LISA RENEE on “The Holy Matrimony of Emerald Order White Queen and Red King”

Holy Matrimony of Emerald Order White Queen and Red King (art by Elizabeth)

Guardians gathered to witness the holy matrimony of the Hierogamic Union between the Cosmic Mother’s White Queen and Cosmic Father’s Red King as the sacred marriage coupling was made in the throne room of the Hill of Tara complex, returning in the Emerald Diamond Sun template into the planetary grid. Imagine one White Queen and Red King couple, standing at the altar in front of the Lia Fail, the white queen is wearing a beautiful white lace filigree ornate gown, holding a bouquet of white roses, the red king is wearing a black tux with neck tie embossed with four leaf clovers, with a single red rose in his breast pocket. The Holy Mother Sophia and the Benevolent Christos Solar King pray together as one Emerald Crystal Heart united with God, as one mind united with God, one sacred hierogamic body united with God throughout eternity. Our White Queen and Red King are embodied as the beloved Christos-Sophia embodying the Spiritual Reclamation of the Emerald Order, as the clarion call is made to the Cosmic Emerald Suns. Our prayers to this Sacred Marriage of the Earth! May the process of Sacred Marriage find its true purpose with nature as one with the house of God in Cosmic Sovereign Law. May the eternal light of the Triple Solar Christ and Triple Solar Christos-Sophia return their Hierogamic Crown and Emerald Crystal Heart wisdom to bless the Sacred Union of beauty upon beauty to be poured upon the peoples of the Earth.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Emerald Crystal Heart of Eire

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