DON’T FORGET TO DRINK YOUR TRUMP-AID! ~ Gary D. Barnett on “Those Who Fall for the So-Called ‘Left/Right’ Election Madness Are Absolute Fools!”

“Here we go again. Each side of the coin being flipped is the same; both sides indicating parties of evil. It is the same game as always, and the same stupid people jump on board because this time, things will be different, and your guy will fix everything. There are several labeled ‘right-wing’ candidates being touted as saviors by the maniacal herd, especially those blind ‘pro-freedom’ pretenders, who continue to trust the State and the heinous and fraudulent political process, while leaping on the band wagon with both feet of every single candidate promising them to do it right this time. It would be difficult to find a more pathetic exercise than this, but at least it is eternally predictable. If human nature is nothing else, it is a showcase for hypocrisy and gullibility, and in light of this current trend, those falsely calling themselves ‘libertarians,’ anarcho-capitalists,’ staunch ‘conservatives,’ and fighters for freedom, are all showing their bare asses in broad daylight. It is a sad sight to be sure. There have been several of these claimed freedom ‘pretenders,’ immigration ‘warriors,’ monetary fixers, and free-trade imposters, who have been recently elected around the world, and the faux alternative media sites have bought the hype hook, line, and sinker, without once standing in any light of reality. This time is no different, and this is so simple to point out and see, but it belies imagination that most people who vote for their next ruler, never learn anything at all from thousands of years of mistakes. All these candidates are Statists, whether they claim that status or not, so are their supporters really fooled, or are they exposing their real character and lack of intellectual reasoning, by embracing complete contradiction? Liars all. The news stories recently are consumed by ridiculous headlines that include; the ‘rise of the right,’ ‘far right ‘outsiders,’and ‘right-wing nationalists taking power.’ All these politicians are compared to Trump, (what an endorsement?!) an insider if ever one existed, and all support Zionist Israel, protectionism, war, genocide, and massive State power. They are all peas in a pod, they are all the same, just as all parties are virtually the same power hungry controllers, regardless of the lies and deception practiced by those spewing their falsehoods on the podium. Now the criminals vying for the seat of rule in the U.S., which is nothing more than a seat for a puppet ruler, will be the story of the coming year, as all the fake ‘freedom’ pretenders, will latch on to their guy, claiming good times for all are coming because of a new lord and master who promises to bring them freedom. Already, several have been sided with and endorsed by those claiming to be ‘anti-State.’ Will this hypocrisy, insanity and stupidity ever end, or will this madness go on forever, as has always been the case? I think you know the answer to this question. Fools are always fooled, they have always been fooled, and they will likely continue to pick their master at every single opportunity, thus resulting in perpetual rule and mass enslavement. But all fools should hurry, choose your new and better master, and run to the voting booth, as it will be so much better this time around. This story is as old as time, but gets even more idiotic each and every election, as even more historical evidence and fact exposing the voting scam are easily obvious, showing the pure idiocy of voting for a master. For the thousandth time, doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome, but finally, the good guy is here to save you. What a crock of crap is this, and how can any sane, thinking individual, fall into that same trap every election, without once understanding that he is in a circular game of hysterical lunacy?”

~Gary D. Barnett

Read the full article here:

Those Who Fall for the So-Called ‘Right Wing/Libertarian-Leaning’ Election Madness Are Acting as Absolute Fools!


Copyright © 2023

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given

“You drank the Kool-Aid. But I’m dead now. In fact, I’ve been dead for a long time, but you YUGE fools never knew it! Haha! Well, you know it NOW! Ow, it’s getting hot down here… ow… OW… OWW!!! SOMEBODY! PASS THE BURN GEL!! OWWWWW!!!!…”

~The former Donald J. Drumpf, signing off from his own self-created Hell

Read related article here:


GARY D. BARNETT: “Total World Connections and Actions Expose the Evil Agenda of the One World Governance Plot”

“Divide and rule–Divide and rule–Divide and rule. Are you beginning to see what is going on in this country and the world? Can you possibly understand that you are digging your own graves by allowing yourselves to be lied to, manipulated, and controlled en masse? Is your perception so narrowly focused that your only reality is sheer darkness? That certainly appears to be the case when discussing the plight of the masses today. In order to see, one must be willing to look and to find the truth, and then act on that truth. Anything less is cowardice in the face of tyranny. Once eyes are open, it becomes ridiculously obvious that everything going on today is a calculated plot; one that has been active for decades, but that has recently accelerated dramatically as the New World Order and its global government scheme is getting closer to fruition. Keep in mind, that this world is being run by the very few, while hundreds of millions here, and billions on earth, are supporting and accepting their own enslavement at the hands of a tiny minority of what is a ruling conspiratorial cabal. Consider just some of the atrocities happening, and how they are all tied together in what is referred to by the ruling class, governments, and the controlled media, as consequential. Consider that most of these horrendous events, and the response to these nefarious acts, are across many boundaries, geographical areas, nation-states, and continents; all acting in a similar manner at the same time. This of course is not possible, unless all this is coordinated among a ruling class of evil monsters, whose victims are all the common people on earth.”

~Gary D. Barnett

By: Gary D. Barnett

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

~ David Rockefeller

Divide and rule–Divide and rule–Divide and rule. Are you beginning to see what is going on in this country and the world? Can you possibly understand that you are digging your own graves by allowing yourselves to be lied to, manipulated, and controlled en masse? Is your perception so narrowly focused that your only reality is sheer darkness? That certainly appears to be the case when discussing the plight of the masses today. In order to see, one must be willing to look and to find the truth, and then act on that truth. Anything less is cowardice in the face of tyranny.

Once eyes are open, it becomes ridiculously obvious that everything going on today is a calculated plot; one that has been active for decades, but that has recently accelerated dramatically as the New World Order and its global government scheme is getting closer to fruition. Keep in mind, that this world is being run by the very few, while hundreds of millions here, and billions on earth, are supporting and accepting their own enslavement at the hands of a tiny minority of what is a ruling conspiratorial cabal.

Consider just some of the atrocities happening, and how they are all tied together in what is referred to by the ruling class, governments, and the controlled media, as consequential. Consider that most of these horrendous events, and the response to these nefarious acts, are across many boundaries, geographical areas, nation-states, and continents; all acting in a similar manner at the same time. This of course is not possible, unless all this is coordinated among a ruling class of evil monsters, whose victims are all the common people on earth.

For purposes here, the concentration can be limited just to the past four years, as the biggest push toward total globalism has occurred during this recent period of time. Beginning with the ‘fake ‘covid’ fraud, this false threat was accepted as real, treated as a one-world narrative, where virtually every single country in the world acted in concert simultaneously. All these countries prior to this manufactured ’emergency,’ were somewhat independent, sovereign in some regards, and many were enemies of one another, but they all came together as one to address this obvious bogus risk that had been telegraphed for years before it was foisted on us all. This is not feasible in any regard, unless coordinated worldwide in advance.

Consider the consequences of this fraud in its mandates, orders. new laws, and restrictions, and how they were universally accepted by every county on earth all at once. Lockdowns were universal, as was mask-wearing, fake testing, ‘social distancing,’ quarantines, stoppage to travel, and eventually the acceptance and mass-injection worldwide of completely untested, dangerous, and deadly poisons called ‘vaccines,’ which have caused massive sickness and death which continues to this day.

Consider the immigration plight and global governing push for mass migration, that has destroyed many countries and devastated economies everywhere. Again, this was widespread across all boundaries in the same time period. This is still happening every day, and is causing havoc worldwide.

Consider the ‘racism’ ploy that has been manufactured, manipulated, lied about, and created and stoked, by all the same players who control the world. This new illegitimate racism is a complete fraud meant only to divide, but any inspection of the motives destroy the entire basis of this fraudulent plot to cause unrest. In essence, this has become real racism against all white people, especially white males, but the entire ruling class and its media whores who perpetuate this lie, are mostly white males. Does this make any sense whatsoever if real racism is the problem? Of course not, as this is just another way to cause hatred and panic, It is in no way valid, but is being used as a weapon in many areas of the world concurrently.

Consider that unnatural fires, fires of such extreme heat and devastation, that entire towns, cities, natural treasures, timber lands, sought-after geographic locations, and human fodder are being targeted. Once again, these are not isolated terror attacks, it is happening worldwide, and in concert. The devastation is occurring in California, Hawaii, New York, most of the western U.S., Canada, Greece, Spain, Turkey, many other parts of Europe, China, Australia; this just to name a few. Most all these fires are much hotter and more deadly than any natural wildfire could be, and again, this is widespread around the world at the same time.

The main blame for much of this terroristic devastation is based on the lie and fraud called ‘man-made climate change,’ and that in my opinion is the lynchpin of all efforts to destroy this planet, economies, and the bulk of people who make up the masses at large. Again, this is an agenda that is being pursued worldwide, and in a concerted effort together as one.

Also, there seems to be a gigantic push, fake of course, toward this insane transgender idiocy, and again this is happening in many different countries around the world together. Transgenders make up only a fraction of 1% of populations, but the exposure given this fraud is again universal. If one were to watch television, sporting events, advertising, and staged events, he would think that ‘transgenders’ made up the bulk of populations. Schools across this entire country, and others as well, are being inundated with this transgender nonsense. It is completely immoral, and to allow children to be exposed to this madness is evil exemplified. But then, control the children, and control the world. It is just a waiting game. Brainwashing and indoctrinating the young will guarantee that when the old no longer inhabit this world, the rulers will have won by default; having a totally dumbed down, compliant, and ignorant population accepting of a supreme authority to manage and control their lives.

Is all of this, and obviously so much more, coincidental? Is it all accidental? Can everything going on in this world happen most everywhere, and all simultaneously, by all different types of people and cultures, and still be considered natural? Or is it ordained by some grand cabal that has a plan for the rest of humanity that only leads to total rule? If most all these atrocities are happening at once, and universally in many cases, is it not obvious that all this is orchestrated, and therefore a pre-determined plot against freedom and individuality? I suggest, that this is exactly what is happening, and the saddest part of it, is that most all of you are blinded by your own desire to hide from truth and reality, by your ‘beliefs’ fed to you by government, and by accepting kings and rulers who you have voluntarily chosen to be your masters.

Our world today is one of secret societies, of NGOs, of governments, of hidden oligarchs, of technocrats, of  ‘health masters’ called pharmaceuticals, of the media, and of central banks and corporate heads, all who are collaborating, and working toward the same exact agenda, while the lowly masses stand by and watch without lifting a finger. This is our real problem.

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Copyright © 2023

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given


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Comments from the thread:

“Hmmm, first responders from another country will follow nefarious orders more easily because they have no family in that place to worry about.”


“Why would you not give the local ambulance Company the contract? And the contract that companies are required to Sign sounds like another way for these grifters control everything. It’s not what you know but WHO you know. Yes, and I’m sure this ambulance company and the people that come with it are going to be ‘at the top of their game’. Another point I’d like to make: I don’t think this ambulance company is anyone that I would want to be around me. Let alone rescue me. I think it would be the opposite. They are may already have information about DNA, about the people NOT to get to the hospital… if you know what I mean… the Hawaiian natives who have entitlement to land and perhaps people that were hurt in the fire, or others hiding. Another way to spy and control and possibly kill.

“‘Falck’ = 33. Falcons and hawks were usually trained to hunt small prey, like rabbits and other birds, as they do in the natural world, but their training was sometimes expanded to include attacking larger prey, like deer, in order to weaken and distract the animals so that hunters and their dogs could finish them off.”

“It’s why I got into numbers, dates, astrology. Not to use it for myself accept to maybe hopefully miss out on some horrible disaster? Doubt that’ll happen but the last almost 10 years I’ve had so many strange experiences. All brought up from my days as a huge conspiracy theorist. At 33 I had my baby girl and I didn’t have that much time for that plus I was not very good at putting it together lol. But some very strange things happened a year before Donald Trump was elected and the 2017 solar eclipse, just weird things connecting. So many things started to click! I always like a good puzzle. I just see patterns. There’s just loads of information to connect things now! Insane time to be alive.”

“Regarding the Ambulance company: Crime syndicate money laundering through their ‘in lock step’ businesses and cohorts! Closed circuit and everyone involved and managed by those few sociopaths at the top. ‘When you’re awake, there’s no going back to sleep.’ Sadly, many, too many, are still asleep.”

“People don’t even think at all… they are SO ‘in-lock-step’ sheep. Even when it smacks them in the face they ignore it.”

“Thank you, Peggy… I really appreciate your take on the crazy shit going on, and all the research you do to keep aware of what’s really happening. The attack on Maui was 4 weeks ago today… what can we do to stop the evil DEWers from succeeding?”

“All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”

~via The Healthy American Peggy Hall

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Never Forget What FREEDOM Is! Do NOT Accept Their Offer!”

“Most countries’ governments have signed and agreed to implementing this ‘sustainable’ totalitarian slave system pushed by the UN and WEF. It’s being executed in the shadows of the fake ‘climate crisis’ and the staged and fake plandemic, which is followed by the ‘infodemic’ the censorship of information and free speech. And now, in 2022, the staged and utterly fake war in Ukraine, which is being used as a silly excuse to ramp up the costs of fuel, electricity, and food. Not to mention that they use these extreme increases in living costs to make new laws around the fake climate change hoax, limiting the means of heating your home, using wood for heating stoves, and limiting water consumption. It’s all coordinated and happening at the same time to keep people from grasping the entire scoop of it all. This is conditioning and programming on a very high level. Most people are worn out, simply reacting and accepting the almost weekly increases in expenses, all while the value of their currency is simultaneously plummeting. People are so stressed out and in such a reaction mode that they can not think ahead and see where all this leads. What it will look like in only a year from now if this continues as it has for the last year. What about three years? Five years? Due to the fake plandemic, most people are now conditioned to stay inside and avoid other people. They are conditioned to do everything from their phone, tablet, or computer instead of being outside or visiting stores and outlets. They managed to do this in only a couple of years. The modern day of ‘book-burning’ is in full swing as the infodemic is censoring everything. The next generation will not even be aware of any other way of living. For them, what we can expect in restrictions of living and freedom for the next five years will be their normal. Is that really the future you want? The future you want for your children and their children? Make a stand and remember what life actually is, what you want life to be before it is too late. Share it with friends on social media, save it for your kids to remind them what the bare minimum of life and freedom should be. Remind everyone that this is what we want back. Start remembering. Start visualizing the future you want. Start writing. Start sharing. And start living it!”

~Joachim Bartoll

I’ve covered Agenda 2030 numerous times on this website. Most countries’ governments have signed and agreed to implementing this “sustainable” totalitarian slave system pushed by the UN and WEF. It’s being executed in the shadows of the fake ‘climate crisis’ and the staged and fake plandemic, which is followed by the ‘infodemic’ the censorship of information and free speech. And now, in 2022, the staged and utterly fake war in Ukraine, which is being used as a silly excuse to ramp up the costs of fuel, electricity, and food. Not to mention that they use these extreme increases in living costs to make new laws around the fake climate change hoax, limiting the means of heating your home, using wood for heating stoves, and limiting water consumption. It’s all coordinated and happening at the same time to keep people from grasping the entire scoop of it all. This is conditioning and programming on a very high level. Most people are worn out, simply reacting and accepting the almost weekly increases in expenses, all while the value of their currency is simultaneously plummeting. People are so stressed out and in such a reaction mode that they can not think ahead and see where all this leads. What it will look like in only a year from now if this continues as it has for the last year. What about three years? Five years?

They have already conditioned most people to limit travel, to stop going on vacations. To stop going out to visit venues or simply going for a family drive over the weekend. Due to the fake plandemic, most people are now conditioned to stay inside and avoid other people. They are conditioned to do everything from their phone, tablet, or computer instead of being outside or visiting stores and outlets. They managed to do this in only a couple of years. The modern day of ‘book-burning’ is in full swing as the infodemic is censoring everything. The next generation will not even be aware of any other way of living. For them, what we can expect in restrictions of living and freedom for the next five years will be their normal. Is that really the future you want? The future you want for your children and their children?

Here is an idea. I would like you to think back on how life was before the staged and faked plandemic. How life looked like before 2020, or even further back. How relaxed it was at your workplace. What you did in your spare time. What venues you visited with your family and friends. The vacations you had or the spontaneous trips you made. All the fun stuff you did and what freedom actually meant. Write it all down. Write stories about how life was before the tyranny of Agenda 2030 began. Title them with “This is what life used to be, this is what we want to go back to,” or “Bring freedom back, I do not consent to your future,” or something similar. Make a stand and remember what life actually is, what you want life to be before it is too late. Share it with friends on social media, save it for your kids to remind them what the bare minimum of life and freedom should be. Remind everyone that this is what we want back. We do not want their future of living within restricted zones in ‘smart cities’ with the only means of travel being high-speed trains for those with an accepted social credit score.

We do not want to be slaves to a digital ID, a social credit score system, or a Universal Basic Income that is only guaranteed as long as you behave like a good little sheep and consume your kibble, take tour sterilization shots, and never question your government or any fake authority.

Start remembering. Start visualizing the future you want. Start writing. Start sharing. And start living it!

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Rubber-Faced ‘Joe’ Speaks with Forked Tongue of His Fellow ‘MAGA’ Satanists in Psyop Ritual”

“Here we go again, playing and reinforcing both sides of the illusion. Joe, the ‘president’ who is ‘Biden’ time while they act out Revelation, said in a clear ritual that Republicans and the right ‘thrive on chaos and that their attempts to undermine democracy could devolve into violence.’ He then added, ‘they live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.’ Now, while they tell you that ‘MAGA’ stands for ‘Make America Great Again,’ it is actually the fifth and highest degree within the Church of Satan, which fits Trump and this ritual perfectly. Keep in mind that ‘Trump,’ ‘MAGA,’ the ‘Far-Right Extremism’ and ‘Q’ simply is the old communist counter-intelligence ‘Operation Trust’ in new packaging; a fake, ‘New World Order’ agenda, running parallel with what is really going on. All made-up to keep the theatre of politics and the Left vs. Right going and to spur on hatred and division among the populace. This goes hand-in-hand with what might be the new script of ‘The Storm,’ that is, more division, people fighting each other, riots, civil unrest and civil war… In other words, this speech by Joe Biden simply fuels the hatred for ‘right-wing extremists’ among the dumbed down people on the left, the libtards and democrats — all while reinforcing and validating the illusion of a ‘MAGA’ movement with Trump and Q, and thus fueling the hatred on the ‘right’ for ‘feeling attacked.’ The never-ending loop of infinity. Repetition is the tool of brainwashing and making imaginary things seem like real. As for this ritual, it took place on September 1st, exactly 80 days before Joe Biden’s 80th birthday, which will fall on November 20. And, of course, as Donald Trump was allegedly born on June 14, September 1st was the 80th day after his birthday. So, we have this speech of division and hatred 80-days after Trump’s birthday and 80-days before Biden’s birthday. What’s the odds on that? Two perfectly synched puppets for the world stage. The number 80 is strongly connected to Satanism, as is easily proven by their language of gematria. Satan = 80. Sun God = 80 (Saturn, as in Lucifer the Light-Bearer). Baphomet = 80 (the symbol of Satanism, the goat with breasts). The Beast = 80 (aka., Satan). Synagogue of Satan = 80. The Morning Star = 80 (as in Lucifer). Satan Worship = 80.Societas Iesu = 80 (Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order). Skull and Bones Freemasonry = 80. Note that on September 1st, there was 121 days remaining in the year. And, as I’ve explained several times, they are acting out Revelation with the Antichrist coming back as the eight King… Revelation = 121. Antichrist = 121. They also call this fake movement “MAGA Extremism,” which is coded perfectly with Donald Trump. If you read my article that was linked above about August 16, the 888-date, and the new script, you know the importance of this. MAGA Extremism = 888. Donald J. Trump = 888. Satanic Ritual = 888 (what this is). The Freemasons = 888. The Greater Good = 888 (how they justify the lies and deception). Mar-a-Lago = 888 (the Trump estate that was raided and started the new script). Arturo Sosa S.J. = 888 (the founder of the Jesuit Order). The Holy See = 888 (the seat of power in the Vatican). The Synagogue of Satan = 888. The important thing to take home from this speech from puppet Joe Biden is that it was part of the new script — dividing the population and pinning people against people, to incite division, hatred, fear, and ultimately civil war.”

~Joachim Bartoll

Here we go again, playing and reinforcing both sides of the illusion. Joe, the “president” who is ‘Biden’ time while they act out Revelation, said in a clear ritual that Republicans and the right “thrive on chaos and that their attempts to undermine democracy could devolve into violence.” He then added, “they live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.”

Speaking of “light” in such a manner is of course a reference to the Freemasonic and Satanic beliefs, something we’ve seen in the very Satanic New Age religions that infiltrated gullible people who think that they are waking up and call themselves “lightworkers,” as in “workers of Satan, the light-bearer,” he who fell from heaven as lightning.

Or as 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike put it:

“LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!”

Now, while they tell you that ‘MAGA’ stands for “Make America Great Again,” it is actually the fifth and highest degree within the Church of Satan, which fits Trump and this ritual perfectly.

Keep in mind that ‘Trump,’ ‘MAGA,’ the ‘Far-Right Extremism’ and ‘Q’ simply is the old communist counterintelligence ‘Operation Trust’ in new packaging: a fake, “New World Order” agenda, running parallel with what is really going on. An illusion of “powerful people” fighting the “Deep State,” killing politicians and replacing them with doubles, and “saving children from underground tunnels” (that is how stupid it is.) All made-up to keep the theatre of politics and the Left vs. Right going and to spur on hatred and division among the populace. This goes hand-in-hand with what might be the new script of “The Storm,” that is, more division, people fighting each other, riots, civil unrest and civil war.

In other words, this speech by Joe Biden simply fuels the hatred for “right-wing extremists” among the dumbed down people on the left, the libtards and democrats — all while reinforcing and validating the illusion of a ‘MAGA’ movement with Trump and Q, and thus fueling the hatred on the ‘right’ for ‘feeling attacked.’ The never-ending loop of infinity. Repetition is the tool of brainwashing and making imaginary things seem like real.

As for this ritual, it took place on September 1st, exactly 80 days before Joe Biden’s 80th birthday, which will fall on November 20.

And, of course, as Donald Trump was allegedly born on June 14, September 1st was the 80th day after his birthday. So, we have this speech of division and hatred 80-days after Trump’s birthday and 80-days before Biden’s birthday. What’s the odds on that? Two perfectly synched puppets for the world stage.

The number 80 is strongly connected to Satanism, as is easily proven by their language of gematria.

Satan = 80
Sun God = 80 (Saturn, as in Lucifer the Light-Bearer)
Baphomet = 80 (the symbol of Satanism, the goat with breasts)
The Beast = 80 (aka., Satan)
Synagogue of Satan = 80
The Morning Star = 80 (as in Lucifer)
Satan Worship = 80
Societas Iseu = 80 (Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order)
Skull and Bones Freemasonry = 80

Note that on September 1st, there was 121 days remaining in the year. And, as I’ve explained several times, they are acting out Revelation with the Antichrist coming back as the eight King

Revelation = 121
Antichrist = 121

They also call this fake movement “MAGA Extremism,” which is coded perfectly with Donald Trump. If you read my article that was linked above about August 16, the 888-date, and the new script, you know the importance of this.

MAGA Extremism = 888
Donald J. Trump = 888
Satanic Ritual = 888 (what this is)
The Freemasons = 888
The Greater Good = 888 (how they justify the lies and deception)
Mar-a-Lago = 888 (the Trump estate that was raided and started the new script)
Arturo Sosa S.J. = 888 (the founder of the Jesuit Order)
The Holy See = 888 (the seat of power in the Vatican)
The Synagogue of Satan = 888

I could go on, but I’m running out of time. The important thing to take home from this speech from puppet Joe Biden is that it was part of the new script — dividing the population and pinning people against people, to incite division, hatred, fear, and ultimately civil war.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official