“I offer you Peace. I offer you Love. I offer you Friendship. I see your Beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in You. Let’s work together for Unity and Love.”

~Mohandas Gandhi

~via Energetic Synthesis

QUOTABLE QUOTES ~ Etienne de la Boetie on “Government — The Biggest Scam in History”

“Think of it more simply. If an armed gang knocked on your door and demanded that you pay them a percentage of your income, no matter what their reasons might be, then any rational individual will agree that such behaviour is criminal. Replace ‘armed gang’ with ‘government’. ‘Government’, of every flavor, has been a scam of inter-generational organized crime since the beginning… and they have been getting away with it… until now… because they have been controlling the media and academia.”

~Etienne de la Boetie

~via Truth Comes To Light

Related article:

“NEVER ‘TRUST THE PLAN’. . .” ~ Susan Bradford: “How We Got Into This Miserable Mess Today — The Plan That Has Had A Specific Shape For At Least 100 Years: Rothschild Dynasty Seeks To Fulfill World Depopulation Agenda”

CAITLIN JOHNSTONE: “Mental Stories in Our Heads”

“So much of our society is made out of mental stories in our heads. From news media propaganda to Hollywood to internet censorship to government secrecy to think tanks to Bellingcat to Wikipedia entries, vast fortunes are continuously poured into controlling the dominant worldwide narratives by the power structures who benefit from them. The dominant narratives all tell us the same few things over and over again. Capitalism is working great. Your government is your friend. The governments who oppose your government are bad. If you are a Democrat, you have been hearing that the country is now a thousand percent better without the Orange Menace in charge. If you are a Republican, you’ve been hearing that it’s a thousand percent worse. In reality, in terms of the overall operation of the empire both domestically and internationally, hardly anything of significance has changed apart from the narrative overlay. This narrative management campaign is so far-reaching and ubiquitous that even highly intelligent people are swept up in its manipulations, simply because they are receiving the same narratives from so many different sources and receive insufficient contradictory input to create doubt in them. And this is just such a perfect illustration of how pervasively human consciousness is dominated by mental narrative.”

Caitlin Johnstone


~via Caitlin Johnstone

CAITLIN JOHNSTONE: “We’re Not Radical — We’re Just Sane”

“One of the most consequential collective delusions circulating in our society is the belief that our society is free. This is why you rarely see anyone who opposes the empire platformed on mainstream media. This is also why you saw the imperial narrative managers completely lose their minds during the Tulsi Gabbard presidential campaign. It wasn’t because they feared she could win the election, it was because there was a US congresswoman standing on mainstream liberal platforms criticizing certain critical aspects of US warmongering. Someone had attained a position of influence and was using that influence to disrupt narratives that are very important for powerful people to maintain. She therefore needed to be smeared very aggressively to nullify the influence she was having. So the good news is that they can’t get rid of us altogether or they’ll shatter the illusion of freedom, while the bad news is that they’re working tirelessly to prevent us from ever attaining a critical mass of political consequence. Our job is to wake up the mainstream public. Our job is to find a way to outmaneuver them and attain that critical mass anyway so that we can use the power of our numbers to force real change. It does mean we need to stop thinking of ourselves as radicals (we’re not radical, we’re just sane) and push inward from the fringes to the heart of the mainstream public as hard as we can. We absolutely can win this thing, we just have to push hard enough for it.”

~Caitlin Johnstone



They Don’t Work To Kill All Dissent, They Just Keep It From Going Mainstream