MICHELLE WALLING: “The False Matrix Mission Trick”

A popular false light tactic is to make you feel like you are a “chosen one”, with a mission that is above all else, including human relationships and love. Many people jump into healing, websites, and channeling without doing the inner work first, because a “guide” came to them with a message.

We are the ultimate creators, and when we are still operating and creating from lower vibrations EVERYTHING gets distorted. That is the nature of the reality of the matrix. Everything is backward and upside down, and the truth is that we created it that way. Now it is time to un-create. First we have to recognize what needs to be un-created, and in this case, it is distortion. Distorted healing methods, distorted guides and messengers, and most of all, distorted focus on your true mission.

You are here to BE LOVE IN A HUMAN BODY, which trumps all else. It transmutes the darkness within and is the main focus of our incarnation. Relationships (not just intimate ones) can help us see the light within ourselves and can help us love ourselves. When another loves us, it make us feel worthy of our own love. Loving yourself first is the highest path, but if we have trouble doing that then relationships are second best. Humans NEED relation. They NEED touch and interaction with other humans. Many of us came here just for that reason, and THEN to do a secondary mission of helping others as we master love.

Only when we find the love and true light within ourselves (by facing our shadow and going within) could we ever begin to be capable or experienced enough to help others do the same. We are ALL chosen ones, at least those of us that are not NPC’s (Non-player characters or soulless beings).

Personally I was so eager to assist humanity that I jumped into sharing information several years ago before I had completely faced my shadow and ego self. I had been told by some people who channeled “Lord” Metatron, Archangel Michael, and Jesus that I was special and here to help humanity. Of course I wanted to complete my mission, mostly so I could hurry up and leave the 3d reality. I went down a few false light rabbit holes and found my way out by feeling that something was not right about what I was sharing. Perhaps some of us had to go down those rabbit holes so that we could realize the traps and help other from not having to waste their time and energy on it. These traps are all about plugging into us in order to take our energy and keeping us distracted outside of ourselves.

Even the Starseed mission has been hijacked by the dark, as they were able to look into the future to infiltrate every single aspect of what we are here to do. Yes, starseeds are here to help, but one must help themselves first or they are just exacerbating the problem. One of the false light mission tricks was to try to take you to the inner earth or off planet, and even to create another 5d Earth to move you to that was still hooked up to the matrix.

Remember, Starseeds, the #1 way you can help humanity is to first work on yourself. We are all connected as a collective and as one shifts it affects everyone and everything on Earth. What happens on Earth affects the whole Universe. The self work involves returning your own matrix from a distorted reality to an organic creation.

The REAL mission for every source being here is to:

Become the example, unplug from the matrix fear programs, do your shadow work, and open your heart. Revoke contracts and dissolve false beliefs and programming. Love yourself and be responsible for your thoughts, actions, and words. Learn how to trust your intuition and listen to what your body needs, and let that guide you above anyone else. When you really figure out the nature of the reality we are in , then share what you have learned. Empower others to do the same. Be mindful of where you place your focus and intentions for creation. If anything else, get your vibration up enough to bypass the false light tunnel if you were to pass out of your physical body.

The help we are getting is in the form of waves of light of higher vibration and love. It is steadily increasing everyone’s vibration but at the same time is causing chaos as the false matrix collapses. It can sometimes feel like a roller coaster ride as we are acclimated with huge bursts of energy and then periods of rest. From a higher perspective outside of time, it may look like one large wave of energy is blasting the planet all at once.

For the long term false light reincarnation solution, because Earth is already vibrating everything higher many people right now would not have a problem with the false light tunnel. The technology used by the grays is at a 4d vibrational frequency. It simply would not be able to magnetize a 5d frequency being. The fear of dying begins to fall away as we realize we never die but just change vibration within the same location until we able to move out of this location.

As much as we would like to go home, we are needed here to be fully present, multidimensional beings grounded in a physical body. We ARE here on a mission but the mission is to transform our reality HERE into 5d and higher by overwriting the false matrix code and this is done with self healing and zero point balance. We WILL get to go home one day, but for right now the job now is to be “boots on the ground”. If we abandon Earth and those that we came here to help, then we hand it over to the dark forces that have had control of it for millennia. The more people that realize this and get on the ball with their inner work, the faster this will happen. It is already happening now, and it is important that we continue seeing through false guides that use our ego traps to make us feel more special than others. Anyone who is sitting back blissed out on false light and never ending promise messages is simply delaying our forward progress.

Many people would rather look at anything pretty and shiny rather than looking at themselves. “Out there” will continue to get worse until people understand that the collective is unconsciously creating the outside world through distortions. As awful as it looks, it truly can be cleaned up when people start working together to support each other with healing themselves. This is assisted with the truth about what is really happening in the matrix. Although this truth cannot be forced upon another, eventually as someone’s life gets too distorted and challenging they have no other choice but to stop and look at why it is happening. One powerfully informed being that unplugs from the matrix brings us one step closer to dissolving it from a lack of creational energy supporting it.


Michelle Walling is a Holistic Life Coach specializing in Starseed support, and is a transformational public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. Her websites are michellewalling.com, Howtoexitthematrix.com, Cosmicstarseeds.com, and Cosmicawakeningshow.com.


~via HowToExitTheMatrix.com

MICHELLE WALLING: “11 Signs That You May Need A Soul Shard Retrieval”

Traumatic physical and emotional events can cause shards or pieces of our soul’s energy to fragment away. Soul loss is a mechanism which serves to protect us from unbearable suffering. These soul shards usually return back after a few hours or even days, but in some extreme cases these shards can stay fragmented. Soul shards can also be caused by a psychic attack from someone practicing black magic on us.

When we have an emotional trauma happen to us, we actually may leave a part of our energy “frozen” in that time or moment. This keeps us from actually being able to feel better and move on. If we do not “heal” or retrieve our energy several things can happen to these soul shards, but mostly they fall into these categories:

—A shard can become an entity of its own, a copy of you. This entity could wander off into the astral realms and eventually forget where it came from. This entity could eventually need an energy source, which could cause it to use the original soul and physical body to get energy in many ways.

—A shard can be captured in the etheric realms by Artificial Intelligence and used to siphon energies from other humans or to create new realities.

—A shard can just sit outside of the original body, perhaps on the shoulder or back. It can remotely influence the person’s thoughts but cannot fully return. One of these Shards can actually get so used to being the puppeteer that it does not want to integrate back at all.

I would say that almost everyone on Earth has had a traumatic event happen to them. Their ability to process emotions and to feel supported depends on how whether they can process and integrate the energy back. I would also say that this hi-jacked reality causes trauma to occur that tried to keeps us fragmented for the purpose of energy vampirism.

Here are 11 signs that you may need a soul shard retrieval:

1. You feel a bit spaced out or don’t feel fully present all the time.

2. You have lost your creative spark.

3. You have addictions and/or self destructive behaviors.

4. You have become a recluse and you prefer to be alone, but your physical body/ego/human self yearns for love. You cannot feel love or have never “fallen in love”.

5. You have borderline or full on psychopathy or narcissism. Most of the time someone will have tried to point this out to you.

6. You feel that your soul is not connected to your physical body. You also have difficulties connecting with your higher self.

7. People tell you that you say things but you do not remember saying them.

8. You think you might have multiple personalities.

9. You have relationship and communication issues.

10. You feel powerless.

11. You have a negative psychological habit you just can’t seem to break.

How to retrieve soul shards

First let me say that the positive aspect of this interactive matrix is the ability to have opportunities for healing as you live every scenario out that unfolds in your daily reality. Also, even extreme cases of fragmentation can be handled by experienced shamans, but eventually we will have technology that will be able to help us heal very quickly. Soul fragmentation has been happening for aeons and there is no one way to do this type of healing. I would say that this is one of the most important things we can work on for ourselves.

To start the healing process, the intention by speaking a prayer or mantra to begin to call any split shards you think you might have home to you. Call out to your higher self, guides, and Source connection for assistance. In your mantra, magnetize any splintered shards of your soul back to you, intend that they be cleansed, and imagine integrating them into your heart space. Ask Source that this be accomplished with ease and grace. This will create the energy in motion for you to begin to recognize what needs attention.

Many people need further assistance with soul shard retrieval through hypnosis. This, of course, requires that the hypnotized subject’s higher self guides them to that trauma so that it can be healed.

Personally, I created my own life review where I spent a few days in reflective meditation and re-visited the many traumatic things that had happened to me in this lifetime. I felt the emotion of the event and I also saw the event from the other person’s perspective. I then felt love and forgiveness for the person, realizing that it was only their wounded selves lashing out at me and not their true soul essence. Some of the things occurred as lessons for my soul growth yet my ego was lashing out as a victim, which caused unnecessary arguments and trauma. A lot of tears were shed in this process but in the end I felt more healed. This process was suggested by my higher self after asking for help. This is often the ” shadow work” that people find the hardest to do. Recognizing the shadow or darkness as a part of ourselves and healing through love and acceptance of experience, forgiveness, and soul growth magically reverses the polarity of the trauma’s energy and magnetizes it back to you.

Advanced soul shard retrievals can be assisted by experienced “seers” or tracker shamans who will be able to identify the status and location of the lost shard. If it is being held prisoner, it will need to be rescued and sometimes a fight literally ensues. If it has become its own personality or entity, it will need to understand that it is not whole and needs to be healed and integrated.

All energy will need to be cleansed before being integrated back to the whole of the person. Love and golden Source light works really well. Once all soul shards have been retrieved, one begins to become more “whole” and re-gains their connection to their “oneness” or Source.

Ancient tradition shamans use sacred plants to induce the person to “face their demons” so to speak. In my opinion this is a harsh way, but I can’t disregard it because it’s better than ignoring the issues. However, ejecting yourself into the astral can be a very daunting and dangerous task, especially if you haven’t changed a lot of your polarity from fear to love. You also are out there trudging around with other people’s shadow selves and wounded self creations! With a really good shaman and with a more advanced conscious awareness of the process, many people have reported good results with healings with The Mother.

The more awareness we have about soul shard retrieval, the more experienced healers are surfacing to help humanity heal themselves with more current methods.

I have focused on current lifetime healing rather than previous lifetimes because time does not actually exist. Anything from a past lifetime can be accessed in the now and probably only occurred in this lifetime because it already occurred in a past lifetime. On top of that, new fractures probably occurred in this lifetime. However, past life regression and healing can also heal maladies that are manifesting in the present lifetime. It seems easier to me to look at this current reality unfold and to see that things happen concurrently with the “past”, but many people are able to remember their past lifetimes. If that is the case then it can be accessed there. Also, much of what is set up for us in this lifetime actually leads to opportunity for soul shard retrieval even if we do not recognize it as such!

Furthermore, there may be soul retrieval occurring on solar, galactic, and universal levels as well. Rather than get too caught up in the expanse of this, you can focus on starting with your intentions to heal, ask for guidance, and do your basic mantras and then identify what is left from there based on how you are feeling and how your reality is unfolding. I would say that this is a gradual and ongoing process rather than a quick overnight fix.

This article in intended to be an introduction to this topic. If you feel a resonance to this material, please do your own research and ask your inner guidance what the best method of action is to retrieve your energy. The more we work on ourselves to become whole, the more we can help the collective. We are getting more help now than ever in doing the “work” necessary to become our true multidimensional selves once again.


~via HowToExitTheMatrix.com

MICHELLE WALLING, CHLC: “How To Move Through Vibrational Roadblocks”


Congratulations on learning how to raise your vibrational frequency! You may be wondering what to do next, and you also may have had some unexpected challenges that have left you wondering if you are doing the right thing. What is the next step beyond raising your vibration and when do the challenges end?

As a part of spiritual awakening, we learned that the world has existed in a lower vibrational frequency which has kept us lulled into complacency in a walking sleep state. You may have read many articles on raising your vibration such as this one- How To Raise Your Personal Vibration, and may have listened to videos such as this one from Gregg Prescott of In5d that explains how this frequency has been all around us and why:

As you transmuted low vibrational frequencies, your DNA has slowly shifted to allow our cells to vibrate faster. This has allowed your cells to begin to ignite with light or plasma, and the DNA within your cells has begun to transform.

Through meditation, you slowed time down, turned off the outside world, went within to raise your frequency. You worked on transmuting energies of fear (thick, sticky, dark energy), and are learning to operate from the heart rather than the head or ego. Your consciousness has expanded along with your cells and you are working on detoxing and purifying your body, which also raises your vibrational frequency.

A couple of things may have happened since you began your work. For one, you may have figured out that at some point you will need to stop raising your frequency or your spirit may pop out of your body. This isn’t a bad thing as people have out of body (OBE) experiences a lot. However, for the purpose of holding a frequency that will help Earth to ascend in her vibrational frequency and consciousness, we need to stay in the body and be grounded. The importance of grounding is imperative because it keeps us in tune with the Earth and Source, and is one of the most important things we do on a daily basis.

Another thing that may have happened to you as you hit a high point of vibration is that negative entities were attracted to you like moths to a flame. This is because the beings that feed off of our energy are beginning to starve as a collective because of the number of people waking up and cutting them out of their lives. When they notice a glowing light bulb on their plane of existence, they think that they will be getting a buffet dinner. They gather around and wait for the dinner bell. If you are not always on your toes, you may slip back into an old habit such as arguing, jealousy, alcohol, or drug use. These behaviors and actions create a fissure in the auric field just big enough to allow one of these entities to plug the socket in to start feeding.

Slowly you begin to be drained again of your energy and your cells begin to vibrate a bit slower. If this happened to you, the good news is that your consciousness was raised enough to understand what had happened, and many of you pulled out of this situation and went right back into a high vibrational state. You also realized that the reason this happened to you is that you were vibrating so high that you were noticed. Don’t have any fear about getting back to that state, because the higher you go, at one point you will become invisible to them. This is a game of one step forward and two steps beck, but eventually you will get to the top of the stairs. Don’t be too hard on yourself for that backward step, it is a very normal part of learning and experience through a veiled illusion.

Another possibility is that while clearing out what is not of a high vibrational frequency, some hidden things of the past surfaced and you struggled with major changes on your life. Upheaval brought a bit of chaos until you were able to figure things out. This was almost another dark night of the soul, but since you had already been there before you recognized that you simply needed to pay attention to what was coming up and deal with it like the warrior that you are. Most of the times this upheaval can be interpreted as a vibrational roadblock, keeping you in a seemingly never ending “groundhog day”.

Then you may have had the rinse and repeat pattern. Some people who suffer form this have been labeled as “bipolar”. This is when individuals have fluctuations from negative to positive and back, and whose vibrations fluctuate from low to high to low. These individuals are highly receptive to influences from outside electromagnetic, UV and audio frequencies.

You may have realized that you needed to move away from the person or situation that triggered you or the city that was bombarding you with low frequencies through towers and radio waves. The important thing to realize is that running away will not keep the pattern from repeating. The energies need to be felt through the emotional body and let out in a way that does not harm others. Figuring out how to do this is simply a trial and error creation.

The “what to do next?” question can be answered by determining where you are in the stages of flux right now. The mastery of this incarnation is to learn how to balance the fluctuations of vibrations so that you do not have such extreme polarities. You don’t want to pop out of your body unless you are trying to, and you don’t want another dark night of the soul. Now is the time to master learning how to control your reactions and thoughts much better each time you are triggered. It’s also time to face your fears and stop running away from situation and people, but instead recognizing where the energy came from and transmuting it into a balanced state.

It is time now to harness the power of the earth, and the cosmos. The mind, body, and soul are keys to unlocking potential and finding the vibration and energy that is in tune with who you really are. The secret to life isn’t about continuing to “raising your vibe”. That gets you to a place where you can discover your unique soul frequency and tune into it. Doing this will strengthen your connection with your higher self, your oversoul, and Source (all the same thing on the highest level). This is the advanced work that is to be done as you raise your vibrational frequency. Everyone’s spirit rings a particular tone. Go within to hear or feel your tone and intend to bring more of that tone into your body. When you feel like you are singing your own song of love and harmony, share your tone with everyone and everything in your reality, and see how happy that makes you feel.

Finally, if you find yourself becoming bored and unhappy and have cut off everything that you used to do that was fun, it’s time to re-evaluate your life from a higher perspective.

I recently had a life coaching session with a 67 year old man whose life consisted of baseball, hunting, and hanging out in the woods. He found himself sitting alone, cut off from the world, wondering “what’s next”?

After asking him a few questions, I sensed that he had a really good handle on identifying what was harmful to him and he had worked very hard to eliminate these things. We decided together that is was o.k. for him to re-introduce some of the things that he used to love to do, with a higher consciousness, awareness, and understanding. For example, he really missed baseball and he got really excited when I told him to turn the TV on to watch a few games! He knows how to shield himself with crystals and will turn the volume down during commercials. He also will go back to sitting in his deer stand with his bow and arrow, which is when he was most happy in life. Before he shoots a deer, he will telepathically commune with it and the Earth and ask for permission to take the deer’s life. He will also use all of the deer in one way or another that is not wasteful. While this may be controversial for animal rights activists and vegetarians, this man had done nothing his whole life but spend time in the woods, hunt, and watch baseball, and when he quit doing these things he lost his friends and became a hermit and was on the verge of severe depression.

This man’s case is a lesson in tailoring your spiritual practice to your lifestyle. It shows that it is important to do what makes you happy in life while we shift from 3d through 4d and into 5d. Of course we will eliminate a lot of things when we shift out of this reality. But for now, take a good look at what you have stripped away from your life and think about whether if it has left you barren. If you quit your banking job and you cannot keep food in the refrigerator, it may be time to take on a similar job until the banking system collapses. An understanding of how to emotionally detach from the system will allow you to do this knowing that you will be happier with income for now. Some people just simply cannot work in the very industries that are corrupting our lives, while some may need to be infiltrators from the inside out. Learn how to have balance in your life, and learn how to turn a negative situation into a positive one.  If you need to, do some things in moderation that may have been labeled as spiritual “no no’s” based on your intuition, soul path, and lifetime history.

The challenges may not end until we have returned to Source to sign up for another assignment. However, by integrating our higher self’s wisdom from our soul, we can learn how to play the game with a better understanding of how to be in this world but not of it. Your intention to remove yourself from this reality will be the strong force to push like minded individuals over the edge into a new reality where these struggles will vanish. For now, do the best you can and take the load of bricks off of your shoulders. Your going to get there one way or another, and right now you have to do what makes life easiest for you while you continue to climb the steps. Your soul song frequency will get more and more refined for every brick you drop.



About the author:
Michelle WallingMichelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach, international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started her public career as a spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric contributing writer for In5d.com and bodymindsoulspirit.com. Michelle is the webmaster for MichelleWalling.com, cosmicstarseeds.com, thestarchildren.net, and howtoexitthematrix.com, and is the co-creator of WooWooMedia.com. Michelle is the host of In5d’s Cosmic Awakening Show.
Her personal Facebook page can be found here~via HowToExitTheMatrix.com

PAIGE BARTHOLOMEW: “Your 7 Sacred Soul Tasks”


Does it feel like something is out of balance in your life?  Maybe you’ve done a ton of healing work, you’ve read all the self-help books, you’ve meditated with the best of them, but still something feels off.


Having difficulties doesn’t mean that you’re failing at being a spiritual person.
Your life is simply showing you where you’ve still got some work to do.


Here’s what you need to know: your seven chakras aren’t just energy centers.  They are sacred containers of knowledge which contain an enormous amount of specific information for your growth.  Each chakra holds within it a soul task which must be mastered.  If any soul task is left incomplete, painful symptoms will show up in your life and your relationships.  These symptoms are signs showing you where you need to do your work.

First Chakra Task: Keep Yourself Safe

If you’re out of balance in this soul task, you might notice that you put others needs before your own — to your detriment.  You may allow situations or relationships into your life that hurt you.  You may rationalize that you deserve the pain.  You might turn on yourself, speak harshly to yourself, you may even hate yourself.  To improve your health in this chakra, make a commitment to observe the ways that you devalue yourself and let others devalue you.  The truth is — no one is more important than you, and you are no more important than anyone else.  Your needs matter as much as anyone else’s.  Stay mindful every day.  A deep purification process like this takes time, so keep at it until you feel more stabilized.

Second Chakra Task: Connect with Others

We can’t make healthy connections with others if we believe everyone else is better, smarter, or that they matter more than we do (see how the health of each chakra has to be solid before we can fully master the next?).  If you’re out of balance in this soul task, you might notice that it feels hard to make and keep friends.  Connection may feel difficult for you.  To improve your health in this chakra, start with a commitment to daily self-inquiry and examination.  Observe your own behaviors and feelings around others.  Take small steps toward interaction with people.  Set goals for joining in with groups.  Remember, your commitment is all you need.  If you are committed, the healing will come.

Third Chakra Task: Set Boundaries

Symptoms of ill-health in the third chakra show up as either a tendency to be “too nice” and let people walk all over you, or to be “the Big Cheese”, believing you are entitled to more than your fair share.  We must learn healthy boundaries.  If you are out of balance in this chakra, you might have a hard time saying no.  You may grieve a lot about other people’s pain.  You may worry about how someone will feel if you set down boundaries.  Or — you may feel an impulse to run over people to get your needs met.  To improve your health in this chakra, first commit to observing your patterns and discover the reasons for them.  Then make a solid commitment to boundary setting.  Learn to say “Yes” and “No” at appropriate times, both to others and to YOURSELF.  You must learn to say NO to toxic people, places and situations, and say YES to beautiful, fair, kind ones.  The third chakra soul task balances the ego.

Fourth Chakra Task: Forgive

If you’re out of balance in this soul task, you might notice that you have trouble forgiving yourself or others.  You might be hurt or angry about things that happened a very long time ago.  You might hold grudges.  Forgiveness is the soul task that opens the heart.  If we are unable to forgive, we will be unable to move into fourth density consciousness (4th chakra heart), which is vital if we are to shift into the New Earth.  Forgiveness requires a change of heart.  Forgiveness occurs when we accept that our brother (or our self) is, in truth, innocent, and deserves our compassion.  No matter what you did, no matter what they did, the soul is innocent.  If you’re having trouble discerning whether or not to trust someone who is toxic or dangerous, go back to the third chakra — you have more work to do there.

Fifth Chakra Task: Embody Fearless Truth

Symptoms of ill-health in the fifth chakra show up as a fear of speaking your truth.  You may be afraid of the consequences when you say what you deeply believe.  You may fear hearing what someone else deeply believes.  When this chakra is balanced, you’ll know how to discern Truth from falsehood, because you will have effectively grasped all of the soul tasks from the previous chakras.  Here, the soul is becoming pure.  To heal an imbalanced fifth chakra, practice knowing your Truth.  Practice standing firm in your truth.  And finally, practice speaking your truth while maintaining pristine compassion and respect for others.

Sixth Chakra Task: Become One with the Creation

When the sixth chakra soul task is incomplete, we do not see others as our self — we see them as separate.  It is a very high state of being to actually be able to see others as yourself.  It’s more than just sympathy.  It’s more than just being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes.  We are talking about literally seeing your brother as YOU.  Seeing that you are the same being at the core.  The truth is — we are all only ONE being.  Symptoms of ill-health in this chakra show up as subtle projections onto other people: “He is less evolved than I am.”  Symptoms also show up as a sense of separation: “I’m glad it’s them and not me.”  To restore health in the sixth chakra, meditation is necessary.  Become quiet and get to know yourself in stillness.  Practice seeing your neighbor as yourself.  Practice seeing a tree as yourself.  Feel it as though it were REAL.

Seventh Chakra Task: Become One with the Creator

Becoming one with the Creator is such a high state that humans are not capable of maintaining it for long periods of time.  Like the story in the bible when God revealed Himself to the mountain and it crumbled to dust, we dissolve back into All-ness when we reach this eternal station.  We slip into states of Divine knowingness, drink from it, and then we slip back out.  It’s that way by design.  Each time we slip in, the experience changes us so profoundly, we are never the same human being again.  Our soul task in this chakra is not a matter of reaching perfection, because we never will.  This chakra is infinite.  Our task here is to open to the mystery of the absolute as often as possible, and to surrender our small self to its Intelligence.  Practice by meditating on loving your Creator.  Meditate on opening your entire being and offering it to the service of your Creator.  Ask for help from your Creator, for your human self cannot know how to explore the realms of the Most High without help from the Most High.


Have fun in your travels, for in truth,
Growing through these soul tasks is the entire reason you’re here.




~via In5D.com