KIM GOGUEN on “Social Media Hacking for Mind Control”

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~via United Network News

PRINCE RAY: “Donald Drumpf & The Dark Satanic Global Cabal”

President select Donald J. Drumpf believes, so he said that Africa is a “Shithole” country. Don’t get it twisted from my title. Africa is the mother country of the universe, and I mean it literally. Donald J. Drumpf means the terms “Shithole” and “Shithouse” to be applied to Africa both as an adjective, and a noun. Please excuse my language in this post. I mean no disrespect to the elders or the people. It is not used intentional just for the sake of being evil, foul and vulgar. “Shithole” and “Shithouse” appear only to demonstrate how irrational, insidious, fraudulent, idiotic and evil racism is. Additional, whenever it is Kemet, it is the Mother Continent, AFRICA.

Throughout the generations in this country, our elders stress that if Anglo Saxons and Aryans as a whole knew better that they would do better. And, many believe that Drumpf’s offensive statement disparaging the Mother Continent that we often call the “Mother Country” is the result of being badly misinformed. I don’t believe for one minute that it is true, particularly in regards to Donald J. Drumpf and the Dark Satanic Circles. They are motivated by EVIL for the sake of EVIL, and trickery. Many tried to warn the nation of the ultimate EVIL of DRUMPF before he stepped into the OVAL Office.

Now, DRUMPF, Mike Pence and the Dark Satanic Circle has the entire U.S. government in a strangle hold. Even if some knew better about the Mother Country, they would cover their eyes, and continue their EVIL plans of mass exploitation, deception, and genocide. The Donald J. Drumpf statement about Africa is purely deliberate. IT IS JOSEPH GOEBBELS’ UNTRUTH THAT SHALL NOT HAVE A LIFE OF ITS OWN.



ADAM GREEN: “The Engineered Destruction of America”


~via Know More News

RYAN CRISTIAN: “Under Cover Of The COVID Illusion, Trump Signs EO Laying Groundwork For Future Of Regime Change”



~via The Last American Vagabond

‘MUST WATCH’!!! ~ Ryan Cristian: “COVID Illusion Crumbles With Floyd Contradiction” / “Unemployment Lie” / “US Gov’s ‘New’ Religious War”


~via The Last American Vagabond