LISA RENEE on “Healing our Inner Gender Separation”

“In order to evolve and manifest our spiritual purpose, we must study the masculine and feminine principles that exist within our being, in order to heal their separation from each other that reveals through the inner relationship we have with ourselves. Once we recognize that we are both inherently male and female and that this fact is unchangeable, we can experience how our relationship to our inner male and female influences every external relationship that we experience in the world. Taking care to build a strong inner core self, always includes an emotional and spiritual exploration into the nature of Gender Separation, reviewing our beliefs that formed our conscious identity surrounding the masculine and feminine. Gender does not have inherently fixed roles or sexual expectations, all of this can be decided upon as what is most healthy and balanced for supporting our inner male and female. Many times the answers we are seeking about resolving recurring patterns or conflicts that we have in our life and personal relationships go back to the causal seed of how we feel about our Mother and Father. The quality of our relationships, whether they are healthy and balanced or unhealthy and abusive, will always return to the links in the Parent-Child Bond, in this life and other lifetimes. This gender pattern will reflect outwardly to others how we unconsciously feel about ourselves, until we become aware of the influence these archetypes have upon us, and we do the inner work to transcend and heal these painful patterns. In this example, the very thing each person needs to find wholeness, fulfillment and completion within themselves, is being destroyed by their own unconscious actions through the choices they make on the external to further separate gender. Thus, this is another key to comprehending the Law of Gender, knowing that we unlock unity consciousness within us as a result of healing our inner gender patterns that are connected to our Mother and Father. During the Ascension process, we start returning to our memories in childhood to observe how that experience formed into our belief systems in adulthood, so that we can unravel our deeper feelings and perceptions surrounding the male and female archetypes within. Once we are aware of the archetypal influences that surround our lifetime of experiences and beliefs that were gathered around the male-female, then we can begin to decode the painful gender patterns in our own behaviors that we had buried and begin to change them. We uncover these gender patterns and attitudes by paying attention to what shows up in our relationships with others, especially any destructive patterns that surface in emotionally intimate and sexual relationships. If we pay attention to what these gender patterns mean to us as value systems and we choose to free ourselves of dogma and static roles by letting them go, we can experience profound spiritual healing. One important constant is to know that any relationship that comes together based upon deception, is being played out by the False Identity or mind controlled gender roles, will never be based in a healthy foundation that builds trust. Without unconditional love, honesty, full disclosure and trust earned between the people involved in any kind of interpersonal relationship, that relationship is doomed to fail through the destructive patterns that started it. We can choose to develop deeply meaningful connections with others or become an actor with a face on a stick, for the people that only care about us when we show up in the archetype that makes them feel the most comfortable. If we give more value to one gender over the other, subconsciously or consciously, and this is reflected in how we treat others, we increase division, disharmony and power conflicts in all of our outer manifestations. If we hold levels of contempt or think one gender is more important, smarter or superior, we set up failure in our life and personal relationships by projecting this disdain upon the same gender principle that exists inside ourselves. Men that project harm or hatred towards women, destroy their inner female. Women that project harm or hatred towards men, destroy their inner male. As a result, both men and women descend into Sexual Misery programming as a result of inner Gender Separation. Humanity’s greatest task during the Ascension Cycle is to heal their personal emotional trauma around sexual pain, and gender wounding that is related to the False Parent archetype. The False Parent is what sets up the sexual misery program later in adulthood, attracting couples with the extreme opposing polarities of shared karmic burdens that continue to split the gender principle between them apart. If we do not know how to heal or unify our inner gender principle, the chasm of belief between the male and female roles in the outer world continues to widen, increasing the feelings of separation and other distortions. Before the awakening process, many people choose partners or spouses that carry karmic patterns of pain associated or familiar to them from childhood, based on the False Parent. If we have a False Parent relationship during this time of the collective pain body surfacing on the planet, we will be under intense pressure to resolve this emotional conflict and make different choices in our future direction. We must find the emotional blockage that acts as a barrier to further our spiritual growth, or the relationship will end. As difficult as it may be in the short term, ending unhealthy relationships is much better for our growth and happiness in the longer term. As we study our motivations, perceptions and belief systems about the masculine and feminine, and all of the gender roles imposed upon us, we can choose to unite their qualities when noticing how their aspects are expressing themselves. This revolutionary action of becoming more consciously authentic, can radically shift all outer relationships we have into much greater harmony, by changing the relationship we have with the gender principle that exists inside us. When living in harmony with the Law of Gender, life becomes simpler, easier, and flows more harmoniously, allowing healthy and balanced relationships with each gender to further blossom and develop into deeply meaningful connections. Superficiality falls by the wayside when we decide to love ourselves unconditionally and give ourselves permission to live as authentically as possible, even when our choices are judged or criticized by others. As we intend to unify and harmonize our inner masculine and feminine, we synthesize the polarities of these forces back into neutral or Unity. This process unleashes the highest spiritual potential of our Krystic being fulfilling our divine purpose of completion, which multiplies its sustainable source of eternal living light, within and without.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Healing Separation in Gender

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