LISA RENEE: “Male and Female Principles of Creation”

Leonardo Di Vinci’s Vitruvian Man

“The Male and Female principles of creation are represented within our bodies, and the function of each gender body obeys that Spiritual Principle in the direction of electromagnetic energy and consciousness. These are energetic principles being described and not fully dependent on the physical gender body, but both of these internal energies are present inside all human beings. When we expand consciousness and unify our energetic aspects of gender, we become androgynous or hermaphroditic. That means no matter what body we are in, we have a gender body that is unified in both male and female principle, which potentially manifests the Risen Christ-Sophianic Diamond Sun Body. Some women may be orientated in their mental body and expressing themselves as males. Some men may be orientated in the feeling body and heart and expressing themselves as females. Some people balance both principles. Whether you are a man or woman, you have both the male principle and female principle energetic consciousness within you, and this is accessed by your knowledge of this fact. We cannot be terrified of what we are actually composed of and created from, as a part of our Gender Principle. When humans hate the female principle and abuse the Mother’s spirit, we spread and create a variety of Satanic forces on the earth. The male sexual organs represent the material body, or the earth principle of creation, in the numerology of Five (5). The female sexual organs represent heaven, or the spiritual principle of creation, the unification of earth with heaven, and is represented in the numerology of Six (6). This is the earth human before it conjoins with heaven or the animating Holy Spirit to build the Staff. When the electromagnetic patterns of Male Albion Star Code and Female Cathar Star Code unite in balance with each other, they create the Rod and Staff. When we enter the sexual act, we mimic that process in varying degrees of Consciousness. We enter into a sacred temple, the union of polarities to form a unity. When the earth element in the Male Principle unifies with the spiritual force of the Female Principle and their gender energy is balanced through Sacred Union, heaven is united with the earth. When we gain consciousness, we want to redirect our sexual energies to higher dimensions, through our heart chakra, and eventually hand over our sexual organs to our loving Christ Avatar self. We should set our spiritual goal to not engage in sexual intercourse unless we are fully loving in our heart, in full consent to the act and committed to another to explore a monogamous relationship. All sexual organs are orifices that function as sacred principles which serve as a physical conduit to its Spiritual Counterpart connected in another dimension. It is important to understand both principles are equal in value and both are required to be in balance in order to achieve Hierogamic Union, heaven on earth.”

~Lisa Renee

The Male and Female Principles of creation are represented within our bodies, and the function of each gender body obeys that Spiritual Principle in the direction of electromagnetic energy and consciousness. When we expand consciousness and unify our energetic aspects of gender, we become androgynous or hermaphroditic. That means no matter what body we are in, we have a gender body that is unified in both male and female principle, which potentially manifests the Risen Christ-Sophianic Diamond Sun Body. It is important to understand both principles are equal in value and both are required to be in balance in order to achieve Hierogamic Union, heaven on earth.

The Male Principle

The male sexual organs represent the material body, or the earth principle of creation, in the numerology of Five (5). When the Male body is circulating energy and connecting with all earthly elements, it is represented by the five pointed star geometry, which is known as the Pentagram. This is Man represented in the microcosm, symbolizing our place in the macrocosm and the Hermetic philosophy, as above, so below. The example can be visualized by Leonardo Di Vinci’s Vitruvian Man as a five pointed Star. We can understand why the Pentagram has been flung around as a symbol of fear and Satan by those uninformed to its true meaning. We cannot be terrified of what we are actually composed of and created from, as a part of our Gender Principle. Whether we are in a male body or female body, until we are activated in our true spiritual and Female Principle, we remain the symbol of a five pointed star. This is the earth human before it conjoins with heaven or the animating Holy Spirit to build the Staff. When the electromagnetic patterns of Male Albion Star Code and Female Cathar Star Code unite in balance with each other, they create the Rod and Staff.

All sexual organs are orifices that function as sacred principles which serve as a physical conduit to its Spiritual Counterpart connected in another dimension. In most people that do not take care of their sexual organs or do not view them as sacred vessels, the sex organs are directly connected to the 2nd dimension through the lower sacral chakra. To keep people unaware of their sexual organs, guilt, shame, and categorizing sex as taboo or as a casual sporting activity, are used to keep people ignorant of their own bodies. The 2nd dimension is the location hijacked by the fallen entities who attach implants to the sexual organs to drain the creative energy, and create pain or addiction through the sexual misery program. When we gain consciousness, we want to redirect our sexual energies to higher dimensions, through our heart chakra, and eventually hand over our sexual organs to our loving Christ Avatar self. We should set our spiritual goal to not engage in sexual intercourse unless we are fully loving in our heart, in full consent to the act and committed to another to explore a monogamous relationship. The more people we have sex with, the more astral cords are created and our sexual organs are drained of energy, and we are exposed to more entities. Remember that sexual energy is potentially the highest yield of life force energy that the NAA and fallen entities can harvest from your body. It is critical to never engage in sexual activity with any violent or dominating person. Do not let them have access to your sacred sexual centers! Let us review all five of the male sexual organs that function as a Portal of Consciousness to other dimensions:

  1. Prostate Gland
  2. Right Testicle to Right Ureter
  3. Left Testicle to Left Ureter
  4. Rectum
  5. Penis/Urethra

The female sexual organs represent heaven, or the spiritual principle of creation, the unification of earth with heaven, and is represented in the numerology of Six (6). When the female spiritual principle unites with all of the five principle earthly elements, the sixth point of the Heavenly Staff is created. The Staff is the vertical connection to the Godhead, which is represented in the evolution of the five pointed star to the six pointed star. This is represented in the six pointed star geometry, which is also widely known as the Merkaba Star. The Female principle is represented as the Holy Spirit descended from heaven, she incorporates the balanced male principle on earth within her, and animates spirit to both male and female energy to birth unification. Thus, the six pointed Merkaba Star represents Unity through Energetic Balance introduced through the Female Spiritual Principle. Let us review all six of the female sexual organs that function as a Portal of Consciousness to other dimensions:

  1. Cervix Opening to Uterus
  2. Right Ovary
  3. Left Ovary
  4. Rectum
  5. Vagina
  6. Clitoris/Urethra

The Female Principle

The female sexual organs represent heaven, or the spiritual principle of creation, the unification of earth with heaven, and is represented in the numerology of Six (6). When the female spiritual principle unites with all of the five principle earthly elements, the sixth point of the Heavenly Staff is created. The Staff is the vertical connection to the Godhead, which is represented in the evolution of the five pointed star to the six pointed star. This is represented in the six pointed star geometry, which is also widely known as the Merkaba Star, or Star of David. The Star of David is taken from the term “House of David” referring to the Davidic dynasty that appears many times in the Bible. This is actually quite confusing, as the namesake of the Davidic Line of Kings is actually passed down through the Mother, the Holy Spirit bloodline, and belongs to the Matriarchal lineage. (Perhaps the Star of David should be renamed The Star of Nitzevet, the supposed mother of King David). The Female principle is represented here as the Holy Spirit descended from heaven, she incorporates the balanced male principle on earth within her, and animates spirit to both male and female energy to birth unification. Thus, the six pointed Merkaba Star represents Unity through Energetic Balance introduced through the Female Spiritual Principle. Many occult practices have abused this symbol for witchcraft, and conjuring satanic forces. This does not mean this symbol is inherently dark or evil.

It means the Mother Principle and her creative forces are being abused by selfish Black Magicians. When her principle is reversed, as we are well aware, it is anti-life, anti-heaven, and forms the satanic belly of the beast, 666. Satanic forces are born out of the rape and pillage of the fallen female principle, misogyny and the sacrilege and defamation of the Holy Spirit. When humans hate the female principle and abuse the Mother’s spirit, we spread and create a variety of Satanic forces on the earth. These are energetic principles being described and not fully dependent on the physical gender body, but both of these internal energies are present inside all human beings. Whether you are a man or woman, you have both the male principle and female principle energetic consciousness within you, and this is accessed by your knowledge of this fact. The Geometric Form of Five is inherently connected to the sexual organs of a male.


Through the perfect union of the two forces, as an example of the Gender Principle with Adam and Eve in the waters of sex with chastity, the pillar of the hermai is perfected and made into the image of God through the Hierogamic Union of the inner Christos-Sophia. This is represented in Alchemy of unified polarities. In this term of hermaphrodite we see Mercury (Hermes) uniting with the goddess of love. Her name is Venus or Aphrodite. When Hermes and Aphrodite unite they form Hermaphrodite, the perfect balance of unified male and female principle. A hermaphrodite really, truly has nothing to do with what people currently think that it is. The mystical understanding of a hermaphrodite, is the etymology of the word comes from the union between Mercury and Venus (Hermes-Aphrodite), and is the Hierogamic Union of a god and goddess, a perfected being, the perfect balance and union between masculine and feminine, united as one. When we enter the sexual act, we mimic that process in varying degrees of Consciousness. We enter into a sacred temple, the union of polarities to form a unity. Because we are ignorant and subjected to the Sexual Misery programming on the earth, but we corrupt it with our lust, jealousy, pride, arrogance, with animal desire — the Houses of Ego. When we think with the Negative Ego mind and allow the Imposter Spirit to dwell inside of us, we do not have a clean, pure temple; our inner temple has been made into a brothel. [1]

~via Portals of Consciousness

LISA RENEE: “Law of Pairs of Opposites”

“Energetic Polarity is in the Gender Principle of Creation. All things exist within the Gender Principle of Creation, The Natural Law of Polarity — also referred to as the Law of Pair of Opposites. One will notice the same repeated pattern in absolutely every energetic force or form in matter. Every person, place or thing will have an energetic polarity that is balanced or weighted in one form of energetic polarity or its opposite. This is represented also within our Gender bodies, which expresses as a polarity in matter form (male or female). To be balanced, harmonized and peaceful with one’s self, one must acknowledge the inner polarity and acknowledge the value and necessity of both gender principles in order to truly ‘know thyself’. Our life experiences show us the lessons for our consciousness to learn to bring balance to our inner polarities so that we may achieve sacred marriage and union within our internal spirit. To deny polarity exists is to deny Universal Mechanics and the organic Natural Laws of Creation. To unify polarity is to come into balance and unity between the pairs of opposites. Spiritual Ascension comprises the Science of the Spirit, encompassing the entire creational mechanics of how spirit and matter travel throughout time and space. At certain levels of frequency conjunction within the spiral of time, access is possible to new DNA templates and therefore potential higher spiritual embodiments. The planet has reached that axis in time. As we bring balance to the inner polarities we exude that balance into the world, becoming a harmonizing and healing influence with everything around us. We exude peace and contentment as we feel our sense of purpose being fulfilled. Our sense of connection and life purpose is radiated throughout all living things as we live within the synchronicity of our divine alignment with spirit. Human beings with balanced polarity have embodied a massively higher frequency to a Zero Point Field, with much larger auric systems which are capable to amplify and direct these balanced energetic forces into the environment. This is achieved through the energetic synthesis of these inner polarities brought into unity and balance. As we join our inner and outer polarities we achieve unity with Life and are capable to know our real essence and destiny as a part of the human race. That ultimate union of opposites in sacred marriage is the Hieros Gamos. Hieros Gamos or Hierogamy is the Sacred Marriage of a Human Being with Divinity, the Inner Holy Spirit and the Unification between all life expressions and its levels of opposite. The awakened and embodied human being is then a strong force of balanced frequencies which can perform incredible healing, manifestations and events.”

~Lisa Renee

Energetic Polarity is in the Gender Principle of Creation. All things exist within the Gender Principle of Creation, The Natural Law of Polarity — also referred to as the Law of Pair of Opposites. One will notice the same repeated pattern in absolutely every energetic force or form in matter. Every person, place or thing will have an energetic polarity that is balanced or weighted in one form of energetic polarity or its opposite. This is represented also within our Gender bodies, which expresses as a polarity in matter form (male or female). While our physical body exists in one polarity form in matter, our internal energies exist at both male and female principles. Our right side is electric and works as a transmitter, which is the active force principle of the male gender CW Male. Our left side is magnetic and works as a receiver, which is the passive force principle of the female gender CCW Female.

Our male electron is positively charged which interacts with the female proton which is negatively charged. These two forces together create the ranges of electromagnetism we experience on the planet. To be balanced, harmonized and peaceful with one’s self, one must acknowledge the inner polarity and acknowledge the value and necessity of both gender principles in order to truly “know thyself”. Our life experiences show us the lessons for our consciousness to learn to bring balance to our inner polarities so that we may achieve sacred marriage and union with our internal spirit. If we become wounded in our male or female, we may choose to exist in one predominate polarity of which we act out into the world.

These energetic imbalances lead to pain, suffering and the eventual destruction of our self. To deny polarity exists is to deny Universal Mechanics and the organic Natural Laws of Creation. To unify polarity is to come into balance and unity between the pairs of opposites. As we bring balance to the inner polarities we exude that balance into the world, becoming a harmonizing and healing influence with everything around us. We exude peace and contentment as we feel our sense of purpose being fulfilled. Our sense of connection and life purpose is radiated throughout all living things as we live within the synchronicity of our divine alignment with spirit. Human beings with balanced polarity have embodied a massively higher frequency to a Zero Point Field, with much larger auric systems which are capable to amplify and direct these balanced energetic forces into the environment. This is achieved through the energetic synthesis of these inner polarities brought into unity and balance. Every being is ultimately designed to accomplish this with their Consciousness, and is fully capable to achieve this return to balance in order to experience connection with all things.

The awakened and embodied human being is then a strong force of balanced frequencies which can perform incredible healing, manifestations and events. There is a specific process called the Ascension Cycle that is transpiring within human evolution to move into balanced polarity, (neutral) which is also manifesting massive shifts of transformation within planetary energy field. We are exiting from a severely imbalanced and dark history of Patriarchal Domination on planet Earth. Humanity is moving into the Female polarity to achieve balance and bring unity between these Pairs of Opposites. As we join our inner and outer polarities we achieve unity with Life and are capable to know our real essence and destiny as a part of the human race. This Ascension material and the HG system is to support those remembering to return to inner balance and to manifest the ultimate sacred marriage — both as wedded to your inner spirit and as the external representation of that sacred marriage. That ultimate union of opposites in sacred marriage is the Hieros Gamos.

Spiritual Marriage in No Time

This Krystal Star template of which was previously referred to as “Spiritual Marriage in No Time” returned to the Earth logos in 2012 through the alchemical restoration of the Hieros Gamos. This is connected through the Unity Logos, a Guardian project to rebirth the Planetary Logos. Hieros Gamos or Hierogamy is the Sacred Marriage of a Human Being with Divinity, the Inner Holy Spirit and the Unification between all life expressions and its levels of opposite. Spiritual Ascension comprises the Science of the Spirit, encompassing the entire creational mechanics of how spirit and matter travel throughout time and space. At certain levels of frequency conjunction within the spiral of time, access is possible to new DNA templates and therefore potential higher spiritual embodiments. The planet has reached that axis in time.

Hieros Gamos is the sacrament that represents Sacred Marriage at the individual level, to the relationship level, to the group level as a part of spiritual ascension, moving through the spiralling staircase of time to experience unification with (or marry) all aspects of God. When we marry God through this sacrament, Christ returns. [1]


  1. Hieros Gamos

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Heavenly Marriage”

Universal Couple

“The Universal Founders are involved with altering Ursa Major in which its seven stars are merging with its counterpart, the seven sister stars in the Pleiades creating a cosmic blueprint of the Aeonic Pairing. Together, they represent the active principle of the heavenly masculine and the receptive principle of the heavenly feminine uniting through their shared constellation which allows connection directly into the Cosmic Spiritual Sun. This Aeonic Pair represents perfect balance. The planetary architecture of the Cosmic Clock is now secured by the Paliadorian and Krystal Star Guardian Host who are restoring the Natural Laws via the Krist-Krystallah coding in the God Worlds. This Diamond Sun alignment transmits to those on the Christos Mission and is gradually dissolving and imploding the Artificial intelligence technology that was originally used to invade the planetary Stargate system by the NAA. This cosmic shift in the Solar System is being synchronised into a new Aeon. This new Aeon is equal to a new measurement in cosmic time as well as the creation of a new cosmic entity. The new Aeon describes the horizontal measurement of time as having been adjusted by the Cosmic Clock, by the hand of God. The Aeons are always born in male-female pairs, each of which is in itself a divine principle, yet, at the same time represent one aspect of the Godhead. These Aeonic pairs comprise the totality of the Godhead as the two divine principles which merge and unite as the third principle, becoming the Three in One. This heavenly prototype must be embodied, as above, so below, and will come to be the spiritual embodiment process of the ascending human experience. Through the perfect union of the Universal Mother and Universal Father, as an example of the Gender Principle with Adam and Eve in the waters of sex with chastity, the pillar of the hermai is perfected and made into the image of God through the hierogamic union of the inner Christos-Sophia. This is represented in perfected Alchemy of unified polarities, as the Magnum Opus of cosmic consciousness. The stairway to heaven through the Krystal Star is embodied through inner and outer sacred marriage, in alignment to these heavenly prototypes, which will continually advance upon the earth. The ongoing revelation of the Christos-Sophia spiritual identity, the resurrection of the Solar Female Christ in her Triple Solar Goddess emanation are heralding the age of Golden Aeonesis, which ushers in the organic timeline of planetary Ascension. The spiritual completion which unites the Aeonic pair is the resulting state of Krystal Hierogamic Union or Sacred Marriage between the male and female principle of the Godhead. As this Cosmic Triad completes, the Heavenly Father, the Heavenly Mother unites with their Cosmic Spiritual Sun. To which this Heavenly Marriage heralds the birth of an entirely new creation of Suns and Sacred planets while nurturing the Christos child on the earth.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Spiritual Sun Behind the Sun/Changing Architecture/Cathedral Activation Begins/Portals of Consciousness/Liberation of Ezekiel/Aton Disk

LISA RENEE: “Universal 12th Gate Destruction & Fall of Nibiru and Tiamat”

“As a result of the destruction of the 12D Universal Stargate, the planets Nibiru and Tiamat were partially exploded and then captured and forced into inorganic orbits around the Sun, which removed them from their capstone nodus position in the Universal Tree of Life or Kathara Grid. The Melchizedek Logos consciousness aspects holding capstone positions of the Solar Rishi-Reisha fell into lower densities, and their Sun-Star Networks and planetary matrices were commandeered and hijacked when the Wesan-Orion groups generated inverted structures of anti-hierogamic AI machinery, used to force gender principle reversals throughout the mechanics of creation and timelines. This was used for capturing the Emerald Order Mu’a or triple solar females in various timelines that were cultivated and tracked for forced breeding and genetic modification. Through this event, we source the origination of forcing anti-hierogamic unions and forced gender reversals through inorganic or artificial identities being inserted into capstone positions, which surfaces into the first waves of anti-Christ false rod and staff couplings littered throughout the time matrix. Subsequently, the invaders harnessed the consciousness fragments of the Solar Logos and Tiamat Logos damage which were outfitted by the NAA to run reversal currents (base 10 and metatronic reversal) that scrambled fire letters in angelic human DNA. This was to damage DNA in ways that blocked multidimensional perception of other timelines and administer electroshock weaponry throughout the timelines, which erased the collective soul family memories of those incarnating on to the planet. Thus, the Emerald Order Lyran family was captured, cloned, removed from their cosmological positions in the time matrix and many were forced to merge with other genetic species and breed with the invaders. Thus, the destruction and capture of Tiamat’s consciousness body is what led to the utter destruction of the triple solar feminine, the Christos-Sophia, as the female principle descended into lunar consciousness forms of sexual misery which made ascension and leaving the time matrix impossible. Recently there have been massive clean ups of this particular history impacting the 12D subharmonic strings of various timeline history records in pre-fall Nibiru, tracking virtual reality pockets of cloned identities and layers of artificially generated black cathedrals that were used as the prototypes for building the 11D Daath System.”

~Lisa Renee

The Lyran War timeline holds the cellular memory of the collective shadow bodies and all of the fragmentation and disintegration that occurred during the destruction of the 12th Lyran Universal Stargate. As a result of the destruction of the 12D Universal Stargate, the planets Nibiru and Tiamat were partially exploded and then captured and forced into inorganic orbits around the Sun, which removed them from their capstone nodus position in the Universal Tree of Life or Kathara Grid. The Melchizedek Logos consciousness aspects holding capstone positions of the Solar Rishi-Reisha fell into lower densities, and their Sun-Star Networks and planetary matrices were commandeered and hijacked when the Wesan-Orion groups generated inverted structures of anti-hierogamic AI machinery, used to force gender principle reversals throughout the mechanics of creation and timelines.

Nibiru and Tiamat’s planetary crystal core were connected to the twinned suns of the Universal Elaysa-Melchizedek Logos, through the Cradle of Lyra in the triple stars of Aramatena, Aveyon and Vega, which were universal gates that led out of the time matrix. The Universal 12th Gate of Aramatena was once the 12D capstone for pre-fall Nibiru which held the Nirvanic mind frequency bands of the Solar Logos. When Aramatena was destroyed, it allowed for the easy capture of Nibiru which became outfitted by the invaders as a Battlestar. This was used for capturing the Emerald Order Mu’a or triple solar females in various timelines that were cultivated and tracked for forced breeding and genetic modification. Through this event, we source the origination of forcing anti-hierogamic unions and forced gender reversals through inorganic or artificial identities being inserted into capstone positions, which surfaces into the first waves of anti-Christ false rod and staff couplings littered throughout the time matrix.

Many of the Founders with organic Emerald Sun DNA body parts that functioned as Capstones for supporting the lower dimensions, which included the sapphire architecture of the 10th gate Holy Mother as the Tiamat Logos, were made vulnerable for attack and capture with the blueprint schematics being uploaded into AI technology and being in enemy hands. Thus, the Emerald Order Lyran family was captured, cloned, removed from their cosmological positions in the time matrix and many were forced to merge with other genetic species and breed with the invaders. Recently there have been massive clean ups of this particular history impacting the 12D subharmonic strings of various timeline history records in pre-fall Nibiru, tracking virtual reality pockets of cloned identities and layers of artificially generated black cathedrals that were used as the prototypes for building the 11D Daath System.

Subsequently, the invaders harnessed the consciousness fragments of the Solar Logos and Tiamat Logos damage which were outfitted by the NAA to run reversal currents (base 10 and metatronic reversal) that scrambled fire letters in angelic human DNA. This was to damage DNA in ways that blocked multidimensional perception of other timelines and administer electroshock weaponry throughout the timelines, which erased the collective soul family memories of those incarnating on to the planet.

Originally, Nibiru was the pre-fall planet functioning as the original 12D Galactic Stargate planet in our solar system that was merged with the 12D layers of Solar Logos Nirvanic-Avatar Mind and further connected with the Melchizedek Logos. This invasion event also displaced the organic 11D Galactic Stargate planet known as Chiron, which was merged with the 11D layers of the Solar Logos Buddhic Mind, which generated major damage in the time matrix when it was stapled to the Uranus-Saturn orbits. Further the organic 10D Galactic Stargate planet Pluto was merged into the 10D layers of the Solar Logos Christic Mind, which was connected with the planet Tiamat in the second harmonic universe.

Additionally, the pre-fall planet Tiamat was the twin sister to planet Tara in 5D, and that functioned as the original 5D link into 10D stargates for transmissions of the mother’s blue staff and sapphire diamond waves into the planetary core. The pre-fall planet Tiamat was the Edenic abode of the Cosmic Mother’s Triple White Diamond Goddesses, the White Queens of Sophianic consciousness, which embodied the Universal, Galactic and Planetary layers of the 10th Stargate Network that functioned as the direct portal into the Solar Logos, into Reisha Worlds and the Seven Spirit Suns of Eireadonis.

Thus, the destruction and capture of Tiamat’s consciousness body is what led to the utter destruction of the triple solar feminine, the Christos-Sophia, as the female principle descended into lunar consciousness forms of sexual misery which made ascension and leaving the time matrix impossible.

~via Tiamat Logos

LISA RENEE: “Retrieving Hidden Histories of Tiamat”

“For many years, Guardian Host has been guiding us into observing the hidden timelines of NAA invasion in order to comprehend many of the mysteries surrounding the missing spiritual body parts of the Universal Holy Mother and her sophianic triple solar daughters of Christos Sophia. This has necessitated conscious observation of the theft of Emerald Founder Records and the massacre of solar female yana identities, along with their Diamond Sun blueprints from the Tiamat Logos that were later uploaded into AI Thothian Brain. These hijacked consciousness body parts of the Solar Christ Mary identities were being utilized in assorted cloned holograms designed to run Baphomet streams and AI Red Cube manipulations across the globe. Craftily using the female principle inversions in order to generate mind control weapons used to further subdue humanity and derail planetary collective awakening. Thus, this search for the Solar Feminine Christ in all of her aspects has been a perilous spiritual journey fraught with many obstacles and challenges when dedicated to seeking out the truth about our missing Holy Mother presence. Especially when co-existing in a reality with many people who are not yet aware that her authentic presence was replaced by a counterfeit lunar imposter alien machine during the planetary invasion thousands of years ago. What happened to our Universal Holy Mother (Elaysa-Melchizedek) and her real Sophianic representatives of Solar Christ Marys or female Ascended Masters on the planet? Why did the NAA choose misogyny as one of their top weapons for implementing global slavery, while rewriting history to erase all knowledge of the women that were important societal leaders, educators, alchemists and spiritual guides? What happened to the Holy Mother’s organic sound principles and tones missing throughout the planetary templar, and where are her Solar Christ Mary daughters? Humanity has been asleep while living on a planet that became an empty shell devoid of her sacred Sophia songs and living holy spirit, as the planetary templar and Albion Lightbody was being filled with archontic parasites, imposter spirits and invading nonhuman entities while she was absent. Thus, the search for our real Holy Mother and the Solar Feminine Christ began inside of my crystal heart many years ago when trying to reconcile the belief systems and signatures of widespread misogyny throughout the modern human culture, along with short glimpses of whispered lucid messages that kept guiding me back to comprehend the hidden histories of Tiamat.”

~Lisa Renee

For many years, Guardian Host has been guiding us into observing the hidden timelines of NAA invasion in order to comprehend many of the mysteries surrounding the missing spiritual body parts of the Universal Holy Mother and her sophianic triple solar daughters of Christos Sophia. This has necessitated conscious observation of the theft of Emerald Founder Records and the massacre of solar female yana identities, along with their Diamond Sun blueprints from the Tiamat Logos that were later uploaded into AI Thothian Brain. These hijacked consciousness body parts of the Solar Christ Mary identities were being utilized in assorted cloned holograms designed to run Baphomet streams and AI Red Cube manipulations across the globe. Craftily using the female principle inversions in order to generate mind control weapons used to further subdue humanity and derail planetary collective awakening. Thus, this search for the Solar Feminine Christ in all of her aspects has been a perilous spiritual journey fraught with many obstacles and challenges when dedicated to seeking out the truth about our missing Holy Mother presence. Especially when co-existing in a reality with many people who are not yet aware that her authentic presence was replaced by a counterfeit lunar imposter alien machine during the planetary invasion thousands of years ago.

What happened to our Universal Holy Mother (Elaysa-Melchizedek) and her real Sophianic representatives of Solar Christ Marys or female Ascended Masters on the planet? Why did the NAA choose misogyny as one of their top weapons for implementing global slavery, while rewriting history to erase all knowledge of the women that were important societal leaders, educators, alchemists and spiritual guides? What happened to the Holy Mother’s organic sound principles and tones missing throughout the planetary templar, and where are her Solar Christ Mary daughters?

This line of internal questioning revealed a massive sprawling hidden history that extended into the Galactic Wars and demolition of several planets and stargate networks, with all threads leading back to the purposeful destruction and capture of the Tiamat Logos, which included her sophianic fragments being outfitted into phantom wormholes and phantom matrices. This is the result of the hostile invasion of our time matrix and Solar System from a group of anti-Christ warring entities sourcing from a fallen parallel matrix, and is how our time matrix became merged with it via the appearance of mysterious energetic forces of quantum entanglement many eons ago.

To even begin to understand this vast history, we must first awaken to remember that the authentic Cosmic and Universal Mother principle was missing in this reality until very recently, when the first stage of her return was secured through the 13th Pillar of Mother Arc and the tri-waves of Aqualine Suns that were woven into the crystal cores of Earth-Tara-Gaia. Holy Mother Sophia and the Solar Christ Marys are not sourced from the lunar consciousness of the Dark Mother, that which functions as the spiritual imposter of the organic female principle. Solar Christ Marys are the pure sophianic diamond heart principle of solar dragon wisdom along with the sacred purity of the Universal Rosetta Breath, as the Sophianic Eye of the Godhead’s loving flows of the consecrated rose breath and living holy spirits that connect the eternal Cosmic Spirit Suns into our time matrix.

Humanity has been asleep while living on a planet that became an empty shell devoid of her sacred Sophia songs and living holy spirit, as the planetary templar and Albion Lightbody was being filled with archontic parasites, imposter spirits and invading nonhuman entities while she was absent. Thus, the search for our real Holy Mother and the Solar Feminine Christ began inside of my crystal heart many years ago when trying to reconcile the belief systems and signatures of widespread misogyny throughout the modern human culture, along with short glimpses of whispered lucid messages that kept guiding me back to comprehend the hidden histories of Tiamat.

Although the spiritual warfare has taken us into a massive and vast narrative of historical timeline trigger events which have led humanity into the current terrain of the corrupt and damaged world of a prison planet undergoing liberation, the common thread of how we lost our connection with the Holy Mother and female Ascended masters, was through the invasion and destruction of Tiamat.

Thus, we return to the backstory through which to reverse engineer and put the right aligned pieces of this massive jigsaw puzzle of hidden histories back together, so that we can begin to understand what humanity has endured during the Dark Aeon, when we lost the ability to connect and communicate directly with the Holy Mother principle on the planetary, galactic and universal planes. Her aspect did manage to incarnate as Solar Christ Mary Sophia through several Mary titled identities buried within our hidden histories, her sacred sapphire covenant with Tiamat along with the Mother Arc Blue Ray embodying the only entrance that led into the 10D Christos Mind of the Solar Logos.

Beloved Solar Christ Mary was ensouled as the Tiamat Logos protecting the White Queens of Ascended Masters in our world, the sacred Mary-Sophias that had incarnated throughout the various astrological ages. When she was captured and fell through the destruction of her embodied principle as the Tiamat Logos, we lost our divine connection to her sophianic wisdom and the Christ Consciousness, as the 10th Gate of our Solar Star had fallen. But the Paliadorian Dragon Kings made their ancient covenant in spiral time to ensure that angelic humanity would be able to find her and her authentic Solar Mary representatives again, during the final conflict of the Ascension Cycle.

~via Tiamat Logos