GARY D. BARNETT on “Demanding Solutions From Others to Cure the World’s Ills”

“The seemingly easy path to dependency is thought to be a way to hide from reality, but in essence, it is the epitome of cowardice. This New World Order being sought is based on dependency for a reason, because the more dependent is any society as a whole on others or the State apparatus, the easier the masses are to control. Dependence breeds laziness, irresponsibility, and indifference, and those pitiful traits are fatal to the idea of freedom. These attitudes are greatly enhanced when a victim mindset is present, as has happened with the collective horde that make up the bulk of this population, and most of the rest of the western world as well. What is missed by the vast crowd of plebeians, is that this gross dependency and cowardice has been purposely constructed by the ruling class through long-term brainwashing and indoctrination over decades. This plot has been successful in turning a more responsible, independent, vital, and courageous people, into groups of victims awaiting a savior who will never appear. This is heavily manifested in the now ludicrous behavior norm of the herd demanding solutions from others for their self-created plight of voluntary enslavement. They have no courage or desire to help themselves, but expect those who fearlessly identify and expose the basis of the tyranny and totalitarian nature of the State they created and support, to fix everything for them, or give them the easy solution to their self-imposed problems. Any critical thought whatsoever would reveal the idiocy of such an impossible demand, but when so many expect to be taken care of instead of being responsible for their own lives, the only result is a pathetic and useless societal mob awaiting their next order to obey. They have not the guts or brains to figure out that in order to save themselves from the abuse they have voluntarily accepted, and restore the freedom they have abandoned, they have to help themselves instead of expecting others to do it for them. Cowardice is common, but much misunderstood, and in many cases, false ‘courage’ and ‘bravery,’ while seen as heroic, are actually cowardice in disguise. We do live in an era of opposites, where most everything is reversed, where inversion of reality is the norm. What is at the root of these inversions, is mass confusion as to actual reality as opposed to perceived reality. It comes down to a moral question. For example, refusing to support nation-state aggression by not accepting orders to war against and kill innocents, is seen by many as cowardice, whereas military killing of innocents on orders, is seen as brave and heroic. This is evidenced by the military worship that grips this nationalistic, war-loving country. This is of course backward, for it takes much more courage to combat and fight against State evil, than to participate in it. Those who remain silent in the face of the terror wielded by their claimed ‘country,’ (government) or want others to take the risk of speaking out and ‘curing’ the world’s ills for them, exacerbate greatly the massive problems of brutal rule. They tend to blame any attempting to expose the tyranny and totalitarian nature of our existence, because they want an easy, although impossible remedy that does not include them helping themselves. They want someone else to do the work necessary, and are not willing to take any risk that may put them in physical or psychological jeopardy in order to fix what they themselves created. They blame and criticize, instead of using the information given them to increase their knowledge of the horrors they hide from and ignore. In order to gain freedom, you have to want it badly enough to do whatever it takes to gain enough self-respect to understand the importance of your life. No one can ‘give’ you freedom, you have to demand it unconditionally. You have to rebel within yourself, and not rely on any other to give you something that they have no power to give. This is an individual struggle, based on the cooperation of many who desire the same thing. It is not and cannot be accomplished by hiding in the crowd, cowering in fear, expecting others to give you an impossible easy solution, and avoiding the pain of becoming free. You, each of you, has to decide for yourself. If you continue to do nothing to help yourselves, what will be your fate? If you continue to worship the State, and to participate in its worthless elections meant only to decide the choosing of your master, how many lords will rule over you? If you continue to support government’s terroristic policies here and around the world, where will the terror end? If you cower behind a curtain of ignorance, hoping for a magic answer, what will happen to the future of your children and grandchildren due to your cowardice? If you are not willing to do anything to take and secure your own freedom, why would you expect any other to do it for you? The results of this immoral behavior, are misery and suffering. It is economic ruination, and the confiscation of all property. It is violence, torture, and maiming. It is democide and genocide, which are both being aggressively pursued here and around the world every single day. It is State-manufactured sickness, war, famine, and the herding of sheep together for slaughter to bring about mass depopulation. It is hideous human lockdowns, concentration camps, 15 minute cities, and transhuman technocratic control. If you acknowledge the truth, you must act on it. If you hide from the truth, and take the easy path, you will suffer great consequences at every level of your being. There are a few thousand evil monsters who have designed this plan, and now rule over you. There are 335 million people here in the U.S., and 8 billion people on earth, who are all being controlled by these few thousand psychopaths. How can this be? How can so many be ruled by so few? If you answer this question honestly, be prepared to come out of hiding, take a stand, and act like a free man instead of a slave.If you continue to do nothing to help yourselves, what will be your fate? If you continue to worship the State, and to participate in its worthless elections meant only to decide the choosing of your master, how many lords will rule over you? If you continue to support government’s terroristic policies here and around the world, where will the terror end? If you cower behind a curtain of ignorance, hoping for a magic answer, what will happen to the future of your children and grandchildren due to your cowardice? If you are not willing to do anything to take and secure your own freedom, why would you expect any other to do it for you? The results of this immoral behavior, are misery and suffering. It is economic ruination, and the confiscation of all property. It is violence, torture, and maiming. It is democide and genocide, which are both being aggressively pursued here and around the world every single day. It is State-manufactured sickness, war, famine, and the herding of sheep together for slaughter to bring about mass depopulation. It is hideous human lockdowns, concentration camps, 15 minute cities, and transhuman technocratic control. If you acknowledge the truth, you must act on it. If you hide from the truth, and take the easy path, you will suffer great consequences at every level of your being. There are a few thousand evil monsters who have designed this plan, and now rule over you. There are 335 million people here in the U.S., and 8 billion people on earth, who are all being controlled by these few thousand psychopaths. How can this be? How can so many be ruled by so few? If you answer this question honestly, be prepared to come out of hiding, take a stand, and act like a free man instead of a slave.”

~Gary D. Barnett

Read the full article here:

Demanding Solutions From Others To Cure the World’s Ills Is Cowardice in the Presence of Tyranny


Copyright © 2023

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given

DON’T FORGET TO DRINK YOUR TRUMP-AID! ~ Gary D. Barnett on “Those Who Fall for the So-Called ‘Left/Right’ Election Madness Are Absolute Fools!”

“Here we go again. Each side of the coin being flipped is the same; both sides indicating parties of evil. It is the same game as always, and the same stupid people jump on board because this time, things will be different, and your guy will fix everything. There are several labeled ‘right-wing’ candidates being touted as saviors by the maniacal herd, especially those blind ‘pro-freedom’ pretenders, who continue to trust the State and the heinous and fraudulent political process, while leaping on the band wagon with both feet of every single candidate promising them to do it right this time. It would be difficult to find a more pathetic exercise than this, but at least it is eternally predictable. If human nature is nothing else, it is a showcase for hypocrisy and gullibility, and in light of this current trend, those falsely calling themselves ‘libertarians,’ anarcho-capitalists,’ staunch ‘conservatives,’ and fighters for freedom, are all showing their bare asses in broad daylight. It is a sad sight to be sure. There have been several of these claimed freedom ‘pretenders,’ immigration ‘warriors,’ monetary fixers, and free-trade imposters, who have been recently elected around the world, and the faux alternative media sites have bought the hype hook, line, and sinker, without once standing in any light of reality. This time is no different, and this is so simple to point out and see, but it belies imagination that most people who vote for their next ruler, never learn anything at all from thousands of years of mistakes. All these candidates are Statists, whether they claim that status or not, so are their supporters really fooled, or are they exposing their real character and lack of intellectual reasoning, by embracing complete contradiction? Liars all. The news stories recently are consumed by ridiculous headlines that include; the ‘rise of the right,’ ‘far right ‘outsiders,’and ‘right-wing nationalists taking power.’ All these politicians are compared to Trump, (what an endorsement?!) an insider if ever one existed, and all support Zionist Israel, protectionism, war, genocide, and massive State power. They are all peas in a pod, they are all the same, just as all parties are virtually the same power hungry controllers, regardless of the lies and deception practiced by those spewing their falsehoods on the podium. Now the criminals vying for the seat of rule in the U.S., which is nothing more than a seat for a puppet ruler, will be the story of the coming year, as all the fake ‘freedom’ pretenders, will latch on to their guy, claiming good times for all are coming because of a new lord and master who promises to bring them freedom. Already, several have been sided with and endorsed by those claiming to be ‘anti-State.’ Will this hypocrisy, insanity and stupidity ever end, or will this madness go on forever, as has always been the case? I think you know the answer to this question. Fools are always fooled, they have always been fooled, and they will likely continue to pick their master at every single opportunity, thus resulting in perpetual rule and mass enslavement. But all fools should hurry, choose your new and better master, and run to the voting booth, as it will be so much better this time around. This story is as old as time, but gets even more idiotic each and every election, as even more historical evidence and fact exposing the voting scam are easily obvious, showing the pure idiocy of voting for a master. For the thousandth time, doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome, but finally, the good guy is here to save you. What a crock of crap is this, and how can any sane, thinking individual, fall into that same trap every election, without once understanding that he is in a circular game of hysterical lunacy?”

~Gary D. Barnett

Read the full article here:

Those Who Fall for the So-Called ‘Right Wing/Libertarian-Leaning’ Election Madness Are Acting as Absolute Fools!


Copyright © 2023

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given

“You drank the Kool-Aid. But I’m dead now. In fact, I’ve been dead for a long time, but you YUGE fools never knew it! Haha! Well, you know it NOW! Ow, it’s getting hot down here… ow… OW… OWW!!! SOMEBODY! PASS THE BURN GEL!! OWWWWW!!!!…”

~The former Donald J. Drumpf, signing off from his own self-created Hell

Read related article here:


LISA RENEE: “Omicron Draconians”

“Dragon Moth or Omicron Draconians are one of the factions behind the Orion Group, one of the intruder groups of the NAA that source from the Orion Constellation. The Dragon Moth are reptilian entities that exist extradimensionally in bodies that are animated and controlled by off planet Satanic forces from Orion, and their higher ups exist in the monadic planes or Gaian timelines. They manipulate time to extend their mind control terrorism to this timeline in the past, the earth timelines in matter. Through ripping black holes in space time, they have been able to get closer to the earth plane through the Astral Plane. Dragon Moth entities are extremely vicious and violent and are behind most of the militant and terrorist activities in the areas of the planet that correspond to the Iraq and Iran Gate. The Islamic extremist factions observed in the Middle East are culled and orchestrated in terrorism techniques primarily by the Omicron reptiles. Where there is terrorist sleepers, (human people or ex-military personnel that just start shooting or killing randomly) this is generally a Dragon Moth-Omicron operation. Dragon Moth Omnicrons started to place their Alien Machinery in the planet at the time of the Nephilim Wars, when the Annunaki began to negotiate with the Orion Group because they needed military support to take over the earth and parallels. Approximately 75,000 BC, at the time of this conflict of the Nephilim on the earth, they installed the Dragon Grids. The Dragon Grid has its top part running in Siberia, Russia and the main body extends through Asia, Middle East and into North China and into Japan. These agendas run parallel with the Alpha Omega Agenda, the Armageddon Software, are referred to as ‘Dragon Agendas’ which is a subsidiary agenda to ride the coattail of the Armageddon Software to achieve their own dominion over the Dragon Grid in the Asian area. The Dragon Grid, The Dragon Agenda is all connected to the Dragon Moth entities of the Orion Group. This is why the Dragon agenda supports the Armageddon scenario into World War 3, they believe they will get their Dragon Grid completely activated and controlled if WW3 was instigated, and they push that to happen through world terrorism and Transhumanism.

~Lisa Renee

Dragon Moth or Omicron Draconians are one of the factions behind the Orion Group, one of the intruder groups of the NAA that source from the Orion Constellation. Dragon Moth sources from mainly around Alnitak around the Orion’s belt areas. Dragon Moth entities are extremely vicious and violent and are behind most of the militant and terrorist activities in the areas of the planet that correspond to the Iraq and Iran Gate. The Islamic extremist factions observed in the Middle East are culled and orchestrated in terrorism techniques primarily by the Omicron reptiles. The Dragon Moth are reptilian entities that exist extradimensionally in bodies that are animated and controlled by off planet Satanic forces from Orion, and their higher ups exist in the monadic planes or Gaian timelines. They manipulate time to extend their mind control terrorism to this timeline in the past, the earth timelines in matter. Through ripping black holes in space time, they have been able to get closer to the earth plane through the Astral Plane. Events like the nuclear event in Fukushima, Japan create damage in the earth field which allows their forces to penetrate more deeply in areas they were not previously able to access directly.

Also, they have been known to be hired as mercenaries for the Annunaki who negotiate with them to help defend their territories (ley lines) in the United Kingdom around Stonehenge. These areas operate what is called the NRG which is the primary mind control grid that operates the Sexual Misery program that harvests human sexual energies, and promotes the Victim-Victimizer software in order to enforce sexual misery in the human race. Dragon Moth are terrorist specialists in military strategy, and the Annunaki bargains with them for ley lines or negotiates with them to get them to enforce militant control over areas with targeting versions of Psychotronic Warfare in the demographic area. Where there is terrorist sleepers, (human people or ex-military personnel that just start shooting or killing randomly) this is generally a Dragon Moth-Omicron operation.

Dragon Moth Omnicrons started to place their Alien Machinery in the planet at the time of the Nephilim Wars, when the Annunaki began to negotiate with the Orion Group because they needed military support to take over the earth and parallels. Approximately 75,000 BC, at the time of this conflict of the Nephilim on the earth, they installed the Dragon Grids. The Dragon Grid has its top part running in Siberia, Russia and the main body extends through Asia, Middle East and into North China and into Japan. These agendas run parallel with the Alpha Omega Agenda, the Armageddon Software, are referred to as “Dragon Agendas” which is a subsidiary agenda to ride the coattail of the Armageddon Software to achieve their own dominion over the Dragon Grid in the Asian area. The Dragon Grid, The Dragon Agenda is all connected to the Dragon Moth entities of the Orion Group. This is why the Dragon agenda supports the Armageddon scenario into World War 3, they believe they will get their Dragon Grid completely activated and controlled if WW3 was instigated, and they push that to happen through world terrorism and Transhumanism.

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Master-Slave Mentality”

“To remove human resistance to their long-term takeover agenda, the secretive infiltration of the core societal and organizational structures began thousands of years ago. Silently and methodically introducing Inverted Systems to take over the structures governing the top hierarchy in monarchy, military, political, religious, medical, financial and legal systems. This would be ideal, to shape the value systems that generate the pavlovian style of behavior modification in material-based reality that they seek to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self-enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation to control the minds of the earth inhabitants, they would use minimal off planet resources and remain invisible as the ruling class. Power Abuses were an essential feature, intentionally designed into the institutions and organizations that were created centuries ago in order to legitimatize and monetize human suffering and world slavery, for the tranquil benefit of the few. This means we must decide how much we are willing to know of these unpleasant truths that have been built into the firmament of the pillars running our society. The NAA and Controllers use the hidden Mind Control game to play the master-slave narrative against another species, earth humans, which is designed to invoke submission to brute power as the authority and to accept power abuses as normal in part of everyday life, in order to ensure a means for personal survival. To what degree can we recognize that we have been intentionally programmed to be totally dependent upon them in order to submit to absolute authority, no matter how inhumane or cruel. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement, as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights, their access to knowledge and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants, who are unaware they are being invaded by an unseen enemy and that a silent war is being carried out against them. The NAA and Controllers use the hidden Mind Control game to play the master-slave narrative against another species, earth humans, which is designed to invoke submission to brute power as the authority and to accept power abuses as normal in part of everyday life, in order to ensure a means for personal survival. They indoctrinated the Power Elite into the master-slave narrative in order to act as their representative prison wardens on the surface, aligning them with the alien invasion slavery agenda, rather than siding with humanity.”

~Lisa Renee


The controller guided institutional structures that model Abuses of Power by worshiping profit-based incentives and materialist Consumerism over the wellbeing of humans are broken and corrupt, they are designed to serve those with the master-slave mentality. We must first realize that the long-term intent of these massive institutions is for mass conformity into the slave mentality, while gradually introducing soft-kill methods of a pre-planned and controlled Genocide. The promotion of poverty, war, disease and human misery are all serving the master mentality that is backed by the alien handlers.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the corrupt systems which govern and control human culture have been socially engineered by the NAA and Power Elite for the purpose of consciousness enslavement in order to achieve these objectives. We have all been groomed to accept the controller pillars of the 3D narrative, and to accept Abuses of Power as a standard human behavior carried out by the self-proclaimed masters. Abuses of Power embedded in the system are not merely a random action or an honest mistake made by putting greedy and corrupt people in positions of power over others. Although this is a strong factor because most of the people in the higher rungs of power have been placed there due to their low ethics or have infiltrated through some larger agenda. It is the intentional design, in the way the societal structures have been meticulously built through secretive means to take control over and shape humanity into the slave mentality, to capture people’s thoughts and to influence them in the direction the Controllers want them to go.

Power Abuses were an essential feature, intentionally designed into the institutions and organizations that were created centuries ago in order to legitimatize and monetize human suffering and world slavery, for the tranquil benefit of the few. This means we must decide how much we are willing to know of these unpleasant truths that have been built into the firmament of the pillars running our society. To what degree can we recognize that we have been intentionally programmed to be totally dependent upon them in order to submit to absolute authority, no matter how inhumane or cruel. Classified documents and non-disclosure agreements under penalty of total annihilation of one’s life and livelihood, keep many a potential Whistleblower’s mouth shut. This deeper knowledge will inherently change our world view and belief systems as we shed the slave mentality and begin to critically think for ourselves, in order to become a productive cause for improving the lives of all people, worldwide.

Master-Slave Narrative Mind Control

To remove human resistance to their long-term takeover agenda, the secretive infiltration of the core societal and organizational structures began thousands of years ago. Silently and methodically introducing Inverted Systems to take over the structures governing the top hierarchy in monarchy, military, political, religious, medical, financial and legal systems. This would be ideal, to shape the value systems that generate the pavlovian style of behavior modification in material-based reality that they seek to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self-enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation to control the minds of the earth inhabitants, they would use minimal off planet resources and remain invisible as the ruling class. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement, as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights, their access to knowledge and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants, who are unaware they are being invaded by an unseen enemy and that a silent war is being carried out against them.

The NAA and Controllers use the hidden Mind Control game to play the master-slave narrative against another species, earth humans, which is designed to invoke submission to brute power as the authority and to accept power abuses as normal in part of everyday life, in order to ensure a means for personal survival. They indoctrinated the Power Elite into the master-slave narrative in order to act as their representative prison wardens on the surface, aligning them with the alien invasion slavery agenda, rather than siding with humanity. To better understand the recipe for the master-slave narrative and how it spreads fear and survival consciousness, let’s look at Slavery in America and the mindset of slave owners during that timeline, which motivated it. Think of the mindset of the slave owners as the NAA, and the conditions that are created for mental slavery, emotional slavery, spiritual slavery and physical slavery that are imposed on all of humanity across the globe, regardless of their tribe, sex or skin color. We may only think of slavery as a physical event, in which a ball and chain or four walls have imprisoned the physical body. However, slavery extends to the mind, emotions and spirit. To understand the effects of world slavery and how it has impacted all of us individually and collectively, we have to begin to think of slavery at all the levels it is being perpetrated; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Depending on the cultural narrative, demographics and prosperity of the nation, this will inform us of how the master-slave narrative is used to generate learned helplessness and dependency on the corrupt inverted systems, in order to self-enforce enslavement in that population. And the extent to which the common people will mimic the same slavery mind set to self-enforce the same types of oppression upon their brother or sister when they don’t conform to the consensus narrative. The enslaved mind that has been conditioned to feel secure while conforming to the master-slave narrative, will enforce those same conditions of slavery on others, from their own deep subconscious fears. [1]



  1. Abuses of Power

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Negative Alien Agenda”

“The Negative Alien agenda (NAA) is to force the planet to serve another multiple species Controller agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as Holographic Inserts, AI and Mind Control, namely created under genetically ‘reptilian based’ Archon extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under human domain. The NAA can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse. These are extradimensional and interdimensional beings that have lost their Consciousness connection to God Source and are utilizing humans and other beings as their food source (siphoning life force like a parasite) to live thousands of years. They do not have access to incarnate into human bodies so they covet human bodies and they want to take them over or use them in the future. They do not have emotions as humans have but are highly intelligent as they are working on higher mind principles than the human Three Layers of Ego. They are similar to a Mad Scientist that manipulates and genetically modify human beings, similarly as a farmer interested in gaining more resources out of his herd of cattle on the farm.”

~Lisa Renee


NAA Abbreviation – Negative Alien Agenda or Negative Aliens Archon Group.

  • Negative Alien Agenda or NAA

The Negative Alien agenda (NAA) is to force the planet to serve another multiple species Controller agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as Holographic Inserts, AI and Mind Control, namely created under genetically “reptilian based” Archon extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under human domain.

The NAA can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse.

Negative Aliens

These are extradimensional and interdimensional beings that have lost their Consciousness connection to God Source and are utilizing humans and other beings as their food source (siphoning life force like a parasite) to live thousands of years. They do not have access to incarnate into human bodies so they covet human bodies and they want to take them over or use them in the future. They do not have emotions as humans have but are highly intelligent as they are working on higher mind principles than the human Three Layers of Ego. They are similar to a Mad Scientist that manipulates and genetically modify human beings, similarly as a farmer interested in gaining more resources out of his herd of cattle on the farm. They consider humans an investment in their energy resource portfolio. The NAA can be best understood as a Psychopathic or Sociopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse and no caring towards human beings. They regard human beings as inferior, stupid and many times use forms of mockery to create intentional harm for their own amusement.

These beings have been manipulating the human world of affairs for thousands and thousands of years, since the Atlantian Cataclysm for their own purposes. These are inter-dimensional and extra dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelic in ancient history and they use many technological manipulation methods to Mind Control and negatively manipulate the future direction of the human race. Once such negative manipulation is installing the Armageddon Software into the planetary brain in order to install False Father Negative Alien Religions based on serving the Yahweh and Jehovian Annunaki Collectives.

Reptilian Hierarchy

Extraterrestrials that are hybridized with Reptilian based genetics operate in strict hierarchical systems of rank, and defer to their superior groups. The Dracos or Draconians from Alpha Draconis are in command of earth based subterranean reptilians who respect their superiors in the belief system that the Dracs are those who hold “ownership” over earth and human beings. Draco Reptilians view themselves as the most intelligent species in the Universe and that earth humans are the result of their biological seeding processes from multiple planets. The Alpha Draconis Draco have a “Royal Class” that appear to be lighter colors, white Skinned scales with winged appendages, and are about two to three times the size of an average human, and very muscular. They are quite menacing and tyrannical, showing little mercy to an entity of their own race that they think has defied their orders or responsibilities to manage their “earthly resources”. Earth based reptilians appear to be in command over EBE or biological entities known as small Grays. The Reptilians have developed high psionic abilities, which they use for mind controlling other entities, and do not have an emotional body or soul body.

The known reptilian races on earth appear to have made a variety of cooperative agreements with the higher ranks of human government and military, which have resulted in shadow government black projects, such as Secret Space Programs, MILABS and the creation of military industrial complex to experiment and exploit alien based technologies and craft that they have been given access through their cooperation. Dracs are a extremely militant, misogynistic and warring species that are very involved in controlling the Power Elite, financial, pharmaceutical and banking institutions, promoting war and killing through increasing militarization, poverty consciousness, human enslavement programming, religious violence, terrorism, and the harvesting of humanities DNA though abduction and experimentation, as well as other species they have under their control.

NAA Invasion

When our Planetary Logos was invaded and corrupted by the Reptilian Controllers (Archons) of the NAA, the planet and our race were impacted dramatically. It meant we were no longer free to create and evolve as per the original Blueprint of our intended creation, and we had no memory of what had happened to us. We were recycled through continual reincarnation into the Astral Plane with no memory of the past lives, who we really are, where we are going, or what our real relationship is to God and what humanities “purpose” actually is. Over time most of us lost our feeling connection to our Soul Matrix and we became numb to the pain in order to survive in anti-human based structures. What has happened to our planet is not human, it is “alien” to the true nature of humanity.

Invasion Strategy

To be able to understand the sociopathic sick mind of Archontic Deception systems, one would need to better understand the general attitude of an AD infected human or nonhuman (NAA) as having little to no remorse or empathy. If a technologically advanced extradimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover of a planet and its inhabitants, what kind of strategy would it use? First they would look to how they could maximize the efficiency of the invasion process and reduce the expenditure of resources that they have to generate themselves.To achieve this goal the secretive infiltration of the core societal organizational structures such as: religions, medical, financial and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the value systems that generate reality belief systems they want to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self–enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation among the earth inhabitants, they would achieve the use of minimal “off planet” resources by piggy backing on the earth-human resources. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants who are unaware they are being invaded. This is called the Archontic Deception Strategy. [1][2]

Luciferian Rebellion

One of the heightened events of “enemy patterning” buried in our cellular memory history is that of the Luciferian Rebellion which reached its apex during the end of the Atlantian Root Race (human evolution) cycle. From the Guardian Founder Races perspective this was the end result of our last Aeon or Astrological Age, approximately 26,000 years ago by our human timeline measurement. What resulted in our Atlantian evolution experiment was quite a traumatizing cataclysm that set the events into motion as to what humans would experience in the next Aeon cycle. The last 26,000 years have been a dark cycle of evolution and planetary “rule” from the Negative Aliens that formed the NAA strategies for human enslavement and trapping Consciousness.

Mind Control

When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the Mind controls the Soul. Mind Control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape value systems to which are used to control and enslave the masses. God, Religious Violence, gender issues, financial and debt enslavement and sexuality are the most mind controlled and manipulated belief systems promoted by the NAA and their human power elite to continue their enslavement and vampirism of humanity.

Alien Implants

Alien Implants work in the human body similarly as the chemical process of geo-engineering is used in spraying chemtrails in the skies. Alien Implants are a bio-engineering technology designed to shape the human body into the submission to NAA Mind Control agendas, similar to chemical (nanoparticle) geo-engineering being used to control the weather by harming the ozone layer and create excessive methane gases.

Negative Alien Religions

One of the largest lies promoted to divide our race is the War over False Gods promoted through Religious Violence. The false archetypal story of a Crucified Christ figure is a mockery to further enslave humans into believing in a salvation model through a Crucified Christ. It represents the tortured human being, as we are all the Christ, and we have been crucified/implanted as our planet was invaded. These structures are called Crucifixion implants. These Crucifixion Implants are tangible control structures placed in the 7th dimensional logos, and therefore it is in our individual bodies, in the 7th dimensional chakra, its complex, meridians, and the entire left side (our female spirit) of our bodies. We are not aware of these implants until we open the 7th Chakra Seal and start connecting this part of our 7th layer Lightbody to our personal consciousness field. This is a direct result of the Negative Aliens and the NAA strategy for enslavement through Mind Control and Artificial intelligence.

Empaths vs Non Empaths

When we look at the larger Galactic picture of consciousness enslavement, we see the NAA’s many pronged agenda to target the Brain, CNS and thought forms of every person on earth. Through the agenda of Transhumanism, we see the promotion of hybridization and synthetic integration with artificial neural networks for control over the CNS and Brain. What is starting to surface with more clarity is that our human Neurobiology is wired for empathy, which connects us to higher consciousness and has a spiritual function. The NAA and their minions of soulless AI infected synthetic beings do not have the bio-circuitry for empathy. We are in essence, in a struggle between human EMPATHS, and alien hybridized humans and extra-dimensional aliens that are NON-EMPATHS. [3]

Fallen Angelics

Created by the Fallen Angelics to counteract and destroy the Christiac Human Guardian Race for control and domination of this Time Vector in this Universal Time Matrix.

Fallen Angelic Annunaki Groups:

  • Alpha Omega Order Templar Melchizedeks, Fallen Seraphim.
  • Samjase Annunaki from Pleiades, Alcyone.
  • Jehovian Annunaki from Sirius A, designers of the Crucifixion Implant network on earth.
  • Thoth, Enki, Enlil Collectives from Nibiru and Sirius A.
  • Marduk Necromiton, Enlil Odedicron alliance with Nibiruians.
  • Michael Family Nephilim Hybrids, cloned Michael bodies of the Annunaki hybrids from Orion, Sirius, Andromeda.

Reptile Insectoid Collective

The main groups of Negative Aliens, the Annunaki, Drakonians and Necromitons that source out of the Phantom Matrix spaces in the parallel systems, formed alliances with the Fallen Angelic Annunaki Groups to take control over the earth, which are referred to as the NAA. These groups used technology to open Wormholes that were blended together to create the power required to attempt to pull the earth body into the Black Hole System leading into the phantom matrix where they exist, and then could gain total control over the planet and humanity. The parallel system of which these entities came from is called the Wesa system. This is a universal time matrix and its parallel of which many of the Anunnaki and their hybrids originate from the Wesedak system, while the Drakonians species are coming from antiparticle universe called the Wesedrak system. [4]

They joined together to run energetic reversals in the planet in order to realign the earth with their system through the wormholes and black hole system they created for that purpose.

They joined with the Fallen Angelics to counteract and destroy the Christiac Human Guardian Race for control and domination of this Time Vector in this Universal Time Matrix.

Reptile Insectoid Collective:

  • Dragon Moth from Orion Black hole system.
  • Necromiton beetle hominid, Men in Black from Nibiruian lines.
  • Marduk Omicron from Alpha Centuari.
  • Centaur Hybrids from Omega Centauri.
  • Zeta from Rigel, Zeta Drakonian Agendas.
  • Zeta From Zeta Reticuli.



  1. Spiritual Maturity July 2013
    Purging Archontic Deception June 2013
    [Engaging the Extraterrestrials, forbidden History by Noel Huntley]

See Also:

Fallen Angelic

Archontic Deception Behavior





~via Ascension Glossary