LISA RENEE: “Wing Trauma”

“During the ending evolutionary cycles on Tara, conflicts erupted within those Melchizedek factions that desired guardianship over the spiritual power of the Blue Flame and decided to appoint themselves as the Keepers of the Blue Flame. As self-appointed Blue Flame Keepers, these groups started experimenting with directing the planetary core Staff with the Blue Flame to achieve certain objectives, often utilizing planned strategic methods in order to gain power over others. The sixth dimensional wing holders of the patriarchal Melchizedek faction violated their agreements with the Paliadorian Covenant through power abuses when they unleashed chaotic underworld forces and then used them as a weapon to infiltrate the Egyptian-Serres culture on Tara. The Egyptian-Serres human tribe acted as the rod and staff holders that synthesized the unity code between the twelve tribes to hold the Universal Tribal shield. This power grab made by the patriarchal Melchizedeks contributed to the ultimate destruction of the planet Tara and the disintegration of the vertical blue flame staff. As a result, these Melchizedek groups were destined to incarnate on the earth repeatedly as the Hebrews, in which they would be required to make amends to heal these DNA distortions from the Wing Trauma in the 6D-7D wing architecture, and thus learn their spiritual lessons about abuses of power through the evolution cycles on the earth. Some of those in the 7D Wing Violet Flame Holder group became known as the Ascended Masters that are promoted in the new age materials. The architectural timeline damage generated from the destruction of the 6D wing as a result of the Taran Blue Flame Staff disintegration, required frequency seals and barriers to contain the field distortions, which generated further anomalies in the angelic human lightbody template. This distortion directly impacted the functioning of the heart chakra, placing a separation between the mental body, the conscious mind awareness and the astral layers of the heart center. Essentially the mental body and the heart center were divided in such way that the conscious mind was not easily made aware of the contents of the heart, spiritual centers and vice versa. This original timeline for wing trauma is very heightened during this time, as many awakening Indigos are working to rebuild their lightbody wings with the recent planetary plasma activations, by reconfiguring themselves to hold the correct positioning for the Building Wings 6D-7D hierogamic initiation.”

~Lisa Renee

During the ending evolutionary cycles on Tara, conflicts erupted within those Melchizedek factions that desired guardianship over the spiritual power of the Blue Flame and decided to appoint themselves as the Keepers of the Blue Flame. As self-appointed Blue Flame Keepers, these groups started experimenting with directing the planetary core Staff with the Blue Flame to achieve certain objectives, often utilizing planned strategic methods in order to gain power over others. The sixth dimensional wing holders of the patriarchal Melchizedek faction violated their agreements with the Paliadorian Covenant through power abuses when they unleashed chaotic underworld forces and then used them as a weapon to infiltrate the Egyptian-Serres culture on Tara. The Egyptian-Serres human tribe acted as the rod and staff holders that synthesized the unity code between the twelve tribes to hold the Universal Tribal shield. This power grab made by the patriarchal Melchizedeks contributed to the ultimate destruction of the planet Tara and the disintegration of the vertical blue flame staff.

As a result, these Melchizedek groups were destined to incarnate on the earth repeatedly as the Hebrews, in which they would be required to make amends to heal these DNA distortions from the Wing Trauma in the 6D-7D wing architecture, and thus learn their spiritual lessons about abuses of power through the evolution cycles on the earth. Some of those in the 7D Wing Violet Flame Holder group became known as the Ascended Masters that are promoted in the new age materials. The architectural timeline damage generated from the destruction of the 6D wing as a result of the Taran Blue Flame Staff disintegration, required frequency seals and barriers to contain the field distortions, which generated further anomalies in the angelic human lightbody template. This distortion directly impacted the functioning of the heart chakra, placing a separation between the mental body, the conscious mind awareness and the astral layers of the heart center. Essentially the mental body and the heart center were divided in such way that the conscious mind was not easily made aware of the contents of the heart, spiritual centers and vice versa. This original timeline for wing trauma is very heightened during this time, as many awakening Indigos are working to rebuild their lightbody wings with the recent planetary plasma activations, by reconfiguring themselves to hold the correct positioning for the Building Wings 6D-7D hierogamic initiation.

The Wing Trauma in the architecture caused the split in the astral identity, the astral soul layer split into a lower layer and a higher layer. This astral body split generated chaotic emotional energies that remained unconsciously expressed as autonomic system impulses, in which the individual was unaware or unable to control these impulses. When these negative emotions accumulated into aberrant patterns that remained uncleared and unresolved, this content grossly exaggerated the most primitive and animalistic of the instinctual impulses. Over generations this lower astral body formed into a repository for accumulative emotional aberrance and traumatic experiences which in turn forms into the Shadow Selves and Pain Body that are connected to the Lightbody. It is the shadow selves which contribute to an assortment of pain body problems such as exacerbating uncontrollable subconscious reactions and Addiction tendencies, as the unaware individual seeks inner relief from the built-up tension and emotional anxiety that is held in the shadow selves. The ego-personality tends to want to escape facing the harsher truths in the reality and wants to escape the sensation of pain, thus avoids resolving emotional conflicts and negative emotions by putting up subconscious blocks. This greatly contributes to the phenomenon of a lack of Self Awareness which then forms into mental states of Cognitive Dissonance that is very common today. [1]

Curse of Yahweh

This level of the blockage and quarantine is what is referred to as the 666 Seal and is a genetic block in the sixth dimensional frequency layers residing within the 6D Indigo Ray and 7D Violet Ray Monad or oversoul bodies and crown chakra which is referred to as our Wings. At the beginning of monadic level integration, this 666 Implant or Templar Seal can be removed form the human Lightbody

Essentially this relates to the trauma of having our Wings cut off from our Lightbody and is related to the Curse of Yahweh. This fact is what created many of the Fallen Angelics and the Watchers trapped in the earth.

Quarantine Digressed into Mutation Curse

This genetic block became a curse for humanity over the last cycle as it was passed down the genetic lines through interbreeding with the Annunaki, which further digressed human DNA. Annunaki and Nephilim hybrids became carriers of the genetic block and because of their disregard of the Law of One (Natural Laws of God) and intended genetic manipulation for human enslavement, this agenda further advanced the DNA distortions. Over time the distortions manifested splitting between the elemental physical body layers, the subconscious mind and lower and higher aspects of the astral identity. 

Negative Form

These schisms generated Shadow Selves or Negative Forms, and dark fragments in the astral layers of the soul matrix that further proliferated, personal and planetary miasma. The genetic block and removal of these DNA tones created a dual identity in both the 2D and 4D, and is how the “shadow self” or Negative Form and unconscious aspects were first generated in the digressed human DNA. The 2D schism split the instinctual body into separate functions, a collection of fragmented sub-personalities (generated from Soul memories) and a repository of personal emotional energies and collective chaotic forces. The 4D schism placed a barrier in the nadial capsule that separates the astral body/heart chakra from merging with the 3D Solar Plexus mental body. This subjects the person to lower astral energies and lower astral traveling. This blocks the lower bodies communication with the elemental kingdoms, making it very hard for the person to feel “body consciousness” or communication with nature or elemental kingdom. Essentially it blocks multidimensional awareness and Higher Sensory Perception.

Healing These Schisms

To heal these schisms and rehabilitate the DNA, a being is required to learn about the Law of One and practice the Law of One principles, to finally heal and embody the integrated spiritual identity. Once all beings are proficient and accepting of this as the truth as the nature of reality, these genetic blocks are able to be removed as the person is not an endangerment to themselves or others. The removal of this 666 Seal means that the person has achieved a process of planetary ascension, no longer required to reincarnate in the lower creational realms or 3D earth. This planetary quarantine beginning to lift also means the possibility of more enlightened extradimensional races finally being able to communicate with our planet, as this is a sequential event leading the human race to join in Cosmic Citizenship, as a potential peaceful race.

This is an opening during this time cycle, to be lifted away from these genetic blockages and Miasma that have impacted all of humanity. There is no judgment, its understanding our history and the fact we are incarnated down here means we have taken on the imprint as a part of the human race. If we have not cleared this imprint through our ascension mission, we will have the opportunity to do this DNA healing from this point now and ongoing. [2]


  1. Universal Shadow
  2. June 2012 Newsletter

See Also:

Universal Shadow


6D-7D Planetary Wings

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Fallen Angelic Schism Trauma”

“Confronting the truth of Humanity’s hidden history with the NAA and extra-dimensionals in the past, present and future and the accurate nature of what has been perpetrated against humanity. For this violation seals were placed on the 6th and 7th dimensional access Wings in our DNA coding preventing physical ascension out of this realm. This became a curse on Humans 666 Seal as it was genetically inbred through the generations. Fallen Angelics, Fallen Seraphim, depending on their male and female spirit essence, defines their class as false light of the Father (Luciferian), or the material elemental forces that came out of the Mothers earthly body, the False or Dark Mother which is Satanic Forces.”

~Lisa Renee

Confronting the truth of Humanity’s hidden history with the NAA and extra-dimensionals in the past, present and future and the accurate nature of what has been perpetrated against humanity.

Demons or Fallen Angelics are a part of the human and nonhuman collective consciousness on the earth and exist as energetic interplay between human beings that were designed to manifest the required polarities that are necessary for manifestation in the material realms. In this density of the earth counterbalance points were required for the evolutionary process of “synthesis of these main polarities” through the three main sets of forces. However, many of these forces have been abused through the hidden NAA invasion histories and have created severe schisms and destruction that has harmed the evolution and genetics of the human race. [1]

666 Seal

For this violation seals were placed on the 6th and 7th dimensional access Wings in our DNA coding preventing physical ascension out of this realm. This became a curse on Humans 666 Seal as it was genetically inbred through the generations. When the human consciousness was no longer a threat to the Planets or Universal Security the Seals are lifted and assistance is given to release them.

Fallen Angels

The Book of Enoch also lists leaders of the 200 fallen angels who married and commenced in unnatural union with human women, and who taught forbidden knowledge. Some are also listed in Book of Raziel (Sefer Raziel HaMalakh), the Zohar, and Jubilees. See Watchers.

First Hierarchy Fallen

Fallen Angelics, Fallen Seraphim, depending on their male and female spirit essence, defines their class as false light of the Father (Luciferian), or the material elemental forces that came out of the Mothers earthly body, the False or Dark Mother which is Satanic Forces.


Schism: the division of a group into opposite factions; division within or separation from an established … [2]


  1. What Are Fallen Angelics?

See Also:

Fallen Angelics

Leviathan Races

~via Ascension Glossary

Photos by Ascension Avatar (7-14-2019 / 7-13-2019)

LISA RENEE: “Level One of Sacred Marriage: Building Wings”

“Level One of Sacred Marriage is ‘Building Wings’ which is the soul triad merge to the first level of monad merge. The 6D-7D ray frequencies connect into vertical Axiatonal Lines and horizontal meridians that are connected to energetic portals that are on the top of our shoulders and run down each side of our body. In the angelic human lightbody, these two energy centers operate as portals and are called the Wings. The 6D portal is connected to the celestial body in the third layer of our Soul matrix, and when activated, begins the process of the Soul Twin Flame Merge that occurs within our bodies that synthesizes the first stage of hierogamic union or sacred marriage. The 6th portal Wing is in the top right shoulder indent on the masculine side of the body, and the 7D portal Wing is on the top left shoulder indent on the feminine side of the body. When these two spheres of Indigo Ray and Violet Ray unite, the building of Michael and Mary wings in the aura Lightbody begins. When completed we are holding the first layer of inner template of divine union in the Soul Matrix and able to outwardly manifest the first levels of our divine union or hierogamic partnership. Hierogamic union is the Christos-Sophia and represents the perfected sacred marriage of the Risen Christ as one unified being in service to the Law of One and God.”

~Lisa Renee

The 6D-7D ray frequencies connect into vertical Axiatonal Lines and horizontal meridians that are connected to energetic portals that are on the top of our shoulders and run down each side of our body. In the angelic human lightbody, these two energy centers operate as portals and are called the Wings. The 6th portal Wing is in the top right shoulder indent on the masculine side of the body, and the 7D portal Wing is on the top left shoulder indent on the feminine side of the body. The 6D portal is connected to the celestial body in the third layer of our Soul matrix, and when activated, begins the process of the Soul Twin Flame Merge that occurs within our bodies that synthesizes the first stage of hierogamic union or sacred marriage. When we start to build our 6D Lightbody, our masculine and feminine energies attempt to merge and synthesize a pathway up our central vertical Channel, connecting into the base of the brain and synthesize the frequency from out of the 6th energy centers, in the center of the forehead and brain.

When completed we are holding the first layer of inner template of divine union in the Soul Matrix and able to outwardly manifest the first levels of our divine union or hierogamic partnership.

When the merge between the 6th layer and 7th layer has reached a certain accretion level, the Lightbody is holding the first layer of the inner template for hierogamic union. This is the ascension stage of divine union that occurs within the three layers of the Soul unite and that intelligence embodies within the cells of the human body.

The 7D Portal Wing also represents the Crucified Female Principle of the Christos-Sophia intelligence. This has not only distorted the human gender principle, it has been a source of human sexual misery and consciousness enslavement. The result of crucifixion of the female principle represented in a male body, can be observed in the mass perception in the narrative of the separation that exists between the male and female. The male and female principle are two sides of the same coin, they cannot be separated from each other because no matter what body we are inhabiting, we are inherently both genders. Whatever we may do or believe that is destructive to either the male or female principle, ultimately wounds our soul and spirit and creates misery. This misconception promoted to separate the genders outwardly manifests as the external results of the state of the crucified inner male-female principle in our world today. Please see Crucifixion Implants.

The 6D and 7D Ley Lines have been extremely blocked in the planetary grids and have not been activated on our planet or within the lightbody of human consciousness for eons of time. The planet has been implanted with extensive Frequency Fences and NETs to purposely thwart the planetary and individual Lightbody accretion and to prevent the soul fragments from healing. This way the souls of human consciousness are stuck in rounds of 3D dimensional reincarnation experiences never getting off the wheel of rebirth, constantly coming back into the lower form worlds of density. With many people existing with a consciousness level of pure identification with physical matter, it became harder with each evolutionary cycle for the human race to recognize its true nature as a multidimensional and inner Christos God being. This amnesia still impacts many souls on the earth today, who don’t believe they have a soul or spirit and realize they are inherently both male and female principles. [1][2]

Michael-Mary Reversal

Michael-Mary Reversal networks are Alien Machinery planetary grids that split gender apart and are anti hierogamic union. The result of this grid is to promote the splitting apart of the layers of Soul marriage that occur at the 6th and 7th dimensions, which is the spiritual ascension process of Building Wings.

Hierogamic union is the Christos-Sophia and represents the perfected sacred marriage of the Risen Christ as one unified being in service to the Law of One and God. The Michael-Mary Reversal networks are designed to prevent sacred marriage by splitting apart the integration of the Third Eye Chakra, as the masculine principle, and the Crown Chakra, as the female principle. When these principles are united they activate the sacred marriage in the Soul Matrix and build the Wings in the Lightbody.

Three Levels of Sacred Marriage

Level One of Sacred Marriage is “Building Wings” which is the soul triad merge to the first level of monad merge. This is the process of spiritual Ascension that activates the 6th dimensional 6th Chakra Indigo wave within the 12 Tree Grid sphere to unite with the 7th dimensional 7th Chakra Violet Ray Sphere. When these two spheres of Indigo Ray and Violet Ray unite, the building of Michael and Mary wings in the aura Lightbody begins.

Wings Trauma

This level of the blockage and quarantine is what is referred to as the 666 Seal and is a genetic block in the sixth dimensional frequency layers residing within the 6D Indigo Ray and 7D Violet Ray Monad or oversoul bodies and crown chakra which is referred to as our Wings. Essentially this relates to the trauma of having our Wings cut off from our Lightbody. This fact is what created the Fallen Angelics.


1 ↑ June 2007 Newsletter

2 ↑ Building Wings

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 87

See Also:

Hieros Gamos

Krystal Star

Spirits of Christ

~via Ascension Glossary

Photos by Ascension Avatar

Photo 1 ~ 7-14-2019

Photo 2 ~ 7-25-2019

LISA RENEE on “The 10th Dimension and the Golden Eagle Grid: How ‘Archangel Michael’ Is Actually Raping You, or Stealing Your Light”

“The 10th dimension is the chakra that is above the crown and its function is to allow the monad and higher krystic self to speak to the individual. The level that their monad spirit and Christ Avatar spirit speaks to them, the frequency comes through the 10th Chakra. The only way that being can receive information directly from its own spirit connection is from the 10th chakra or Solar Star. That chakra, if it’s not working, if it’s disconnected, the person cannot feel it or gain access to higher self communication. This is one of the problems of why the human being can’t feel their spirit, because they can’t hear it or feel it, they can’t know it. There’s a frequency specifically that works with the 10th chakra, this is known as the soul star. The 10th dimensional one is on the left side and it’s been implanted by crucifixion implants, because it’s right in that area on the left side of our body that has all of that alien crap in it. In further understanding this, if the masculine is the horizontal principle and the masculine has been completely infected by the Golden Eagle network, it is the 10th dimension that is overriding it. Because the horizontal of what the eagle is, is overridden. The parts that are infected through Iraq and through the Middle East and of course through Egypt, understanding that they use that to broadcast false Archangel Michael. That is false male, they use that Golden Eagle Grid in the center of the Middle East to broadcast all of this false architecture to the masculine principle. And it’s generated through a reversal 10th dimensional frequency. When we understand that the Golden Eagle Grid is massively controlled in the Middle East and it has been used to project false Archangel Michael, which is like saying ‘collective masculine enslavement’, the Michael being broadcast out of the reversal 10 Eagle grid, is the False King of Tyranny that is designed to say ‘I’m protecting you’, when it’s actually raping you, or stealing your light.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Michael Clones”

“Created by the Fallen Angelics to counteract and destroy the Christiac Human Guardian Race for control and domination of this Time Vector in this Universal Time Matrix, these are also called the Sons of Belial or Belial Group. The Nephilim Annunaki hybrids from the Orion Group staged the Nephilim Wars in which they failed to conquer the planet, but they set themselves up as the imposter Archangel Michael Matrix in direct support of the Luciferian Covenant and One World Order agenda. These are Fallen Nephilim Luciferian entities that have been masquerading as Archangel Michael since the Luciferian Rebellion. These same groups of Michael Usurpers promote those of similar energetic affiliation in the Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command that are popular in the New Age hijack. Sadly, the Archangel Michael Matrix is a mind control broadcast and biological weapon used to track and hunt spiritually awakening Indigos, which is designed to transmit artificial frequencies that reverse the fire letters so that the Christos DNA template is distorted.”

~Lisa Renee

Fallen Nephilim Luciferian entities that have been masquerading as Archangel Michael since the Luciferian Rebellion:

Additional clarity has been given about Indigo 3 Contracts in the incarnation agreement for the purpose of assisting in the clearing of the Nephilim DNA mutations, including Michael Clones, Shadow Selves, Alien Machinery, 11:11 distortions and the karmic residue caused by the Michael Usurpers. We have discovered that the brave souls that chose the Indigo 3 contracts did so in order to help reclaim the Earth for the true Cosmic Father representative during the end of the Ascension Cycle, Solar Christ Michael from the Emerald Sun.

Michael Unsurpers

The Nephilim Annunaki hybrids from the Orion Group staged the Nephilim Wars in which they failed to conquer the planet, but they set themselves up as the imposter Archangel Michael Matrix in direct support of the Luciferian Covenant and One World Order agenda. This particular group has stolen the identity of Solar Dragon Christ Michael while his dimensionalized consciousness form was asleep in Earth stasis. These are Fallen Nephilim Luciferian entities that have been masquerading as Archangel Michael since the Luciferian Rebellion. These same groups of Michael Usurpers promote those of similar energetic affiliation in the Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command that are popular in the New Age hijack. [1]

False Michael Construct in Iran Gate

The Golden Eagle Grid was taken over and named the White Eagle and combined with the Jehovian Grids. [2]

This area is the most prominent to institute False Michael sightings and broadcast usurped channeling into the Golden Eagle Grid Network. It also has circulatory system linked to Giza at the 4D Astral Plane gate level and others.

Sadly, the Archangel Michael Matrix is a mind control broadcast and biological weapon used to track and hunt spiritually awakening Indigos, which is designed to transmit artificial frequencies that reverse the fire letters so that the Christos DNA template is distorted.


1 Emerald Crystal Heart

2 Global systems, Noel Huntley, Phd]

See Also:

Solar Anointing of Michael

Family of Michael

Golden Eagle Grid

Return of Emerald Order

~via Ascension Glossary