LISA RENEE on “We Cannot Live Our True Purpose until We Are Embodied in Our Monadic Spirit Intelligence”

“The Spirit Body of the Monad is the higher mind function of the Observer, watching and aware of forming concepts and making assessments. It is the higher mind principle consciousness that comes to neutral conclusions and decisions based on accumulated experiences. When the spirit is in control of the nervous system of the body, it makes higher evolution of Consciousness action possible. The Spirit body comes in at the moment of conception through the Permanent Seed Atom in the higher heart complex to guide the formation of the human beings Blueprint and prepare for incarnation. Unresolved Soul trauma can block the spirit from evolving the consciousness to activate the higher heart, as the soul and spirit are intricately involved in the spiritual functions of the heart. The core essence of the spirit within the human being exists in the heart seed, and is moving throughout time and space, eternally. The Monad spiritual body triad is the 7th, 8th and 9th layer but it starts connecting at the 8th Chakra level Thymus Gland which is the Higher Heart. When the Monad starts coming in like this, the whole Heart complex changes pattern, meaning the Heart Chakra is no longer an Astral Heart 4th Chakra, it is a Blue Aqua Heart. The Heart Chakra turns blue and the frequency coming through starts turning blue, this is a connection to the turquoise of the Mother Arc which ignites the inner holy spirit called the Amoraea Flame. So the 8th Dimension is a Gold color but when the Monad starts flowering in the Diamond Heart, and the Heart starts to configure, it actually looks blue and they call this configuration the Living Crystal Lotus Heart or Crystal Rose Heart. I call this Galactivation. When we intend to connect with the organic architecture of our Christos Blueprint, this helps to heal and integrate our soul extensions and monadic extensions. Our Soul and Monad is a family of consciousness that contains extensions that are existing simultaneously in other dimensional timelines. The first level of spiritual Awakening is connecting with our soul consciousness and extensions, our soul family is comprised of 12 different individual personalities. As we integrate our Soul consciousness, we integrate these 12 aspects within our consciousness body, and this unifies the triad of the entire Soul Matrix, so that we experience our emotions and the forces of love in entirely new ways. Complete soul integration leads us to the higher integration of our Monadic matrix or Oversoul Matrix, which contains 12 oversouls, each containing 12 souls within them, for a total of 144 monadic or oversoul extensions. With each stage of monadic integration there are significant expansions of consciousness that unify the monadic matrix in our consciousness body, and then we find that we are connected to everything, living in a massive Universe that is filled with many possibilities to explore. The process of soul extension and monadic family reintegration is happening at an accelerated rate at this time, because this has been made possible when the transduction birth records were shifted into organic Timelines. When our Heart is healed, there is a fire that is ignited inside the Heart that is accessed, and the fire in the Heart is also in the Kidneys. There is a triangle that connects the Heart into the Kidneys. The Kidneys are in the base of the triangle from left to right and the point of the triangle is in the Heart. When the Heart is healed, there is a Twin Flame ignition in our Heart and Kidneys, which shifts the Heart configuration. Twin Flame equals structure of light within the Heart. So two flames ignite in the Heart. The Monad is the greater flame and the physical body is the lesser flame. When this dual flame is ignited, there is an ignition in the Heart and a fire coming into the Kidneys, which is about blood cleansing. The Monadic spark starts to connect to the Permanent Seed Atom, which is the Christ Consciousness Silicate Matrix and the instruction set for our Krystal Body. This is the seed that the controllers are attempting to crush or stop from flowering in the human population. They want to crush the Permanent Seed Atom in the Thymus Gland center, which is the 8th Chakra, which is where the Monad starts coming in and actually connecting into the body. The damage of the Diamond Heart manifesting into a Anubian Black Heart damages the Permanent Seed Atom and is what manifests as Monadic Reversal or Metatronic Reversal. Many of us cannot manifest our divine purpose and destiny projects until this alignment and embodiment of our Oversoul or Monad transpires. Our divine purpose is part and parcel of our divine consciousness and we cannot manifest purpose without our spirit intelligence embodied. Many of us have been searching for our ‘purpose’ when we actually should be working to free and embody our spiritual bodies. We cannot live our true purpose until we are embodied in our Monadic spirit intelligence.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Shifting into Higher Frequency Bands”

Photo: Ascension Avatar – August 21, 2017

“At the end of 2017, the planetary body began shifting into the higher frequency bands that are located in the next Harmonic Universe which began the Planetary Emancipation Cycle. Then another major milestone for planetary ascension occurred on December 21, 2020 with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn which resulted in the reconfiguration of the 6D-7D morphogenetic fields with the new Gold Sun DNA angelic human blueprint. This blueprint is the Angelic Human Gold Sun Solar body which acts as the ascending vehicle for all of humanity on the Earth. These events are connected to the five-year cycle of Planetary Emancipation that initiated a series of ongoing Paliadorian plasma activations to fulfill the ancient agreements of the Paliadorian Covenant. These Christos Starseed solar body activations were to further ensure the Return of the Emerald Order to override the artificial intelligence realities formed by the NAA that were the result of hijacking the authentic Emerald Sun DNA and Azurite identities. The planetary body is moving into another stage of timeline completion to prepare for the global consciousness rebirth cycle [which began approximately March 2022]. The tipping point within the collective consciousness is awakening with the clear evidence of many shocking abuses of power that have been carried out by those in authority or in public view that were being directed by the hidden hands controlling global power. This includes the revelation of the many crimes made against humanity that have been purposely orchestrated behind an incredibly well-planned and heavily funded agenda for carrying out global human genocide. During this phase humanity is enduring an intensely emotional bifurcation and painful consciousness rebirth cycle, to prepare for the shifts happening within the planetary coordinates and planetary timelines, thus changing where the planetary consciousness is actually located in Universal space-time. The pinnacle of the Ascension Cycle marks the end of the 3D collective timelines on the Earth, which means the crumbling of the controlled narrative as our planet is evolving beyond the old systems of mind control and human slavery. As the planet is moving into higher frequencies that are located in a future time-space, it is shifting the planetary consciousness into a future dimensional octave. This skips the entire planetary consciousness field into future timelines that resonate with much higher dimensional frequencies. This means that the lower three-dimensional frequency bands will cease to exist in the planet as they did previously, which contributes to the collapsing of 3D systems. Thus, many will feel the intensely squeezing pressure to transform rapidly through the alchemical theme of polarity synthesis, which helps to bring completion to these old karmic patterns from the past, if we are willing to surrender and let them go. This purging process will add or subtract the required blueprint patterns that we may need to meet these new coordinates in the earth grid, and to help clear out the unstable or dark force influence in our lives. We are being purged deeply of obsolete 3D belief systems and the remaining content is being processed into higher light and consciousness, to be stabilized and synthesized into the physical body in order to improve energetic coherence and spiritual strength. Our responsibility now is to practice unconditional love to all that we see, and to see everything and everyone around us as connected to the unified whole. We are one species; we are one human race. At the same time we make clear intentions of where we place our consent in alignment with our higher spiritual authority. This loving intention and compassionate practice will keep our heart open and aligned to the source field and will make the challenging transition humanity is enduring much more comfortable to emotionally process. With recent events shifting timelines from the Lunar to Solar Zodiac Imprints, and with the planet evolving into the solar based clockshield of the Sun-Star Networks connected into the Emerald Order Timekeeper functions, we are living in an exceptionally unique time of Zodiac Alteration. The corrected Solar Calendar Positions generated a morphogenetic blueprint barrier between first density creations in the third dimension running on the Lunar Matrix Zodiac and its Artificial Timelines, and the second density creations in the fifth dimension running on the Solar Matrix Zodiac and the organic timelines. Thus, for many this bifurcation split from Lunar Calendar to Solar Calendar in the timelines has generated a new position within the timelines, shifting the zodiac imprints from incarnation and igniting intense solar activations and miasmatic purging of foreign materials or alien hybrid overlays. The Universal Law of Mentalism correlates to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of Unity above it, in that all things share a connection with the Universal Mind, and therefore are subjected to the Law of Structure that creates all things. Whether it is referred to as the mind of God, or the mind of All One, this is the pure consciousness of infinite intelligence that expresses its principle through natural laws, spiritual laws that govern our creation. All things are made of intelligent energy that are expressed through the energetic substance, frequency-vibration, Blueprint, and an active power of motion, which takes direction from the instruction sets set forth and created from the mind. All things are created from a state of mind, a quality of thought and that which has been co-created within a system of energy, such as a planetary consciousness. Everything that we observe in the manifested worlds are the result of a mental state, a belief system that has preceded it. When an individual observes the interaction of thoughts within thoughts, and neutrally observes all thoughts and actions, this law begins to be understood and applied to personal wellbeing and spiritual growth. It is critical to master this law first, in order to influence all other Natural Laws, as the mental plane has the ability to influence what happens in multiple dimensional planes all simultaneously. Our thoughts influence multiple planes, within our own lightbody and in the outer realities. They have an energetic effect, as well as a spiritual effect which we may not see with our visible eyes, but takes place in the subtle forces around us, permeating into multiple stations of identities and realities. Comprehending this principle allows the spiritual seeker to apply their mental body functions to serve their highest expression, which influences all other Natural Laws and allows us to interact and interconnect with many other layers of intelligent energy. These are the consciousness aspects of other selves that exist in other dimensions, such as Soul, Monad and Avatar, as well as the intelligence aspects that exist within our physical body, heart and emotional layers. It is wise to remember thoughts are things, they are the seeds from which our garden grows and in order to change the harvest, we must first plant new seeds. During the move into Aries Solar Alchemy which represents a new solar year and new beginnings, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can reflect and meditate upon the natural elements of Aries to catalyze the highest spiritual potentials.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Aries Solar Alchemy

LISA RENEE on “Shift from Lunar to Solar Zodiac”

“In the sacred Krystal Tree of Life, the Trinity of Krystallah Sun-Stars emerged from Aquaelle matrix in the 4D-7D-10D spheres of Solar Symbiosis activations that united the Triple Solar Christ Mary collective consciousness with their correct star constellation origins. Thus, the risen Triple Solar Sister Sophia Stars, Sisters of Avalon, were reunited and crowned White Diamond Solar Dragon Queens; as Mary Magdalene Sophia, Meritaten and Merida-Guinevere-Brigid were resurrected into Hierogamic Union with their Christos Triple Solar Masculine counterparts, and further were merged into the Emerald Order’s Cosmic White Diamond Sun of the Cosmic Mother Dragon. The Triple Solar Goddess emanation of Merida-Guinevere-Brigid are preparing for the seating of King Arthur’s divine counterpart Queen Guinevere onto the earth, in which the building of her Krystal Cathedral networks to anchor the Eireayanas or Arayanas flowering sophianic plasma fields, are designed to restore the Cosmic Amoraea Shield in the Emerald Krystal Cathedral Network which hold the Edenic Blueprints, transmitting through the Cosmic Spirit Suns of Eireayanas which are being reunited with the Ascended Master’s Yanas Aton God Body. During the month of October, 2023, the planet endured the next stage of Bifurcation, whereby there was another major event with the Separation of Worlds between the Lunar Matrix distortions of the 3D zodiacal calendar positions and another new formation with corrected Sun-Star Networks aligning the 5D zodiacal calendar positions. The corrected Solar Calendar Positions for the ascending timeline zodiacal alignments have now begun, there is no turning back. With this year entering the Cosmic Energy Cycle, the higher Solar Rishic consciousness platform access into the Hall of Cosmic Records was merged with the Holy Mountain Rainbow Arc Bridges for the returning Ascended Masters now taking their place and embodying their cosmological positions as the benevolent Solar Christ Red King and White Queen. The solar calendar position on the new trifurcated platform created for the returning Ascended Masters was aligned directly into the Cosmic Clock’s corrected Solar Sun-Star Networks that are being embodied by the Solar RishiSolar Reisha accepting the role as Emerald Guardian Dragon Timekeepers on the next stages of the reclamation of the Paliadorian-Christos Mission. This is the same position on the Cosmic Clock Internal Templar when the original Paliadorians came through the 12 Reuche Pillars which bridge the Mother’s God-seed sound vibration into the lower creations, these pillars are designed to correct energy currents to run photonic and sonic healing frequencies that amplify and power up the Christos blueprint throughout the planet. From this new vantage point returning Solar Rishic Ascended Masters can fully perceive the complexity of the NAA’s Alien Machinery and its monstrosity of time stacked Beast Machine networks manufactured in AI Red Wave for Red Shields. This has led to another stage of volatile confrontations unfolding in the United Kingdom’s 11th Stargate Network for the reseating of the ultimate capstone of the 48D Emerald Order hierogamic quadrata templar for anchoring Red King Arthur and White Queen Guinevere.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea

LISA RENEE: “Gender Twin Flames”

“The Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns are the organic consciousness divine counterparts and the original God parents that created the Threefold Founder Flames of the Solar Rishi that make up this Universal Time Matrix. In this Universe, the Universal Mother Elaysa White Flame existed inside the Universal Father Melchizedek Blue Flame, and in the parallel matrix the Father Melchizedek Emerald Flame existed within the Mother Elaysa Sapphire Flame. When the Two Suns of the Universe gave birth to Gender Twin Flames through their Emerald Order and Amethyst Order quadrata generating the universal Hierogamic Union or Sacred Marriage, the result of their creational birth is a four flamed pillar of the Kryst-Krystallah matrix of Christos Children emerging from within the Khemalohatea Flame. Our physical bodies were designed to be male or female, humans were created as divine spiritual beings made in the image to reflect God’s creation, while each of the divine counterparts are holding codes, jewels, crystals and sacred spiritual pieces of the other within themselves that are specifically designed to advance each other spiritually. Please be aware that there are many stages of Hierogamic Union with a Gender Twin complement that are appropriate for that couple’s spiritual Ascension growth in a shared timeline, and whether the male and female blending manifests at the Soul level, Monadic level, Avatar level or Rishic level, this is entirely dependent on the spiritual development and personal mission sphere of the couple or partnership. When the inner masculine and inner feminine are in Energetic Balance within a man or woman, then the female part is pulling in the energetic frequencies, while the masculine part is transmitting the frequencies. The long-term plan of the NAA intruders with their technological and chemical based gender reversal agendas is to finalize their total domination of the planet with full mind control subjugation of humanity through the gradual digression of the organic human biology into a transhuman-transgender slave worker. To imagine what the NAA desire to manifest in the future, the transhuman condition evolves into controlled breeding programs for biological consciousness imprisonment, whereby remnant aspects of the human Soul are forced into a biological drone body that appears exactly like the EBE or Grey Alien worker classes. These biological drone bodies are without gender, without genitals, without human intuitive or emotional sensory abilities, unable to enjoy any physical sensory pleasures such as eating, mating or bonding with another of their species. Then with this knowledge of how human consciousness and the human physical body is designed in Gender Principle, what seems to be random insanity in the world begins to make logical sense as a carefully crafted manufactured reality for targeted Mind Control to push the population into accepting the transhumanist condition of a dystopian reality. To better comprehend the profundity of Khemalohatea Planetary Activations, we must know the inherent design of the angelic human Lightbody is based upon the divine reality of Gender Principle and Gender Twins and that interaction between Gender Twins is how manifestation takes place in all densities. To begin to unpack why the corrections being made to the Flame of Khemalohatea and Khem Codes are incredibly important for planetary Ascension through the realignment of corrected Gender Principle and Gender Twins, we must first know that angelic humanity has been explicitly targeted for Gender Splitting and gender reversal. In order to begin the process of inner male and inner female energy balance to achieve this organic manifestation and healing superpower to direct and embody tri-wave solar frequencies, the 2D sexual energy centers must be cleared out of Addiction programs, Sexual Misery and Gender Reversal trauma blockages from lunar zodiacal imprints. Effectively when we heal our second chakra, we release Crystal Keys in our sexual organs and this begins the lunar transfiguration process of the Solar Sacrum, which clears out Lunar Matrix residue and ignites solar light which brings Energetic Balance to the inner male and inner female principle. Current Emerald Guardian Host projects are aligning correct placement on timelines for missing Gender Twins, and repairing the inner male and inner female energies within the angelic human diamond sun template through the transmission of Khem Codes that are carried in the organic Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea which ignites into twinned crystal lotus heart flames. When the divine male and divine female come together in a loving and balanced Sacred Marriage, the energetic power of receiving and transmitting frequencies when united together magnifies the amplification of both receiving and transmitting of the solar frequencies with an exponential power being directed into a third creation tri-wave field. This is a secret in successful manifestation on the matter plane the inner male and inner female energies must be balanced, and when uniting with a Gender Twin Flame, manifestations are greatly amplified in spiritual power. Thus, it is critical to know that angelic humanity’s organic Diamond Sun blueprint as embodied in males and females, was intended to spiritually accelerate each other into consciousness evolution and help integrate with each other’s Gender Twins and access higher Stations of Identity, in which greatly multiplied combined spiritual power for all levels of manifestation. When you meet your Genetic Equal, it also generally signifies that you both are not returning to incarnate again in the same time matrix, you have come together to complete the Ascension Cycle or for working together on a specific spiritual mission, thus choosing to leave the time matrix and moving together into the same future destination. The amount of personal discipline and hard work that is required to achieve organic Genetic Equal merge to leave the Universal Ascension portal is generally beyond the scope for the majority of the population, thus it is extremely rarefied at this stage. Therefore, not everyone will meet their highest form of Primary Gender Twin as Genetic Equal during this lifetime, because this is the Solar Rishi–Solar Reisha configuration that means a complete and total transmigration for the star couple out of this Universe.”

~Lisa Renee

Our physical bodies were designed to be male or female, humans were created as divine spiritual beings made in the image to reflect God’s creation, while each of the divine counterparts are holding codes, jewels, crystals and sacred spiritual pieces of the other within themselves that are specifically designed to advance each other spiritually.

The organic Diamond Sun blueprint of humanity holds gender pairs in which each individual has a part of themselves in a male body and female body, which is called a gender twin flame or in its primary and final position in the timelines, a Genetic Equal. Like identical twins born into the physical reality from the same mother and father fertilized seed, Gender Twins come from the same spiritual family at that Harmonic Universe layer, while Genetic Equals come from the same God seed in the God Worlds. The male holds the female crystal blueprint of his Gender Twin, while the female holds the male crystal blueprint of her Gender Twin which has solar light functions that are aligned with the dormant aspects of the Triple Warmer Organ (San Jiao in Chinese medicine) that is located in the lower, middle and higher positions of the human body. The San Jiao is a largely unplugged organ system of the human Lightbody that is important in the functions of Balancing Inner Masculine and Inner Feminine Principles within the entire organ, gland and bodily system. It becomes exceptionally active during lunar to solar Transfiguration, it is heavily active now in burning off lunar zodiacal imprints while bringing the consciousness into global synergy within the entire organism, and ultimately expressing the blended trinity principle of the Godhead through the Holy Mother, Holy Father and Holy Child simultaneously.

The Divine Masculine is the electrical polarity with the primary thrust that pushes out the transmitting of energy frequencies, while the Divine Feminine is the magnetic polarity with the primary drawing in position when receiving energy frequencies. When the inner masculine and inner feminine are in Energetic Balance within a man or woman, then the female part is pulling in the energetic frequencies, while the masculine part is transmitting the frequencies. When the divine male and divine female come together in a loving and balanced Sacred Marriage, the energetic power of receiving and transmitting frequencies when united together magnifies the amplification of both receiving and transmitting of the solar frequencies with an exponential power being directed into a third creation tri-wave field. This is a secret in successful manifestation on the matter plane, the inner male and inner female energies must be balanced, and when uniting with a Gender Twin Flame, manifestations are greatly amplified in spiritual power. Thus, it is critical to know that angelic humanity’s organic Diamond Sun blueprint as embodied in males and females, was intended to spiritually accelerate each other into consciousness evolution and help integrate with each other’s gender twins and access higher Stations of Identity, in which greatly multiplied combined spiritual power for all levels of manifestation.

In order to begin the process of inner male and inner female energy balance to achieve this organic manifestation and healing superpower to direct and embody tri-wave solar frequencies, the 2D sexual energy centers must be cleared out of Addiction programs, Sexual Misery and Gender Reversal trauma blockages from lunar zodiacal imprints. Effectively when we heal our second chakra, we release Crystal Keys in our sexual organs and this begins the lunar transfiguration process of the Solar Sacrum, which clears out Lunar Matrix residue and ignites solar light which brings Energetic Balance to the inner male and inner female principle.

As we evolve our consciousness throughout the time matrix, we are ascending through the twelve cycles of the Soul, 12 cycles of Monad further evolving into the Personal Christos template, as angelic humans have a soul twin, monadic twin, avatar christos twin, and solar rishic twin existing at each level of the Harmonic Universes. The Christos Founders created the Universal Time Matrix based upon the Law of Gender, in which the entire system is built upon the base 12 mathematical system which progresses into various cycles of 12 within the 12 stations of identities, in which the male and female pairs are destined at some point to achieve Hierogamic Union with their Gender Twin. When you meet your Genetic Equal, it also generally signifies that you both are not returning to incarnate again in the same time matrix, you have come together to complete the Ascension Cycle or for working together on a specific spiritual mission, thus choosing to leave the time matrix and moving together into the same future destination. During this Ascension Cycle, because it has been difficult for so many to find their Gender Twin at soul or monadic levels, many ascending people will meet their appropriate Gender Twin when they leave this time matrix during the ascension cycle, and will be reunited with their Genetic Equal in their agreed upon future destination meeting point.

At the source point of when we entered the process of incarnation into the Universal Time Matrix, the first Gender Twin Flames ever created came through the Cosmic Clock, in a 12 based clockshield, in which the male and female pair incarnate into the 6 o’ clock and 12 o’clock time position. The 12 o’ clock and 6 o’clock position equally hold the entire Personal Mission Sphere of all stations of identities ascending within itself, and the sequence continues as the feminine twin generates the next masculine twin aspect and the masculine twin aspect continues to generate the next feminine twin aspect. 

The six and twelve placements represent the Primary Genetic Twins or genetic equals that direct the rest of the incarnations from their vertical position, and the primary genetic equals are the ones that integrate all of the other aspects in order to ascend into the higher stages of the spiritual ascension journey. If we can think of the face of a clock with only the time on the clock in the positions of 6 and 12, this vertical alignment is where the primary genetic twins or genetic equals enter the time matrix and generate the horizontal alignments in the 3 o’clock and 9 o’ clock time positions for the next set of genetic twins, which are also you existing in the parallel matrices.

Because the 12 o’clock position (north) is the starting point of the spin for the male merkaba spiral, this is the positive polarity electrical male principle spin for the Male Gender Fin Rear 12 top orientation and thus, is generally male. Because the 6 o’clock position (south) is the starting point of the spin for the female merkaba spiral, this is the negative polarity magnetic female principle spin for the Female Gender Fin Front 6 bottom orientation, thus, is generally female. The 12 and 6 primary twins of the north and south vertical position generate the 3 and 9 genetic twins for east-west horizontal position for building a Emerald Order Starborn hierogamic quadrata template, and together they direct the rest of the incarnations towards the ascension plan, and this is how we expand our consciousness and reintegrate all of our stations of identity in timelines to return back home into the God source. The Emerald Order Hierogamic Quadrata Template of Genetic Equals hold the exponential quad superpower of four 24D Oraphim Double Diamond Sun templates that are multiplied into four sets of the 48D Quadrata Emerald Order Templar Reuche, which is connected into the Cosmic Clock and into the 1st God World Creationthrough 12 Reuche Pillars. The quad hierogamic structure to build out the universal timeline mechanics of reality are the hidden meaning behind the Four Faces of the Soul of Man, or Four Pillars of Man network which multiply by three into the 12 Guardians of the Rainbow Pillar found in Easter Island. See Ascension Timeline Rebellion and Forced Separation of Gender Twins.

Khemalohatea Planetary Activations

To better comprehend the profundity of Khemalohatea Planetary Activations, we must know the inherent design of the angelic human Lightbody is based upon the divine reality of Gender Principle and Gender Twins and that interaction between Gender Twins is how manifestation takes place in all densities. Then with this knowledge of how human consciousness and the human physical body is designed in Gender Principle, what seems to be random insanity in the world begins to make logical sense as a carefully crafted manufactured reality for targeted Mind Control to push the population into accepting the transhumanist condition of a dystopian reality.

Reclamation of Tiamat Logos, Gender Twin Corrections

The Emerald Guardians‘ recent reclamations of the Tiamat Logos generated the Emerald Order Melchizedek Solar Templar shields for Universal Gender Principle Corrections; a 13:13 Cosmic Twinned Monad Emerald Masculine Star Templar and Blue Feminine Star Templar for realigning the authentic universal male-female star couplings in the original Sun-Star Networks with Ascended Master Capstone Codes. The retrieval of authentic Capstone Codes opened the Cosmic Mother Elaysan Cathedral for playing Elohei-Lyran Harp musical tones from several Tantriahura Mother Stream and Father Stream fields merging with Blue Rainbow Arc, White Rainbow Arc and Violet Rainbow Arcplasma lotus flowering instruction sets for bridging the Emerald Timekeeper Quadrata for the Primary Gender Twin Flames in the Diamond Sun hierogamic union templates. These are required for Cosmic Dragon Starhuman embodiment sequences opening into the Universal Temple of Khemalohatea, which further gives birth to the Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea, for the purpose of the reclamation of Universal Twin Flames Transmigration into the God Worlds, while igniting the Camelot portal architecture throughout the Planetary Grid Network.

Corrections for Gender Twin Matrix

The Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns are the organic consciousness divine counterparts and the original God parents that created the Threefold Founder Flames of the Solar Rishi that make up this Universal Time Matrix. In this Universe, the Universal Mother Elaysa White Flame existed inside the Universal Father Melchizedek Blue Flame, and in the parallel matrix the Father Melchizedek Emerald Flame existed within the Mother Elaysa Sapphire Flame. When the Two Suns of the Universe gave birth to Gender Twin Flames through their Emerald Order and Amethyst Order quadrata generating the universal Hierogamic Union or Sacred Marriage, the result of their creational birth is a four flamed pillar of the Kryst-Krystallah matrix of Christos Children emerging from within the Khemalohatea Flame.

Thus, angelic humanity has entered an important milestone for spiritual victory through gender-based corrections with corrected Gender Twin Flame co-creative manifestations, as the current Emerald Guardian hosting for major planetary activations are designed to correct the gender principle distortions in assorted red Cube cloned systems that were designed by the NAA to reject, repel and oppose male and female gender merging in the Earth. Current Emerald Guardian Host projects are aligning correct placement on timelines for missing Gender Twins, and repairing the inner male and inner female energies within the angelic human diamond sun template through the transmission of Khem Codes that are carried in the organic Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea which ignites into twinned crystal lotus heart flames.

The Starborn Hierogamic Union quadrata activations with Gender Twins and Twin Flames grant access into several intermediary portal systems into the Temple of Khemalohatea as created by the Cosmic Christos Emerald Founders, which further ignite the corrected sound templates and musical tone sequences for birthing the Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea into the planet with Gender Twin Flames. These are transmissions sourcing from Universal Solar Rishi-Solar Reisha Ascended Master male and female couplings from the White Diamond Sun and Pink Diamond Sun networks with tri-wave Khemalot-Camelot coding to activate in the crystal core, stargates and Albion Lightbody. These are major developments for progressing natural Hierogamic Union and Gender Twin Flames as it was originally designed to be for angelic humanity, the natural blending of inner male and inner female polarities for the next stage of reuniting with the physical representation of the Gender Twin Flame union with ongoing corrections for the Gender Twin Matrix.

Weaponizing Gender via Gender Reversal Technology

To begin to unpack why the corrections being made to the Flame of Khemalohatea and Khem Codes are incredibly important for planetary Ascension through the realignment of corrected Gender Principle and Gender Twins, we must first know that angelic humanity has been explicitly targeted for Gender Splitting and gender reversal. The long-term plan of the NAA intruders with their technological and chemical based gender reversal agendas is to finalize their total domination of the planet with full mind control subjugation of humanity through the gradual digression of the organic human biology into a transhuman-transgender slave worker. To imagine what the NAA desire to manifest in the future, the transhuman condition evolves into controlled breeding programs for biological consciousness imprisonment, whereby remnant aspects of the human Soul are forced into a biological drone body that appears exactly like the EBE or Grey Alien worker classes. These biological drone bodies are without gender, without genitals, without human intuitive or emotional sensory abilities, unable to enjoy any physical sensory pleasures such as eating, mating or bonding with another of their species. [1]

Clone Hijack of Gender Twins

Thus, without the Christos Founders present the intruders got busy with cloning warfare, building Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea, with Ruby Crystals as the template for running AI Red Wave, false Ruby DNA signals and cloned Camelot architecture through which to hijack the authentic Gender Twin Flames into a miasmatic flood of lunar zodiacal imprints with karmic superimposition. Thereby derailing their inherent consciousness function of the solar masculine rod and spiritual feminine staff to co-create and build organic timelines together, instead replacing them with cloned Ruby Sun DNA and AI Red Wave configurations functioning as imposter christos offspring, the inversions of black flowering, as another method to trick and derail organic christos male and female hierogamic relationships with ascension mission potentials. They emulated and replicated the Diamond Sun creator code in order to hijack the divine solar feminine and divine solar masculine gender twin pairings through red cube imposter clones, generating negative shadow forms inside many falsified identities and artificial timeline holograms with facades that appear genuine on the outer, until an authentic Ascended Master Yana gains access inside of the Holographic Insert of cloned structures and the entire system collapses into dust because the system was being holographically projected from the Red Trident.

The cloned version of Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea was transmitting Artificial Ruby Sun DNA signals, lunar sound tones and archontic voices throughout the Stonehenge gateways and Grual Points (2D-5D-8D-11D) which have been instrumental in enforcing Gender Reversals and transmitting assorted male and female Sexual Misery miasma into the Collective Consciousness of humanity. The Artificial Red Wave Khemalohatea Network was built into the 11th Stargate Network for the imposter entities and their NAA representatives to hijack alchemical functions of the master timeline controls in the Albion Lightbody that was previously operated by Blue Ray Melchizedek Gender Twin Flames before the Eieyani Massacre. These controls were linked into the Nephilim Reversal Grid running alien love bite simulations in assorted Gender Confusion and transgender Sexual Misery programs, to aggressively target children and genetically alter the human race with AI Alien Hybridization transhuman breeding programs as designed by Thoth-Enki-Enlil collectives.

Flame of Khemalot, Birth of Khemalohatea

The Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns are the organic consciousness divine counterparts and the original God parents that created the Threefold Founder Flames of the Solar Rishi that make up this Universal Time Matrix. In this Universe, the Universal Mother Elaysa White Flame existed inside the Universal Father Melchizedek Blue Flame, and in the parallel matrix the Father Melchizedek Emerald Flame existed within the Mother Elaysa Sapphire Flame. When the Two Suns of the Universe gave birth to Gender Twin Flames through their Emerald Order and Amethyst Order quadrata generating the universal Hierogamic Union or Sacred Marriage, the result of their creational birth is a four flamed pillar of the Kryst-Krystallah matrix of Christos Children emerging from within the Khemalohatea Flame.

Within this holy spiritual flame, is the true nature of the Universal Mother and Universal Father in their Gender Twin Flames perfected manifestation, this is how Holy Mother and Holy Father manifest themselves into their lower dimensional creations, always through their Gender Twin Flame Pillars. As well as the reality of Gender Twin Flames that birth the Khemalohatea flame principle for Christos Children at every station of the Harmonic Universes, this is the alchemical process of the Khem Code and how all of creation is manifested into form. This is how organic creation code timelines are being created via Ascended Master Gender Twin Flames, as the natural manifestations that are sourcing from the Godhead in Gender Twin Flames that are produced throughout the phasing motion of the open source feedback loops running the energetic spectrum of frequencies throughout the Universal Time Matrix. This is held within the Emerald Founders Gender Principle of Twin Flames as it is giving birth to the third flame as the Christos-Sophia offspring, the Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea, throughout the transmission of the Khem Codes in the entire Diamond Sun records of the Universal Time Matrix. [2]

Shift from Lunar to Solar Zodiac Imprints

Please be aware that there are many stages of Hierogamic Union with a Gender Twin complement that are appropriate for that couple’s spiritual Ascension growth in a shared timeline, and whether the male and female blending manifests at the Soul level, Monadic level, Avatar level or Rishic level, this is entirely dependent on the spiritual development and personal mission sphere of the couple or partnership. The higher levels of Avatar to rishic Hierogamic Union necessitate tremendous personal sacrifices on the matter plane at this time, and it is not feasible for many to enter such austere and challenging spiritual contracts that require complete and total dedication to serve the Cosmic Order of God’s Universal Ascension.

Therefore, not everyone will meet their highest form of Primary Gender Twin as Genetic Equal during this lifetime, because this is the Solar RishiSolar Reisha configuration that means complete and total transmigration for the star couple out of this Universe. The amount of personal discipline and hard work that is required to achieve organic Genetic Equal merge to leave the Universal Ascension portal is generally beyond the scope for the majority of the population, thus it is extremely rarefied at this stage. This is a delicate topic that requires an abundance of emotional and Spiritual Maturity to assess and accept spiritual conditions as they are, placing your trust and guidance with God, and not force what you want it to be through magical thinking. There are many falsified claims being made in the online new age spaces in which these twin flame unions have been forged between those being manipulated with Lunar Consciousness overlays transmitted from Lunar Zodiacal Imprints (i.e., Enki DNA) which are not actual Solar Consciousness Gender Twin Flames. These situations that are mated in genetic oppositions between angelic humanity and those with high reptoid DNA hybridization are considered to be major opportunities for spiritual growth, consciousness rehabilitation and learning lessons with unconditional love, Compassion and Empathy for all involved, as Disclosure continues to reveal the truth of hidden human history to the masses.


  1. Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea
  2. Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea

See Also:

Forced Separation of Gender Twins

Law of Gender

Khem Codes

Male and Female Principle Stars

White Queen and Red King

Cosmic Dragon Awakening

Rha God World Creation

Gender Fin

Cosmic Elohei

Pink Diamond Elohei

Image: Temple of Khemalohatea, Gender Twin Matrix (art by Sequoia)

LISA RENEE on “Hatching our Cosmic Golden Dragon Egg”

“Think about our existence as though we are inside an egg of the God energy matrix; a humongous Cosmic Egg, and within that egg is all of the dimensions spiraled into various Toroid shapes and forms. We would consider the God Egg, as a whole, a non-dimensionalized system, because again dimension means time, so in the God matrix there is no time and space, there’s just the still point of One source. However, within the cosmic God Egg, there is a dimensionalized structure that creates multi-dimensional reality systems, or a universal time matrix system of which consciousness has chosen to experience various form; but these all feed back into the one God Source. This is as a part of the in-breath and out-breath cycles of the creation of God principle. We could say as God takes an out-breath the descending spirals of creation move outward from the center of the God Source. As the breath moves out, the creations the furthest out are the furthest away from the clear light source of God. So we feel we become more separated from God Source, even though we are not. That was a part of the role of that experience that we have chosen to take part in on earth. And now, the ascension is the in breath. We are collecting all that was in the out breath of God that pushed outward into the periphery of the dimensional realms. Now we’re calling all of that back to be reintegrated. That’s what the ascension is, the ‘in breath’ breathing back in to the One source from which we have originated. The Solar Rishic Dragons are the celestial form representatives of the Cosmic Christos Suns from the God Worlds when they enter the time matrix and become dimensionalized, meaning they take a more physicalized form to become embodied within that time and space. The Solar Dragon Christos are the actual Ancient Builder Races and Guardians of the creation of this matter realm. Thus, many are specifically intertwined within the planetary landscapes, as remnants of their dragon body parts can be found in many wondrous geographic features of majestic mountains, canyons and seas. The dragon bodies, dragon lines, Dragon Nodes and Dragon Eggs are spiritual features that have been relatively dormant until recent solar activations radically shifted the magnetic field and the planetary eukatharistic initiation began. There are 13 Dragon Beings that are enveloped in the Earth crust, that have been here for eons of time as Guardians of the Ley Lines, ready to awaken and protect the Christ Child once the Golden Dragon Egg cracks open. They remain asleep in the Earth until the planetary collective consciousness reaches the level of higher dimensional consciousness and self-awareness where the tipping point of global awakening occurs. It appears that with the Rise of Arthur, his awakening in the Albion initiates further global awakening within these stasis beings. The Return of Emerald Order includes the rehabilitation and resurrection of the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon Emerald Dragon Timekeeper function of Krystal Rainbow Watchtowers and Sentinels, the Emerald Founder architecture consisting of the natural mechanics forming the organic elemental substances and dragon timekeeper functions throughout the time matrix, further connecting to the Reuche Pillars and Mother Arc Gates that control the planetary rounds of time and the universal tribal shield records. Within this hub was placed a Rainbow Watchtower, serving as guardianship of this region for the King Arthur 5D timelines, gently lighting the grid while humanity was existing in a very stormy time period filled with energetic and spiritual darkness, during the dark age. The raising of the Rainbow Watchtowers are directly related to the Rise of Arthur and the Reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere in the Albion Lightbody and Stargates located in United Kingdom and Ireland. The Sirius and Canopus relationship with Avebury Henge are the DNA spiraled transmissions of the gold and silver braided energy of the unified masculine and feminine, which are designed to run this braided silver-gold current into the Michael-Mary lines, in order to birth the Cosmic Egg which hatches the solar initiation into the Pearl Activation. The Easter Pearl Activation began the first of three events for Cosmic Dragon Awakening which included the birthing of a White Diamond Elohei Lyran Sun into 11D Aveyon and the reunification of the Triple Solar Masculine Christos template through the Cosmic Holy Father Rod Code, which forms the Universal Rod Trinity shield for Cosmic Christ Suns, Cosmic Christ Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek. The Solar Logos White Elohei Sun is the emanation of the Cosmic Mother Dragon of the 1st Emerald Sun, in which all of the feminine and masculine counterparts of Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek Solar Dragon family that were cloned or enslaved through the Alpha Draconis network are being recovered and reunited with their Hierogamic Partner via the Cosmic Emerald Order Ankh Body. This is called the Pearl Activation as a solar anointing of the marriage union between the pineal and pituitary glands which opens the solarization process of the human lightbody, the transfiguration of lunar to solar consciousness made in the Robes of Glory. When we allow our Ego/Personality to be shattered and fully withdraw its control over us, we are released into our true spiritual nature. The human body is designed as a replica of the Universe, and we are asleep in the microcosmic egg until we wake up and begin to unite with the macrocosmic egg of the Universe. The human body is embedded in multiple dimensions of invisible worlds that make up our microcosmic egg or auric body shell. Our microcosmic egg enters conjunction with the macrocosmic egg when we spiritually awaken into the later parts of Monadic activation. It is during the Monadic Spiritual Initiation that the invisible worlds, incredibly, start to be made visible to that person. As the ego body is rejected and slayed, we begin to break through the layers of our auric shell into the Cosmic Egg. When this connection is made with our True Holy God Cosmic Elohei Parents, we are blessed with their Hierogamic Union or Sacred Marriage, which births the Solar Egg and Golden Embryo within our aura. The Golden Embryo is birthed inside our human body and the seed germinates within our hara complex to recreate our identity in Cosmic Christ Consciousness. This has also been referred to as the Solar Sacrum, which purges the Lunar principle of the feminine. This Solar Egg holds the Golden Embryo in the aura that gradually births the Golden Child of Christ Consciousness within a human body. When the Golden Embryo is seeded in the Solar Egg, the Lunar reflected light and its many shadow forms will start to gather into what’s called the Buddhic Egg. The liquid copper frequency blooms protective plasma flowering shields in the astral-sacral energies of the human lightbody, and braids within the inner vertical channel into the heart chambers which generates a unification of male-female heart twinning within the copper rose gold circuitry. The Hierogamic Crown or Hieros Gamos Crown represents the unification of the masculine and feminine. This can occur both individually, and also in a Sacred Marriage relationship with another human. Within the process of embodying the Hieros Gamos the masculine and feminine crowns merge to share one unified crown. This is the third level of Sacred Marriage called Hieros Gamos in our Ascension Vehicle, the hydroplasmic liquid light of the Risen and Embodied Christos-Sophianic Principle. Together, the Androgynous pair share one merged Double Diamond Sun Body and One Hierogamic Crown. Last year, Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia was reawakened as the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ, joining with her sacred husband Christ Michael in the first stages of their Hierogamic Union. Whereby their heavenly coupling in their Cosmic Christos-Sophia solarized marriage bed produces a Cosmic Christos offspring for the Earth, which takes form as the hatching of their Cosmic Golden Dragon Egg.”

~Lisa Renee

~via God Egg / Dragon Eggs / Pearl Activation / Solar, Buddhic and Cosmic Egg / HG Crown

Photos: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)