LISA RENEE on “We Are the Greatest Threat to the Survival of this Corrupt Monetary System and an Informed and Aware Public Can Dismantle It”

“Most people can feel that something is not right with the world economy and monetary system. The Rule of Law is the legal principle that the law should govern a nation of people equally, rather than be governed by arbitrary decisions made by those with selfish interests to gain, such as individuals that influence society, are in public office or are government officials. Rule of law implies that every citizen no matter what their position, rank or wealth is subject to the law including the lawmakers, bankers, intelligence agencies, and politicians themselves. There is no Rule of Law, yet the illusion is created by mass media deceptive propaganda, promoting the belief system that we are all subjected to the laws that are supposed to be designed to protect us and protect the earth resources. All one has to do is follow the trail of massive amounts of money, payoffs, criminal actions and excess toxic dumping to note the lack of accountability to the law. If we consider an intelligent debate about how Materialism and Consumerism have become the primary world religion at a terrible cost to those less privileged, it is easy to see the conflict of interest that occurs when the pursuit of profit and materialistic consumerism is pitted against the Rule of Law. When a society is based upon promoting the materialistic consumer culture at any cost, without regard for the value of human life or life on earth, massive corruption, bribery and criminality is the immediate result. It is clear that very few people receive massive profits and unimaginable wealth, while the majority of people endure increasing financial struggles and poverty. Every society on earth has created some form of currency for value exchange, but it is the everyday working people that make that currency actually have value. Through our time, energy, ideas and talent the expenditure of our energy is what converts into some form of value exchange that is represented by currency. However, what we work for is valued to pay off mounting ceilings of massive debt that were placed there by the Power Elite bankers to keep the average working person and their children, indentured servants. The world economy has become based on processing the massive proceeds that are the result of criminal actions that increase human poverty, violence and slavery, rather than doing the ethical work necessary to provide a humanitarian based economy, that shares the return of equity by investing in the people. The purpose is to confiscate the accumulative wealth of the people and communities, and funnel it back to those in centralizing power, during cycles of controlled economic depression. This is when the bankers take their cut of the cash supply and take ownership control over many different companies and assets that are forced into short sale. The Federal Reserve is not a federal agency or related to the central government as it has corporate stockholders that receive dividends. The Federal Reserve is a private corporation with owners. This is a fraudulent system that causes great disparity between the rich and the working class, it is a form of currency enslavement used to steal the prosperity away from the people. The Power Elite own the world’s largest banks and are also the shareholders that own the Federal Reserve, which funnels wealth from the working population to the government and then back to the banking sector at a large profit. The media and press do not want to actually pursue journalistic truth, but instead report news as sponsored consumer advertisement spots. The medical system does not want us healthy and well, they profit when we’re sick. The educational system does not want us to know our real history, or how to think independently, as their grants come from maintaining the NAA rolled out version of the past. Religion doesn’t want us talking to God without an intermediary and provides a long list of dos and don’ts because we could shame ourselves and go to hell. The banking system does not want us to be out of debt or interest obligation, as we can be easily controlled when we are drowning in debt. This system relies on the fact that most people do not understand how our monetary system works. The American base currency system is established on increasing deficit spending or growing massive debt, which at some point will reach its tipping point and collapse the current economic system. The strain of the economic collapse that is based on the fraudulent money system is not something to fear, as we realize it will be necessary for the shift in consciousness to occur. We must invest in people first. From this important foundation a new global currency or monetary fund will need to be circulated, that is not in the hands of those that have been responsible for the legalized theft over the last hundred years. The point is the masses are not told the truth in any way, shape or form. It is a common sense equation that is clearly evident by anyone who cares to actually look at what is happening in the world stage. We are the greatest threat to the survival of this corrupt monetary system and an informed and aware public is what can dismantle this fraudulent system, when we know how it works.”

~Lisa Renee

Donald Trump’s German Black Sun Nazi immigrant grandfather Friedrich Drumpf gives a ‘devil horns’ hand salute, and ‘shows’ his hidden hand in America, 1918.

~via Ascension Glossary

‘THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC’ ~ Lisa Renee on the Federal Reserve

LISA RENEE: “Black Magic Money”

LISA RENEE: “Dismantling the Control System”

LISA RENEE on “Guardian Presence in Washington DC Grids Carrying Out Assorted Evictions, Retrievals and Identification of Human Trafficking Networks Connected to Installed Luciferian Bloodline Families”

LISA RENEE: “Abraham Lincoln, Christos Starseed Helping to Guide the Christos Mission”

LISA RENEE: “Omicron Draconians”

“Dragon Moth or Omicron Draconians are one of the factions behind the Orion Group, one of the intruder groups of the NAA that source from the Orion Constellation. The Dragon Moth are reptilian entities that exist extradimensionally in bodies that are animated and controlled by off planet Satanic forces from Orion, and their higher ups exist in the monadic planes or Gaian timelines. They manipulate time to extend their mind control terrorism to this timeline in the past, the earth timelines in matter. Through ripping black holes in space time, they have been able to get closer to the earth plane through the Astral Plane. Dragon Moth entities are extremely vicious and violent and are behind most of the militant and terrorist activities in the areas of the planet that correspond to the Iraq and Iran Gate. The Islamic extremist factions observed in the Middle East are culled and orchestrated in terrorism techniques primarily by the Omicron reptiles. Where there is terrorist sleepers, (human people or ex-military personnel that just start shooting or killing randomly) this is generally a Dragon Moth-Omicron operation. Dragon Moth Omnicrons started to place their Alien Machinery in the planet at the time of the Nephilim Wars, when the Annunaki began to negotiate with the Orion Group because they needed military support to take over the earth and parallels. Approximately 75,000 BC, at the time of this conflict of the Nephilim on the earth, they installed the Dragon Grids. The Dragon Grid has its top part running in Siberia, Russia and the main body extends through Asia, Middle East and into North China and into Japan. These agendas run parallel with the Alpha Omega Agenda, the Armageddon Software, are referred to as ‘Dragon Agendas’ which is a subsidiary agenda to ride the coattail of the Armageddon Software to achieve their own dominion over the Dragon Grid in the Asian area. The Dragon Grid, The Dragon Agenda is all connected to the Dragon Moth entities of the Orion Group. This is why the Dragon agenda supports the Armageddon scenario into World War 3, they believe they will get their Dragon Grid completely activated and controlled if WW3 was instigated, and they push that to happen through world terrorism and Transhumanism.

~Lisa Renee

Dragon Moth or Omicron Draconians are one of the factions behind the Orion Group, one of the intruder groups of the NAA that source from the Orion Constellation. Dragon Moth sources from mainly around Alnitak around the Orion’s belt areas. Dragon Moth entities are extremely vicious and violent and are behind most of the militant and terrorist activities in the areas of the planet that correspond to the Iraq and Iran Gate. The Islamic extremist factions observed in the Middle East are culled and orchestrated in terrorism techniques primarily by the Omicron reptiles. The Dragon Moth are reptilian entities that exist extradimensionally in bodies that are animated and controlled by off planet Satanic forces from Orion, and their higher ups exist in the monadic planes or Gaian timelines. They manipulate time to extend their mind control terrorism to this timeline in the past, the earth timelines in matter. Through ripping black holes in space time, they have been able to get closer to the earth plane through the Astral Plane. Events like the nuclear event in Fukushima, Japan create damage in the earth field which allows their forces to penetrate more deeply in areas they were not previously able to access directly.

Also, they have been known to be hired as mercenaries for the Annunaki who negotiate with them to help defend their territories (ley lines) in the United Kingdom around Stonehenge. These areas operate what is called the NRG which is the primary mind control grid that operates the Sexual Misery program that harvests human sexual energies, and promotes the Victim-Victimizer software in order to enforce sexual misery in the human race. Dragon Moth are terrorist specialists in military strategy, and the Annunaki bargains with them for ley lines or negotiates with them to get them to enforce militant control over areas with targeting versions of Psychotronic Warfare in the demographic area. Where there is terrorist sleepers, (human people or ex-military personnel that just start shooting or killing randomly) this is generally a Dragon Moth-Omicron operation.

Dragon Moth Omnicrons started to place their Alien Machinery in the planet at the time of the Nephilim Wars, when the Annunaki began to negotiate with the Orion Group because they needed military support to take over the earth and parallels. Approximately 75,000 BC, at the time of this conflict of the Nephilim on the earth, they installed the Dragon Grids. The Dragon Grid has its top part running in Siberia, Russia and the main body extends through Asia, Middle East and into North China and into Japan. These agendas run parallel with the Alpha Omega Agenda, the Armageddon Software, are referred to as “Dragon Agendas” which is a subsidiary agenda to ride the coattail of the Armageddon Software to achieve their own dominion over the Dragon Grid in the Asian area. The Dragon Grid, The Dragon Agenda is all connected to the Dragon Moth entities of the Orion Group. This is why the Dragon agenda supports the Armageddon scenario into World War 3, they believe they will get their Dragon Grid completely activated and controlled if WW3 was instigated, and they push that to happen through world terrorism and Transhumanism.

~via Ascension Glossary

JAMES CORBETT: “Bioethics and the New Eugenics”

At first glance, bioethics might seem like just another branch of ethical philosophy where academics endlessly debate other academics about how many angels dance on the head of a pin in far-out, science fiction like scenarios. What many do not know, however, is that the seemingly benign academic study of bioethics has its roots in the dark history of eugenics. With that knowledge, the dangers inherent in entrusting some of the most important discussions about the life, death and health of humanity in the hands of a select few become even more apparent.



~via Corbett Report Extras

LISA RENEE: “Shadow Government”

“We have been born into a structure that has been enslaved by something ancient that has been hidden from everybody, yet is everywhere, we can’t get away from it, because it’s everywhere in the structures of control. It’s in every organization used to control the society of the world we live in through the Power Elite. The Power Elite are a small group of people who conjure Black Magic through dark rituals that are used for maintaining contact with the NAA, in order to control the entire planet through the manipulation of the Collective Consciousness through fear based programming that is transmitted via Mind Control. To reinforce the fear programming and keep the population in a vibration of fear and separation, they organized an complex system of global institutions to act as the primary enforcer of the propagation of the disinformation that they use to influence people to self-enforce the belief systems that shape the Controlled Narrative of the 3D reality. The Power Elite are known to also be referred to as the Dark Cabal, Controllers or those entities running the Shadow Government. They are used interchangeably to appear in diametric opposition to the onlooker, but that is not how they actually work. They all have the same underlying goal to reinforce each other to manipulate power to be given to the top of the chain. Divide and conquer the inhabitants of earth by generating secret societies that are heavily rewarded with earthy power by infiltrating and establishing AD programs and behaviors among their influencers. By establishing bloodline spiritual relationships in the ruling classes or Power Elite, these humans are indoctrinated at birth to believe their elite status through bloodline and that their god of choice will protect them and their families on the Luciferian or Satanic ideology. To be an apostate of their ruling class secrets is punishable by torture or death. The main tool for human Divide and Conquer is generating war, economic terrorism, blood sacrifice, sexual abuse, Mind Control and SRA to steal physical and energetic resources generating all its combined power to feed back into a centralized system of NAA control (NWO).”

~Lisa Renee


The Power Elite are a small group of people who conjure Black Magic through dark rituals that are used for maintaining contact with the NAA, in order to control the entire planet through the manipulation of the Collective Consciousness through fear based programming that is transmitted via Mind Control. To reinforce the fear programming and keep the population in a vibration of fear and separation, they organized an complex system of global institutions to act as the primary enforcer of the propagation of the disinformation that they use to influence people to self-enforce the belief systems that shape the Controlled Narrative of the 3D reality. The Power Elite are known to also be referred to as the Dark Cabal, Controllers or those entities running the Shadow Government.

There are five pillars of the main structures that use anti-human control which influence all planetary affairs. These pillars of society are manipulated to shape all World Organizations through the agenda of control enforced by the Power Elite classes.

  1. Power Elites or Controllers
  2. Military Industrial
  3. Intelligence Agencies, Covert Groups and Government
  4. Religious-Academic-Financial-Medical
  5. Controlled Media and Press

In choosing one of the main Pillars of Society – Religious – Academic – Financial – Medical, we can see how even though these areas of different belief systems feel completely separate and opposed from each other, in reality they are not. They are used interchangeably to appear in diametric opposition to the onlooker, but that is not how they actually work. They all have the same underlying goal to reinforce each other to manipulate power to be given to the top of the chain. Divide and Conquer mentality to continually create victims and victimizers is how all of these pillars of society work. So let us choose the Academic world for an example. Current mainstream atheistic science forms the current parameter of the collective accepted belief systems in the academic world which further direct the consortium of world organizations which impact human and planetary affairs. Science promotes atheistic consensus and barbaric medical practices, while Religion promotes spiritual terrorism and war through Hell fire and brimstone of the Alien Gods. Both make massive amounts of money for the financial, medical and military sectors with the primary goal to invest in controlling human beings. Effectively, they are all functioning components of the same thing. [1]

Patriarchal Domination

Patriarchal Domination is enforced in a variety of ways through abuses of alpha male power to control women and those ranked lower on the social or religious classification system through fear, intimidation and Victim-Victimizer techniques. This is a learned skill that is promoted in a variety of ways or is mimicked from boys watching their Father’s or male authority figures evolve into the Controller archetypes that promote Archontic Deception Strategy. This is a primary strategy of programming humans into Mind Controlled Archontic Deception Behavior that originates from the Orion Group Reptoids of the NAA.

Strategies of exerting power and Mind Control through Misogyny exist at every level of society, starting as domestic violence and forms of abuse which shape core values and the way humans are programmed to think. To better grasp how the Archons of the False King of Tyranny operate to abuse power systems by creating victims or victimizers on the earth, please see the domestic abuse chart.

Money Enslavement

Every time we touch money, exchange money, we are dealing with Egyptian Curses and anti-human Black Magic. We have been born into a structure that has been enslaved by something ancient that has been hidden from everybody, yet is everywhere, we can’t get away from it, because it’s everywhere in the structures of control. It’s in every organization used to control the society of the world we live in through the Power Elite. We don’t have a lot of alternatives in fully detaching ourselves; being stuck in the system as it is, and recognizing the Egyptian overlays are everywhere. They are in the stock market, the banking system, everything that we have to touch when we pay for things, rent, bills, we’re in an Egyptian Curse, we’re in the timeline of the energies that they have used form that point in time as a power source. The Federal Reserve, these structures of government have taken— when we see the obelisk, when we see these monuments that are erected as honoring government all of this is a type of occult knowledge that has been taken from the Masons or whatever, but it goes back to Egypt and further into the Essenes, and beyond. But I feel a Big Black Block in the Egyptian time, because it seems that the primary energy force that is harvested from human beings to maintain power in this world, meaning this small 1%, this Illuminati, these governing bodies — they are drawing upon a regular source of power from the Egyptian timelines. By doing that, they are creating more karmic exhaust, more curse, the more people feed into it— because obviously, there’s not a lot of choices on prison planet. So it’s something that keeps regulating the governance of this power abuse of the Controllers, that is the enslavement that can be felt in all of these structures. [2]

Self Enforced Enslavement

If a technologically advanced extra-dimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover of a planet and its inhabitants, what domination strategy would it use? First they would look to how they could maximize the efficiency of the invasion process and reduce the expenditure of resources that they have to generate themselves. To achieve this goal, the secretive infiltration of the core societal organizational structures with mind control such as: religions, medical, financial and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the anti-human value systems that generate the victim and victimizer reality belief systems that they use to enforce tyrannical Mind Control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self–enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation through SRA methods hidden in plain sight among the earth inhabitants, they would achieve the use of minimal “off planet” resources by piggy backing on the earth-human resources. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement through inflicting torture methods learned from the adults that abused them as children and carry it from generation to generation. Through consistent desensitization and dissociation, they would grow into dysfunctional adults that would continue to feed the cycle of SRA to enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights and their resources to the Power Elite. [3]


The head Controller Ego Archetype is the Draconian hierarchal belief system originating in Orion, which is the False King of Tyranny. This is the main ideology of the Negative Aliens and their NAA to Mind Control humanity and enslave this planet to their rule through slavery enforced by Consumptive Modeling. Through its archetypal overlay implanted into the planetary brain, humanity has been “forced” to submit and worship a False Father Reptilian God through Religious Violence and salvationistic theology. (see False Gods)

This ego archetype is represented as the angry father god that will protect you if you do his bidding and worship him or you are condemned to hell. Because the False King of Tyranny is the primary Reptilian Controller Archetype used to control humanity and the planet, it is these archetypal forces that are wielding “his” cosmic rage upon the planet as he loses control. Primarily Males that are using this archetype as an identity (or younger males who are totally disconnected and lost) are easily used for these Dark forces to unleash their anger and rage upon whomever is the near vicinity. (This has been evidenced with young males randomly shooting to kill and then killing themselves.) This is the phenomena when human bodies are used as dark portals to direct these forces, if they are unconscious, they have no idea this thoughtform is not sourcing from “them”. Most of the planet’s ego maniacal leaders are manipulated to play out these agendas and are reinforced through this N.A.A. Controller archetype. [4]


Satanism is based on the manipulation of energy and consciousness through Mind Control, deception and is many times ritual based SRA. These deeply sick rituals (such as Blood Sacrifice in war and killing) create an energy field, a Vibrational frequency, which connects the consciousness of the participants to the NAA group (i.e. reptilians) and other Consciousness energies in the lower fourth dimension. The Archons on the Saturn base transmit AI that contain Satanic belief systems to propagate these distortions on the earth. This dimensional field, also known as the lower astral to many people, which resonates to the frequency of low vibrational emotions like fear, guilt, shame, hatred and so on. When a SRA ritual focuses these emotions, as Satanism does, a powerful connection is made with the lower fourth dimension, the NAA, Fallen Angelics or reptilians. These are some of the ‘demons’ which these rituals have been designed to summon and feed since the NAA invasion occurred.

AD Strategy 1: Divide and Conquer

Divide and conquer the inhabitants of earth by generating secret societies that are heavily rewarded with earthy power by infiltrating and establishing AD programs and behaviors among their influencers. By establishing bloodline spiritual relationships in the ruling classes or Power Elite, these humans are indoctrinated at birth to believe their elite status through bloodline and that their god of choice will protect them and their families on the Luciferian or Satanic ideology. To be an apostate of their ruling class secrets is punishable by torture or death. The main tool for human Divide and Conquer is generating war, economic terrorism, blood sacrifice, sexual abuse, Mind Control and SRA to steal physical and energetic resources generating all its combined power to feed back into a centralized system of NAA control. (NWO)

Top 5 Archontic Strategies

The Big Five AD Strategies to generate more AD Negative Ego Behaviors and spread their anti-human value systems in the human public are:

1. Divide and Conquer

2. Victim-Victimizer

3. Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misery

4. Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice

5. Misogyny




  1. Expanding Consciousness
  2. Lisa Renee ES Forums October 2014
  3. Staying Awake to SRA
  4. Reclaiming the Christos Body

See Also:


Power Elite Control Structure

Main Goals of the Power Elite



~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Master-Slave Mentality”

“To remove human resistance to their long-term takeover agenda, the secretive infiltration of the core societal and organizational structures began thousands of years ago. Silently and methodically introducing Inverted Systems to take over the structures governing the top hierarchy in monarchy, military, political, religious, medical, financial and legal systems. This would be ideal, to shape the value systems that generate the pavlovian style of behavior modification in material-based reality that they seek to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self-enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation to control the minds of the earth inhabitants, they would use minimal off planet resources and remain invisible as the ruling class. Power Abuses were an essential feature, intentionally designed into the institutions and organizations that were created centuries ago in order to legitimatize and monetize human suffering and world slavery, for the tranquil benefit of the few. This means we must decide how much we are willing to know of these unpleasant truths that have been built into the firmament of the pillars running our society. The NAA and Controllers use the hidden Mind Control game to play the master-slave narrative against another species, earth humans, which is designed to invoke submission to brute power as the authority and to accept power abuses as normal in part of everyday life, in order to ensure a means for personal survival. To what degree can we recognize that we have been intentionally programmed to be totally dependent upon them in order to submit to absolute authority, no matter how inhumane or cruel. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement, as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights, their access to knowledge and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants, who are unaware they are being invaded by an unseen enemy and that a silent war is being carried out against them. The NAA and Controllers use the hidden Mind Control game to play the master-slave narrative against another species, earth humans, which is designed to invoke submission to brute power as the authority and to accept power abuses as normal in part of everyday life, in order to ensure a means for personal survival. They indoctrinated the Power Elite into the master-slave narrative in order to act as their representative prison wardens on the surface, aligning them with the alien invasion slavery agenda, rather than siding with humanity.”

~Lisa Renee


The controller guided institutional structures that model Abuses of Power by worshiping profit-based incentives and materialist Consumerism over the wellbeing of humans are broken and corrupt, they are designed to serve those with the master-slave mentality. We must first realize that the long-term intent of these massive institutions is for mass conformity into the slave mentality, while gradually introducing soft-kill methods of a pre-planned and controlled Genocide. The promotion of poverty, war, disease and human misery are all serving the master mentality that is backed by the alien handlers.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the corrupt systems which govern and control human culture have been socially engineered by the NAA and Power Elite for the purpose of consciousness enslavement in order to achieve these objectives. We have all been groomed to accept the controller pillars of the 3D narrative, and to accept Abuses of Power as a standard human behavior carried out by the self-proclaimed masters. Abuses of Power embedded in the system are not merely a random action or an honest mistake made by putting greedy and corrupt people in positions of power over others. Although this is a strong factor because most of the people in the higher rungs of power have been placed there due to their low ethics or have infiltrated through some larger agenda. It is the intentional design, in the way the societal structures have been meticulously built through secretive means to take control over and shape humanity into the slave mentality, to capture people’s thoughts and to influence them in the direction the Controllers want them to go.

Power Abuses were an essential feature, intentionally designed into the institutions and organizations that were created centuries ago in order to legitimatize and monetize human suffering and world slavery, for the tranquil benefit of the few. This means we must decide how much we are willing to know of these unpleasant truths that have been built into the firmament of the pillars running our society. To what degree can we recognize that we have been intentionally programmed to be totally dependent upon them in order to submit to absolute authority, no matter how inhumane or cruel. Classified documents and non-disclosure agreements under penalty of total annihilation of one’s life and livelihood, keep many a potential Whistleblower’s mouth shut. This deeper knowledge will inherently change our world view and belief systems as we shed the slave mentality and begin to critically think for ourselves, in order to become a productive cause for improving the lives of all people, worldwide.

Master-Slave Narrative Mind Control

To remove human resistance to their long-term takeover agenda, the secretive infiltration of the core societal and organizational structures began thousands of years ago. Silently and methodically introducing Inverted Systems to take over the structures governing the top hierarchy in monarchy, military, political, religious, medical, financial and legal systems. This would be ideal, to shape the value systems that generate the pavlovian style of behavior modification in material-based reality that they seek to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self-enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation to control the minds of the earth inhabitants, they would use minimal off planet resources and remain invisible as the ruling class. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement, as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights, their access to knowledge and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants, who are unaware they are being invaded by an unseen enemy and that a silent war is being carried out against them.

The NAA and Controllers use the hidden Mind Control game to play the master-slave narrative against another species, earth humans, which is designed to invoke submission to brute power as the authority and to accept power abuses as normal in part of everyday life, in order to ensure a means for personal survival. They indoctrinated the Power Elite into the master-slave narrative in order to act as their representative prison wardens on the surface, aligning them with the alien invasion slavery agenda, rather than siding with humanity. To better understand the recipe for the master-slave narrative and how it spreads fear and survival consciousness, let’s look at Slavery in America and the mindset of slave owners during that timeline, which motivated it. Think of the mindset of the slave owners as the NAA, and the conditions that are created for mental slavery, emotional slavery, spiritual slavery and physical slavery that are imposed on all of humanity across the globe, regardless of their tribe, sex or skin color. We may only think of slavery as a physical event, in which a ball and chain or four walls have imprisoned the physical body. However, slavery extends to the mind, emotions and spirit. To understand the effects of world slavery and how it has impacted all of us individually and collectively, we have to begin to think of slavery at all the levels it is being perpetrated; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Depending on the cultural narrative, demographics and prosperity of the nation, this will inform us of how the master-slave narrative is used to generate learned helplessness and dependency on the corrupt inverted systems, in order to self-enforce enslavement in that population. And the extent to which the common people will mimic the same slavery mind set to self-enforce the same types of oppression upon their brother or sister when they don’t conform to the consensus narrative. The enslaved mind that has been conditioned to feel secure while conforming to the master-slave narrative, will enforce those same conditions of slavery on others, from their own deep subconscious fears. [1]



  1. Abuses of Power

~via Ascension Glossary