LISA RENEE: “Intuitive Empath”

“Empaths are most likely to have had varying paranormal and spiritual experiences throughout their lives. NDE’s (Near death experiences), or OBE’s (Out of body experiences) can catapult an unaware empath into the Awakening period and provide the momentum for the spiritual journey of inner discovery. They may not be grounded and are so open and so heart centered, this leaves their aura unprotected and their etheric body gets way outside of the physical body, when it actually should be closer in and symmetrical. The more out of energetic balance a person is, and if they are not fully centered in their auric field, their etheric body starts to become interfered with by dark or negative energies.”

~Lisa Renee


An Intuitive Empath is a person that has natural inclinations towards heightened emotional sensitivity and Empathy. Most of the Starseed community are naturally developed Intuitive Empaths, as most incarnated with their full Soul matrix in tact. Thus, it is critical for Starseed, Indigo and Awakening people to develop control and discipline over their mental and emotional body, or they will be overrun by energies and overwhelmed by their own thoughts and feelings, as well as, the thoughts and feelings of others that they empathically tune into.

Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other being’s frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another’s position. There are many definitions for empathy which encompass a broad range of emotional states. Types of empathy include cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, and somatic empathy. [1]

Being an Intuitive Empath is when you are affected by other people’s energies, and have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive others. An empath’s life is unconsciously influenced by others’ desires, wishes, thoughts, and moods, as they can pick up on these energies in the environment. Being an empath is much more than being highly sensitive person and it’s not just limited to feeling and expressing emotions. Empaths can perceive physical sensitivities and spiritual urges, as well as just knowing the motivations and intentions of other people. Empaths have a natural skill with Higher Sensory Perception. A person is either an empath or not. Empaths are open to process other people’s feelings and energy, and in many cases, can take on the emotions of others. For this reason, many empaths experience things like chronic fatigue, environmental sensitivities, or unexplained aches and pains daily. Empaths have a tendency to openly feel what is outside of them, becasue they can feel barraged by external energies, making it harder to accurately feel what is inside of them. This can cause empaths to ignore their own needs and have poor boundaries. In general, an empath is non-violent, non-aggressive and leans more towards being the peacemaker. Any area filled with disharmony creates an uncomfortable feeling in an empath. If they find themselves in the middle of a confrontation, they will endeavor to settle the situation as quickly as possible, if not, avoid it all together. Empaths are most likely to have had varying paranormal and spiritual experiences throughout their lives. NDE’s (Near death experiences), or OBE’s (Out of body experiences) can catapult an unaware empath into the Awakening period and provide the momentum for the spiritual journey of inner discovery. [2]

Etheric Webbing

Those Lightworkers that are healers, Starseeds, that are very empathic, and are very much in the heart healer archetype and are very loving, they can often have a humongously distended field, or large etheric field because they’re so empathic. These people need to tighten the etheric webbing closer to the physical body and not have it extended so far out. Sometimes empaths have issues with personal boundaries, and they become psychic sponges for other peoples negative energies or they naturally process others emotions. This group really needs the 12D Shield. This lesson may happen at the earlier stages of Awakening, as people tend to be in the love and light sensation of our first heart opening, and they haven’t figured out the wisdom of understanding how to actually navigate through these many complex layers of energy dynamics.

Newly awakening people as a part of their learning process is to understand the necessity for energetic boundaries. They may not be grounded and are so open and so heart centered, this leaves their aura unprotected and their etheric body gets way outside of the physical body, when it actually should be closer in and symmetrical. The more out of energetic balance a person is, and if they are not fully centered in their auric field, their etheric body starts to become interfered with by dark or negative energies. The etheric gridwork in the etheric body can get covered with debris and energetic garbage and this can make that person sick or manifest diseases. No one should be used like a psychic sponge, as it will overload your body. It’s extremely important to keep your etheric body webbing closer to your physical body. Ask your God Higher Self to tighten your etheric body and your etheric webbing closer to be more protected by your physical body, use the 12D Shield, and this will help adjust the layers. [3]


Empaths can perceive information through others emotions and feelings, which allows them to communicate through the same emotion, which may be processed as an energetic vibration through the empath’s body, making them Telepathic. Many children, autists, and animals are naturally open and telempathic, and will process emotional memories imprinted in the environment or when exposed to emotions that are carried by other people or family members that are near them. It is common for telempathic children and pets that have a strong emotional bond with their parent, to process emotional pain and imbalanced energies in their parent’s lightbody. In many cases a cherished and loved pet will take on the emotional imbalances of their owner, in order to help process blocked energy. This is in effect an energetic emotional clearing that is taking place, by the unconditional love that can be cultivated and bonds formed between animal and human relationships. Certain animals can even be effective gridworkers, and act as environmental energy harmonizers for the land and ley lines. [4]



  1. Empathy
  2. Traits of Empath
  3. PSD #4 Attachment Cords
  4. Telepathy

See Also:

Empath and Self Care



~via Ascension Glossary

DANNI RAE: “Astral Travel Encounter With The Soul Of Famous Hollywood Actress”

I had an astral projection, which for me has happened before, but is not common at all. It’s rare, and the only few times I have had one all I did was “fly”…

I had an astral travel last Sunday evening. I felt my soul leave, and I didn’t know where I was going but I was in a hurry. I descended upon a beautiful multi-million dollar house. I saw a woman in a bathtub shaving her legs and singing to herself. I did not know her. Once I got closer, I realized it was Nicole Kidman. I was very confused. I knew who she was from movies and that she was “Tom Cruise’s ex wife” but that’s about it. I was not a big fan or someone who “followed” her. She was not someone I expected to see.

So why was I here?

I just watched her for a minute. Then, her soul escaped and we literally had this exact conversation:

Her soul: We are being held hostage. We are here but nobody sees us. I’m so glad you came! We need you to see us.

Me: (very confused) What do you mean?

Her: We are trapped. No humans can see. They think they know. They do not! They see an image. A hologram. An empty vessel! What they see is deception. Our outward perception is not what is real, yet it’s what people believe. Outward appearances are deceiving. We are still here here! Her physical vessel is empty.

Me: I’m so confused. All I know is I just flew here. I’m just a girl from Texas. I don’t even know where I am. I don’t even know what I’m doing here to be honest… but I will help you if I can.

Her: You need to hear, with her public persona, it’s all lies. All of it. Every bit of it is deceit. When people see her, they don’t see us. They see projection. People are spellbound, and they don’t really know. I am here, though apart of her, nobody can see what I am. I am lonely. I love her immensely but I have been willfully and painfully split by choice. A choice that was deliberate, yet manipulated.

Me: Wait… Am I talking to Nicole’s higher self? Her soul?

Her: Yes! We are still here. We have been always here. But on her human level, her own free will got cast out. However, we are still her and she is us. We cannot be separated for eternity but we are also not seen except on a soul level, because of a soul contract she signed and agreed to. We are covered, but the veil is lifting. The darkness is dissipating. You can see.

Me: So she as a human… or her ego cast you out by choice? Like she chose this?

Her: Yes. We cannot interfere with free will. But we are here. We are anxiously awaiting to be reunited. We love her. We ARE her.

Me: So she said no to the connection? But why? How does somebody do this? But eventually you will still connect, right?

Her: Yes. It is a stirring in her. She resists and fights, but it is because of dark manipulation. She is bound by lies. She, in the physical, is a prisoner bound by a dark contract. Dark energy. She was presented with a choice and she chose to split. We are lonely… but not angry. We love her so. She is us and we are her. She has chosen this life path but she can always change her timeline and choose to reconnect. She can create a new soul contract. We are ready to receive her back. We would love this so. She can return to one.

Me: You’re cut off… but not angry?

Her: No. We know and hold no anger. We cannot hold anger, it is not our nature. Only stillness. We are sad her choice was this, but we honor this, and wait for reconnection.

Me: If you’re her higher self and you’re in a better dimension, why can’t you just override this? Don’t you have veto power?

Her: Laughs… no we abide by universal law of free will. We do not intervene. We allow chosen soul contracts to play out. We stay connected always but when those connections are severed by choice…. we wait until the vibration aligns again.

Me: What if that is a long wait. What is she chooses to stay separated?

Her: We are outside of time and space but we do feel sadness and do feel the burden of her choice.

Me: Did she get tricked into this choice? What about other celebrities like her?

Her: Yes!!! Yes!!!! She was manipulated, but then came a choice to choose. The choice was hers.

Me: Who made her choose?

Her: There are other dark energies. Their purpose is to provide contrast and polarity. The balance of the universe intended this. But this energy became stronger than expected. This force also “feeds” or get nourished off of negative human emotion. They use earthly traps, such as wealth and fame, to lure souls in. Then, they convince certain humans to “choose” their agenda. It is all deceit. The vessel becomes empty while the real essence waits for reconnection. On another level, this reconnection will eventually happen.

Me: Wow!!!!! This is sad. She is one of those deceived. Is this how most celebrities are?

Her: Yes. Unfortunately, yes. Many made a dark and difficult choice. Not all have chosen yet, but many that you may recognize are very empty.

Me: Can you name names?

Her: Names are irrelevant at the moment. We cannot intervene in other soul matters.

Me: So, why can I see you?

Her: You heard our cry out.

Me: Were you calling for me?

Her: We cried out to our universe. We emit vibrations of which you were a match.

Me: (Starting to panic a bit) So, does this mean my soul is sad too, and maybe I just don’t know it? Do you need me to know something? Am I supposed to help? I don’t even know her or why I’m here..

Her: Dear one, stay calm. We suggest you connect with your ego and show love to others always. Do not become lost in this game. Do not be fooled or manipulated. Trickery and deceit lies are everywhere. Trust yourself. Know you are a sovereign being. Live as one. Be safe, my friend, and be well. You are safe. You are whole. We just want to remind you to never give up sovereignty. We are glad you came. Thank you for connecting…

Her spirit starts to fade…

At that moment, I feel like I’m “materializing” (that’s the only way I know how to explain it) but getting more “solid”. Then, I look at Nicole. Literally, she looks directly at me and gets this shocked look on her face. She is in awe and complete disbelief. I think she can actually SEE in the physical me because she gasps in horror, drops her razor and shrieks. At this exact moment, I feel like I am SLAMMED into my body. I woke up in such a start. My heart was beating so fast but not out of fear, but like I just ran 10 miles. Usually, I can only remember pieces of a dream but this was crystal clear.

So weird, huh? I literally have NO reason why I went there or what the purpose was. As I said before, I have no reason why her, of all people. I generally avoid TV (occasionally the weather channel or cooking channel). I don’t follow celeb stuff. I found it very confusing to be honest, but it was a very real experience. I’m hoping that maybe I helped somehow. I pray for her soul and whatever circumstances she may have gone through to choose to disconnect. There’s always a choice for her to reconnect. I hope she does.

Update: I did some research on Nicole to figure out what the heck is going on as to why I, of all people, would connect to her in that way. It seems (at least from what I read) that her father was DEEP into Satanic and pedo stuff. I learned that she grew up in a very satanic atmosphere and was terribly abused (allegedly). This is all new to me as I never had reason before to look into or care about her personal life.

IF this is true, this is very sad and she should not be judged, but receive deep compassion, and love.

Danni Rae



STEVE TAYLOR, Ph.D.: “Transformation Through Dying — The Aftermath Of Near-Death Experiences”

Ascension Avatar note: I’ve been through this three times since age 3 and retained my original soul, but each time came back wiser with new abilities… art… hearing ‘music of the spheres’… having ‘x-ray vision’ into the souls of humans, if they are human at all or a cloned version… knowing the final outcome of earthly events long before they ‘occur’…

.   .   .


A near-death experience is when a person appears to be clinically “dead” for a short period — when the heart stops beating, the brain registers no sign of activity and other vital signs indicate death — and yet they report a continuation of consciousness. This may happen following a cardiac arrest, for example. For a few seconds or minutes, a person may show no biological signs of life, and yet when they are resuscitated, report that a series of unusual experiences.

Typically, near-death experiences begin with a feeling of separation from the body (or out-of-body experience), sometimes with a humming or whistling sound. Then there is usually a journey through a dark passage or tunnel towards a place of light. There is a feeling of serenity and intense well-being, a sense of calmness and wholeness, which is often so pleasant that some people are reluctant to return to their bodies, and even feel disappointed when they regain consciousness. Often people meet deceased relatives or beings of light. In a smaller proportion of cases, there is a “life review,” in which the significant events of a person’s life are replayed.

Throughout the experience, people feel that their senses have become heightened — everything they experience has a quality of intense realness. In contrast to hallucinations, NDEs feel much more real than our ordinary experience. There is often also a sense of being outside time. Even though a person may only be unconscious for a few seconds, they may undergo a complex succession of experiences that may appear to last for hours. There is also a sense of connectedness or unity. The sense of being a separate entity, enclosed within our own mental space, is replaced by a sense of being part of an interconnected network of being, of sharing identity with other people, or the world in general.

Near-death experiences are controversial because it is difficult to explain them in neurological terms. Many suggestions have been made — for example, that they are caused by cerebral anoxia, by undetected brain activity, or the release of “psychedelic chemicals” like DMT or ketamine in the brain when a person is close to death. From this point of view, NDEs are nothing more than brain-created hallucinations, no more real than dreams.

The After-Effects of NDEs

However, one of the most striking things about near-death experiences is their long-term effect. They frequently bring about a profound shift of values and perspective, which itself leads to major lifestyle changes. People often become less materialistic and more altruistic, less self-oriented and more compassionate. They often feel a new sense of purpose, and their relationships become more authentic and intimate. They report becoming more sensitive to beauty, and more appreciative of everyday things. One person who had an NDE after a heart attack told the researcher Margot Grey, “Since then, everything has been so different… The sky is so blue and the trees are much greener; everything is so much more beautiful. My senses are so much sharper.” People often report becoming more intuitive too, and even sometimes developing psychic abilities. Another woman told Margot Grey that she felt “a very heightened sense of love, the ability to communicate love, the ability to find joy and pleasure in the most insignificant things about me…I seemed to have a very heightened awareness, I would say almost telepathic abilities.”

One of the most significant effects of NDEs is a loss of the fear of death. Because NDEs have such a powerful quality of realness, most people are convinced that they really have briefly experienced death. As a result, they become certain that there is life after death. And since their NDE was such a blissful experience — so blissful that people are sometimes disappointed to return to their bodies — any anxiety they may have had about dying dissolves away. It’s probable that an unconscious fear of death is a major source of a lot of pathological human behavior — such as materialism and status-seeking — so when this fear disappears, it has a major effect. So the loss of fear of death probably contributes significantly to some of the other changes I’ve already mentioned, such as a shift away from materialism.

It’s remarkable that one single experience can have such a profound, long-lasting transformational effect. And this is illustrated by research showing that people who have near-death experiences following suicide attempts very rarely attempt suicide again. This is in stark contrast to the normal pattern — in fact, a previous suicide attempt is usually the strongest predictor of actual suicide.

And in my view, the fact that they have such profound after-effects makes it seem very unlikely that NDEs are a brain-generated hallucination. Hallucinations certainly do not have these kinds of transformational after-effects. They are usually quickly forgotten, with a clear sense that they were delusional experiences, less authentic and reliable than ordinary consciousness. But with near-death experiences, there is a clear sense that what we experience is more real and authentic than normal consciousness, and our vision of reality — and our values and attitude to life — are completely transformed.

So if NDEs can’t be explained in neurological terms, how can they be explained? Perhaps to a large extent, they can’t be explained. But as I point out in my new book Spiritual Science, they certainly point towards a different vision of the world in which consciousness isn’t directly produced by the brain, but is in some sense fundamental and universal.

