LISA RENEE: “Transit Gate Vortex”

To clear out lower frequencies, misplaced entities, misqualified or negative energies that accumulate in a room, space and group aura field exposed to higher frequencies. [1]

12D Expands into Transit Gate

Once a person is attuned and working with the 12D Shield daily, the Lightbody becomes aligned to the 12D Ray this starts to build the spiritual foundation for the Soul, Monad and Avatar bodies. See Ascension Stages.

At a certain level of proficiency, one can utilize the 12D Shield as a Transit Gate Vortex, or a Shadow Gate. This is a vortex set up specifically to clear low vibration energies, entities, and negativity from the space one has commanded with the 12D shield as GSF. We call that Commanding Personal Space with a boundary test using the GSF triad. This means one is stating that one chooses the consent and authority of God-Sovereign Free- which is aligned to the Law of One, therefore the Christ.

To clear out lower frequencies, misplaced entities, misqualified or negative energies that accumulate in a room, space and group aura field exposed to higher frequencies.

Setting Up Shadow Vortex

See the 12 D Portal spinning outward in concentric circles opening and expanding around you.
I open this session in service to Law of One and Invite the Starseed Families of Oneness to connect and anchor in. As I am God Sovereign and Free I so Decree:


Please generate a Field of Divine Grace around and within this Room, Hotel, and Land.


Please anchor frequencies of Unconditional Love and Forgiveness in this space.


Please generate blessings to all who enter or dwell here, human and non-human, in the Light and Service of the One Source God.


I claim this Space and the Beings in my care as Sovereign and Free in the Light of God, now and always.


Please seal these blessings into permanent installation here.


(Designate a space for a Shadowy Elements Vortex to clear debris)


I request your assistance in creating a vortex to be used as an exit point by all Shadowy Elements. (i.e. direct location of exit point, such as “in the east corner of my room”).


I have 100% desire that all shadow elements within myself, within others around me and within all plants, all animals, all other beings, all places and spaces around me clear and transition through this vortex exclusively.


I thank all Shadow Elements for exiting through this Transit Gate Vortex doorway.



Aqua Portal

Upon the activation of the 8th Chakra to ignite the Amoraea Flame which connects to the Mother Arc, it is possible to open a Aqua Portal for transit of earthly souls and other entities, to be given to the Mother for dispensation, rehabilitation, or transit. This is a direct dispensation of the Law of One and the return of the Holy Mother to this planet.

If it is of Service to Others divine purpose, the Guardian host will help the individual hold this portal, provided they have attuned their body and consciousness to the 12D Shield. Once a person has proven spiritual integrity to hold this portal themselves, after consistent dedication to Law of One, the 8th Chakra and higher heart functions are opened into a Crystal Blue Lotus heart, and this enables the function of the Transharmonic Gate of the Aqua Portal.

HGS Calibration – Step Six

  • Set Personal Space and Protected Session field in Home or Office for HGS Calibration
  • Opening the Field – Commanding Personal Space
  • Communicating Directly – Maximizing God
  • Force to amplify your ‘Hub Handshake” for focused session
  • Clearing up Shadow Elements – Setting up a “Shadow Vortex” to remove and clear out any debris in your environment
  • Session Content and Intention” – Creating the “Core Soul Protection” for Ancestors and intention for Session content
  • Closing the Field” – After session content is set up or completed, be sure to close and end your communication link

When learning to work with setting your personal space or energetic session container, you can use the technique as a verbal command. To entrain the system code, it is suggested you become proficient with repeating the command in your space, as much as desired. When you have repeated this command to entrainment with your nervous system , the process of setting up space will become automatic and you will not need to verbally repeat the command every time. With repeated session work, you are able to mentally focus energy amplifications in the environment as you feel guided to strengthen certain areas, i.e. the portal, or other issues you are made aware of.



  1. ES Community Techniques for Transiting

See Also:

Service to Others


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Trinity Gates and Transit Stations”

“Over the past few months, many of us on the ascending path have been elevated out from 3D morphogenetic fields, thus, our consciousness body shifted to the next octave into the next Harmonic Universe. As a result our Lightbody is existing above the 3D earth body, even while we are inhabiting our body on the material plane. Because, there are not that many of us in numbers, relative to the overall human population, those of us that are Starseed Gridworkers have been working on special project mission to help restore Trinity gates, while bifurcation events and metagalactic Plasma influxes are occurring with the Paliadorian activations. This event has created some issues in bifurcation that dark entities have taken advantage over to control these gates and stop them from working as they need to. Essentially, a struggle to repair and maintain these gates is transpiring while they can take advantage of the current vulnerabilities or damage in the field. The NAA has attacked some of our people, as a way to get to others, such as myself, because they are very angry at us for using these Trinity Gates as portal access to route out soul groups. When we remove disincarnate people from the earth or astral, this is considered by them that we are stealing souls from them to harvest loosh, so they are very angry when we take assorted levels of people previously stuck in the earth fields through these portals.”

~Lisa Renee


Recently, it has been made clear that there has been a Guardian and group mission to help restore access to the Trinity Gates, because these particular portals are the most easily accessible for the majority of the human race that have not spiritually activated their higher DNA or expanded their consciousness bodies during the Ascension Cycle. Many people that need safe passage when they drop their body at this time, are taken through Trinity Gates through the Aqua Portal, if they are not able to sustain higher frequencies. It can be dangerous to take them through a portal if they are not prepared for those higher frequency levels. Here in ES, we take many people through the Trinity Gates for safe passage, if they cannot sustain transit all the way to Aurora time continuum.

As has been described in the Consciousness Corridors newsletter (Cosmic Law Evolution Edict), there are multiple transit stations and exit points being prepared for everyone on this planet to have a better choice in the next cycle for their consciousness evolution. However, the majority of people at this time are not aware of this happening, and do not know how to prepare their consciousness for transition or passage into higher dimensions. As such, the Trinity Gates are to support this problem and as a result, they need gridwork and clearing to help support the maximum load out of people that are not able to cross over out of the astral plane or from the 3D earth plane, or are unable to move through other portals because their DNA is damaged or is under 4 connected strands. The Trinity Gates are designed for the majority of the population that currently exist at 3 DNA strands and below. Because of this trinity coding at 3 DNA strands, these gates can be accessed from the earth plane in 3D, making transit easier for some groups, either stuck in the earth from eons ago, or in current time. They are moved to a safe space where they can be briefed and supported to rebuild or repair DNA, that helps them progress to the higher dimensions and continue their spiritual evolution.

Over the past few months, many of us on the ascending path have been elevated out from 3D morphogenetic fields, thus, our consciousness body shifted to the next octave into the next Harmonic Universe. As a result our Lightbody is existing above the 3D earth body, even while we are inhabiting our body on the material plane. Because, there are not that many of us in numbers, relative to the overall human population, those of us that are Starseed Gridworkers have been working on special project mission to help restore Trinity gates, while bifurcation events and metagalactic Plasma influxes are occurring with the Paliadorian activations. This event has created some issues in bifurcation that dark entities have taken advantage over to control these gates and stop them from working as they need to. Essentially, a struggle to repair and maintain these gates is transpiring while they can take advantage of the current vulnerabilities or damage in the field. The NAA has attacked some of our people, as a way to get to others, such as myself, because they are very angry at us for using these Trinity Gates as portal access to route out soul groups. When we remove disincarnate people from the earth or astral, this is considered by them that we are stealing souls from them to harvest loosh, so they are very angry when we take assorted levels of people previously stuck in the earth fields through these portals.

Trinity Gates are required to be plugged into other gates in order to work effectively, such as what we refer to as Mother Arc Gates or Ark of the Covenant gates. They run off the Mother Arc Gates portal between planet earth and the Andromeda galaxy. To work with the Mother Arc gates and proficiently help to plug them into the Trinity Gates, 12 DNA strand activation of Diamond Sun christos template is required. Some of us have grid missions to use this with Guardian Krystal Star Hosting and thus we are capable to have access for this purpose here and our energy sessions that are supporting this particular mission. This allows us to connect with these gates and plug them into the Trinity gates, which allows soul families and groups of people leaving their body access to safe passage and transit with average DNA activation levels. This is relative for people that drop their body on earth in the current time, in the past or future timelines, providing they do not activate higher DNA imprints. The Mother Arc Gates or Polarian Gate goes directly to the Aurora time continuums, so that would be the major preference for most of us on the earth at this time.

For this reason, I am listing the Trinity gates here, so our spiritual community is made aware of them. When you live close to a Trinity Gate, it is a vulnerability, because the dark forces are doing what they can to take control over them, stop their connector links to the Mother Arc Gateways and there is a fight over the passage of people leaving their body from the lower planes. They are really angry because they consider humans at the low DNA level as their personal property, and they will fight Guardians over the portal access. Personally, I worked on the Malibu Gate for a few years from 2004-2008, and have physically made it to New York, Castaglione, Italy and Hatshepsut Temple in Egypt to help support safe passage areas that are made available to the earth population on the lowest density planes or phantom areas.

Trinity Gates:

1 Malibu beach, Malibu California
2 Belize City, Belize, Central America
3 Goa ,India (1mile of SE coast)
4 Staten Island, NYC, New York
5 SE Tuscany, 7 Miles of Castaglione, Italy)
6 Fiji , South Pacific Ocean
7 Andaman Sea (7miles W of coast Tavoy)
8 Auckland City, North Island, N-Zealand
9 Lake Superior, Canada (2miles of coast Thunder Bay)
10 Hatshepsut Temple, Egypt
11 Epsom Downs, Surrey United Kingdom
12 Cork, Ireland

Trinity Hub Gate is in Cornwall, United Kingdom, can be a connector portal for all other Trinity Gates and is also a Mother Arc Gate.

Recently, there has been gridwork focused to hold connector points for Trinity Gates in Cork, Ireland, Surrey, UK and Hatshepsut Temple, as well as a working on the Krystal Cathedral anchor in the Trinity Hub gate in Cornwall. Additionally Uluru, Bali, Seattle and Phoenix, because they act as the main portal links for some of the Trinity Gates.

Thank you and hoping that this information is a helpful reference as well as supportive to our earth gridwork, in comprehending why we may be working in some of these demographic areas.

Transit Stations

There are intermediary Transit Stations on interdimensional planes with arrangements being made with other advanced star races to help support the shifting of the 3D and 4D collective levels of humanities vibrational consciousness on the earth. This is to support the necessary transition for both groups in physical 3D bodies and 4D Astral embodiments, especially once they have dropped their body on the earth in so to be able to move towards the next stage of their higher consciousness growth. Since we are in the Ascension Cycle, we are sharing a planetary holographic reality with a massive array of different spectrums of frequency and Consciousness levels. As a result, more alternatives are required to assist the levels of Collective Consciousness on the earth in so they can transit out of the 3D reality.

Rapid exposure to high frequencies are similar to the brain and nervous system being plugged into a socket with 1000 volts of wattage as the energetic current attempts to circuit in the electrical system of the human Lightbody. For a person that has not been prepared physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, to attune to rapidly escalating higher frequencies, this may have impacts to the body that can be devastating. This kind of high intensity spiritual-energetic activation, such as releasing Kundalini too quickly, can create Soul Fragmentation and mental body fragmentation when the Negative Ego and Pain Body has not been cleared or dismantled. The Guardians and those supporting the liberation of the earth through the Ascension process, do everything they can to minimize Fragmentation as this is already a massive problem for the people on the earth.

This is why various levels of stepped down realities that act as Transit Stations are being made available as contingencies. In order to accommodate the wide array of vibrational consciousness levels to the most safe spaces, the goal is to easily transit the person, earthbound souls or while in the death passage with the minimum of disruption or trauma. It is a spiritual fallacy to think when a person passes on that they are suddenly all knowing, wise or god omniscient. In the realms of the lower creation fields, such as the earth plane, whether a person is physically embodied or existing in the soul planes, when that person passes their body and their consciousness moves onto another plane, they take the consciousness vibration they have at that Station of Identity. Their overall aura vibration is based upon the quality of the genetic record that they are carrying from the accumulative energetic result of all of their actions, choices and experiences over time. The higher levels of consciousness are based upon the genetic integrity of the person, and the level of love and the light quotient they hold within their aura. If fear is the predominate vibrational quality of the aura, then the vibration of fear will become the total experience of the consciousness when the person passes their body. This is also true for addictions, as well as any other state of consciousness, we all take the consciousness that we have developed on to the next dimensional plane.

This is why it is wise to prepare ourselves spiritually while on the earth in order to align to our highest possible expression when its our time to transit.

12D Expands into Transit Gate

Once a person is attuned and working with the 12D Shield daily, the Lightbody becomes aligned to the 12D Ray this starts to build the spiritual foundation for the Soul, Monad and Avatar bodies. See Ascension Stages. At a certain level of proficiency, one can utilize the 12D Shield as a Transit Gate Vortex, or a Shadow Gate. At certain times with our developed 12D Shield, it is possible we may help earthbound souls to transit out from the earth plane and be escorted to the Transit Stations, where they will undergo assistance and orientation.

(Source: Ascension Glossary – Trinity Gates and Transit Stations)

~via – Time Shift Blog – posted March 10, 2020

LISA RENEE: “Guardian Host Planetary Buffer Zones”

“Since the Electric Wars, we have had a phantom black earth that existed as a negative form of itself in the lower timelines. This negative form earth is manipulated by the NAA, mostly through their artificial software programs that spin out false timelines. This is the timeline the NAA are aggressively fighting for, as they want to maintain control over their preferred bloodlines, to mainstream Satanism and continue to harvest the lost souls and fragments that they have been using as an energetic source to fuel a variety of virtual reality systems and time loops. This lowest section of the earth field that has reversals and AI is bifurcating from the rest of the earth field, and the organic living consciousness and higher frequencies are moving into the higher zones hosted by the Guardian Founder Races.”

~Lisa Renee


The planetary field is now held in a protected Guardian hosted buffer zone where nuclear weapons are immediately neutralized, although the Controllers continually broadcast the Armageddon Software in the mass media so people believe that an entire species extinction is inevitable and unavoidable. Since the Electric Wars, we have had a phantom black earth that existed as a negative form of itself in the lower timelines. This negative form earth is manipulated by the NAA, mostly through their artificial software programs that spin out false timelines. This is the area of the lower density fields on the earth plane that has bifurcated from the higher timelines, and is comprised of the AI time loops, which is the area the NAA are currently fighting over. [1]

AI Assimilation Earth Timeline

This is the timeline the NAA are aggressively fighting for, as they want to maintain control over their preferred bloodlines, to mainstream Satanism and continue to harvest the lost souls and fragments that they have been using as an energetic source to fuel a variety of virtual reality systems and time loops. These groups try to lure human soul groups into these phantom realities that are propped up as virtual realities that glamourize an assortment of trendy and elitist lifestyles, with high adrenaline or addictive sensual or erotic experiences, all with machines. This destroys loving human connections that are transmitted through human contact, by replacing basic human needs with a machined consciousness. This lowest section of the earth field that has reversals and AI is bifurcating from the rest of the earth field, and the organic living consciousness and higher frequencies are moving into the higher zones hosted by the Guardian Founder Races. [2]



  1. Planetary Staff
  2. Embodiment
  3. Other Wars

See Also:

Time Vector Codes

Ages of Humanity

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 87


~via Ascension Glossary


Photo by Ascension Avatar – January 3, 2020

“Starburst Sun”

LISA RENEE: “Earth Element”

“Gridworkers may feel the Blueprint structure in the planetary field transforming completely with the shifting timelines, and this feels like something very different, extraordinary and even bizarre is occurring in the earth fields. It feels like it is a new design that is encompassing our consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful.”

~Lisa Renee


Currently, the planetary body is undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange anomalies that influence the quantic field. As a result, there are new patterns of electromagnetic disturbances, interruption or distortions in the collective field. The quantum field, also referred to as inner space-time, is rippling these effects into the unmanifest layers of the core manifestation template, otherwise known as the blueprint matrices that make up the layers of morphogenetic fields in the earth. Gridworkers may feel the Blueprint structure in the planetary field transforming completely with the shifting timelines, and this feels like something very different, extraordinary and even bizarre is occurring in the earth fields. It feels like it is a new design that is encompassing our consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful. The Blueprint alterations impact the dark matter template, and this appears to have direct consequences to altering and changing the Earth Elements, and the elemental structure of the earth body.

Bio-Spiritual Evolution

The physiological Adaptations that are influencing humanity are in response to the series of biological and spiritual evolutionary markers that are profoundly impacting the planetary architecture, planetary elementals, and the Earth Element itself. The combined changes are further impacting the human phenotype as it has been documented within scientific consensus. The Human Race Phenotype is a generalized expression of characteristics and traits influenced from the combination of the genetics, behavioral and environmental factors, as well as the variety of influences stemming from the collective consciousness.

Earth Element is Transforming

As a result of the structural and architectural changes influencing the earth body, the earth element and earth substance as a raw material, for matter forms is also transforming. All planetary elements are shifting, however, the relationship that the earth body has specifically connected to the spleen functions, has direct relevance to the current transformation impacting the emotional body and the blood production in the physical body. The Spleen governs transportation and transformation of what we consume, into energy that builds and protects the blood. The blood holds our entire consciousness record blueprint. As such, this is entirely related to the main shifts that are occurring between our higher consciousness as it translates into our physical body into the blood stream, as these records are beginning to circulate and connect into the physical body differently.

The Wounds of Christ are karmic blood Miasmas recorded in the planetary body and collective human body from Crucifixion Implants that were holographically inserted into the planetary brain. These inserts misdirected and stole the planetary life force and crucified the human body parts belonging to our spirit. One important area of the human body that was impacted from the planetary inserts was the Spleen implant, located on our 7D axiatonal line, in the left side ribcage. These false crucifixion stories and Holographic Inserts are how the planetary collective mind was invaded, to reflect the salvation model of a crucified deity, to spread organized religion. This represented the enslavement of humanity to recycle their Souls from tainted blood and Blood Sacrifice, which is what the crucifixion story actually is. The current evolutionary stage is impacting the release or surfacing of these human blood records and their histories, and as a result, there is a detoxification and shift occurring in our blood, and potentially, the full release of the Spleen implant.

Stomach and Spleen Relationship

This imbalance can escalate many physical and emotional issues for the people of the earth, as their body and sense of identity in relationship with the earth element, is greatly fluctuating and transforming. When we are out of balance and feeling disharmonious with the earth element, it greatly impacts the stomach and the spleen organs, and we feel extremely depleted, drained, and emotionally unhappy. Traditional Chinese medicine considers that the Spleen is one of the most important organs functioning within our body. When we consider the higher functions of the spleen as designed is to purify, protect and spiritualize our Blood, and that it was crucified in the earth element by the NAA to stop its proper functioning in the human body, then this has direct significance and spiritual importance. Reflecting on this relationship to see if there is resonance in our own body may be helpful to reveal ways we can better support the physiological changes that are occurring in the planet, that are impacting the earth element of our body.

Our relationship with food, consumption, and energy management is also changing, and some of us may feel pain or over sensitivity in the solar plexus region from being unable to digest our food, unable to digest our reality, while feeling unable to process the amount of intense emotions we feel. This impacts the stomach and spleen from being able to transform what we do consume into proper nourishment and circulating them into vital forces that the body requires to stay strong. When the spleen and stomach suffer damage, food and drink stagnate and do not transform, the mouth loses its ability to distinguish flavors and the extremities feel limp and tired. Discomfort, bloating and distention are felt in the stomach and abdominal regions, symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea appear, or there may be excessive bleeding. Many chronic and difficult health problems such as edema, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, hair loss, iron deficiency, irregular periods, infertility, can be due to a disorder of the spleen function. This pattern is very common in our culture, not only because of the spleen crucifixion implant, but also because of the culture of disconnection we are subjected to. As well as the excessive thinking high stress and irregular eating habits that are a result of our busy daily schedules. The Spleen is the center of transporting the energy of what’s processed in our stomach, into our Blood and transforms that into healthy vital forces that the body can use to regenerate and strengthen itself. Western medicine does not consider the spleens importance at any level, and thus, researching traditional Chinese medicine that understands the spleen as an essential organ for our body’s health, and agrees with the fact that everything is interconnected with energy, may be much more productive. [1]




See Also:

Quantic Field Impact to Space-Time

Genetic Mutation


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Guardian Host Planetary Protection”

“There are realms where groups exist that are called the Defender Forces of the Cosmic Sovereign Law. These defender forces are a part of those higher level light beings that are willing to lose their status of existing in a purely blissful or heavenly realm in order to come into a body and potentially lose their access into the free worlds, because they want to defend God’s Sovereign Law of One in the lower creation realms or throughout various worlds undergoing evolutionary transition. They are a section of light beings that work as sentinels and gatekeepers to support those of us that are incarnated here and working with the Cosmic Sovereign Law. They ensure that the beings that are here on earth during Ascension cycle that are working with Christic principles will not be enslaved in the higher realms or get trapped in the phantom realms because there’s a lot of those dark shenanigans that are still being played out.”

~Lisa Renee


The planetary field is now held in a protected Guardian hosted buffer zone where nuclear weapons are immediately neutralized, although the Controllers continually broadcast the Armageddon Software in the mass media so people believe that an entire species extinction is inevitable and unavoidable. Since the Electric Wars, we have had a phantom black earth that existed as a negative form of itself in the lower timelines. This negative form earth is manipulated by the NAA, mostly through their artificial software programs that spin out false timelines. This is the area of the lower density fields on the earth plane that has bifurcated from the higher timelines, and is comprised of the AI time loops, which is the area the NAA are currently fighting over. [1]

AI Assimilation Earth Timeline

This is the timeline the NAA are aggressively fighting for, as they want to maintain control over their preferred bloodlines, to mainstream Satanism and continue to harvest the lost souls and fragments that they have been using as an energetic source to fuel a variety of virtual reality systems and time loops. These groups try to lure human soul groups into these phantom realities that are propped up as virtual realities that glamourize an assortment of trendy and elitist lifestyles, with high adrenaline or addictive sensual or erotic experiences, all with machines. This destroys loving human connections that are transmitted through human contact, by replacing basic human needs with a machined consciousness. This lowest section of the earth field that has reversals and AI is bifurcating from the rest of the earth field, and the organic living consciousness and higher frequencies are moving into the higher zones hosted by the Guardian Founder Races. [2]

Defender Forces

There are realms where groups exist that are called the Defender Forces of the Cosmic Sovereign Law. These defender forces are a part of those higher level light beings that are willing to lose their status of existing in a purely blissful or heavenly realm in order to come into a body and potentially lose their access into the free worlds, because they want to defend God’s Sovereign Law of One in the lower creation realms or throughout various worlds undergoing evolutionary transition.

The first time that I became aware of the Defender Forces, because I had never heard of them before, was in April of 2008, when I was asked to open a Stargate in the Himalayan area. Sometimes as a part of my job down here, I am called upon in the middle of the night in sort of crisis setting when they need a point person to be able to open or create a Handshake Hub or an open portal field in a certain location. This was one of these cases. So in April of 2008, I woke up into remote viewing a part of my Consciousness body, and I was in a valley in between the Himalayan mountains, and my team from upstairs said to open the gate from this location now, right now! It felt as if there was an urgency in the timing, and to get in and out quickly. And as we opened the gate, a bunch of Defender Forces and Guardian beings came dropping in from above me. It would seem like they were dropping in parachutes from the sky, but they weren’t. My team said these are the Defender Forces and from then on I knew the Defender Forces were here on the earth and they were part of defending the Cosmic Sovereign Law for earth and humanity.

So in my experience, the Defender Forces are very much a part of the Guardian host families. They are a section of light beings that work as sentinels and gatekeepers to support those of us that are incarnated here and working with the Cosmic Sovereign Law. They ensure that the beings that are here on earth during Ascension cycle that are working with Christic principles will not be enslaved in the higher realms or get trapped in the phantom realms because there’s a lot of those dark shenanigans that are still being played out. In what I call the smash and grab phenomena, where you have dark entities or beings that are still confused about what’s going on during the Bifurcation, and frantically attack or are desperately grabbing pieces that they can grab on their way out. And that’s really what we are dealing with now with the intense forces of chaos, a type of thuggery similar to smash and grab. [3]



Planetary Staff


Defender Forces

See Also:

Time Vector Codes

Ages of Humanity

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 87

