LISA RENEE on “Once We Clearly See the Corruption of the System — We Can Consciously Choose Not to Willingly Participate with It — By Not Giving It Our Consent”

“Many have been intentionally confused to think the qualities of leadership and authoritative influence is defined by selfish egotists with alpha type behaviors that focus upon generating an external locus of control-based power. It is important to be able to identify abusers, liars, predators and psychopaths as people traumatized by terrible pain, soul fragmentation and spiritual disconnection. These character profiles generally have a severe lack of empathy. Why would we trust resources or give value to the words spoken by anyone or anything who is a repeated abuser, liar or predator? We have to understand they are very sick, in pain and deeply disturbed. They are not fit to be leaders, near children, managing human affairs or making decisions that impact the world. Studying the selfish and ruthless nature of psychopathic predators and profiteers of human misery, help us to understand how the NAA and Controllers think. Once we can clearly see the corruption in the structure of the system, we can consciously choose not to willingly participate with it by not giving it our consent. Essentially, don’t give your power away to those appearing to falsely be in power and control, and do not follow or submit to anyone or anything that claims to have authority over you. We all want to stay clear of feeding the tyrant as a leader or authority. Be aware of these archetypes of control and where you may have weakness that plays out these thoughtforms in your sense of identity, from the narratives playing out in your mind. Negative ego behaviors are usually entwined with low ethical conduct which damages building trust between people in order to communicate transparently and honestly with each other. Communication breakdowns break trust and destroy relationships. It is necessary to clear out these negative labels of association and to reframe your sense of identity with something that is heart based and meaningful to you. We must lovingly demand higher standards of ethical and humanitarian behavior for ourselves in all of our projects and for our communities. We start by being the example of these higher ethical and humanitarian behaviors in our day to day life. We begin to build new creations and structures that are based on these higher ethical qualities of consciousness energy and intention. We suggest connecting with the eternal God Self, that which transcends all polarity and all narratives into pure loving kindness and compassionate witnessing. Essentially, we must drop our storyline and create a new one that includes unconditionally loving ourselves.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Inverted Systems

Image provided by Ascension Avatar

SUE MAISANO: “How To Daydream and Achieve Your Goals”

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

~Albert Einstein


Daydreaming is like meditation or hypnosis except for that it is more effortless and natural. Done properly, daydreaming can be very effective in helping us achieve our goals.

Your mind and body already know how to get into the zone of daydreaming because you had been doing it unconsciously all the time.

Perhaps when you are driving, the lengthy, repetitive and boring activity sends your mind to a space of peacefulness, or what seems like to be void and silent. With this quieting of the mind, you wander away from daily mundane and goes on a mental exploration. In other words, you started to daydream.

Everybody daydreams, it is human nature.

I had a daydream 15 years ago.

How could I remember a random daydream that long ago you ask? Well, the daydream I had seemed too foolish to me at the time, so it stood out and stuck with me. I remember I had to stop myself on the tracks and put on a mental break to get myself out of the daydream.

As a frustrated Chinese college student who wanted to come to America, I had a lot of worries, one of which was relationship. I didn’t have any relationship problems per se actually, because I had no one to have a relationship with, aka I was a desperate single.

One day as I was randomly strolling the campus on the walkway my mind slips away. Admit this light, glowing and pleasant feeling, I thought maybe I would marry an American guy one day and have a bunch of cute mixes.

I was not sure if I initiated the thought or the thought found me. I felt that the latter was more appropriate. The thought was soft and gentle, and it brought pleasant sensations. I was free from everyday struggles for a few brief seconds while I was bathed in the daydream.

Then my logical thinking kicked in. My inner voice said this was not possible so stop thinking like this and fool yourself. I brought myself out of the daydream by deciding to focus on something more “practical”.

Nevertheless, that daydream was realized years later, against all odds.

Many inventions, scientific breakthroughs and writings were conceived in the daydream like state.

Einstein came up with the Special Theory of Relativity in daydreams. His saying that “Imagination is more important than knowledge” further testifies the importance of imagination and daydreaming.

Edison kept a small bed in his office where he daydreamed about his next inventions. If not for his immense creativity the world might still be a “dark” place.

And as your mind and body grow accustomed to a certain amount of sleep each night — six hours, seven, maybe the recommended eight — so can you train your waking mind to sleep creatively and work out the vividly imagined waking dreams which are successful works of fiction.”

You see, great minds recognize the importance of imagination and daydream to bring out creativity as well as accomplish personal goals.

How to use daydreaming to reach your goals?

Daydreaming is a state of being that we naturally go through each day. You can choose to purposefully daydream and raise your vibrations. When you daydream, you somewhat detach from the physical and access higher planes where energies can manifest into physical existence. You start to tap into the source where physical realities spring from. In other words, you become more creative.

Practicing entering the daydream space purposefully will help you draw closer what you desire. Here are a few steps to help you initiate and deepen your daydream abilities:

1. Find a quiet space.

Daydreaming is a type of “dream” so treat it like a dream. When you go to sleep each night, you put on your soft pajamas, retreat to your bed, cover yourself with warm blankets, and turn off the light. You close your eyes and side aside the day’s happenings.

You drop deeper and deeper into sleep where dreams may occur. You do it at each night at around the same time, same place, same procedures that it’s almost like a ritual. Similarly, with a daydream you need a quiet space, especially a quiet mental space where you can safely set aside the daily mundane.

Find a time and place where you won’t be constantly interrupted. Maybe take a short walk in the woods or on a trail. Maybe use the mental space in the soothing shower in the morning. Maybe it’s a place in your house where you feel comfortable for your daily daydreaming. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to daydream first when you go to bed each night.

2. Let go of logical thinking.

Sometimes you dream of your deceased relatives, but in that dream it may not occur to you that your relative had already passed. Sometimes in your dream you have a completely different identity than what you are in your waking hours. However, the dream self does not question its own validity.

It’s because your logical thinking is in suspension when you are in a dream. You are free from your logical restrictions. Your imagination grows wings when you dream. Similarly, when you daydream, suspend your logical thinking. Einstein said: “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

If your logical thinking is interfering with your daydream you certainly are restricted and won’t be able to access the Universal energy with unlimited potential. In fact, you won’t even be able to daydream if you cannot let go of your logical thinking for even a brief moment.

Of course that is not to deny the power of your logical thinking at other times. What you need to practice on is to let go of logical thinking when you intent to do so. It’s a mental discipline to direct your will.

3. Let go of expectations.

After your daydream, carry out your daily activities as if nothing had happened. Don’t become obsessed with what you daydreamed about. When you do the actual daydreaming, you are delivering your message to the Universe. The Universe is always hearing and responding, and it initiates motion, which may not be visible on the physical plane, towards manifestations of your dream.

Let go of expectations is to allow it to happen and is perhaps the hardest part of bringing your daydream to reality. For everything we do we tend to cast our bet, our preferences of how things should go. If things go our way we are happy, if things are going against us we are worried. Our emotions are greatly controlled by what’s happening outside of us. We truly become a victim with no control.

We entangle ourselves in the process of creation and block the process of manifestation. What we are doing is to compare the outside happenings with what we hold in our expectations and we see this discrepancy. We then mess the process of creation with our negative emotions, further pushing our dream reality away from us.

It’s a downward spiral. With letting go of expectations we lose the comparison. Then the outside happenings become neither good nor bad because we don’t cast our bets, our preferences. This level of letting go allows the Universal energy to proceed naturally without any restrictions.

Then all of a sudden, when you are least expecting it your dream become a reality in a magical way! By then you might have already forgot that once you daydreamed about it. Such is the beauty of letting go of expectations.

Now you have it, three steps to bring your daydream to reality. Find a quiet space, let go of logical thinking, and let go of expectation. Which one do you think is the easiest? Which one do you think is the hardest part? Can you let go, even just a little bit? What are you daydreaming today?



NEZEL PADAYHAG: “5 Tools You Need To Make Your Dreams Come True — Despite Having A Strong Will”

Ascension Avatar note: You may take this as haughty, but I always get what I want in life… always have. I don’t ‘do’ anything except KNOW how it’s going to be… and that’s that!

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We all know that in order to make your dreams come true the essential, necessary ingredient is a strong will. But it’s not that simple after all. It’s not just will that you need, and you can’t make your dreams come true just by thinking about them.

If making your dreams come true was that easy, everybody would have been living their dream by now.

To have a dream and a strong will is the easy part but moving forward is where the go getters rise above the ‘dreamers’.

Even if you have all the talents and all the predispositions you need it’s not a clear way to fulfilling your dreams. Probably the most important thing, even more important, or at least equally important as a strong will, is to have the right mindset and the right tools in hand.

First and foremost, you need to know what your dream is. Second, you have to believe that you have the full capability to fulfill your dreams and have a strong will to do that. Third, you need the right tools in chasing those dreams. If you have these three, then you’re good to go. Here are the 5 tools that will help you on your journey!

If You Want To Make Your Dreams Come True You Need These 5 Tools:

1. The right intentions.

Dreams that aren’t founded on the right intentions are bound to be swayed by the ego and feelings of not having enough. Setting the right intentions connects you to the sacred place within you that already embodies the states you wish for yourself.

Your intentions should be based on the reasons behind your dreams. Once you have set the right intentions, you will be guided to act in accordance with your profound values as you pursue your dreams.

2. A clear list of your dreams and intentions.

Your dreams become tangible when you put it on paper. By writing it down, you will have a clearer picture of the things you want to have or want to become.

This releases your dreams from your heart, which means you’re ready to face them and work for them in the real world.

Once you have made your list, read them before bed at night and after you wake up, trusting fully that they’re being released to the field of pure potentiality and will happen in accordance to divine timing.

3. A vision board.

If you haven’t created one yet, vision boards do help a lot. First, vision boards can entice you to visualize your dreams throughout the day if you see them often. Second, your dreams will likely come into reality when you have created a sacred space for them.

The fact that you intend the vision boards to bring whatever is on it to life will set everything in motion.

You don’t have to be super creative to make an amazing vision board. Just focus on the things you want including the feelings you want to feel.

You can check out on the internet for the best vision boards samples.

4. An accountability partner.

Sharing your dreams with someone you trust makes them more real and attainable.

Seek out an accountability partner whom you know will give you encouragement and knows how to cheer you up when the going gets tough.

Most often these people are your loved ones who are always supportive of all your undertakings.

People who already have what you want are the best mentors too. They’ll likely help you if you’re bold enough to ask them.

5. A visualization practice.

The best time to practice visualization is before going to bed because your unconscious mind will do its magnificent work while you’re asleep.

Begin by asking what you want then let the emotions flow having an imagery of yourself already fulfilling your dreams. Involve all the five senses: see it, touch it, smell it, hear it, and taste it.

Do this practice every night or even during the day when you feel like doing it.

Remember, what you focus on, expands.



PIA LLAMA: “8 Signs You Are the Designer of Your Life”

There is always a great storm before the sky clears to let in the most astounding light. The storm is dark and heavy and may feel like hell but no transformation was ever easy. Be present with yourself in this time, you’re on the right track.

Here are 8 signs that your life is getting better, even though it seems difficult.

1)  You’re starting to make major changes in your lifestyle

You stop procrastinating and do what you really want to, simply because you believe you can. You may make changes in your diet, start eating better and successfully stick to exercise regimes. You choose to do things out of a sense of adventure not necessity or obligation.

2)  You feel like the world is full of opportunity, perhaps too much of it!

When you realize your true capabilities and your interests, you may feel confused or misguided. That’s okay, try your hand at whatever your heart desires and see where it takes you!

3)  As you begin to get closer to your real self, you wonder whether you’ve abandoned some distinct parts of you

Everything that becomes a subconscious pattern, attaches itself to the ego and molds our ‘persona’. When we start shedding negative, redundant patterns, we often feel like we’ve lost a part of ourselves.

In reality, we are growing into the version of ourselves that we always wanted and were at our core. So don’t be afraid and know that you are the conscious creator of your life and mind.

4)  You are not afraid to speak your mind

You’re no longer afraid to speak your mind and make your truth known to others. This newfound sense of self will often affect your relationships; some might wither away making way for healthier ones.

Just remember that they cannot love or appreciate what they cannot comprehend and require time to understand the real you.

5)  With an increased self-awareness you start to understand what you truly want

You stop repeating the same mistakes. Through the laborious process of trial and error you have gathered enough self-awareness to live your life honoring your wants and needs. You shed old patterns not only as a consequence of this self-awareness but also, self-love.

You no longer see the point of putting yourself through situations that aren’t in favor of your well-being. All decisions come from a deep, intuitive knowing.

6)  You notice things you didn’t before

You may start to feel like you can see right through people’s true intentions. This may scare you at first as some may have less than noble intentions, but it is the gift that comes with being in touch with your intuition. Don’t ignore the signs, always trust your gut!

7)  Your sensitivity is through the roof!

You don’t know why you’ve been bursting into tears at the drop of a hat. You’re more empathic toward yourself and others, as you notice more dissonance between you and people you love.

It all points toward healing the self and relationships. Everything that you feel, must be let out and felt completely.

8)  You stop playing the blame game

Finally, you realize that you are the one solely responsible for your actions and happiness. No one else is to be blamed except you. Stop waiting for a person or situation to arise in your life for you to experience happiness.

Reclaim your well-being. See your own divinity, your natural state.



INSPIRATION FOR THE DAY ~ Kara Schallock: “Authenticity”

You are perfect just as you are; where you are. Anything less than this is a lie; a lie you have kept. Anything that is not Love is not who you are. This includes all the illusions you have held onto; things that you adopted that said you weren’t a perfect expression of God. It doesn’t matter where these falsehoods came from or from whom; embrace the Truth that you are perfect and Divine expressing Source. This is what you’ve come to learn and why you have incarnated onto Earth. Earth has proven to be a wealth of forgetting and then remembering. It has been a playground of Joy and of lessons. You have come here to remember who you are and this can only happen when you truly know your essence. You have come to Earth to ascend many times, going higher each time. You have come here to transcend all doubt; all self-loathing and all that told you that you were less than. As you shine brightly, you help others, for we are all One. You have made choices to be more or to be less. Source/Soul will never interfere with your Free Will and Sovereignty, for it is up to you. Yet, as you listen to your Guidance, you will know what choices to make so that you are fully merged with and as Soul/Source.

In the most pure Truth, you are Divine. Anything less than this is a falsehood. Yes, there have been many changes, yet each shift brings you closer to Truth. Your relationships reflect to you what you still must let go of and who you are. When you are authentic, many relationships will dissolve; let this be without the urge to save or fix. Be you and those who stay are meant to be with you so you may evolve; those who leave are meant to not be in your life anymore. However life goes, flow with what is.

There may be a time when you separate from others. Sometimes there is a rejoining and sometimes not. It may be during times of separation that one or the other either rises or falls…to match the vibration of the other. If rejoining is not to be, let it be and continue to be you. Stand strong in your Truth; there is no need for apologies, for as long as each being in relationship (any kind of relationship; a lover, work or friend) is being authentically true to themselves, there is no need for fixing anything (apologizing is a form of self-denial and is an attempt to minimize choice). When you are true to you, there is a great healing/wholing of past wounds (a wound is a perception that is born of victim energy). Be truthful and honest; this is the Path of the Heart; that of true Intimacy.

During this phase of Ascension, many feel a bit lost; some retreat into the old in order to have some semblance of normalcy. In the New, there is no normal, as things continue to shift according to one’s consciousness. It takes a bit getting used to. Bravo/brava to those who are couragous to continue in the New. The old is made comfortable for you, as it is what you have been used to. However, it is filled with illusions. One cannot be authentic in the old. Embrace your lostness and trust that you are being led by your Soul, who takes you by the hand and leads the way. When you trust Soul (your True Self), you rise in consciousness, vibration and Intuition. Being led by Soul will never let you down. Yes, it may feel uncomfortable at times, yet it is true and beautiful. When you allow your Heart/Soul to guide you, you amplify the New. Stay in the Moment, for it is only in the Moment that you find Peace and Guidance. The past and future are illusions.

Gaia continues to mirror our own Transformation. In the coming months, there will be a lot of change, both personally and globally. Do not despair or resist; know that all is for our highest evolution. We are finally coming into true Balance. How you see yourself, others and the Earth is accentuated; you will notice without judgment the shifts. If you remain neutral, you will be able to see without attachment. It won’t matter how another chooses. What you’ve always known or trusted to be true will shift. Just remember that you have chosen to be on Earth now and that you create everything in life. Trust yourself. If a decision arises, take your time. Feel if it resonates with you or not. Release doubt and be true to how your Heart feels. Feel first and if it resonates then act. This is the Heart-mind merge.

All that is within us is upgrading. This includes our Hearts, cells, DNA, chakras and consciousness. All are experiencing this based on wherever one is in their Awareness. Stay balanced and grounded. Balance work, home and relationships. They are not separate from each other; they are One. Are you authentically you in your work, your home and in all your relationships? We have the opportunity to align with our True Selves, which helps us dissolve duality. We are transitioning from the old to the New. It’s impossible to ignore what is happening; do you find this to be true? Love/Light transcends all, so be Love in all situations. This means to embrace your Divinity and be true to yourself…this is being in your Integrity. Our Light Bodies have merged and thus we manifest what we hold in our Hearts. Stay positive, create, have Compassion and embrace your Soul Essences. Be grateful for all in your life.

Yes, we’re in a new phase; that of integrating all we’ve been learning. Healing the old is quicker and more complete; it is easier. Do you want to change something in our life? This time is perfect for that. We can be whoever we choose to be. This is the magic of the Moment. Be aware of energy. Remember, we are energy as everything is. This means that things can shift depending on the Awareness you hold within. See the Beauty in the world. It’s all around you, reflecting your true essence.

As you stay in the Moment and focus on how you want to be and how you want Gaia to be, you manifest the New. In the Moment, you are able to take one step at a time and this leads you to anchoring and manifesting the New World. Yes, there will always be challenges, yet challenges can be viewed as opportunities to raise you higher. You can choose to see challenges as something to fight against or resist; or you can choose to see every challenge as something that incorporates more Love into you and into Gaia. We are not here to save or fix Earth; we are here to help raise her vibration as we raise our own. Every time you choose to be authentic, you integrate more Light. As you shine in your Authenticity, you infuse Light into the old matrix, thus creating and manifesting the New Earth.

Wherever your focus/intention is is what expands, for all is energy. When you end duality within yourself, you end duality on Earth. When all wars of the little mind are dissolved, the wars on Earth dissolve as well. So you see, we truly are creators! Reality is nothing more than what we project outward. As our consciousness rises, everything else does too, for consciousness creates life. How do you raise your consciousness? Through meditating in the Heart, High Heart, Throat Chakra, Third Eye , Pineal or Crown Chakras. Also, when you are positive about everything, do not complain or judge, are not choosing sides (as in religion and politics) and are authentic in each moment, you raise your consciousness. You raise your consciousness by noticing the Beauty around you, through openly sharing your Love, by being of service and by truly knowing who you are.

In these last months of the year, known on Earth as 2018, there is a higher shifting. Our brains are being rewired so that the falsehoods of limitations may be dissolved, our bodies integrate Light more easily and we flow with what is more gracefully. Be in Nature often, drink lots of pure water, meditate, move, sun-gaze and keep things simple. Let go of the attachment to how, why, where, who and what and embrace the Beauty of you.

