LISA RENEE: “Heroic Probability”

“The ultimate Heroic Probability, means the highest expression of your actualization and what the Soul wanted to achieve by incarnating on the earth, as a part of that consciousness expression. This is path of evolution in which the individual person gives their free will choice back to the intent, Consent and authority of the highest self, the Soul, Monad, Avatar and God Self. When we energetically evolve and move up in dimensional frequency bands, we are exposed to more dimensional octaves, therefore more potential timelines. However, in the range of polarities that may exist as potential consciousness experiences, there is only one timeline that is the highest expression of our spiritual identity and that manifests the fulfillment of our Heroic Probability. Within the future timelines are stations of identity, commonly called Soul, Monad, and Christos self. These spiritual identities comprise lightbody parts or whole spiritual bodies of our forgotten future selves. These are spiritual energetic bodies that hold our consciousness intelligence matrices, our mind matrices and that make up our spiritual identity. We are designed to reclaim these spiritual-energetic pieces during the Ascension cycle. This is why those on the spiritual ascension path continually experience their energetic healing by meeting the cellular memories that surface for compassionate witnessing, at different stages of evolution in the multiple timelines.”

~Lisa Renee



Heroic Probability

NEZEL PADAYHAG: “The 7 Biggest Differences Between A Human Spirit And A Human Soul”

The spirit and soul are part of the essential elements of the human being. But often times these terms are misunderstood used interchangeably.

Even if these two are both parts of who you are, they’re not one and the same. Knowing how they differ from each other is a great help in knowing more about yourself.

In his book, One Solitary Life: From The Unknown To The Known?, Anthony Fisichella tried to explain that the Spirit is like the electricity that lights up the bulb, which is the soul.

The spirit is The One source that lights up our souls. If this stretches your imagination, let’s just know the different characteristics of each to make an elaborate distinction.

Indeed, the ‘spirit’ of a warrior and a ‘soulful’ song sound much different, right? Here are the greatest differences between these two.

7 Biggest Differences Between A Human Spirit And A Human Soul


The Spirit:

– It provides you the Consciousness of Self.

– It is an awareness that is always present in the Now.

– It is a vessel serving as your direct connection to the Source.

– It’s where your intuition connects.

– It’s where your life purpose stems from.

– It is one aspect, a projection of your soul, just like your body.


A lack of connection to the Spirit results to:

– Depression

– Disconnection

– Unworthiness

– Lack of purpose


The Soul:

– It is unique to each one.

– It contains all the memories of your lifetimes.

– It consists of your ancestral karma, perception, and experiences.

– It carries your potentialities, talents, and abilities.

– It is your blueprint in life.

– It is the book you’re writing across all The Universe, and which imprint you will leave.

– It’s heavily influenced by the ego mind but underneath is your greatest unfolding.




JERRY SERGEANT: “10 Ways To Live Your Greatest Life”


Every human being on this planet is incredible and has the potential to live their greatest life possible. With that being the case, why isn’t everybody happy, successful and in beautifully loving relationships? Why do people work a job they do not like? What makes human beings live a mechanical, systematic lifestyle where they suffer, go through school, possibly university, follow a career, get a mortgage, get married, retire and live their lives out struggling until their time comes to depart this beautiful big blue planet? And, not forgetting, most people live in fear of death, dreading the day when all is lost.

It seems to me that humanity, on the most part is surviving not living. Why is this So, when there really is an abundant world awaiting us?

The issue is that most of us live in groups or communities. We have become dependent on so-called governments and others is our groups, and we have handed our power over to others, thinking and believing that we need the help or guidance to survive here on Earth.

We are living in fear. The fear of leaving the known and stepping into the unknown. We have cornered ourselves. We have a desire to be psychologically secure.

Over centuries we have become conditioned. We fear leaving the group or whatever we are a part of because we believe that if we do we may not survive. Or we will be alone. When it fact alone means to be ‘All One’. Being alone will bring you closer to the whole than you have ever been before, but our thoughts, which are based on fear keep us stagnant.

It’s time to stop believing and start knowing. You see, all beliefs are based on thought and all thought is based on fear. This is a notion that totally defies everything you have ever been taught so it will take serious self-reflection to see the underlying truth in what is.

If you want to live your greatest life and realise your full potential you must take full responsibility for you, and not depend on anyone or anything for your survival.

Here are 10 ways to realise your full potential.

10 Ways to Live Your Greatest Life

Greatest Life Tip #1

Do not give your power over to anyone

Nobody in this world has any authority over you. Including any member of society, government, friend, partner, mother, father, son, daughter, school teacher, policeman or woman – Absolutely no one. You are a human being and you’re free. Meditate on this fact. I must point out that this is not an idea. It is a fact, it’s true. Know that you have the power to be or do anything and no one has the power to influence you unless you let them.

Greatest Life Tip #2

Create space in your life

You can do this by creating space in your mind. You, like most people will think too much. You must break that pattern of thought by meditating. Meditating every day will enable your awareness to grow. This awareness will give you space and from that space, clarity, focus and energy will flow.

Greatest Life Tip #3

Leave the crowd. Be different

As long as you are trying to blend in with society you will become a sheep, moving with the tide, getting nowhere very fast and helping other people live their dreams instead of creating your own.

Greatest Life Tip #4

Face your fears

To leave the crowd you must face your fears and venture into unknown territory. This will crush you or make you. The further you move towards your fears the smaller they will get and eventually you will realise that your fears are an illusion, created by thought, in your mind. Facing your fears is easy, all you have to do is follow your life compass – your heart. It will lead you in the direction of your dreams, and always, without a shadow of a doubt, straight through your fears.

Greatest Life Tip #5 

Be fit and healthy

Eat natural foods, exercise daily, drink at least 3 litres of filtered water per day, juice every morning, go to bed early and try drinking a cup or urine every morning. Trust me, it’s the only liquid on the planet that contains all the information on your own body. It contains all the goodness. I will write another article specifically on this topic soon. It is a real game changer in terms of your health.

Greatest Life Tip #6 

Surround yourself in a bubble of positivity and tranquillity

Stay away from the naysayers and be around people that inspire you. After all, you become like the company you keep. So keep World Class Company.

Greatest Life Tip #7 

Guard your dreams

Don’t tell everyone what you are going to achieve. They will try and shoot you down, even those closest to you. Inspire through action, not idle chatter. Get the job done. Actions speak louder than words.

Greatest Life Tip #8 

Stay away from secondary activity

Keep your eye on your dream and learn to say no. Saying no is mission-critical as the closer you get to your desired outcome, the more offers you will get to side track you. Saying no will keep the train from being derailed. It’s so important to keep a laser focus.

Greatest Life Tip #9 

Go all out and never quit

The bigger your dreams the bigger the challenges. So learn to turn all of your obstacles into opportunities for growth. Be grateful to everything that is thrown at you because I promise you, once you look back along your journey, from the pinnacle of success, you will see that everything was designed perfectly, by a mind that knew more than you or I. The journey is the most rewarding part because it creates you, the human being you become once you are where you know you can be.

Greatest Life Tip #10

Know you are destined to reach your full potential

Know you are special and were born with a purpose. Follow these steps and you will realise the power you have and the magic will spill into your life.




