“DOUBLE, DOUBLE TOIL AND TROUBLE” ~ Video Double Play: ReallyGraceful on “The Mystery of Missing Kate Middleton” / “What the Media Won’t Tell You About (Lord!) — Jacob Rothschild”


“DOUBLE, DOUBLE TOIL AND TROUBLE” . . . The Mystery of Missing Kate Middleton . . .

“Double, double toil and trouble

Fire burn and caldron bubble . . .”


EYE OF NEWT AND TOE OF FROG” . . . “What the Media Won’t Tell You About (Lord!) — Jacob Rothschild” . . .

“Eye of newt and toe of frog

Wool of bat and tongue of dog . . .

~via ReallyGraceful

REALLYGRACEFUL: “What We WEREN’T Taught About the American Revolution”

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

“What is done in the dark will always be brought into the light… most people aren’t anywhere near emotionally/ mentally prepared or capable of fully comprehending the horrific extremes of depravity that have been happening at the very hands of some of the people we have grown to respect, trust and look up to in our lives… it’s far worse than anything we have ever seen in movies, read about in books or even tried to imagine… I definitely wasn’t prepared for what I discovered years ago, because as a sane minded person, I just couldn’t wrap my mind around there being such an IMMENSELY VAST number of individuals who were involved and capable of committing such depraved and insane acts in secret, yet pretended to be such upstanding and respectable people in public… I wasn’t actually naive enough to think that there weren’t people in the world who were utterly depraved, however, I never expected to discover that there was such an astronomical amount of networks of people who were involved in committing the most heinous and egregious crimes against humanity and children.. it’s truly unfathomable how deep and far this goes… it’s been happening for longer than can be known, and it’s been happening right under our very noses by the wealthiest, most famous and powerful people of influence across the globe, so it’s always wise to exercise extreme caution and skepticism about believing or trusting anything said or done by those individuals who fit into those categories… the treachery honestly knows no bounds or limitations with how sick some people really are, so do your best to educate yourself and remain detached from your own personal bias about certain individuals, because it may be the last people you’d ever expect, that are behind these issues… STAY BLESSED NOT STRESSED”

~Comment from the thread

~via ReallyGraceful

DEMON HUNTER: “60 Years of Donald Trump Predicted Programming”

Ascension Avatar note: Is this a ‘coincidence’? Just minutes ago I finished watching “Bell, Book And Candle”… a 1958 movie with James Stewart and Kim Novak… about warlocks and witches in New York City. This scene caught my eye, so I took a screenshot wondering if it was predictive programming about gee, I wonder, “Thrumps”… “Twin Towers”… “11” symbol… “Whites”… “The Wall”… “Mexico” prominent in the film plot… Then I found this video… 🤔


~via Demon Hunter – Skydome Atlantis


PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING: Did This 1958 TV Western Predict Donald Trump?”


“After the alleged leaks of the Nord Stream pipelines, I see that question posted more now than in a very long time. Everything played out exactly as I wrote in my small article about the leaks. The lukewarm truthers believe the U.S. did it because of the speech made by Joe Biden on February 7th where he said that, ‘if Russia invades, then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.’ At the same time, the mainstream media tries and put the blame on Russia themselves, exactly as I wrote in my coverage. Both of the camps have their heads up their asses though, as always. The question should never be, ‘WHO did it?’, because if you understand the world, you already know. Instead, if you understand these basics, just skip ahead and ask the question, ‘WHY do they tell us that THIS happened?’ Actually, that question should be rephrased as ‘did it happen at ALL?’ Because we know that it’s all theatre and part of their games, rituals, and agendas. This is important because Controlled Opposition and Shills are always telling you that mainstream media is lying and doing the bidding of the government, but at the same time they run with their stories as if they actually happened, they simply flip the narrative to lure those in who know that the media is lying or twisting the truth.’ THAT is the purpose of alternative media. They reinforce each other. These alternative explanations put out by controlled opposition and alternative media are there to protect the mainstream medias version’s central premise that “IT” happened — that what they report on is real. In this case with the Nord Stream pipelines, alternative media point at Joe Biden and the U.S., which simply reinforce the story that ‘it’ happened and that ‘it’ was a sabotage. And all the lukewarm truthers sheepishly follow along by focusing on ‘who did it?’, again reinforcing the idea that there are always two sides fighting each other, cleverly hiding the fact that there are no sides, that they are all controlled by the same hand, that they are simply following a script to keep the masses distracted while they implement their agendas in the shadows. Again, if you understand that the world is simply a stage and that presidents and governments follow a script, then we know that all these big events have some kind of meaning, that they are and will be used to further whatever agendas they are working on. At times it can be as simple as to keep you distracted as something else of importance is taking place, or to create opinions and division, to instill irrational fear of different events and outcomes, to get leverage for new tyrannical laws, and most importantly, to program you with a false view, a false reality of the world which they control. And we know about Agenda 2030 and we can clearly see how all this fits into what has been happening for the last couple of years, and where they want to take us with Agenda 2030. The world is a stage. Everything that happens and get full coverage in the mainstream news is scripted! It’s done or fabricated by those in power, at the top of the power pyramid. And all countries, all the presidents and governments simply do what they are told. Ukraine vs. Russia, the left vs. the right, the U.S. and NATO trying to meddle, it’s all smoke and mirrors, all theatre, it’s all fake! It’s simply an act to shape your belief system.”

~Joachim Bartoll

After the alleged leaks of the Nord Stream pipelines, I see that question posted more now than in a very long time. Everything played out exactly as I wrote in my small article about the leaks. The lukewarm truthers believe the U.S. did it because of the speech made by Joe Biden on February 7th where he said that, “if Russia invades, then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

At the same time, the mainstream media tries and put the blame on Russia themselves, exactly as I wrote in my coverage:

Both of the camps have their heads up their asses though, as always. The question should never be, ‘WHO did it?’, because if you understand the world, you already know. The world is a stage. Everything that happens and get full coverage in the mainstream news is scripted! It’s done or fabricated by those in power, at the top of the power pyramid. And all countries, all the presidents and governments simply do what they are told. Ukraine vs. Russia, the left vs. the right, the U.S. and NATO trying to meddle, it’s all smoke and mirrors, all theatre, it’s all fake! It’s simply an act to shape your belief system.

So, we already, with high certainty, know ‘who did it.’ Now, whenever something gets big coverage in the media, whether it be a shooting, a sabotage, or as in this case leaks, the question you should be asking is ‘what happened,’ because ‘it,’ has not been established as a factual event. It’s only a story presented by the lamestream media who are lying to you 24/7. To assume or believe the premise established by the initial media reports of any event is to build on a foundation of hearsay. Actually, that question should be rephrased as ‘did it happen at ALL?’ Because we know that it’s all theatre and part of their games, rituals, and agendas.

This is important because Controlled Opposition and Shills are always telling you that mainstream media is lying and doing the bidding of the government, but at the same time they run with their stories as if they actually happened, they simply flip the narrative to lure those in who know that the media is lying or twisting the truth. THAT is the purpose of alternative media. They reinforce each other. These alternative explanations put out by controlled opposition and alternative media are there to protect the mainstream medias version’s central premise that “IT” happened — that what they report on is real.

In this case with the Nord Stream pipelines, alternative media point at Joe Biden and the U.S., which simply reinforce the story that ‘it’ happened and that ‘it’ was a sabotage. And all the lukewarm truthers sheepishly follow along by focusing on ‘who did it?’, again reinforcing the idea that there are always two sides fighting each other, cleverly hiding the fact that there are no sides, that they are all controlled by the same hand, that they are simply following a script to keep the masses distracted while they implement their agendas in the shadows.

Instead, if you understand these basics, just skip ahead and ask the question, ‘WHY do they tell us that THIS happened?’

Again, if you understand that the world is simply a stage and that presidents and governments follow a script, then we know that all these big events have some kind of meaning, that they are and will be used to further whatever agendas they are working on. At times it can be as simple as to keep you distracted as something else of importance is taking place, or to create opinions and division, to instill irrational fear of different events and outcomes, to get leverage for new tyrannical laws, and most importantly, to program you with a false view, a false reality of the world which they control.

And we know about Agenda 2030 and we can clearly see how all this fits into what has been happening for the last couple of years, and where they want to take us with Agenda 2030. I covered this in my first article about the North Stream pipelines, and I cover Agenda 2030 here:

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Never Forget What FREEDOM Is! Do NOT Accept Their Offer!”

“Most countries’ governments have signed and agreed to implementing this ‘sustainable’ totalitarian slave system pushed by the UN and WEF. It’s being executed in the shadows of the fake ‘climate crisis’ and the staged and fake plandemic, which is followed by the ‘infodemic’ the censorship of information and free speech. And now, in 2022, the staged and utterly fake war in Ukraine, which is being used as a silly excuse to ramp up the costs of fuel, electricity, and food. Not to mention that they use these extreme increases in living costs to make new laws around the fake climate change hoax, limiting the means of heating your home, using wood for heating stoves, and limiting water consumption. It’s all coordinated and happening at the same time to keep people from grasping the entire scoop of it all. This is conditioning and programming on a very high level. Most people are worn out, simply reacting and accepting the almost weekly increases in expenses, all while the value of their currency is simultaneously plummeting. People are so stressed out and in such a reaction mode that they can not think ahead and see where all this leads. What it will look like in only a year from now if this continues as it has for the last year. What about three years? Five years? Due to the fake plandemic, most people are now conditioned to stay inside and avoid other people. They are conditioned to do everything from their phone, tablet, or computer instead of being outside or visiting stores and outlets. They managed to do this in only a couple of years. The modern day of ‘book-burning’ is in full swing as the infodemic is censoring everything. The next generation will not even be aware of any other way of living. For them, what we can expect in restrictions of living and freedom for the next five years will be their normal. Is that really the future you want? The future you want for your children and their children? Make a stand and remember what life actually is, what you want life to be before it is too late. Share it with friends on social media, save it for your kids to remind them what the bare minimum of life and freedom should be. Remind everyone that this is what we want back. Start remembering. Start visualizing the future you want. Start writing. Start sharing. And start living it!”

~Joachim Bartoll

I’ve covered Agenda 2030 numerous times on this website. Most countries’ governments have signed and agreed to implementing this “sustainable” totalitarian slave system pushed by the UN and WEF. It’s being executed in the shadows of the fake ‘climate crisis’ and the staged and fake plandemic, which is followed by the ‘infodemic’ the censorship of information and free speech. And now, in 2022, the staged and utterly fake war in Ukraine, which is being used as a silly excuse to ramp up the costs of fuel, electricity, and food. Not to mention that they use these extreme increases in living costs to make new laws around the fake climate change hoax, limiting the means of heating your home, using wood for heating stoves, and limiting water consumption. It’s all coordinated and happening at the same time to keep people from grasping the entire scoop of it all. This is conditioning and programming on a very high level. Most people are worn out, simply reacting and accepting the almost weekly increases in expenses, all while the value of their currency is simultaneously plummeting. People are so stressed out and in such a reaction mode that they can not think ahead and see where all this leads. What it will look like in only a year from now if this continues as it has for the last year. What about three years? Five years?

They have already conditioned most people to limit travel, to stop going on vacations. To stop going out to visit venues or simply going for a family drive over the weekend. Due to the fake plandemic, most people are now conditioned to stay inside and avoid other people. They are conditioned to do everything from their phone, tablet, or computer instead of being outside or visiting stores and outlets. They managed to do this in only a couple of years. The modern day of ‘book-burning’ is in full swing as the infodemic is censoring everything. The next generation will not even be aware of any other way of living. For them, what we can expect in restrictions of living and freedom for the next five years will be their normal. Is that really the future you want? The future you want for your children and their children?

Here is an idea. I would like you to think back on how life was before the staged and faked plandemic. How life looked like before 2020, or even further back. How relaxed it was at your workplace. What you did in your spare time. What venues you visited with your family and friends. The vacations you had or the spontaneous trips you made. All the fun stuff you did and what freedom actually meant. Write it all down. Write stories about how life was before the tyranny of Agenda 2030 began. Title them with “This is what life used to be, this is what we want to go back to,” or “Bring freedom back, I do not consent to your future,” or something similar. Make a stand and remember what life actually is, what you want life to be before it is too late. Share it with friends on social media, save it for your kids to remind them what the bare minimum of life and freedom should be. Remind everyone that this is what we want back. We do not want their future of living within restricted zones in ‘smart cities’ with the only means of travel being high-speed trains for those with an accepted social credit score.

We do not want to be slaves to a digital ID, a social credit score system, or a Universal Basic Income that is only guaranteed as long as you behave like a good little sheep and consume your kibble, take tour sterilization shots, and never question your government or any fake authority.

Start remembering. Start visualizing the future you want. Start writing. Start sharing. And start living it!

~via Joachim Bartoll Official