LISA RENEE on “Spiritual Abuse from Negative Aliens”

“Whoever controls the Mind controls the body, mind and Soul. Alien Implants are used to Mind Control the masses to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape anti-human value systems which are used to condition humanity to accept Spiritual Abuse from Negative Aliens and to self enforce their thought systems of hierarchical enslavement and fear. This is a divide and conquer strategy of the planet and humanity. Lightbody parts that are stolen from other human beings to power artificial devices such as Alien Machinery. Sometimes cultures are taken to replicate body parts or merge body parts to link into Alien Implants or other types of Battery Bodies. These are stolen light body parts from other human beings that are being used to power/source Alien Machinery and other Negative Alien Architecture in the human body. One such battery body that works like an energy holding tank is called Moloch. These are software programs that are installed into the human bio-computer to create disharmony in the system. These are like programs that we install into our home computer; we can without our knowing, download them into our bio-computer. These could be cultural programs, religious programs, social programs or mind control programs etc. Most of these are alien manipulations in the system and we unknowingly allow them to be installed in our system. We can also see Negative Aliens inserting them into our body via the Chakra System or higher dimensional layers as we still do not have full control of these bodies. These get down-stepped and start controlling our nervous system and many other systems causing harm to our true potential as human beings. When the extradimensional entity can control multiple millions of human minds in this way, (exerting control over the collective mind of humanity, therefore exerting control over the planetary body) the quantic yield and power from harnessing soul and other vital essences become a massive power source. So powerful that to lose this source as a controlling asset in the ‘E.T. investment portfolio’ creates aggressive warring conflicts between these intruding factions. Since most of humanity has been unable to activate the higher heart complex and connect the 4th DNA strand during adolescence and into adulthood, over the length of time the chemicals distort patterns in DNA that accumulate Miasmatic overlays on core emotional issues and physical imbalances. This is not natural. If a human being cannot activate their heart and access their 4th strand of DNA they are unable to activate their Soul identity. Thus, they are unaware of why they they incarnated on the earth, what their higher purpose is, and cannot connect to or listen to their Higher Self, because they have not activated Higher Sensory Perception abilities. By controlling the mind and personality connected to a human body, the parasitic entity can access a weakened body and fragile mind to begin its goal of controlling the energies and direction of the Soul. These are actions of Service to Self orientated entities, known as Luciferian and Satanic forces of the Imposter Spirit that embody factions of the NAA. Many of these factions are active in forms of Blood Sacrifice on the earth. This may occur when a human being is killed in spiritually abusive or traumatizing ways, such as in Satanic Ritual Abuse or as a martyr in the NAA violent religions war over God.

~Lisa Renee

~via Alien Body Parts / Alien Software / Alien Tracker Devices / Battery Bodies

LISA RENEE on “Satanic Ritual Holidays: Archontic Deception Strategies for Sexual Abuse”

“If a technologically advanced extradimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover of a planet and its inhabitants, what kind of strategy would it use? First, they would look to how they could maximize the efficiency of the invasion process by generating mind-controlled slaves, and find methods to reduce the expenditure of resources and energies that they would have to generate themselves. Therefore, they mind control humans to carry out the slavery agendas as their prison wardens, who then they become complicit with these criminal acts in ways that buy their silence. To achieve these goals the secretive infiltration of the highest power positions in the core societal organizational structures such as: religious institutions, medical, financial, governmental and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the death culture as a value system that generates the belief systems they want to manipulate in the masses. Otherwise said this is the mainstreaming of satanism into greater acceptance to become normalized within the human culture. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self–enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation among the earth inhabitants, learned helplessness and accepting tyrannical control through the invasion process is made much easier. The people on earth would be effectively groomed to enforce their own enslavement as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their human rights and handing over their resources to the predators. This is very effective for planetary takeover and generating a full spectrum invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants who are completely unaware they are being gradually invaded and set up for increasing levels of global slavery. Out of the five main Archontic strategies discussed, two of them are focused upon psycho-emotional-spiritual attacks to cripple human civilization through setting up the conditions in which assorted forms of sexual abuse and sexual misery are spread throughout society. The sexual misery program extends to creating this sexual abuse as young as possible by targeting the world’s children in an assortment of mind control methods. The more covert strategy is actual child sacrifice through satanic ritual abuse and its related activities, in which the predators, human and nonhuman actually enjoy and even get intoxicated and addicted to the ritual torture and murder of children. Thus, the goal of mass human slavery is to keep them with a never-ending supply of mostly kids, which connects to the mass organized levels of human trafficking across the globe, which is further hidden behind multinational corporate fronts in order to maintain the supply in demand. Although child sexual abuse and child molestation is at epidemic levels, the advanced levels of black magic learned by corrupt humans and inherited by the anti-Christ alien influence includes the dark realm of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). This level is in the caste system of Satanic priesthood on the earth which is found to be propagated at the highest metaphysical levels by the seed of anti-Christ, these are nonhuman entities that entered our system through the Wesa Tunnel and then gained control over the Black Sun entities with AI further comprising the Orion Group. These entities value the killing of children and those that worship these satanic forces believe in the necessity of child sacrifice killings to maintain their wealth and power on the earth, which buys them protection and connection with the extradimensional parasitic entities of the NAA. They have gotten away with these crimes without prosecution for millennia, because they have been protected by the alien machinery and sorcery of assorted NAA forces. The NAA entities themselves consider children to be the most desirable object of which to torture the soul and to consume blood and body parts in order to illicit an addictive euphoric consciousness state. The entities have trained the criminal cabal members into an anti-human religion that the blood of a child is the purest, they can extract vital essences and power from the blood sacrifice and through consuming adrenalized blood of ritually sacrificed children. When they want more power for material success or something to gain, or there is something to cleanse, they believe to cleanse it with a child’s blood sacrifice. During the ritual sacrifice the nonphysical anti-Christ entities are present and feast on the tortured child’s painful emotions, fear and terror. Most commonly those in the higher caste bloodlines will abduct a child or children or a satanic family will give up one of their children from ritual incest as an offering during satanic ritual holidays. In order for the Power Elite criminal cabal to remain in power and in control over all the wealth and resources on this planet, their satanic and luciferian religion tells them that they are to practice satanic ritual abuse and black magic sorcery with blood sacrifice of the innocents, or make human sacrifices to their dark ‘gods’ on specified religious holidays or seasons. Satanic high holy days or seasons can require as many human sacrifices as possible to the practicing Satanist, which can be blood sacrifices in their back yard, multiple child sacrifices on a church altar, or false flag operations in which many people are ritually killed in some kind of public event reported on the news as a lone shooter or random psychopathic killer.”

~Lisa Renee, via Archontic Deception Strategies for Sexual Abuse

LISA RENEE: “NAA Bio-Warfare Tactics Used for Mass Mind Control”

“The Negative Alien agenda NAA is to force the planet to serve another multiple species Controller agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as Holographic Inserts, AI and Mind Control, namely created under genetically ‘reptilian based’ Archons extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under human domain. These negative entities strive to create as much pain and anguish for the human being as possible, and to get that human to emanate that vibration of pain and anguish into the environment. This is the cycle perpetuated with alien mind control and entity possession, which feed on these negative energies. Mind control technologies are weapons which use electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and/or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual’s sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system. When certain demographic areas are ascending and the frequency is shifting higher, the NAA target these areas through an assortment of Consciousness Sweeps that are designed to incite subconscious fear programming and perpetuate the lowest frequency possible in the area. Consciousness Sweeps are on and off planet NAA psychotronic warfare technology transmitted through Extremely Low Frequency (ELF), Chemtrails and Organic Light Obstruction, Frequency Fences, GWEN, and Radio Waves directed into the planetary body and earth surface in order to influence the Unconscious Mind (1st Chakra), bio-neurological system, and brain waves of the collective race mind of humanity. Many times empaths can feel the Black Magic quality of the energetic overlay. This is designed to pulse AI signal transmissions of fear-based survival consciousness throughout the planet to keep humans polarized in their lower three energy centers and in lowest base frequency, which matches the Artificial Red Wave signals or Red Cube technology that are targeted towards the 1D spectrum. The development of these methods and technologies has a long history. Brainwashing for means that serve a specific political agenda, is also an subversive agent referred to as a Manchurian Candidate, based on the popular book and film. A ‘Sleeper’ is a person who is brainwashed into becoming a subversive agent, and this may also include being programmed to be a mind controlled assassin. This is a type of manipulation of the person’s Timelines. These people many times do not remember their destructive actions at the time of the event, because they have been possessed or mind wiped. Once your auric energy body or Lightbody is invaded you are a slave and automaton to be used by these NAA and human Controller groups. However, if one pays attention they can ask if this memory was artificially placed, many times something will feel ‘off’ and if the answer is yes, one can regress the subject to that timeline or reveal the real memory recorded in the cellular system in order to surface the pain and release and heal the damage.”

~Lisa Renee


Abbreviation – Negative Alien Agenda or Negative Aliens Archon Group. 

  • Negative Alien Agenda or NAA

The Negative Alien agenda NAA is to force the planet to serve another multiple species Controller agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as Holographic Inserts, AI and Mind Control, namely created under genetically “reptilian based” Archons extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under human domain. The NAA can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse. See the timeline in the Ages of Humanity From the Ice Age in 10,500 BCE. (See also Galactic Wars).

These negative entities strive to create as much pain and anguish for the human being as possible, and to get that human to emanate that vibration of pain and anguish into the environment. Their goal is to engender negative feelings of emotional pain, depression, and hopelessness that lead the person to seek relief through addictive states. This is the cycle perpetuated with alien mind control and entity possession, which feed on these negative energies.

Consciousness Sweeps

Consciousness Sweeps are on and off planet NAA psychotronic warfare technology transmitted through Extremely Low Frequency (ELF), Chemtrails and Organic Light Obstruction, Frequency Fences, GWEN, and Radio Waves directed into the planetary body and earth surface in order to influence the Unconscious Mind (1st Chakra), bio-neurological system, and brain waves of the collective race mind of humanity. Many times empaths can feel the Black Magic quality of the energetic overlay.

When certain demographic areas are ascending and the frequency is shifting higher, the NAA target these areas through an assortment of Consciousness Sweeps that are designed to incite subconscious fear programming and perpetuate the lowest frequency possible in the area. Pay attention to your triggers of bias or judgment when this is happening, as markers show up in a media frenzy or in polarizing topics. Do your best to remain neutral and not feed into the rhetoric by jumping on the band wagon which is stirring up dark forces or being incited in the Collective Consciousness that exist in the area or in that situation.

This is designed to pulse AI signal transmissions of fear-based survival consciousness throughout the planet to keep humans polarized in their lower three energy centers and in lowest base frequency, which matches the Artificial Red Wave signals or Red Cube technology that are targeted towards the 1D spectrum. This is one of the Controller Programs to target the subconscious mind and insert programming that rejects any direct spiritual relationship to the God Source that heatedly rejects ascension and disclosure topics (and moves that conversation towards acceptance of the False Alien Gods and their assorted agendas, like Transhumanism and gender reversal propaganda). This one of the Controller Programs to disconnect and damage the direct spiritual relationship to the Father principle of God and replace that relationship to the False Alien Gods and their religions. These general ELF pulses that are directed into the planetary body are called Consciousness Sweeps. Specific ELF pulses target the subconscious mind of the people to insert 1D related survival and victim programming that is directed into the planetary body. This is especially high in academic, educational and medical institutions that teach children and young adults, who are to be the future leaders of tomorrow.

Mind Control via EMF

Mind control technologies are weapons which use electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and/or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual’s sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system. The development of these methods and technologies has a long history. As an example, if a human is abducted or astrally raped — the Negative Aliens entity programs a reality dream of happy serenity with something or someone the person relates to as a positive subject at that time/space the person was violated. This is a type of manipulation of the person’s Timelines. However, if one pays attention they can ask if this memory was artificially placed, many times something will feel “off” and if the answer is yes, one can regress the subject to that timeline or reveal the real memory recorded in the cellular system in order to surface the pain and release and heal the damage. All damage can be healed this way — what we repress or deny can hurt your body. This is a form of hypnotic regression which allows access into the root memories of the subconscious mind. See Three Layers of Ego.

Victimizer Collective Archetypes are the main Mind Control archetypes used to influence Victim-Victimizer (VV) programming to control and manipulate the Unconscious Mind of the collective consciousness of human beings on planet earth. These are general fear based levels of transmitting on and off planet NAA technology through Extreme Low Frequency (ELF), GWEN, and radio waves directed into the planetary body and earth surface in order to influence the unconscious mind (1st Chakra), neurological system, and brain of the collective race mind of humanity. This is designed to pulse transmissions of fear based survival consciousness throughout the planet to keep humans polarized in their lower three energy centers known as the Three Layers of Ego.

Mind Slides

A mind slide is a Holographic Insert placed in the Planetary Logos that erases or changes the meaning of a “unapproved word”, “unapproved phrase” or a range of Unapproved Topics when it is exposed to a person that has been implanted by NAA Artificial Machinery.

When areas that are Unapproved Topics are exposed to the alien entity controlling or hosting the body, they will program the mind slide to activate when certain words, phrases or codes are read or spoken. Sometimes, when people are injured in the body part traumatized by suppressed alien abduction memories, they will relive that trauma experience.

It is a mind slide program where human beings completely ignore Unapproved Topics or unapproved words, terms or issues that would challenge their belief systems in the 3D Narrative, or involve their enslavement or torture that was hidden by the Amnesiac Barrier, even if they come face to face with it. Mind Slides are a form of Mind Control that can be implemented through Radio Waves that form frequencies that transmit into the person’s Unconscious Mind in their bio-energetic field.

This is how the Victim-Victimizer software of the NAA program works. This is how the masses are controlled, put to sleep or “mind slided”. A False webwork (like a film or spider web), is an overlay on the nervous system (sections become infected until the entire system is infected), winds up the spinal cord and will have a trigger implant placed in the back of the head and neck. Once the implant is fully embedded and operational, severe Addiction, mood swings or Possession occur as the target becomes more bi-polar and manic. These are signs of mental and emotional instability which further weaken the person into potential Soul Fragmentation.

The mind slides are inducted into the human’s neurological system, which activates mind control technology to pulse the brain’s receiver. This can take the form of a mind control “script” (i.e. that abduction never happened, it’s your imagination, fears of going crazy), or play images or movies in the mind of that person. Some of the symptoms of mind slides when exposed to unapproved words (i.e. Alien abduction, NAA, Reptilian, Satanic Ritual Abuse, UFO, Implants, MILABS, etc.) are:

Mind Slide Symptoms

  • Falling asleep or feeling drowsy (nervous system anesthetized)
  • Feeling an electrical zap or punch to the solar plexus
  • Compulsion to leave the room and get away from the messenger/informationFeeling irritated or excessively agitated, inner or outer violence
  • Compulsion to smoke cigarettes or self-medicate with drugs
  • Resistance in the form of denial, aggressive reactions, labeling the information as ridiculous
  • Hostile feelings generated to verbally attack the messenger (VV programming)
  • Evoke negative images or negative emotions to reject the information
  • Corrupted dream state with extreme negativity or interference in the astral state through lucid dreams


A “Sleeper” is a person who is brainwashed into becoming a subversive agent, and this may also include being programmed to be a mind controlled assassin. These people many times do not remember their destructive actions at the time of the event, because they have been possessed or mind wiped. Brainwashing for means that serve a specific political agenda, is also an subversive agent referred to as a Manchurian Candidate, based on the popular book and film. Once your auric energy body or Lightbody is invaded you are a slave and automaton to be used by these NAA and human Controller groups.

In specific Satanic Ritual Abuse targeted mind control (i.e. MK Ultra or Super Soldier training) these techniques are designed to dissociate the person through repeated exposures to torture, terror and drugs. The mind is fragmented and intentionally bound to demonic spirits that act as a guardian of that fragment of the personality. The Mind Slide may activate specific alternate personalities, created in the victim to perform a variety of tasks, while under possession or control of the alternate personality. Many times the person does not remember their actions they have a time lapse or black out. This programmable fragment or alternate is referred to as a Sleeper. When a person has been intentionally mind controlled or tortured to become a Sleeper, they can be easily possessed and used to perform a variety of sordid actions or crimes. Reptilian entities specifically receive enjoyment from the explicit torture and suffering of human beings when they possess them to commit these sordid actions.

The most common area for Alien Implants or Mind Control is the Atomic Doorway, the 9th Chakra, where the inner spirit light reflects out of the eyes. That inner light will die or become dead in the eyes after this implant takes over the body. The implant is a NAA reptilian NRG brain implant that is placed in the structure of the brain stem via the medulla oblongata.

This is how these Military Abduction or Reptilian Alien Implants work, they stimulate the nervous system with artificial stimulus systems to control the nerves/transmitters to promote whatever “energy-vibration”, or thoughtforms, emotional state or addictive state they want to remain in the “target”. This is bio-neurological Mind Control which is a biological warfare strategy through the use of Holographic Insert and other technologies.

A False webwork (like a film or spider web), is an overlay on the nervous system (sections become infected until the entire system is infected), winds up the spinal cord and will have a trigger implant placed in the back of the head and neck. Once the implant is fully embedded and operational, severe Addiction, mood swings or Possession occur as the target becomes more bi-polar and manic. These are signs of mental and emotional instability which further weaken the person into potential Soul Fragmentation.

Since motor neurons control the flow of neurotransmitters to the brain, as well as muscle twitches, in this way they can stimulate responses of rage, anger, anxiety, agitation, addiction (or rape or hurting another person) for whatever they are culling. When there is biological neurological control exerted on certain test subjects, such as people that have been subjected to alien or milab abduction for experimentation, the person can be triggered neurologically to commit certain behaviors or criminal acts. That person that is triggered by certain key words, phrases or energetic phasing, into these actions involuntarily is called a “Sleeper“. After repeated bio-neurological manipulations of use on the target-person — the control system moves to the Parietal Lobe to block sensory responses of awareness or direct cognition. The person is now “locked inside a 3D window” and cannot perceive anything outside of that window of perception. Essentially, the consciousness is trapped in a small material cell block in the reality. The parietal lobe may be “caged” or higher sensory function is controlled by the manipulating entity or programming. This is how Holographic Inserts of projected images and thoughtforms can be controlled to the perception of the human being. Mind Slides are Holographic Inserts that trigger sensations in the neurological system that are designed to keep people ignorant and blind to what is happening to them. Many alien abductees have mind slides to deny their experience and bury it deep behind the walls of unconsciousness or Amnesiac Barriers.

Blank Slating

Blank Slating is a term that refers to mind wiping technology used by military personnel, usually in organized covert operations to remove current memories or accumulated intelligence of black operation projects when the projects or person become obsolete.

Blank Slating technology has also been tracked remotely to observe that is has been applied to planetary gridwork and Ley Lines by the NAA in their attempt to destroy planetary consciousness memories and historical records of the actual events on planet. Through blank slating the planetary consciousness field, such as the Ley Lines and horizontal networks, this renders many humans beings in amnesia and unable to recall or remember who they are and what their true origins are. 

This technology is very effective on human beings that exist in lower frequencies of the Three Layers of Ego. It is less effective on Starseeds, Indigos and people that tend to be naturally empathic and intuitive, and have embodied more of their Soul and Monadic layers.

Blank Slate Consciousnesses Wiping

The Beast Machine is an ancient AI weapon technology that was the brainchild between the Wesa system’s original black hole entities and the Metatron Collective after they suffered the fall into the phantom matrix. In addition to siphoning life force from our Universal system, the technology was continually developed by other NAA entities in order to erase the angelic human history on Tara, and erase the original genetic records held within the Silicate Matrix of human DNA. Upon Blank Slating the morphogenetic fields they inserted false histories and false images that are approved by the NAA groups for maintaining their controlled narratives that hide the existence of the Phantom Matrix.



Subconscious Programming


Mind Slides

Military Abduction

Blank Slating

Artificial Machinery

Alien Implants

NRG Implants



Secret Space Programs

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Diminished Reality”

“As a result of exerting electronic control over a person’s brain activity and thoughtforms, our emotions, memories and the accumulated knowledge over lifetimes that form our mental map can also be manipulated and edited, in order to get us to believe in something that is not factual or true. This is similar to the effects of using artificial intelligence computer mediated reality to edit out, subtract, and remove information, or manipulate one’s perception of reality through technology that acts as a visual filter between the real world and what the user perceives. When a computer technology or implant is being used by someone to edit out or diminish the reality perception of others, like Consciousness Wiping of previous memories, this has negative effects and consequences upon the individual’s internal functioning and their ability to maintain psychological and emotional coherence. Technology that is used to diminish the perception of reality actually fractures the multidimensional consciousness body, where portions are connected into the augmented virtual reality, while other sections exist within the layers of organic consciousness Timelines. This is also referred to as Soul Fragmentation. Implants are specifically used to diminish perceived reality through the manipulation of the bio-neurological function of a person’s brain, to not actually perceive or see the unapproved topic, object or thing that the Controllers do not want them to see. The manipulation of a person’s perception of reality by getting them to believe in deceptions and illusions that are created through a lengthy series of false impressions over time, is a method used to diminish perception and control access to accurate information and higher knowledge. Everyone on the earth is subjected to the continual stream of disinformation and implanted thoughts, the attempts to manipulate our perception while being blocked from accessing truthful and accurate information. Now is the time to reclaim our truth and to courageously face what has really happened to the earth and to all of humanity, while we were asleep and being implanted with thoughts that were not our own. If we start to think more deeply on the reasons why the Controllers and the NAA work so hard to diminish our perception of reality in the external world by controlling the thoughtforms and beliefs we hold in our minds, then by what other methods can you imagine they would implement as mind control weapons? Those that have access to the most knowledge, intelligence and conscious awareness of what is really happening in the world have the most strategic advantage on the planet.”

~Lisa Renee

As a result of exerting electronic control over a person’s brain activity and thoughtforms, our emotions, memories and the accumulated knowledge over lifetimes that form our mental map can also be manipulated and edited, in order to get us to believe in something that is not factual or true. This is similar to the effects of using artificial intelligence computer mediated reality to edit out, subtract, and remove information, or manipulate one’s perception of reality through technology that acts as a visual filter between the real world and what the user perceives. When a computer technology or implant is being used by someone to edit out or diminish the reality perception of others, like Consciousness Wiping of previous memories, this has negative effects and consequences upon the individual’s internal functioning and their ability to maintain psychological and emotional coherence.

Technology that is used to diminish the perception of reality actually fractures the multidimensional consciousness body, where portions are connected into the augmented virtual reality, while other sections exist within the layers of organic consciousness Timelines.

This is also referred to as Soul Fragmentation. Implants are specifically used to diminish perceived reality through the manipulation of the bio-neurological function of a person’s brain, to not actually perceive or see the unapproved topic, object or thing that the Controllers do not want them to see.

Essentially this is about blocking perception of reality by jamming neurological receivers and hijacking the brain so that the masses cannot decode the data stream or specific frequency of that content or thing, which was selected to be intentionally erased from memory.

If the accumulated information that we have available that educates and informs us about life is based upon a foundation of intentional lies and deceptions, filtered through Implants that diminish reality, we are at a severe disadvantage in making clear, intelligent and informed decisions that impact our future wellbeing. One example is the false information given to humanity by the NAA during World War II that established the convention for public curriculum within the academic institutions. The falsified version of scientific and historical data that was written into the educational textbooks to establish the fabricated curriculum of approved topics, are still currently endorsed by the primary academic institutions. By managing intelligence and controlling access to information that diminishes the perception of reality, as well as supplying the perceived human enemies with disinformation, this keeps people ignorant in order to trick them into making the wrong decisions based upon lies.

The manipulation of a person’s perception of reality by getting them to believe in deceptions and illusions that are created through a lengthy series of false impressions over time, is a method used to diminish perception and control access to accurate information and higher knowledge. Everyone on the earth is subjected to the continual stream of disinformation and implanted thoughts, the attempts to manipulate our perception while being blocked from accessing truthful and accurate information. Now is the time to reclaim our truth and to courageously face what has really happened to the earth and to all of humanity, while we were asleep and being implanted with thoughts that were not our own.

Controlling Perception is Subjugation

If we start to think more deeply on the reasons why the Controllers and the NAA work so hard to diminish our perception of reality in the external world by controlling the thoughtforms and beliefs we hold in our minds, then by what other methods can you imagine they would implement as mind control weapons? Here we are exploring more of what they commonly use in the forms of hidden technology that project Implanted Thoughts and Implants, in order to gain control and access into the individual mind, collective mind, and planetary mind. Those that have access to the most knowledge, intelligence and conscious awareness of what is really happening in the world have the most strategic advantage on the planet. [1]


  1. Implanted Thoughts
  2. Implanted Thoughts

~via Ascension Glossary


“MILAB – This is short for Military Abduction. A deceitful military operation performed to convince the targets of the operation that they have had an encounter with extraterrestrial beings which is actually a staged ploy. There are a number of military programs that are running in parallel, although the training and operations are similar, because all branches of the military service, Army, Navy, Air Force, control the MILABS. The MILABS are generally militarized cooperative programs working with multiple invading species of extra-dimensionals, such as Reptilians, that are interested in harvesting earth resources, and human slave labor, genetic hybridization, Breeding Programs, sexual slavery and other purposes serving their NAA invasion agenda. DARPA is the organization that holds onto the MILAB projects. MILABS or Military Abductees are legitimate alien abductees that are kidnapped, trained and utilized as deep black operatives by elements of the military intelligence community for a variety of purposes, such as Secret Space Programs. Most of the abductions and injections are given via out side doctors well away from the main operations employed by the many levels of organizations. Mind control, intimidation and torture is used by these doctors as a way of controlling the person. Over periods of time, this fragments people as when you torture people, they end up fighting back regardless of what technology or medication is used to control them. Some MILABS get filtered and are used through out the western world for carrying out dark operations and space applications. Some are mind controlled to carry out covert operations that are made to look like an accident to the public and reported as such by the media, these are called Sleepers.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

See Also: Secret Space Programs, Mind Control