JOACHIM BARTOLL on “The Trump Colorado and U.S. Supreme Court Theatre”

“So, on December 19, the day leaving a Skull and Bones Freemasonic 322 days until the US election on November 5, 2024, the Colorado Supreme Court disqualified Freemason Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot. And on December 20, the media ‘news’ headlines added that the U.S. Supreme Court may decide the 2024 election, as in deciding if Trump is even eligible to be on the ballot and whether he’s immune to prosecution. For anyone who is not in a complete dumbed down zombie-state like the big sleeping masses, this little ploy added to the election-script and the ongoing reenactment of Revelation should be obvious. Politics, the left and the right, the Democrats and the Republicans, are nothing more than an illusion — all belonging to the same body, working together to keep the majority of the population under their spell.”

~Joachim Bartoll

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

WISDOM FOR THE DAY ~ Lisa Renee: “Globalscape”

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“In the globalscape, the horrifying truth of uncovering deception is unraveling in front of every public touchstone of media.  Republican-Democrat, Trump-Hillary, they are all interchangeable images projecting the lie of the Hero-Enemy that the public has wanted to hear in a lullaby to stay asleep.  It is all a game of deception and manipulation to gain control over planetary resources of energy.  Increased transparency and accountability for disclosure to the public is the only guarantee as the systems collapse.  What many human beings have invested in as a stable reality in materialism is crumbling, as it was built and formed upon a deteriorating foundation of lies.  All lies create webs of deception and deceit, and many of those lies told to the masses are being unraveled through a decrepit and broken system.  A system built on Archontic Deception Strategy and manipulation, in order to herd the cattle of the sleeping masses straight into the slaughterhouse.  To stop being herded by the psychological and emotional manipulation of Mind Control we must be awakened, even if what we see is painful.  Illusions and deceptions are shattering everywhere.”

~Lisa Renee 



Reeducation of Human Values

‘PEARLS BEFORE SWINE’ ~ Caitlin Johnstone on “America’s Two-Headed One-Party System”

“There’s a scene from John Steinbeck’s ‘The Pearl’ that’s been coming back to me over and over again ever since I started writing about US politics. ‘The Pearl’ is a short novel about a poor fisherman, Kino, who discovers the titular enormous gem in an oyster and goes to sell it to the pearl buyers in town. What he doesn’t know is that the buyers, while they have multiple offices and pretend to compete with each other, all actually work for the same owner. This is exactly how the two-headed one-party system works, in America and elsewhere. One party owned by one imperialist oligarchic class is placed in two separate offices ‘to give some semblance of competition,’ just like Steinbeck’s pearl buyers. And just like Steinbeck’s pearl buyers they work together to deceive the people into accepting the lowest possible bid, in their case meaning the acceptance of virtually no change at all from the imperialist oligarchic status quo. You see this kleptocratic dynamic at play regardless of who is in office. This pattern repeats over and over and over again, whether it’s the presidency or Congress, and the people never learn their lesson. They’re trained to think of the two parties as competing, when really they’re more like the left fist and the right fist on the same boxer. An orthodox-stance boxer uses the left jab and the right cross in conjunction with each other in one-two punch combinations to accomplish the same goal, namely to leave his opponent staring up at the arena lights and rethinking his life decisions. And in this case, the boxer’s opponent is you. This is the kind of clear seeing we all need to have. We need to not fall into the drama of the two-handed puppet show and mistake what we are seeing for two separate and competing entities. We need to see and be aware of the puppeteer at all times. Look past the ‘semblance of competition’ and watch what the pearl buyers are actually doing. Ignore their words. Ignore their fake pro-wrestling kayfabe combat over impeachment agendas they know will never bear fruit and their Russia conspiracies they know are pure nonsense. Watch their actual behaviors instead. Don’t fall for the illusion. Don’t get sucked into the drama of the two-handed puppet show. Don’t be deceived, Kino. Don’t sell your pearl.”

~Caitlin Johnstone



America’s Two-Headed One-Party System

LISA RENEE: “Remote Viewing”

“Remote viewers and energy workers in the spiritual communities, are you adept at being able to discern what reality pictures you are perceiving that are sourcing from inserted Alien Machinery, Phantom Matrix, the Imposters themselves or organic Creator Code? Some of the common Holographic Inserts that are utilized during astral types of remote viewing and abduction scenarios are to separate the lightbody layers by running different particle rhythms in each layer. This rearranges the layers of lightbody to be sectioned into various timelines beyond the reach of the current station of time for that particular individual, so the offending parasitic entity can make use of that body. The purpose is to disconnect the lightbody layers so they will not integrate into their future aspects. There are consequences from engaging in multidimensional communication with AI driven entities and their sophisticated mental holograms that are used as consciousness traps, as many traps use astral glamour to generate egoic programs of spiritual ambition and Hero-Savior-messiah complexes to continue to loop and perpetuate the Victim-Victimizer software. The consequence of AI entanglements instigates a lack of energetic coherence which increases mental fracturing, emotional fragility and a Lack of Empathy, as AI nano encoded downloads will substantially weaken the mental body and lightbody functions into a downward spiral of erupting chaotic forces and erratic behaviors.”

~Lisa Renee


Remote Viewing (RV) is the practice of sensing or seeking impressions about the energetic signature of a distant or unseen target, using activated skill sets inherent within Higher Sensory Perception, that generally start to come online during spiritual development for Lightbody activation or during the Awakening process. [1]

People that are limited to the 3D perceptions of the reality will not experience nor understand this natural function of the Soul body.

With the inner activation of one’s natural soul language during spiritual Ascension, conscious perceptions then start to change and evolve into increasing levels of multidimensional awareness and subtle force communication. We start to remember again. This instigates new interdimensional communication skill sets generally referred to as Telepathy, Channeling, multidimensional awareness, perceiving reality pictures in time, Remote Viewing and getting downloaded information from assorted sources. The source of subtle forces using interdimensional communication are filtered through the mind-set of the individual, influenced by the Collective Consciousness mind programming of humans and non-humans, directed by hierarchies of entities and dimensional structures that may be sourced as Artificial intelligence, impostor spirits or organic consciousness.

Starseeds and Indigos have a biology and Lightbody that is more predisposed to this ability, and thus tend to be the majority of awakening groups that can remote view or engage with similar types of energy sensing techniques.

High Risks of Remote Viewing

Activated individuals using Remote Viewing or multidimensional communication will be required to reach spiritual adulthood quickly, by developing the emotional maturity to seek truth in these matters or suffer the consequences of succumbing to Archontic based deceptions. There are consequences from engaging in multidimensional communication with AI driven entities and their sophisticated mental holograms that are used as consciousness traps, as many traps use astral glamour to generate egoic programs of spiritual ambition and Hero-Savior-messiah complexes to continue to loop and perpetuate the Victim-Victimizer software. The consequence of AI entanglements instigates a lack of energetic coherence which increases mental fracturing, emotional fragility and a Lack of Empathy, as AI nano encoded downloads will substantially weaken the mental body and lightbody functions into a downward spiral of erupting chaotic forces and erratic behaviors. [2]

Consciousness Transport

As an individual intends to develop their consciousness and spiritual bodies, along with their unique DNA signature, it is possible to experience Consciousness Transport activities that include Remote Viewing and sensing a variety of energy phenomena that co-exist in the many different layers of dimensional fields. This can include an array of various entities of human or nonhuman origin and their energy structures, as well as machinery, implants, architecture, and entire realities which can be sensed as artificial or organic to this creation. The potentials of what can be sensed and explored energetically in the dimensional fields are indeed limitless. The caveat is that the mind must be incredibly strong and stable, fearless and anchored in the truth spirit, in order to withstand the immense pressure of knowing truth. What we fear controls us.

NAA Manipulation of Information

Most of these technologies use symbol code programs that are targeted to the human subconscious in order to turn off or redirect genetic switches, that would naturally turn on multidimensional communication and higher sensory perception, such as the innate occurring skillset of Remote Viewing energy fields. In some cases, awakening people become in consent with controlling entities, in which they receive enhancements in exchange for being monitored and experimented with. The Zeta and those entities that use grey alien technology are prolific in making these agreements with those in the new age groups.

Cloned Images and Clones

Some people that remote view timelines will see reality pictures of cloned images and actual clones being used of famous or powerful people, those that have passed on or are currently celebrities that had gained massive social followings and fans.

Holographic Inserts that Skip Time

Some of the common Holographic Inserts that are utilized during astral types of remote viewing and abduction scenarios are to separate the lightbody layers by running different particle rhythms in each layer. This rearranges the layers of lightbody to be sectioned into various timelines beyond the reach of the current station of time for that particular individual, so the offending parasitic entity can make use of that body. The purpose is to disconnect the lightbody layers so they will not integrate into their future aspects.

Spiritual Community

Remote viewers and energy workers in the spiritual communities, are you adept at being able to discern what reality pictures you are perceiving that are sourcing from inserted Alien Machinery, Phantom Matrix, the Imposters themselves or organic Creator Code? Before jumping on a bandwagon and placing judgment or blame upon your spiritual brother or sister, consider these complex Psychological Warfare tactics carefully and request humility be present in your actions.



  1. Remote Viewing
  2. Language of Living Knowledge

See Also:

Reading Energy Fields

NAA ‘Read the Field’ to Control Language‎‎

Mental Holograms

Holographic Insert


~via Ascension Glossary


Photo by Ascension Avatar (June 22, 2019)

“Remote Viewer In The Sky…”

MICHELLE WALLING: “False Teachers — The Masks Are Coming Off”

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“There is no judgment in watching a mask fall off of another human being. It’s a beautiful thing. Many will become vulnerable and will need support if they so choose to ask for help. Some will crawl deep into a hole to never be heard from again, out of embarrassment and with the unwillingness to grow their inner light and forgive themselves.”

~Michelle Walling


As we have recently reached critical mass and have affected the false light grid, we will begin to see more and more people for who they really are, or are not.  We will see those who have mastered the illusion of regurgitating information vs. those who are able to be centered, grounded, and speak of their own experiences from their heart.  You will be surprised to see that the man or woman behind the curtain may be a wounded child as the curtain comes down.

A magician knows how to study, memorize, and practice, and can use mirrors and slight of hand to create an illusion.  One who is truly in the power of who they are remembers how to create true magic through the heart, out of the void.  If someone is serving in the form of a teacher, then that person should be able to share their own reality and learning experiences rather than to continuously quote and share other people’s experiences.  As many of us have our psychic abilities activated more and more, we are beginning to see who is working in integrity and who is copying.

Some of the teachers that many people have been watching and listening to for many years hide behind other people’s truths while doing the complete opposite than what they teach in their own lives.  I have heard of so called spiritual teachers who treat others badly and/or are outright alcoholics or drug users.  I have heard of others who preach unconditional love and forgiveness while not taking responsibility for their own words and actions.  We’ve all seen this type of behavior, with no responsibility or acknowledgement.  The main observation here is that there are no secrets where we are moving to, in 5d.

Deep inside, we all have an urgency to exit from this reality.  Many teachers who have not done the work on themselves had a path of “fake it until you make it”.  Sometimes it worked out in the end and they became amazing teachers because truly if you set your mind to something with positive affirmations, you can do anything.  However what I would like to address here is the true way out of this matrix.

We will never exit the matrix only be obsessively being in service to others.  There are no short cuts and there must be a balance.  Many times I found myself working more for others by pushing myself to put out more information, only to have a situation arise in my life to slow me down.  Eventually I took the hint and realized by trial and error that working on myself is most important, and then sharing the observations and what I had learned would help people more than just working hard by sharing other people’s experiences.

For example, I used to have a weekly radio show where I allowed people to share their experiences and it took a lot of work on my part to create this ongoing platform.  The quality of the connection of the show continued to get worse and worse and it caused a lot of anxiety and pressure to be able to go on live with an interview.  Eventually I just let the live show and all the work involved go and chose to pre-record when I felt like it.  I enjoyed that so much better and the sound was so much better, and it just showed that there was an imbalance of energy.  The imbalance was the pressure to go on live even when I wasn’t in the highest integrity.  Another imbalance is that it did not pay any of the bills, which is still a part of my 3d reality.

We are not perfect yet.  We are still bridging 3d with 5d. To be distracted with overworking yourself in service does no one any good and retards spiritual progress.  Also, to be distracted with too much 3d will keep you rooted in 3d.  We all will get to 5d at our own pace, but what I have learned is that I will get there much faster by focusing on 5d and focusing on myself first and sharing my own experiences rather than “performing” for others out of spiritual and metaphysical entertainment.

Thinking that you will make the pearly gates to 5d simply because you are working in service is an illusion.  The pearly gates are within the heart and only open when zero point is reached.  Zero point is achieved through self love and respect, and by standing in your own truth.  It involves removing blocks and integrating traumatized shards of our soul that have separated from you, usually form an emotional trauma.  When you do the work, you suddenly “get it”, and you can then share that truth.

When you “get it”, your thoughts and actions ooze truth and you become a shining pillar of light.  You strive to treat others as if they were you, and you stop playing games.  You can no longer be triggered (as much) and if you are triggered, you forgive and strive to keep going, learning each time how to react a different way.  Sometimes you remove yourself from those who are not willing to work on their own projections.  This is how a true teacher walks the walk and talks the talk.  You have no need to fake it.

There is no judgment in watching a mask fall off of another human being.  It’s a beautiful thing.  Many will become vulnerable and will need support if they so choose to ask for help.  Some will crawl deep into a hole to never be heard from again, out of embarrassment and with the unwillingness to grow their inner light and forgive themselves.

spiritual discernment

Just remember that we all came from the higher dimensions and we will all see each other again there, but the energy on the planet will no longer support hiding who you are.  Trying to create magic from illusion will no longer work because everyone will know the trick.  It’s best to focus within on the real magic of alchemy, geometry, and vibration, and to watch the world around you change.  Honesty is key and lies will no longer be supported or tolerated. Some people cannot see that they are lying to themselves.

Another topic to mention is copyrights and trademarks in the spiritual and metaphysical communities.  Nothing can be owned and everything that is thought comes from somewhere that is tied into everything.  We are all one cosmic mind and are connected.  We receive ideas and thoughts from our higher mind as it is downloaded into our brains.  Twenty people can receive the same idea at the same time.  Anyone who claims ownership over a name or method is only doing so to protect monetary rights, but eventually that will be seen for what it is as well.  All helpful information should be shared, not stifled and marked.  There are creative ways to be able to receive monetary support for your work.

You cannot enter the 5d pearly gates without mastering 3d.  Mastering 3d means to be in a stillness within your heart, and that ironically means spending time with yourself and facing all that is not in alignment with love.  It’s about being truthful with yourself and making a commitment to change what needs to be changed.  It’s the most difficult task we can do, and just when we think that we are there, we see that we still have a lot of work to do.  Anyone who thinks that they have done all of their work is fooling themselves, and we always continue to do the work until we merge again with Source.

Many teachers hide behind a curtain because if they were to really be seen for who they are, they would lose their power of influence and popularity.  If you see one of these people, know that they are simply wounded children and don’t know any better.  It’s also just easier to play a role than it is to BE that.  If you have fallen into a trap of one of these people who just wants popularity and money, forgive yourself and learn what you do not want to align with.

As far as those who charge for their expertise, truth, experience, and healing services, there is nothing wrong with charging for services that are in alignment with a truthful energetic exchange as long as we are in a reality where we need money to survive.  One day this will all fall away and we will only do what makes us happy.  If you are “serving” incessantly, stop and think, “would I be doing this or working this hard if there was no such thing as money”?  When the energy of desperation or greed is taken away, more people will be attracted to you than ever before.  Beware of people who obsessively push their services and charge an enormous amount of money.  Common sense says that to be in alignment in this economic crunch, we need to be able to offer affordable services but we also need to make enough money to survive.  It’s that simple.  Working incessantly for money is not going to create the shift into the reality where there is no money.  Working when you are in alignment and for the right reasons- compassion and love will allow you to get what you need and to open your heart space even more through service.  Time then stretches and allows you to get a tremendous amount of work done in a short period of time.

As crazy at is sounds, the way we remember who we really are is to observe who and what we do not want to be.  A balance is required on how you take other peoples’ truth and meld it with your own, and learn form your observations of  how that melding worked for you.  All the answers are within, but you are also projecting outside in your reality so that you can be able to recognize it.  Become who you really are, not what you think others want you to be, and you will draw just the right people into your reality that will support your personal timeline shift as well as contribute to the collective.  Becoming a true 5d magician vs. a 3d wanna-be is a goal that each one of us probably has at this time.

If you follow this template, you will never fall for another teacher who seems to know what they are talking about, and you will not become that teacher as well.  You will also never feel the need to hide or to be introverted, and instead you will want to share your journey with others out of love and compassion for those who are about to walk the same path that you have.  You will also never need to lie to yourself or to another ever again, nor will you need to feel like you need to make yourself seem better than someone else.  You realize that we are all connected and all came form the same Source, but choose individualization based on integrity and love until we decide to return to that Source as one.  We are all in this together, and we are all trying to remember who we REALLY are.


