QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Question about the Shadow Process of Feeling Shame and Unworthiness More than Ever”


“Question about the shadow process of feeling shame and unworthiness more than ever?”


“When we’re talking about continual collapsing of these consciousness fields, intersections occur as a result of this that have an impact to our changing consciousness, or sense of self. There are Mind Control Programs such as the cycle perpetuated between the VICTIM and VICTIMIZER which is designed to cellularly embed energies of unworthiness, shame and guilt. Predator and Controller forces propagate these energies as a type of bio-warfare into the masses as a means of controlling them. These are implants that have been in place with many lightworkers to fuel persecution via victimization or victimhood. It’s very common that any time we are going to be expanded into a new level of our spiritual evolution, into a higher frequency, there is an equal amount of resistance that comes in like gangbusters. Certain Implants or accumulated Nevative Emotions that remain un-cleared will broadcast particular feelings and emotional states in your body. Once an implant or dysfunctional pattern is recognized it is able to be removed. Being able to dis identify with this as part of your real identity, is the number one and most important action one can take. The first thing in looking at these patterns is realizing they are ‘recorded programs’ and implants within your consciousness. The next step is to not identify these programs as the real YOU. These are constructs of ego distortion and mental dysfunction. Relable these thoughts and reassign their value to your mind. The suggested mantra is to declare your intention fully that you are God-Sovereign-Free (GSF). The three frequencies around this intention are extremely powerful in repelling negative thoughts or attack energies. Set your intention that nothing less than the GSF field is around you, and that the unworthiness and shame are programs that are being used to control you from moving into the next level of your wisdom and spiritual intelligence. Because of the intensity of the polarized energy amplification, a result we are sensing from the collapsing time fields and because so many of us are being accelerated into a new level and being implanted with distractions such as this, this Shadow Clearing process is extremely common and you are not alone with this. It is a result of the Dark Night of the Soul, and we must surface the dark vibrational density we are carrying in our bodies and minds, in order to transmute and release old and dark patterns that have haunted us for millenniums. Become present to these ego distortions, acknowledge them as not the real you, and reassign the value you have given them to have power over you.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Is there a Reptilian Agenda for the English Monarchy?”


“Is there a Reptilian agenda for the English monarchy??”


“I am on a need-to-know basis. While walking into the mysteries of God, I had no idea that this is what many of these larger issues as they reveal themselves, would look like. I have been given the opportunity to look at the larger pieces in the architecture of the planet, while looking at the breadcrumbs that piece into these larger systems. Doing session and remote grid work, shows many of these histories and their energetic signatures which can be read. Everything has an energy signature and can be recalled from the consciousness fields and the timelines. This is the way to coherently see how these patterns function and who operates them. I have had not an iota of interest in political systems, or governances, to say the least. I am a celestial being and would rather get on a star ship than learn about this level existing in the political arena. This topic is about as uninteresting personally as I could imagine. Clearly, if all of a sudden in the last few months, I am being asked to step up into a role of support clearing miasm and syphilis from Tudor bloodlines within these particular issues of monarch timelines, it would lead us to believe as we become aware of this, that there is a purpose for that awareness and knowledge. We are starting to see the web of deceit that has been woven at every possible level in order to control human intelligence and evolution from naturally moving into the destiny of the divine embodied soul. That has been the most mind blowing part of this discovery, to see how incredibly detailed and orchestrated this control has been. How random it may have appeared that Henry VIII was slaughtering most all monks in Europe during his reign, I had no idea he had done that until coming into the awareness of seeing it happen in the time fields. He was orchestrated by Draconians controlling the Vatican to go and steal all of the light bearers money, possessions, value, wisdom, texts, books, and to destroy and kill them all. This is the same program of ethnic genocide and holocaust that has been played out on earth so many times by the Negative Alien Agenda. As a Tyrant King, he had no clue to the larger purpose of infiltrating the monarchy, he just wanted the power and money. After the Vatican purposes were served he was used to create another rift with those reptilians in the UK area, which was the whole debacle of the Protestant reformation, Act of Supremacy, changing out the House of the Lords, to reptilian bloodlines and making himself as a direct conduit and representative of the Church. Wars over God and more bloodshed were now secured in plenty of future battles used to fuel these Church and State bindings. This was an reptilian agenda and action used to ensnare satanic ritual into the places of ‘worship’, which also supported more killing over Gods and religion. However his actions created a future timeline which supported the Reptilian Agenda to infiltrate deeper into the monarch bloodlines. This was a systematic takeover to give ruling power to the bloodlines the Reptilians directly control. It is a direct repercussion to what we are dealing with today, with the Tyrant King ruling and warring on the earth. This man’s actions from the 1500’s have manifested grave consequences that the planet is still dealing with karmically today. The incredible part is in observing how human beings from their negative ego consciousness have been manipulated at such deep levels over the power structure of the earth, then and now. This is all about gaining ultimate dominion over the earth power resources yet these beings played into these agendas having no clue what this galactic fight and genetic preferencing was about. While Henry VIII was taking all the light bearer’s’ wealth and information was to disempower those indigenous peoples and light peoples, the peoples who held the wisdom and kept it in hiding until the lights would go on, the golden age would return. They were being systematically dismantled and destroyed so they could not have the unity and power that would render them as a threat against the dark agenda of control. So the dark control was using humans to trap and kill ourselves, having some of us sell out the others from personal greed and power, while genetically mutating us to become more like them. War mongers, Tyrants and emotion-less killers. Henry VIII was one man, like many before him, and more after him, that played into the reptilian agenda and changed the future history of the human race through usurping the monarchy. The repercussions are still operating as miasms, controlling the actions the Tyrant Kings of today. Once we understand where we actually come from and what we have been doing to lead us into this moment, we are empowered to have a choice, to make the timeline change into a higher reality structure. So every effort to hide the real human history and lie about alien involvement in our world affairs and its corruption into the ruling blood lines, has been made possible. We all have been tricked and deceived by smiling faces with blood on their hands. I truly feel this is what we are entering into at this time, we must face what has happened to this planet and to the human race. Those that control the world, have controlled our record of human history, and we have been lied to. It is not pleasant, but it is necessary to develop the spiritual maturity and wisdom required to be accountable for our actions and understand our role of responsibility to this reality. Only when we understand the Alien Invasion and ET history will we, as a species, be able to put into place humanitarian systems on this earth that are truly in place to be of service to support the potential of the human race. Until the ET disclosure is made, humanity has only a small Band-Aid for the gaping wounds that have been created by the hidden reptilian manipulation and control. This infiltration of the Monarch lines is just one small slice of the overall deception.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis