JOACHIM BARTOLL: “The Donald Trump Predictive Programming Georgia Guidestones Destruction Memes — All Planned by the Numbers!”

“The Georgia Guidestones was put up on March 22, 1980, like 3/22, or 322, as in Order 322, the Freemasonic Order out of Yale University, New Hagen, Connecticut. On them, they were credited to ‘R.C. Christian’, a fictive name that seems to be a play on words as in ‘Rosicrucian,’ the Order of the Rose Cross, who were an important instrument in the colonization of the United States by England. Keep in mind that Kabbalah, the code of ‘the Cabal,’ was brought back to the Catholic Church during the crusades by the Knights Templar, which then spread to the Rosicrucian Order and other secret societies, before being inherited by modern Freemasonry. In the US, the secret Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry, was founded by influence from the Order of Illuminati and from the Jesuit Order. If you read my take on the demolition of the Georgia Guidestones, you know that George W. Bush was born on July 6, as in 7/6, like 76, and that he actually turned 76-years-old on that day. And keep in mind that George Bush, just like his father, was a member and a ‘product’ of Yale’s Skull and Bones Freemasonry. And you should also know that Donald Trump is in the same club, an actor and Jesuit puppet, playing his role on the world political stage. And it’s no coincidence that the Trump family changed their surname from ‘Drumpf’ to ‘Trump’ as they established themselves in the U.S. and that Donald was named ‘Donald John Trump’. I have several decodes of Donald Trump, revealing his true colors, and so does other decoders. He’s been exposed thousands of times, just like the other puppets. Actually, Donald Trump was the first ‘Republican President’ since his buddy George W. Bush held office. As for this story about the meme, the meme of Donald Trump holding a stack of dynamite at the Georgia Guidestones, was posted on his own shitty CIA-controlled platform called ‘Truth Social’ on July 2nd, as in 7/2, like 72. President Trump = 72. CIA Operation = 72. Jesuit Order = 72. The meme was first published on Twitter on June 20, which was 16-days before the planned demolition. And where is Skull and Bones located? Yes, Yale. Yale = 16. It’s all in the numbers, and the numbers never lie, as Kabbalah is the code they live by. Actually, Donald Trump is a perfect match with ‘Guidestones’. Donald Trump = 138, 48, 159, 60, 60, 828, 954. Guidestones = 138, 48, 159, 60, 60, 828, 954. They could not have picked a better day or person in than Trump in releasing that meme, which also proves that it was all planned long in advance.”

~Joachim Bartoll

The Georgia Guidestones was put up on March 22, 1980, like 3/22, or 322, as in Order 322, the Freemasonic Order out of Yale University, New Hagen, Connecticut. On them, they were credited to “R.C. Christian,” a fictive name that seems to be a play on words as in ‘Rosicrucian,’ the Order of the Rose Cross, who were an important instrument in the colonization of the United States by England. Keep in mind that Kabbalah, the code of ‘the Cabal,’ was brought back to the Catholic Church during the crusades by the Knights Templar, which then spread to the Rosicrucian Order and other secret societies, before being inherited by modern Freemasonry. They are all connected through Kabbalah, the stars, mathematics, numerology, and gematria.

In the U.S., the secret Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry, was founded by influence from the Order of Illuminati and from the Jesuit Order. Still, this was all made possible by the initial colonization spurred on by the Rosicrucian Order.

If you understand this, you should also know that they code everything by these ancient Babylonian teachings as in Kabbalah, and that the name of “R.C. Christian” was not picked by chance.

Skull and Bones = 76
RC Christian = 76
Donald John Trump = 76
Bomb = 76 (what the called it in the headlines)

If you read my take on the demolition of the Georgia Guidestones, you know that George W. Bush was born on July 6, as in 7/6, like 76, and that he actually turned 76-years-old on that day. And keep in mind that George Bush, just like his father, was a member and a ‘product’ of Yale’s Skull and Bones Freemasonry. Also, it was in ’76 (1776) on July 4, that the United States were founded as a nation.

And you should also know that Donald Trump is in the same club, an actor and Jesuit puppet, playing his role on the world political stage. And it’s no coincidence that the Trump family changed their surname from ‘Drumpf’ to ‘Trump’ as they established themselves in the U.S. and that Donald was named ‘Donald John Trump.’ It’s all in the numbers, and the numbers never lie, as Kabbalah is the code they live by. I have several decodes of Donald Trump, revealing his true colors, and so does other decoders. He’s been exposed thousands of times, just like the other puppets.

Actually, Donald Trump was the first “Republican President” since his buddy George W. Bush held office.

As for this story about the meme, the meme of Donald Trump holding a stack of dynamite at the Georgia Guidestones, was posted on his own shitty CIA-controlled platform called “Truth Social” on July 2nd, as in 7/2, like 72.

President Trump = 72
CIA Operation = 72
Jesuit Order = 72

The meme was first published on Twitter on June 20, which was 16-days before the planned demolition. And where is Skull and Bones located? Yes, Yale.

Yale = 16

And June 20 comes primarily with a 68-date numerology.

6/20/2022 = 6 + 20 + 20 + 22 = 68

Donald John Trump = 68
Donald J. Trump = 68
Destruction = 68
Georgia Guidestones = 68
The Freemasons = 68
Jesuits = 68

June 20 also had a 48-date numerology.

6/20/22 = 6 + 20 + 22 = 48

Donald Trump = 48
Guidestones = 48
Explosion = 48
Illuminati = 48 (influenced the foundation of Skull and Bones)
Freemason = 48

Actually, Donald Trump is a perfect match with ‘Guidestones.’

Donald Trump = 138, 48, 159, 60, 60, 828, 954
Guidestones = 138, 48, 159, 60, 60, 828, 954

They could not have picked a better day or person than Trump in releasing that meme, which also proves that it was all planned long in advance.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Donald Trump’s 2017 ‘Calm Before the Storm’ Remark Was About the Staged and Fake Coronavirus Pandemic”

“There is so much connecting Trump to the planned and fake pandemic. And this is only one of hundreds of evidences that the staged and fake pandemic was planned many, many years in advance. The ultimate proof that it is fake! And as for Trump, he is a puppet, simply following the script.”

~Joachim Bartoll


First, a big thanks to Zachary of Gematria News for finding this gem of a connection. I was severely sick in late 2017 with tumors and organ failure and had forgotten all about this.

“You guys know what this represents?” Trump said to a group of reporters while photos were being taken, according a pool report.

“Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.”

When asked what he meant, Trump replied, “You’ll find out.”

This remark by Trump was during a Military meeting on October 5, 2017. That was, exactly on the day, 888 days before the declaration of the Coronavirus Pandemic by WHO.

And we know that 888 is very important to Donald Trump as his book, “The Art of the Deal” sums to 888, as well as his name “Donald J. Trump” he put on that cover.

The Art of the Deal = 888

Donald J. Trump = 888

This also correlates with Trump’s trade deal with China that he made on the same day as the fake coronavirus supposedly showed up in the United States – the first “confirmed” case in the world outside of China.

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946. So, this remark came 16 weeks and 1 day after his birthday, as in 161.

“Maybe it’s the calm before the storm” = 161

16 weeks and 1 day is exactly, on the day, the same thing as 3 months and 3 weeks. 33 is the Freemasonic code, and we know that Trump has very tight connections with Israel and Zionism, which in turn is closely connected with Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

Also, this time-span of 16 week and 1 day, or 3 months and 3 weeks, is exactly 113 days. 113 is the ‘number of dishonesty,’ which is very relevant to the whole fake pandemic. I have covered it in depth here:

The Whole Fake Pandemic in One Number, The Number for Dishonesty – 113

Today’s numerology and gematria lesson – the number for dishonesty, 113. In the Talmud, there is a very specific verse numbered Baba Kamma 113a. This verse tells the Jew that it is okay for Jews to lie to goyim as long as it is in a legal setting, which is pretty much everywhere, because we are entangled by laws anywhere we go. That verse from the Talmud is as follows: Baba Kamma 113a: “Jews may … Continue reading

The Whole Fake Pandemic in One Number, The Number for Dishonesty – 113

Joachim Bartoll Official

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113, as in 11/3, or March 11, is also the date of the declaration of the fake pandemic by WHO.

Coronavirus Pandemic = 113

113 is also the 30th prime number.

Corona = 30

Planned = 30

Outbreak = 30

Vaccine = 30

Drumpf = 30 (what his family name was before they change it to ‘Trump’)

Also, notice how Drumpf line up with both ‘planned’ and ‘corona’ with 30 and 33 – yes, 33 again…

Even more revealing is the fact that the Pandemic was declared exactly 5 months and 6 days after the anniversary of Trumps “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm,” remark. That is 56,’ the infamous pandemic code that was heavily used all through 2020 and is still in play in many news stories – including his deal with China, as “Trump’s China Deal” is 56 in Septenary.

And, if you remember, in 2020, Donald Trump tweeted that he had tested positive for Covid-19. That was on October 2, three days before the anniversary of his remark back in 2017. Three sums to 56.

Coronavirus = 56

Covid Vaccine = 56

Trump’s China Deal = 56

Three = 56

Society of Jesus = 56 (Trump’s controllers, the Jesuit Order)

Remember John Hopkins and Bill Gate’s Pandemic Simulation “Event 201” back in October 2019? Event 201 was held on the day leaving 74-days in the year.

“Trump’s China Deal” = 74

And speaking of the very important number 201, did you notice the headline from the Jesuit-owned Time Magazine? It says “President Trump Warns of ‘the Calm Before the Storm’.”

President Trump Warns of ‘the Calm Before the Storm’ = 201

The Jesuit Order = 201

Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 201

Bat to Human Virus = 201 (the fake story they first ran with, explaining Covid)

Time Magazine = 201 (the Jesuit-owned magazine writing this headline)

On May 15, 2020, Donald Trump initiated ‘Operation Warp Speed’ to get the vaccines out as quickly as possible, so the depopulation agenda could start. This was exactly 953 days after his comment on October 5, 2017. 953 is the 162nd prime number.

This was the start of vaccinations which then lead to fascism such as vaccination mandates and the controlled opposition protest against mandates to lure in the “anti-vaxxers.”

The Great Culling = 162 (the depopulation agenda, using vaccines)

Forced Vaccination = 162 (what vaccine mandates are about)

Robert F. Kennedy = 162 (instrumental shill for the globalist elites against mandates)

Two Six Six = 162 (as in 266, see below)

Operation Warp Speed = 266 (you can’t make this up, cleverly coded)

Controlled Opposition = 266 (Both Trump and RFK Jr)

Orthocoronavirinae = 266 (Coronavirus)

Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266 (IHS, the Jesuit motto on their logo)

I could go on and on. There is so much connecting Trump to the planned and fake pandemic. And this is only one of hundreds of evidences that the staged and fake pandemic was planned many, many years in advance. The ultimate proof that it is fake! And as for Trump, he is a puppet, simply following the script.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

PRINCE RAY: “Donald Drumpf & The Dark Satanic Global Cabal”

President select Donald J. Drumpf believes, so he said that Africa is a “Shithole” country. Don’t get it twisted from my title. Africa is the mother country of the universe, and I mean it literally. Donald J. Drumpf means the terms “Shithole” and “Shithouse” to be applied to Africa both as an adjective, and a noun. Please excuse my language in this post. I mean no disrespect to the elders or the people. It is not used intentional just for the sake of being evil, foul and vulgar. “Shithole” and “Shithouse” appear only to demonstrate how irrational, insidious, fraudulent, idiotic and evil racism is. Additional, whenever it is Kemet, it is the Mother Continent, AFRICA.

Throughout the generations in this country, our elders stress that if Anglo Saxons and Aryans as a whole knew better that they would do better. And, many believe that Drumpf’s offensive statement disparaging the Mother Continent that we often call the “Mother Country” is the result of being badly misinformed. I don’t believe for one minute that it is true, particularly in regards to Donald J. Drumpf and the Dark Satanic Circles. They are motivated by EVIL for the sake of EVIL, and trickery. Many tried to warn the nation of the ultimate EVIL of DRUMPF before he stepped into the OVAL Office.

Now, DRUMPF, Mike Pence and the Dark Satanic Circle has the entire U.S. government in a strangle hold. Even if some knew better about the Mother Country, they would cover their eyes, and continue their EVIL plans of mass exploitation, deception, and genocide. The Donald J. Drumpf statement about Africa is purely deliberate. IT IS JOSEPH GOEBBELS’ UNTRUTH THAT SHALL NOT HAVE A LIFE OF ITS OWN.

