KIM GOGUEN: “And Just When You Thought We Were Done with Former (and Dead) President Trump…”

“And just when you thought we were done with former (and dead) President Trump, apparently we’re still talking about the Mar-a-Lago raid. During a hearing last Thursday, Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, who proved the FBI’s search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate expressed an inclination to publicly release portions of the affidavit supporting the search, well, by Monday it seems he may have had a slight change of heart. While he reiterated that the affidavit should not be entirely sealed, he backed away from the possibility of a significant release of material. Turns out the public may get partially rejected information, or some but not all the information. This is not unusual. For the team of agency people running the Trump game, it is well known Trump, when alive and president, used to flush documents down the toilet, which then had to be recovered by aides from registration in the archives. Trump also tried to hide where he got funding for the U.S. government as well. Now the agencies are also hiding the fact the president passed months ago of cancer. Third up, he also hid the fact that he too was a member of the Black Suns, and participated in many of the rituals of the secret society. While the alternative media is ablaze with Trump ‘saving babies’, he in fact had done the exact opposite in these rituals. When does the LIE end? One thing is for sure: the truth always surfaces and whenever ‘well-we-know-who-you-are’ running that Trump show runs out of lies, they all face some very interesting developments in this world.”

~Kim Goguen, August 24, 2022

~via Natalie @ United Network News

Read related article:

‘PRESIDENT WITH TWO FACES’ ~ Benjamin Fulford on Donald Trump’s Skin Cancer & Clone Double

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Trump Sues Hillary Clinton, Alleging ‘Deep State’ Conspiracy To Link His Campaign To Russia”

“Look at that. More drama and theatre for the sleeping masses and the Q-tards. Speaking of which, whatever happened to the hyped interview between Trump and Putin on the new CIA-platform called ‘Truth Social?’ It was rescheduled all by the numbers and then just… ‘puff,’ disappeared. Well, this story broke on March 24, the 83rd day of the year, and it’s all about the election, his campaign in 2016, and a wide cast of characters that Trump has accused for years of orchestrating a ‘deep state conspiracy’ against him involving Russia. And this lawsuit comes during the Russian Ukraine war and it involves Donald’s connections with Russia and Vladimir Putin. Such beautiful synchronicity and it’s all just coincidences, right? But we’re only getting started. How appropriate that such a silly lawsuit hit the news on the 83rd day of the year. Donald was born on June 14, which means that it’s also 83-days until his upcoming 76th birthday. And remember, Hillary was mentioned in the headlines. March 24 was 149-days after her birthday on October 26. 149 is very special, as it is the duodecimal of 201, the number of the Jesuit Order. Donald is a Freemason and he’s connected to Order 322, Skull and Bones, also known as The Brotherhood of Death. Also, remember that he called it a ‘deep state’ conspiracy. The phrase ‘deep state’ was coined by CIA and Q-tards. But this should be more than enough to show you, once again, that everything they do is scripted by the numbers and it is nothing more than pure theatre for the sleeping masses. And you still don’t think they do things by the numbers, eh, you little coincidence theorist? Using the phrase ‘deep state’ is the same thing as telling everyone that you are retarded and very much asleep, totally unaware of how the world actually works.”

~Joachim Bartoll

Look at that. More drama and theatre for the sleeping masses and the Q-tards. Speaking of which, whatever happened to the hyped interview between Trump and Putin on the new CIA-platform called ‘Truth Social?’ It was rescheduled all by the numbers and then just… ‘puff,’ disappeared.

Well, this story broke on March 24, the 83rd day of the year, and it’s all about the election, his campaign in 2016, and a wide cast of characters that Trump has accused for years of orchestrating a “deep state conspiracy” against him involving Russia.

The Donald = 83

Election = 83

Deep State Conspiracy = 83

Trump = 83

Russia = 83

How appropriate that such a silly lawsuit hit the news on the 83rd day of the year. But we’re only getting started. Donald was born on June 14, which means that it’s also 83-days until his upcoming 76th birthday.

And you still don’t think they do things by the numbers, eh, you little coincidence theorist?

Donald is a Freemason and he’s connected to Order 322, Skull and Bones, also known as The Brotherhood of Death. A lot of recent stories has been connected to them since we recently had their celebration date of 3/22, as in Order 322. This story is no exception. And remember, he is also suing people within the FBI.

Brotherhood of Death = 83

FBI-led Operation = 83 (what he claimed was working against him)

83 is the 23rd prime number.

Donald = 23

It’s also 2 months and 22 days until his birthday. A very nice number.

Federal Lawsuit = 222 (what he filed)

Order Out of Chaos = 222 (Freemasonic motto)

As Above, So Below = 222 (Freemasonic and Satanic motto)

And this lawsuit comes during the Russian Ukraine war and it involves Donald’s connections with Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Russian-Ukraine War = 222

March 24 just happen to be 24-weeks on the day after Putin’s birthday on October 10. A double wham for 24, and of course…

Lawsuit = 24

Russia = 24

Donald = 24

Trump = 24

Lawsuit = 24

Such beautiful synchronicity and it’s all just coincidences, right?

And keep in mind that ‘24’ is one of the big numbers in the ongoing staged war, as it started on February 24.

And speaking on the ongoing fake war, another very important number is 48, as I decoded several times.

Lawsuit = 48

Russia = 48

Donald Trump = 48

And those 24-weeks after Putin’s birthday breaks down to exactly 168 days.

Vladimir Putin = 168

And remember, Hillary was mentioned in the headlines. March 24 was 149-days after her birthday on October 26. 149 is very special, as it is the duodecimal of 201, the number of the Jesuit Order. And also…

The Jesuit Order = 201

Skull and Bones = 149 (she is also a member)

And 149 days is 21 weeks and 2 days, as in 212.

Hillary Clinton = 212

Also, remember that he called it a ‘deep state’ conspiracy. The phrase ‘deep state’ was coined by CIA and Q-tards. Originally it surfaced as a shorthand for bureaucrats wanting to undermine Trump, as one of many acts in the theatre of politics. Using the phrase ‘deep state’ is the same thing as telling everyone that you are retarded and very much asleep, totally unaware of how the world actually works.

Deep State = 148, 49

Donald J. Trump = 148, 49

There is so much more to this story, such as the names James Comey tied to his campaign and the Jesuits, and the DNC. But this should be more than enough to show you, once again, that everything they do is scripted by the numbers and it is nothing more than pure theatre for the sleeping masses.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Gaslighting 101”


“The magnetic shifts on the planet create an impact on the lower mental body constructs in ways that can deeply unhinge people, who may carry out some very bizarre behaviors. Stay neutral and observe these behaviors with compassion.”   ~Lisa Renee

During annual August alignments of Leo, the planet undergoes what is called its Magnetic Peak cycle which generally transpires during the week of August 8th to August 15th, with August 12th being the pinnacle wave of the magnetic force field transmission. During these peak cycles, if we pay attention to the larger movements occurring in the environment, we may sense an increased feeling of magnetic pressure in the fields. The magnetic pressure places energetic pressure on people, and it will be noticed during this time that many unconscious people will start acting out in more amplified ways their own unhealed issues of pain and negativity. One will find if you have a person in your family that has certain phases of creating emotional dramas and using forms of manipulation, the Magnetic Peak sets them off into their most imbalanced behaviors. It is as if they have been in silent mode and they come out of nowhere to wreak some havoc in the imbalanced pattern they have shown in the past, as if their emotional buttons are getting pushed. In most cases, people that are heavily impacted by the pressure of these planetary forces, are not aware that by exploding into emotional dramas, they are desperately trying to find some kind of release for their own inner anxiety and pressure. As a result of that accumulating emotional debris and mounting inner pressure, they will act out negatively, perhaps attacking or using scathing dialogues, in order to project their emotional issues onto other people. Most people that behave this way are emotional vampires, they receive an emotional payoff for their dramas, because people that take the emotional bait hook are feeding into the dramas they have created, many times with no apparent reason. Suffice to say that the Magnetic Peak can throw unconscious people with little self-awareness, into acting out their most negative behaviors. Generally, this kind of person is an emotional powder keg that you never know when they may explode. They refuse to take any responsibility for their negative behavior, but continue to blame others around them for their misery. Their internal mechanism is attempting to find relief or resolution from their inner conflicts, and that pressure, as well as the energy involved in these outbursts, are deeply felt by those of us who are empathic and sensitive. The magnetic shifts on the planet create an impact on the lower mental body constructs in ways that can deeply unhinge people, who may carry out some very bizarre behaviors. Stay neutral and observe these behaviors with compassion.

Upon further study, one can observe the macrocosm link during the Magnetic Peak cycle to see the activated unhealed patterns and issues related to the Mother principle, surfacing in the masses. This may also surface with unaware family members or other people that are in the near vicinity. This may help to connect the dots to see that there are a lot of Dark Mother reversals playing out in the landscape, and these patterns may show up in your reality in a more personal way. The negative behaviors that revolve around unhealed Dark Mother issues, are specifically around all forms of manipulation that are used to exert some form of control over others. With this in mind, it is a good time to understand more deeply the kinds of complex and advanced manipulation techniques that are used by the Dark Mother principle, which comes in the form of Gaslighting. Males and females that have conflicts or reject their inner female aspect, are more prone to running Dark Mother Reversal patterns in the form of Gaslighting. Gaslighting is used everywhere on this planet, by both males and females, as the socially conditioned mind control that is used to get people on the earth to self-enforce their own enslavement and unhappiness. The old adage, “misery loves company” is very accurate to describe the profile of people that are advanced manipulators.

What is Gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a form of psychological-emotional abuse that Controlling types of personalities use to which a victim is manipulated into doubting and discrediting their own memories, perceptions, experiences and sanity. Sociopaths and Narcissists frequently use gaslighting tactics, on individuals or to control larger groups of people to their personal advantage. Gaslighting is also used commonly in the mass media, as a form of controlling the dissemination of information given to the public, such as intended for political control, or to control the perception of the public to be favorable in moving in the direction of supporting specific agendas. It is a mass psychological tool that spins half-truths and deceptions in order to manipulate information and factual data in ways that obfuscate the whole picture. Controllers and tyrants, whether they are personal family members or active in public affairs, want to remain in control and their agenda is more important to them than anyone else’s. Thus, they seek to suppress or remove any information they feel is threatening to their agenda, and stop it from being made public knowledge. These people are duplicitous, and they show different faces to different people, in order to get whatever they want, and usually they couldn’t care less about the cost that will have to other people. When people do not have the whole picture of events, and they are being deceived and manipulated with only limited access to the truth contained in circumstances, it obfuscates their ability to make informed, clear and well thought out decisions. No person can be truly self-determining and make positive choices in their life direction, if they are reliant on people that are lying and deceiving them with false information. This is a critical reason to discern liars and manipulators, and get them out from influencing our life decisions, stop giving them access to our most intimate and vulnerable aspects. All people need to earn our trust by demonstrating trustworthiness. We can unconditionally love people that are deceivers and manipulators, even as some may be biological family members, but we need to become 100% clear that we never allow that person to exert any type of control over us, by setting strong boundaries. It does not matter who they are and what their position in life is, or that they have doctorates and titles, or they are blood relations. If they demonstrate these negative behaviors, if they become abusive when you reveal your true self to them, stay awake and alert, observe everything and be wary of them.

Gaslighting that is used in intimate or family relationships, is often to deny the right of the person to have their own authentic expression, experience and perception of events that has happened to them. The manipulator uses gaslighting to discredit their victim’s experience and perception in their reality, many times with the use of skillful psychological and emotional manipulation that is designed to eradicate the other person’s version of the story or experience. Gaslighters like to tell other people what they are feeling, what they are perceiving, what they should be doing, and criticize and condemn anything else they do not agree with in that persons experience, because it is not favorable to serve their own selfish agendas. Some Gaslighters feel threatened by a person’s emotional expression that they have had intimate control over, so this a popular technique with dominating males that want to have complete possessive control over their wives or partners. When they feel that they are losing control, they feel threatened and lash out with gaslighting tactics. Clearly advanced manipulators such as Gaslighters, have low to no capacity for feeling compassion or empathy for another person’s emotional experiences, (especially if this is in conflict to what they want or their belief systems) as all they care about is furthering their personal agendas or storyline at the expense of their victim.

Example A:

Son: Mom, I want to say we have wonderful news to share. We have moved into our first house, and I am the happiest I have ever been with my wife and our new life together.

Mother: People that are truly happy spread their happiness with their family. You have nothing to do with our family, and you never call me or come to see me. You must not be the happy person you say you are because you treat the rest of the family so badly. What about your brother, he was always there for you and now, you have moved away and are not there for him.

Example B:

Wife: Honey, I experienced something last night in bed that I would like to share with you. I was almost asleep, and I felt something come in the room, and I saw my Grandfather standing in the doorway. He died when I was a child. He came and sat with me and told me a lot of things, and that he was watching over me. It felt so nice to see him, and I hope I can talk with him again.

Husband: Betty, do you really think you saw a dead relative in our bedroom? Ghosts do not exist and all that paranormal stuff is bullsh**. You’ve been watching too many of those ridiculous Ghost hunter episodes. Don’t be telling this story to anyone else, they’ll think you have lost your mind. Now, get your head screwed on straight and pass me the potatoes and salt.

Example C:

Experiencer: When I was 33, I had my first contact with enlightened extraterrestial entities that are not from this world. Because I have experienced this event, and many people still do not believe in the existence of off world beings from other realities, I feel it is my moral obligation to share that experience as honestly as I can to other people that may be interested. I know there is life beyond the earth plane, as I have had many chats with non human entities.

Non-Experiencer: (Thinking -What a nut job!) There is no scientific evidence that supports that we have had ET contact, all UFO’s and case studies were debunked as hoaxes a long time ago! You don’t think the government and all of those people in the military and sciences would have found some kind of evidence to support this theory by now, if it was real? Whatever you think you saw, you imagined in your head. There are studies proving that brain waves can be manipulated so that people think they are talking with angels or some other made up entity. You’re just another one of those crazy conspiracy theorists that ignore the facts proven in the hard sciences.

Additionally the characteristic feature of Gaslighting is the same as the Controller archetypes, it is the internal belief system of having ownership over another human being, or groups of human beings, and therefore the right to overrule the other person’s perception of reality, for whatever the reasons. The Controller has no concern for personal freedom, sovereignty, the right to personal expression and the right to co-existence that intrinsically belongs to all people. When Controller types do not get the reaction they want through intimidation and emotional extortion, they may graduate to sophisticated levels of Gaslighting which may even appear to be coherent, but it is actually designed to weaken, attack and hurt their victim. This takes forms of hitting below the belt and manipulating emotional buttons, which are forms of emotional blackmail to get what they want.

Examples of ownership reveal themselves in every kind of relationship dynamic:

• A Mother who says the fact that she gave birth to her adult son, gives her the right to tell him and gossip to others, what a thoughtless jerk he is to her, whether it’s true or not.

• A Husband says that now that he has married his wife, she exists to service his needs and make him happy.

• A Boyfriend that paid for something his girlfriend needed, now says she owes him this favor of doing something she does not want to do, because of what he has given her to pay her bills.

• A Guy on a first date with a girl, tells her after dinner because he’s paid for it, she’s obligated to have sex with him.

• A Employer tells his employee that he gave her the job, and if she wants to keep it, she better bring him coffee at 9 am every day.

In all of these examples, the prevailing personality defect in the Controller group is the belief system that you have the right to assume or take ownership over other people, and that you can deny their right to have their own experiences, feelings and perceptions of reality. When you deny people the freedom to express themselves authentically, you are denying them the right to be authentic, honest and act as real people. In the Gaslighting set up, the victim cannot be who they really are, without being severely punished by the controller/manipulator, who is threatened when the person is being truthful, honest, or has the desire to improve or explore themselves. This is the set up on the earth for socially engineering mass duplicity. We live in a society filled with Gaslighting tactics that are used to strip every person of their true or authentic sense of identity, by taking away their personal freedom to be as they are. Instead people are handed a long list of socially acceptable conditions filled with duplicity and deception, that they have to comply with, in order to be considered successful or happy people. This list is self-enforced by the people we know that believe in and support that program.

In the western world we are told a popular life style narrative from our families, educational centers, and social structures that in order to be a happy and successful person, we must follow a specific program. If we do not follow that program given to us as the narrative of control, this threatens the people reinforcing that program. If we determine our happiness is to listen to our own inner guidance, and we act upon it, people in the program will tell you that you cannot possibly be successful and happy. Instead, they may project upon you to be a social reject, or use terms that are used to degrade your self-esteem to make you doubt your decisions. The most important piece to pay attention to with Gaslighting is to get clarity of your own feelings, experiences and perceptions, and to never give power to any other person to interpret your experience or degrade what is meaningful to your heart. Gaslighters will tell you how to feel and when to feel, and that your heart based feelings and direct experiences do not matter. Never listen to these damaged people, and take warning from any person that seeks to control what you feel or do not feel, as determined by your own circumstances. All of us must be strong enough to trust ourselves in our own experiences, and to share these experiences with the small intimate group of people that allow you to have authentic feelings, expressing emotions, having experiences that are uniquely your own. Be strong and clear in yourself, you do not need to defend or excuse your feelings, or perceptions of reality to any other person, when your actions are not harming anyone. We all must defend our personal right to explore our true and authentic selves, expressing and exploring our emotions and perceptions, asking the hard and difficult questions, to reach the truth inside ourselves. Protect the truth inside you, and you will become the protector of the truth inside everyone else. Your reality, your feelings, your perceptions, are not up for debate. A open and honest dialogue with the purpose of mutuality should not make you feel afraid, ashamed or confused.

From now on, let’s not punish each other for doing the things that we all require as human beings to become healthy, centered and happy. Let’s not give our power to feed damaged people that are Controllers, Manipulators and Gaslighters. There is enough love and happiness for us all. ~LR

Take a few moments to really get Gaslighting with these resources:

Effects of Gaslighting

Things I wish I’d known about Gaslighting


We suggest you watch the classic movie Gaslight, which is as riveting today, as it was in 1944.





~via – Time Shift Blog – August 9, 2016

KIM HUTCHINSON: “2016 Ascension Forecast: Three Waves”

2016 Ascension Forecast.png

February 8, 2016  –

Much has changed for humanity in the past year even though, superficially, things look basically the same. If you were hoping for a visible change in the world by now, you might be disappointed; however, there are plenty of reasons to be happy. When looking for proof that things are changing for the better, it’s helpful to understand that ascension is an ongoing process rather than a singular event. Certainly, at some point, we may experience a game-changing event or two, but that’s just the tip of the ascension iceberg.

The Majority Has Awakened

Consciousness is expanding and so all life everywhere is ascending. This is both an individual and collective process. As we awaken individually to the truth of our divine origins, we do so in stages. Our personal awakening affects those around us, just as we are affected by planetary, solar and universal forces. These shifts in consciousness come in great waves and affect huge numbers of people.

In the wake of the great shifts of 2015, we are now witnessing the awakening of the Second Wave of humanity. The First and Second Waves combined represent roughly two-thirds of humanity. That means the ascension momentum is gaining speed rapidly, and has such momentum behind it that the awakening can no longer be hijacked or derailed. This is indeed reason to be excited!

First Wave: Ascension Pioneers and 5D Anchors

The First Wave of ascension is comprised of people who are farther along the awakening and ascension process, and who are blazing a trail for their sisters and brothers. Many of these spiritual pioneers have successfully elevated their vibration by undergoing intensive spiritual cleansing processes such as the Dark Night of the Soul. As they healed their karma, cleared their fear-based ego restrictions, and shifted their awareness from head to heart, their consciousness expanded to encompass multiple dimensions. Many are now able to sustain fifth dimensional consciousness while still existing in 3D/4D.
The fifth dimension is the level of unity consciousness where like attracts like. Rather than forcing light and dark live cheek-to-jowl, 5D beings are vibrationally clustered with like-hearted souls. The lack of dissension lets the light shine brighter and the love to pour forth more freely and purely. First Wavers are grounded to a higher vibrational Earth, and through this interdimensional connection, they are helping to anchor 5D Love and Light in the lower two dimensions.

2016 Outlook: Walking on Sunshine!

The outlook for this year is a continued acceleration of the ascension process, coupled with tangible changes and benefits. Many on the leading edge of this cosmic awakening are finally starting reap the rewards for their efforts. Numerically speaking, 2016 is a year of completion. Much of what is being completed was launched in 2008, which is when the ascension process began to intensify for many in this group. That means this year could bring relief to those who have been working through intense ascension symptoms for the past 8 years.


-Sustained happiness and inner peace

-Increase in spiritual business due to the awakening of the Second Wavers i.e. more clients; more income

-Increase in 5D abilities i.e. (nearly) instantaneous manifestation

-Spiritual reunion and partnership with Source consciousness

Second Wave: The Majority

As a result of autumn’s much anticipated electromagnetic frequency called Wave-X, huge energetic shifts are occurring, all of which are helping to raise the consciousness of this planet. Everyone benefited from the incoming light frequency upgrades, but it was the Second Wave who perhaps felt it most strongly. Those Galactic light codes, coupled with Gaia’s accelerating Schumann Resonance (frequency / heartbeat), and the elevating consciousness of the First Wave, is adding fuel to the spiritual awakening that is blazing through the Second Wave. This second group is the largest, and its awakening has really tipped the balance in favor of ascension.

2016 Forecast: What a Healing!

Second Wavers will continue to expand through 4D, a dimension mostly inhabited by service-to-self beings, while still anchoring 3D awareness. Both the third and fourth dimensions are rooted in polarity, so externally we see what basically amounts to a tug-of-war between the light and the dark. Being in 3D/4D, though unsettling, is actually beneficial in drawing to the surface the darkness that needs to come to Light. This includes intense personal healing as well as societal. The process can feel like an out-of-control roller coaster ride, but every step of this intense process is both necessary and beneficial. This is how one purges lifetimes of fear and pain; breaks soul controls, vows and other limitations, and ultimately breaks free of the control Matrix.

Expect to see big changes in politics, economy, religion, the media and so on. On the lighter side, this intense journey will be facilitated and eased by the First Wavers who, having gone through everything recently, know exactly how to help, heal and guide the recently awakened.


-Shedding lifetimes of fear, pain and suffering (a.k.a. Dark Night of the Soul)

-Ascension ‘flu’ and awakening symptoms (products of becoming crystalline)

-Awakening to the truth / shattering illusions / changing the world

-Moving rapidly through the awakening process