NEZEL PADAYHAG: “The 7 Biggest Differences Between A Human Spirit And A Human Soul”

The spirit and soul are part of the essential elements of the human being. But often times these terms are misunderstood used interchangeably.

Even if these two are both parts of who you are, they’re not one and the same. Knowing how they differ from each other is a great help in knowing more about yourself.

In his book, One Solitary Life: From The Unknown To The Known?, Anthony Fisichella tried to explain that the Spirit is like the electricity that lights up the bulb, which is the soul.

The spirit is The One source that lights up our souls. If this stretches your imagination, let’s just know the different characteristics of each to make an elaborate distinction.

Indeed, the ‘spirit’ of a warrior and a ‘soulful’ song sound much different, right? Here are the greatest differences between these two.

7 Biggest Differences Between A Human Spirit And A Human Soul


The Spirit:

– It provides you the Consciousness of Self.

– It is an awareness that is always present in the Now.

– It is a vessel serving as your direct connection to the Source.

– It’s where your intuition connects.

– It’s where your life purpose stems from.

– It is one aspect, a projection of your soul, just like your body.


A lack of connection to the Spirit results to:

– Depression

– Disconnection

– Unworthiness

– Lack of purpose


The Soul:

– It is unique to each one.

– It contains all the memories of your lifetimes.

– It consists of your ancestral karma, perception, and experiences.

– It carries your potentialities, talents, and abilities.

– It is your blueprint in life.

– It is the book you’re writing across all The Universe, and which imprint you will leave.

– It’s heavily influenced by the ego mind but underneath is your greatest unfolding.




SWAMI RAMA: “The Spiritual Layers of Man”

“The spiritual body knows all things, lives in utmost purity, and gathers true, divine knowledge. Its energy vivifies and nourishes all the other bodies of man.”

~Swami Rama


Since the beginning of mankind, man has wondered who he is, what he is doing here, and where he is going after death. He looked at the outer world and fell in awe before the forces of nature. He looked inside and discovered that he was more than a physical body. He experimented with plants and with meditation, and found that he and his environment also existed on other levels of consciousness. He passed on his knowledge orally and later he wrote down his experiences. Thus his fellow human beings and their descendants could learn about this, and on the basis hereof interpret their own experiences.

At present we live in society where the emphases is on material gain and security, by which the other facets of life, namely the spiritual, have been well suppressed.

Nevertheless people continue to experience states of existence, and facets of life, other than the material. From this I have gathered information to present you with an overview of the makeup of man, the different planes of existence available to him, and the continuing of his life after the transition we call death. It is essential to your well-being to know who you are and what happens after death. We all share the gift of living, so we should know who we are; and we all share the same destiny in this life, so we should know what is death.

Human beings like to interpret, categorize and label their experiences. Nature, or life, do not do that. Bear in mind that what follows is an attempt to make the information understandable and clear. Every interpretation, categorization and labeling is artificial and should not be taken as the unmistakable truth. They are like sign posts, giving you an idea what you are about.

The Basic Trinity of Man

The most basic distinction we can make in regards to the make-up of man is that he consists of a personality, an individuality and a divine essence.

The personality is the lower self, consisting of the physical body and the psychic soul. It has the genetics of its forefathers, the energy system to keep the physical body alive, and the psychological and psychic characteristics that define us as human. He has the abilities to express himself through thought, language, and other intellectual capacities.

The personality is a unit of incarnation, it is all those bodies and all those characteristics you have taken on for this incarnation. As it belongs to the world of form, it is temporary. It was created to express yourself in this world on a temporary basis. When you die, the personality dissolves. The experiences you have gained during your lifetime are then being absorbed by your individuality.

The individuality is the higher self. It is the unit of evolution. It does not die but remains the same throughout the many incarnations. It learns from all the experiences in those incarnations. While the personality often does not know why it incarnated, as with every birth memory of the past has been wiped out, the individuality has an overview of all incarnations, and of the meaning of everything that happens to the person. Eventually the individuality will go back into the Divine.

The divine essence is what man always has been, at this moment is, and always will be. Each living being is a part of the Divine. It is often compared with a star, or a light spark. Although it seems that each living being is a separate light spark in this universe of darkness, our divine essence links us all together, as in the Divine there is no distinction, only unity prevails. Our divine essence does not know duality, only unity.

Our language is too limited to express the Divine, but we try it anyway and thus we say that the Divine, and our divine essence, is perfect, immortal, eternal, unchangeable, formless and so on. The individuality and personality are not perfect, mortal, temporal, subjected to change, have form and so on.

The Bodies of Man

There are several systems, doctrines, and philosophies that have their own classification and names for the different bodies of man. Aside from some minor details they all fit together in the following basic schematic.

  • The physical body
  • The astral body
  • The mental body
  • The spiritual body

All these bodies belong to the world of creation, and thus are temporal. They have form and each has a specific function that allows man to express himself in the world.

The Physical Body

The physical body allows man to express himself in the physical world. It is built out of cells, molecules and atoms, and it needs food to survive. It is the most crystallized of al bodies, and the most dense. The physical body is male or female, and this polarity plays an immense role in the life of man.

The physical body is kept alive and structured by the ethereal body. The ethereal body is often seen as a separate body, but it is actually a template, a matrix for the physical body. The physical atoms, molecules and cells arrange themselves according to the structure of the ethereal body. The ethereal matrix looks like a web of energy lines, like light fibers which attract physical matter and arrange it into a physical body.

You can say that the physical body is a duplicate of the ethereal body. Did you know that with children, when a piece of a finger got cut off, the entire finger will grow back again (for some reason this ability gets lost in later years). How do the cells know how to structure themselves in order to grow a new finger? It is because they follow the ethereal matrix along which they align themselves. In primitive animals, like salamanders, this ability remains for their entire live. They will grow a new limb, or tail, easily. The ethereal body is responsible for the pain of so-called phantom limbs. It has been a medical mystery for a long time, that when a limb has been amputated, the patient will feel pain in this limb that actually is not there anymore. The pain is often long-lasting. In the light of the above we can explain this pain in phantom limbs. Although the physical limb has gone, the ethereal counterpart is still there. The surgical removal of that limb created an immense trauma on the body. In normal circumstances traumas settles themselves on muscles, creating muscle spasms which in turn creates pain. As the physical body by itself is inert, the trauma always happens on the level of the ethereal body, which will pass on the trauma to the physical body, mostly to the muscles. In the case of an amputated limb, the trauma is still in the ethereal counterpart of that limb, and thus pain is felt. It just does not have the ability to express itself on the physical level. People have successfully removed this ‘phantom’ pain by methods of relaxation, hypnosis and energy work.

Although the physical body can loose parts or can be deformed during the course of a lifetime, the ethereal body always remains the same. The only change that can happen to the ethereal body is constriction on the energy flow through its fibers (also called nadis). This will result in ailments and diseases in the physical body. When the nadis are ‘cleared’, or the constriction of them lifted, by energy healing of one kind or another, the physical ailments or diseases will disappear.

The ethereal body absorbs the solar and lunar pranas (subtle energies) and transforms them into the necessary life energies for the physical body. They keep the physical body not only alive but also healthy. The ethereal body acts especially on the muscles, and with the ethereal body we experience time.
The physical body, as it is composed of physical matter is by itself inert. It is through the ethereal body that we feel pain, suffering, hunger, thirst and other ‘physical’ comforts or discomforts.

The Astral Body

The astral body is the body that allows us the experience of emotions, lust, instincts, desires and so on.

The astral body does not have organs, although it takes on a form similar to the physical body. It is composed of little astral particles which are in constant movement. The astral body takes up these astral particles from its astral environment and then ‘breathes’ them out again. The astral can take any shape, but usually it takes the form of the physical body of the present or last incarnation as consciousness has gotten used to identifying itself with this form. It is called ‘astral’ body because it glitters like stars when observed clairvoyantly.

The Mental Body

The mental body allows us the experience of thoughts, thinking, and rational processes. The intellect. It still has a form, but not necessarily a human form. Its form is abstract and geometrical, although it can take on an apparent physical form to make oneself recognizable on the lower levels of existence.
The mental body cannot think by itself, as it does not have a consciousness by it own. It is more like an automatic body that stores information and transfers what it receives.

The mental body is sometimes divided into two: The lower mental body, which is the seat of practical thinking; The higher mental body, also called the causal body, which is the level of abstract thinking, and which contains the causes of everything that manifest in the lower bodies and worlds. It contains the knowledge of all past and present incarnations, and the roots of and possibilities of future incarnations. It is the gateway to universal knowledge and spiritual development. Although some authors make a distinction between the causal body and the spiritual body, there are probably one and the same.

The Spiritual Body

The spiritual body allows us to experience the highest forms of human manifestation. We could call it a cosmic body and it is close to divine realm.

It is not a real body as it is not subjected to form. On this level the ego ceases to exists. One is free of duality and its constructs. Here is the experience of oneness of everything that exists.

The spiritual body knows all things, lives in utmost purity, and gathers true, divine knowledge. Its energy vivifies and nourishes all the other bodies of man.



~source: “Living With The Himalayan Masters” by Swami Rama (1978, Himalayan Institute)

PAULA VANDERZON: “How To Stop Being Human”


When anchoring into the 5D matrix it is important to leave your humanness behind because it just weighs you down.  The higher dimensional being that you are is not human and when you anchor into the 5th dimensional matrix you are no longer human – not as you know a human to be anyway.  There are new character traits and ways of behavior and being.  So you need to wipe clean any trace of humanness as you know it, to make way for a New Human to emerge.  You don’t suddenly become an alien or start glowing, it is not about becoming something else completely, but it is about awakening the new you which has been trapped in the 3D matrix of human suffering and control.

The ego is a major part of being human.  It is about safety and you definitely don’t need safety in the 5th dimension.  There is no such thing as safety – what are you trying to be safe from?  This concept just doesn’t exist in 5th dimensional reality.

When you want to feel safe in 3D then you make up stories in your mind that help you feel safe.  These include stories about confrontations and arguments in your life where you convince yourself that others are to blame for your circumstances or events happening to you.  This is your reality but it also an ego trait.  Don’t focus on whose fault it is, just take ownership for the part you played and don’t try and blame anyone else.  If you messed up, so what, own this and then let go of being human.

In the 5th dimension you can’t mess anything up because there is nothing to ruin or get wrong.  Everything is happening perfectly.  As it does in the 3rd dimension but the humanness in you needs to put meaning and reasons, and good and bad, and right or wrong, on every event in order to feel safe and comfortable.  Which is why you need an ego to help you do this.

So the first step in anchoring to 5D is to let go of ego, take the fall, be responsible for all your choices and move on into a state of being where you can’t mess up and where you don’t need your ego to tell you it is everyone else’s fault in order to feel safe and loved.

Feeling or needing to be loved is something that also needs to go before anchoring into 5D.  When we feel loved we feel safe.  This is how we form our tribes to survive.  We rely on others for hunting, gathering and shelter as well as emotional support.  These are our families, friends and workmates in modern times.  If we feel loved and accepted by these people, then we feel safe.  Our egos then help us with behaviors that make us feel accepted in order to keep us safe.  This ego behavior comes at a sacrifice for our truth.  We don’t say or do what we truly believe or feel because it is more important to be accepted and loved than it is to be true.  If we stand up for ourselves then we might be ostracized.  If we stand up to our boss, we may lose our job and therefore money and our safety and security.  If we upset our family then we may be shunned and lose their love, again upsetting our safety and security.

Can you see how the ego does its job in keeping you safe and secure at the expense of being who you are.  This is what it means to let go of your humanness.  It is your humanness that is keeping you trapped in this 3D cycle.  When you no longer identify with these human-ego traits you can be a separate self-generating entity who does not rely on anything outside of you for your love, acceptance, approval, safety and security.  What you will find is that there are no fears anymore because there is no reason to be fearful, because you couldn’t care less what anyone else thinks of you anymore, because it does not impact on your safety or security!

In the 5th dimension, you are not relying on anyone else for your income, love, support, acceptance, safety and security, and you therefore survive by letting your soul guide you.

You have an inner feeling at the core of who you are which will guide you to your next meal, next vacation, new clothes, movie tickets whatever it is that you desire at that time.  If you need money to pay for these things, then an opportunity will come to you to provide you with this money.  When you stay in your heart space and only act from this place in truth and integrity to who you are, you start to attract what you need to support more of this.

While you are in transition (ego dying and soul leading) it can feel like you have no support and you just have to get used to this feeling and embrace it for awhile.  You may lose everything you own; your job, your friends and even family while in transition.  But you will find that you are still you.  You will find that the inner you becomes stronger and more resilient.  It has to.  There is no other option.

You have no ego anymore to tell you stories or convince you to do things that are outside of your truth in order to survive.

You learn how to be true to yourself and to only follow your heart’s calling.  This is what it means to lose your humanness.  You lose your ability to compromise on who you are for the trade-off of love, support and security.

You become your own self generating love machine.  You generate this love and support and security from within you, not needing anyone else in this world to give it to you or mirror it for you.  All you ever need is within you.  This is what it means to lose your humanness.

Once you have lost your humanness your life becomes peaceful because you are not worrying about where to get your next act of love from, or whether you have enough money in the bank to last until you die.

You constantly feel safe, secure and loved.  Imagine this?

Imagine feeling that there is infinite love, infinite money, infinite experiences just there whenever you need them.  This is all within you.  You line up with the universe and all is provided for you.  Rather than going through other humans to get these things, you get them directly from your inner universe.  The universe conspires in your favor and brings you everything you desire.  To be clear, this does not mean you get everything that an ego might desire.  Remember you have no ego in this space and so desires will look and feel differently.

If you are in 3D and are human, then you might imagine that this means bigger cars, luxury boats, power and control.  But in 5D these things don’t really matter, and so what you desire may be quite different from what a 3D human desires.  This does not mean you can’t have luxury if you desire it, but it may mean that you no longer desire these things at all.

This is what it means to lose your humanness – because what human would not desire luxury and money!!

In 5D, truth and integrity are more meaningful.  Being who you are is fulfilling and means more than money, status or power.   Your life is fueled by deep desire.  There is no intention setting or goals, or plans, just the flow of desire.  This is what it feels like to lose your humanness.

This is what it means to lose your humanness.

About the author:  Paula Vanderzon is a spiritual evolutionist, teacher and soul writer who lives in South Australia.  Follow her on Facebook





~via by Paula Vanderzon, Guest writer,