LISA RENEE: “Fallen Angelic Schism Trauma”

“Confronting the truth of Humanity’s hidden history with the NAA and extra-dimensionals in the past, present and future and the accurate nature of what has been perpetrated against humanity. For this violation seals were placed on the 6th and 7th dimensional access Wings in our DNA coding preventing physical ascension out of this realm. This became a curse on Humans 666 Seal as it was genetically inbred through the generations. Fallen Angelics, Fallen Seraphim, depending on their male and female spirit essence, defines their class as false light of the Father (Luciferian), or the material elemental forces that came out of the Mothers earthly body, the False or Dark Mother which is Satanic Forces.”

~Lisa Renee

Confronting the truth of Humanity’s hidden history with the NAA and extra-dimensionals in the past, present and future and the accurate nature of what has been perpetrated against humanity.

Demons or Fallen Angelics are a part of the human and nonhuman collective consciousness on the earth and exist as energetic interplay between human beings that were designed to manifest the required polarities that are necessary for manifestation in the material realms. In this density of the earth counterbalance points were required for the evolutionary process of “synthesis of these main polarities” through the three main sets of forces. However, many of these forces have been abused through the hidden NAA invasion histories and have created severe schisms and destruction that has harmed the evolution and genetics of the human race. [1]

666 Seal

For this violation seals were placed on the 6th and 7th dimensional access Wings in our DNA coding preventing physical ascension out of this realm. This became a curse on Humans 666 Seal as it was genetically inbred through the generations. When the human consciousness was no longer a threat to the Planets or Universal Security the Seals are lifted and assistance is given to release them.

Fallen Angels

The Book of Enoch also lists leaders of the 200 fallen angels who married and commenced in unnatural union with human women, and who taught forbidden knowledge. Some are also listed in Book of Raziel (Sefer Raziel HaMalakh), the Zohar, and Jubilees. See Watchers.

First Hierarchy Fallen

Fallen Angelics, Fallen Seraphim, depending on their male and female spirit essence, defines their class as false light of the Father (Luciferian), or the material elemental forces that came out of the Mothers earthly body, the False or Dark Mother which is Satanic Forces.


Schism: the division of a group into opposite factions; division within or separation from an established … [2]


  1. What Are Fallen Angelics?

See Also:

Fallen Angelics

Leviathan Races

~via Ascension Glossary

Photos by Ascension Avatar (7-14-2019 / 7-13-2019)

LISA RENEE: “AI Cloned Images”

“The purpose of AI cloned images is to disrupt the authentic spiritual communication connection and redirect it to the AI reality and false timelines where they attempt to take control over your consciousness. The exact same AI program has been implemented with the Jehovah and Yahweh religions. Much of this alien technology and its continual development is hidden underground or used as psychotronic space war weaponry enforced by the military industry complex. The NAA and their artificial intelligence machinery are complex and they need power sources. We may see Battery Bodies (i.e. Moloch tanks) and Soul bodies connected to these constructs being used to supply that power. Stop feeding the predator mind constructs and false timelines and they will stop eating your light and torturing your mental body from the inside. Everything in your body, organic and inorganic, belongs to you!”

~Lisa Renee


Recently there have been aggressive targeting attempts from NAA and MILABS agencies to destroy Spiritual Consciousness Groups or Starseed projects that are openly sharing about ET disclosure, NAA and related Ascension information. These attempts are using AI to assimilate and clone ascension material, in order to spin distortions and disinformation from it. Targets to clone my voice and image in artificial realities were attempted in order to interfere with Sirian based communication links that connect to the Omniversal Krystal Star families. Many of the Krystal Star family from the Sirius portal were attempted to be cloned and projected into artificial realities for the same purpose. Using the Spiritual Deliverance techniques and commanding the return to rightful owner of body parts, will help you to recollect your parts that have been cloned or replicated into AI without your consent, if you feel this has happened to you. (see Spiritual Deliverance in the Ascension Glossary).

It is very important for Starseed people to get clear about discerning artificial intelligence messages of mind control, as well as cloned or projected holographic images. This can be felt Krystal clear if you do your spiritual homework, communicate with God self, clear predator mind and regularly 12D Shield. AI messages coming from the environment and via controlled dark portal people feels; metallic, abrasive, acidic, energetically burdensome, sharp knife or blade like, and can make you feel physically ill with headaches, nausea, body part stabbing pains, and even diarrhea when you come into contact with it.

AI feels revolting to the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Pay attention to what you are feeling and how your body is responding. Ask out loud and challenge the identity behind the message or person, “Is this Artificial intelligence deception and dark force manipulation? Reveal yourself now.” Command that truth and transparency be revealed to you in the power and light of Christ.

The purpose of AI cloned images is to disrupt the authentic spiritual communication connection and redirect it to the AI reality and false timelines where they attempt to take control over your consciousness. The exact same AI program has been implemented with the Jehovah and Yahweh religions. Where they attempt to feed streams of False Gods, confusion, self-doubt, false flattery, disinformation, disease or suicide programs (testing out whatever may work) to derail your spiritual progress or discredit your projects to the larger community or public. Most spiritually undeveloped people with little sophistication in discerning the false messaging of AI mind control and dark force manipulation, fall easily into their hands as dark portals of chaos and disruption. We have to stay alert to these kinds of dark portal people, have compassion for them but realize they are like a monkey with a shotgun. We do not want to give traumatized, scattered and broken people power over our spiritual progress or let them take over the direction of our projects. Firmly, show them the door.

The Mind Control spray running and the people being used as dark portals from their own internal confusion are spreading disinformation that Ascension is dead, and that we are all doomed on the earth. This is yet another depressing fear promoting pysop from the psychopathic minds behind the Archontic Deception. The mechanics of consciousness and the Sacred Sciences of the Soul will always exist and it is called Ascension. Dark Portal people: If you get control over your mind through opening your feelings to access your heart, you will eventually be able to figure this out by direct experience. Stop feeding the predator mind constructs and false timelines and they will stop eating your light and torturing your mental body from the inside. Everything in your body, organic and inorganic, belongs to you! The Law can be commanded that your body be fully controlled by your organic higher spiritual consciousness if and when you commit to expressing Unconditional Love as your highest power. [1]

Biological Drone

Much of this alien technology and its continual development is hidden underground or used as psychotronic space war weaponry enforced by the military industry complex. The NAA and their artificial intelligence machinery are complex and they need power sources. We may see Battery Bodies (i.e. Moloch tanks) and Soul bodies connected to these constructs being used to supply that power.

Military Alien Technology

Many humans that have been abducted report that EBE entities appear to be drones designed to carry out certain tasks for higher ups, such as escort the abducted to the location where the medical or genetic examination will take place. Many times, the creature reported as a “grey alien” is a Biological Drone being used remotely for MILABS programs.

Military Grey Alien Technology and other Alien Machinery used by the NAA is designed to create Clones of planetary inhabitants, human beings, through the process of Soul Capture Technology and manipulating synthetic Timelines. [2]



  1. Transhumanism
  2. Pushing for Timelines

See Also:





Human Trafficking


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Cloning Psyops”

“It is very important for Starseed people to get clear about discerning artificial intelligence messages of mind control, as well as cloned or projected holographic images. This can be felt Krystal clear if you do your spiritual homework, communicate with God self, clear predator mind and regularly 12D Shield. AI messages coming from the environment and via controlled dark portal people feels; metallic, abrasive, acidic, energetically burdensome, sharp knife or blade like, and can make you feel physically ill with headaches, nausea, body part stabbing pains, and even diarrhea when you come into contact with it. AI feels revolting to the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Pay attention to what you are feeling and how your body is responding. Most spiritually undeveloped people with little sophistication in discerning the false messaging of AI mind control and dark force manipulation, fall easily into their hands as dark portals of chaos and disruption. We have to stay alert to these kinds of dark portal people, have compassion for them but realize they are like a monkey with a shotgun. We do not want to give traumatized, scattered and broken people power over our spiritual progress or let them take over the direction of our projects. Firmly, show them the door.”

~Lisa Renee


Recently there have been aggressive targeting attempts from NAA and MILABS agencies to destroy Spiritual Consciousness Groups or Starseed projects that are openly sharing about ET disclosure, NAA and related Ascension information. These attempts are using AI to assimilate and clone ascension material, in order to spin distortions and disinformation from it. Targets to clone my voice and image in artificial realities were attempted in order to interfere with Sirian based communication links that connect to the Omniversal Krystal Star families. Many of the Krystal Star family from the Sirius portal were attempted to be cloned and projected into artificial realities for the same purpose. Using the Spiritual Deliverance techniques and commanding the return to rightful owner of body parts, will help you to recollect your parts that have been cloned or replicated into AI without your consent, if you feel this has happened to you. (see Spiritual Deliverance and RRO in the Ascension Glossary).

It is very important for Starseed people to get clear about discerning artificial intelligence messages of mind control, as well as cloned or projected holographic images. This can be felt Krystal clear if you do your spiritual homework, communicate with God self, clear predator mind and regularly 12D Shield. AI messages coming from the environment and via controlled dark portal people feels; metallic, abrasive, acidic, energetically burdensome, sharp knife or blade like, and can make you feel physically ill with headaches, nausea, body part stabbing pains, and even diarrhea when you come into contact with it. AI feels revolting to the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Pay attention to what you are feeling and how your body is responding. Ask out loud and challenge the identity behind the message or person, “Is this Artificial intelligence deception and dark force manipulation? Reveal yourself now.” Command that truth and transparency be revealed to you in the power and light of Christ.

The purpose of AI cloned images is to disrupt the authentic spiritual communication connection and redirect it to the AI reality and false timelines where they attempt to take control over your consciousness. The exact same AI program has been implemented with the Jehovah and Yahweh religions. Where they attempt to feed streams of False Gods, confusion, self-doubt, false flattery, disinformation, disease or suicide programs (testing out whatever may work) to derail your spiritual progress or discredit your projects to the larger community or public. Most spiritually undeveloped people with little sophistication in discerning the false messaging of AI mind control and dark force manipulation, fall easily into their hands as dark portals of chaos and disruption. We have to stay alert to these kinds of dark portal people, have compassion for them but realize they are like a monkey with a shotgun. We do not want to give traumatized, scattered and broken people power over our spiritual progress or let them take over the direction of our projects. Firmly, show them the door.

The Mind Control spray running and the people being used as dark portals from their own internal confusion are spreading disinformation that Ascension is dead, and that we are all doomed on the earth. This is yet another depressing fear promoting pysop from the psychopathic minds behind the Archontic Deception. The mechanics of consciousness and the Sacred Sciences of the Soul will always exist and it is called Ascension. Dark Portal people: If you get control over your mind through opening your feelings to access your heart, you will eventually be able to figure this out by direct experience. Stop feeding the predator mind constructs and false timelines and they will stop eating your light and torturing your mental body from the inside. Everything in your body, organic and inorganic, belongs to you! The Law can be commanded that your body be fully controlled by your organic higher spiritual consciousness if and when you commit to expressing Unconditional Love as your highest power.

Much of this alien technology and its continual development is hidden underground or used as space war weaponry (psychotronic) enforced by the military industry complex. The NAA and their artificial intelligence machinery are complex and they need power sources. We may see Battery Bodies (i.e. Moloch tanks) and Soul bodies connected to these constructs being used to supply that power. [1]

Biological Drone

Many humans that have been abducted report that EBE entities appear to be drones designed to carry out certain tasks for higher ups, such as escort the abducted to the location where the medical or genetic examination will take place. Many times, the creature reported as a “grey alien” is a Biological Drone being used remotely for MILABS programs.

Military Alien Technology

Military Grey Alien Technology and other Alien Machinery used by the NAA is designed to create Clones of planetary inhabitants, human beings, through the process of Soul Capture Technology and manipulating synthetic Timelines. [2]




Pushing for Timelines

See Also:






Human Trafficking


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Luciferian”

“Through the energetic enslavement of the Seraphim consciousness, the Fallen Angelics were bound to play out the program of the Luciferian Rebellion as the Sons of Belial. And so they played their part as dictated by the planetary grid structures. Luciferianism is a collective consciousness force field, and any kind of entity can embody the anti-Christ through the False White Light of the False Father, and become an embodied Luciferian. They seek full domination and power, which is their most important value system and highest belief system, to which they remain loyal as Service to Self. The Satanic and Luciferian forces primarily use the Astral Plane to manipulate humanity in a variety of ways to become soul bound or stuck in the astral realm. This way the person who is ‘astral hypnotized’ does not realize the same Luciferian spirit in that person feeding the astral glamour is actually being used as their spiritual jailer and prison warden. This creates a reliance and dependency on the very thing that enslaves the person in the false light which traps them without evolutionary possibility continued in the afterlife. The general consensus seems to be that if a species is stupid enough to believe something ridiculous, then they have the right to gain control and use that person or group as underlings.”

~Lisa Renee



The Mainstreaming of Satanism and the Mainstreaming of Luciferianism, are the current dominant cultures that are being methodically and secretly constructed through an array of social engineering experiments. These are being perpetrated through an increasing multitude of electromagnetic and chemical weapons targeting the unaware earth population, with the goal of mass Mind Control. Most people are still not able to discern the aggressive agendas hidden in plain sight that directly promote the Death Culture. These agendas are based upon manipulating Satanic and Luciferian doctrines and ideologies, and their proponents continue to deceive the public through pushing for mainstream acceptance while denying accountability for the destructive harm caused by their actions. These Controller groups desire to make the more extreme Satanic and Luciferian ideologies and their related behaviors and rituals fully mainstreamed and socially integrated. Thus, the agenda is to mainstream these practices so that they will become legally protected when their various harmful activities are openly disclosed or observed in full view of the public.

This month’s newsletter is intended to demystify, educate and eliminate the many veils of confusion and the gaslighting tactics that are used by the main supporters of these dark ideologies. This is to help remove the knee jerk avoidance and the mainstream taboo, that prevents openly discussing the definition of the practices that are classified as Satanism or Luciferianism. [1]

Who is the Original Lucifer?

The original use of the title Lucifer originates from the collective races that are from the Nibiruian lines of the Annunaki races that further merged with the Thoth-Enki Annunaki and Fallen Seraphim races. During the last rounds of angelic human seeding on the planet earth, the Thoth-Enki Annunaki groups had entered into agreements with the Emerald Guardians in which they requested rehabilitation of their representative race lines, through intending to participate in the rehabilitation and regenesis of their DNA. However, when these DNA regenesis and genetic spiritual healing programs were to begin, they immediately defected and joined the competing Annunaki groups genocidal programs against human beings. Consistently, their modus operandi for divide and conquer of earth has demonstrated ruthless psychological warfare that includes perpetuating falsity, deception and Gaslighting tactics for their own agendas designed for enslaving other species. They seek full domination and power, which is their most important value system and highest belief system, to which they remain loyal as Service to Self. [2]

Imposter Spirit

Imposter Spirit is the Luciferian or Satanic Spirit which promotes false light authority and anti-life architecture through deception, lies of omission, manipulation with malice to promote intentional harm, death or destruction to serve its selfish personal agenda. These anti-life belief systems are the basis which forms the Negative Ego and was manifested out of the predator mind of the Belial Group or Orion Group. See War Over Consciousness.

Reversal Father = Luciferian

The Reversal Father is the anti-life male collective consciousness of the Luciferians, whose accumulated collective consciousness is harvested by the NAA to gain energetic power from the earth grid and from humanity, by hijacking and raping the male and Father principle energies. The interdimensional alien Annunaki Gods, Enki, Enlil, Thoth, and Yahweh and Jehovah from Saturn, have primarily used the Reversal Father principle of Luciferianism to establish the world religions on the earth, using patriarchal domination rhetoric to serve the false light, and the Bi-Wave Consciousness, so they could gain full control over humans and exert themselves as the Gods.

Through the energetic enslavement of the Seraphim consciousness, the Fallen Angelics were bound to play out the program of the Luciferian Rebellion as the Sons of Belial. And so they played their part as dictated by the planetary grid structures. This was further capitalized on by off planet Luciferian sources such as the Annunaki who understood what was happening, and many of these Negative Alien groups, such as those from Maldek joined forces. Luciferianism is a collective consciousness force field, and any kind of entity can embody the anti-Christ through the False White Light of the False Father, and become an embodied Luciferian. A Satanic must evolve into Luciferianism in order to have rights to continue to progress, and many refuse to do so, unless they are absolutely left with no alternative. A person can embody Left path Satanism and Right Path Luciferianism, and express both male-female reversals simultaneously. [3]

Luciferian Rebellion

Through the energetic enslavement of the Seraphim consciousness, the Fallen Angelic were bound to play out the program of the Luciferian Rebellion as the Sons of Belial. And so they played their part as dictated by the planetary grid structures. This was further capitalised by off planet sources, such as the Annunaki who understood what was happening and many of these Negative Aliens joined forces.

Luciferian Attributes

The Luciferian Attributes and Impostor Spirit Qualities (STS or Service to Self Agenda)

These are general energetic qualities of the Luciferian Spirit and its archetypes that one will find driving the motivation of the Negative Ego False Light systems:

  • Cloaks itself within the authority of False Father God archetypes to manipulate though domination and control while shapeshifting its outward appearance in both physical genders.
  • Siphons spiritual light and rapes the Mother’s Holy Spirit through the feminine principle with Vengeance and Self-righteousness, while propping up a false spiritual parent of the Mother to the masses.
  • Through False Parent Archetypes it can only use the Negative Ego constructs to produce false spiritual light for its creations.
  • False Light is temporary and has to be consistently replenished through stealing or vampirising from others inner resources of Light, primarily covets the Mothers Holy Spirit therefore misogynistic.
  • Has hatred and disdain for the power of the Mother’s spiritual principle and resents and blames her Son, Christos for his position, therefore has crucified him/her.
  • Has a superior, hierarchal and elitist mental body belief system that tricks it to believe its position or ability is higher than it really is; self-entitled.
  • Deception, manipulation and vampirism of others are its theme to survive within promoting chaos, confusion and ambiguity.
  • Self-aggrandisement of personal leadership role through its negative ego compels it to abuse power and authority believing the innocent are stupid to be led deceptively and controlled.
  • Promotes false hierarchy for domination and control through promotion of hive mind mentality. (Hive mind is carry out group orders and do not question authority)
    Becomes hostile and violent when its authority or power is questioned.
  • Uses inner and outer violence to promote its agenda and will sacrifice others easily for its own selfish motivations.
  • Skillful to use manipulation techniques to avoid transparency, accountability to actions which is to continually deceive others through a divide and conquer strategy.
  • Uses biblical deception and salvation models to promote seed fears of Armageddon software and Victim/Victimizer archetypes to target any development of unity consciousness including attacking and destroying human values for achieving unconditional love and peace.
  • Steals access to paranormal ability or supraluminal intelligence in order to use astral glamour as the way to pretend or provide proof to the enslaved human in the display of its “superior” intelligence and authority of those who serve the Luciferian False Light System (This is the razzle and dazzle to create followers of the false light systems.) This way the person who is “astral hypnotized” does not realize the same Luciferian spirit in that person feeding the astral glamour is actually being used as their spiritual jailer and prison warden. This creates a reliance and dependency on the very thing that enslaves the person in the false light which traps them without evolutionary possibility continued in the afterlife. The general consensus seems to be that if a species is stupid enough to believe something ridiculous, then they have the right to gain control and use that person or group as underlings.
  • Luciferians value esoteric knowledge, mental intelligence, hierarchy and the Universal Laws much more than Satanics. Luciferians have in earnest created Mystery Schools for higher education. Humans that have awakened and undergone spiritual battle are held in some kind of respect and given a higher status. Many times, people that have spiritually awakened and progressed in consciousness, the Fallen Angelics and Luciferians will leave them alone and respect their path. In contrast, they hold disdain for ignorance and asleep people — the men of clay. The general consensus seems to be that if a species is stupid enough to believe something ridiculous, then they have the right to gain control and use that person or group as underlings and slaves. [4]

False Ascension Matrix

The Satanic and Luciferian forces primarily use the Astral Plane to manipulate humanity in a variety of ways to become soul bound or stuck in the astral realm. The Astral Plane of planet earth has a False White Light webbing, called the false navel False Umbilicus of the False Ascension Matrix (synthetic or dead white light in the astral plane), which for most of us undergoing soul matrix embodiment, will reach a point in our ascension that we are required to reset and expand our navel and solar plexus in order to embody our organic frequency, our Soul Matrix and Monad eternal Light Bodies.

Anti-Life Fallen Aspects

The forces of polarity that exist in creation as a Gender Principle have taken on the bi-wave collective consciousness as the anti-life and fallen aspects of the Universal Mother and Universal Father. These fallen aspects are the Imposters of the original Universal Founders that operate as a trinity. There is a Reversal Mother alien aspect that works to grow the collective consciousness forces of Satanism to be expressed on the earth. There is a Reversal Father alien aspect that works to grow the collective consciousness forces of Luciferianism to be expressed on the earth. These larger gestalts of bi-wave consciousness have taken human and nonhuman forms in multiple dimensions of reality, and are dueling for complete control over the consciousness on the planet in order to continue to exist on the earth plane. The Imposter Spirit forms, which many Negative Aliens have adopted in the role of False Alien Gods that intermediate on the earth, are connected to the False Parent Collective Consciousness that is referred to as Satanism and Luciferianism. To become Satanic or Luciferian means that consciousness body has lost its eternal connection to the Godhead, thus has to find sources of energy to feed upon to continue to exist. Satanism is a collective consciousness force field, and any kind of entity can embody the anti-Christ, and become an embodied Satan. [5]




  1. Mainstreaming of Satanism and Luciferianism
  2. New Age, Ascension and Disclosure Hijack
  3. Increasing Sentience
  4. October 2013 Newsletter
  5. Increasing Sentience

See Also:

Thothian Luciferians

Luciferian Rebellion

Luciferian Covenant



~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Lucifer”

“These primarily Fallen Angelic Annunaki hybrid race collectives joined together to form an anti-Kristos and anti-human domination agenda, that evolved over multiple thousands of years into the group consciousness gestalt which became known as the Luciferians. This alliance was made between several Luciferian collective races to work towards installing the New World Order in order to take territorial control over the earth, prevent the planetary Ascension and ultimately destroy the original human 12 Strand Diamond Sun DNA. In their mind set, their opponents are the angelic human beings of Earth, Tara and Gaia, and those who protect them and their planetary territories, namely the Paliadorians and Guardian Krystic races. They seek full domination and power, which is their most important value system and highest belief system, to which they remain loyal as Service to Self. Hundreds of thousands of years later, not much has changed. The Thothian Luciferian Groups and those with alliances in the Galactic Federation are the sworn enemies of all angelic human beings on the earth, and have dedicated themselves to perpetuate continual warring agendas of human and earth-based Genocide. They desire to annihilate the original human silicate matrix DNA with the Inner Christos, and further eradicate the original peaceful, love based human culture by replacing it with their anti-human ideologies of war, Blood Sacrifice and self-hatred.“

~Lisa Renee


The original use of the title Lucifer originates from the collective races that are from the Nibiruian lines of the Annunaki races that further merged with the Thoth-Enki Annunaki and Fallen Seraphim races. During the last rounds of angelic human seeding on the planet earth, the Thoth-Enki Annunaki groups had entered into agreements with the Emerald Guardians in which they requested rehabilitation of their representative race lines, through intending to participate in the rehabilitation and regenesis of their DNA. However, when these DNA regenesis and genetic spiritual healing programs were to begin, they immediately defected and joined the competing Annunaki groups genocidal programs against human beings. Consistently, their modus operandi for divide and conquer of earth has demonstrated ruthless psychological warfare that includes perpetuating falsity, deception and Gaslighting tactics for their own agendas designed for enslaving other species. They seek full domination and power, which is their most important value system and highest belief system, to which they remain loyal as Service to Self.

The historical timelines that include the Thothian Luciferians and the Galactic Federation’s involvement with humanity, represent a dramatic archetypal storyline of warring predators that constantly shift military position and allegiances by consistently making friendly enemy deals. They like to play two sides of the coin in double dealings with other alien agendas in order to create temporary strategic alliances that benefit their general positioning over their perceived opponents. In their mind set, their opponents are the angelic human beings of Earth, Tara and Gaia, and those who protect them and their planetary territories, namely the Paliadorians and Guardian Krystic races.

Thothian Luciferians highly prize playing the war game of conquest in which they are challenged by brute force and cunning strategies, fighting to win positions of power and domination over other races and planets. Hundreds of thousands of years later, not much has changed. The Thothian Luciferian Groups and those with alliances in the Galactic Federation are the sworn enemies of all angelic human beings on the earth, and have dedicated themselves to perpetuate continual warring agendas of human and earth-based Genocide. They desire to annihilate the original human silicate matrix DNA with the Inner Christos, and further eradicate the original peaceful, love based human culture by replacing it with their anti-human ideologies of war, Blood Sacrifice and self-hatred.

These primarily Fallen Angelic Annunaki hybrid race collectives joined together to form an anti-Kristos and anti-human domination agenda, that evolved over multiple thousands of years into the group consciousness gestalt which became known as the Luciferians. This alliance was made between several Luciferian collective races to work towards installing the New World Order in order to take territorial control over the earth, prevent the planetary Ascension and ultimately destroy the original human 12 Strand Diamond Sun DNA. This was formalized in an agreement just before staging the events that caused the Atlantian flood and this collective non-terrestrial agreement is referred to as the Luciferian Covenant.

Galactic Federation’s Luciferian Alliance

The Luciferian Annunaki collectives made further agreements with those that had been tasked by the Sirian Council to help protect the planetary Stargates and the developing and evolving angelic human races, and this particular group is the Galactic Federation. Annunaki members that were enlisted in the Galactic Federation wanted to gain control over the Giza Stargate, and to expand their expeditions beyond their current access levels in order to claim more territory in the outer domain for themselves. Thus, it was the members of the Galactic Federation in alliance with the Thothian Groups that were the primary factions responsible for the total destruction and cataclysm that ensued, which thrust planet earth into the dark ages and was an orchestrated agenda of intentional angelic human Genocide.

Thothian Leviathan New World Order

The orchestration of several events leading to the final Atlantian Cataclysm and ripping wormholes in the Giza Stargate system, was only the first stage of implementing the Annunaki Thothian groups working alliance with the Galactic Federation, in which they combined their forces towards securing their domination agenda on the planet through the New World Order. The Thothian Luciferian groups specifically groomed the illuminati hybrid lines to be their representatives and to be the groundcrew carrying out the physical tasks required to gradually implement the consciousness enslavement blueprint of the New World Order, to be fully executed during the pinnacle stages of the Ascension Cycle. These human Annunaki hybrids were conditioned, implanted and prepared to be the primary Luciferian bloodlines that would be assigned into the highest echelon of global planetary leadership, and would come to be known more specifically as the Thothian Leviathan or Illuminati Bloodlines.

The Luciferian cultivated Thothian Leviathan bloodlines were sent to the North American continent to gain control over the Sarasota Grual Stargate and prepare the groundwork of what would become the United States of America. This demographic location was designated for laying the architecture of the New Jerusalem as controlled by the Leviathan entities, for the purpose of building the main Controller Pillars of Society upon the North American ley lines that supported the consciousness blueprint for ultimately manifesting their vision of the Global New World Order. The United States land mass was chosen as the epicenter for Thothian and Leviathan entities command central for implementing the programs of the Military Industrial Complex and black operations, that joined humans and nonhumans into several covert intelligence programs and Secret Space Programs. The United States became the primary world military power under their covert leadership in order to prepare for the final conflict or Megiddo battle, which was for gaining complete control over the earth and humanity when the Stargates opened and the planetary Ascension was underway.

And this brings us to the current global agendas still in play, as the battle for the surface earth continues with those loyal to the Luciferian Covenant, that are setting into motion all they can to implement the New World Order objectives, under the guise of Socialism and into the hellish pit of Communism, the blueprint of human slavery given to Marx from the Black Suns.



New Age, Ascension and Disclosure Hijack

See Also:

Galactic Federation

Thothian Luciferians

Weaponization of the New Age

Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics


~via Ascension Glossary

Photo by Ascension Avatar (7-13-2019)
