfare against the Controllers — these are the handpicked bloodlines and aliens working at the top of the pyramid of global control. We must remember that many of these people running this NAA agenda look human but they are not, they are the ones put in control by their superiors to farm humanity for their kind. Thus, this covert situation would be a shocking revelation to the general public when awakening to the mind control reality of lies to find out the world is being run by a bunch of negative aliens wearing cloned Enki Skins as cloaking devices. Guardian Host mentions that there are ongoing operations to extract alien bases using assorted mind control technology in APIN’s or wireless technologies, including human and nonhuman groups working in pods of 10 or more that unify their psionic ability to control others telepathically or with assorted psychotronic technologies. The recent bio-weapon includes instructions for complex building materials to reassemble in the human bloodstream for the purpose of energy conduction and bio-neurological attunement to these same psionic group pods collective mind control messaging. Many in these pods have implanted thoughts to take over the minds of the so-called Power Elites, politicians, entertainers and celebrities used to enforce the NAA narratives. Dragon Moth and their chimera creatures were using powerful psionic abilities magnified by the APIN’s to mind control their own underlings and surface inhabitants. These nests are being systematically identified for extraction and the entire system is being removed from certain underground bases, where the hierarchal order of their workers started to disintegrate and more of these entities went rogue or surrendered to Emerald Guardian protocols. Some of the Annunaki groups have discovered the actual source of their consciousness enslavement, and are choosing to evolve beyond the genetic digression of mind control programming that instilled them with the violent impulses for war mongering against the Christos lineages. This means in the massive fog of warfare the defectors from many of these warring factions are surfacing in ways we have not seen before. Thousands of Annunaki hybrids are awakening to the reality of their consciousness enslavement and having greater realizations of their current situation, are refusing to accept military orders or tasks from their higher ups, instead they are choosing to face their actions by surrendering to Guardian forces. As miserable as it can be at this time watching the harm and devastation that is happening in the world at large, and the fact humanity will have to recover from PTSD from all that has happened plus living through a real time Genocide. During the planetary ascension cycle, if the consciousness becomes phase locked into the physical 3D layers, the being will need to drop their physical body in order to continue their spiritual evolution in another body, one that is made upon the future dimensional plane their spirit has chosen for them. Although when and if they leave their body it will be in a much better space as it will be a briefing life review and release of the mind control suffered on this reality plane. At this point, it is hard to tell what can be enacted to neutralize the effects of the bio-weapon, as we are seeing many benevolent actions and clearings happening en masse. I feel this is to prevent large die off of the injected population, but unsure of how much can be neutralized and what needs to happen as many souls will choose to leave. Humanity does prevail in a much better timeline where the truth is able to be spoken and we regain our freedoms when emerging into a completely new version of this reality system. The biggest challenge we all have is the immense grief of those people we love and care for being taken in by the darkness deceit and lies, and that many hurt themselves when believing these lies. It does appear that when the time comes for the change and tipping point in the collective it will have basic themes, and those themes are presenting this week as being escalated, so I am sharing this with you now. Do not succumb to the fear based narratives of what it looks like on the outer, as it is not the truth! There are many good and positive things happening for humanity that we cannot see on the outer yet. It will come in divine timing, and this shift will bring us to explore a new society so we will need to be flexible, adaptable, and connected to our heart and God’s holy spirit. Your intention to connect with God and have a good loving heart is enough, use common sense, listen to your loving inner Christos spirit and do not give up — we are almost there!

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary / Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE on “While We Navigate the Dense Fog of Spiritual Warfare . . .”

“Beloved Christos family, dark forces and shadows will continue to agitate us through our energetic weaknesses caused from pain, fear and avoidance in order to generate as much confusion and misery in the human mind as possible. If we are feeling mental and emotional pain, we must be willing to do the inner shadow work, and ask for spiritual help through prayer and meditation, in order to come to some resolution that allows neutrality and acceptance to replace the pain caused by soul wounding. The more clarity we have developed within, the more authentic we become and the stronger our energetic aura, which makes it easier to repel dark forces while we navigate the dense fog of spiritual warfare.”

~Lisa Renee, October 2023

~via Enki DNA Overlays

LISA RENEE on “Spiritual Warfare Targeting”

“It may be obvious right now that many of us that are awake to the spiritual warfare targeting Starseed people are enduring accelerated forms of dark force manipulation and targeting, in order to punish our collective efforts towards waking others up to the reality of planetary ascension and disclosure events. There is a full spectrum attack toward many Starseeds and awakening groups on this shared mission or planetary ascension pathway. As we are enduring a lot of change at this time, the NAA aggression and disruption tactics have been very high, to prevent awakening people from focusing on the next stages of developing group projects and communities. If we are awakened and not feeding into the deceptions and lies of the One World Order agendas that the NAA and controllers have set up to enslave us all; we are getting our websites and social media accounts hacked into, our channels or messages deleted, shadowbanned and censored, or through multiple other means that are used to target our groups, steal our resources and prevent our messages from being available online. This is the Overwhelm and Wear Down strategy, an intentional method of targeting that uses a fire hose to spray loads of miasmatic superimpositions, for manifesting difficulties that interfere with the Starseed individual or group projects, in order for the targeted people to just give up their mission because they are being drowned in the mud pit through an inorganic stream of unending problems. When people’s hopes are crushed and their expectations for their lives are confused and burdened, eventually they become so drained they have no energy to refuse the constant attempts of subjugation and just give up. Our planetary matrix is reconnecting with the Cosmic Spirit Body, as the universal gates open into the cosmic planes and as the Emerald Order has introduced itself into our realm, a massive field of universal collective shadow has been dismantled and needs to be transmuted. It’s understanding the vastness, the massiveness of what this collective shadow contains, the pain that it holds. Understanding that when we touch into that collective pain, when we feel that pain of collective soul fracture it’s immense and sometimes it can be overwhelming. Now in the outer environment, the collective shadow is rising through the dark night of the planetary soul, where we cannot run and we cannot hide from these dark shadows any longer. The positive aspects are that many nonspiritual and spiritual people are waking up simultaneously to see that the nature of the reality is actually an inverted system, and that the public is being lied to with military grade level propaganda. Very few people are aware of the depths of spiritual warfare with artificial or cloned identities, of the dark night of the soul, or aware of what weaponry is being used to take control over our minds and attach false identities. Previously, we have shared that the primary dark entity manipulation to target Starseed people is the mind game of using red cube clone imposters, false or cloned identities that have been projected to them through AI machinery, which is used as an effective spiritual warfare tactic to divide and conquer the unified cooperation within spiritual communities, lightworker groups, and gridworking efforts. This is an extension of MK-Ultra based targeting of the Starseed population to be derailed into consciousness traps using the many tactics of information warfare, psychological warfare and spiritual warfare. If we are too ambitious, reckless or ignorant and charge head on because we lack situational awareness, this can create more confusion and dark energy that feeds into artificial systems of mind control and delusions, and this will appear as false identities, alternate identities and red wave cloned holograms. Many people are unaware of how to test the energies of cloned or false identities that are projected through AI machinery and discern the quality of their messaging. Work your negative ego shadow clearing tools and gain maturity and stability in your discernment, through NAA education with the search function in the Ascension Glossary and knowing how to discern energy signature skillsets. We are undergoing a very special time with the global awakening and it is prudent to recognize that this planetary event remains hidden and is being used against us. Thus, we have to have a strong and clear spiritual foundation to process something that is presently so enormous that if we are not prepared, it can create mental fracturing. Many times, it is in the darkest hours of despair drenched in our own shadows that we may experience a profound epiphany and finally begin to see the eternal light of higher truth and clarity. May you be blessed in the virtuous spirits of faith, spirits of truth in which your direct relationship with God inspires loving kindness, peace and calm in the most difficult times, to fill and surround you with the spiritual power and confidence in your ability to overcome personal challenges or a crisis of faith.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Edict of War against Starseeds

LISA RENEE on “Ignorance vs. Intelligence”

Ignorance vs. Intelligence: Those that have the most knowledge, intelligence and conscious awareness of what is really happening in world events will have the most strategic advantage. Those that do not have access to accurate awareness of events or truthful knowledge, but instead are manipulated and deceived to believe false impressions and illusions, will be at a greater disadvantage. In the current warfare climate diminishing easy access to open source knowledge and sharing of information freely within the global community, it is an important concept to understand. Psychological Warfare is the deliberate use of various manipulations, promotion and deception techniques, such as spreading propaganda and terror, to induce or reinforce attitudes that are favorable to gain strategic advantage over others. Thus, Psychological Warfare tactics are also marketed as a self-improvement sales tool for ambitious, materialistic people that plot to maneuver into positions of power in order to gain advantages in business, relationships and socio-political influence. Essentially, this is to secretly scheme and manipulate others in a well thought out strategy in order to get what they want from the power structure and to get access to other people’s resources. Today these extremely negative behaviors are normalized and commonly applied in the business operations of the everyday world, by financially rewarding people that act as predators. Thus, the current terrain requires that we open our mind to comprehend the most common concepts of Psychological Warfare, because all of us are being exposed to it every day. What are the Predator Minds scheming? Those that have access to the most knowledge, intelligence and conscious awareness of what is really happening in the world have the most strategic advantage on the planet.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

Graphic art image by Ascension Avatar