LISA RENEE on “Constitution”

“The Constitution which shapes the western value system in the United States, although severely corrupted by the moral failings of its governmental leaders, was originally designed around a living document that holds an energy signature aligned with truths found in the Natural Laws. This Blueprint is the ideological thorn in the side of the NAA and other despots, who want to design nations of mind slaves and brainwashed followers, not nations of free independent thinkers who value personal freedom and hold reverence for life. Thus, there are armies of funded activists and fake journalists from many interrelated organizations that are strategically working together with the deep pockets of globalist funding to destroy individual human freedoms within all democratic nations that use the template of this living document. Upon closer examination of the current crisis events and using some Critical Thinking, we can follow the money back to non-government organizations and globalist institutions who seem to have a penchant for False Flags and bad actors. Then we can ask who and what is actually benefiting from all of this orchestrated Plandemic, economic terrorism, division and upheaval, subversion of western democracy while fanning the flames of anarchy in the streets? The orchestration of the Plandemic along with the economic devastation of Americans, the utter destruction and anarchy in major cities, informs us of the intended direction of the current globalist agenda. This is a well-orchestrated coup attempt happening on physical and metaphysical fronts, and the rabbit hole goes deeper than most people can digest. The western value system in the United States has been deeply mired in the effects of the Outrage Culture, building momentum through targeting the youngest minds to enforce classifications of Political Correctness for the purpose of censoring free speech and aggressively shaming people into submission. This year they pulled the trigger on their long awaited and meticulous plan for activating a multipronged Ideological Subversion in the western nations, with millions of people being subjected to unprecedented restrictions on their personal freedoms, human rights and free speech, which has forced radical changes and limitations be made in their ability to freely carry out their personal and professional lives. Connecting the dots of the disinformation campaigns being deployed in order to see the accurate motivations hidden behind the weaponization of the narrative, that is becoming clearer in the mainstream news every day. The shifting architecture in the planetary grid network is worlds apart from what it was just a few short years ago, making the current crisis events much less effective than anticipated. The NAA will not be achieving the end game results that the Power Elite are expecting, by culling the masses. Which is to destroy the American Constitution through spreading hatred and continue to demoralize its citizens in any way that they can, in order to attempt to stage their coup d’état.”

~Lisa Renee

~ via United States Constitution / Genetic Modification of Human DNA / Pestilence Program

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Elon Musk, the New Twitter ‘Rules’ and the ‘Infodemic’”

“Baby-truthers riding on a wave of false idol worship for Baphomet-and-transhumanist-loving puppet Elon Musk celebrated the arrival of ‘free speech’ to the platform for weeks after the Twitter take over. Although Musk brought back the Zionist-loving Jesuit puppet and comedian-actor Donald Trump and his side-kick Ye (Kanye West,) and another slimy puppet and controlled opposition Jordan Peterson, he ruled out the return of the actor and current fall-guy Alex Jones — stating that he had no mercy for ‘conspiracy theorists’ profiting of the alleged ‘deaths’ of children (the staged and totally fake Sandy Hook shooting.) In other words, world stage puppet and actor Elon Musk defends the staged and fake shootings, the Freemasonic operations within the corrupt Government. Considering how blatant fake most of these shootings are with embarrassingly bad crisis actors, symbolism everywhere, and performed all by the numbers to such a degree that it’s more likely to win the lottery 100-times in a row than that every single date, number and name would be coincidences — all these events should be considered fake until proven otherwise. If you support Musk, you support this extremist censorship and their looming plan to label anyone who disagrees with their ‘truth’ as a terrorist. And let’s not forget that Musk is working on X, the everything app, based on the totalitarian social credit score system already in use in China via Musk’s favorite app WeChat. Well, I for one will not stop exposing the lies and deceit. If Twitter bans me one day, so be it. I hardly use that worthless platform anyway.”

~Joachim Bartoll

Baby-truthers riding on a wave of false idol worship for Baphomet-and-transhumanist-loving puppet Elon Musk celebrated the arrival of “free speech” to the platform for weeks after the Twitter take over. Although Musk brought back the Zionist-loving Jesuit puppet and comedian-actor Donald Trump and his side-kick Ye (Kanye West,) and another slimy puppet and controlled opposition Jordan Peterson, he ruled out the return of the actor and current fall-guy Alex Jones stating that he had no mercy for “conspiracy theorists” profiting of the alleged “deaths” of children (the staged and totally fake Sandy Hook shooting.) In other words, world stage puppet and actor Elon Musk defends the staged and fake shootings, the Freemasonic operations within the corrupt Government.

Considering how blatant fake most of these shootings are with embarrassingly bad crisis actors, symbolism everywhere, and performed all by the numbers to such a degree that it’s more likely to win the lottery 100-times in a row than that every single date, number and name would be coincidences all these events should be considered fake until proven otherwise. If the media was real and honest, every one of these events should be investigated with the first question being; did this really happen?

Now, looking at the Twitter Rules page, we are met with this section:

Denying mass casualty events took place
We prohibit content that denies that mass murder or other mass casualty events took place, where we can verify that the event occured, and when the content is shared with abusive intent. This may include references to such an event as a “hoax” or claims that victims or survivors are fake or “actors.” It includes, but is not limited to, events like the Holocaust, school shootings, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters.

So much for free speech and exposing the lies and deceit of the media and the government (and the people behind them.) You’re not allowed to point out the obvious fakery and Crisis Actors in any kind of “shooting” or silly “terrorist attack,” nor are you allowed to question the very flaky narrative of the ‘holocaust,’ or show how they manipulate the weather by admitted weather manipulation technology (first used in 1952 by the RAF Rainmakers) to inflict “natural disasters.”

Yes, that is Musk’s Twitter for you little baby-truther – all in alignment with their infodemic and Agenda 2030. If you support Musk, you support this extremist censorship and their looming plan to label anyone who disagrees with their ‘truth’ as a terrorist. And let’s not forget that Musk is working on X, the everything app, based on the totalitarian social credit score system already in use in China via Musk’s favorite app WeChat.

Well, I for one will not stop exposing the lies and deceit. If Twitter bans me one day, so be it. I hardly use that worthless platform anyway. This website will remain, and so will our own uncensored community at

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Never Forget What FREEDOM Is! Do NOT Accept Their Offer!”

“Most countries’ governments have signed and agreed to implementing this ‘sustainable’ totalitarian slave system pushed by the UN and WEF. It’s being executed in the shadows of the fake ‘climate crisis’ and the staged and fake plandemic, which is followed by the ‘infodemic’ the censorship of information and free speech. And now, in 2022, the staged and utterly fake war in Ukraine, which is being used as a silly excuse to ramp up the costs of fuel, electricity, and food. Not to mention that they use these extreme increases in living costs to make new laws around the fake climate change hoax, limiting the means of heating your home, using wood for heating stoves, and limiting water consumption. It’s all coordinated and happening at the same time to keep people from grasping the entire scoop of it all. This is conditioning and programming on a very high level. Most people are worn out, simply reacting and accepting the almost weekly increases in expenses, all while the value of their currency is simultaneously plummeting. People are so stressed out and in such a reaction mode that they can not think ahead and see where all this leads. What it will look like in only a year from now if this continues as it has for the last year. What about three years? Five years? Due to the fake plandemic, most people are now conditioned to stay inside and avoid other people. They are conditioned to do everything from their phone, tablet, or computer instead of being outside or visiting stores and outlets. They managed to do this in only a couple of years. The modern day of ‘book-burning’ is in full swing as the infodemic is censoring everything. The next generation will not even be aware of any other way of living. For them, what we can expect in restrictions of living and freedom for the next five years will be their normal. Is that really the future you want? The future you want for your children and their children? Make a stand and remember what life actually is, what you want life to be before it is too late. Share it with friends on social media, save it for your kids to remind them what the bare minimum of life and freedom should be. Remind everyone that this is what we want back. Start remembering. Start visualizing the future you want. Start writing. Start sharing. And start living it!”

~Joachim Bartoll

I’ve covered Agenda 2030 numerous times on this website. Most countries’ governments have signed and agreed to implementing this “sustainable” totalitarian slave system pushed by the UN and WEF. It’s being executed in the shadows of the fake ‘climate crisis’ and the staged and fake plandemic, which is followed by the ‘infodemic’ the censorship of information and free speech. And now, in 2022, the staged and utterly fake war in Ukraine, which is being used as a silly excuse to ramp up the costs of fuel, electricity, and food. Not to mention that they use these extreme increases in living costs to make new laws around the fake climate change hoax, limiting the means of heating your home, using wood for heating stoves, and limiting water consumption. It’s all coordinated and happening at the same time to keep people from grasping the entire scoop of it all. This is conditioning and programming on a very high level. Most people are worn out, simply reacting and accepting the almost weekly increases in expenses, all while the value of their currency is simultaneously plummeting. People are so stressed out and in such a reaction mode that they can not think ahead and see where all this leads. What it will look like in only a year from now if this continues as it has for the last year. What about three years? Five years?

They have already conditioned most people to limit travel, to stop going on vacations. To stop going out to visit venues or simply going for a family drive over the weekend. Due to the fake plandemic, most people are now conditioned to stay inside and avoid other people. They are conditioned to do everything from their phone, tablet, or computer instead of being outside or visiting stores and outlets. They managed to do this in only a couple of years. The modern day of ‘book-burning’ is in full swing as the infodemic is censoring everything. The next generation will not even be aware of any other way of living. For them, what we can expect in restrictions of living and freedom for the next five years will be their normal. Is that really the future you want? The future you want for your children and their children?

Here is an idea. I would like you to think back on how life was before the staged and faked plandemic. How life looked like before 2020, or even further back. How relaxed it was at your workplace. What you did in your spare time. What venues you visited with your family and friends. The vacations you had or the spontaneous trips you made. All the fun stuff you did and what freedom actually meant. Write it all down. Write stories about how life was before the tyranny of Agenda 2030 began. Title them with “This is what life used to be, this is what we want to go back to,” or “Bring freedom back, I do not consent to your future,” or something similar. Make a stand and remember what life actually is, what you want life to be before it is too late. Share it with friends on social media, save it for your kids to remind them what the bare minimum of life and freedom should be. Remind everyone that this is what we want back. We do not want their future of living within restricted zones in ‘smart cities’ with the only means of travel being high-speed trains for those with an accepted social credit score.

We do not want to be slaves to a digital ID, a social credit score system, or a Universal Basic Income that is only guaranteed as long as you behave like a good little sheep and consume your kibble, take tour sterilization shots, and never question your government or any fake authority.

Start remembering. Start visualizing the future you want. Start writing. Start sharing. And start living it!

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

TULSI GABBARD: “Every Day, Tech Oligarchs Are Squelching Free Speech Rights of More Americans”

Every day Tech Oligarchs are squelching the free speech rights of more Americans, removing them from the social town square—turning our democracy into an autocratic oligarchy, undermining the heart and essence of our constitutional republic.



~via Tulsi Gabbard

ONE HEADLINE SAYS IT ALL ~ “Trump: ‘It Doesn’t Really Matter’ If Soleimani Was Planning ‘Imminent’ Attack ‘Because of His Horrible Past’ (It Doesn’t Really Matter If I Lied About the Reason for Killing the Guy to Kick Off More Conflict With Iran Because I Have Israel to Keep Happy)”



Trump: ‘It Doesn’t Really Matter’ If Soleimani Was Planning ‘Imminent’ Attack ‘Because of His Horrible Past’ (It Doesn’t Really Matter If I Lied About the Reason for Killing the Guy to Kick Off More Conflict With Iran Because I Have Israel to Keep Happy)