LISA RENEE: “Other Selves”

“As multi-dimensional beings, aspects of our consciousness exist in other times and spaces. These other selves influence our now selves emotions, belief patterns, thought forms and current perception of reality. During the ascension process we move through a series of Timelines integrating these other selves aspects of consciousness.”

~Lisa Renee


Other Self Timelines

During the Ascension process, we move through a series of Timelines integrating these other selves aspect of consciousness through the process of reconciliation of cellular memories that we have experienced. Everything we have been and experienced in the Cosmos is recorded in a section of our body, or another timeline, and this record holds clues to our consciousness memories and reclaiming our true spiritual selves.

When we realize that the consequences of our actions today were the result of unresolved pain and inauthentic decisions made in the past (when we were projecting a mask of deception through false ego identities), that moment of self-realization can be very hard and painful to witness. Every little event is connecting throughout the golden thread woven into the fabric of all time and space for us to eventually see. Some of us may play out these timeline memories or events that were recorded in the timelines, consciously or unconsciously. At this time, we are being required to reconcile ancestral and other selves memories recorded in the timelines that have manifested energetic blockages that repel our true spiritual consciousness from embodying. This may manifest itself through interaction with other people or in life circumstances, it reveals to you deeper patterns, identity pieces or greater comprehension of life events and how that connects to your inner memories. As these memories surface it will present us with a task, action or some emotional or spiritual conflict to resolve. Many of us are reconciling the past or future timelines, as well as traumatic issues presented from the individual self, the ancestral self, the karmic shadow self, or the collective planetary self and so forth. [1]



  1. Other Selves Timelines

See Also:


First found in HGS Manual on page 38


~via Ascension Glossary

SAMANTHA FEY: “Could Our Birthmarks Be The Wounds We Suffered In Past Lives?”

Reincarnation researchers have discovered that some people who died a traumatic death in a past life bear the scars of those injuries in the form of a birthmark. A birthmark is defined as a “benign irregularity on the skin which exists at birth.”

Doctors believe they are caused by an excess of pigment cells or blood vessels grouped in one area of the skin. But today, doctors still don’t know what caused these pigment cells and blood vessels to group this way and form birth marks.

In the 1960’s Dr. Ian Stevenson, a psychiatrist from the University of Virginia, began studying children between the ages of 2 – 4 who remembered their past lives. In hundreds of cases he documented, Dr. Stevenson was able to show a direct correlation between how a person died in a prior life and their birthmark now.

Could our birthmarks be an imprint of memories our soul carries from a prior lifetime?

According to Stevenson’s work, about 35 percent of children who claim to remember past lives have birthmarks that can be linked to the wounds of the person they were in a past life. He looked primarily at children between the ages of 2 – 4 so that their memories wouldn’t be sullied by family stories and lore.

He had strict guidelines for his research and only looked at cases where the past life memory would be verified with names, dates and in some cases the autopsy report. Stevenson only included cases in his research where the birthmark appeared within 10 centimeters of the wound from a prior life.

Dr. Stevenson began his research by visiting areas of the world that believed in reincarnation and therefore the children felt comfortable discussing their past life memories with their parents. Reports came in from Buddhists and Hindus in South Asia, the Shiites of Lebanon and Turkey, and the tribes of West Africa. But he also found several credible cases in Europe and North America. For example, in Alaska he studied the cases of Charles Porter and Henry Elkin who had birthmarks which corresponded to a fatal stabbing with a spear and a gunshot wound.

Dr. Stevenson published his findings in a book called Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect: Birthmarks and Birth Defects. He studied the case of Anurak – a young boy from Thailand who had a birthmark on his right elbow. It’s believed he was the reincarnation of his brother who died in a drowning accident.

Before his cremation, a family member made a charcoal mark on his right elbow – a custom done so the soul will be recognized when it’s reincarnated. At a very young age, Anurak recognized and called by his nickname his deceased brother’s best friend. He found his brother’s formerly lost scout uniform. Most notably, he had a significant fear of water.

Dr. Stevenson investigated 18 cases of children who had memories of being shot to death in a past life and had 2 birthmarks which correlated to the entry and exit wounds from the past life in which they were shot.

A Burmese child he researched said she was her aunt reincarnated who had died from congenital heart disease. The little girl had a birthmark in the middle of her chest which corresponded to her aunt’s scar from heart surgery.

One of the cases Dr. Stevenson researched involved a boy from India named Maha Ram who recalled being killed with a shotgun. His past life memories were so detailed, Dr. Stevenson was able to find the family of the man Maha Ram said he’d been and was able to see the man’s autopsy report. The results showed the gunshot wound and the boy’s birthmark were a match.

Another boy he researched said he was a washer man who’d been bitten by a snake on his thigh and had died. His father thought this was a very specific memory and decided to research it. He went to the part of the village where several washer men lived and was told that a washer man had died of a snake bite to his thigh several years ago but that the family had moved away.

In 1980, a young fruit seller named Mushir Ali collided with a tractor and died from injuries to his right side when he suffered several fractured ribs. Less than a year later, Naresh Kumar was born. He had a significant mark and depressed area on the right side of his body where his ribs were located. As soon as he learned to talk, he spoke of memories of selling fruit and driving a cart.

He was born into a Hindu family but would speak about being a Muslim and would kneel for prayers when no one was watching. He recalled selling mangoes and even talked about dying in a collision when he was just 4 years old. When Naresh saw Mushir Ali’s father in the village, he ran up to him calling him father.

This was very difficult for the fruit seller’s family as they didn’t believe in reincarnation, but when the young boy was taken to the fruit seller’s home, he recognized all the family members by name and even mentioned a man who had owed him money. The family of the deceased fruit seller then accepted Naresh as the reincarnation of their son.

Dr. Jim Tucker, a psychiatrist from UVA, is continuing Dr. Stevenson’s work. Tucker reports an old woman who died in Thailand with a desire to be reborn as a boy. Her daughter marked her mom’s neck with a white paste so she’d be recognized when she was reincarnated.

Soon after, the daughter gave birth to a son with a birthmark on the back of his neck exactly where she’d put the white paste on her mom’s neck. Dr. Tucker has written several books on his findings including Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives and Life Before Life: Children’s Memories of Previous Lives.

In several languages, the word birthmark means “cravings” or “unfulfilled wishes.” Birthmarks were believed to be reflections of the unsatisfied wishes of the mom during her pregnancy. Other folklore suggests they are from a pregnant mother food cravings, so if she ate a lot of strawberries, her child would have a strawberry shaped birthmark.

Possibly, though, birthmarks have a much deeper meaning. They might be soul scars from wounds or surgeries suffered in a past life. Several people claim that after they recalled and healed the memory from the past life, the birthmark simply faded away. So take some to examine your birth mark. It just may give you a clue as to who you were in a past life.



NANICE ELLIS: “Are You Suffering from PAST LIFE Traumatic Stress Disorder?”

Most of us know that unhealed emotional trauma can result in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and many of us have even experienced it. But, did you know that we can also carry unhealed emotional trauma from past lives? In fact, there’s a direct link between past life trauma and present day fears, phobias and panic attacks. If you’re experiencing any of these conditions, you could be suffering from Past Life Traumatic Stress Disorder!

Maybe you’re wondering, how can you carry unhealed emotional trauma from one life to the next?

Although you may live many lives and incarnate as very different characters, your soul remains with you from life to life, and even though you may not remember a thing, your soul maintains the memories from all lifetimes and keeps track of “unfinished business.” So, each time you reincarnate, you take it all with you, and this means that if you die with unhealed emotional wounds in one lifetime, you’re born with the same unhealed emotional wounds in another.

Past Life Trauma — Current Day Issues!

Most of us have no memories of traumatic events that occurred in other lifetimes. Nonetheless, when we carry unhealed past life trauma into our present life, it often manifests as some type of distressing issue that is somehow related to the original event.

When past life trauma surfaces through current life issues, it often triggers Past Life Traumatic Stress Disorder, and, as a result, we might experience irrational fears, anxiety, phobias or panic attacks.

Here are some examples of how Past Life Traumatic Stress Disorder shows up:

  • If you were ever severely punished for not following the rules in a past life, you may have an irrational fear of authority.
  • If you were ever rejected or abandoned in a past life, you may have an irrational fear of being different or not fitting in.
  • If you were ever enslaved or imprisoned in a past life, you may have an irrational fear of losing freedom.
  • If you were ever excommunicated for voicing your beliefs or taking a stand in a past life, you could have a fear of being seen or heard (by the way, this is often the cause of public speaking phobias).

Furthermore, when the same type of trauma is experienced in more than one lifetime, past life scars often become amplified, and, subsequently, with each repetitive experience, the symptoms of Past Life Traumatic Stress Disorder intensify.

Also, keep in mind that irrational fears and phobias can include basically anything associated with trauma — even as simple as the fear of pencils or shoelaces.

Unfortunately, until we understand the cause of our irrational reactions, we have no control over the triggers.

Traumatic Death

Oftentimes, Past Life Traumatic Stress Disorder is the result of a traumatic death. For instance, one of my friends had panic attacks whenever someone touched his neck or he had to wear a necktie. Not surprisingly, he often had “flashbacks” of being strangled to death in a past life.

Here are some more examples of how a traumatic death can result in present day fear:

  • If you ever died by drowning, you could have an irrational fear of water.
  • If you ever fell to your death, you could have an irrational fear of heights.
  • If you ever perished in a burning building, you could have an irrational fear of fire.
  • If you were ever fatally trapped, you could have an irrational fear of being confined (claustrophobia).
  • If you were ever killed by a ferocious animal or deadly insect, you could have an irrational fear of certain animals or insects.
  • If you were ever accused of being a witch or burned at the stake for possessing psychic powers, you could have an irrational fear of sharing your gifts.

Frozen to Death

For most of my life, I had an irrational fear of being cold, and, needless to say, this made long, winter months quite unbearable. Honestly, whenever I was cold, I would instantly go into mild shock, and while I couldn’t think clearly, I felt like I was going to die.

Then, one brisk autumn evening, I got terribly lost while hiking through the wilderness alone. As the sun began to set and I was beginning to feel very cold, that familiar panic started to takeover. But this time, something different happened. Suddenly, I experienced myself as a tribal warrior who lived in another era. Evidently, I just lost a major battle, and while I was fatally injured and all alone, I was left to die in the frozen wilderness.

After remembering this slow and brutal death, I finally understood my irrational fear of the cold — and why I associated it with death. Believe it or not, after I recalled this memory, the fear of being cold completely disappeared, and, in fact, winter became my favorite season!

The Purpose of Re-enacting Past Life Wounds

Let’s be clear; whenever past life trauma manifests as current day issues, it is never due to punishment nor karma. Instead, past life trauma is carried from life to life in order to support our human survival and spiritual evolution.

You see, in response to past life wounds, we develop survival mechanisms, such as specific fears, anxieties and phobias, and due to these protective mechanisms, we automatically stay away from potential risks that could result in similar traumas.

Additionally, when emotional wounds are healed during a human incarnation, we master certain virtues that our souls intended to attain — and this is why we experience emotional wounds in the first place.

In a nutshell, while past life trauma is carried from life to life in order to protect us from similar threats, it also gives us the opportunity to reap intended virtues as we heal.

Repeat, Repeat… Heal!

While past life fears keep us from partaking in risky behaviors and also provide opportunities to attain virtues, they also prevent us from living our lives, fulfilling our dreams, and reaching our full potential.

Furthermore, even though details may change from life to life, until we heal our emotional wounds, we could repeat the same type of issues over and over again.

Although free will allows us to ignore our wounds indefinitely, if we don’t properly address the cause, these issues inevitably escalate in frequency and intensity, and, at some point, and in some lifetime, they likely result in a personal crisis that cannot be ignored. Eventually, when emotional pain reaches a personal breaking point and familiar coping strategies no longer provide relief, we inevitably seek healing.

However, keep in mind that you don’t need to reach a breaking point in order to heal and you don’t need to repeat the same issues lifetime after lifetime.

Simultaneous Lifetimes

Before we continue, I’d like to acknowledge that the term “past life” could be very misleading. You see, according to quantum physics, all moments of time occur simultaneously, and, if this is true, it means that we are actually living parallel lives. Although we are only aware of this “current” life, who knows what we experience when we’re asleep or when we’re blinking in and out of reality countless times a minute.

Nonetheless, this concept doesn’t change a thing, and, in fact, when it comes to healing, there’s no time like the present!

So, how do we heal past life trauma?

Well, some people choose to heal past life trauma through past life regressions, and this means that under hypnosis they “go back” and remember one or more past lives where they experienced a particular trauma. Although this may sound somewhat “woo woo,” I personally guided past life regressions for many years and the results were often astounding.

Sometimes, just remembering past life trauma is enough to heal it, (for example, my fear of the cold), but, more often than not, healing is a process that must be actively embraced. Therefore, if you want to heal past life trauma through a past life regression, remembering your past lives is just the beginning. This is why it’s important to find a reputable past life regression therapist who knows how to work through multiple life traumas.

Present Life Healing

Even though it might be interesting to remember who you were or what you experienced in one or more past lives, there’s actually no need to do so. In fact, you don’t need to remember past life trauma in order to heal past life wounds. Since the same issues repeat from one life to the next, and all lifetimes are interconnected through your soul, when an emotional wound is healed in any lifetime that same emotional wound is simultaneously healed in all incarnations.

Therefore, by healing emotional wounds as they surface in your current reality, you inevitably heal those same wounds in all lifetimes!

So, exactly how do we heal emotional wounds?

Well, before we can heal an emotional wound, not only must we identify it, we must also address the real cause. Although we tend to confuse emotional wounds with precipitating traumatic events, emotional wounds are not caused by traumatic experiences!

Regardless of details or timelines, emotional wounds are caused by emotional reactions (how we react to trauma). For instance, if we react to trauma by adopting disempowering beliefs or abandoning ourselves, we self-inflict emotional wounds. Although few can argue that emotional wounds appear incredibly real, if it were not for emotional pain, it would be easy to see that all emotional wounds are based on disempowering beliefs and/or self-abandonment.

Since there’s no quick fix or easy escape, emotional wounds remain with us until we release disempowering beliefs and we stop abandoning ourselves.

By healing these two pivotal components during this lifetime, you inevitably heal all lifetimes!

Although you may have tragically died in a past life, the fact that you’re reading this now clearly demonstrates that you really didn’t die — did you?

So, despite one or more traumatic deaths, the Real You survived! If this doesn’t prove that you’re a powerful and eternal being, I don’t know what does?

However, if you still need more proof, please consider that your nighttime dreams might also reflect this truth. For instance, if you’ve ever been harmed or killed in a dream, you know that when you wake-up in the morning, you’re perfectly fine. Well, believe it or not, life operates in much the same way.

In fact, since we are all “willing dreamers” in the dream of life, every one of us withstands an array of challenges, triumphs and adventures throughout many lifetimes. Yet, no matter how realistic the dream called “life” may be, when we awaken in the afterlife, we are completely unharmed, no worse for wear, and immensely better for the experience.

So, rest assured, not only is your survival guaranteed, the ultimate destination ensures a successful outcome!

Just like light illuminates darkness, this truth can heal you and set you free!

In grace & gratitude,

