COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Fire Captain Dies & Sees the Illusion of Life”

Bill Letson shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring after becoming ill while on duty as a Fire Captain in Santa Barbara, California. During his encounter on the Other Side, Bill describes experiencing emotions of acceptance and overwhelming joy after leaving his body and traveling to a Heavenly Realm. Bill talks about how he has lost the fear of death and now embraces the power of Choice to navigate his life here on Earth.

“I think every second, every moment, every now is a new opportunity… how are you going to choose?”

~Bill Letson

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~via Coming Home

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Air Force Veteran Dies and Meets Jesus: Given the Power to Heal”

Chase DeMayo shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring after he was discovered unconscious in his Air Force dorm room from unknown causes. During his encounter on the Other Side, he describes a feeling of love surrounding his body as he traveled to a beautiful garden where he met Jesus. Chase talks about how his Near-Death Experience was a reminder to reconnect with light, love, and laughter and how he gained a unique healing ability once he returned back into his body from the Other Side.

“Smiling and laughter and being close to people is what I think is the best medicine for us.”

~Chase DeMayo

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

~via Coming Home

‘QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE’ ~ “What Kind of Work Are Many of Us Doing in Our Sleep?”


“What kind of work are many of us doing in our sleep? I often feel that I have been on a 12 hour overnight shift.


“What many of us have been doing, is absolutely working at sleep state in other dimensions. There is a lot of change in the fields, such as the dissolving and destruction of false matrices and timelines, and their related distortions and dead light miasma. There is a tremendous amount of reconfiguration within astral plane at the soul body level, the 4D-5D-6D levels where there has been astral plane recycling and heavy duty enslavement architecture. These are the areas the extraterrestrials installed the false ascension matrix, the false white light. These astral dimensions were future probabilities of timelines of the human race. Controllers had gone into all these levels of future depending on where our consciousness was rolling through the time fields and set up all these machined (Inorganic) holographic constructs, mirrors, reality illusions (facade), you name it, to make us think that is the plane we would go, in the afterlife, or at the end of the cycle, the rapture. There was/ is simultaneously, various levels of inner plane support on the planet, to make us believe that was our next timeline and evolution direction. Beings existing in the lower dimensions, the astral plane and the ascended masters, many beings in other dimensions also experienced the alien deception. There are many beings unknowingly accessing that part of that astral plane, such as psychics, channels, other spiritual beings and guides that bring forth information that the controllers have planted to create the prophecy of the end times. This is a software program, as example, the Armageddon program, they don’t want us to deviate from that ‘crucifixion’ program and so they created constructs to keep our own energy consciousness believing. What we (collective humanity) mentally believe and feed our consciousness power towards, is what is created. Controllers have been genius at making sure they manipulate our thoughts and what we believe is real in our own identity so that humans create the self-fulfilling prophecy, the prophecy that’s been handed down by many prophets and their stories over the ages. What we do not understand is that humans, each of us, have the power to change that, change the direction of destruction, to own our personal power as beings and to responsibly direct our thoughts to choose a peaceful reality. A conscious humanity can change future timelines. We don’t realize we are true God-multidimensional beings, the group human soul has been swindled out of its divine birthright and had its memory erased. In its place, we have been told we are descended from monkeys out of the primal soup, and that all of our life existence and intelligence is a random fluke. It has subjected humanity to identity crisis and internal conflicts, and it’s very easily to continue to manipulate the human mind, a mind that has lost all sense of connection to the real self. The inorganic architecture is a series of constructs that they have used to keeps these mind control tools in process and in play. We look at the harvest moon, the chemicals turning the sea red, the acid rain of chemtrails poisoning in the sky, the human diseases, the weather cataclysms, and think this is God’s wrath (nature) against us. We play out this artificial program of the end of times prophecies ourselves, because of our own thoughts, beliefs and complacency. Unaware it is our own minds, the group consciousness playing out the game of the controllers, as they want us to. We are the creators of this reality, yet, they are manipulating us against ourselves by enslaving us with our own thoughts. This is why it is important now to walk the walk and have the ultimate initiation. We must hold the thoughts of who we really are and this is how we move through our lives with a God/Creator consciousness, holding the neutrality and the observer consciousness, and refusing to be placed inside the machine and used by the fear mechanisms. These mechanisms exist in many levels of the collective consciousness fields, and many of us have a tremendous amount of work in sleep state to get beyond these mental constructs that enslave our consciousness. ”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Teacher Drowns: Meets Creator of the Universe”

Donna Rebadow shares the story of her Near-Death Experience, drowning in Lake Ontario after being dragged underwater by a tow rope that accidentally got tangled around her leg while being towed behind a boat. During her encounter on the Other Side she met the Creator of the Universe, discovered the deepest Love she has ever felt in her life, and experienced a place so extraordinary she never wanted to leave. Donna shares the message she was given by the Creator of the Universe to deliver to us all and how the Experience affected her daily life after returning back into her body.

“Face to face with the Creator of the Universe — and ‘He’ doesn’t have a face… ‘He’ doesn’t have a pronoun… ‘It’s’ no pronoun… ‘It’s’ not a ‘He’… ‘It’s’ not a ‘She’… ‘It’s’ not an ‘It’ — ‘It’s’ the Creator of the Universe. And all I can describe what ‘It’ seemed to Be… was the Aurora Borealis.”

Donna Rebadow

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~via Coming Home

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Surgeon Struck by Lightning: Discovers the God Energy”

Tony Cicoria shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, leaving his body after being Struck by Lightning in a phone booth during a family gathering on Sleepy Hollow Lake in New York. During his encounter on the Other Side, he traveled outside of his body into a river of pure positive energy and came to realize that his Spirit continues forever. Upon his return to his body, he began to hear classical music in his dreams and taught himself how to compose the music he heard on the piano. Tony shares how the Experience transformed his life and how his relationship with Death was changed forever.

“Now I completely understand that there is much more to our existence than we have any idea of…”

~Tony Cicoria

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

~via Coming Home