COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Surgeon Struck by Lightning: Discovers the God Energy”

Tony Cicoria shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, leaving his body after being Struck by Lightning in a phone booth during a family gathering on Sleepy Hollow Lake in New York. During his encounter on the Other Side, he traveled outside of his body into a river of pure positive energy and came to realize that his Spirit continues forever. Upon his return to his body, he began to hear classical music in his dreams and taught himself how to compose the music he heard on the piano. Tony shares how the Experience transformed his life and how his relationship with Death was changed forever.

“Now I completely understand that there is much more to our existence than we have any idea of…”

~Tony Cicoria

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

~via Coming Home

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “The Other Side of Abuse: God Shows the Way to Change”

Barbara Bartolome shares the story of her Near-Death Experience, occurring during surgery to repair a back injury she suffered at the hands of an abusive husband. During her encounter on the Other Side, she describes being wrapped in a beautiful blanket of love and shares what it was like to feel Absolute Acceptance in the presence of God. Barbara also talks about the strength her Near-Death Experience gave her to change her Life once she returned to her body and how she stays in Contact with the Other Side every day.

“When you open the door to the Other Side, it’s amazing how they’ll come through for you in so many instances.”

~Barbara Bartolome

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

~via Coming Home

LISA RENEE on “False Tibetan Master Teachings”

“Please be made aware that this is not to demonize or accuse anyone, as this fact has been expressed with deep loving Compassion and understanding for the plight of humanity under targeted spiritual attack by anti-human entities. Many people that have connected with the Ascended Master Teachings in the New Age Movement were and are under the harmful influence of mind control manipulation from fallen entities, yet many of those individuals were doing the best they could with what they knew at that particular stage of evolutionary development. Emerald Guardians have been pointing to the first Ascended Master Teachings that were introduced to the world in recent times, through the books that formed the Theosophical Society by H.P. Blavatsky, along with many offshoot branches such as Guy Ballard’s I AM Movement. These teachings became the precursor of several new age religions, some tragically developing into harmful Mind Control cults, and thus were aggressively targeted and hijacked by NAA forces in order to derail, attack, confuse and discredit many golden nuggets of truth contained in the wisdom teachings. Thus, there has been focus upon the previous timelines with luciferian infiltrations connected to the ancient wisdom sourced from the Tibetan and Kashmiri Masters of the eastern philosophies connected to esoteric Buddhism, who are revealing themselves as genuine rainbow guardians of the cosmic intelligence repository of founder records. As discussed last month, Guardians were cleaning out the Daath World built as a black phantom heaven, and many AI brains of Fallen Ascended Masters were discovered to be interconnected into shared neural networks to generate an extremely powerful AI Hive mind, running the entire Daath system. The Chohan Tibetan Masters of the Theosophical movementand some that are popular in the new age material had cloned energetic signatures of their consciousness or rainbow body placed inside Black Cathedrals. During the past one hundred fifty years, this ancient wisdom was hijacked by military intelligence agencies forming the Black Sun black magician secret societies and sub groups used for arming directed attacks, in order to derail the world humanitarian messengers of these Ascended Masters and to stop this knowledge from getting into the public sphere. This is the timeline of NAA organization to infiltrate military intelligence where they planned both world wars, and began the next stage of permeation of human civilization through compartmentalization within multiple layers of secret societies, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O., Order of the Temple of the East or Order of Oriental Templars). The O.T.O. role in the pyramid of hierarchical power was designed to modulate the infiltration of the world’s governments, political leaders and the extremely wealthy and powerful, through both esoteric and exoteric organizations backed with the hidden luciferian-satanic religion of Blood Sacrifice, being run at the top by NAAWesan group. These particular hierarchies are connected to the Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon (Isis-Osiris-Horus as the Antichrist trinity), with tentacles in all of this alien backed pyramidal structure, as it is the same architecture they have used to form their secret societies, along with breakaway civilizations that extend off planet that enforce their NAA rule on the earth surface. Thus, the planet received the initiatory force of 777 for bringing on ancestral clearing of Ascended Masters, and this has surfaced many of the imposter or alien forces that hijacked the original Ascended Master teachings, connected to the NAA retaliation that occurred to hijack the New Age movement. Thus, this particular stage of clearing may be pertinent if you had previous immersion in any of the new age groups which are fundamentally using the Ascended Master materials, which were being manipulated by an assortment of fallen entities for control in the Astral Plane. During this turbulent phase and ongoing, the direct assault against the human heart is becoming more aggressive in order to attempt to annihilate it completely. For all of us that are dedicated and aware to serve our spiritual source, we know that this is a component of our sacred crystal heart undergoing Spiritual Warfare. Under no circumstance will we allow anything to harm our sacred heart or take away our humanness, which is the love, the kindness, the Compassion and the empathy that we have for each other, for this Earth and for the creatures of this planet. Thus, we must do whatever we can to protect our sacred crystal heart from the onslaught of external dark exposures and unethical people that incite all forms of betrayal, especially spiritual betrayal and heart break. You are not alone; we are doing this together. The primary focus is building the Holy Mountain architecture for seating the Blue Rainbow Bridge. A type of Cosmic Christ Consciousness distribution center in which different star patterns that are connected to the Ascended Master Rishi-Reisha identities, can heal their light body and reunite with their spiritual sun-star home and Divine Counterparts.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Blue Rainbow Bridge

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Businessman Dies at Trade Show — Meets Three Guardian Angels”

Bill Tortorella shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring after contracting a virus at a jewelry trade show in Tucson, Arizona. During his encounter on the Other Side, he describes being transformed into a beautiful beam of light, being guided by three guardian angels, reuniting with his deceased brother, and having it revealed to him where we come from and why we are here. Bill shares what it was like to feel that he was back in his True Home on the Other Side and how the love and forgiveness he experienced helped him to live his life differently after his Near-Death Experience.

“We’re Spirits of the Universe”

~Bill Tortorella

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

~via Coming Come

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Texas Student Dies in Car Accident — Discovers Life after Death”

Tricia Barker shares her Near-Death Experience, occurring during the surgery to save her life after a horrific car accident her senior year of college. She recounts her shock at remaining lucid and conscious after leaving her body and is shown many things during her Near-Death Experience. In addition to a life review, she has a reunion with her grandfather and shares the insights she has carried with her since this fateful day that changed her life.

Ascension Avatar note: I saved posting this as the final ‘Coming Home’ NDE documentary from the series. I have had three Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) in this lifetime, which mind-boggles me to this day — drowning at age 4, a bike accident at 30 and pneumonia at 35. The bike accident (a hit-and-run by a car) involved being teleported by an angel to the front doorstep of somebody’s home (with multiple broken bones and blood coming out of both ears), to receive the medical attention my guides knew I desperately needed. I retained my original soul (unlike some that agree on ‘walk-in’ soul experiences), but each time came back more psychically aware with new abilities: art… hearing ‘Music of the Spheres’… reading minds… seeing through untruths and deceptions… having ‘X-ray vision’ into the souls and intentions of humans (if they are human at all, or AI cloned versions)… knowing the outcomes of earthly events before they occur… and one more ability too overall intense for my personal comfort: being ultra, ultra empathic. I can relate to Tricia Barker’s insights, experiences and especially her humor in this video! It’s why I saved it for last. Enjoy.

“Anytime you wake up and you’re connected to something greater than yourself… then you’re winning”

~Tricia Barker

~via Coming Come

Watch more ‘Coming Home’ NDE documentaries:

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Man Dies from Allergic Reaction — Talks with Grandfathers on Other Side”

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Life After Suicide — Given a Message for Humanity”

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Straight to Heaven — A Message from the Angels”

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Navy Diver Drowns — Meets His Soul Family”

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Woman Dies After Surgery — This Is What She Saw”

COMING HOME: Meet Creators of the NDE Documentaries