LISA RENEE: “Anti-HG Technology”

“Anti-HG Technology is short for Anti-Hierogamic Technology which is a gender splitter weapon that has been identified by gridworkers which note that it has impacts upon the Lightbody and is a form of targeting individuals with assorted Electronic harassment designed for Mind Control. This technology targets Starseed or Indigo groups that are embodying sacred marriage or hierogamic union, generally targeting spiritual couples that are motivated to serve the Christos Mission and support planetary liberation for Ascension. Spiritual couplings and Genetic Equals that came to the earth to fulfill the Christos Mission of Sacred Marriage or Hierogamic Union, are known to be directly targeted by the Anti-HG Technology, in order to manipulate or destroy the relationship and derail the collaborative mission. This can prove to be very confusing and even emotionally devastating for many spiritual couples that are on the Ascension path and are consciously working towards achieving sacred union or hierogamic union between their male and female counterparts. Anti-HG Technology directs the archetypal forces of the Demon Seed of the anti-Christ, in the form of Azazael and Black Lilith, which are the Satanic Force Counterparts. Because most of us are not aware of this distortion existing in our astral layers, the NAA forces have used many tricks to continually confuse us through the use of alien implants and attaching negative form shadow bodies through Alien Love Bite or other dark manipulations. The damage from the 2D-4D schism generated a weakness in our lightbody for the NAA to exploit, hijacking unintegrated shadow aspects or soul memories and then attaching false memories, false identities or Clones through which our consciousness could be manipulated or misled. Until we can heal Metatronic Reversal in the Monadic body, the Sextant Matrix clock harms our biological functioning, increases Aging Disease and is the reason we physically die.”

~Lisa Renee


Anti-HG Technology is short for Anti-Hierogamic Technology which is a gender splitter weapon that has been identified by gridworkers which note that it has impacts upon the Lightbody and is a form of targeting individuals with assorted Electronic harassment designed for Mind Control. This technology targets Starseed or Indigo groups that are embodying sacred marriage or hierogamic union, generally targeting spiritual couples that are motivated to serve the Christos Mission and support planetary liberation for Ascension.

Gender Reversal Mechanics

The energetic imbalance between the electron and proton spin rates was being harnessed by Controllers through hijacked creation code and inorganic architecture, one such structure known as the Vesica Pisces a bi-polar geometry used to generate Reversal Networks. The hijacked Vesica Pisces code kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the Trinity Wave and unity code would not be accessible. Effectively, over time this produced Gender Reversal problems in the human lightbody, preventing and destroying sacred union between the male and female principle, and the machinery used to accomplish this is referred to as Anti-HG Technology.

This forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions. It also was creating Monadic Reversal patterns which split us up from reuniting with our Monadic or Twin Consciousness Matrix. This machinery intends Gender Reversal or Gender Splitting in humanity, and this is related to the NRG in the UK and the Sexual Misery programs inserted to genetically alter the human race. [1]

Anti-HG Targeting

Spiritual couplings and Genetic Equals that came to the earth to fulfill the Christos Mission of Sacred Marriage or Hierogamic Union, are known to be directly targeted by the Anti-HG Technology, in order to manipulate or destroy the relationship and derail the collaborative mission. This can prove to be very confusing and even emotionally devastating for many spiritual couples that are on the Ascension path and are consciously working towards achieving sacred union or hierogamic union between their male and female counterparts. Anti-HG Technology directs the archetypal forces of the Demon Seed of the anti-Christ, in the form of Azazael and Black Lilith, which are the Satanic Force Counterparts.

Megiddo Archetypal Battle

Those of us that are embodying hierogamic union or sacred marriage have been under extremely aggressive black magic attacks and electronic harassment, as well as extreme dark interference during the Megiddo Battle. The Black Dragon Avatar Collectives have made their presence known and have been using ambush strategies, as well as every tactic of divide and conquer to generate as much pain and suffering as they can. October is a highly active month for satanic holidays and Blood Sacrifice, and combined with the forces of chaos being generated by outer rioting this has fueled black magicians and assorted satanic and shadow forces into high gear.

Anti-HG Technology directs the archetypal forces of the Demon Seed of the antichrist, in the form of Azazael and Black Lilith, which are the Satanic force Counterparts manipulated by the Black Dragon Avatar Collectives from Wesa. These entities are not happy we have succeeded in dismantling many of the feedlines and Reversal Networks that supported mind control sorcery and unlimited energy supply to their human representatives, and thus have been retaliating towards many of us that are a part of the Guardian ground crew. [2]

Seed of Anti-Christ-Sophia

Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: 25 YA, Produce anti-hierogamic spawn in Peru Stargate to destroy Genetic Equal and Twin Flame Sacred Unions during the Ascension, and put AI reversals and Clones in its place. This is known as the Alien Love Bite. [3]

Michael-Mary Reversal

Michael-Mary weighing Soul

Michael-Mary Reversal networks are Alien Machinery planetary grids that split gender apart and are Anti-Hierogamic Union. The result of this grid is to promote the splitting apart of the layers of Soul marriage that occur at the 6th and 7th dimensions, which is the spiritual ascension process of Building Wings.

Sextant Matrix

Ultimately the Sextant Matrix function is to unify the internal polarity of energies through merging the gender centers and like an opening an umbrella, create the field burst which extends outward the merkaba field layer. The sextant matrix has been targeted by the NRG Gender Splitter technologies, and is a part of complex systems in which there are intended repair projects for the NRG related gender and sexual damage that is in the human physical body and Lightbody. Until we can heal Metatronic Reversal in the Monadic body, the Sextant Matrix clock harms our biological functioning, increases Aging Disease and is the reason we physically die. More research on this matrix is required.

Metatronic Code

The Metatronic code is based on two spheres of Bi-Wave Influences of the Vesica Pisces instead of the eternal life three spheres, or Trinity Wave. Fallen Consciousness, such as the Fallen Angelics and Imposter Spirits, are due to Metatronic Code configuration in the planet and is the result of excessive misuse of free will choice that opposes the divine plan and intention of God Source. In the cycles of evolution, the opposing expression reaches the point at which it jeopardizes the Eternal Life expression and continued existence of the Cosmic Order.

Metatronic Reversal means to digress from the original Christos Divine Blueprint of the 12 Tree Grid and manifest Anti-Christ or Anti-HG life forms. When the original creation program of the Krystal Code from God Source is altered or modified in any way, the ability to self-regenerate and ascend is interrupted, leading to Fallen Consciousness and potential destruction.

Origins of 2D-4D Split

Due to the DNA damage our species suffered after the Fall of Tara, the 4D astral body that made up our heart center was fractured, and the lower portion of the soul matrix astral layer became inverted upon itself and became lodged in our 2D sacral center. These schisms in the lightbody layers also greatly contributed to the production of Shadow Selves, shadow personality alters, shadow elementals and fragments in the Soul matrix, which further proliferated personal Miasma and Planetary Miasma.

When the astral layers were split into 2D aspects and 4D aspects, this generated a dual identity and this was how the first Shadow Self and its unconscious aspects in the Pain Body were generated. The 2D schism split the instinctual body layers into separate functions, a collection of fragmented sub-personalities that were generated from soul memories and a repository of personal emotional energies and the collective forces of chaos lodged in the planetary 2D layers. This lower astral distortion tends to be exploited with anti-hierogamic targeting technologies for inserting alien love bite scenarios, where an individual feels inappropriately bonded to another individual at the sexual (2D) or heart (4D) level, which is very confusing and emotionally disturbing. To begin to heal from Alien Love Bite and Anti-Hierogamic Technology targeting, this section of the astral layers and soul matrix must undergo Emotional Healing, which will release the inorganic bindings.

Because most of us are not aware of this distortion existing in our astral layers, the NAA forces have used many tricks to continually confuse us through the use of alien implants and attaching negative form shadow bodies through Alien Love Bite or other dark manipulations. The negative form is a series of artificial dead light or AI projected shadow bodies that are used to recreate negative timelines or to steal our genetic material and consciousness energy through many methods of dark astral manipulation. The damage from the 2D-4D schism generated a weakness in our lightbody for the NAA to exploit, hijacking unintegrated shadow aspects or soul memories and then attaching false memories, false identities or Clones through which our consciousness could be manipulated or misled. That is why this unhealed Lightbody damage is commonly exploited for alien love bite situations, as many people can be easily manipulated in their emotional layers to play out unhealthy behaviors in the twin flame new age mind set. The negative form is a duplicate Shadow Self that is attached to the soul layers like nesting dolls that are made in our genetic image. Sometimes they connect these images to other people that they are attempting to confuse and derail in their Ascension progress. These are designed to spin out interference, artificial realities and Alien Love Bite scenarios where the NAA attempts to fully control the future timeline of that person, by derailing them or placing superimposed miasmatic interference in their field for the purpose of ongoing technological sabotage of that Awakening person. [4]



  1. Bali HGS Lecture 2012
  2. Universal Shadow
  3. Historical Timeline Triggers
  4. Universal Shadow

See Also:


Mother Arc Hubs

Yod of Father God


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Consciousness Descension into Matter”

“The Merkaba fields are what help to sustain the energy that builds the entire Lightbody construct, in which there are male-female sets of counter-rotating electromagnetic spirals of the consciousness energy. The male-female sets of consciousness energy spirals generate a DNA and RNA imprint. The DNA architecture is the masculine principle, while the RNA is the feminine principle. The DNA-RNA messaging circuitry must communicate together in balance. The DNA and RNA imprint project the entire lightbody hologram which organizes the light of the consciousness into a bio-energetic field, or auric field. The auric field organizes into multiple layers of energy matrices that act as small computers, and these are the Chakras, the lower exist in the particle layers and the higher dimensional chakras exists in the anti-particle layers. The anti-particle chakras are Morphogenetic Chakras and they inform the instruction sets absorbed into the lower dimensional chakras, who can open the higher contents when they are able to hold the higher frequencies. Over time the chakras dissolve into each other when absorbing the higher dimensional frequencies. When we understand the interaction of the consciousness imprints from our Soul and spiritual intelligence recorded into our Blood and biological form, then it becomes obvious that the human body is filled with the personalized spiritual records of that unique consciousness being.”

~Lisa Renee


The Transduction Sequence describes the process by which consciousness undergoes several stages of Descension, passing through multiple layers of dimensionalization in order to manifest into a matter form. Consciousness uses a Blueprint, architecture to express itself in matter. A Core Manifestation Template is designed for consciousness to express itself into the biological form that is located within a specific dimension of time and space. As an example, the original angelic human 12 Strand DNA template is expressed through the holographic template of the 12 Tree Grid, or Kathara manifestation grid. Consciousness units arrange themselves into dimensional grids which form into layers of morphogenetic fields, containing specific instruction sets that build into energy spirals that make up the merkaba fields.

The Merkaba fields are what help to sustain the energy that builds the entire Lightbody construct, in which there are male-female sets of counter-rotating electromagnetic spirals of the consciousness energy. The male-female sets of consciousness energy spirals generate a DNA and RNA imprint. The DNA architecture is the masculine principle, while the RNA is the feminine principle. The DNA-RNA messaging circuitry must communicate together in balance. The DNA and RNA imprint project the entire lightbody hologram which organizes the light of the consciousness into a bio-energetic field, or auric field.

The auric field organizes into multiple layers of energy matrices that act as small computers, and these are the Chakras, the lower exist in the particle layers and the higher dimensional chakras exists in the anti-particle layers. The anti-particle chakras are Morphogenetic Chakras and they inform the instruction sets absorbed into the lower dimensional chakras, who can open the higher contents when they are able to hold the higher frequencies. Over time the chakras dissolve into each other when absorbing the higher dimensional frequencies.

The chakras send their processed energy as intelligent spirals into the nadial capsule which forms around the manifest biological form. The nadial capsule is comprised of the three-dimensional layers of the harmonic universe, in which the consciousness is stationed as an identity. The Nadial Capsule instructs how the consciousness must organize itself into the manifested DNA and RNA cellular biology. The DNA-RNA in matter sends its intelligent design to the Nadial Structure, which acts as the blueprint for energetic transmission and energetic receivers that form into the blueprint for the physical Brain and nervous system. The central nervous system transmits into the molecular structure and then into the nuclear core in the 1D Atomic Body, which informs the Dark Matter Template.

This nuclear core sends intelligent consciousness energy from all combined blueprint layers into the central nervous system, which sets the metabolic and biological base rhythms. These biological base rhythms are imprinted from the Soul and spiritual intelligence into the Blood, which form into the historical spiritual records. This blood record forms an imprint that is recorded in the brain to produce and distribute Hormones, and the natural chemical reactions that are recorded in each organ and gland, and into all cellular tissues.

When we understand the interaction of the consciousness imprints from our Soul and spiritual intelligence recorded into our Blood and biological form, then it becomes obvious that the human body is filled with the personalized spiritual records of that unique consciousness being.

(Source: Ascension Glossary – Consciousness Descension into Matter Biology)


~via – Time Shift Blog – published November 24, 2020

LISA RENEE: “Ascending Hubs”

“A location such as a city that is an Ascending Hubs area will also have common higher frequency indicators: environment feels positive and lighter, people seem to be kinder and smiling, the land is alive with more nature and animal spirits, and will have increasing stability economically, in local politics, and be socially reflected in the group awareness of community and humanitarian based issues. The most important factor is the energetic quality (high frequency) of the group of human beings that live and love in that specific area. The power to amplify high frequency and invite Krystic forces to upgrade the land mass is always an option that can be requested by any heart based and sincere human being.”

~Lisa Renee


Ascending Hubs and Descending Hubs

The impacts made to the demographic areas of the earth will also be clarified. As the Bifurcation of Time transpires based on the choices made individually and in groups in regard to vibrational frequency, this has the exact same effect on the surface of the planet in communities, cities, states, countries, etc. Depending on the energetic quality of an area (a localized hub) will determine if that location is an Ascending Hubs or descending hub. That means that land mass or area is either amplified in its energetic compaction or amplified in its energetic expansion depending on a variety of energetic factors. The most important factor is the energetic quality (high frequency) of the group of human beings that live and love in that specific area. The power to amplify high frequency and invite Krystic forces to upgrade the land mass is always an option that can be requested by any heart based and sincere human being.

A location such as a city that is a descending hub area will have common low frequency symptoms: riddled with crime and negativity, perpetuating harmful or destructive actions towards self and others, the land will feel dead or barren, and will become increasing less stable politically, economically, and this will be socially reflected through the communities. For a person who is wearing their 12D Shield, (or has developed Higher Sensory Perception through the soul or higher embodiment) the frequency of negativity will be appallingly amplified and made very clear in energetic discernment. For a person who is disconnected and internally miserable, they will be unable to discern the energetic terrain, and most likely will resonate with that low energy location based on their own unresolved emotional conflicts and suffering.

A location such as a city that is an Ascending Hubs area will also have common higher frequency indicators: environment feels positive and lighter, people seem to be kinder and smiling, the land is alive with more nature and animal spirits, and will have increasing stability economically, in local politics, and be socially reflected in the group awareness of community and humanitarian based issues. [1]

Earth Buffer field

Geographical regions of the planet and its populations protected within a stable Dimensional Energetic Bubble when the Photon Belt alignment created the Particle Conversion of the timelines. These “Safe Zone” areas within the anchored Frequency Field Buffer will remain more stable, environmentally, economically and politically. The plan is to exist in these realities (3D and Multi-demensional) side by side within planetary regions and populations and each will experience a different set of events and frequencies until the final separation. Our bodies and individual energy fields are being prepared to have the cognition and sense of these Safe Zone’s and we will be activated to feel the boundaries of these Frequency Field Buffer zones. We will be naturally moved to be in these Frequency Hubs. In 2006 we entered a period of preparation for an Earthly alignment with a Photon belt /Holographic beam, while protected in a type of “Frequency Field Buffer” to protect the grids from too much energetic exposure that if left unfiltered, would create much 3D planetary grid instability. This “Buffer” was held by the Guardian as a type of “field energetic blanket” to stabilize the magnetic fields of the 3D particle base of the Earth. Corresponding geographical regions of planetary “Safe Zones” were drawn into a co-resonance with the higher dimensional magnetic fields that sustained this “Frequency field Buffer” blanket.The Guardians, continued to strengthen and progressively amplify this “Field Buffer Blanket” for an array of purposes. This Frequency Field Buffer was designed to collect and absorb the forthcoming frequency activations. This was also utilized to keep sealed off any interference occurring from various counter evolutionary forces and their technologies, such as their “frequency network systems”. These systems potentially disrupt the planetary grids creating further intense weather or surface cataclysms (storms, earthquake, tsunami, volcanic activity, etc). [2]

Synchronization of Frequency Hubs

As more people undergo the Bifurcation of Time this will start to gather and attract similar people with similar resonating frequencies to form into group consciousness or consensus realities. This attraction of gathering people will begin to form reality bubbles of shared belief systems that will be contained throughout the land mass and spread to different locations across the globe. As similar resonance attracts groups to form community and collaboration, these areas on the earth of matched frequency will be increasingly synchronized. This phase begins a synchronization of frequency hubs across the globe, either of descending or ascending vibrational quality.



  1. Bifurcation of Time
  2. Amplification

See Also:

Law of One


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Master Christos Collective”

“The Master Christos Collective are Ascended Masters of Krystal Star that may be communicated with in the Seven Higher Heavens or Trans-time continuum, which is located in the core of the next universes (through Andromeda) and corridors which lead into the higher creation realms of the God Worlds. They are a United Krystal Star Matrix Collective of beings from multiple God Realms that are in alliance with the Krystal Star and Aurora Re-encryptions projects. Their role is to unite all identities of the Personal Christ through all Precession of the Equinoxes Ascension cycles with the God Source and their collective matrix is the architecture of the Krystal Kaleidoscope which became accessible in 2014. Kunda-Ray is the rainbow field of the Ascended Master Christos Collective which unite with the Aurora rainbow fields of the same luminal crystalline light principle, or the Tri-Tone Luminaries from the Andromeda Galaxy. These are the Ancient Master builder Races that are also called Guardian Host from which the Essenes on the earth have been generated. These are Rainbow Ray beings from outside of dimensionalization and are the real Ascended Masters.”

~Lisa Renee


The Oraphim are the Double Diamond Sun Body of the Christos that are here on planet to direct the Universal Threefold Founder Flame Frequencies to repair the architecture of the planetary grid, as well as communicate with the Aurora for the Aurora Krystal Matrix Re-Encryption of Elemental Body projects with the Master Christos Collective, a consortium of beings that are from the Seven Higher Heavens realms. These are the Ancient Master builder Races that are also called Guardian Host from which the Essenes on the earth have been generated. These are Rainbow Ray beings from outside of dimensionalization and are the real Ascended Masters. Kunda-Ray is the rainbow field of the Ascended Master Christos Collective which unite with the Aurora rainbow fields of the same luminal crystalline light principle, or the Tri-Tone Luminaries from the Andromeda Galaxy. [1]

The Master Christos Collective are Ascended Masters of Krystal Star that may be communicated with in the Seven Higher Heavens or Trans-time continuum, which is located in the core of the next universes (through Andromeda) and corridors which lead into the higher creation realms of the God Worlds. They are a United Krystal Star Matrix Collective of beings from multiple God Realms that are in alliance with the Krystal Star and Aurora Re-encryptions projects. Their role is to unite all identities of the Personal Christ through all Precession of the Equinoxes Ascension cycles with the God Source and their collective matrix is the architecture of the Krystal Kaleidoscope which became accessible in 2014. Essentially they are the Collective Christ Sun Bodies uniting in the many universal cores simultaneously which phase lock into access into the Omniverses.

Master Christos in the Triune of Universes

The first section of the Triune is the Particle Universal Scale of Time, the second section of the Triune is the Anti-Particle Universal Scale of Time, the third section of the Triune is the Universal Inner Worlds Scale of Time or the In-between Spaces. The opening in the Triune of Universes timelines is called the Transtime Continuum Convergence.

Triune Timelines accumulate as planet has access to their memories. There is 864 Timelines representing 864 Time Vector Codes for a total of accessing 1728 Christos Identities. This is the Personal Christ identities that connect into the Kunda-Ray of the Master Christos Collective Consciousness.

Kryst Hala Tones

When the tones of KA RA YA SA TA AA LA (KRYSTAL) are woven into a complete pattern, they are an actual “Merkaba” Plasma Wave Spirit Body. This Spirit Body of Krystal Consciousness is phonetically (sounds like) spelled something like: CHRYSTHALLA or KRYST HALA (KA RA YA SA TA HA LA – emphasis on the H), which also describes and explains (means) the male and female merged as Risen Christos Double Diamond Sun Body. These KA RA YA SA TA AA LA (KRYSTAL) tones are a part of the Krystal Star and Krystal Diamond Sun Matrix of the Ascended Masters referred to as the Master Christos Collective located in the Omniverses of the higher God Worlds.

Personal Christ

From the Guardian Perspective, the Personal Christ is defined as the entirety of the Personal Christos identities reunited throughout the simultaneous 12 Planetary Time Cycles in the Triune of Universes.

There are twelve astrological precessions in the Universal Scale of time, each with 144 Personal Christos identities. Returning back to the twelfth astrological precession, we return to the Founder Cosmic Cube Matrix, to reclaim all of our identities throughout the time cycles. During the Ascension process, we undergo the process of reintegration and uniting all of our identities throughout these simultaneous time cycles, and this collective identity connected to the Godhead is referred to as our Personal Christ.

The Personal Christ identity is reintegrated and embodied within the Krystallah eternal lightbody template in which was reclaimed on planet earth in the cycle of Morphogenesis, or Rise of Paliadorians that began in 2018.



  1. Quantum of Light

See Also:

Law of One

GSF Behavior

Spirits of Christ



~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Guardian Host Planetary Buffer Zones”

“Since the Electric Wars, we have had a phantom black earth that existed as a negative form of itself in the lower timelines. This negative form earth is manipulated by the NAA, mostly through their artificial software programs that spin out false timelines. This is the timeline the NAA are aggressively fighting for, as they want to maintain control over their preferred bloodlines, to mainstream Satanism and continue to harvest the lost souls and fragments that they have been using as an energetic source to fuel a variety of virtual reality systems and time loops. This lowest section of the earth field that has reversals and AI is bifurcating from the rest of the earth field, and the organic living consciousness and higher frequencies are moving into the higher zones hosted by the Guardian Founder Races.”

~Lisa Renee


The planetary field is now held in a protected Guardian hosted buffer zone where nuclear weapons are immediately neutralized, although the Controllers continually broadcast the Armageddon Software in the mass media so people believe that an entire species extinction is inevitable and unavoidable. Since the Electric Wars, we have had a phantom black earth that existed as a negative form of itself in the lower timelines. This negative form earth is manipulated by the NAA, mostly through their artificial software programs that spin out false timelines. This is the area of the lower density fields on the earth plane that has bifurcated from the higher timelines, and is comprised of the AI time loops, which is the area the NAA are currently fighting over. [1]

AI Assimilation Earth Timeline

This is the timeline the NAA are aggressively fighting for, as they want to maintain control over their preferred bloodlines, to mainstream Satanism and continue to harvest the lost souls and fragments that they have been using as an energetic source to fuel a variety of virtual reality systems and time loops. These groups try to lure human soul groups into these phantom realities that are propped up as virtual realities that glamourize an assortment of trendy and elitist lifestyles, with high adrenaline or addictive sensual or erotic experiences, all with machines. This destroys loving human connections that are transmitted through human contact, by replacing basic human needs with a machined consciousness. This lowest section of the earth field that has reversals and AI is bifurcating from the rest of the earth field, and the organic living consciousness and higher frequencies are moving into the higher zones hosted by the Guardian Founder Races. [2]



  1. Planetary Staff
  2. Embodiment
  3. Other Wars

See Also:

Time Vector Codes

Ages of Humanity

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 87


~via Ascension Glossary


Photo by Ascension Avatar – January 3, 2020

“Starburst Sun”