LISA RENEE: “Transit Gate Vortex”

To clear out lower frequencies, misplaced entities, misqualified or negative energies that accumulate in a room, space and group aura field exposed to higher frequencies. [1]

12D Expands into Transit Gate

Once a person is attuned and working with the 12D Shield daily, the Lightbody becomes aligned to the 12D Ray this starts to build the spiritual foundation for the Soul, Monad and Avatar bodies. See Ascension Stages.

At a certain level of proficiency, one can utilize the 12D Shield as a Transit Gate Vortex, or a Shadow Gate. This is a vortex set up specifically to clear low vibration energies, entities, and negativity from the space one has commanded with the 12D shield as GSF. We call that Commanding Personal Space with a boundary test using the GSF triad. This means one is stating that one chooses the consent and authority of God-Sovereign Free- which is aligned to the Law of One, therefore the Christ.

To clear out lower frequencies, misplaced entities, misqualified or negative energies that accumulate in a room, space and group aura field exposed to higher frequencies.

Setting Up Shadow Vortex

See the 12 D Portal spinning outward in concentric circles opening and expanding around you.
I open this session in service to Law of One and Invite the Starseed Families of Oneness to connect and anchor in. As I am God Sovereign and Free I so Decree:


Please generate a Field of Divine Grace around and within this Room, Hotel, and Land.


Please anchor frequencies of Unconditional Love and Forgiveness in this space.


Please generate blessings to all who enter or dwell here, human and non-human, in the Light and Service of the One Source God.


I claim this Space and the Beings in my care as Sovereign and Free in the Light of God, now and always.


Please seal these blessings into permanent installation here.


(Designate a space for a Shadowy Elements Vortex to clear debris)


I request your assistance in creating a vortex to be used as an exit point by all Shadowy Elements. (i.e. direct location of exit point, such as “in the east corner of my room”).


I have 100% desire that all shadow elements within myself, within others around me and within all plants, all animals, all other beings, all places and spaces around me clear and transition through this vortex exclusively.


I thank all Shadow Elements for exiting through this Transit Gate Vortex doorway.



Aqua Portal

Upon the activation of the 8th Chakra to ignite the Amoraea Flame which connects to the Mother Arc, it is possible to open a Aqua Portal for transit of earthly souls and other entities, to be given to the Mother for dispensation, rehabilitation, or transit. This is a direct dispensation of the Law of One and the return of the Holy Mother to this planet.

If it is of Service to Others divine purpose, the Guardian host will help the individual hold this portal, provided they have attuned their body and consciousness to the 12D Shield. Once a person has proven spiritual integrity to hold this portal themselves, after consistent dedication to Law of One, the 8th Chakra and higher heart functions are opened into a Crystal Blue Lotus heart, and this enables the function of the Transharmonic Gate of the Aqua Portal.

HGS Calibration – Step Six

  • Set Personal Space and Protected Session field in Home or Office for HGS Calibration
  • Opening the Field – Commanding Personal Space
  • Communicating Directly – Maximizing God
  • Force to amplify your ‘Hub Handshake” for focused session
  • Clearing up Shadow Elements – Setting up a “Shadow Vortex” to remove and clear out any debris in your environment
  • Session Content and Intention” – Creating the “Core Soul Protection” for Ancestors and intention for Session content
  • Closing the Field” – After session content is set up or completed, be sure to close and end your communication link

When learning to work with setting your personal space or energetic session container, you can use the technique as a verbal command. To entrain the system code, it is suggested you become proficient with repeating the command in your space, as much as desired. When you have repeated this command to entrainment with your nervous system , the process of setting up space will become automatic and you will not need to verbally repeat the command every time. With repeated session work, you are able to mentally focus energy amplifications in the environment as you feel guided to strengthen certain areas, i.e. the portal, or other issues you are made aware of.



  1. ES Community Techniques for Transiting

See Also:

Service to Others


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Return to Rightful Owner”

RRO or RTRO is the abbreviation for ‘Return to Rightful Owner’.

Return to Rightful Owner is a command by divine right of all beings in Universal Law to have their consciousness memories and lightbody parts be returned to them in the event it has been hijacked or stolen by negative forces, in current or previous timelines.

Newsletter excerpt: Due to recent positive developments with the Shield of Solomon overriding the planetary horizontal consciousness grid there has been a systematic release of Group Oversoul enslavement. It was revealed the Golden Eagle Grid harnessed consciousness power through the entrapment of various levels of human spirit bodies. At this time Guardians are releasing Monads that had been stapled to the Golden Eagle Grid, thereby trapping the consciousness from merging with their rightful owner and human body.

At this time [November 2010] many Monads that had been reversed or split from its original twin are now being reunited. (This is the beginning phases of the “Restoration” which is returning back God’s natural laws to the physical plane.) In fact the Guardians explain that in the returning to this planet the rightful laws – all Spirit bodies and their energies that have been misdirected, stolen or used by external controller forces in this last dark cycle – MUST be returned to the Rightful Owner as he/she claims their authority as God and as a sovereign eternal being. They have given us a sample language of which to claim our rightful sovereignty in God’s Natural Laws. Please feel free to utilize or share with all those you feel may benefit from this command.

RRO Command

In your mind or outloud as you feel guided, please repeat this command:

As the 12 D Avatar and the Light of God that I am, I cancel all contracts and/or agreements that I have made with any entity, guide, in this timeline or in any reality, that were not in my highest alignment and expression of my Light Source in the Law of One. I terminate all false matrices, or illusions that may have obscured my highest God purpose and soul mission, from the past, present and future. I terminate redemptive vehicle and crucifixion contracts and their related phantom systems from impacting my consciousness and all of my 12 bodies. I further declare that the cancellation of all such contracts is to be irrevocable and permanent in all time frames and realities. Further I ask my Avatar to return all unity codes, fire letters, and the jewels, wings, energies and parts of bodies that have been misdirected or usurped and ask to return them Now to the Rightful Owner in the name of Self Sovereignty herein stated and commanded into presence. I invalidate the beings by commanding a full dissolution and dissolve them into the One Source-God Source Light through the Eternal Love of Forgiveness and Forgetfulness. Completely Heal and Seal my personal auric Field from any further intrusion. Return all energies and essences that are in divine right order NOW. I call back Now all that is my self sovereign God power and right.

I choose my perfection to stand in the Eternal Light and represent my full sovereignty and freedom for all human beings on this planet. I receive this Gift now as I will Share this Gift with All. All is One with the Light. I AM UNITY. Beloved God, Thank you!



~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Command to Resign from Moloch Matrix”



“Beloved God, open all channels of light, clear all light fibers to be fully connected and resonant with the eternal Living Light Code. I Decree Unity with all of my Heart!”

Set Space:

“We call Upon Our Group Avatar Selves, The Guardians, Aurora Races, those aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of God’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.”

(Quick Connect to 12D: Close your Eyes a Moment and Place your attention on your Personal Platinum Pillar Of light, your personal light shield. Stay Contained in your personal shield. Imagine or Intend seeing yourself filled with the 12th Dimensional Liquid Silver light of Christos, see your feed-line of energy still connected to the 12th Dimensional Frequency Portal of the Cosmic Christos.)

Opening Command

“Please Open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in counter clockwise motion into full expansion in the Celestial Cosmic Christ Force of Platinum Light. Grid this Space entirely in the 12th Dimensional Pale Silver Light. Set the Spin Accordingly, Calibrate, Anchor Lock and Seal in this Hologram. We now command the Transharmonic Pillar to manifest and lock down extending and protecting our entire group field. We Sound our Unity note now in the fields of Omni-Love. Our templates updated, sustained and perpetuated in the Eternal Power of our Consecration to serve our Source, the Living Light of One.”

“Please open together now the 12th dimensional vortex into full expansion of the crystalline platinum light.”

“Spinning counterclockwise amplify: all platinum and Aurora Krystal Star rainbow light.”

(See the vortex sphere filled with platinum and Aurora lights. See it fill the entire space.)

“North South East West, Earth Sky and Heart: We direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. We Are Impenetrable and Invincible. We ask the Aurora Races to Anchor this Space as made Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which We Serve.”

“Now calibrate Transharmonic Pillar Alignment: Core to Core to Core, Align, Activate.”

“Anchor Lock and Seal, Lock Down now.
Installation of Command”

“As we set our ES Group Intentional Field, dedicated to the Law of One and that which stewards the Divine Plan in Human Sovereignty and Unity, we are fusing our intentions with our own energetic integrity by committing to our Service Mission with the Planetary Grids.”

“We are focusing our Divine Heart as a Mother Arc Aqua Portal, through the Call for Guardian Intervention to Disassemble Moloch and the SRA black magic grid networks to prepare for the return of the Christos Avatar Ray Forces on our planet. Our objective is to be the pure light channel of God Source as One, and by holding and embodying the stewardship which we have been called to represent for all of humanity, that which is the future Sovereign direction of our species and of our planet. We petition the Progenitors of our Angelic race, and the Cosmic Intelligence of God Source to apply direct intervention in our co-creation to create the opening leading us to experience a higher reality system for our own liberation, the freedom for our race. We are intending to influence the Field by using our collective efforts as directed by our Christos Avatar God Selves, and call upon the Power of our One Source to utilize the Powers of Nature, this beloved body of the Earth.”

“As the 12D Avatar and the Light of God that I Am, I choose to represent Human freedom in God’s Sovereign Power on the Earth. I ask that these words represent all of those human beings who are unable to speak, and who wish freedom in their hearts.”

“Beloved God and Beloved Family of Guardians, Please free Humanity of the Timeline and cellular record of the satanic ritual abuse systems erected by the Moloch entities who use the suffering of humanity to generate SRA bindings upon the souls. Terminate the reversal systems of the Moloch tanks and SRA siphoning systems. Collapse all timelines of human pain and suffering of the bound Souls to be delivered from the Moloch programming and into the arms of the true Holy Mother, her divine unconditional and perfected love for her children.”

“We command dominion on this beloved Earth to return to God’s natural laws, the Eternal Living light of Unity Consciousness. Collapse and terminate all false and inorganic systems through the Resignation of Moloch Programming in any SRA timeline, that is specific to Moloch Bindings and replace it with the organic living and eternal spiritual source field, the krystar intelligence and the Christos Avatar of Ascension serving the Law of One. We are Unity.”

Transit to Mother Arc

“We commit and dedicate our spiritual light to completely and totally serve God’s highest plan of Self-Sovereignty for all. We gather our group resources to bring forth the Truth of the light, as we bring all the soul~fragments, entities, sacrificed aspects, mis-qualified vibrations, all energy reversals to be routed through the Mother Arc portal system, in a Return to Rightful Owner release and into the highest expression of God.”

“We ask our Mother, to open her beloved arms and welcome through the transit portals of aquamarine light. The disassembling of Moloch and the SRA given to all humanity, and all planetary networks to be released, restored, renewed and healed in the highest expression of service to God Source. We reunite our beloved human family to be aligned with the Mother’s heart of God, and that the loving benevolence of Christos to be bestowed upon all to heal and resurrect all beings from Moloch’s dark enslavement and nightmare. To be risen in Ascension into the oneness that is the true eternal light of God. Beloveds, rise and ascend in the perfected diamond light of the Mother Arc herself!”

“We have created a container within the Aqua Portal for the purpose of release of all Moloch’s Ritual Bindings via the SRA Grid System to contain these Individuals, Group entities and ancestral energies to be properly healed and transitioned in grace and peace.”

“We command this space as sacred in the name of God and consecrated to the service of the One Source Light.”

“We now prepare this portal for transit out of embodiment and imprisonment for all souls bound to Moloch. Beloved teams please support and provide appropriate transit through Mother Arc Portal.”

“Now we call forth the Aquamarine Light. Beloved Mother please flood our portal vortex with the grace of your Light!
We amplify now the Aquamarine Flame and Current. Hold portal steady.”

“We focus on the Mother Arc Aqua Portal to send all beloveds who have been trapped and bound to Moloch back into the mother arc hub gateway for protection, rehabilitation and recovery. We hold an open heart with an open bridge and allow all bodies, ancestors, fragments, to be surrendered and released from Moloch. All soul fragments are to retrieved and merged back into the heart of Mother through her Aqua Portal. We now see the group and individual souls bound to Moloch relieved of pain and suffering, and healed of their cosmic rage, finally returned to peace and love, reconnected to their true origins and divine right, liberated, free and at one with the heart of God Source. May peace restore the earth to its natural laws in the Glory of God, and the light of the Cosmic Christos returned and fulfilled!”

Release of Bindings

“All who here seek release from the Satanic Ritual Abuse Binding of Moloch, depart now. All who here seek release from the Satanic Ritual Abuse Bindings of Moloch, depart now. All who here seek release from the Satanic Ritual Abuse Bindings of Moloch, depart now.”

“Beloved Beings, go forth in Peace and Wholeness, sustained in Love forever.”

“Beloved Guardians, please oversee appropriate transit.”

(pause to complete — it may feel supportive to tone here, Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Ha La…… and repeat several times to further establish the calm and serene holding of this process. As we complete, we flood our own beings and bodies with crystalline cleansing light. Breathing the Krysthala through all our systems. pause for breath, 3 or 4 deep breaths.)

“All beloveds gathered here we thank you. We send forth our love with all Beings Released from SRA Bindings of Moloch now. We hold the truth of our Oneness in God’s Light. We seal and end this procedure, we seal it into the Light of Unity Wholeness Truth.”

“We command this space as sacred in the name of God and consecrated to the service of the One Source Light. I hold in my heart the truth of God’s love and perfection, the truth of the Inner Christos in my heart. Through the Avatar of Ascension, I hold all that is God’s promise of eternal life and resurrection to be at one with God’s Eternal Spirit, the God Source. I command this in the Cosmic Sovereign law, as a vessel of God’s Eternal light.”

“Sovereign freedom consecrated to God Source with all intention now is chosen, thank you. Please seal and end our communication tranit portal.”

“Thank you God, Thank you God. Thank you God!”

“And so it is. I love you!”

“I serve the Law of One, and I am the Cosmic Sovereign Law made manifest!”

