ANGELINA STOJIC: “Feed The Frequency — Choosing Our Vibes”

What does this mean? Our energy systems are always changing and evolving with the input that we give it. We constantly nourish our mind body emotions and spirit with all that we say, think, feel, eat, see and do and we process all this data through our system whether it be biological, emotional, mental or spiritual. We do it on a subconscious level even though at times we feel we may be totally ‘aware’ of all input, but there are times that aspects of what we process are not always going to be completely clear as our eyes, brain input exceeds all we can process at this time.

Our DNA system is very complex and important to our evolution. Our DNA centered within our cellular structure, is made up mostly of water and energy. All the information stored within this system seems complex, but the thing is, to nourish it is simple.

What we feed ourselves on every level will sustain us eternally.

When I talk frequency, I talk light quotient or light particle mass within a structure. How much light is in that? This is the light that makes up the energy part of all that is on a molecular level. The higher or lighter the frequency, the lighter quotient makes up that structure. For example, with food, the closer it is to the state of the natural law, being purest form, like an organic carrot, the lighter or higher the frequency. It is natural, nourishing and gives, to replenish us. The further away from natural form, like a can of coke, which gives us an instant buzz but asks you to drink it again to have another hit, this type frequency is low, dense or holds less light.

It is that simple.

It goes the same with every single thing we surround ourselves with.

The brilliant Japanese scientist, Dr Masaru Emoto, who showed us how simply music, words and pictures shifted water molecules in different ways, gave us experiments that showed us how simply certain stimuli can affect water particles. The harshest most frenetic and disjointed music showed us erratic and malformed water particles, where the gentler, kinder, calmer music created beautifully shaped mandalas or flowers. The frequency of the harsh music is heavy, and the light quotient is low which does not transcribe easily into the human cellular structure causing discord, with the gentler music, holding higher light quotient is able to transmit light into the water for an easy transcription.

Frequency likes to flow. It likes a constant ease of motion which is usually a tri-wave meaning 3 bands of light. Take painting for example, when we use two colors to paint, we can mix them together to create a third, therefore it is constantly creating something new. This is what the tri-wave likes. It wants to create from a place within a structure already there. This is a give and receive frequency.

The bi-wave frequency, which is harsher, is a take frequency. This only holds 2 bands of light that are separate and never combine to create new energy but works on taking energy from one to give rise to the other. It is always in duality.

The bi-wave is all about the external power and fueling fear.

An example of bi-wave in action is harsh music as an example. Some of the harshest sounds or most erratic music gives a sensation of discord within, awakening feelings of anger, confusion, rage or fear. These feelings are intensive and can overtake you, feeling more of a battle energy. These feelings give the music more power than it does you for you which you end up giving away your power to the music, leaving you feeling depleted. The bi-wave is you and the music. It does not create replenishment within, like that hit of Coca-Cola. My disclaimer here is that there is nothing wrong with feeling these feelings for there is much stored within our systems that we need to experience and help heal and clear, but to evoke them and create them intentionally and regularly will only bring your energies down, circling in less light and more discord. The less light held within your system, the less connected you will become to your true power.

When the tri-wave is in play, the sounds or music created with gentler format, gives rise to feelings of calm and peace. These feelings are created from within, naturally triggering higher healthier cellular renewal. As this light lifts you and your feelings, it returns into your cellular structure and shifts your DNA into creative energy. This is the tri-wave giving a continual cycle of nourishing, lifting energy and cellular health which is all created from within, allowing us to feel healthier and happier. It is here in these feelings of love and fulfillment, we can create our most magnificent life.

To be in create, we need to be in the tri-wave.

Music is but one example of how we give our power away. As we know, things like the news, social media, reality shows, newspapers, movies, songs are created from a lower frequency, the bi-wave, to connect you to the fear. Here it is easier to take the power that you give so easily, to evoke these feelings of fear within you giving rise to a hit or addictive style of feeding.

This is how we feed the frequency.

We give power to that upon which we focus. And yes, there are still those things in our world that we perceive to be tragedy, there is suffering, pain and heart ache at this time. There are movies that will continue to be destructive, harsh and angry, music and musicians that yell fear into their microphones, producers creating shows that pit people against one another, and of course we are human so these things are always about, so the choice lies with us as it always has. There too is much love, kindness and compassion in our world and we have so much to choose from, and when we choose for ourselves, we shift for all.

I know that life is exactly as it should be and all that is here and now is how it is meant to be for us to take the next step into our evolution or ascension. Remember God does not test us. Source does not judge us. We have always had free will. We can choose to nourish the frequency that feeds us in every possible way.

The choice is ours, that simple.

So what frequency do you choose to feed your soul with?

Blessings in Light now and forever.

Angie xx



SIMON SEGAL: “Tired Of Being A Negativity Sponge? What You Need To Know To Reclaim Your Energy And Prevent Energy Infiltration”

Everything has a vibration — smells, sounds, colors, objects, animals, people. We are in a continual energetic cycle of communication with everything around us, and what we let to affect us is what we become.

And as much as we have the power to affect the world around us with our energy, sometimes we seemingly lose that ability because our vibration becomes lowered and weaker than the surrounding sources.

In this lowered state, we become negativity sponges. Everybody is looking for a place to dump their negativity because it’s very hard to deal with. And when you become an energy dumpster… well, I don’t have to say too much about it — you are well aware what happens.

The sad truth is that we often choose to lower our vibration for all the wrong purpose. I’m not talking about going against our innate goodness (that is self-explanatory). I am talking about destroying our shield out of goodness.

Although it’s always important to lower your shield when you want to connect with people, we often go a step too far, compromising our energy, and ending up in a messed up energetic state.

So, here’s how to know what is that one step too far and how you can reclaim your vibration.

1. Avoid connecting with people through negative emotion

It may seem like an unavoidable scenario: your friend feels sad, and you match emotions to connect with them — to make them some kind of consolation-company. This way, we even our vibration with theirs to be on the same wavelength, and we thus lower our vibration.

Some may argue that this is very normal and expected from those who are close to you. I’d argue against it, though. It’s true that misery likes company, but this kind of company will never help anyone out.

If you truly hold that person dear, you should offer them a higher vibration so that they can get out of that lowered state. This way, you not only help them, but you also help yourself by not getting down in the dumps. In the end, how can you help someone out if you start suffering from the same problem as them?

2. Some things are not your responsibility — and they shouldn’t be

We all face challenges that are set there to make us grow. These challenges may often feel negative and almost impossible to handle. However, the worst you can do for them is take their responsibility upon yourself.

We often start feeling as if we are supposed to fix other people’s problems simply because they complained about how difficult they were for them. Other times, when we are asked to help, we decide to take one step further and start doing the things they are supposed to and can do.

However, you shouldn’t forget that we all carry our own baggage and we are responsible for it more than for the baggage of others. Giving help doesn’t mean grabbing their bags and pulling them with our teeth because our hands are already full.

No matter how ready you feel to do this, it doesn’t do the other person any good because they won’t learn anything from that challenge — they won’t grow. The better option is to encourage them to use their knowledge and power and face the challenge because they are readier for it than you can imagine.

Nobody needs a problem-solver. We just sometimes need a little push and some encouragement.

3. Substitute compassion for sympathy

Sympathy is a poison. Many people don’t understand this and find me cold-hearted when I say this, although I know how much love I have for this world. And why is it a poison? Because it leads nowhere but in the worst direction.

Sympathy means that you feel sorry for someone’s struggle, and when you feel sorry for them, it means that you don’t believe they are capable of coping with that challenge. Why would you think that? Our ability to tackle the most difficult of challenges is something we are born with.

So, why underestimate the person by feeling sorry for them? Compassion is a much more evolved approach that lets you understand their struggle, accept their position, and empower them (if you can) to overcome the obstacles.

You need to have more trust in the people you love — you need to trust their ability, that requires a simple spark of love and understanding to come to the surface. Compassion is a force that promotes growth and bonding — sympathy is a force that destroys the person before they were given the chance to fight.

4. Don’t be so sure that you know better

A person’s life is such a complex thing that you cannot possibly imagine everything that makes that complexity. So are life situations, in which everyone has their smart opinion — until they are faced with one too.

I have never asked for a piece of someone else’s mind on things that are happening to me. Do you know why? It takes a lot more than words for me to explain everything that is part of that problem, and I don’t see why this would be anything different from you or the next person.

And no matter how much you know about someone’s problem, they will always know one thing more. Which means, no matter how good your advice is, no matter how better you think you know — your advice will most often be a dead end for them.

Why a dead end? Because they didn’t act the way they would and listened to you. Being true to yourself and to your nature is the most important thing. Every mistake I have made because it was my decision has been better than the seemingly ‘best things’ I’ve done under other people’s instruction.

So, no, you can’t know better. Allow the person to act as they naturally would.

5. Never take sides

Oftentimes people we know get into a quarrel and try to put is in the middle by making us choose sides. They try to achieve dominance in numbers and don’t really care about your opinion, which can be felt clearly.

In most of the scenarios, you simply want to be objective and rational, so as to help your, say, friends, to overcome the communication problem and make up.

However, bias, pressure, and thinking that we know it all make us jump in the middle and become bombarded by two clashing sources of negative energy. In the end, you don’t help in any way and end up feeling drained and guilty that you stepped in, in the first place.

And really, why should you take sides in a problem that isn’t yours? Instead of choosing the sides of the story, you should embrace them and accept that people need to solve their differences without your meddling.

6. Never become a people pleaser (and if you are, start saying NO)

I have yet to learn to say NO to some situations, as all of us empaths have that people-pleasing gene that is screwing us over. But really, putting others in front of you may feel rewarding and selfless, although it’s actually ridiculous and those others usually know it.

If everyone acted this way, we would live in a Utopia, I suppose. The truth, though, is that it’s impossible because we were simply born in our own skin, not that of the others — which means we need to start from ourselves.

Putting others before yourself and giving your energy away like you won it off in a casino is a self-betrayal that people won’t appreciate in you, no matter how much you hope that you’ll be appreciated for it.

A better option is to always ask yourself: ‘Can that person do that themselves?’ ‘Can that person wait?’ ‘Do I have to do something related to my life first?’ Even mothers shouldn’t bend to every of their children’s ideas and wishes, right? Why should you?

7. Mind your own business

It’s our eternal pain to learn what others think of us. Many have started revolving their lives around other people’s thoughts and opinions of them. It’s saddening and sickening, really.

I have the reputation of a ‘cold,’ ‘reserved,’ ‘arrogant,’ and whatnot person because I keep my healthy distance and don’t allow people to gobble up my life force and personality. And you know what? I don’t really care. In fact, I’m glad.

Everybody knows me for who I am, and I have never thought twice before saying the things I mean and standing up for myself because I don’t expect anyone else to do it for me.

I know I have an unlimited source of love for this world — but sometimes naughtiness can’t be rewarded with candy, right? Unless it’s cute, I suppose!

The most important thing is that you can’t define your life on the basis of other people’s opinions and thoughts about you. Those who like to judge you for who you are can freely do it, and you can freely not give an f*, because in the end: THAT’S YOU AND YOU SHOULDN’T CHANGE YOURSELF BECAUSE OF ANYONE’S OPINION.

Reclaim your identity, because if you lose it, nobody will be there to find it and bring it back to you. By reclaiming your identity, you reclaim your energy. Respect yourself and respect everyone around you, but know your boundaries.



THERESA CRABTREE: “What Is The Veil Between Dimensions?”

The Veil itself is simply a frequency shift, similar to radio wavelengths. When a low frequency is emitted, the wavelengths are farther apart, touching the midline less often. As the vibration increases, the distance between the waves is shortened, thus crossing the midline more often. Consider the Veil to be the midline. Those operating at low frequencies such as fear and anger touch the Veil (midline) less often, decreasing their ability to experience what is on the Other Side.

As your ability to Love increases, you begin to resonate at higher frequencies. The distance between wavelengths shortens, allowing more opportunities to touch the Veil (midline), thus increasing the ability to communicate with those on the Other Side. When the vibrational frequency rises to the point where the Veil is continually being touched, there is a merging. At this point, a leap of consciousness may catapult the person into a higher vibrational Realm.

This description is very rudimentary on a complex subject, but we hope that it helps you understand the direct correlation between unconditional love and your vibratory rate. The difference between Dimensions is frequency range. Soon, many will rise above the lower frequencies in which they currently reside.

When that happens, in the twinkling of an eye, you may find yourself in a higher Dimension.

Once you arrive, if you go into fear, you may quickly pop back into your current third Dimension.

The goal is to obtain these higher Dimensions while in physical form by increasing your love vibration. You will then consciously choose which side of the Veil you prefer to visit at any time. There is no need to know the mathematical formulations and the physics that makes this happen, simply know that Love is the key to ascension and the higher frequencies.


© 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved.

Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement.



NEZEL PADAYHAG: “5 Ways High Vibrational Energy Affects Humanity And 5 Ways How To Align With It”

Humanity is coming closer together than ever in our history. We are raising the level of vibration of humanity as a whole and these higher vibrational energies will affect humanity.

These energies affect all of us and it’s best if we embrace them. By letting them flow freely we will awaken to our own truth and become a part of this global change as well.

As we awaken we will become conscious of our inner wounds and our shadow self. The emergence of the shadow self may not be pleasant but it’s crucial for the shift to take place. It’s how we heal on a deeper level and transcend past trauma.

As humanity raises its vibration a couple of effects will be felt around the world.

5 Ways High Vibrational Energy Affects Humanity

1. Growing communities that take action to save the environment.

Humanity has come to unite in defending ourselves from toxins that bring poison to the air we breathe and the food we eat.

We rise up to save our planet against impending calamities brought by human activities.

More and more people wake up to realize the harm our actions do to the environment and actively choose better ways of living that are in harmony with Nature.

Communities and individuals take drastic action to save the planet and promote alternative ways of using energy. Some even invent brilliant new ways to gather and manage energy.

More people realize that it’s only by coming together and standing for Nature that we’re able to protect ourselves, the environment, and every living creature in the planet.

2. Bigger and faster connection between people.

As our consciousness raises to higher levels, we are naturally led to others who are also walking on the same path of consciousness.

Better opportunities show up to connect our minds all across the world, increase the sharing of our ideas and make information available to all.

We come to connect and support each other as if our encounters are meant to be.

3. Awakening to your purpose.

Because we become highly conscious of our inner selves, we make deeper connections with our soul. We discover more about our passions and interests.

Our passions and interests bring us closer to our purpose. It’s in following our passions that we reveal to ourselves what we are supposed to do in the here and now.

Our path is not found outside, it’s within us. We understand this even better as we awaken to our purpose. We face our shadows to unleash the powerful surge of energy necessary to fulfill our missions in life that are projected through our purpose.

4. Expansion and promotion of healthy lifestyles.

As we raise our vibration we start to sense that we need better and healthier ways of living. That’s why there is a massive expansion of healthy programs and diets being promoted on every corner. The world seems to become obsessed with healthy lifestyles.

This is because a healthy lifestyle gives the additional energy we need to raise our own energy to the same level other positive individuals seem to vibrate on. In order to raise our own vibration we need to integrate a healthy diet, habits and environment around us.

Trends like meditation, yoga, veganism, exercising and alternative ways of healing are being accepted as the norm in many human societies. In a stress filled world people turn more to stress releasing techniques and lifestyles that enhance relaxation.

5. Innovation of technologies that help in raising human consciousness.

The bigger and faster connection between people from all around the world enables for ideas to clash and merge creating new innovations that we could not imagine by our own.

These new technologies will serve as outlets for humans to further grow their consciousness and evolve in better species.

The high energy of humanity creates a big demand for platforms where humans can awaken and grow their consciousness.

If you feel you are not aligned with the higher vibration of humanity, don’t worry, there are ways you can come into alignment with these higher vibrations.

5 Ways How To Align With High Vibrational Energy:

1. Find out the things that make you happy and ignites your interest.

These are the things or activities that bring you the most joy and fire up your interest. Your passion lies in the connection between this two.

2. Test your passion.

Once you find a passion of yours, test it. Explore all the possibilities and options around it before you go for it. Each of your passions is a guide that leads you closer to your purpose.

3. Face your fears and limitations.

These fears and limitations prevent you from becoming the being you’re supposed to be. They are the obstacles that stand between you and your purpose. Recognize them because they hold your truth. Do not fight them, accept them. Face them. Then look beyond them.

4. Trust your gut.

Listen to your intuition and trust it more often. Its guidance will never fail you. Remember that your intuition is like a muscle and the more you trust it the more you train it.

5. Embrace the divine guidance.

Look at the synchronicities that keep happening to you. They serve as your guide in this journey. Ask why they happen. Try to see what they tell you and what you can learn.

Changing your reality may seem like a personal journey. But it’s only your part in helping the shift to take place. Remember, it’s a collective consciousness. You need to embrace your part. Once you tune in to your inner self you will connect to the flow of humanity’s evolution.




ANDREA SCHULMAN: “12 Manifestations Of A High Vibration”

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At our core, all we are made up of is energy, and our vibration is simply the movement of our energy through space. Our vibrations are very important because they are responsible for how our lives unfold.

Through the Law of Attraction, we create our entire lives based on our vibrations. In the simplest terms, when we have a high vibration we create more of what we want in life. When our energy is low, we create more of what we don’t want.

It’s good to remember our vibrations are always changing across time, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with having a low vibration, because low vibrations do serve a valuable function!

Low vibrations provide signals to us that our thinking and behaviors are headed in a direction we don’t want to go, and these signals can be very useful if we are aware of them.

However, it’s also useful to know when you have a high vibration, so you can celebrate the moment and make it last a little longer!

So, here are twelve manifestations of a high vibration. Have any of these things happened to you lately?

1. Being excited to wake up and start your day

When we are running at a high vibration life feels exciting. If you leap out of bed in the morning ready to tackle the day, you can bet you are running on a high vibrational frequency.

2. Good health

Our bodies are physical manifestations of our vibrations. High quality energy results in a high functioning body, and this reduces and even eliminates injury and illness.

3. Feeling strong

When our energy is high we will feel as if we can move mountains. Feats that usually feel too challenging suddenly feel possible.

4. Being able to communicate clearly and effectively

When our vibration is moving quickly our words flow easily and effortlessly. We can communicate with others in a way that is understood, without tripping over our words or sticking a foot in our mouths.

5. Financial prosperity

With good energy, abundance moves into our lives easily. In times like these we are more likely to win prizes, receive unexpected checks in the mail or even find forgotten money in our laundry.

6. Pleasant interactions with other people

All things are easier when we have a high vibration, including our relationships. In high times, other people will treat you with kindness and respect, even if your interactions with them are ordinarily strained.

7. Going with the flow

A high vibration will keep you in an optimal state of productivity, flowing easily from one movement to the next. You will feel perfectly balanced, neither overwhelmed nor bored. You will often feel like you are “in the zone.”

8. Time speeds up

When you are going with the flow, time passes quickly.  As we always say, time flies when you’re having fun, and when you’re having fun you have a high vibration.

Many people have noticed and remarked that time seems to be speeding up the older we get. Some believe worldwide time acceleration is occurring because the energy of the entire planet is raising.

This might be possible, as more and more people are becoming aware of the power of positive thinking and applying it to their lives.

9. Expressing kindness and love automatically

Those who have a high vibration are more likely to radiate love and light on others. They naturally share more smiles, hugs and acts of kindness, without strain or effort.

10. Having intuitive or “psychic” moments

When we are in a high energy state we receive information in ways beyond our five senses. For example, we may suddenly just know the answer to a question or get a vision of what’s to come.

A high vibration puts us in a greater state of knowing and understanding.

11. Feeling happiness, joy or elation

Not only do these emotions feel good, but they are also strong indications you are creating a positive future for yourself! They are also among the easiest signs of a high vibration to identify, if we pay attention to them.

12. Looking your best

Our energy affects our appearance and how we care for ourselves. When we are feeling our best our skin glows a little more, our hair shines a little brighter and we are more likely to pick out a flattering outfit.

If you’re exhibiting signs of a high vibration right now, congratulations! Keep doing what you’re doing, because you are moving in the direction of the things you want.

However, if your vibration isn’t as high as you’d like it to be, no worries! Remember, your energy is constantly fluctuating on the vibrational scale, and you can always consciously adjust the direction you are headed in.

Another thing to remember is that a lower vibration is always the result of a negative thought or belief. A little bit of personal reflection in down times can help us identify the cause of any lower vibrational energy.

Are we obsessing about our ex? Are we angry at our boss? Are we putting off something we know we really want to do? A little introspection can help us identify any negative thoughts or limiting beliefs holding us back from a high vibration.

Beyond self-reflection, if you’d like to raise your vibration, it’s also very beneficial to act as if your vibration is already high.

So spread a little love, find balance in your work or put on your best outfit. By mimicking the effects of a high vibration, you can actually trick yourself into raising your vibration to a more optimal level.